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Stagione 2 Episodi 12
Crime ◦ Dramma
Moo Jin-hyuk è un detective rabbioso che inizia a provare un profondo senso di colpa quando sua moglie viene uccisa mentre lui era al lavoro. Kang Kwon-joo è una poliziotta difficile dotata di perfette abilità psicoacustiche che lavora nel campo della profilazione vocale. Stava lavorando al call center quando avvenne un omicidio e, indagando, suo padre fu ucciso. Tre anni dopo, Jin-hyuk e Kwon-joo si uniscono nella “squadra Golden Time” e risolvono i casi insieme, inseguendo il serial killer che ha ucciso i loro cari…
Episodi: 12
In onda il: 2018-08-11
1: The Second Golden Time
When a criminal mastermind goes after one of their own, the Golden Time Team's Kang Kwon Joo butts heads with other cops over the crime. Detective Do Kang Woo sees the parallels with a murder in his past. -
1: The Second Golden Time
In onda il: 2018-08-11When a criminal mastermind goes after one of their own, the Golden Time Team's Kang Kwon Joo butts heads with other cops over the crime. Detective Do Kang Woo sees the parallels with a murder in his past.
In onda il: 2018-08-12
2: The Beginning of the Hunt
In the aftermath of the crash, the mastermind runs free. Director Kang Kwon Joo aims to team up with Detective Do, but it'll be harder than she thought, and the case unfurls into something much darker. -
2: The Beginning of the Hunt
In onda il: 2018-08-12In the aftermath of the crash, the mastermind runs free. Director Kang Kwon Joo aims to team up with Detective Do, but it'll be harder than she thought, and the case unfurls into something much darker.
In onda il: 2018-08-18
3: Time For Judgement
A convicted child rapist is released from prison and strikes again, to the anguish of the victim's family. Detective Do chases an all-too-familiar suspect, but nothing remains in his grasp. -
3: Time For Judgement
In onda il: 2018-08-18A convicted child rapist is released from prison and strikes again, to the anguish of the victim's family. Detective Do chases an all-too-familiar suspect, but nothing remains in his grasp.
In onda il: 2018-08-19
4: Shh! It's a Customer's Secret (1)
With Kwak Min Soo in the grasp of law enforcement, the situation is turned on its head when someone gets through their safe walls. An old man finds the suicide of his friend, but nothing is as it seems. -
4: Shh! It's a Customer's Secret (1)
In onda il: 2018-08-19With Kwak Min Soo in the grasp of law enforcement, the situation is turned on its head when someone gets through their safe walls. An old man finds the suicide of his friend, but nothing is as it seems.
In onda il: 2018-08-25
5: Shh! It's A Customer's Secret (2)
With the life of Detective Park's wife on the line, the Golden Time Team chases after malicious voice phishers who attacked an old lady for her money. -
5: Shh! It's A Customer's Secret (2)
In onda il: 2018-08-25With the life of Detective Park's wife on the line, the Golden Time Team chases after malicious voice phishers who attacked an old lady for her money.
In onda il: 2018-08-26
6: The Accomplices with the Star Coins (1)
Director Kang and Detective Do chase a stunning possible lead. An online show host makes a blood-chilling discovery in an abandoned military base. -
6: The Accomplices with the Star Coins (1)
In onda il: 2018-08-26Director Kang and Detective Do chase a stunning possible lead. An online show host makes a blood-chilling discovery in an abandoned military base.
In onda il: 2018-09-01
7: The Accomplices with the Star Coins (2)
The "zombie girl" makes her way into a nearby town, and the Golden Time Team does its best to get to her first. Director Kang is become unsure of Captain Do when she receives mysterious photos. -
7: The Accomplices with the Star Coins (2)
In onda il: 2018-09-01The "zombie girl" makes her way into a nearby town, and the Golden Time Team does its best to get to her first. Director Kang is become unsure of Captain Do when she receives mysterious photos.
In onda il: 2018-09-02
8: I Got Flowers Today (1)
A pair of corpses are found on the harbors of Poongsan, and Detective Do chases the slightest hint of connection to his case. Agent Park's past troubles catch up with her and threaten her safety. -
8: I Got Flowers Today (1)
In onda il: 2018-09-02A pair of corpses are found on the harbors of Poongsan, and Detective Do chases the slightest hint of connection to his case. Agent Park's past troubles catch up with her and threaten her safety.
In onda il: 2018-09-08
9: I Got Flowers Today (2)
The Golden Time Team runs into twists at every turn in the case of Agent Park's abduction. Detective Do's blackouts make trouble for him again as he loses his grip on reality. -
9: I Got Flowers Today (2)
In onda il: 2018-09-08The Golden Time Team runs into twists at every turn in the case of Agent Park's abduction. Detective Do's blackouts make trouble for him again as he loses his grip on reality.
In onda il: 2018-09-09
10: The Creation of Hatred
Detective Do is thrust into a high-stakes hunt with all of Poongsan's cops out for whoever's behind the disappearance of one of their own. -
10: The Creation of Hatred
In onda il: 2018-09-09Detective Do is thrust into a high-stakes hunt with all of Poongsan's cops out for whoever's behind the disappearance of one of their own.
In onda il: 2018-09-15
11: Era Of Hate
The serial killer reveals himself to Detective Do and Director Kang, but it only makes him lash out even more as he goes to teach the Golden Time Team a lesson. -
11: Era Of Hate
In onda il: 2018-09-15The serial killer reveals himself to Detective Do and Director Kang, but it only makes him lash out even more as he goes to teach the Golden Time Team a lesson.
In onda il: 2018-09-16
12: Era of Hate: For the Golden Time Team!
With the serial killer brazenly turning himself in, Director Kang can't help but think something's off. Bang Jae Soo explosively pushes Detective Do to face his past, but not everything can come out in the end. -
12: Era of Hate: For the Golden Time Team!
In onda il: 2018-09-16With the serial killer brazenly turning himself in, Director Kang can't help but think something's off. Bang Jae Soo explosively pushes Detective Do to face his past, but not everything can come out in the end.
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