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Lo Stregone Orphen
Stagione 4 Episodi 12
Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure
Orphen, uno stregone che un tempo era stato il migliore studente della celebre Torre di Fang, ora fa l'usuraio e passa le giornate a rincorrere i suoi clienti senza speranza; almeno fino quando un suo cliente gli svela un piano per fare soldi: la frode matrimoniale. Coinvolto contro il suo volere nel piano, Orphen si imbatte in un mostro che cercava da tanto tempo, dal giorno in cui ha lasciato la Torre di Fang. Hanno così fine i giorni pacifici di Orphen, che farà di tutto per proteggere il mostro da coloro che vogliono ucciderlo.
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Episodi: 12
In onda il: 2023-04-12
1: Dance Across My Battlefield, Visitors
Orphen and his party head for the Imminent Domain. Along the way, Orphen is reunited with someone from his past, and a dwarven legend threatens the party's progress. -
1: Dance Across My Battlefield, Visitors
In onda il: 2023-04-12Orphen and his party head for the Imminent Domain. Along the way, Orphen is reunited with someone from his past, and a dwarven legend threatens the party's progress.
In onda il: 2023-04-19
2: Childman Network
Orphen and his party team up with a team of Sorcerers from the capital to combat the army of dwarven ghosts. Meanwhile, Majic frantically searches for Claiomh, accosted at every step by ghostly echoes of his companions. -
2: Childman Network
In onda il: 2023-04-19Orphen and his party team up with a team of Sorcerers from the capital to combat the army of dwarven ghosts. Meanwhile, Majic frantically searches for Claiomh, accosted at every step by ghostly echoes of his companions.
In onda il: 2023-04-26
3: Echo Through My Garden, Gunshots
Seek and Kakorkist split off from the rest of the group to pursue a hidden agenda. Orphen and Winona form an uneasy alliance while the rest of the party struggles to withstand the influence of the network. -
3: Echo Through My Garden, Gunshots
In onda il: 2023-04-26Seek and Kakorkist split off from the rest of the group to pursue a hidden agenda. Orphen and Winona form an uneasy alliance while the rest of the party struggles to withstand the influence of the network.
In onda il: 2023-05-03
4: The Assassin in Holy Robes
Igritte fights with all her remaining strength and delivers a message. Leticia faces Seek and Kakorkist while Orphen and Winona investigate the lord's mansion. -
4: The Assassin in Holy Robes
In onda il: 2023-05-03Igritte fights with all her remaining strength and delivers a message. Leticia faces Seek and Kakorkist while Orphen and Winona investigate the lord's mansion.
In onda il: 2023-05-10
5: Lord Almagest
Orphen suspects foul play when Claiomh and Majic act out of character. Orphen and Lottecia try to determine who the true enemy is. -
5: Lord Almagest
In onda il: 2023-05-10Orphen suspects foul play when Claiomh and Majic act out of character. Orphen and Lottecia try to determine who the true enemy is.
In onda il: 2023-05-17
6: Wander My Mansion, Falsehood
Orphen learns the true nature of the lord of the Imminent Domain. Majic considers what he wants out of a teacher and as a Sorcerer. Meanwhile, Lottecia encounters Corgon and is forced to consider uncomfortable things about her past. -
6: Wander My Mansion, Falsehood
In onda il: 2023-05-17Orphen learns the true nature of the lord of the Imminent Domain. Majic considers what he wants out of a teacher and as a Sorcerer. Meanwhile, Lottecia encounters Corgon and is forced to consider uncomfortable things about her past.
In onda il: 2023-05-24
7: The Demon of the Royal Capital and the Thirteen Apostles
Orphen assembles the reunited party and heads to the sanctuary to investigate the Second World-Seeing Tower where Azalie will allegedly be returning to the continent. However, they are accosted by agents of the Thirteen Apostles block their path. -
7: The Demon of the Royal Capital and the Thirteen Apostles
In onda il: 2023-05-24Orphen assembles the reunited party and heads to the sanctuary to investigate the Second World-Seeing Tower where Azalie will allegedly be returning to the continent. However, they are accosted by agents of the Thirteen Apostles block their path.
In onda il: 2023-05-31
8: Ayrmankar Barrier
The Thirteen Apostles plan their next move while the Dragons finalize their plans to leave the continent behind. Leticia infiltrates the sanctuary to negotiate for humanity. -
8: Ayrmankar Barrier
In onda il: 2023-05-31The Thirteen Apostles plan their next move while the Dragons finalize their plans to leave the continent behind. Leticia infiltrates the sanctuary to negotiate for humanity.
In onda il: 2023-06-07
9: The Second World-Seeing Tower
The priests in control of the sanctuary reveal the fate of the Dragons. Corgon positions himself to attempt to take control of the sanctuary. Meanwhile, Orphen and the others attempt to break through the barrier protecting the sanctuary. -
9: The Second World-Seeing Tower
In onda il: 2023-06-07The priests in control of the sanctuary reveal the fate of the Dragons. Corgon positions himself to attempt to take control of the sanctuary. Meanwhile, Orphen and the others attempt to break through the barrier protecting the sanctuary.
In onda il: 2023-06-14
10: Night Knocker's Ambition
Claiomh, Leki, and several of the Thirteen Apostles suddenly disappear. Orphen faces Jack Frisbee head-on before trying to pass through the barrier protecting the sanctuary. -
10: Night Knocker's Ambition
In onda il: 2023-06-14Claiomh, Leki, and several of the Thirteen Apostles suddenly disappear. Orphen faces Jack Frisbee head-on before trying to pass through the barrier protecting the sanctuary.
In onda il: 2023-06-21
11: Swing Wide In My Sanctuary, Gates
Friends, enemies, and lovers are reunited for a massive confrontation at the Second World-Seeing Tower. The fate of the continent is decided as two Sorcerers contend for the Demon King's power. -
11: Swing Wide In My Sanctuary, Gates
In onda il: 2023-06-21Friends, enemies, and lovers are reunited for a massive confrontation at the Second World-Seeing Tower. The fate of the continent is decided as two Sorcerers contend for the Demon King's power.
In onda il: 2023-06-28
12: The End of Kiesalhima
A year after the chaos involving the gods and the sanctuary, much has changed and Orphen continues on his journey across the world. -
12: The End of Kiesalhima
In onda il: 2023-06-28A year after the chaos involving the gods and the sanctuary, much has changed and Orphen continues on his journey across the world.
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