Stagione 1 Episodi 12
Action & Adventure ◦ Animazione ◦ Commedia
Kaminashi Nozomi (17) è una ginnasta eccezionale. Tanto che i college con alcuni dei migliori programmi di ginnastica stanno cercando di reclutarla. Sfortunatamente per loro, ha altri piani. A causa della sua famiglia estremamente povera, per lei i soldi sono tutto. Ecco perché vuole entrare nel mondo di "Keijo". "Keijo" è un tipo di gioco d'azzardo in cui le ragazze stanno su una piccola piattaforma galleggiante e competono l'una contro l'altra. Lo scopo è spingere l'altro concorrente fuori dalla piattaforma in acqua, ma gli è permesso usare solo il sedere o il seno per spingere via gli altri. Riuscirà Nozomi a competere nell'intenso mondo di "Keijo" e portare ricchezza e fortuna alla sua famiglia?
Episodi: 12
In onda il: 2016-10-06
1: Setouchi Keijo Training School!!!!
Nozomi Kaminashi has successfully been admitted to Setouchi Keijo Training School, where she's reunited with Miyata Sayaka, a promising young judo star who she met during her tryouts. All students at the training school stay in dorms, where they eat and sleep together as they study. Nozomi's family is poor, so she wants to be the richest Keijo girl in Japan. Promising future star Kawai Hanabi, and her friend Mio, are both very interested in Nozomi as well. The story of the girls who want to be Keijo athletes begins! -
1: Setouchi Keijo Training School!!!!
In onda il: 2016-10-06Nozomi Kaminashi has successfully been admitted to Setouchi Keijo Training School, where she's reunited with Miyata Sayaka, a promising young judo star who she met during her tryouts. All students at the training school stay in dorms, where they eat and sleep together as they study. Nozomi's family is poor, so she wants to be the richest Keijo girl in Japan. Promising future star Kawai Hanabi, and her friend Mio, are both very interested in Nozomi as well. The story of the girls who want to be Keijo athletes begins!
In onda il: 2016-10-13
2: The Hip Toss Brings Us Together!!!!
Now that Nozomi and the others are settled in, it's time to get to work! The life of a Keijo trainee isn't an easy one: there's butt figure eights, butt squats, butt-runs, and other butt-related activities. Then, to top it off, they have to play butt hackey-sack with a beach ball! -
2: The Hip Toss Brings Us Together!!!!
In onda il: 2016-10-13Now that Nozomi and the others are settled in, it's time to get to work! The life of a Keijo trainee isn't an easy one: there's butt figure eights, butt squats, butt-runs, and other butt-related activities. Then, to top it off, they have to play butt hackey-sack with a beach ball!
In onda il: 2016-10-20
3: Vacuum Butt Cannon!!!!
During her first class on the Land, Nozomi unconsciously uses a powerful technique called the Vacuum Butt Cannon. When they learn that she's used this technique, Rokudou Rin, Kawai, and the other members of the elite class invite her to train with them. Nozomi is excited and vows to master the ability. But then one of the teachers calls her... -
3: Vacuum Butt Cannon!!!!
In onda il: 2016-10-20During her first class on the Land, Nozomi unconsciously uses a powerful technique called the Vacuum Butt Cannon. When they learn that she's used this technique, Rokudou Rin, Kawai, and the other members of the elite class invite her to train with them. Nozomi is excited and vows to master the ability. But then one of the teachers calls her...
In onda il: 2016-10-27
4: The Battle for the Fastest Butt!!!!
The class-change race between the normal class and Elite Class has begun. Everyone, including Nozomi, is excited. Anyone who graduates in the Elite Class can get a better ranking when they make their debut. The class-change race is broken into four groups. The first match is determined to be on the see-saw-style land, with Sayaka and Rokudou in the same group. Rokudou calls herself the fastest outfighter in Western Japan, but will Sayaka be able to beat her... -
4: The Battle for the Fastest Butt!!!!
In onda il: 2016-10-27The class-change race between the normal class and Elite Class has begun. Everyone, including Nozomi, is excited. Anyone who graduates in the Elite Class can get a better ranking when they make their debut. The class-change race is broken into four groups. The first match is determined to be on the see-saw-style land, with Sayaka and Rokudou in the same group. Rokudou calls herself the fastest outfighter in Western Japan, but will Sayaka be able to beat her...
In onda il: 2016-11-03
5: Full-Auto Cerberus!!!!
It's the last battle of the class-change race, and Nozomi is up. Ujibe's training swimsuit has helped craft her body and she's rearing and ready to go. She's up against Fujisaki Kotone from the Elite Class. Fujisaki's mother and sister both have experience as top-class Keijo athletes, which makes her a thoroughbred. Fujisaki dons headphones, barely paying attention to anything going on around her, but has a secret technique in her wings. You'll have to watch to see who wins this battle. -
5: Full-Auto Cerberus!!!!
In onda il: 2016-11-03It's the last battle of the class-change race, and Nozomi is up. Ujibe's training swimsuit has helped craft her body and she's rearing and ready to go. She's up against Fujisaki Kotone from the Elite Class. Fujisaki's mother and sister both have experience as top-class Keijo athletes, which makes her a thoroughbred. Fujisaki dons headphones, barely paying attention to anything going on around her, but has a secret technique in her wings. You'll have to watch to see who wins this battle.
In onda il: 2016-11-10
6: Alluring Kyoto Trip!!!!
After the four girls from Room #309 were promoted to the Elite class, they headed off to Kyoto for camp where they're split off into their types for intensive training. They're all assigned pro athletes to be their coaches, and Nozomi ends up being taught by the Missile Lady of Kyoto, an A-class athlete, Shirayuki Kyouko. -
6: Alluring Kyoto Trip!!!!
In onda il: 2016-11-10After the four girls from Room #309 were promoted to the Elite class, they headed off to Kyoto for camp where they're split off into their types for intensive training. They're all assigned pro athletes to be their coaches, and Nozomi ends up being taught by the Missile Lady of Kyoto, an A-class athlete, Shirayuki Kyouko.
In onda il: 2016-11-17
7: Where the Turnips Lead!!!!
Nozomi is worn out from Shirayuki's coaching, and continues to be worried about the weakness that her coach has pointed out. She talks with the other four, and decides to watch Shirayuki more closely for hints. Nozomi gleans insight, but as a result, ends up having to pull turnips with her butt? -
7: Where the Turnips Lead!!!!
In onda il: 2016-11-17Nozomi is worn out from Shirayuki's coaching, and continues to be worried about the weakness that her coach has pointed out. She talks with the other four, and decides to watch Shirayuki more closely for hints. Nozomi gleans insight, but as a result, ends up having to pull turnips with her butt?
In onda il: 2016-11-24
8: The Dramatic East-West War!!!!
It's the final day of the Kyoto trip, and the teachers are planning on having a mock race to see how everyone's shaped up. The students are able to pick their opponents, and Tsukishita Usagi picks Nozomi over Nozomi's preferential treatment with Kusakai. Nozomi has come a long way, but Usagi has a few tricks up her sleeve... -
8: The Dramatic East-West War!!!!
In onda il: 2016-11-24It's the final day of the Kyoto trip, and the teachers are planning on having a mock race to see how everyone's shaped up. The students are able to pick their opponents, and Tsukishita Usagi picks Nozomi over Nozomi's preferential treatment with Kusakai. Nozomi has come a long way, but Usagi has a few tricks up her sleeve...
In onda il: 2016-12-01
9: Ruler of the Jungle Gym!!!!
It's the first race in the East-West Tournament, a 4v4 team battle that will take place on a jungle gym. Suruga makes a sudden attack against Setouchi, and they're quickly down a teammate. Nanase, a Suruga student, chastises Sayaka for running away from judo to join Keijo. Meanwhile, Sayaka remembers what she went through when she told her father she wanted to pursue a different career. -
9: Ruler of the Jungle Gym!!!!
In onda il: 2016-12-01It's the first race in the East-West Tournament, a 4v4 team battle that will take place on a jungle gym. Suruga makes a sudden attack against Setouchi, and they're quickly down a teammate. Nanase, a Suruga student, chastises Sayaka for running away from judo to join Keijo. Meanwhile, Sayaka remembers what she went through when she told her father she wanted to pursue a different career.
In onda il: 2016-12-08
10: The Second East-West War Race!!!!
It's time for the second race in the East-West Tournament. They're on a Flight-Type Land, where two aircraft are connected to each other, resting on top of the water. Kazane, Tsukishita, Yoshita, and Non are all fighting for Setouchi. The four are all trying their best to combat the Suruga team, but things are looking grim. Will Non and the others figure out a way to overcome their opponents? -
10: The Second East-West War Race!!!!
In onda il: 2016-12-08It's time for the second race in the East-West Tournament. They're on a Flight-Type Land, where two aircraft are connected to each other, resting on top of the water. Kazane, Tsukishita, Yoshita, and Non are all fighting for Setouchi. The four are all trying their best to combat the Suruga team, but things are looking grim. Will Non and the others figure out a way to overcome their opponents?
In onda il: 2016-12-15
11: The Castle of the Final Match!!!!
It's time for Nozomi's third race. Kawai, Kogatana, and Rokudou are all ready to fight. There's a special Castle land prepared, but right out of the gate, the four start having trouble. Nozomi takes on Maya, and with some careful attention, learns the secret of her butt. Will that be enough to defeat Suruga? -
11: The Castle of the Final Match!!!!
In onda il: 2016-12-15It's time for Nozomi's third race. Kawai, Kogatana, and Rokudou are all ready to fight. There's a special Castle land prepared, but right out of the gate, the four start having trouble. Nozomi takes on Maya, and with some careful attention, learns the secret of her butt. Will that be enough to defeat Suruga?
In onda il: 2016-12-22
12: The Heated Battle's Rear-End!!!!
This third race will decide who stands dominant, Setouchi or Suruga. Kawai and Rokudou have beat out their opponents, and now Setouchi has an advantage, 4-to-2. Nozomi is also slowly driving Maya into a corner, but right when she thinks she's won, suddenly Nozomi is blown back by a fierce attack. Just what happened, and will Setouchi really be able to start a new chapter in history for themselves? -
12: The Heated Battle's Rear-End!!!!
In onda il: 2016-12-22This third race will decide who stands dominant, Setouchi or Suruga. Kawai and Rokudou have beat out their opponents, and now Setouchi has an advantage, 4-to-2. Nozomi is also slowly driving Maya into a corner, but right when she thinks she's won, suddenly Nozomi is blown back by a fierce attack. Just what happened, and will Setouchi really be able to start a new chapter in history for themselves?
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