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Stagione 6 Episodi 22
Crime ◦ Dramma ◦ Commedia
La serie segue i dipendenti della Trial Analysis Corporation (TAC), una società di consulenza che analizza i giurati di un processo. La società è guidata dallo psicologo ed esperto in scienze forensi Jason Bull, che insieme alla sua squadra, usa le sue abilità per selezionare ed analizzare i giurati migliori per i suoi clienti, aiutando gli avvocati difensori ad elaborare strategie di difesa vincenti.
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Episodi: 22
In onda il: 2021-10-07
1: Scomparsa
Astrid, la figlia di Bull, viene rapita. La T.A.C. deve fare appello a tutta la sua esperienza per trovarla. Bull sospetta che il rapitore sia qualcuno collegato al suo passato. -
1: Scomparsa
In onda il: 2021-10-07Astrid, la figlia di Bull, viene rapita. La T.A.C. deve fare appello a tutta la sua esperienza per trovarla. Bull sospetta che il rapitore sia qualcuno collegato al suo passato.
In onda il: 2021-10-14
2: Spionaggio
La difesa della TAC nei confronti di un cliente, processato per aver divulgato segreti governativi, è resa difficile dalle reazioni emotive di Bull; il quale, evidentemente, non ha ancora superato il trauma del rapimento di sua figlia. -
2: Spionaggio
In onda il: 2021-10-14La difesa della TAC nei confronti di un cliente, processato per aver divulgato segreti governativi, è resa difficile dalle reazioni emotive di Bull; il quale, evidentemente, non ha ancora superato il trauma del rapimento di sua figlia.
In onda il: 2021-10-21
3: Quando i ragazzi ricchi uccidono
Bull, che soffre ancora di attacchi d'ansia dal rapimento di sua figlia, accetta di difendere il figlio di un imprenditore, accusato di aver ucciso la sua ragazza del liceo 22 anni prima. -
3: Quando i ragazzi ricchi uccidono
In onda il: 2021-10-21Bull, che soffre ancora di attacchi d'ansia dal rapimento di sua figlia, accetta di difendere il figlio di un imprenditore, accusato di aver ucciso la sua ragazza del liceo 22 anni prima.
In onda il: 2021-10-28
4: Il peso della corona
Bull si gioca tutte le risorse della TAC in una Class Action contro una ditta produttrice di pericolose sigarette elettroniche che hanno causato il ferimento di 146 persone e la morte di una. -
4: Il peso della corona
In onda il: 2021-10-28Bull si gioca tutte le risorse della TAC in una Class Action contro una ditta produttrice di pericolose sigarette elettroniche che hanno causato il ferimento di 146 persone e la morte di una.
In onda il: 2021-11-04
5: Re Bull
Per evitare che i suoi problemi con la Giustizia non siano d'intralcio, il team della TAC chiede a Bull di non prendere parte alla difesa di un uomo d'affari portato in causa da due delle sue tre figlie. -
5: Re Bull
In onda il: 2021-11-04Per evitare che i suoi problemi con la Giustizia non siano d'intralcio, il team della TAC chiede a Bull di non prendere parte alla difesa di un uomo d'affari portato in causa da due delle sue tre figlie.
In onda il: 2021-11-11
6: L'angelo custode
Mentre Olivia cerca di capire se riuscirà a difenderlo contro l'accusa di corruzione, Bull, per distrarsi, accetta il caso di un'ostetrica accusata di frode professionale ed esercizio abusivo della professione medica. -
6: L'angelo custode
In onda il: 2021-11-11Mentre Olivia cerca di capire se riuscirà a difenderlo contro l'accusa di corruzione, Bull, per distrarsi, accetta il caso di un'ostetrica accusata di frode professionale ed esercizio abusivo della professione medica.
In onda il: 2021-12-02
7: Uomo di fiducia
I problemi legali di Bull passano dal professionale al personale quando nuove prove coinvolgono sua moglie, Izzy, nel suo processo per corruzione. -
7: Uomo di fiducia
In onda il: 2021-12-02I problemi legali di Bull passano dal professionale al personale quando nuove prove coinvolgono sua moglie, Izzy, nel suo processo per corruzione.
In onda il: 2021-12-09
8: La nevicata
A Bull e Chunk serve un miracolo di Natale per evitare 15 anni di prigione ad una giovane assistente di un'agenzia sportiva, accusata di aver fornito una dose letale di droga ad una famosa atleta. -
8: La nevicata
In onda il: 2021-12-09A Bull e Chunk serve un miracolo di Natale per evitare 15 anni di prigione ad una giovane assistente di un'agenzia sportiva, accusata di aver fornito una dose letale di droga ad una famosa atleta.
In onda il: 2022-01-06
9: Algoritmi
Bull aiuta una donna a citare in giudizio gli sviluppatori di un programma per computer che ha erroneamente identificato suo figlio come un criminale, portandolo ad essere ucciso dalla Polizia. -
9: Algoritmi
In onda il: 2022-01-06Bull aiuta una donna a citare in giudizio gli sviluppatori di un programma per computer che ha erroneamente identificato suo figlio come un criminale, portandolo ad essere ucciso dalla Polizia.
In onda il: 2022-01-13
10: Frontotemporal
Bull and Chunk aim to prove that their client, a woman on trial for murder, committed the crime due to a lack of behavioral control caused by a brain tumor; Taylor is suspected by the FBI of committing cybercrimes. -
10: Frontotemporal
In onda il: 2022-01-13Bull and Chunk aim to prove that their client, a woman on trial for murder, committed the crime due to a lack of behavioral control caused by a brain tumor; Taylor is suspected by the FBI of committing cybercrimes.
In onda il: 2022-01-20
11: Family Matters
The TAC team finds itself in a tense and unprecedented situation when Bull faces off against Marissa and her new boss in court, following her departure from the company. Also, Taylor's professional life works against her during her custody battle with her ex-husband. -
11: Family Matters
In onda il: 2022-01-20The TAC team finds itself in a tense and unprecedented situation when Bull faces off against Marissa and her new boss in court, following her departure from the company. Also, Taylor's professional life works against her during her custody battle with her ex-husband.
In onda il: 2022-02-24
12: Caliban
The TAC team gets a rare glimpse into Bull’s personal life when his estranged brother of 13 years, Jacob Bull, unexpectedly arrives in New York. Also, TAC represents a financial investor accused by the FBI of running a Ponzi scheme with his father to defraud their clients of millions of dollars. -
12: Caliban
In onda il: 2022-02-24The TAC team gets a rare glimpse into Bull’s personal life when his estranged brother of 13 years, Jacob Bull, unexpectedly arrives in New York. Also, TAC represents a financial investor accused by the FBI of running a Ponzi scheme with his father to defraud their clients of millions of dollars.
In onda il: 2022-03-03
13: The Hard Right
Bull helps his friend, Army psychiatrist Colonel Victor Taggert, mount a diminished capacity defense for a sergeant accused of killing a fellow soldier. Also, Marissa forges a romantic connection with her art dealer, Henri Fray, a French gallery owner in need of legal assistance to stop an auction house from selling a piece of art that should be repatriated. -
13: The Hard Right
In onda il: 2022-03-03Bull helps his friend, Army psychiatrist Colonel Victor Taggert, mount a diminished capacity defense for a sergeant accused of killing a fellow soldier. Also, Marissa forges a romantic connection with her art dealer, Henri Fray, a French gallery owner in need of legal assistance to stop an auction house from selling a piece of art that should be repatriated.
In onda il: 2022-03-10
14: Safe Space
Bull helps an agoraphobic client bring a wrongful death suit against the alleged killer of his beloved aunt, but the client’s inability to testify in person threatens the trial. Also, Taylor forges a connection with TAC’s agoraphobic client, and Chunk’s new relationship hits a snag when his mother, Adaline, visits. -
14: Safe Space
In onda il: 2022-03-10Bull helps an agoraphobic client bring a wrongful death suit against the alleged killer of his beloved aunt, but the client’s inability to testify in person threatens the trial. Also, Taylor forges a connection with TAC’s agoraphobic client, and Chunk’s new relationship hits a snag when his mother, Adaline, visits.
In onda il: 2022-03-31
15: With These Hands
Bull takes a frustratingly passive role in court during a medical malpractice suit, when he helps the surgeon who saved his life after his heart attack and must defer to her browbeating attorney on trial strategy. Also, Taylor fights the urge to check into the background of Henri Fray, Marissa’s new love interest. -
15: With These Hands
In onda il: 2022-03-31Bull takes a frustratingly passive role in court during a medical malpractice suit, when he helps the surgeon who saved his life after his heart attack and must defer to her browbeating attorney on trial strategy. Also, Taylor fights the urge to check into the background of Henri Fray, Marissa’s new love interest.
In onda il: 2022-04-07
16: The Diana Affair
Bull and Izzy experience marital discord when Bull has TAC lead the defense for Diana Lindsay, his ex-girlfriend who’s accused of killing her lover’s wife. Also, personal conflicts abound for the TAC team when Chunk finds himself defending Diana in court against his boyfriend and prosecutor, Robert. -
16: The Diana Affair
In onda il: 2022-04-07Bull and Izzy experience marital discord when Bull has TAC lead the defense for Diana Lindsay, his ex-girlfriend who’s accused of killing her lover’s wife. Also, personal conflicts abound for the TAC team when Chunk finds himself defending Diana in court against his boyfriend and prosecutor, Robert.
In onda il: 2022-04-14
17: Dark Horse
Izzy hires Bull and TAC to defend a jockey accused of committing arson against a stable owner who fired him. -
17: Dark Horse
In onda il: 2022-04-14Izzy hires Bull and TAC to defend a jockey accused of committing arson against a stable owner who fired him.
In onda il: 2022-04-21
18: The Other Shoe
Bull puts aside his personal grievances to help AUSA Reilly, who prosecuted him for jury tampering, bring one of the world’s most dangerous drug lords to justice. As the pair enter into a hesitant partnership, Bull’s unconventional style clashes with the lawyer’s commitment to working by the book. -
18: The Other Shoe
In onda il: 2022-04-21Bull puts aside his personal grievances to help AUSA Reilly, who prosecuted him for jury tampering, bring one of the world’s most dangerous drug lords to justice. As the pair enter into a hesitant partnership, Bull’s unconventional style clashes with the lawyer’s commitment to working by the book.
In onda il: 2022-04-28
19: Opening Up
When Bull is sidelined with a back injury, Marissa and Chunk are forced to go to court without him to defend Marissa’s closest childhood friend, Kyla, a tech CEO accused of wrongfully terminating an employee. Also, Danny contemplates what she wants out of life following a near-death experience. -
19: Opening Up
In onda il: 2022-04-28When Bull is sidelined with a back injury, Marissa and Chunk are forced to go to court without him to defend Marissa’s closest childhood friend, Kyla, a tech CEO accused of wrongfully terminating an employee. Also, Danny contemplates what she wants out of life following a near-death experience.
In onda il: 2022-05-12
20: The Envelope, Please
Bull breaks from the stress he's been under for months when a mysterious delivery causes him to blackout for hours, leaving him with no memory of his movements. -
20: The Envelope, Please
In onda il: 2022-05-12Bull breaks from the stress he's been under for months when a mysterious delivery causes him to blackout for hours, leaving him with no memory of his movements.
In onda il: 2022-05-19
21: Silent Killer
When Bull handles the negligent homicide defense of a building owner accused of killing tenants by carbon monoxide poisoning, the case rocks Bull and the TAC team to their core. Also, TAC’s trial defense is made more difficult when the ADA prosecuting the case is Chunk’s ex-boyfriend, Rob Jones, someone very familiar with Bull’s tricks; and Taylor is forced to reevaluate her work-life balance when she gets shocking news about her son. -
21: Silent Killer
In onda il: 2022-05-19When Bull handles the negligent homicide defense of a building owner accused of killing tenants by carbon monoxide poisoning, the case rocks Bull and the TAC team to their core. Also, TAC’s trial defense is made more difficult when the ADA prosecuting the case is Chunk’s ex-boyfriend, Rob Jones, someone very familiar with Bull’s tricks; and Taylor is forced to reevaluate her work-life balance when she gets shocking news about her son.
In onda il: 2022-05-26
22: Goodbye
Bull and the team head to court one last time to finalize a negligent homicide defense that will change the nature of their company and their lives forever. -
22: Goodbye
In onda il: 2022-05-26Bull and the team head to court one last time to finalize a negligent homicide defense that will change the nature of their company and their lives forever.
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