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The Demon Girl Next Door
Stagione 2 Episodi 12
Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Un giorno le abilità demoniache della quindicenne Yuko Yoshida si risvegliano, facendole crescere una coda e delle corna. La sua famiglia, infatti, discende dal Clan dell'Oscurità, che per secoli ha combattuto contro il Clan della Luce. La vittoria di quest'ultimo, ha privato i membri del Clan dell'Oscurità dei loro poteri e della loro fortuna, costringendoli a vivere come dei comuni esseri umani. Per poter recuperare completamente i suoi poteri, Yuko dovrà sconfiggere una maghetta, tuttavia, quella presente nella sua città è in grado di bloccare un camion con una sola mano e i consigli di sua madre sono tutt'altro che utili. Come può riuscire nel suo intento con un corpo così debole?
Episodi: 12
In onda il: 2022-04-08
1: Yet Another Showdown! The Magical Girl Has a Brand New Appearance?!
When challenging an archnemesis to a duel, please make sure they do not mistake it as an invitation to hang out. It’s awkward for everyone involved. -
1: Yet Another Showdown! The Magical Girl Has a Brand New Appearance?!
In onda il: 2022-04-08When challenging an archnemesis to a duel, please make sure they do not mistake it as an invitation to hang out. It’s awkward for everyone involved.
In onda il: 2022-04-15
2: Urban Exploration! The Troubled Mikan and the Excited Demon
Mikan realizes something — she recognizes the box that seals Shamiko’s dad. That means the factory ruins on the outskirts of town hold clues about Momo’s sister! Maybe. -
2: Urban Exploration! The Troubled Mikan and the Excited Demon
In onda il: 2022-04-15Mikan realizes something — she recognizes the box that seals Shamiko’s dad. That means the factory ruins on the outskirts of town hold clues about Momo’s sister! Maybe.
In onda il: 2022-04-22
3: The Dark Witch Returns! With Steam From Hell!
After hearing that Lilith has been sealed for over 2000 years, Shamiko and Momo come up with a plan to let her borrow Shamiko's body and enjoy a day of freedom. -
3: The Dark Witch Returns! With Steam From Hell!
In onda il: 2022-04-22After hearing that Lilith has been sealed for over 2000 years, Shamiko and Momo come up with a plan to let her borrow Shamiko's body and enjoy a day of freedom.
In onda il: 2022-04-29
4: A New Species Discovered! The Town Café Is a Demon Lair!
Shamiko visits a café rumored to be frequented by demons in search of clues about Sakura, but somehow ends up getting a part-time job instead! -
4: A New Species Discovered! The Town Café Is a Demon Lair!
In onda il: 2022-04-29Shamiko visits a café rumored to be frequented by demons in search of clues about Sakura, but somehow ends up getting a part-time job instead!
In onda il: 2022-05-06
5: Raid! The Pink Plan to Retake Shamiko!
Shamiko learns that Lico and Shirosawa have a connection to Sakura and decides to continue working part-time at the café. However, Momo is vehemently opposed to it! -
5: Raid! The Pink Plan to Retake Shamiko!
In onda il: 2022-05-06Shamiko learns that Lico and Shirosawa have a connection to Sakura and decides to continue working part-time at the café. However, Momo is vehemently opposed to it!
In onda il: 2022-05-13
6: Vow Under the Setting Sun! The Path Forward for Demonkind
When Shamiko finds herself in trouble, the one who saves her is none other than Sakura Chiyoda! Meanwhile, Momo takes a certain action to save Shamiko from her nightmare. -
6: Vow Under the Setting Sun! The Path Forward for Demonkind
In onda il: 2022-05-13When Shamiko finds herself in trouble, the one who saves her is none other than Sakura Chiyoda! Meanwhile, Momo takes a certain action to save Shamiko from her nightmare.
In onda il: 2022-05-27
7: A Short Break!! The Demonic Summer Festival
Shamiko's summer vacation has turned out far more hectic than intended. She tries to reclaim some peace in her life, but the looming stack of homework casts a dark shadow... -
7: A Short Break!! The Demonic Summer Festival
In onda il: 2022-05-27Shamiko's summer vacation has turned out far more hectic than intended. She tries to reclaim some peace in her life, but the looming stack of homework casts a dark shadow...
In onda il: 2022-06-03
8: Sparks Fly?! Light and Dark Go on a Joint Excursion!
Shamiko promises to visit the zoo with Momo and Mikan and tries making boxed lunches for them. She’ll need help to make something tasty, so Shamiko visits a certain address. -
8: Sparks Fly?! Light and Dark Go on a Joint Excursion!
In onda il: 2022-06-03Shamiko promises to visit the zoo with Momo and Mikan and tries making boxed lunches for them. She’ll need help to make something tasty, so Shamiko visits a certain address.
In onda il: 2022-06-10
9: Pitch-Black Feelings!! Darkness Peach Returns!!
Momo is stuck in her darkness form! Without the ability to control her strength, Momo unintentionally destroys whatever she touches. -
9: Pitch-Black Feelings!! Darkness Peach Returns!!
In onda il: 2022-06-10Momo is stuck in her darkness form! Without the ability to control her strength, Momo unintentionally destroys whatever she touches.
In onda il: 2022-06-17
10: The Ancestor’s Dojo?! Demonkind’s Ultimate Weapon!
Shamiko can’t use her magic rod right because of a lack of imagination. Special training in Lilith’s sealed space will help her. Maybe. -
10: The Ancestor’s Dojo?! Demonkind’s Ultimate Weapon!
In onda il: 2022-06-17Shamiko can’t use her magic rod right because of a lack of imagination. Special training in Lilith’s sealed space will help her. Maybe.
In onda il: 2022-06-24
11: New Semester! The Magical Girl’s New Duty!
A chaotic summer break ends, and a new school semester begins with Mikan transferring into Shamiko's class. -
11: New Semester! The Magical Girl’s New Duty!
In onda il: 2022-06-24A chaotic summer break ends, and a new school semester begins with Mikan transferring into Shamiko's class.
In onda il: 2022-07-01
12: A Ritual in Darkness! The Demon’s New Ally!!
Shamiko and Momo enter Mikan's heart to negotiate with Ugallu, the entity responsible for the magical girl’s curse! -
12: A Ritual in Darkness! The Demon’s New Ally!!
In onda il: 2022-07-01Shamiko and Momo enter Mikan's heart to negotiate with Ugallu, the entity responsible for the magical girl’s curse!
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