Fairy Ranmaru
Stagione 1 Episodi 12
Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Dramma
In un mondo in cui le emozioni negative si inaspriscono, cinque fate dei clan più forti vengono inviate sulla Terra per raccogliere "attaccamento" al fine di sostenere il loro mondo. Le fate fondano Bar F e vivono le loro vite come normali ragazzi delle superiori e baristi per proteggere la loro vera identità e compiere la loro missione. I ragazzi incontrano varie clienti femminili al Bar F, ognuna delle quali nasconde sentimenti oscuri nei loro cuori, e i ragazzi si offrono di aiutarli a superare i loro problemi. L'unica cosa che chiedono in cambio è il permesso del cliente di rubare il loro cuore. Mentre i ragazzi indagano sulla causa del disagio di ogni cliente, si imbattono in un individuo che desidera seminare caos e peccato. Con la loro ricerca in gioco, le fate di Bar F devono smascherare l'identità di questo individuo e porre fine ai loro piani, il tutto rimanendo fedeli a se stesse.
Episodi: 12
In onda il: 2021-04-08
1: Romance
Five young fairies are commanded by their queen to go to the human world and gather "attachment." The four youngest of them are sent to high school, where Ranmaru meets a girl suffering from severe online bullying. Can he save her heart? -
1: Romance
In onda il: 2021-04-08Five young fairies are commanded by their queen to go to the human world and gather "attachment." The four youngest of them are sent to high school, where Ranmaru meets a girl suffering from severe online bullying. Can he save her heart?
In onda il: 2021-04-15
2: Wrath
When Homura saves a burgeoning manga artist from an abusive editor, she ends up asking him to model for her. Homura reluctantly agrees... But when the editor steals and redraws her work, he must unleash his wrath - and hers! -
2: Wrath
In onda il: 2021-04-15When Homura saves a burgeoning manga artist from an abusive editor, she ends up asking him to model for her. Homura reluctantly agrees... But when the editor steals and redraws her work, he must unleash his wrath - and hers!
In onda il: 2021-04-22
3: Envy
One day, Uruu stumbles upon a girl crying in the rain. She's been doing everything she can to promote the career of her boyfriend, yet he cheats on her with other women. Can Uruu navigate this thorny web of envy? -
3: Envy
In onda il: 2021-04-22One day, Uruu stumbles upon a girl crying in the rain. She's been doing everything she can to promote the career of her boyfriend, yet he cheats on her with other women. Can Uruu navigate this thorny web of envy?
In onda il: 2021-04-29
4: Degeneracy
Jyuka agrees to give an overlooked member of an idol group lessons in cuteness to help her achieve her dreams of becoming center. But is there more to an idol's success than just hard work? -
4: Degeneracy
In onda il: 2021-04-29Jyuka agrees to give an overlooked member of an idol group lessons in cuteness to help her achieve her dreams of becoming center. But is there more to an idol's success than just hard work?
In onda il: 2021-05-06
5: Lust
While shopping for the group, Takara meets an emaciated girl whose father owes money to a debt collector. He offers the girl a job at Bar F, but soon, the debt collector comes calling... -
5: Lust
In onda il: 2021-05-06While shopping for the group, Takara meets an emaciated girl whose father owes money to a debt collector. He offers the girl a job at Bar F, but soon, the debt collector comes calling...
In onda il: 2021-05-13
6: Liberation
Ranmaru helps a girl struggling under the weight of an oppressive working environment, who hits the breaking point when her grandmother winds up in the hospital. -
6: Liberation
In onda il: 2021-05-13Ranmaru helps a girl struggling under the weight of an oppressive working environment, who hits the breaking point when her grandmother winds up in the hospital.
In onda il: 2021-05-20
7: Pride
Homura once again runs into Shiina, who's now a popular manga artist. The two of them seem about to grow closer... until Shiina's new assistant accuses her of plagiarism! -
7: Pride
In onda il: 2021-05-20Homura once again runs into Shiina, who's now a popular manga artist. The two of them seem about to grow closer... until Shiina's new assistant accuses her of plagiarism!
In onda il: 2021-05-27
8: Violence
While the other fairies worry about the injured Homura, Jyuka helps a nursery school teacher named Aru suffering under an abusive boss. -
8: Violence
In onda il: 2021-05-27While the other fairies worry about the injured Homura, Jyuka helps a nursery school teacher named Aru suffering under an abusive boss.
In onda il: 2021-06-03
9: Apathy
Uruu meets the artist Birika, whose mother is cheating on her father. Her wish is for the other man to go away so that their family can be happy again, but... -
9: Apathy
In onda il: 2021-06-03Uruu meets the artist Birika, whose mother is cheating on her father. Her wish is for the other man to go away so that their family can be happy again, but...
In onda il: 2021-06-10
10: Hedonism
Takara throws his support behind Tina, a single mother pursuing a career as a dancer while supporting her louse of a boyfriend. -
10: Hedonism
In onda il: 2021-06-10Takara throws his support behind Tina, a single mother pursuing a career as a dancer while supporting her louse of a boyfriend.
In onda il: 2021-06-17
11: Hatred
Long ago, the fairy queen came to Earth to gather attachment by creating an idol group called the Winter Tri-Angels. This led the fairy world to unmatched prosperity, but... -
11: Hatred
In onda il: 2021-06-17Long ago, the fairy queen came to Earth to gather attachment by creating an idol group called the Winter Tri-Angels. This led the fairy world to unmatched prosperity, but...
In onda il: 2021-06-24
12: Love
Ranmaru and the others re-enter the decaying fairy world to battle the queen. But as they attempt to combine their powers to rein her in... -
12: Love
In onda il: 2021-06-24Ranmaru and the others re-enter the decaying fairy world to battle the queen. But as they attempt to combine their powers to rein her in...
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