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I Simpson
Stagione 27 Episodi 22
Famiglia ◦ Animazione ◦ Commedia
I Simpson (The Simpsons) è una popolare sitcom animata creata dal fumettista statunitense Matt Groening alla fine degli anni ottanta per la Fox Broadcasting Company. È una parodia satirica della società e dello stile di vita statunitensi, personificati dalla famiglia protagonista, di cui fanno parte Homer, Marge e i loro tre figli Bart, Lisa e Maggie. Ambientato in una cittadina statunitense chiamata Springfield, lo show tratta in chiave umoristica molti aspetti della condizione umana, così come la cultura, la società in generale e la stessa televisione.
Episodi: 22
In onda il: 2015-09-27
1: Il sogno di un uomo
Marge pensa sia giunto il momento di separarsi da Homer. Quest'ultimo, dopo un iniziale senso di smarrimento, inizia una nuova relazione con una donna più giovane. -
1: Il sogno di un uomo
In onda il: 2015-09-27Marge pensa sia giunto il momento di separarsi da Homer. Quest'ultimo, dopo un iniziale senso di smarrimento, inizia una nuova relazione con una donna più giovane.
In onda il: 2015-10-04
2: Due detective
Un noto chef televisivo sfida Homer a un barbecue. Ma prima della gara, la speciale griglia da utilizzare nel corso della trasmissione viene rubata. -
2: Due detective
In onda il: 2015-10-04Un noto chef televisivo sfida Homer a un barbecue. Ma prima della gara, la speciale griglia da utilizzare nel corso della trasmissione viene rubata.
In onda il: 2015-10-11
3: Puffless
Upon learning that their father really died of lung cancer, Selma and Patty agree to quit smoking. When Selma relapses, an angry Patty moves in with Marge and Homer. -
3: Puffless
In onda il: 2015-10-11Upon learning that their father really died of lung cancer, Selma and Patty agree to quit smoking. When Selma relapses, an angry Patty moves in with Marge and Homer.
In onda il: 2015-10-18
4: Halloween of Horror
When Lisa becomes scared at the Krustyland Halloween Horror Night, Homer is forced to take down his Everscream Terrors decorations. Halloween pop-up employees seek vengeance on Homer for causing them to lose their jobs, and rob his house while Homer and Lisa hide out in the attic. Homer and Lisa light up their stored holiday decorations to attract attention and stand up to the intruders. -
4: Halloween of Horror
In onda il: 2015-10-18When Lisa becomes scared at the Krustyland Halloween Horror Night, Homer is forced to take down his Everscream Terrors decorations. Halloween pop-up employees seek vengeance on Homer for causing them to lose their jobs, and rob his house while Homer and Lisa hide out in the attic. Homer and Lisa light up their stored holiday decorations to attract attention and stand up to the intruders.
In onda il: 2015-10-25
5: Treehouse of Horror XXVI
In the annual fright fest Halloween episode, Sideshow Bob finally kills Bart, only to reanimate him; Homer wakes up with short-term memory loss; and Lisa, Bart, and Milhouse get super powers from radiation. -
5: Treehouse of Horror XXVI
In onda il: 2015-10-25In the annual fright fest Halloween episode, Sideshow Bob finally kills Bart, only to reanimate him; Homer wakes up with short-term memory loss; and Lisa, Bart, and Milhouse get super powers from radiation.
In onda il: 2015-11-08
6: Un'amica con i benefit
Lisa stringe amicizia con una ragazzina appena arrivata in città. Purtroppo, il comportamento prepotente della nuova amica, porta Lisa a prendere una dura decisione. -
6: Un'amica con i benefit
In onda il: 2015-11-08Lisa stringe amicizia con una ragazzina appena arrivata in città. Purtroppo, il comportamento prepotente della nuova amica, porta Lisa a prendere una dura decisione.
In onda il: 2015-11-22
7: Lisa con la 'S'
E' la serata del poker e Homer perde tutto contro Laney Fontaine, una famosa cantante. Nella speranza di riuscire a impietosirla, Homer la invita a cena a casa sua. -
7: Lisa con la 'S'
In onda il: 2015-11-22E' la serata del poker e Homer perde tutto contro Laney Fontaine, una famosa cantante. Nella speranza di riuscire a impietosirla, Homer la invita a cena a casa sua.
In onda il: 2015-12-06
8: Paths of Glory
Lisa sets out to restore the tarnished reputation of Springfield’s first female inventor. To find her invention, she scours an abandoned asylum and a restaurant that caters to men. Bart joins Lisa at the asylum, stealing one of the homicidal patient’s notebooks, and bragging to the boys at school that he wrote the entries himself. This revelation causes Homer and Marge to believe he is a sociopath, which Bart decides to use to his advantage until things go too far. -
8: Paths of Glory
In onda il: 2015-12-06Lisa sets out to restore the tarnished reputation of Springfield’s first female inventor. To find her invention, she scours an abandoned asylum and a restaurant that caters to men. Bart joins Lisa at the asylum, stealing one of the homicidal patient’s notebooks, and bragging to the boys at school that he wrote the entries himself. This revelation causes Homer and Marge to believe he is a sociopath, which Bart decides to use to his advantage until things go too far.
In onda il: 2015-12-13
9: Barthood
Bart’s coming of age story a la “Boyhood” chronicles his life from six years old to his time as an accomplished young man. Along the way, his tense relationship with Homer, an overly uncaring version of himself, and Lisa, who overshadows him in every way possible, shape Bart more than he realizes. -
9: Barthood
In onda il: 2015-12-13Bart’s coming of age story a la “Boyhood” chronicles his life from six years old to his time as an accomplished young man. Along the way, his tense relationship with Homer, an overly uncaring version of himself, and Lisa, who overshadows him in every way possible, shape Bart more than he realizes.
In onda il: 2016-01-03
10: The Girl Code
After a photo Marge posts on social media gets Homer fired, he returns to the best job he ever had, a dishwasher at a Greek restaurant. This same post inspires Lisa to code an app that predicts the real-life consequences of anything you post online, only to create sentient artificial intelligence. -
10: The Girl Code
In onda il: 2016-01-03After a photo Marge posts on social media gets Homer fired, he returns to the best job he ever had, a dishwasher at a Greek restaurant. This same post inspires Lisa to code an app that predicts the real-life consequences of anything you post online, only to create sentient artificial intelligence.
In onda il: 2016-01-10
11: Teenage Mutant Milk-Caused Hurdles
There is a new teacher at Springfield Elementary, and a captivated Bart tries everything to win her over. Meanwhile, Homer decides to buy a new brand of “milk,” which causes early puberty, both for Bart (augmenting his wooing powers) and Lisa (whose small bout with acne opens her up to the world of makeup and popularity). -
11: Teenage Mutant Milk-Caused Hurdles
In onda il: 2016-01-10There is a new teacher at Springfield Elementary, and a captivated Bart tries everything to win her over. Meanwhile, Homer decides to buy a new brand of “milk,” which causes early puberty, both for Bart (augmenting his wooing powers) and Lisa (whose small bout with acne opens her up to the world of makeup and popularity).
In onda il: 2016-01-17
12: Much Apu About Something
Sanjay passes his stake in the Kwik-E-Mart to his millennial son, Jay, who turns it into a hip, health food market against Apu’s insistence on tradition. Bart, whom Homer had convinced to give up pranking, is called upon to return to his trickster life and take down the new store. -
12: Much Apu About Something
In onda il: 2016-01-17Sanjay passes his stake in the Kwik-E-Mart to his millennial son, Jay, who turns it into a hip, health food market against Apu’s insistence on tradition. Bart, whom Homer had convinced to give up pranking, is called upon to return to his trickster life and take down the new store.
In onda il: 2016-02-14
13: Love Is in the N2-O2-Ar-CO2-Ne-He-CH4
Lonely Professor Frink uses science to turn himself into a man whom women find attractive. Then, overwhelmed by the attention, he invents an algorithm to perfectly pair the lonely men and women of Springfield, realizing that scientific exploration is his true love. Meanwhile, Marge, Bart, and Lisa visit Grampa for Valentine's Day and try to rescue the old folks from a drug-induced hallucination that allows them to relive their happiest memories. -
13: Love Is in the N2-O2-Ar-CO2-Ne-He-CH4
In onda il: 2016-02-14Lonely Professor Frink uses science to turn himself into a man whom women find attractive. Then, overwhelmed by the attention, he invents an algorithm to perfectly pair the lonely men and women of Springfield, realizing that scientific exploration is his true love. Meanwhile, Marge, Bart, and Lisa visit Grampa for Valentine's Day and try to rescue the old folks from a drug-induced hallucination that allows them to relive their happiest memories.
In onda il: 2016-02-21
14: Gal of Constant Sorrow
After Bart accidentally sends a sweet homeless woman's cart into the river, he allows her to live in his closet for a small fee. When Lisa discovers that the woman is an incredible folk singer, she offers her own closet and plans a concert, only to be disappointed by Hettie's surprising substance abuse and violent nature. Meanwhile Homer tries to prove he's handy, but accidentally traps the cat in the walls of the house. -
14: Gal of Constant Sorrow
In onda il: 2016-02-21After Bart accidentally sends a sweet homeless woman's cart into the river, he allows her to live in his closet for a small fee. When Lisa discovers that the woman is an incredible folk singer, she offers her own closet and plans a concert, only to be disappointed by Hettie's surprising substance abuse and violent nature. Meanwhile Homer tries to prove he's handy, but accidentally traps the cat in the walls of the house.
In onda il: 2016-03-06
15: Lisa the Veterinarian
After performing CPR on a tased raccoon, Lisa discovers her calling to be veterinarian and becomes an intern at the local office, but learns a tough lesson when her neglected class hamster dies. Meanwhile, Marge moonlights as a crime scene cleaner for a little extra money, and the trauma of the gory scenes make her increasingly dead inside. -
15: Lisa the Veterinarian
In onda il: 2016-03-06After performing CPR on a tased raccoon, Lisa discovers her calling to be veterinarian and becomes an intern at the local office, but learns a tough lesson when her neglected class hamster dies. Meanwhile, Marge moonlights as a crime scene cleaner for a little extra money, and the trauma of the gory scenes make her increasingly dead inside.
In onda il: 2016-03-13
16: Le cronache di Mar(g)-te
Lisa desidera partecipare a una missione per colonizzare Marte. Homer suggerisce a Marge di far finta di assecondare la figlia, ma la sua idea gli si ritorce contro. -
16: Le cronache di Mar(g)-te
In onda il: 2016-03-13Lisa desidera partecipare a una missione per colonizzare Marte. Homer suggerisce a Marge di far finta di assecondare la figlia, ma la sua idea gli si ritorce contro.
In onda il: 2016-04-03
17: The Burns Cage
After Smithers is crushed by Mr. Burns' lack of affection towards him, other characters attempt to find a boyfriend for him. Meanwhile, Milhouse competes against a new boy for the lead role in a school production of Casablanca, so he can act alongside his own unrequited love, Lisa. -
17: The Burns Cage
In onda il: 2016-04-03After Smithers is crushed by Mr. Burns' lack of affection towards him, other characters attempt to find a boyfriend for him. Meanwhile, Milhouse competes against a new boy for the lead role in a school production of Casablanca, so he can act alongside his own unrequited love, Lisa.
In onda il: 2016-04-10
18: How Lisa Got Her Marge Back
After getting into an argument, Marge takes Lisa on a touristy trip to Capital City, where, after attending a musical, they meet the show’s star who reminds Lisa how lucky she is to have such a great mom. Meanwhile, Bart is frustrated that everyone expects his pranks, so he teams up with Maggie to trick people. -
18: How Lisa Got Her Marge Back
In onda il: 2016-04-10After getting into an argument, Marge takes Lisa on a touristy trip to Capital City, where, after attending a musical, they meet the show’s star who reminds Lisa how lucky she is to have such a great mom. Meanwhile, Bart is frustrated that everyone expects his pranks, so he teams up with Maggie to trick people.
In onda il: 2016-04-24
19: Fland Canyon
Homer recalls a tense family vacation to the Grand Canyon with the Flanders family. At first, the Flanders’ perfection puts the families at odds, but when they get stranded and Ned and Bart go for help, the families finally bond. -
19: Fland Canyon
In onda il: 2016-04-24Homer recalls a tense family vacation to the Grand Canyon with the Flanders family. At first, the Flanders’ perfection puts the families at odds, but when they get stranded and Ned and Bart go for help, the families finally bond.
In onda il: 2016-05-08
20: To Courier with Love
"The Simpsons are going to..." Paris (well, Homer and Marge are), but in order to be able to afford the trip, Homer has to smuggle an exotic snake into France so it can be made into a gourmet meal. -
20: To Courier with Love
In onda il: 2016-05-08"The Simpsons are going to..." Paris (well, Homer and Marge are), but in order to be able to afford the trip, Homer has to smuggle an exotic snake into France so it can be made into a gourmet meal.
In onda il: 2016-05-15
21: Simprovised
After butchering a speech in front of all of his friends at work, Homer turns to improv comedy to gain back his confidence in his public speaking skills. Meanwhile, Marge decides to rebuild Bart’s lackluster treehouse, but tensions rise when Bart questions her building skills. Also, in the episode’s last three minutes, Homer appears LIVE for the first time on television (both for East and West Coast broadcasts) to answer fan questions. -
21: Simprovised
In onda il: 2016-05-15After butchering a speech in front of all of his friends at work, Homer turns to improv comedy to gain back his confidence in his public speaking skills. Meanwhile, Marge decides to rebuild Bart’s lackluster treehouse, but tensions rise when Bart questions her building skills. Also, in the episode’s last three minutes, Homer appears LIVE for the first time on television (both for East and West Coast broadcasts) to answer fan questions.
In onda il: 2016-05-22
22: Orange is the New Giallo
Marge lascia andare Bart da solo al parco, ma poco dopo viene arrestata per aver lascito il figlio senza alcuna supervisione. -
22: Orange is the New Giallo
In onda il: 2016-05-22Marge lascia andare Bart da solo al parco, ma poco dopo viene arrestata per aver lascito il figlio senza alcuna supervisione.
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