Re:Zero - Starting Life in Another World
Stagione 1 Episodi 66
Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Di ritorno da un conbini lo studente Subaru Natsuki si ritrova catapultato in un altro mondo. Nel mezzo dello shock di ritrovarsi da solo in un mondo sconosciuto viene pure attaccato, ma una misteriosa ragazza dai capelli d'argento e un gatto fatato lo salvano. Subaru cerca di collaborare con la ragazza per ricambiare il favore quando vengono attaccati di nuovo e uccisi. Subaru si risveglia nello stesso posto in cui si è ritrovato in questo nuovo mondo per la prima volta e lì capisce di possedere l'abilità di "ritornare indietro attraverso la morte", ovvero di riavvolgere il tempo quando muore. E ora il suo scopo è di salvare la misteriosa ragazza dal tragico destino!
Original Story坂本いづみ
Color Designer須藤瞳
Sound Director横谷昌宏
Series Composition末廣健一郎
Original Music Composer紅谷佳和
ProducerMiho Kawanishi
Special Effects若林豪
Music Producer古谷友二
Sound Effects田中翔
Prop Designer飯塚彩
ProducerEriko Aoki
Prop Designer池本昌仁
Script Supervisor峰岸健太郎
Director of Photography小林裕介
Subaru Natsuki (voice)高橋李依
Emilia (voice)内山夕実
Puck (voice)赤﨑千夏
Felt (voice)Yuichi Nakamura
Reinhard Van Astrea (voice)Inori Minase
Rem (voice)村川梨衣
Ram (voice)Takehito Koyasu
Roswaal L. Mathers (voice)新井里美
Beatrice (voice)天﨑滉平
Otto Suwen (voice)Nobuhiko Okamoto
Garfiel Tinsel (voice)Kaori Nazuka
Frederica Baumann (voice)田中あいみ
Lewes Meyer (voice)Maaya Sakamoto
Echidna (voice)高野麻里佳
Petra Leyte (voice)Episodi: 66
In onda il: 2016-04-04
1: La fine dell'inizio e l'inizio della fine
Natsuki Subaru si ritrova in un mondo parallelo mentre sta tornando a casa dal supermercato. All'inizio è ammaliato dal mondo fantasy che si dispiega davanti ai suoi occhi, ma non c'è traccia della bella ragazza che dovrebbe averlo evocato e presto si perde nei vicoli. -
1: La fine dell'inizio e l'inizio della fine
In onda il: 2016-04-04Natsuki Subaru si ritrova in un mondo parallelo mentre sta tornando a casa dal supermercato. All'inizio è ammaliato dal mondo fantasy che si dispiega davanti ai suoi occhi, ma non c'è traccia della bella ragazza che dovrebbe averlo evocato e presto si perde nei vicoli.
In onda il: 2016-04-11
2: Un nuovo incontro con la strega
Dopo essere stato attaccato da qualcuno la prima volta, essersi ritrovato con il ventre squarciato da Elsa la seconda ed essere stato accoltellato alle spalle la terza, Subaru dovrebbe essere morto, ma ogni volta si ritrova al punto dov'è iniziata la sua avventura nel mondo parallelo. -
2: Un nuovo incontro con la strega
In onda il: 2016-04-11Dopo essere stato attaccato da qualcuno la prima volta, essersi ritrovato con il ventre squarciato da Elsa la seconda ed essere stato accoltellato alle spalle la terza, Subaru dovrebbe essere morto, ma ogni volta si ritrova al punto dov'è iniziata la sua avventura nel mondo parallelo.
In onda il: 2016-04-18
3: Ricominciare la vita da zero in un altro mondo
Subaru cerca di comprare lo stemma a Felt e riportarlo a Satella prima che Elsa arrivi alla Tana del Bottino... ma Satella li raggiunge prima della fine delle trattative ed Elsa arriva in tempo per attaccarli. -
3: Ricominciare la vita da zero in un altro mondo
In onda il: 2016-04-18Subaru cerca di comprare lo stemma a Felt e riportarlo a Satella prima che Elsa arrivi alla Tana del Bottino... ma Satella li raggiunge prima della fine delle trattative ed Elsa arriva in tempo per attaccarli.
In onda il: 2016-04-25
4: L'allegra famiglia della tenuta Roswaal
Dopo essere stato gravemente ferito da Elsa, Subaru riesce in qualche modo a sopravvivere e si sveglia nella tenuta di Margrave Mathers, nel Reame di Lugunica. -
4: L'allegra famiglia della tenuta Roswaal
In onda il: 2016-04-25Dopo essere stato gravemente ferito da Elsa, Subaru riesce in qualche modo a sopravvivere e si sveglia nella tenuta di Margrave Mathers, nel Reame di Lugunica.
In onda il: 2016-05-02
5: La mattina della promessa è ancora lontana
Subaru ora vive e lavora nella tenuta di Roswaal, aiuta Ram e Rem nelle loro mansioni e finalmente ottiene un appuntamento da Emilia. Ma il giorno dell'uscita non arriva mai, dal momento che Subaru continua a tornare al giorno in cui è arrivato alla tenuta. -
5: La mattina della promessa è ancora lontana
In onda il: 2016-05-02Subaru ora vive e lavora nella tenuta di Roswaal, aiuta Ram e Rem nelle loro mansioni e finalmente ottiene un appuntamento da Emilia. Ma il giorno dell'uscita non arriva mai, dal momento che Subaru continua a tornare al giorno in cui è arrivato alla tenuta.
In onda il: 2016-05-09
6: Il rumore delle catene
Per la terza volta ricomincia il primo giorno di Subaru nella tenuta di Roswaal. La prima volta si è sentito debole ed è morto nel sonno per ragioni sconosciute, mentre la seconda volta è stato attaccato ed ucciso. -
6: Il rumore delle catene
In onda il: 2016-05-09Per la terza volta ricomincia il primo giorno di Subaru nella tenuta di Roswaal. La prima volta si è sentito debole ed è morto nel sonno per ragioni sconosciute, mentre la seconda volta è stato attaccato ed ucciso.
In onda il: 2016-05-16
7: Natsuki Subaru ricomincia
La persona che gli stava di fronte non era certo chi si aspettava Subaru. La vera identità dell'aggressore lascia sconvolto Subaru, che sente il mondo sgretolarsi intorno a sé quando muore ancora una volta. -
7: Natsuki Subaru ricomincia
In onda il: 2016-05-16La persona che gli stava di fronte non era certo chi si aspettava Subaru. La vera identità dell'aggressore lascia sconvolto Subaru, che sente il mondo sgretolarsi intorno a sé quando muore ancora una volta.
In onda il: 2016-05-23
8: Piansi, piansi tutte le mie lacrime e poi smisi di piangere
Il primo giorno di Subaru alla tenuta di Roswaal ricomincia per la quinta volta. Determinato a salvare tutti quanti, decide di mostrare a tutti i suo lato migliore per guadagnare la fiducia dello staff. -
8: Piansi, piansi tutte le mie lacrime e poi smisi di piangere
In onda il: 2016-05-23Il primo giorno di Subaru alla tenuta di Roswaal ricomincia per la quinta volta. Determinato a salvare tutti quanti, decide di mostrare a tutti i suo lato migliore per guadagnare la fiducia dello staff.
In onda il: 2016-05-30
9: Il significato del coraggio
Finalmente Subaru riesce a mettere insieme i vari indizi e a ricostruire il puzzle: di certo lo sciamano si trova al villaggio alla base della montagna. Si dirige là accompagnato da Rem e Ram e si assicura che ciascuno degli abitanti lo tocchi, così da poter capire, con l'aiuto di Beatrice, chi ha scagliato la maledizione. -
9: Il significato del coraggio
In onda il: 2016-05-30Finalmente Subaru riesce a mettere insieme i vari indizi e a ricostruire il puzzle: di certo lo sciamano si trova al villaggio alla base della montagna. Si dirige là accompagnato da Rem e Ram e si assicura che ciascuno degli abitanti lo tocchi, così da poter capire, con l'aiuto di Beatrice, chi ha scagliato la maledizione.
In onda il: 2016-06-06
10: I metodi di un demonangelo
Subaru ha rischiato la vita per salvare i bambini da un branco di magibelve, ma è rimasto vittima di una maledizione talmente potente che potrebbe non esserci modo di salvarlo. -
10: I metodi di un demonangelo
In onda il: 2016-06-06Subaru ha rischiato la vita per salvare i bambini da un branco di magibelve, ma è rimasto vittima di una maledizione talmente potente che potrebbe non esserci modo di salvarlo.
In onda il: 2016-06-13
11: Rem
Svenuta a causa dell'attacco di Subaru, Rem sogna di un evento del suo passato che lei e Ram preferirebbero dimenticare, un peccato per cui Rem sente che non potrà mai essere perdonata. -
11: Rem
In onda il: 2016-06-13Svenuta a causa dell'attacco di Subaru, Rem sogna di un evento del suo passato che lei e Ram preferirebbero dimenticare, un peccato per cui Rem sente che non potrà mai essere perdonata.
In onda il: 2016-06-20
12: Ritorno alla capitale
Il Consiglio dei Sapienti che governa Lugunica in assenza di un re manda Wilhelm e Felix alla tenuta di Roswaal in qualità di emissari. Emilia è attesa immediatamente nella capitale e Subaru le chiede di poterla accompagnare. -
12: Ritorno alla capitale
In onda il: 2016-06-20Il Consiglio dei Sapienti che governa Lugunica in assenza di un re manda Wilhelm e Felix alla tenuta di Roswaal in qualità di emissari. Emilia è attesa immediatamente nella capitale e Subaru le chiede di poterla accompagnare.
In onda il: 2016-06-27
13: Il cavaliere auto proclamato Natsuki Subaru
Mentre Emilia raggiunge Priscilla, Crusch e Anastasia all'incontro per la selezione reale, Reinhard entra nella sala con Felt. -
13: Il cavaliere auto proclamato Natsuki Subaru
In onda il: 2016-06-27Mentre Emilia raggiunge Priscilla, Crusch e Anastasia all'incontro per la selezione reale, Reinhard entra nella sala con Felt.
In onda il: 2016-07-04
14: La malattia chiamata disperazione
Respinto dalla persona più importante della sua vita, Subaru è ancora incapace di accettare di aver fatto qualcosa di irreversibile. -
14: La malattia chiamata disperazione
In onda il: 2016-07-04Respinto dalla persona più importante della sua vita, Subaru è ancora incapace di accettare di aver fatto qualcosa di irreversibile.
In onda il: 2016-07-11
15: L'aspetto della follia
Una volta tornato alla tenuta di Roswaal, Subaru si ritrova circondato da uno scenario terrificante e geme che non è quello che voleva. Paralizzato dalla disperazione, la sua vista si appanna, mentre risuona una voce: "Sei arrivato troppo tardi". -
15: L'aspetto della follia
In onda il: 2016-07-11Una volta tornato alla tenuta di Roswaal, Subaru si ritrova circondato da uno scenario terrificante e geme che non è quello che voleva. Paralizzato dalla disperazione, la sua vista si appanna, mentre risuona una voce: "Sei arrivato troppo tardi".
In onda il: 2016-07-18
16: L'avidità di un maiale
Subaru si risveglia ancora una volta davanti alla bancarella di frutta in Lugunica. Si rende conto di essere in una situazione disperata, quindi chiede aiuto a Crusch, Priscilla e Anastasia, ma il poco tempo che ha scorre via… -
16: L'avidità di un maiale
In onda il: 2016-07-18Subaru si risveglia ancora una volta davanti alla bancarella di frutta in Lugunica. Si rende conto di essere in una situazione disperata, quindi chiede aiuto a Crusch, Priscilla e Anastasia, ma il poco tempo che ha scorre via…
In onda il: 2016-07-25
17: La disgrazia estrema
Una sagoma misteriosa appare davanti a Subaru e ai suoi compagni di viaggio. Non appena la bestia incombente attacca con un verso assordante nel bel mezzo del buio e della nebbia, Rem realizza che la fuga è impossibile… -
17: La disgrazia estrema
In onda il: 2016-07-25Una sagoma misteriosa appare davanti a Subaru e ai suoi compagni di viaggio. Non appena la bestia incombente attacca con un verso assordante nel bel mezzo del buio e della nebbia, Rem realizza che la fuga è impossibile…
In onda il: 2016-08-01
18: Da zero
Subaru si rammarica di non aver potuto far nulla e di non aver salvato nessuno. Ormai sente di non avere più opzioni. Stravolto, all'improvviso corre via alla massima velocità, come se avesse preso una decisione… -
18: Da zero
In onda il: 2016-08-01Subaru si rammarica di non aver potuto far nulla e di non aver salvato nessuno. Ormai sente di non avere più opzioni. Stravolto, all'improvviso corre via alla massima velocità, come se avesse preso una decisione…
In onda il: 2016-08-08
19: Battaglia contro la Balena Bianca
Per salvare Emilia, Subaru inizia a negoziare la creazione di un'alleanza. Crusch fatica a credere ai termini dell'accordo proposti da Subaru, ma riesce a capire che il giovane non sta mentendo. -
19: Battaglia contro la Balena Bianca
In onda il: 2016-08-08Per salvare Emilia, Subaru inizia a negoziare la creazione di un'alleanza. Crusch fatica a credere ai termini dell'accordo proposti da Subaru, ma riesce a capire che il giovane non sta mentendo.
In onda il: 2016-08-15
20: Wilhelm van Astrea
Subaru ha investito tutto ciò che aveva e ha fatto tutto il possibile. La sua dedizione alla causa ha conquistato la cooperazione di Crusch e Anastasia e tutti insieme ingaggiano uno scontro contro la Balena Bianca. -
20: Wilhelm van Astrea
In onda il: 2016-08-15Subaru ha investito tutto ciò che aveva e ha fatto tutto il possibile. La sua dedizione alla causa ha conquistato la cooperazione di Crusch e Anastasia e tutti insieme ingaggiano uno scontro contro la Balena Bianca.
In onda il: 2016-08-22
21: Una sfida che sconfigge la disperazione
Subaru e Rem restano senza parole: proprio quando sembrava che fossero riusciti a circondare la Balena Bianca a costo di tante perdite e sacrifici, la battaglia prende una piega inaspettata. -
21: Una sfida che sconfigge la disperazione
In onda il: 2016-08-22Subaru e Rem restano senza parole: proprio quando sembrava che fossero riusciti a circondare la Balena Bianca a costo di tante perdite e sacrifici, la battaglia prende una piega inaspettata.
In onda il: 2016-08-29
22: Un lampo d'accidia
La metà dell'esercito di mercenari che stava bloccando la strada durante la battaglia contro la Balena Bianca si ricongiunge al gruppo principale. Subaru a quel punto apre la strada nella foresta dei territori dei Mathers, sperando di trovare e distruggere il Culto della Strega prima che si accorgano dell'esercito in attivo. -
22: Un lampo d'accidia
In onda il: 2016-08-29La metà dell'esercito di mercenari che stava bloccando la strada durante la battaglia contro la Balena Bianca si ricongiunge al gruppo principale. Subaru a quel punto apre la strada nella foresta dei territori dei Mathers, sperando di trovare e distruggere il Culto della Strega prima che si accorgano dell'esercito in attivo.
In onda il: 2016-09-05
23: Nefasta accidia
Subaru e i suoi compagni si dirigono verso la tenuta di Roswaal per portare via Emilia e tutti gli altri; sulla strada, si fermano al villaggio per far evacuare i residenti. Tuttavia, accade un imprevisto… -
23: Nefasta accidia
In onda il: 2016-09-05Subaru e i suoi compagni si dirigono verso la tenuta di Roswaal per portare via Emilia e tutti gli altri; sulla strada, si fermano al villaggio per far evacuare i residenti. Tuttavia, accade un imprevisto…
In onda il: 2016-09-12
24: Il cavaliere autoproclamato e il cavaliere più gentile
Emilia cerca di avvertire gli abitanti del villaggio di Arlam del pericolo, ma la gente del posto l'allontana in malo modo. Mentre si chiede cos'altro può fare, Wilhelm arriva alla tenuta con un messaggio… -
24: Il cavaliere autoproclamato e il cavaliere più gentile
In onda il: 2016-09-12Emilia cerca di avvertire gli abitanti del villaggio di Arlam del pericolo, ma la gente del posto l'allontana in malo modo. Mentre si chiede cos'altro può fare, Wilhelm arriva alla tenuta con un messaggio…
In onda il: 2016-09-19
25: E questa è la storia
Subaru e Julius affrontano insieme la Mano Invisibile di Beltageuse. Tuttavia, attacco dopo attacco, i due eroi si ritrovano a combattere sulla difensiva. -
25: E questa è la storia
In onda il: 2016-09-19Subaru e Julius affrontano insieme la Mano Invisibile di Beltageuse. Tuttavia, attacco dopo attacco, i due eroi si ritrovano a combattere sulla difensiva.
In onda il: 2020-07-08
26: Each One's Promise
Amid dying countless times, Subaru finally led the troops to victory against the White Whale and struck down the schemes of the Sin Archbishop of Sloth. After overcoming a painful ending to his these ordeals, he was reunited at last with his beloved Emilia… only to learn that Rem’s existence had been erased from the world, wiped out by the White Whale somewhere in the middle of his death loop. And now that the White Whale is defeated, Subaru and the others face a crisis no one could have expected. -
26: Each One's Promise
In onda il: 2020-07-08Amid dying countless times, Subaru finally led the troops to victory against the White Whale and struck down the schemes of the Sin Archbishop of Sloth. After overcoming a painful ending to his these ordeals, he was reunited at last with his beloved Emilia… only to learn that Rem’s existence had been erased from the world, wiped out by the White Whale somewhere in the middle of his death loop. And now that the White Whale is defeated, Subaru and the others face a crisis no one could have expected.
In onda il: 2020-07-15
27: The Next Location
After concluding their talks with Crusch, Subaru and Emilia return to the village of Arlam, intending to report to Roswaal and discuss what to do next. But they find Arlam deserted and learn that the villagers who had taken refuge in the Sanctuary with Ram have not yet returned. When Subaru and Emilia arrive back at Roswaal’s mansion to find out where the Sanctuary is, they are greeted by Frederica, a young woman who used to work as one of Roswaal’s maids. -
27: The Next Location
In onda il: 2020-07-15After concluding their talks with Crusch, Subaru and Emilia return to the village of Arlam, intending to report to Roswaal and discuss what to do next. But they find Arlam deserted and learn that the villagers who had taken refuge in the Sanctuary with Ram have not yet returned. When Subaru and Emilia arrive back at Roswaal’s mansion to find out where the Sanctuary is, they are greeted by Frederica, a young woman who used to work as one of Roswaal’s maids.
In onda il: 2020-07-22
28: The Long-Awaited Reunion
On the way to the Sanctuary, Subaru unwittingly finds himself invited to a witch’s tea party, where the hostess introduces herself as Echidna, the Witch of Greed. Subaru is alarmed, but Echidna encourages him to sit and drink his tea before it gets cold. When he somehow makes it back outside after a conversation with Echidna, he finds Otto lying on the ground, battered and beaten. Then, before he even has a moment to assess the situation, Subaru himself is attacked. -
28: The Long-Awaited Reunion
In onda il: 2020-07-22On the way to the Sanctuary, Subaru unwittingly finds himself invited to a witch’s tea party, where the hostess introduces herself as Echidna, the Witch of Greed. Subaru is alarmed, but Echidna encourages him to sit and drink his tea before it gets cold. When he somehow makes it back outside after a conversation with Echidna, he finds Otto lying on the ground, battered and beaten. Then, before he even has a moment to assess the situation, Subaru himself is attacked.
In onda il: 2020-07-29
29: Parent and Child
It’s supposed to be his own room, a place he’s supposed to be used to seeing, but Subaru can’t shake the feeling that something is off. He’s overcome by an indescribable sense of uneasiness, but being caught in his father Kenichi’s armlock shakes it away. Subaru is stunned, but retaliates with a wrestling move of his own. As the two of them carry on, Subaru’s mother, Nahoko, informs them that she’s hungry and they should all eat breakfast together. -
29: Parent and Child
In onda il: 2020-07-29It’s supposed to be his own room, a place he’s supposed to be used to seeing, but Subaru can’t shake the feeling that something is off. He’s overcome by an indescribable sense of uneasiness, but being caught in his father Kenichi’s armlock shakes it away. Subaru is stunned, but retaliates with a wrestling move of his own. As the two of them carry on, Subaru’s mother, Nahoko, informs them that she’s hungry and they should all eat breakfast together.
In onda il: 2020-08-05
30: A Step Forward
Having reached a place he can’t return from, Subaru realizes just how much he has been given and how little he can do to repay any of it. After remembering what he must do, he says goodbye to Kenichi and Nahoko and heads to the school. Steeling his resolve, Subaru opens the door to the classroom, where he’s greeted by Echidna in a school uniform. When Echidna says he arrived much sooner than she expected, Subaru responds that she looks good in the uniform. -
30: A Step Forward
In onda il: 2020-08-05Having reached a place he can’t return from, Subaru realizes just how much he has been given and how little he can do to repay any of it. After remembering what he must do, he says goodbye to Kenichi and Nahoko and heads to the school. Steeling his resolve, Subaru opens the door to the classroom, where he’s greeted by Echidna in a school uniform. When Echidna says he arrived much sooner than she expected, Subaru responds that she looks good in the uniform.
In onda il: 2020-08-12
31: The Maiden's Gospel
After dying to Elsa’s blade in Roswaal’s mansion, Subaru awakens back in the graveyard, in the moment immediately after he passed the trial that required him to face his past. Just like the first time he returned there, he wakes Emilia and holds her to comfort her, then returns to Ryuzu and the others. He tells them that he passed the trial himself and suggests that he could complete the remaining stages of the trial in Emilia’s place, but Garfiel is opposed. -
31: The Maiden's Gospel
In onda il: 2020-08-12After dying to Elsa’s blade in Roswaal’s mansion, Subaru awakens back in the graveyard, in the moment immediately after he passed the trial that required him to face his past. Just like the first time he returned there, he wakes Emilia and holds her to comfort her, then returns to Ryuzu and the others. He tells them that he passed the trial himself and suggests that he could complete the remaining stages of the trial in Emilia’s place, but Garfiel is opposed.
In onda il: 2020-08-19
32: Friend
Subaru had reached for the door, determined to save Rem from harm even if his current world would soon end. But instead of Rem, he found himself staring at Beatrice’s library. Beatrice had remained silent throughout Elsa’s attack and saved Subaru’s life just moments before Elsa could claim it. Subaru shouts at Beatrice, demanding to know why she didn’t help before everyone else was killed, and an intense argument ensues. Then Subaru catches sight of a familiar-looking book… -
32: Friend
In onda il: 2020-08-19Subaru had reached for the door, determined to save Rem from harm even if his current world would soon end. But instead of Rem, he found himself staring at Beatrice’s library. Beatrice had remained silent throughout Elsa’s attack and saved Subaru’s life just moments before Elsa could claim it. Subaru shouts at Beatrice, demanding to know why she didn’t help before everyone else was killed, and an intense argument ensues. Then Subaru catches sight of a familiar-looking book…
In onda il: 2020-08-26
33: The Value of Life
Subaru was caught and confined by Garfiel, but Otto shows up to rescue him. Garfiel can’t leave the graveyard while Emilia is undergoing the trial, so Otto says this is their chance to get outside the barrier, but Subaru doesn’t agree. However, after he learns that Ram will be helping them—that she has been ordered by Roswaal to help him, in fact—Subaru puts his escape on hold to have a talk with Roswaal. -
33: The Value of Life
In onda il: 2020-08-26Subaru was caught and confined by Garfiel, but Otto shows up to rescue him. Garfiel can’t leave the graveyard while Emilia is undergoing the trial, so Otto says this is their chance to get outside the barrier, but Subaru doesn’t agree. However, after he learns that Ram will be helping them—that she has been ordered by Roswaal to help him, in fact—Subaru puts his escape on hold to have a talk with Roswaal.
In onda il: 2020-09-02
34: Love Love Love Love Love Love You
After being eaten alive by a herd of unknown creatures resembling rabbits, Subaru awakens in a half-maddened state next to Emilia in the graveyard. As he pounds his head against the rocky ground over and over in anguish, he finds himself invited once again to a witch’s tea party. There, he tells Echidna about his Return by Death ability, something he has never been able to tell anyone before. Echidna then begins to tell Subaru about the witch who gave him this power and set him on this agonizing path. -
34: Love Love Love Love Love Love You
In onda il: 2020-09-02After being eaten alive by a herd of unknown creatures resembling rabbits, Subaru awakens in a half-maddened state next to Emilia in the graveyard. As he pounds his head against the rocky ground over and over in anguish, he finds himself invited once again to a witch’s tea party. There, he tells Echidna about his Return by Death ability, something he has never been able to tell anyone before. Echidna then begins to tell Subaru about the witch who gave him this power and set him on this agonizing path.
In onda il: 2020-09-09
35: I Know Hell
Subaru exits the graveyard to find the surroundings engulfed in deep black shadows. With the sudden appearance of the Witch of Envy, everything is swallowed up by darkness. After Garfiel rushes in to save him, Subaru tries to find a way to get them out of danger, but the Witch of Envy is relentless in her pursuit. Subaru finally offers himself as bait to stall her so Garfiel can intercept and attack, but he’s helpless against the Witch of Envy, and everything continues to be engulfed by her shadows. -
35: I Know Hell
In onda il: 2020-09-09Subaru exits the graveyard to find the surroundings engulfed in deep black shadows. With the sudden appearance of the Witch of Envy, everything is swallowed up by darkness. After Garfiel rushes in to save him, Subaru tries to find a way to get them out of danger, but the Witch of Envy is relentless in her pursuit. Subaru finally offers himself as bait to stall her so Garfiel can intercept and attack, but he’s helpless against the Witch of Envy, and everything continues to be engulfed by her shadows.
In onda il: 2020-09-16
36: The Taste of Death
Subaru heads to Roswaal’s mansion in hopes of finding out what’s going on there and how he can fix it. He has Frederica and Petra evacuate to Arlam Village to protect them from Elsa’s attack, then heads to Beatrice’s forbidden library. He tries to get Beatrice out of the library, but her wishes don’t align with his plans, and their discussion goes nowhere. Then, against all logic, Elsa finds her way into the forbidden library… -
36: The Taste of Death
In onda il: 2020-09-16Subaru heads to Roswaal’s mansion in hopes of finding out what’s going on there and how he can fix it. He has Frederica and Petra evacuate to Arlam Village to protect them from Elsa’s attack, then heads to Beatrice’s forbidden library. He tries to get Beatrice out of the library, but her wishes don’t align with his plans, and their discussion goes nowhere. Then, against all logic, Elsa finds her way into the forbidden library…
In onda il: 2020-09-23
37: The Witches’ Tea Party
Subaru awakens in the graveyard with Emilia lying nearby. This time, he makes up his mind to save not only Emilia, but everyone in the Sanctuary and Roswaal’s mansion from the threats that hang over them. Roswaal makes it clear that he will use Subaru’s power to keep starting over by force if he has to, if it will allow him to achieve his own goal. What is driving Roswaal to go to such lengths? In search of the answer to this and many other questions, Subaru goes to see Echidna once again. -
37: The Witches’ Tea Party
In onda il: 2020-09-23Subaru awakens in the graveyard with Emilia lying nearby. This time, he makes up his mind to save not only Emilia, but everyone in the Sanctuary and Roswaal’s mansion from the threats that hang over them. Roswaal makes it clear that he will use Subaru’s power to keep starting over by force if he has to, if it will allow him to achieve his own goal. What is driving Roswaal to go to such lengths? In search of the answer to this and many other questions, Subaru goes to see Echidna once again.
In onda il: 2020-09-30
38: The Sounds That Make You Want to Cry
Subaru is shown several visions of events previously unknown to him during the second phase of the trial. When he feels as if he’s worn away to nearly nothing, the one to stir him is the one who loves him more than anyone else… and is tougher on him than anyone else. When he awakens to see Echidna extending a hand to help him, he tells her he’ll never accept it. Then the Witch of Envy appears, clad in a veil of darkness, and extends her hand to him as well. Subaru refuses again, screaming that he’ll solve everything on his own without any of their help. -
38: The Sounds That Make You Want to Cry
In onda il: 2020-09-30Subaru is shown several visions of events previously unknown to him during the second phase of the trial. When he feels as if he’s worn away to nearly nothing, the one to stir him is the one who loves him more than anyone else… and is tougher on him than anyone else. When he awakens to see Echidna extending a hand to help him, he tells her he’ll never accept it. Then the Witch of Envy appears, clad in a veil of darkness, and extends her hand to him as well. Subaru refuses again, screaming that he’ll solve everything on his own without any of their help.
In onda il: 2021-01-06
39: Straight Bet
Tragedy strikes the Sanctuary, and Elsa takes aim at both Roswaal’s mansion and the village of Arlam. After being told that all these threats are cruel traps, Subaru can’t help but give in to despair. While he’s stuck questioning himself and unable to come up with a way out of the dilemma closing in on him, Otto shows up and punches him. Thanks to the many feelings packed in Otto’s fist, Subaru finds his hope again. -
39: Straight Bet
In onda il: 2021-01-06Tragedy strikes the Sanctuary, and Elsa takes aim at both Roswaal’s mansion and the village of Arlam. After being told that all these threats are cruel traps, Subaru can’t help but give in to despair. While he’s stuck questioning himself and unable to come up with a way out of the dilemma closing in on him, Otto shows up and punches him. Thanks to the many feelings packed in Otto’s fist, Subaru finds his hope again.
In onda il: 2021-01-13
40: Otto Suwen / A Reason to Believe
Having been born with the “soul of language” divine protection that allows him to converse with non-human creatures, Otto Suwen’s life has truly had its ups and downs. After being run out of his hometown because of his ability, he found his independence as a merchant, was attacked by the Witch’s Cult, met Subaru… and now, his life is literally on the line in a deadly game of tag. To fulfill his part of the plan, Otto must evade Garfiel’s vicious attacks in a desperate effort to buy time. -
40: Otto Suwen / A Reason to Believe
In onda il: 2021-01-13Having been born with the “soul of language” divine protection that allows him to converse with non-human creatures, Otto Suwen’s life has truly had its ups and downs. After being run out of his hometown because of his ability, he found his independence as a merchant, was attacked by the Witch’s Cult, met Subaru… and now, his life is literally on the line in a deadly game of tag. To fulfill his part of the plan, Otto must evade Garfiel’s vicious attacks in a desperate effort to buy time.
In onda il: 2021-01-20
41: Nobody Can Lift a Quain Stone Alone
The missing Emilia was in the graveyard all along, her lost memories beginning to return due to Puck’s disappearance. Confused and losing heart over the realization that she’s forgotten such important memories, she tries her hardest to convey her feelings to Subaru. When the two of them leave the graveyard, they’re awaited by Garfiel, who’s been battered and beaten by Otto and Ram. He tries to prevent the Sanctuary’s liberation by closing off the graveyard himself, but Subaru won’t let him have his way without a fight. -
41: Nobody Can Lift a Quain Stone Alone
In onda il: 2021-01-20The missing Emilia was in the graveyard all along, her lost memories beginning to return due to Puck’s disappearance. Confused and losing heart over the realization that she’s forgotten such important memories, she tries her hardest to convey her feelings to Subaru. When the two of them leave the graveyard, they’re awaited by Garfiel, who’s been battered and beaten by Otto and Ram. He tries to prevent the Sanctuary’s liberation by closing off the graveyard himself, but Subaru won’t let him have his way without a fight.
In onda il: 2021-01-27
42: A Journey Through Memories
As she attempts the first trial, Emilia finds herself in Elior Forest, where she lived when she was younger. Echidna snidely remarks on her audacity to set foot here after so thoroughly disgracing herself before, but Emilia responds with a bold smile and tells her she won’t cave to the malice of a fellow witch. As they proceed deeper into the forest, they come upon a massive tree towering over its surroundings. At its base is a small, barred door, which Emilia identifies as the Princess Room where she was often sent to play as a child. -
42: A Journey Through Memories
In onda il: 2021-01-27As she attempts the first trial, Emilia finds herself in Elior Forest, where she lived when she was younger. Echidna snidely remarks on her audacity to set foot here after so thoroughly disgracing herself before, but Emilia responds with a bold smile and tells her she won’t cave to the malice of a fellow witch. As they proceed deeper into the forest, they come upon a massive tree towering over its surroundings. At its base is a small, barred door, which Emilia identifies as the Princess Room where she was often sent to play as a child.
In onda il: 2021-02-03
43: The Day Betelgeuse Laughed
Despite a few inconveniences, like being unable to go outside when she wanted, young Emilia lived a happy life in a settlement of elves with Fortuna, whom she lovingly called “Mother.” However, their peace was threatened by the arrival of the Sin Archbishop of the Witch’s Cult representing Greed, Regulus Corneas. In the present, Shima appears before Subaru and the others as they wait outside the graveyard for Emilia to complete the trial, and she tells them of the events leading up to the birth of the Sanctuary. -
43: The Day Betelgeuse Laughed
In onda il: 2021-02-03Despite a few inconveniences, like being unable to go outside when she wanted, young Emilia lived a happy life in a settlement of elves with Fortuna, whom she lovingly called “Mother.” However, their peace was threatened by the arrival of the Sin Archbishop of the Witch’s Cult representing Greed, Regulus Corneas. In the present, Shima appears before Subaru and the others as they wait outside the graveyard for Emilia to complete the trial, and she tells them of the events leading up to the birth of the Sanctuary.
In onda il: 2021-02-10
44: The Permafrost of Elior Forest
Pandora, the Witch of Vanity, stands before Geuse and Fortuna. They both face her with all the strength they have. Meanwhile, young Emilia runs toward the place where the seal is, believing that everyone will be saved if she gives Pandora what she wants. But when she arrives, Pandora is already there, insisting that she hand over the key to opening the seal. -
44: The Permafrost of Elior Forest
In onda il: 2021-02-10Pandora, the Witch of Vanity, stands before Geuse and Fortuna. They both face her with all the strength they have. Meanwhile, young Emilia runs toward the place where the seal is, believing that everyone will be saved if she gives Pandora what she wants. But when she arrives, Pandora is already there, insisting that she hand over the key to opening the seal.
In onda il: 2021-02-17
45: The Beginning of the Sanctuary and the Beginning of the End
When Roswaal happily tells the story of how his romance with Echidna began 400 years ago, Beatrice rebukes him for casually calling it a “romance.” Ryuzu interrupts to comment that Echidna saved her, as well. The one thing these three very different people share is their gratitude toward Echidna. But their days spent in both amicable and argumentative conversation about Echidna are brought to an end by one man’s arrival. -
45: The Beginning of the Sanctuary and the Beginning of the End
In onda il: 2021-02-17When Roswaal happily tells the story of how his romance with Echidna began 400 years ago, Beatrice rebukes him for casually calling it a “romance.” Ryuzu interrupts to comment that Echidna saved her, as well. The one thing these three very different people share is their gratitude toward Echidna. But their days spent in both amicable and argumentative conversation about Echidna are brought to an end by one man’s arrival.
In onda il: 2021-02-24
46: Reunion of Roars
Subaru tries to prevent the attack on the mansion by talking to Roswaal, but Roswaal refuses to let go of the wish he has clung to for 400 long years. Subaru takes Garfiel and Otto along as he hitches up the carriage to Patrasche and heads for the mansion as quickly as he can. Meanwhile, now that Emilia has completed the first trial, Ram asks her for a favor. Touched by the strength of Ram’s feelings, Emilia reaches out to help her. -
46: Reunion of Roars
In onda il: 2021-02-24Subaru tries to prevent the attack on the mansion by talking to Roswaal, but Roswaal refuses to let go of the wish he has clung to for 400 long years. Subaru takes Garfiel and Otto along as he hitches up the carriage to Patrasche and heads for the mansion as quickly as he can. Meanwhile, now that Emilia has completed the first trial, Ram asks her for a favor. Touched by the strength of Ram’s feelings, Emilia reaches out to help her.
In onda il: 2021-03-03
47: Happiness Reflected on the Water's Surface
Frederica is gradually backed into a corner by Elsa’s attacks. Then Garfiel rushes to the scene with a silver shield on each arm. The siblings’ reunion after so many years is cut short when Elsa’s knife violently clashes against Garfiel’s shield. Meanwhile, Subaru heads to the forbidden library where Beatrice is. She’s surprised when he enters the library and tells her that, after she spent 400 years there under a contract that might as well have been a curse, he’s going to get her out. -
47: Happiness Reflected on the Water's Surface
In onda il: 2021-03-03Frederica is gradually backed into a corner by Elsa’s attacks. Then Garfiel rushes to the scene with a silver shield on each arm. The siblings’ reunion after so many years is cut short when Elsa’s knife violently clashes against Garfiel’s shield. Meanwhile, Subaru heads to the forbidden library where Beatrice is. She’s surprised when he enters the library and tells her that, after she spent 400 years there under a contract that might as well have been a curse, he’s going to get her out.
In onda il: 2021-03-10
48: Love Me Down to My Blood and Guts
After witnessing an unrealized present, Emilia completes the second trial and begins the third and final one. Ram and Puck are fighting their hardest to stop Roswaal. Each of them is doing it all for the sake of realizing their own goals. The battle between Garfiel and Elsa at Roswaal’s mansion is also growing more and more intense. As Subaru is being chased by a guiltylowe, he declares that it’s time to make use of his unparalleled knowledge of the modern world and lures it into a closet… -
48: Love Me Down to My Blood and Guts
In onda il: 2021-03-10After witnessing an unrealized present, Emilia completes the second trial and begins the third and final one. Ram and Puck are fighting their hardest to stop Roswaal. Each of them is doing it all for the sake of realizing their own goals. The battle between Garfiel and Elsa at Roswaal’s mansion is also growing more and more intense. As Subaru is being chased by a guiltylowe, he declares that it’s time to make use of his unparalleled knowledge of the modern world and lures it into a closet…
In onda il: 2021-03-17
49: Choose Me
After completing the final trial, Emilia emerges from the graveyard into a blizzard heavy enough to block her vision. The people of the Sanctuary and the villagers of Arlam huddle together behind a giant wall of ice, created to shield them from the bitter cold by none other than the great spirit who was once contracted to Emilia. When Emilia touches the ice wall, something flows into her from within it. With a nod of acknowledgement to the voice she hears, she finally takes action. -
49: Choose Me
In onda il: 2021-03-17After completing the final trial, Emilia emerges from the graveyard into a blizzard heavy enough to block her vision. The people of the Sanctuary and the villagers of Arlam huddle together behind a giant wall of ice, created to shield them from the bitter cold by none other than the great spirit who was once contracted to Emilia. When Emilia touches the ice wall, something flows into her from within it. With a nod of acknowledgement to the voice she hears, she finally takes action.
In onda il: 2021-03-24
50: Offbeat Steps Under the Moonlight
The magic Roswaal is using to control the weather generates enough mana to attract the Great Rabbit, which draws closer to the Sanctuary in a massive horde. Emilia takes Roswaal and Ram to shelter in the graveyard with everyone else, but the Great Rabbit horde has already grown enough to engulf their surroundings. Just when all hope seems lost, Subaru and Beatrice appear before Emilia. So begins Subaru and Beatrice's first battle against the Great Rabbit, one of the Three Great Mabeasts. -
50: Offbeat Steps Under the Moonlight
In onda il: 2021-03-24The magic Roswaal is using to control the weather generates enough mana to attract the Great Rabbit, which draws closer to the Sanctuary in a massive horde. Emilia takes Roswaal and Ram to shelter in the graveyard with everyone else, but the Great Rabbit horde has already grown enough to engulf their surroundings. Just when all hope seems lost, Subaru and Beatrice appear before Emilia. So begins Subaru and Beatrice's first battle against the Great Rabbit, one of the Three Great Mabeasts.
In onda il: 2024-10-02
51: Malvagità Melodrammatica
Un messaggero raggiunge Emilia e Subaru alla Tenuta, recando un invito a raggiungere Anastasia Hoshin a Priestella, la Città delle Dighe. Ad attenderli ci sono un incontro con le altre Candidate Reali e una sfida estremamente ardua. -
51: Malvagità Melodrammatica
In onda il: 2024-10-02Un messaggero raggiunge Emilia e Subaru alla Tenuta, recando un invito a raggiungere Anastasia Hoshin a Priestella, la Città delle Dighe. Ad attenderli ci sono un incontro con le altre Candidate Reali e una sfida estremamente ardua.
In onda il: 2024-10-09
52: La Fine tra Ghiaccio e Fuoco
Subaru cerca in ogni modo di sventare l'attacco di Sirius, Arcivescovo dell'Ira, ma la natura dei suoi poteri lo rende estremamente difficile. La situazione non fa che precipitare, perché Sirius potrebbe non essere da sola... -
52: La Fine tra Ghiaccio e Fuoco
In onda il: 2024-10-09Subaru cerca in ogni modo di sventare l'attacco di Sirius, Arcivescovo dell'Ira, ma la natura dei suoi poteri lo rende estremamente difficile. La situazione non fa che precipitare, perché Sirius potrebbe non essere da sola...
In onda il: 2024-10-16
53: Gorgeous Tiger
L'incidente avvenuto nella piazza principale ha gettato l'intera città nel caos. Priestella sembra a tutti gli effetti in mano al Culto della Strega, di cui finora sono comparsi due Arcivescovi. Un numero destinato ad aumentare... -
53: Gorgeous Tiger
In onda il: 2024-10-16L'incidente avvenuto nella piazza principale ha gettato l'intera città nel caos. Priestella sembra a tutti gli effetti in mano al Culto della Strega, di cui finora sono comparsi due Arcivescovi. Un numero destinato ad aumentare...
In onda il: 2024-10-23
54: Operazione "Riconquista del Centro Amministrativo"
La città è stata conquistata dagli Arcivescovi del Peccato, e ora Subaru e compagni navigano in acque pericolosissime. Emilia è stata rapita e l'Arcivescovo della Gola, trincerato nel centro amministrativo, ha avanzato una richiesta folle. -
54: Operazione "Riconquista del Centro Amministrativo"
In onda il: 2024-10-23La città è stata conquistata dagli Arcivescovi del Peccato, e ora Subaru e compagni navigano in acque pericolosissime. Emilia è stata rapita e l'Arcivescovo della Gola, trincerato nel centro amministrativo, ha avanzato una richiesta folle.
In onda il: 2024-10-30
55: Un Torrente di Fango
L'attacco al Centro Amministrativo entra nella sua seconda fase. Subaru e Crusch fanno irruzione all'interno, ma ad attenderli c'è Capella, che ha qualche subdolo asso nella manica... -
55: Un Torrente di Fango
In onda il: 2024-10-30L'attacco al Centro Amministrativo entra nella sua seconda fase. Subaru e Crusch fanno irruzione all'interno, ma ad attenderli c'è Capella, che ha qualche subdolo asso nella manica...
In onda il: 2024-11-06
56: Le richieste del cavaliere
Regulus, Arcivescovo dell'Avarizia, prepara la cerimonia con cui Emilia diventerà una delle sue innumerevoli mogli. Nel resto della città, intanto, serpeggia il caos, mentre Subaru e compagni cercano un modo per riconqiustare Priestella. -
56: Le richieste del cavaliere
In onda il: 2024-11-06Regulus, Arcivescovo dell'Avarizia, prepara la cerimonia con cui Emilia diventerà una delle sue innumerevoli mogli. Nel resto della città, intanto, serpeggia il caos, mentre Subaru e compagni cercano un modo per riconqiustare Priestella.
In onda il: 2024-11-13
57: The Newest of Heroes and the Most Ancient of Heroes
Through a Witch's Cultist's conference mirror, Emilia tells Al where the Sin Archbishops are and asks him to protect Beatrice. Al relays Emilia's message to Subaru, and the gang begins to devise a strategy to win back the control towers. -
57: The Newest of Heroes and the Most Ancient of Heroes
In onda il: 2024-11-13Through a Witch's Cultist's conference mirror, Emilia tells Al where the Sin Archbishops are and asks him to protect Beatrice. Al relays Emilia's message to Subaru, and the gang begins to devise a strategy to win back the control towers.
In onda il: 2024-11-20
58: Episode 58
Nessuna trama disponibile -
58: Episode 58
In onda il: 2024-11-20Nessuna trama disponibile
In onda il: 2025-02-05
59: Episode 59
Nessuna trama disponibile -
59: Episode 59
In onda il: 2025-02-05Nessuna trama disponibile
In onda il: 2025-02-12
60: Episode 60
Nessuna trama disponibile -
60: Episode 60
In onda il: 2025-02-12Nessuna trama disponibile
In onda il: 2025-02-19
61: Episode 61
Nessuna trama disponibile -
61: Episode 61
In onda il: 2025-02-19Nessuna trama disponibile
In onda il: 2025-02-26
62: Episode 62
Nessuna trama disponibile -
62: Episode 62
In onda il: 2025-02-26Nessuna trama disponibile
In onda il: 2025-03-05
63: Episode 63
Nessuna trama disponibile -
63: Episode 63
In onda il: 2025-03-05Nessuna trama disponibile
In onda il: 2025-03-12
64: Episode 64
Nessuna trama disponibile -
64: Episode 64
In onda il: 2025-03-12Nessuna trama disponibile
In onda il: 2025-03-19
65: Episode 65
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65: Episode 65
In onda il: 2025-03-19Nessuna trama disponibile
In onda il: 2025-03-26
66: Episode 66
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66: Episode 66
In onda il: 2025-03-26Nessuna trama disponibile
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