Stagione 6 Episodi 16
Commedia ◦ Dramma ◦ Mistero
Il protagonista della serie è Shawn Spencer, giovane figlio di un ex-poliziotto, che lavora come "consulente sensitivo" con il Dipartimento di Polizia di Santa Barbara. In realtà Shawn non è affatto un sensitivo, ma presenta delle facoltà intuitive talmente elevate (in gran parte dovute agli "allenamenti" del padre nell'infanzia) da convincere della cosa i detective Lassiter e O'Hara. La collaborazione con i due inizia quando Shawn si intromette in un'indagine: i detective sono incuriositi dalle sue intuizioni sul caso, al punto da sospettare che possa esservi coinvolto. Per togliersi dai guai, Shawn inventa la storia dei suoi poteri psichici. In seguito, visto il successo ottenuto, si inventa un lavoro di "investigatore psichico" aprendo con il suo amico d'infanzia Gus un'agenzia a tale scopo (il nome dell'agenzia è Psych, un'abbreviazione di psychic, in inglese sensitivo).
Episodi: 16
In onda il: 2011-10-12
1: Immunità diplomatica
Shawn incappa in un cadavere nel consolato Britannico mentre sta cercando di recuperare un oggetto da collezione dal figlio dell'Ambasciatore. -
1: Immunità diplomatica
In onda il: 2011-10-12Shawn incappa in un cadavere nel consolato Britannico mentre sta cercando di recuperare un oggetto da collezione dal figlio dell'Ambasciatore.
In onda il: 2011-10-19
2: Vuoto di memoria
Una notte di festa e allegria di cui nessuno ha ricordo e che si è trasformata in tragedia mette Shawn, Gus, Woody e Lassiter sulle tracce dei sospettati. Disgraziatamente non potranno fare affidamento sulle memorie 'psichiche' di Shawn della sera precedente -
2: Vuoto di memoria
In onda il: 2011-10-19Una notte di festa e allegria di cui nessuno ha ricordo e che si è trasformata in tragedia mette Shawn, Gus, Woody e Lassiter sulle tracce dei sospettati. Disgraziatamente non potranno fare affidamento sulle memorie 'psichiche' di Shawn della sera precedente
In onda il: 2011-10-26
3: Una vampira...molto poco vampira
Shawn e Gus aiutano la polizia a indagare su un cadavere ritrovato dissanguato -
3: Una vampira...molto poco vampira
In onda il: 2011-10-26Shawn e Gus aiutano la polizia a indagare su un cadavere ritrovato dissanguato
In onda il: 2011-11-02
4: Una coppia di supereroi
La Mantide, il vigilante mascherato è in competizione con l'SBPD per catturare il sindacato criminale dei Camino, così Psych viene chiamato per catturare la Mantide. -
4: Una coppia di supereroi
In onda il: 2011-11-02La Mantide, il vigilante mascherato è in competizione con l'SBPD per catturare il sindacato criminale dei Camino, così Psych viene chiamato per catturare la Mantide.
In onda il: 2011-11-09
5: Dead Man's Curveball
When the hitting coach of the Santa Barbara Seabirds suddenly dies, the team's manager hires Shawn and Gus to go undercover as the new coach and mascot in order to investigate. -
5: Dead Man's Curveball
In onda il: 2011-11-09When the hitting coach of the Santa Barbara Seabirds suddenly dies, the team's manager hires Shawn and Gus to go undercover as the new coach and mascot in order to investigate.
In onda il: 2011-11-16
6: Shawn, Interrupted
After a billionaire murderer pleas insanity at his trial, Shawn and Gus go undercover at a mental hospital in order to prove that the man is, in fact, sane. While at the hospital, Shawn and Gus receive some hostility from one of the nurses. -
6: Shawn, Interrupted
In onda il: 2011-11-16After a billionaire murderer pleas insanity at his trial, Shawn and Gus go undercover at a mental hospital in order to prove that the man is, in fact, sane. While at the hospital, Shawn and Gus receive some hostility from one of the nurses.
In onda il: 2011-11-30
7: In for a Penny...
Juliet's con-man father travels to Santa Barbara to reunite with his daughter, but finds himself slipping back into his criminal past when confronted with a dream con. -
7: In for a Penny...
In onda il: 2011-11-30Juliet's con-man father travels to Santa Barbara to reunite with his daughter, but finds himself slipping back into his criminal past when confronted with a dream con.
In onda il: 2011-12-07
8: The Tao of Gus
After a woman tells the SBPD she witnessed a murder happen in broad daylight, Shawn and Gus are the only ones who believe her, and therefore protect her by hiding her at a remote commune called Box Canyon Ranch, a place whose inhabitants label themselves as progressive intellectuals. -
8: The Tao of Gus
In onda il: 2011-12-07After a woman tells the SBPD she witnessed a murder happen in broad daylight, Shawn and Gus are the only ones who believe her, and therefore protect her by hiding her at a remote commune called Box Canyon Ranch, a place whose inhabitants label themselves as progressive intellectuals.
In onda il: 2011-12-14
9: Neil Simon's Lover's Retreat
Shawn and Juliet's romantic getaway vacation to a spa gets interrupted by robberies and a dead body at a nearby winery. -
9: Neil Simon's Lover's Retreat
In onda il: 2011-12-14Shawn and Juliet's romantic getaway vacation to a spa gets interrupted by robberies and a dead body at a nearby winery.
In onda il: 2012-02-29
10: Indiana Shawn and the Temple of the Kinda Crappy, Rusty Old Dagger
Shawn and Gus team up with Despereaux to locate a mythical dagger rumored to be the key to unlocking a dead billionaire's treasure. -
10: Indiana Shawn and the Temple of the Kinda Crappy, Rusty Old Dagger
In onda il: 2012-02-29Shawn and Gus team up with Despereaux to locate a mythical dagger rumored to be the key to unlocking a dead billionaire's treasure.
In onda il: 2012-03-07
11: Heeeeere's Lassie!
Lassiter hires Shawn and Gus to get to the bottom of strange occurrences at his new condo. -
11: Heeeeere's Lassie!
In onda il: 2012-03-07Lassiter hires Shawn and Gus to get to the bottom of strange occurrences at his new condo.
In onda il: 2012-03-14
12: Shawn and the Real Girl
Shawn and Gus go undercover to investigate an attack on a reality-TV contestant who appeared on a dating show in which men compete for the affections of a woman they've crossed paths with but never officially met. -
12: Shawn and the Real Girl
In onda il: 2012-03-14Shawn and Gus go undercover to investigate an attack on a reality-TV contestant who appeared on a dating show in which men compete for the affections of a woman they've crossed paths with but never officially met.
In onda il: 2012-03-21
13: Let's Doo-Wop It Again
When the founder of "Right Now", Santa Barbara's oldest at-risk youth program, is shot and almost killed, Shawn, Gus and a few members of Gus's a capella group from college investigate to find the culprit. -
13: Let's Doo-Wop It Again
In onda il: 2012-03-21When the founder of "Right Now", Santa Barbara's oldest at-risk youth program, is shot and almost killed, Shawn, Gus and a few members of Gus's a capella group from college investigate to find the culprit.
In onda il: 2012-03-28
14: Autopsy Turvy
The race is on to clear Woody's name and reputation when a mere mortician finds a mistake in the coroner's autopsy. -
14: Autopsy Turvy
In onda il: 2012-03-28The race is on to clear Woody's name and reputation when a mere mortician finds a mistake in the coroner's autopsy.
In onda il: 2012-04-04
15: True Grits
A wrongly convicted Southern chef hires Shawn and Gus to find the real thief after the Innocence Project frees him from prison. -
15: True Grits
In onda il: 2012-04-04A wrongly convicted Southern chef hires Shawn and Gus to find the real thief after the Innocence Project frees him from prison.
In onda il: 2012-04-11
16: Santabarbaratown
A body relating to a 20-year-old case is finally found, and Shawn, Gus, and Henry revisit all the old suspects in order to solve the case -
16: Santabarbaratown
In onda il: 2012-04-11A body relating to a 20-year-old case is finally found, and Shawn, Gus, and Henry revisit all the old suspects in order to solve the case
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