Emiya-san Chi no Kyou no Gohan
Stagione 1 Episodi 13
Animazione ◦ Commedia
Con la minaccia della Guerra del Santo Graal che non incombe più sulla città di Fuyuki, i suoi abitanti possono finalmente godersi un periodo di pace. Ora che tutti i Padroni e i Servi si sono adattati alle loro nuove vite mondane, Shirou ha deciso di cucinare per la sua famiglia e mostrare a Saber le meraviglie della cucina moderna. Ogni giorno, si avventura nel mercato per vedere che tipo di pasti diversi può cucinare con ingredienti unici e un budget limitato. Tuttavia, le sue abilità leggendarie attirano spesso ospiti non invitati da tutta la città, quindi non c'è mai un momento di noia a cena con la famiglia Emiya. Mentre i suoi ospiti si divertono nel soggiorno, Shirou segue passo passo il processo di creazione di alcuni dei suoi piatti preferiti. Con prelibatezze come il suo gustoso soba di Capodanno con tempura di gamberi, salmone al cartoccio al vapore e formaggio gratinato di germogli di bambù, tutto è in palio nel suo menu. Itadakimasu!
Episodi: 13
In onda il: 2017-12-31
1: Toshikoshi Soba
It is New Year's Eve. Shirou and Saber are done cleaning the house, and they go grocery shopping for dinner. Taiga and Illya are home, relaxing at the kotatsu, waiting for the dinner to be made by Shirou. What is today's menu for Emiya family? -
1: Toshikoshi Soba
In onda il: 2017-12-31It is New Year's Eve. Shirou and Saber are done cleaning the house, and they go grocery shopping for dinner. Taiga and Illya are home, relaxing at the kotatsu, waiting for the dinner to be made by Shirou. What is today's menu for Emiya family?
In onda il: 2018-02-01
2: Salmon, Mushroom and Butter Baked in Foil
Shirou is out for grocery shopping. While walking down a shopping district and thinking about the menu for the night, he comes across Lancer who works at a fish market. Shirou decides to cook a salmon dish, but Lancer ends up coming over to his house for dinner, and... -
2: Salmon, Mushroom and Butter Baked in Foil
In onda il: 2018-02-01Shirou is out for grocery shopping. While walking down a shopping district and thinking about the menu for the night, he comes across Lancer who works at a fish market. Shirou decides to cook a salmon dish, but Lancer ends up coming over to his house for dinner, and...
In onda il: 2018-03-01
3: Spring Chirashizushi
On Girls' Day, Shirou and the team invite Illyasviel to the Emiya residence so she can get a taste of Japanese culture. What kind of Girls' Day meal is Shirou going to serve Illyasviel with the help of Rin and Sakura? -
3: Spring Chirashizushi
In onda il: 2018-03-01On Girls' Day, Shirou and the team invite Illyasviel to the Emiya residence so she can get a taste of Japanese culture. What kind of Girls' Day meal is Shirou going to serve Illyasviel with the help of Rin and Sakura?
In onda il: 2018-04-01
4: Spring Greens and Bacon Sandwich
At his part-time job at the liquor store, "Copenhagen," Shirou is asked to help out with some deliveries. His final stop is Ryuudou Temple, where the monk Reikan asks him to make a sandwich using local spring greens. Shirou gladly accepts, but he can't stop thinking about Assassin, who he saw at the temple gates... -
4: Spring Greens and Bacon Sandwich
In onda il: 2018-04-01At his part-time job at the liquor store, "Copenhagen," Shirou is asked to help out with some deliveries. His final stop is Ryuudou Temple, where the monk Reikan asks him to make a sandwich using local spring greens. Shirou gladly accepts, but he can't stop thinking about Assassin, who he saw at the temple gates...
In onda il: 2018-05-01
5: Bamboo Shoot Gratin
Sakura lets out a deep sigh while looking at a happy Saber who has just finished breakfast that Shirou has prepared. It seems something is troubling her very much. Meanwhile, Issei gives Shirou some bamboo shoots in return of the sandwiches Shirou made him the other day. Upon hearing that Sakura is making gratin for dinner, Shirou suggests adding the bamboo shoots in it. -
5: Bamboo Shoot Gratin
In onda il: 2018-05-01Sakura lets out a deep sigh while looking at a happy Saber who has just finished breakfast that Shirou has prepared. It seems something is troubling her very much. Meanwhile, Issei gives Shirou some bamboo shoots in return of the sandwiches Shirou made him the other day. Upon hearing that Sakura is making gratin for dinner, Shirou suggests adding the bamboo shoots in it.
In onda il: 2018-06-01
6: First Hamburg Steak
It's raining today, and the rain reminds Shirou of a fond memory when he was a child. It was rainy day like today... Shirou was watching a cooking show where they were making a hamburg steak. He decided to make one like them, and it was meant to be for someone who loved a hamburg steak... -
6: First Hamburg Steak
In onda il: 2018-06-01It's raining today, and the rain reminds Shirou of a fond memory when he was a child. It was rainy day like today... Shirou was watching a cooking show where they were making a hamburg steak. He decided to make one like them, and it was meant to be for someone who loved a hamburg steak...
In onda il: 2018-07-01
7: Refreshing and Easy to Eat Chilled Ochazuke
Thanks to Taiga's planning, Shirou, Saber and Rin take a trip to the waterpark, Waku Waku Zaboom, where they run into Lancer and Archer who challenge them to a beach volleyball game. With Rin and Saber both exhausted after a day of fun, what will Shirou serve for today's meal? -
7: Refreshing and Easy to Eat Chilled Ochazuke
In onda il: 2018-07-01Thanks to Taiga's planning, Shirou, Saber and Rin take a trip to the waterpark, Waku Waku Zaboom, where they run into Lancer and Archer who challenge them to a beach volleyball game. With Rin and Saber both exhausted after a day of fun, what will Shirou serve for today's meal?
In onda il: 2018-08-01
8: Tohsaka's Gomoku Fried Rice
Shirou and Sakura are asked to help clean up Rin's house which is full of magical devices and Spell Tomes. As the three of them are busy tidying up the Tohsaka residence, lunchtime approaches, and it is Rin and Sakura's turn to cook today's lunch. -
8: Tohsaka's Gomoku Fried Rice
In onda il: 2018-08-01Shirou and Sakura are asked to help clean up Rin's house which is full of magical devices and Spell Tomes. As the three of them are busy tidying up the Tohsaka residence, lunchtime approaches, and it is Rin and Sakura's turn to cook today's lunch.
In onda il: 2018-09-01
9: Taste of Autumn - Caster's Training in Japanese Dish Cooking -
As Shirou is strolling down the shopping center, he feels a sudden tug on his arm from someone behind. He turns around to discover that it is none other than Caster. Currently training to be a better cook, Caster asks Shirou if he will teach her how to prepare a particular Japanese dish... -
9: Taste of Autumn - Caster's Training in Japanese Dish Cooking -
In onda il: 2018-09-01As Shirou is strolling down the shopping center, he feels a sudden tug on his arm from someone behind. He turns around to discover that it is none other than Caster. Currently training to be a better cook, Caster asks Shirou if he will teach her how to prepare a particular Japanese dish...
In onda il: 2018-10-01
10: Fried Chicken: Yummy Even When It's Cold
It's only one week away from the School Festival. Issei and his fellow student council members are exhausted from working late every day in preparation for the big event. Seeing his friends in such a state, Shirou decides to bring them a bite to eat. -
10: Fried Chicken: Yummy Even When It's Cold
In onda il: 2018-10-01It's only one week away from the School Festival. Issei and his fellow student council members are exhausted from working late every day in preparation for the big event. Seeing his friends in such a state, Shirou decides to bring them a bite to eat.
In onda il: 2018-11-01
11: Special Fluffy Gooey Omelet Rice
Archer has been asked by Rin to carry the bags of groceries. As he waits for Rin at the meetup spot, he runs into Lancer who asks him for help with a part-time job at a café. -
11: Special Fluffy Gooey Omelet Rice
In onda il: 2018-11-01Archer has been asked by Rin to carry the bags of groceries. As he waits for Rin at the meetup spot, he runs into Lancer who asks him for help with a part-time job at a café.
In onda il: 2018-12-01
12: One-Pan Roast Beef
Today is Christmas. Illya has invited Shirou and the gang to the Einzbern Castle for a Christmas party. As everybody is enjoying the meal at the party, a visitor appears in front of Shirou… -
12: One-Pan Roast Beef
In onda il: 2018-12-01Today is Christmas. Illya has invited Shirou and the gang to the Einzbern Castle for a Christmas party. As everybody is enjoying the meal at the party, a visitor appears in front of Shirou…
In onda il: 2018-12-01
13: Hot, Hot Hot Pot
One very snowy, very cold day. Just like any other day, the usual members are gathered at the Emiya house, seated at the same table and sharing a meal. Today’s menu that Shirou is cooking is… -
13: Hot, Hot Hot Pot
In onda il: 2018-12-01One very snowy, very cold day. Just like any other day, the usual members are gathered at the Emiya house, seated at the same table and sharing a meal. Today’s menu that Shirou is cooking is…
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