Stagione 1 Episodi 26
Action & Adventure ◦ Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Dramma ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
La Terra risulta devastata da una catastrofe, denominata la "Grande Catastrofe", avvenuta undici anni prima, che distrusse una parte significativa del mondo ed uccise numerosi abitanti. La catastrofe fu accompagnata dallo scioglimento dei ghiacciai che ha riportato alla superficie Atlandia e con essa i suoi abitanti, gli Angeli delle Tenebre, una specie alata che era rimasta latente per 12.000 anni. Lo scopo di queste creature è quello di rapire gli esseri umani, chiamati con disprezzo Esseri senza ali, al fine di estrarne il prana, la loro bioenergia, indispensabile per la sopravvivenza ed il sostentamento degli Angeli delle Tenebre. La popolazione mondiale si trova così a dover subire continui attacchi da parte delle Bestie mietitrici, ovvero enormi esseri capaci di catturare con estrema facilità gli esseri umani. Queste particolari macchine sono spesso accompagnate da giganteschi robot, chiamati Soldati Cherubim. Contro questo potente nemico le armi convenzionali sono del tutto inefficaci, spetta quindi alla DEAVA, sotto il comando di Gen Fudo, proteggere l'umanità intera. La DEAVA grazie all'utilizzo degli ultimi ritrovati tecnologici e, soprattutto, alle Vector Machine ritrovate sul fondo dell'oceano, funge così da ultimo baluardo degli uomini. I tre Vector, chiamati Vector Luna, Vector Mars e Vector Sol, sono in grado di unirsi dando origine all'Angelo Meccanico Aquarion, un gigantesco robot. I Vector possono essere pilotati solo da esseri umani speciali detti Element, dotati di poteri paranormali e con l'innata capacità di resistere ai poteri ipnotici che gli Angeli delle Tenebre esercitano sulle vittime al fine di catturarle facilmente.

Takashi Mamezuka
Original Series Design
Shoji Kawamori
Original Concept
Takashi Mamezuka
Character Designer
Shigeru Morimoto
Art Designer
Sachio Ikeda
Mechanical Designer
Yoji Shimizu
Sound Director
Jun Kubota
Director of Photography
Atsushi Nakabashi
Chuya Ishida
Hirokazu Hara
Kazuto Goka
Masatoshi Ishizuka
Seira Takano
Shingo Yokota
Shintaro Yoshitake
Shosei Ito
Yoshiyuki Shiotani
Yukinobu Yatabe
Ryoko Kaneshige
Theme Song Performance
Haruka Chisuga
Theme Song Performance
Ryuujin Kiyoshi
Original Music Composer
Yoko Kanno
Theme Song Performance
Yoko Kanno
Shoji Kawamori
Original Series Creator
Nobunaga Shimazaki
Akira Kaibuki
Ayane Sakura
Maia Tsukigane
Ari Ozawa
Karan Uminagi
Haruka Chisuga
Kokone Kikogami
Jouji Nakata
Sougon Henzaki
Ryoko Shiraishi
Sakurako Soda
Saima Nakano
Shouko Iwagami
Takayuki Asai
Tsutomu Domon
Yuuichirou Umehara
Hayato Kujo
Yuuto Adachi
Subete Kenzaki
Jin Yamanoi
Masao Komaya
Hosonosuke Satou
Takahiro Yoshino
President Watanabe
Tomoe Hanba
Akira Kaibuki (Child)
Yutaka Nakano
ItouEpisodi: 26
In onda il: 2005-04-05
1: Memories of an Angel
Pierre Vieira and Silvia de Alisia are out on a mission in Arc City to find the reincarnation of the "Solar Wing", and their current target is an orphan named Apollo. However, Shadow Angels suddenly attack the town, and DEAVA sends out a Vector unit consisting of Sirius de Alisia, Glen Anderson and Hong Lihua to deal with the threat. -
1: Memories of an Angel
In onda il: 2005-04-05Pierre Vieira and Silvia de Alisia are out on a mission in Arc City to find the reincarnation of the "Solar Wing", and their current target is an orphan named Apollo. However, Shadow Angels suddenly attack the town, and DEAVA sends out a Vector unit consisting of Sirius de Alisia, Glen Anderson and Hong Lihua to deal with the threat.
In onda il: 2005-04-12
2: The Beast of Darkness
After the battle, Apollo has been put into detention until DEAVA can find out more about him. Meanwhile, Sirius, Raika and Silvia head out to battle more Shadow Angels, but trouble arises as yet another Cherubim arrives. It is revealed though, that these Angels are but mere soldiers, as this one is controlled by a human-like Shadow Angel known as Toma. What's more, Toma has a connection to Apollo's previous life... -
2: The Beast of Darkness
In onda il: 2005-04-12After the battle, Apollo has been put into detention until DEAVA can find out more about him. Meanwhile, Sirius, Raika and Silvia head out to battle more Shadow Angels, but trouble arises as yet another Cherubim arrives. It is revealed though, that these Angels are but mere soldiers, as this one is controlled by a human-like Shadow Angel known as Toma. What's more, Toma has a connection to Apollo's previous life...
In onda il: 2005-04-19
3: Element School
Apollo enters the Element school, where the Elements train. The new recruits - Apollo, Jun Lee and Tsugumi Rosenmeier - then enter a training simulator, and Apollo ends up being partnered with Silvia. In the simulator, the two accidentally shares a kiss. Later on, the Shadow Angels appear yet again, and Silvia, Sirius and Raika heads out to attack them. However, Apollo accidentally winds up in Silvia's Vector, and now they need to co-operate to fight properly. -
3: Element School
In onda il: 2005-04-19Apollo enters the Element school, where the Elements train. The new recruits - Apollo, Jun Lee and Tsugumi Rosenmeier - then enter a training simulator, and Apollo ends up being partnered with Silvia. In the simulator, the two accidentally shares a kiss. Later on, the Shadow Angels appear yet again, and Silvia, Sirius and Raika heads out to attack them. However, Apollo accidentally winds up in Silvia's Vector, and now they need to co-operate to fight properly.
In onda il: 2005-04-26
4: Barefoot Soldiers
At a meeting of Shadow Angels, Toma reveals his plan of creating a new world with the help of the Solar Wing. Elsewhere, at the Element school, the Elements do an exercise which includes being barefoot. Later on, when a gravity-canceling Shadow Angel attack, their exercise proves to be very helpful. -
4: Barefoot Soldiers
In onda il: 2005-04-26At a meeting of Shadow Angels, Toma reveals his plan of creating a new world with the help of the Solar Wing. Elsewhere, at the Element school, the Elements do an exercise which includes being barefoot. Later on, when a gravity-canceling Shadow Angel attack, their exercise proves to be very helpful.
In onda il: 2005-05-03
5: King of the Underground Labyrinth
Apollo wants to search for Baron, and goes missing trying to look for the Vectors. This leads the Commander to initiate a special exercise for the other Elements: Find Apollo. What they doesn't know is that the exercise has a special meaning, which is to work together as a team. When Shadow Angels attack later on, Apollo, Silvia and Pierre manage to learn this lesson, and they beat the Mythological Beast which has appeared. -
5: King of the Underground Labyrinth
In onda il: 2005-05-03Apollo wants to search for Baron, and goes missing trying to look for the Vectors. This leads the Commander to initiate a special exercise for the other Elements: Find Apollo. What they doesn't know is that the exercise has a special meaning, which is to work together as a team. When Shadow Angels attack later on, Apollo, Silvia and Pierre manage to learn this lesson, and they beat the Mythological Beast which has appeared.
In onda il: 2005-05-10
6: To the other side of Emotions
The Elements are doing the Image Power long-range projection exercise. In this exercise, they're going to make their partner, who will be 1 000 meters away, turn around with their Image Power. However, all of them fail blatantly. Aside that, Sirius and Raika is developing a closer relationship, which makes Silvia extremely jealous. -
6: To the other side of Emotions
In onda il: 2005-05-10The Elements are doing the Image Power long-range projection exercise. In this exercise, they're going to make their partner, who will be 1 000 meters away, turn around with their Image Power. However, all of them fail blatantly. Aside that, Sirius and Raika is developing a closer relationship, which makes Silvia extremely jealous.
In onda il: 2005-05-17
7: Knight of the Crimson Rose
After a small accident, tension arise between Sirius and Apollo. Later on, a Mythological Beast attacks Memphis, and Sirius, Silvia and Sirius head out to counterattack. However, it sends out a bright light which causes each of them to experience short, painful flashbacks. When they then try to unificate, they end up trying to kill each other. -
7: Knight of the Crimson Rose
In onda il: 2005-05-17After a small accident, tension arise between Sirius and Apollo. Later on, a Mythological Beast attacks Memphis, and Sirius, Silvia and Sirius head out to counterattack. However, it sends out a bright light which causes each of them to experience short, painful flashbacks. When they then try to unificate, they end up trying to kill each other.
In onda il: 2005-05-24
8: The First Union
Jun and Tsugumi are both worried about their first unification, and ask Pierre and Reika respectively about it. Tsugumi however, is very hesitating when it comes to going on a mission because of her powers. Later, when a new kind of Kelbim soldier appears, Jun, Apollo and Pierre are sent out to stop it; Pierre replacing a hesitating Tsugumi. -
8: The First Union
In onda il: 2005-05-24Jun and Tsugumi are both worried about their first unification, and ask Pierre and Reika respectively about it. Tsugumi however, is very hesitating when it comes to going on a mission because of her powers. Later, when a new kind of Kelbim soldier appears, Jun, Apollo and Pierre are sent out to stop it; Pierre replacing a hesitating Tsugumi.
In onda il: 2005-05-31
9: The Route of Dreams
The Mythological Beast Titania has appeared, and it abducts children in their dreams, causing them to never wake up again. Most of the Elements also gets caught, but some of them wake up again, and they need to find a way to fight this Mythological Beast. -
9: The Route of Dreams
In onda il: 2005-05-31The Mythological Beast Titania has appeared, and it abducts children in their dreams, causing them to never wake up again. Most of the Elements also gets caught, but some of them wake up again, and they need to find a way to fight this Mythological Beast.
In onda il: 2005-06-07
10: Stars in the Sky, Flowers on the Earth
Ignoring orders, Apollo the lead and unites. The prototype wing, the new model cherubim soldier who inspired life, appears. The game wing both wings ([moroha]) you board in the cherubim soldier, the power is unfathomed. Apollo the hand or the foot does not come out in the attack whose both wings are extreme, finally [shiruvuia] owes the serious illness. It starts to beat the Sirius which runs in Apollo which created the cause of [shiruvuia] injury. . -
10: Stars in the Sky, Flowers on the Earth
In onda il: 2005-06-07Ignoring orders, Apollo the lead and unites. The prototype wing, the new model cherubim soldier who inspired life, appears. The game wing both wings ([moroha]) you board in the cherubim soldier, the power is unfathomed. Apollo the hand or the foot does not come out in the attack whose both wings are extreme, finally [shiruvuia] owes the serious illness. It starts to beat the Sirius which runs in Apollo which created the cause of [shiruvuia] injury. .
In onda il: 2005-06-14
11: Happiness at the bottom of the sea
Hong Lihua, best known as "Reika", blames herself for the event that put her and Sirius' friend Glen in a coma. Her element powers, able to bring misfortune to her and those close to her, causes her a lot of grief, until she learns to make good use of them in their following battle. -
11: Happiness at the bottom of the sea
In onda il: 2005-06-14Hong Lihua, best known as "Reika", blames herself for the event that put her and Sirius' friend Glen in a coma. Her element powers, able to bring misfortune to her and those close to her, causes her a lot of grief, until she learns to make good use of them in their following battle.
In onda il: 2005-06-21
12: The Time of Amber
The researchers at DEAVA recover a mysterious feather dated from 12.000 years before, after learning of it, Apollo and Silvia sneak into the lab where the feather is and upon touching it, they have visions of the past involving Apollonius and his human lover Celiane. -
12: The Time of Amber
In onda il: 2005-06-21The researchers at DEAVA recover a mysterious feather dated from 12.000 years before, after learning of it, Apollo and Silvia sneak into the lab where the feather is and upon touching it, they have visions of the past involving Apollonius and his human lover Celiane.
In onda il: 2005-06-28
13: A Twelve Thousand Year Old Love Letter
Touma and his partner Otoha launch an attack on DEAVA together to retrieve the feather. During the battle, Apollo manages to finally reencounter Baron under Touma's mercy, just to witness his friend's death when the cage he is imprisioned explodes, much to his despair. -
13: A Twelve Thousand Year Old Love Letter
In onda il: 2005-06-28Touma and his partner Otoha launch an attack on DEAVA together to retrieve the feather. During the battle, Apollo manages to finally reencounter Baron under Touma's mercy, just to witness his friend's death when the cage he is imprisioned explodes, much to his despair.
In onda il: 2005-07-05
14: Shining Shadows
The Shadow Angels send an invisible enemy that proves himself more than a match for the elements. Apollo joins the fight, but he and his vector vanishes and Silvia starts realizing her feelings for him and uses them to bring him back -
14: Shining Shadows
In onda il: 2005-07-05The Shadow Angels send an invisible enemy that proves himself more than a match for the elements. Apollo joins the fight, but he and his vector vanishes and Silvia starts realizing her feelings for him and uses them to bring him back
In onda il: 2005-07-12
15: The Aquarion of First Love
Element Pierre Vieira enters in a dangerous state after he learns that his former girlfriend Esperanza is about to get married, thus he is temporarily forbidden to pilot Aquarion. Soon after, the Shadow Angels launch an attack on Pierre's hometown and upon learning that his comrades are having a hard time fighting to protect it, he regains his composure and joins the fight to protect his family and friends. -
15: The Aquarion of First Love
In onda il: 2005-07-12Element Pierre Vieira enters in a dangerous state after he learns that his former girlfriend Esperanza is about to get married, thus he is temporarily forbidden to pilot Aquarion. Soon after, the Shadow Angels launch an attack on Pierre's hometown and upon learning that his comrades are having a hard time fighting to protect it, he regains his composure and joins the fight to protect his family and friends.
In onda il: 2005-07-19
16: Black Mirror
The other elements are suspicious that their comrade Rena Rune is actually a vampire and once again Touma decides to take advantage of the situation in a ploy against them. -
16: Black Mirror
In onda il: 2005-07-19The other elements are suspicious that their comrade Rena Rune is actually a vampire and once again Touma decides to take advantage of the situation in a ploy against them.
In onda il: 2005-07-26
17: Merge to Eat
The Shadow Angels launch a special microbe that devours all of DEAVA's food supply. After a week of hunger and under enemy siege, Silvia, Tsugumi and Reika decide to fight back when they realize that not out of concern for their lives, but for their body shapes too -
17: Merge to Eat
In onda il: 2005-07-26The Shadow Angels launch a special microbe that devours all of DEAVA's food supply. After a week of hunger and under enemy siege, Silvia, Tsugumi and Reika decide to fight back when they realize that not out of concern for their lives, but for their body shapes too
In onda il: 2005-08-02
18: Cosplay of the Soul
Fudo holds an exercise with the elements impersonating each other with hilarious consequences. Soon a enemy mimicking Aquarion's appearance and powers appears, and still under influence of the exercise, they have a hard time fighting as they used to until they finally learn to bring forth the true power of their own personalities. -
18: Cosplay of the Soul
In onda il: 2005-08-02Fudo holds an exercise with the elements impersonating each other with hilarious consequences. Soon a enemy mimicking Aquarion's appearance and powers appears, and still under influence of the exercise, they have a hard time fighting as they used to until they finally learn to bring forth the true power of their own personalities.
In onda il: 2005-08-09
19: Mischief Without Malice
The elements are drawn into a strange illusionary world and while trying to escape from it, Sirius is approached by Touma who claims he hides his true self from the others, while Apollo is confronted with his feelings over Baron's loss. -
19: Mischief Without Malice
In onda il: 2005-08-09The elements are drawn into a strange illusionary world and while trying to escape from it, Sirius is approached by Touma who claims he hides his true self from the others, while Apollo is confronted with his feelings over Baron's loss.
In onda il: 2005-08-16
20: Sound of an Angel's Feather
Futaba, the youngest among the Shadow Angels launch an attack on Aquarion, just to be captured by the military. The elements and the Shadow Angels hear in their minds Futaba's screams as the military scientists experiment on him, much to Touma's anger. -
20: Sound of an Angel's Feather
In onda il: 2005-08-16Futaba, the youngest among the Shadow Angels launch an attack on Aquarion, just to be captured by the military. The elements and the Shadow Angels hear in their minds Futaba's screams as the military scientists experiment on him, much to Touma's anger.
In onda il: 2005-08-23
21: Crimson Path
During Touma's next attack, he exposes to the other elements the truth about Silvia and Sirius' origins. Taking advantage of their shock over his revelation, Touma manages to convince Sirius to abandon his friends and join the Shadow Angels' side. -
21: Crimson Path
In onda il: 2005-08-23During Touma's next attack, he exposes to the other elements the truth about Silvia and Sirius' origins. Taking advantage of their shock over his revelation, Touma manages to convince Sirius to abandon his friends and join the Shadow Angels' side.
In onda il: 2005-08-30
22: Wings Unseen
The elements have a hard time trying to cope with Sirius' defection, but it does not take long for him to appear before them again, now as an enemy -
22: Wings Unseen
In onda il: 2005-08-30The elements have a hard time trying to cope with Sirius' defection, but it does not take long for him to appear before them again, now as an enemy
In onda il: 2005-09-06
23: Fleeting Wings
The elements' fight against Sirius is interrupted by the military, who despatches a new fighting machine modeled on Aquarion piloted by Glen, who recovered by having some of Futaba's feathers implanted on him. Sirius tries to convince Silvia to abandon the humans and join the Shadow Angels just like he did, but Apollo intervenes to dissuade her. -
23: Fleeting Wings
In onda il: 2005-09-06The elements' fight against Sirius is interrupted by the military, who despatches a new fighting machine modeled on Aquarion piloted by Glen, who recovered by having some of Futaba's feathers implanted on him. Sirius tries to convince Silvia to abandon the humans and join the Shadow Angels just like he did, but Apollo intervenes to dissuade her.
In onda il: 2005-09-13
24: Gates of Heaven
A mysterius snow covers the entire globe, turning people into plants. Silvia and Apollo have some quality time together until they are interrupted by Sirius who kidnaps Silvia. The snow starts infiltrating the DEAVA base forcing the elements to board Aquarion and fight back. -
24: Gates of Heaven
In onda il: 2005-09-13A mysterius snow covers the entire globe, turning people into plants. Silvia and Apollo have some quality time together until they are interrupted by Sirius who kidnaps Silvia. The snow starts infiltrating the DEAVA base forcing the elements to board Aquarion and fight back.
In onda il: 2005-09-20
25: Final Battle!! Atlantis
Both Aquarion and the Military manage to reach the Shadow Angels' base at Atlantis. Touma manages to restrain Aquarion and reveals the truth about the reincarnations of Apollonius and Celiane, before trying to kill both Silvia and Sirius. -
25: Final Battle!! Atlantis
In onda il: 2005-09-20Both Aquarion and the Military manage to reach the Shadow Angels' base at Atlantis. Touma manages to restrain Aquarion and reveals the truth about the reincarnations of Apollonius and Celiane, before trying to kill both Silvia and Sirius.
In onda il: 2005-09-27
26: The Day the World Begins
Touma's plan to renew the Tree of Life using Aquarion fails. When the tree starts collapsing, the whole world starts tearing itself apart. Apollo, Sirius and Touma board Aquarion and sacrifice themselves to save the planet, but not before Apollo declares his love for Silvia, promising to reunite with her in 12.000 years. -
26: The Day the World Begins
In onda il: 2005-09-27Touma's plan to renew the Tree of Life using Aquarion fails. When the tree starts collapsing, the whole world starts tearing itself apart. Apollo, Sirius and Touma board Aquarion and sacrifice themselves to save the planet, but not before Apollo declares his love for Silvia, promising to reunite with her in 12.000 years.
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