Hajime no Ippo
Stagione 3 Episodi 25
Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Dramma ◦ Action & Adventure
Ippo Makunouchi è un liceale dal carattere timido e gentile. Orfano di padre, infatti, è costretto ad aiutare sua madre nella gestione dell'azienda ittica di famiglia. A scuola, poi, è vittima di un terzetto di bulli, i quali lo tormentano, picchiandolo e insultandolo per il suo lavoro. Proprio un grave eccesso di prepotenza dei suoi aguzzini spingerà un giorno Ippo a reagire. Cosa che infastidirà incredibilmente il trio di bulli, pronto a picchiarlo ancor più sonoramente per via di questo affronto. Ormai quasi rassegnatosi a ricevere l'ennesimo pestaggio, il ragazzo verrà però incredibilmente salvato da Mamoru Takamura, pugile professionista capitato per caso sul luogo della rissa, durante una normale sessione di jogging. Ippo gli chiederà dunque di potersi allenare nella sua palestra, per imparare la boxe e così poter capire cosa significhi veramente essere forti. Da quell'incontro, dunque, la vita di Ippo sarà un incredibile susseguirsi di vicende tutte legate al mondo del pugilato.
Episodi: 25
In onda il: 2013-10-06
1: The Strongest Challenger
Makunouchi Ippo defeated Sendou Takeshi with his Dempsey Roll and became the Japanese Featherweight Champion! Reflecting on his recent title defenses, Ippo reminisces about his late father Kazuo, and his own desires to be as strong as his dad was. -
1: The Strongest Challenger
In onda il: 2013-10-06Makunouchi Ippo defeated Sendou Takeshi with his Dempsey Roll and became the Japanese Featherweight Champion! Reflecting on his recent title defenses, Ippo reminisces about his late father Kazuo, and his own desires to be as strong as his dad was.
In onda il: 2013-10-12
2: The Dempsey Roll Destroyed
With his title on the line, Ippo goes toe-to-toe with Shimabukuro. The battle is so intense Ippo doesn’t even have room to breathe, to the point he starts turning blue! With Ippo struggling at the “bottom of the ocean,” has Shimabukuro met his goal of destroying the Dempsey Roll?! -
2: The Dempsey Roll Destroyed
In onda il: 2013-10-12With his title on the line, Ippo goes toe-to-toe with Shimabukuro. The battle is so intense Ippo doesn’t even have room to breathe, to the point he starts turning blue! With Ippo struggling at the “bottom of the ocean,” has Shimabukuro met his goal of destroying the Dempsey Roll?!
In onda il: 2013-10-19
3: A Woman's Battle
Ippo emerges victorious after a vicious war with Shimabukuro, and Itagaki’s sister Nanako comes to pay him a visit at home while he rests. Meanwhile, Aoki is busy preparing for his first ever title match against the lightweight champion Imae Katsutaka. -
3: A Woman's Battle
In onda il: 2013-10-19Ippo emerges victorious after a vicious war with Shimabukuro, and Itagaki’s sister Nanako comes to pay him a visit at home while he rests. Meanwhile, Aoki is busy preparing for his first ever title match against the lightweight champion Imae Katsutaka.
In onda il: 2013-10-25
4: The Goddess of Victory
After an infuriating face-off with Imae, Aoki turns to his girlfriend Tomiko for comfort. Meanwhile, Imae chooses to focus all his energy on boxing and his upcoming title defense, rebuffing his former girlfriend Sachiko’s attempts to rekindle their romance. Will Tomiko’s support carry Aoki to victory, or will Imae’s intense focus keep the belt on his waist? -
4: The Goddess of Victory
In onda il: 2013-10-25After an infuriating face-off with Imae, Aoki turns to his girlfriend Tomiko for comfort. Meanwhile, Imae chooses to focus all his energy on boxing and his upcoming title defense, rebuffing his former girlfriend Sachiko’s attempts to rekindle their romance. Will Tomiko’s support carry Aoki to victory, or will Imae’s intense focus keep the belt on his waist?
In onda il: 2013-11-01
5: 100% Fake
Imae’s long hours of research quickly pay off as he decimates Aoki by countering every one of his trademark attacks, even the Frog Punch! As Tomiko watches on and the crowd awaits the inevitable knockout, Aoki does something that leaves the whole arena in shock. -
5: 100% Fake
In onda il: 2013-11-01Imae’s long hours of research quickly pay off as he decimates Aoki by countering every one of his trademark attacks, even the Frog Punch! As Tomiko watches on and the crowd awaits the inevitable knockout, Aoki does something that leaves the whole arena in shock.
In onda il: 2013-11-08
6: The Distance Between Me and Glory
Imae, cowed by Aoki’s fearsome new move, suddenly realizes what it is Aoki has that he lacks. Summoning up all the energy he has left, he faces his challenger once again. As the fight drags on, will Imae retain his championship, or will Aoki finally reach the belt? -
6: The Distance Between Me and Glory
In onda il: 2013-11-08Imae, cowed by Aoki’s fearsome new move, suddenly realizes what it is Aoki has that he lacks. Summoning up all the energy he has left, he faces his challenger once again. As the fight drags on, will Imae retain his championship, or will Aoki finally reach the belt?
In onda il: 2013-11-15
7: Cheese Champion
Sendou Takeshi, the "Naniwa Tiger," returns to the ring! But it's his sparring partner, Sawamura Ryuuhei, who knocks Ippo for a loop when he calls the Dempsey Roll a "clumsy technique" and declares he's gunning for the Featherweight Title! -
7: Cheese Champion
In onda il: 2013-11-15Sendou Takeshi, the "Naniwa Tiger," returns to the ring! But it's his sparring partner, Sawamura Ryuuhei, who knocks Ippo for a loop when he calls the Dempsey Roll a "clumsy technique" and declares he's gunning for the Featherweight Title!
In onda il: 2013-11-22
8: The Mad Dog and the Red Wolf
Ippo's next title defense is confirmed to be against Sawamura Ryuuhei, and after realizing the Dempsey Roll is vulnerable to counter punches, Ippo realizes he doesn't stand a chance. His only option is to somehow evolve the Dempsey Roll into a more effective move, but as he mulls over exactly how to do it, a surprisingly familiar face appears in front of him. -
8: The Mad Dog and the Red Wolf
In onda il: 2013-11-22Ippo's next title defense is confirmed to be against Sawamura Ryuuhei, and after realizing the Dempsey Roll is vulnerable to counter punches, Ippo realizes he doesn't stand a chance. His only option is to somehow evolve the Dempsey Roll into a more effective move, but as he mulls over exactly how to do it, a surprisingly familiar face appears in front of him.
In onda il: 2013-11-29
9: A Savage Scenario
Volg has return to Japan to take back his boxing gloves from Ippo. He hopes to travel to America, but with no contacts there he must rely on Coach Kamogawa to introduce him to someone. The gang at the gym asks Volg to spar with Ippo to help him prepare for the Sawamura fight, but after such a long time away from the ring, can the Russian get in fighting shape in time? -
9: A Savage Scenario
In onda il: 2013-11-29Volg has return to Japan to take back his boxing gloves from Ippo. He hopes to travel to America, but with no contacts there he must rely on Coach Kamogawa to introduce him to someone. The gang at the gym asks Volg to spar with Ippo to help him prepare for the Sawamura fight, but after such a long time away from the ring, can the Russian get in fighting shape in time?
In onda il: 2013-12-07
10: The Face Of Determination
As the fight with Sawamura draws near, Ippo has pinned all his hopes on the newly-evolved Dempsey Roll, to the point where practicing it has left him worn out and overtrained. Left with a dire warning from his massage therapist about the toll his new move is taking, will Ippo be able to perfect his technique in time for the fight?! -
10: The Face Of Determination
In onda il: 2013-12-07As the fight with Sawamura draws near, Ippo has pinned all his hopes on the newly-evolved Dempsey Roll, to the point where practicing it has left him worn out and overtrained. Left with a dire warning from his massage therapist about the toll his new move is taking, will Ippo be able to perfect his technique in time for the fight?!
In onda il: 2013-12-28
11: Fearless Challenger
Sawamura's blatant fouls and bullet-like left jabs leave Ippo scrambling to establish some kind of rhythm. He stubbornly forces his way inside, but is he charging headfirst into a trap? -
11: Fearless Challenger
In onda il: 2013-12-28Sawamura's blatant fouls and bullet-like left jabs leave Ippo scrambling to establish some kind of rhythm. He stubbornly forces his way inside, but is he charging headfirst into a trap?
In onda il: 2014-01-04
12: The Anti-Dempsey Perfected
Ippo mounts a desperate, full frontal assault as Sawamura continues to toy with him. Determined to take back the pace, Ippo begins to dodge the Bullets and get into a rhythm as he strikes back. Almost naturally he falls into the Dempsey Roll pattern, and Sawamura makes his move! -
12: The Anti-Dempsey Perfected
In onda il: 2014-01-04Ippo mounts a desperate, full frontal assault as Sawamura continues to toy with him. Determined to take back the pace, Ippo begins to dodge the Bullets and get into a rhythm as he strikes back. Almost naturally he falls into the Dempsey Roll pattern, and Sawamura makes his move!
In onda il: 2014-01-04
13: A Fist That Picks You Up
The evolved Dempsey Roll saved Ippo from the jaws of defeat. Bolstered by the cheering fans, he chases down Sawamura. But with Sawamura more willing than ever to risk an illegal move, will Ippo's last bit of energy be enough to defend the title? -
13: A Fist That Picks You Up
In onda il: 2014-01-04The evolved Dempsey Roll saved Ippo from the jaws of defeat. Bolstered by the cheering fans, he chases down Sawamura. But with Sawamura more willing than ever to risk an illegal move, will Ippo's last bit of energy be enough to defend the title?
In onda il: 2014-01-11
14: Empowering Words
Ippo visits Dr. Yamaguchi and learns the full extent of the damage caused by the evolved Dempsey Roll. As he walks home on crutches, Umezawa drives by and gives him a lift. Ippo's relief is short-lives, however, as Umezawa suddenly reveals he plans to quit working on the Makunouchi fishing boat! -
14: Empowering Words
In onda il: 2014-01-11Ippo visits Dr. Yamaguchi and learns the full extent of the damage caused by the evolved Dempsey Roll. As he walks home on crutches, Umezawa drives by and gives him a lift. Ippo's relief is short-lives, however, as Umezawa suddenly reveals he plans to quit working on the Makunouchi fishing boat!
In onda il: 2014-01-17
15: A Storm Descends on Makunouchi Fishing Boat
To celebrate Ippo's win and recovery, the whole gym gang hops aboard the Makunouchi Fishing Boat for a fun fishing trip. Yagi suggests they liven things up with a little contest, and suddenly a relaxing afternoon turns into an all-out war! -
15: A Storm Descends on Makunouchi Fishing Boat
In onda il: 2014-01-17To celebrate Ippo's win and recovery, the whole gym gang hops aboard the Makunouchi Fishing Boat for a fun fishing trip. Yagi suggests they liven things up with a little contest, and suddenly a relaxing afternoon turns into an all-out war!
In onda il: 2014-01-25
16: Golden Eagle
While Takamura approaches his physical limits as he cuts weight for his upcoming world title match, the American champion David Eagle arrives in Japan. Talented, dedicated, respectful, and honorable, he exudes the aura of a true champion. -
16: Golden Eagle
In onda il: 2014-01-25While Takamura approaches his physical limits as he cuts weight for his upcoming world title match, the American champion David Eagle arrives in Japan. Talented, dedicated, respectful, and honorable, he exudes the aura of a true champion.
In onda il: 2014-02-01
17: Eleki's Shocker and Papaya's Coconut
It's time for Kimura and Aoki to step into the ring at the Yokohama Arena! Kimura's up first, and nerves come into play as he stands before a huge crowd for the first time. Then when Aoki's turn comes up, he finds himself perplexed by a boxer every bit as unorthodox as himself! Can the duo set the right tone for Takamura's title match?! -
17: Eleki's Shocker and Papaya's Coconut
In onda il: 2014-02-01It's time for Kimura and Aoki to step into the ring at the Yokohama Arena! Kimura's up first, and nerves come into play as he stands before a huge crowd for the first time. Then when Aoki's turn comes up, he finds himself perplexed by a boxer every bit as unorthodox as himself! Can the duo set the right tone for Takamura's title match?!
In onda il: 2014-02-08
18: The Unfinished New Counter
It's the semifinal match, Miyata vs. Dachboy, and the Miyata camp recognizes a familiar face in the opponent's corner... Mister Sakaguchi, the former manager of the boxer Miyata beat for the OPBF title! -
18: The Unfinished New Counter
In onda il: 2014-02-08It's the semifinal match, Miyata vs. Dachboy, and the Miyata camp recognizes a familiar face in the opponent's corner... Mister Sakaguchi, the former manager of the boxer Miyata beat for the OPBF title!
In onda il: 2014-02-15
19: Hawk vs. Eagle
It's finally time for the main event, Takamura Mamoru vs. David Eagle! The challenger is full of vim and vigor, but even in the face of Takamura's fury, Eagle's face remains calm and collected. -
19: Hawk vs. Eagle
In onda il: 2014-02-15It's finally time for the main event, Takamura Mamoru vs. David Eagle! The challenger is full of vim and vigor, but even in the face of Takamura's fury, Eagle's face remains calm and collected.
In onda il: 2014-02-22
20: A Lesson Never Forgotten
Despite being stymied by Eagle, Takamura assures his corner he has a plan for victory. Just as he seems to be making progress, a shocking development changes the entire fight. -
20: A Lesson Never Forgotten
In onda il: 2014-02-22Despite being stymied by Eagle, Takamura assures his corner he has a plan for victory. Just as he seems to be making progress, a shocking development changes the entire fight.
In onda il: 2014-03-01
21: The End of the Death Match
Blood sprays across the ring as Takamura and Eagle pound at each other's cuts. Takamura's good eye is quickly swelling shut, and the ringside doctor stands ready to call the match at any time. -
21: The End of the Death Match
In onda il: 2014-03-01Blood sprays across the ring as Takamura and Eagle pound at each other's cuts. Takamura's good eye is quickly swelling shut, and the ringside doctor stands ready to call the match at any time.
In onda il: 2014-03-08
22: Flower of Hope
And old photo and a little prodding from Ippo and Aoki prompts Coach Kamogawa and Nekota to take a trip down memory lane. Theirs is a tale of hope, frustration, and ultimately redemption in the early days of postwar Japan. -
22: Flower of Hope
In onda il: 2014-03-08And old photo and a little prodding from Ippo and Aoki prompts Coach Kamogawa and Nekota to take a trip down memory lane. Theirs is a tale of hope, frustration, and ultimately redemption in the early days of postwar Japan.
In onda il: 2014-03-15
23: The Courage to Live
Prizefighting turns out to be no match for boxing as Sergeant Ralph Anderson easily manhandles Kamogawa and Nekota. The two fighters redouble their training even as they adjust to their new lives living with Yuki...and each other. -
23: The Courage to Live
In onda il: 2014-03-15Prizefighting turns out to be no match for boxing as Sergeant Ralph Anderson easily manhandles Kamogawa and Nekota. The two fighters redouble their training even as they adjust to their new lives living with Yuki...and each other.
In onda il: 2014-03-22
24: Iron Fist
Kamogawa breathes a sigh of relief as he watches Nekota run circles around Anderson with his spectacular footwork... Until round four, when the soldier's frustration reaches a critical mass and things take a dark turn. -
24: Iron Fist
In onda il: 2014-03-22Kamogawa breathes a sigh of relief as he watches Nekota run circles around Anderson with his spectacular footwork... Until round four, when the soldier's frustration reaches a critical mass and things take a dark turn.
In onda il: 2014-03-29
25: A Vow
Kamogawa resorts to pounding a log with his bare fists as he trains to face Anderson and avenge Nekota. Anderson rediscovers his pride as a boxer and brings Miguel along as his cornerman. Everything comes down to this! -
25: A Vow
In onda il: 2014-03-29Kamogawa resorts to pounding a log with his bare fists as he trains to face Anderson and avenge Nekota. Anderson rediscovers his pride as a boxer and brings Miguel along as his cornerman. Everything comes down to this!
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