Hajime no Ippo
Stagione 2 Episodi 26
Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Dramma ◦ Action & Adventure
Ippo Makunouchi è un liceale dal carattere timido e gentile. Orfano di padre, infatti, è costretto ad aiutare sua madre nella gestione dell'azienda ittica di famiglia. A scuola, poi, è vittima di un terzetto di bulli, i quali lo tormentano, picchiandolo e insultandolo per il suo lavoro. Proprio un grave eccesso di prepotenza dei suoi aguzzini spingerà un giorno Ippo a reagire. Cosa che infastidirà incredibilmente il trio di bulli, pronto a picchiarlo ancor più sonoramente per via di questo affronto. Ormai quasi rassegnatosi a ricevere l'ennesimo pestaggio, il ragazzo verrà però incredibilmente salvato da Mamoru Takamura, pugile professionista capitato per caso sul luogo della rissa, durante una normale sessione di jogging. Ippo gli chiederà dunque di potersi allenare nella sua palestra, per imparare la boxe e così poter capire cosa significhi veramente essere forti. Da quell'incontro, dunque, la vita di Ippo sarà un incredibile susseguirsi di vicende tutte legate al mondo del pugilato.

Comic Book
Ippo Makunouchi (voice)
Rikiya Koyama
Mamoru Takamura (voice)
Wataru Takagi
Masaru Aoki (voice)
Keiji Fujiwara
Tatsuya Kimura (voice)
Jurota Kosugi
Ralph Anderson (voice)
David Eagle (voice)
Iwao Shimabukuro (voice)
Shin'ichirō Miki
Ryuhei Sawamura (voice)Episodi: 26
In onda il: 2009-01-06
1: The New Step
The first episode of the second season starts with mostly the match of Miyata against Arnie. Shows Kimura sparring with Miyata and then the Weigh-in. Then the match is about to start, Miyata and Arnie are ready for battle! -
1: The New Step
In onda il: 2009-01-06The first episode of the second season starts with mostly the match of Miyata against Arnie. Shows Kimura sparring with Miyata and then the Weigh-in. Then the match is about to start, Miyata and Arnie are ready for battle!
In onda il: 2009-01-13
2: Bloody Cross
The second episode of the second season starts off on Miyata's OPBF Title Match. With it Arnie showing his special weapon called Bloody Cross and Miyata throwing strong counters to escape from this techniques strange name 'Bloody Cross '. -
2: Bloody Cross
In onda il: 2009-01-13The second episode of the second season starts off on Miyata's OPBF Title Match. With it Arnie showing his special weapon called Bloody Cross and Miyata throwing strong counters to escape from this techniques strange name 'Bloody Cross '.
In onda il: 2009-01-20
3: To a Promise
The third episode of the second season continues on the OPBF Match with Miyata against Arnie. With almost everytime Miyata is about to fall down from hits of the champ, but then he tooks big step and takes the OPBF Champion Arnie Gregory to the ground. The count starts, and the episode ends. -
3: To a Promise
In onda il: 2009-01-20The third episode of the second season continues on the OPBF Match with Miyata against Arnie. With almost everytime Miyata is about to fall down from hits of the champ, but then he tooks big step and takes the OPBF Champion Arnie Gregory to the ground. The count starts, and the episode ends.
In onda il: 2009-01-27
4: Towards The World
Miyata Ichirou wins the title of OPBF Featherweight Champion, but now Ippo feels even further from him than before. After his match, Date Eiji's second Title Match against Ricardo Martinez is officially finalized, after seven years. As they look at the boxing magazine, the coach comes in and says that Ricardo Martinez has requested a sparring match with Ippo. -
4: Towards The World
In onda il: 2009-01-27Miyata Ichirou wins the title of OPBF Featherweight Champion, but now Ippo feels even further from him than before. After his match, Date Eiji's second Title Match against Ricardo Martinez is officially finalized, after seven years. As they look at the boxing magazine, the coach comes in and says that Ricardo Martinez has requested a sparring match with Ippo.
In onda il: 2009-02-02
5: The Strength of the World
Ippo comes to the sparring match against Ricardo Martinez as focused as if it were a real match, and he is determined to land at least one hit on the World champion. However, Martinez's lightning-fast lefts and instant reflexes are like nothing Ippo's ever seen. Will Ippo's Dempsey Roll work on the strongest man in the world? -
5: The Strength of the World
In onda il: 2009-02-02Ippo comes to the sparring match against Ricardo Martinez as focused as if it were a real match, and he is determined to land at least one hit on the World champion. However, Martinez's lightning-fast lefts and instant reflexes are like nothing Ippo's ever seen. Will Ippo's Dempsey Roll work on the strongest man in the world?
In onda il: 2009-02-11
6: A Figure to Chase After
After seven years Eiji Date will finally have his rematch with Ricardo Martinez, the world featherweight champion. The title match begins, Date starts the match off with two lefts, the second landing on the champion's face. -
6: A Figure to Chase After
In onda il: 2009-02-11After seven years Eiji Date will finally have his rematch with Ricardo Martinez, the world featherweight champion. The title match begins, Date starts the match off with two lefts, the second landing on the champion's face.
In onda il: 2009-02-17
7: The Advent of the Devil
The world featherweight title match has begun, in the first round, neither Date or Martinez use their rights. The second round is more exciting than the first. In the third round, Martinez steps it up and becomes more aggressive. -
7: The Advent of the Devil
In onda il: 2009-02-17The world featherweight title match has begun, in the first round, neither Date or Martinez use their rights. The second round is more exciting than the first. In the third round, Martinez steps it up and becomes more aggressive.
In onda il: 2009-02-25
8: Spirit For One Last Attack
Date tries the heart-breaker shot but Martinez blocks it with his elbow breaking Date's hand. By the end of the round Date's hand, jaw, and ribs are broken. After ten rounds the match has a winner. -
8: Spirit For One Last Attack
In onda il: 2009-02-25Date tries the heart-breaker shot but Martinez blocks it with his elbow breaking Date's hand. By the end of the round Date's hand, jaw, and ribs are broken. After ten rounds the match has a winner.
In onda il: 2009-03-03
9: Inheritance Qualifications
The Kamogawa Boxing Gym gets a new recruit: Itagaki Manabu, the inter-high national runner up who happens to idolizes Ippo. Meanwhile, Ippo is hit with a blast from the past when he is challenged by Hammer Nao, his former junior who now seeks to defeat him and take his belt. -
9: Inheritance Qualifications
In onda il: 2009-03-03The Kamogawa Boxing Gym gets a new recruit: Itagaki Manabu, the inter-high national runner up who happens to idolizes Ippo. Meanwhile, Ippo is hit with a blast from the past when he is challenged by Hammer Nao, his former junior who now seeks to defeat him and take his belt.
In onda il: 2009-03-10
10: Biting Dog
Ippo is reluctant to fight Nao, who used to be his junior and friend. Nao faces his fear of fighting Ippo and resolves to let Ippo know how strong he has become firsthand. Who will come out on top? -
10: Biting Dog
In onda il: 2009-03-10Ippo is reluctant to fight Nao, who used to be his junior and friend. Nao faces his fear of fighting Ippo and resolves to let Ippo know how strong he has become firsthand. Who will come out on top?
In onda il: 2009-03-17
11: Ippo vs. Hammer Nao
The match begins. Ippo goes on an all-out offensive, hoping to end this match as soon as possible, but Nao refuses to stay down until he has shown Ippo his new power! Nao makes use of relentless and forceful body blows, pushing Ippo into a corner. -
11: Ippo vs. Hammer Nao
In onda il: 2009-03-17The match begins. Ippo goes on an all-out offensive, hoping to end this match as soon as possible, but Nao refuses to stay down until he has shown Ippo his new power! Nao makes use of relentless and forceful body blows, pushing Ippo into a corner.
In onda il: 2009-03-24
12: Requirements For A Pro
Ippo lowers his guard and it becomes a blow-for-blow confrontation, with Ippo winning out and knocking Nao down. Nao reflects on his past with Ippo as he gets up once more, only to be ultimately knocked out. Ippo remarks that Nao hasn't felt the pain of losing yet, and now that he has, he will become much stronger. -
12: Requirements For A Pro
In onda il: 2009-03-24Ippo lowers his guard and it becomes a blow-for-blow confrontation, with Ippo winning out and knocking Nao down. Nao reflects on his past with Ippo as he gets up once more, only to be ultimately knocked out. Ippo remarks that Nao hasn't felt the pain of losing yet, and now that he has, he will become much stronger.
In onda il: 2009-04-01
13: Ippo At The Beach 2
Nessuna trama disponibile -
13: Ippo At The Beach 2
In onda il: 2009-04-01Nessuna trama disponibile
In onda il: 2009-04-08
14: Two Spars
Nessuna trama disponibile -
14: Two Spars
In onda il: 2009-04-08Nessuna trama disponibile
In onda il: 2009-04-14
15: Itagaki`s Debut Fight!
Takamura and Ippo's next matches are finalized. Itagaki has a jarring introduction to the world of pro boxing when he fights a boxer desperate enough to cheat, and Kimura's Dragon Fish Blow can't seem to get the job done. To top it all off, Takamura has botched his weight management due to Aoki's revenge and is in no shape to fight! Can Takamura defeat the Filipino Middleweight Champion? -
15: Itagaki`s Debut Fight!
In onda il: 2009-04-14Takamura and Ippo's next matches are finalized. Itagaki has a jarring introduction to the world of pro boxing when he fights a boxer desperate enough to cheat, and Kimura's Dragon Fish Blow can't seem to get the job done. To top it all off, Takamura has botched his weight management due to Aoki's revenge and is in no shape to fight! Can Takamura defeat the Filipino Middleweight Champion?
In onda il: 2009-04-21
16: The Two Hawks
Takamura's light punches and decreased stamina have put him at a great disadvantage, but when he sees a familiar and taunting face, his anger allows him to fight back. Bryan Hawk finally makes his appearance - but his behavior is far from that of a true champion... -
16: The Two Hawks
In onda il: 2009-04-21Takamura's light punches and decreased stamina have put him at a great disadvantage, but when he sees a familiar and taunting face, his anger allows him to fight back. Bryan Hawk finally makes his appearance - but his behavior is far from that of a true champion...
In onda il: 2009-04-28
17: Wild Kid
Takamura attacks Hawk in a fit of anger, but Hawk effortlessly blocks his attack, stunning everyone. The Kamogawa gang reviews Hawk's previous matches and learn how terrifyingly strong he is. When Ippo and friends visit Takamura's home out of curiousity, Takamura's checkered past with his family is revealed. -
17: Wild Kid
In onda il: 2009-04-28Takamura attacks Hawk in a fit of anger, but Hawk effortlessly blocks his attack, stunning everyone. The Kamogawa gang reviews Hawk's previous matches and learn how terrifyingly strong he is. When Ippo and friends visit Takamura's home out of curiousity, Takamura's checkered past with his family is revealed.
In onda il: 2009-05-05
18: Extreme Weight Control
Takamura resolves to reach the top of the world for the sake of his friends and for the coach. In order to do so, he must lose 20 kilos (44 lbs) before the match. Takamura starves and dehydrates himself to accomplish his goal, but will he make it through this bout of extreme weight control? -
18: Extreme Weight Control
In onda il: 2009-05-05Takamura resolves to reach the top of the world for the sake of his friends and for the coach. In order to do so, he must lose 20 kilos (44 lbs) before the match. Takamura starves and dehydrates himself to accomplish his goal, but will he make it through this bout of extreme weight control?
In onda il: 2009-05-12
19: Critical Situation
The coach and Nagi see Hawk's devastating boxing firsthand. Takamura barely makes weight and is taunted by Hawk for his skinny appearance. Later, when a press conference turns into utter chaos, all of Japan roots for Takamura to beat Hawk. Ippo makes a risky promise to Takamura, but will he be able to fulfill it? -
19: Critical Situation
In onda il: 2009-05-12The coach and Nagi see Hawk's devastating boxing firsthand. Takamura barely makes weight and is taunted by Hawk for his skinny appearance. Later, when a press conference turns into utter chaos, all of Japan roots for Takamura to beat Hawk. Ippo makes a risky promise to Takamura, but will he be able to fulfill it?
In onda il: 2009-05-19
20: Junior Middleweight World Title Match
Ippo manages to win his title defense with a 1-round KO as per his promise and rushes back to see Takamura. There, he sees all of the Japanese champions and former champions, including Eiji and Sendo,encouraging Takamura to do his best. After a flashy entrance ceremony, the long-awaited world title match finally begins! -
20: Junior Middleweight World Title Match
In onda il: 2009-05-19Ippo manages to win his title defense with a 1-round KO as per his promise and rushes back to see Takamura. There, he sees all of the Japanese champions and former champions, including Eiji and Sendo,encouraging Takamura to do his best. After a flashy entrance ceremony, the long-awaited world title match finally begins!
In onda il: 2009-05-26
21: Battle of Hawk
Takamura takes the pace at the beginning of the match, but Hawk unveils his unique style that allows him to dodge and attack simultaneously! After being caught off-guard and taking a beating in the first round, Takamura uses his speedy footwork to circle around Hawk, but Hawk outspeeds him and knocks him down. Can Takamura learn to counter Hawk's wild fighting style in time? -
21: Battle of Hawk
In onda il: 2009-05-26Takamura takes the pace at the beginning of the match, but Hawk unveils his unique style that allows him to dodge and attack simultaneously! After being caught off-guard and taking a beating in the first round, Takamura uses his speedy footwork to circle around Hawk, but Hawk outspeeds him and knocks him down. Can Takamura learn to counter Hawk's wild fighting style in time?
In onda il: 2009-06-02
22: Brawl
Takamura is outsped once more and knocked unconscious, but manages to recover just in time. Relying on what he has learned from the coach, he knocks down Hawk and discovers his weakness! An all-out brawl ensues and Takamura comes out on top! Takamura begins the next round with a KO proclamation - but can he really end the fight in this round? -
22: Brawl
In onda il: 2009-06-02Takamura is outsped once more and knocked unconscious, but manages to recover just in time. Relying on what he has learned from the coach, he knocks down Hawk and discovers his weakness! An all-out brawl ensues and Takamura comes out on top! Takamura begins the next round with a KO proclamation - but can he really end the fight in this round?
In onda il: 2009-06-09
23: Supporting Hand
Despite using all of his remaining energy, Takamura cannot break through Hawk's defense and is left with no way to fight back. Hawk's wild bloodlust comes out, and he aims to kill Takamura in the ring! With nothing supporting him but the love of his friends and the coach's help, can Takamura mount a comeback? -
23: Supporting Hand
In onda il: 2009-06-09Despite using all of his remaining energy, Takamura cannot break through Hawk's defense and is left with no way to fight back. Hawk's wild bloodlust comes out, and he aims to kill Takamura in the ring! With nothing supporting him but the love of his friends and the coach's help, can Takamura mount a comeback?
In onda il: 2009-06-16
24: The King
Takamura is knocked unconscious while standing yet again, and remembers all of the pain, suffering, and disrespect he faced for the sake of this match. Realizing that his pain is because of Bryan Hawk, he begins fighting back, this time driven purely by instinct and anger. Takamura turns the table, but the champion on the ropes has one last trick up his sleeve... -
24: The King
In onda il: 2009-06-16Takamura is knocked unconscious while standing yet again, and remembers all of the pain, suffering, and disrespect he faced for the sake of this match. Realizing that his pain is because of Bryan Hawk, he begins fighting back, this time driven purely by instinct and anger. Takamura turns the table, but the champion on the ropes has one last trick up his sleeve...
In onda il: 2009-06-23
25: Please Accept This Bronze Statue
After a gruesome fight, Takamura becomes the WBC Jr. Middleweight World Champion, and orders a giant bronze statue of himself to celebrate. Itagaki wins his first official match, and Ippo meets Itagaki's family - and learns how terrifying a simple pun can be! -
25: Please Accept This Bronze Statue
In onda il: 2009-06-23After a gruesome fight, Takamura becomes the WBC Jr. Middleweight World Champion, and orders a giant bronze statue of himself to celebrate. Itagaki wins his first official match, and Ippo meets Itagaki's family - and learns how terrifying a simple pun can be!
In onda il: 2009-06-30
26: New Challenger
When Miyata confronts Ippo about their promise, it is revealed that Miyata has risen far above Ippo's level due to his over-reliance on the Dempsey Roll. When Ippo's next challenger, Shimabukuro Iwao, declares that he will destroy the Dempsey Roll, Ippo decides to train his Dempsey Roll so that it has no weaknesses. The coach decides to help Ippo, even if it means fighting against modern boxing itself! -
26: New Challenger
In onda il: 2009-06-30When Miyata confronts Ippo about their promise, it is revealed that Miyata has risen far above Ippo's level due to his over-reliance on the Dempsey Roll. When Ippo's next challenger, Shimabukuro Iwao, declares that he will destroy the Dempsey Roll, Ippo decides to train his Dempsey Roll so that it has no weaknesses. The coach decides to help Ippo, even if it means fighting against modern boxing itself!
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