Aquarion EVOL Episodi 26 (l'episodio 1 contiene sia la 1 che la 2)
Action & Adventure ◦ Animazione ◦ Dramma ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
La Terra risulta devastata da una catastrofe, denominata la "Grande Catastrofe", avvenuta undici anni prima, che distrusse una parte significativa del mondo ed uccise numerosi abitanti. La catastrofe fu accompagnata dallo scioglimento dei ghiacciai che ha riportato alla superficie Atlandia e con essa i suoi abitanti, gli Angeli delle Tenebre, una specie alata che era rimasta latente per 12.000 anni. Lo scopo di queste creature è quello di rapire gli esseri umani, chiamati con disprezzo Esseri senza ali, al fine di estrarne il prana, la loro bioenergia, indispensabile per la sopravvivenza ed il sostentamento degli Angeli delle Tenebre. La popolazione mondiale si trova così a dover subire continui attacchi da parte delle Bestie mietitrici, ovvero enormi esseri capaci di catturare con estrema facilità gli esseri umani. Queste particolari macchine sono spesso accompagnate da giganteschi robot, chiamati Soldati Cherubim. Contro questo potente nemico le armi convenzionali sono del tutto inefficaci, spetta quindi alla DEAVA, sotto il comando di Gen Fudo, proteggere l'umanità intera. La DEAVA grazie all'utilizzo degli ultimi ritrovati tecnologici e, soprattutto, alle Vector Machine ritrovate sul fondo dell'oceano, funge così da ultimo baluardo degli uomini. I tre Vector, chiamati Vector Luna, Vector Mars e Vector Sol, sono in grado di unirsi dando origine all'Angelo Meccanico Aquarion, un gigantesco robot. I Vector possono essere pilotati solo da esseri umani speciali detti Element, dotati di poteri paranormali e con l'innata capacità di resistere ai poteri ipnotici che gli Angeli delle Tenebre esercitano sulle vittime al fine di catturarle facilmente.
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Episodi: 26
In onda il: 2012-01-09
1: The Mythical Forbidden Union that Embraces the End (Part 1)
12,000 years after the war against the Shadow Angels, Amata Sora spends his days working in a movie theater until he meets and befriends a girl his age named Mikono Suzushiro. -
1: The Mythical Forbidden Union that Embraces the End (Part 1)
In onda il: 2012-01-0912,000 years after the war against the Shadow Angels, Amata Sora spends his days working in a movie theater until he meets and befriends a girl his age named Mikono Suzushiro.
In onda il: 2012-01-09
2: The Mythical Forbidden Union that Embraces the End (Part 2)
When a mysterious invading force, known as "Abductors" from the planet Altair and led by Kagura Demuri, attacks, Amata and Mikono find themselves in danger, until Amata activates his hidden levitation power and unlocks the sealed power of Aquarion to form Aquarion Evol. -
2: The Mythical Forbidden Union that Embraces the End (Part 2)
In onda il: 2012-01-09When a mysterious invading force, known as "Abductors" from the planet Altair and led by Kagura Demuri, attacks, Amata and Mikono find themselves in danger, until Amata activates his hidden levitation power and unlocks the sealed power of Aquarion to form Aquarion Evol.
In onda il: 2012-01-16
3: The Heartbeat Index ☆ Rapidly Rises
After the previous battle, Amata and Mikono are brought to the Neo-DEAVA headquarters to evaluate their potential as Elements. Separated from Mikono and eager to meet her, Amata joins his classmate Andy W. Hole in an attempt to sneak underground into the female dorms, leading to an accident that put him on bad terms with her. Later, Amata is selected for a simulation battle, and he decides to make use of it to make amends with Mikono. -
3: The Heartbeat Index ☆ Rapidly Rises
In onda il: 2012-01-16After the previous battle, Amata and Mikono are brought to the Neo-DEAVA headquarters to evaluate their potential as Elements. Separated from Mikono and eager to meet her, Amata joins his classmate Andy W. Hole in an attempt to sneak underground into the female dorms, leading to an accident that put him on bad terms with her. Later, Amata is selected for a simulation battle, and he decides to make use of it to make amends with Mikono.
In onda il: 2012-01-23
4: Wall - Conquer Oneself
Believed to not have any elemental power at all, Mikono decides to leave the Neo-DEAVA Academy, but Kagura's comrade Jin Muso launches an attack on Vega. His tactics overpower the Aquarion Gepard, piloted by Mikono's brother Cayenne Suzushiro, that is until Neo-DEAVA's commander Zen Fudo reassumes his post and arranges for her to join the battle. -
4: Wall - Conquer Oneself
In onda il: 2012-01-23Believed to not have any elemental power at all, Mikono decides to leave the Neo-DEAVA Academy, but Kagura's comrade Jin Muso launches an attack on Vega. His tactics overpower the Aquarion Gepard, piloted by Mikono's brother Cayenne Suzushiro, that is until Neo-DEAVA's commander Zen Fudo reassumes his post and arranges for her to join the battle.
In onda il: 2012-01-30
5: Love Prohibition Order
With the separation between the male and female sections abolished, the Neo-DEAVA Academy becomes a coed institution, but Fudo declares that the Elements are expressibly forbidden to fall in love with each other. He later organizes an uncommon group activity to measure the compatibility between the pilots. -
5: Love Prohibition Order
In onda il: 2012-01-30With the separation between the male and female sections abolished, the Neo-DEAVA Academy becomes a coed institution, but Fudo declares that the Elements are expressibly forbidden to fall in love with each other. He later organizes an uncommon group activity to measure the compatibility between the pilots.
In onda il: 2012-02-06
6: The Agitato of Life
Kagura, who was enticed by Mikono's scent, reappears determined to take her with him, but Amata flees away with her in tow. To confront Kagura, Element Schrade Elan ignores the risks to his frail health, piloting the newly formed Aquarion Spada. -
6: The Agitato of Life
In onda il: 2012-02-06Kagura, who was enticed by Mikono's scent, reappears determined to take her with him, but Amata flees away with her in tow. To confront Kagura, Element Schrade Elan ignores the risks to his frail health, piloting the newly formed Aquarion Spada.
In onda il: 2012-02-13
7: The Midnight Girl
Jin assembles a new remote-controlled machine and launches it to confront Aquarion. Amata and the others are pinned down by the enemy's lasers until they are assisted by another element, Yunoha Thrul, who incorporates her invisibility powers into Aquarion Evol to allow a counterattack. -
7: The Midnight Girl
In onda il: 2012-02-13Jin assembles a new remote-controlled machine and launches it to confront Aquarion. Amata and the others are pinned down by the enemy's lasers until they are assisted by another element, Yunoha Thrul, who incorporates her invisibility powers into Aquarion Evol to allow a counterattack.
In onda il: 2012-02-20
8: Confessions
Now piloting in person, Jin challenges Aquarion once more, but faces another reversal when Zessica Wong, piloting Aquarion Spada, finds a kinda flashing way to avoid his attacks. -
8: Confessions
In onda il: 2012-02-20Now piloting in person, Jin challenges Aquarion once more, but faces another reversal when Zessica Wong, piloting Aquarion Spada, finds a kinda flashing way to avoid his attacks.
In onda il: 2012-02-27
9: Anagram of Man and Woman
Andy and his classmate MIX are unable to understand each other and are usually arguing, until some enemies appear to avenge Jin, who is believed to be dead. Andy and MIX put aside their differences to confront the enemies. After Andy takes a crucial hit, MIX takes over command and defeats the enemies with backfiring results. -
9: Anagram of Man and Woman
In onda il: 2012-02-27Andy and his classmate MIX are unable to understand each other and are usually arguing, until some enemies appear to avenge Jin, who is believed to be dead. Andy and MIX put aside their differences to confront the enemies. After Andy takes a crucial hit, MIX takes over command and defeats the enemies with backfiring results.
In onda il: 2012-03-05
10: The One-Eyed Transfer Student
Having survived the destruction of his machine, Jin infiltrates the Neo-DEAVA Academy posing as a transfer student. While searching for info about its female residents, he looks to find out if the "True Eve" the Alteans are desperately looking for is among them, until he is approached by Yunoha, who wants to befriend him. -
10: The One-Eyed Transfer Student
In onda il: 2012-03-05Having survived the destruction of his machine, Jin infiltrates the Neo-DEAVA Academy posing as a transfer student. While searching for info about its female residents, he looks to find out if the "True Eve" the Alteans are desperately looking for is among them, until he is approached by Yunoha, who wants to befriend him.
In onda il: 2012-03-12
11: Call of the Wild
Since his last battle with Aquarion, Kagura is restrained by the mysterious Mykage Towano until he manages to break free, causing a huge commotion in Altair, as he is desperate to find Mikono and claim her for himself. -
11: Call of the Wild
In onda il: 2012-03-12Since his last battle with Aquarion, Kagura is restrained by the mysterious Mykage Towano until he manages to break free, causing a huge commotion in Altair, as he is desperate to find Mikono and claim her for himself.
In onda il: 2012-03-19
12: The Skies of Aquaria
The Elements mourn the deaths of Jin and the other students who perished in the previous battle. After their funeral, Fudo orders Andy to dig graves for all the remaining pilots to be buried alive as part of a special training. Mikono refuses to take part in the training, but when she feels her friends' lives in danger, she helps them by activating her own elemental power of connection. -
12: The Skies of Aquaria
In onda il: 2012-03-19The Elements mourn the deaths of Jin and the other students who perished in the previous battle. After their funeral, Fudo orders Andy to dig graves for all the remaining pilots to be buried alive as part of a special training. Mikono refuses to take part in the training, but when she feels her friends' lives in danger, she helps them by activating her own elemental power of connection.
In onda il: 2012-03-26
13: The Fallen Giant
Kagura wreaks havoc at the academy while Jin takes the opportunity to hijack one of the Vectors and escape with Yunoha. Mykage appears before Fudo, demanding the location of the original Aquarion, while Kagura easily overpowers the Elements with his power that allows him to reverse the laws of physics. Jin, moved by Yunoha's tears, has a change of heart and returns to assist the others against Kagura. -
13: The Fallen Giant
In onda il: 2012-03-26Kagura wreaks havoc at the academy while Jin takes the opportunity to hijack one of the Vectors and escape with Yunoha. Mykage appears before Fudo, demanding the location of the original Aquarion, while Kagura easily overpowers the Elements with his power that allows him to reverse the laws of physics. Jin, moved by Yunoha's tears, has a change of heart and returns to assist the others against Kagura.
In onda il: 2012-04-02
14: Aftermath
The elements mourn the deaths of Jin and the other students who perished in the previous battle. After their funeral, Fudo orders Andy to dig graves for all the remaining pilots to be buried too as part of a special training. Mikono refuses to take part on the training, but when she feels her friends' lives in danger, she helps them by activating her own element power. -
14: Aftermath
In onda il: 2012-04-02The elements mourn the deaths of Jin and the other students who perished in the previous battle. After their funeral, Fudo orders Andy to dig graves for all the remaining pilots to be buried too as part of a special training. Mikono refuses to take part on the training, but when she feels her friends' lives in danger, she helps them by activating her own element power.
In onda il: 2012-04-09
15: The Beasts of Love
After the graveyard training is complete, Kagura appears before the other Elements and finally manages to kidnap Mikono. While searching for them, Zessica grows jealous of Amata's desperation to find Mikono and confesses to him that Kagura and Mikono may be the reincarnations of Apollo and Silvia, thus being destined to each other. Despite that, Amata confronts Kagura to rescue Mikono. -
15: The Beasts of Love
In onda il: 2012-04-09After the graveyard training is complete, Kagura appears before the other Elements and finally manages to kidnap Mikono. While searching for them, Zessica grows jealous of Amata's desperation to find Mikono and confesses to him that Kagura and Mikono may be the reincarnations of Apollo and Silvia, thus being destined to each other. Despite that, Amata confronts Kagura to rescue Mikono.
In onda il: 2012-04-16
16: Confessions from the Soul
Fudo decides to hold a mock battle between two Aquarion despite being informed of the risks. Amata, Mikono and Zessica, all piloting Aquarion Evol, are overpowered by their opponents until Zessica confesses her love for Amata, triggering a reaction that displays the images of Apollo and Silvia along with the events regarding them 12,000 years before. -
16: Confessions from the Soul
In onda il: 2012-04-16Fudo decides to hold a mock battle between two Aquarion despite being informed of the risks. Amata, Mikono and Zessica, all piloting Aquarion Evol, are overpowered by their opponents until Zessica confesses her love for Amata, triggering a reaction that displays the images of Apollo and Silvia along with the events regarding them 12,000 years before.
In onda il: 2012-04-23
17: Rise Up, Life.
The Elements are summoned by Fudo to take part into a secret mission. Ordered to stand by beside a lake while awaiting further instructions, they decide to have some fun together. Andy tries to make use of the situation to confess his feelings for MIX, just to unwillingly bring forth her fury on him. Soon another enemy appears, creating a blizzard that covers the entire area. As the Elements are about to be frozen to death, a hopeless Andy sinks into a hole created by his powers until hitting a stream of hot water, which then helps the others to fight back. -
17: Rise Up, Life.
In onda il: 2012-04-23The Elements are summoned by Fudo to take part into a secret mission. Ordered to stand by beside a lake while awaiting further instructions, they decide to have some fun together. Andy tries to make use of the situation to confess his feelings for MIX, just to unwillingly bring forth her fury on him. Soon another enemy appears, creating a blizzard that covers the entire area. As the Elements are about to be frozen to death, a hopeless Andy sinks into a hole created by his powers until hitting a stream of hot water, which then helps the others to fight back.
In onda il: 2012-04-30
18: Rare Igura
Informed that Altair is at the brink of collapse, Izumo Kamurogi, the commander of the Altean forces, finally takes into his hands the matter of obtaining the True Eve and attacks the Neo-DEAVA base by himself. The Elements little can do anything against Izumo, who demands the academy to surrender one of their female students. Zessica, heartbroken for having her feelings for Amata unrequited, volunteers herself to attend his request, until MIX tries to stop her and is captured by the enemy instead. -
18: Rare Igura
In onda il: 2012-04-30Informed that Altair is at the brink of collapse, Izumo Kamurogi, the commander of the Altean forces, finally takes into his hands the matter of obtaining the True Eve and attacks the Neo-DEAVA base by himself. The Elements little can do anything against Izumo, who demands the academy to surrender one of their female students. Zessica, heartbroken for having her feelings for Amata unrequited, volunteers herself to attend his request, until MIX tries to stop her and is captured by the enemy instead.
In onda il: 2012-05-07
19: First Reunion
Fudo still has not returned from his travel, and despite not knowing his whereabouts, Mikono leaves the academy to look for him, while Mykage appears before Zessica stating that he will open a dimensional gate to Altair, upon claiming some compensation from her in the future. A team of elements is assembled to pass through the gate and infiltrate Altair, in an attempt to rescue Mix. -
19: First Reunion
In onda il: 2012-05-07Fudo still has not returned from his travel, and despite not knowing his whereabouts, Mikono leaves the academy to look for him, while Mykage appears before Zessica stating that he will open a dimensional gate to Altair, upon claiming some compensation from her in the future. A team of elements is assembled to pass through the gate and infiltrate Altair, in an attempt to rescue Mix.
In onda il: 2012-05-14
20: MI XY
Amata discovers the dormant body of her mother and is approached by Izumo, who reveals to him that the True Eve is the only hope of survival to reverse the Curse of Eve, being the reason behind the Altean invasions on Vega. Andy breaks free from his imprisonment and keeps searching for MIX. Zessica and Yunoha start feeling strange and Shrade forms Aquarion Spada with them to pick up Amata and Andy. While struggling to escape from the Altean forces, the Elements confront an enemy machine piloted by no other than MIX herself. -
20: MI XY
In onda il: 2012-05-14Amata discovers the dormant body of her mother and is approached by Izumo, who reveals to him that the True Eve is the only hope of survival to reverse the Curse of Eve, being the reason behind the Altean invasions on Vega. Andy breaks free from his imprisonment and keeps searching for MIX. Zessica and Yunoha start feeling strange and Shrade forms Aquarion Spada with them to pick up Amata and Andy. While struggling to escape from the Altean forces, the Elements confront an enemy machine piloted by no other than MIX herself.
In onda il: 2012-05-21
21: Kiss
Amata's team returns from Altair after failing to save Mix and Shrade's condition gets worse, while Mikono and Fudo keep traveling together in search of the Legendary Aquarion. After having a nightmare involving Mikono, Amata flees to the town where he first met her and he finds the place deserted. There, Kagura meets Amata and finally remembers the connection between them. -
21: Kiss
In onda il: 2012-05-21Amata's team returns from Altair after failing to save Mix and Shrade's condition gets worse, while Mikono and Fudo keep traveling together in search of the Legendary Aquarion. After having a nightmare involving Mikono, Amata flees to the town where he first met her and he finds the place deserted. There, Kagura meets Amata and finally remembers the connection between them.
In onda il: 2012-05-28
22: Wings of Rebirth
Amata learns from Kagura how they, who once were one and the same were separated into two different beings. While Amata and Kagura have a vicious fight in front of Mikono, the original Aquarion is unburied and Shrade pushes his life to the limit to confront an enemy machine sent by Mykage. -
22: Wings of Rebirth
In onda il: 2012-05-28Amata learns from Kagura how they, who once were one and the same were separated into two different beings. While Amata and Kagura have a vicious fight in front of Mikono, the original Aquarion is unburied and Shrade pushes his life to the limit to confront an enemy machine sent by Mykage.
In onda il: 2012-06-04
23: Song of Legend
Fudo assembles the remaining elements and reveals to them all the truth regarding the events from the last 24.000 years and its connection with the present situation. Meanwhile, with his last ounce of strength, Schrade uses his powers to allow Zessica and Amata to cross safely to Altair. Labeling Mikono as their True Eve, Izumo and his forces attack Kagura determined to take her from him by force and Mykage finally claims his reward from Zessica by posessing her body. -
23: Song of Legend
In onda il: 2012-06-04Fudo assembles the remaining elements and reveals to them all the truth regarding the events from the last 24.000 years and its connection with the present situation. Meanwhile, with his last ounce of strength, Schrade uses his powers to allow Zessica and Amata to cross safely to Altair. Labeling Mikono as their True Eve, Izumo and his forces attack Kagura determined to take her from him by force and Mykage finally claims his reward from Zessica by posessing her body.
In onda il: 2012-06-11
24: Ephemera
Kagura boards the Legendary Aquarion to protect Mikono from Izumo's forces. Andy manages to open a dimensional hole to Altair with his power, and upon arriving there, he confronts Mix, trying to make her return to her former self. Meanwhile, Alicia finally awakens and reveals to Amata the truth about his father and the reason why she left him behind when he was a child. -
24: Ephemera
In onda il: 2012-06-11Kagura boards the Legendary Aquarion to protect Mikono from Izumo's forces. Andy manages to open a dimensional hole to Altair with his power, and upon arriving there, he confronts Mix, trying to make her return to her former self. Meanwhile, Alicia finally awakens and reveals to Amata the truth about his father and the reason why she left him behind when he was a child.
In onda il: 2012-06-18
25: Pieces of Adam
Believing that Kagura is the responsible for his parents' death, Amata launches himself against him and their confrontation opens a portal that puts Altair en route of collision with Vega. MIX regains her lost memories, thanks to Andy. After assuming full control of Zessica's body, Mykage makes use of Mikono and Kagura to take possession of the Legendary Aquarion for himself, converting it into his own mecha, the Ancient AQ. -
25: Pieces of Adam
In onda il: 2012-06-18Believing that Kagura is the responsible for his parents' death, Amata launches himself against him and their confrontation opens a portal that puts Altair en route of collision with Vega. MIX regains her lost memories, thanks to Andy. After assuming full control of Zessica's body, Mykage makes use of Mikono and Kagura to take possession of the Legendary Aquarion for himself, converting it into his own mecha, the Ancient AQ.
In onda il: 2012-06-25
26: LOVE
The elements struggle against the Ancient AQ without success until Amata and Mikono get reunited. After confessing their feelings for each other, they form Aquarion's ultimate form, Aquarion LOVE to stop Mykage's plans and save both Vega and Altair from destruction. -
26: LOVE
In onda il: 2012-06-25The elements struggle against the Ancient AQ without success until Amata and Mikono get reunited. After confessing their feelings for each other, they form Aquarion's ultimate form, Aquarion LOVE to stop Mykage's plans and save both Vega and Altair from destruction.
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