Stagione 4 Episodi 12
Action & Adventure ◦ Animazione ◦ Dramma ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Due terzi della popolazione sono scomparsi a causa della Grande Catastrofe avvenuta undici anni prima. Gli Angeli delle Tenebre di Atlandia, risorti dall'estinzione dopo dodicimila anni, terrorizzano i sopravvissuti alla disperata ricerca del Prana, la bioenergia degli esseri umani. Per contrastarli viene fondata un'agenzia speciale chiamata Deava che recupera dal mare tre macchine ibride da combattimento, che già una volta hanno sconfitto gli Angeli delle Tenbre, per dare vita all'angelo meccanico Aquarion. Per poter operare l'angelo ha bisogno di tre Element dal cuore puro e dalle capacità sensoriali molto sviluppate. In tutto il mondo si svolgono le selezioni per reclutare i candidati adatti. E la guerra sacra ha inizio.
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Episodi: 12
In onda il: 2025-01-10
1: What She Told
Otori Sakko is a second-year student at Enoshima Academy, a private school for gifted students. Cocky and fearless, he is often shunned by his peers. One day, Sakko's recently deceased friend Sayo reappears and starts talking about 12,000 year-old myths. -
1: What She Told
In onda il: 2025-01-10Otori Sakko is a second-year student at Enoshima Academy, a private school for gifted students. Cocky and fearless, he is often shunned by his peers. One day, Sakko's recently deceased friend Sayo reappears and starts talking about 12,000 year-old myths.
In onda il: 2025-01-17
2: A Wish for Carnations
The Elementals learn that the beast they fought is a Shadow Angel from mythic space. Their role is to fuse the Vector Machines into Aquarion and fight those enemies back. Sakko recalls playing with Sayo, Momohime, and a certain robot in an Enoshima cave. -
2: A Wish for Carnations
In onda il: 2025-01-17The Elementals learn that the beast they fought is a Shadow Angel from mythic space. Their role is to fuse the Vector Machines into Aquarion and fight those enemies back. Sakko recalls playing with Sayo, Momohime, and a certain robot in an Enoshima cave.
In onda il: 2025-01-24
3: Not Yet Knowing
The universe's ability to self-correct made Sayo's funeral occur before her death. It seems only the Elements are aware that Sayo was in their class, but when Momohime asks about it, the students share a vision of a super-civilization with winged beings. -
3: Not Yet Knowing
In onda il: 2025-01-24The universe's ability to self-correct made Sayo's funeral occur before her death. It seems only the Elements are aware that Sayo was in their class, but when Momohime asks about it, the students share a vision of a super-civilization with winged beings.
In onda il: 2025-01-31
4: A Sacred Bond
After piloting Aquarion together, Momohime and Rimiya sense a special connection to each other. They go on a date to try to understand their feelings. -
4: A Sacred Bond
In onda il: 2025-01-31After piloting Aquarion together, Momohime and Rimiya sense a special connection to each other. They go on a date to try to understand their feelings.
In onda il: 2025-02-07
5: Somebody
The Elements battle another Mythic Beast and make a strange new friend while pondering their school's legends. -
5: Somebody
In onda il: 2025-02-07The Elements battle another Mythic Beast and make a strange new friend while pondering their school's legends.
In onda il: 2025-02-14
6: Tell Me Your Secret
Hana keeps trying to attack Momohime and Sun makes mysterious comments about the beasts to the other Elements. -
6: Tell Me Your Secret
In onda il: 2025-02-14Hana keeps trying to attack Momohime and Sun makes mysterious comments about the beasts to the other Elements.
In onda il: 2025-02-21
7: What Our World Is
Hana starts questioning the nature of the Beasts while Sun draws mesmerized students to a mysterious activity. -
7: What Our World Is
In onda il: 2025-02-21Hana starts questioning the nature of the Beasts while Sun draws mesmerized students to a mysterious activity.
In onda il: 2025-02-28
8: A Dream Inside an Egg
Momohime urges Sakko to explore his feelings for Sun before another Beast attack threatens the whole universe. -
8: A Dream Inside an Egg
In onda il: 2025-02-28Momohime urges Sakko to explore his feelings for Sun before another Beast attack threatens the whole universe.
In onda il: 2025-03-07
9: At the End of Reincarnation
Sakko and friends find themselves trapped in a hellish landscape where they start to feel unfamiliar emotions. -
9: At the End of Reincarnation
In onda il: 2025-03-07Sakko and friends find themselves trapped in a hellish landscape where they start to feel unfamiliar emotions.
In onda il: 2025-03-14
10: Inside a Totally Changed World
As Sakko and friends learn more about their past, they ponder ways to prevent the destructive union of worlds. -
10: Inside a Totally Changed World
In onda il: 2025-03-14As Sakko and friends learn more about their past, they ponder ways to prevent the destructive union of worlds.
In onda il: 2025-03-21
11: Episode 11
Nessuna trama disponibile -
11: Episode 11
In onda il: 2025-03-21Nessuna trama disponibile
In onda il: 2025-03-28
12: Episode 12
Nessuna trama disponibile -
12: Episode 12
In onda il: 2025-03-28Nessuna trama disponibile
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