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Le bizzarre avventure di JoJo
Stone Ocean Episodi 38
Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
La storia è articolata intorno alle peripezie della famiglia Joestar; ciascuna delle serie si sofferma sulle avventure di uno dei suoi discendenti, e ognuna si svolge in un diverso momento storico. Tutti i protagonisti ottengono in una maniera o nell'altra il nomignolo "JoJo". In tutta l'opera è presente una quantità innumerevole di citazioni musicali e cinematografiche, inizialmente velate e nascoste, e successivamente sempre più palesi.

Shunichi Otomo
Sound Recordist
Assistant Director of Photography
CGI Director
Art Designer
Daisuke Niitsuma
Prop Designer
Character Designer
Character Designer
Series Director
Color Designer
Art Direction
Art Designer
Art Designer
Prop Designer
Takamitsu Sueyoshi
Assistant Editor
Series Director
Sound Director
Director of Photography
Hirohiko Araki
Comic Book
Original Music Composer
Series Composition
Jolyne Cujoh (voice)
Emporio Alniño (voice)
Mutsumi Tamura
Ermes Costello (voice)
Mariya Ise
Foo Fighters (voice)
Daisuke Ono
Jotaro Kujo (voice)
Weather Report (voice)
Daisuke Namikawa
Narciso Anasui (voice)Episodi: 38
In onda il: 2022-01-08
1: L'oceano di pietra
Florida, 2011: incastrata e incarcerata per guida in stato di ebbrezza, la giovane Jolyne riceve un misterioso potere quando tocca uno strano oggetto del padre. -
1: L'oceano di pietra
In onda il: 2022-01-08Florida, 2011: incastrata e incarcerata per guida in stato di ebbrezza, la giovane Jolyne riceve un misterioso potere quando tocca uno strano oggetto del padre.
In onda il: 2022-01-15
2: Detenuta FE40536: Jolyne Cujoh
Jolyne familiarizza con il penitenziario di Green Dolphin Street e con Gwess, la sleale compagna di cella che possiede il suo ciondolo e uno Stand di dimensioni ridotte. -
2: Detenuta FE40536: Jolyne Cujoh
In onda il: 2022-01-15Jolyne familiarizza con il penitenziario di Green Dolphin Street e con Gwess, la sleale compagna di cella che possiede il suo ciondolo e uno Stand di dimensioni ridotte.
In onda il: 2022-01-22
3: ll visitatore: Parte 1
Jolyne si adatta alla vita in prigione, ma un bambino misterioso le consegna un messaggio nefasto prima della visita di suo padre... e di un portatore di Stand nemico. -
3: ll visitatore: Parte 1
In onda il: 2022-01-22Jolyne si adatta alla vita in prigione, ma un bambino misterioso le consegna un messaggio nefasto prima della visita di suo padre... e di un portatore di Stand nemico.
In onda il: 2022-01-29
4: ll visitatore: Parte 2
Johngalli A., il seguace di Dio, vuole vendetta. Il bambino rischia la vita per aiutare Jotaro e Jolyne e lei non vuole abbandonarlo. -
4: ll visitatore: Parte 2
In onda il: 2022-01-29Johngalli A., il seguace di Dio, vuole vendetta. Il bambino rischia la vita per aiutare Jotaro e Jolyne e lei non vuole abbandonarlo.
In onda il: 2022-02-05
5: Prigioniero dell'amore
Padre e figlia cercano di fuggire dalla trappola nella sala visite e dalla prigione, ma uno Stand nemico estrae due dischi da Jotaro, Uno contiene lo Star Platinum. -
5: Prigioniero dell'amore
In onda il: 2022-02-05Padre e figlia cercano di fuggire dalla trappola nella sala visite e dalla prigione, ma uno Stand nemico estrae due dischi da Jotaro, Uno contiene lo Star Platinum.
In onda il: 2022-02-12
6: I sigilli di Ermes
Jolyne torna nella prigione per recuperare i dischi di Jotaro. Prima di essere attaccata, Ermes Costello scopre il suo nuovo potere e una guardia con dischi nella testa. -
6: I sigilli di Ermes
In onda il: 2022-02-12Jolyne torna nella prigione per recuperare i dischi di Jotaro. Prima di essere attaccata, Ermes Costello scopre il suo nuovo potere e una guardia con dischi nella testa.
In onda il: 2022-02-19
7: Siamo in sei!
Quando alcune persone scompaiono dalla fattoria della prigione, Jolyne ed Ermes si offrono volontarie per unirsi alla squadra di ricerca e trovare Pale Snake e i dischi. -
7: Siamo in sei!
In onda il: 2022-02-19Quando alcune persone scompaiono dalla fattoria della prigione, Jolyne ed Ermes si offrono volontarie per unirsi alla squadra di ricerca e trovare Pale Snake e i dischi.
In onda il: 2022-02-26
8: F.F.
Jolyne ed Ermes svelano il mistero dello Stand F.F. e del suo possessore, che ammette di aiutare Pale Snake a rubare i loro Stand. -
8: F.F.
In onda il: 2022-02-26Jolyne ed Ermes svelano il mistero dello Stand F.F. e del suo possessore, che ammette di aiutare Pale Snake a rubare i loro Stand.
In onda il: 2022-03-05
9: L'esattore Mary Lynn Manson
Entra in scena Padre Pucchi, il portatore di Pale Snake. Una sfida a baseball contro Miraschon si fa seria quando sono coinvolte F.F. e Stone Ocean. -
9: L'esattore Mary Lynn Manson
In onda il: 2022-03-05Entra in scena Padre Pucchi, il portatore di Pale Snake. Una sfida a baseball contro Miraschon si fa seria quando sono coinvolte F.F. e Stone Ocean.
In onda il: 2022-03-12
10: La strategia Savage Guardian: Parte 1
Aiutata da Emporio e dal suo amico Weather Forecast, Jolyne attraversa il cortile del penitenziario per consegnare il disco Stand di Jotaro alla Fondazione Speedwagon. -
10: La strategia Savage Guardian: Parte 1
In onda il: 2022-03-12Aiutata da Emporio e dal suo amico Weather Forecast, Jolyne attraversa il cortile del penitenziario per consegnare il disco Stand di Jotaro alla Fondazione Speedwagon.
In onda il: 2022-03-19
11: La strategia Savage Guardian: Parte 2
Padre Pucchi scopre un'informazione importante. Durante lo scontro, il potere Stand di Jumpin' Jack Spark sottopone a tensione estrema i corpi di Jolyne e Weather. -
11: La strategia Savage Guardian: Parte 2
In onda il: 2022-03-19Padre Pucchi scopre un'informazione importante. Durante lo scontro, il potere Stand di Jumpin' Jack Spark sottopone a tensione estrema i corpi di Jolyne e Weather.
In onda il: 2022-03-26
12: Allarme: piogge torrenziali
Jolyne raggiunge il cortile. Padre Pucchi ricorda le conversazioni con Dio e il motivo per dare la caccia a Jotaro mentre Weather scatena una pioggia di rane velenose. -
12: Allarme: piogge torrenziali
In onda il: 2022-03-26Jolyne raggiunge il cortile. Padre Pucchi ricorda le conversazioni con Dio e il motivo per dare la caccia a Jotaro mentre Weather scatena una pioggia di rane velenose.
In onda il: 2022-10-08
13: Smack of Love and Revenge (1)
Realizing she hasn't seen Ermes for a few days, a curious Jolyne looks into her past and discovers that she came to the prison for a certain purpose. -
13: Smack of Love and Revenge (1)
In onda il: 2022-10-08Realizing she hasn't seen Ermes for a few days, a curious Jolyne looks into her past and discovers that she came to the prison for a certain purpose.
In onda il: 2022-10-15
14: Smack of Love and Revenge (2)
F.F. and Jolyne try to assist Ermes in her fight against Sports Maximum, but they struggle against his Stand's ability to control the dead. -
14: Smack of Love and Revenge (2)
In onda il: 2022-10-15F.F. and Jolyne try to assist Ermes in her fight against Sports Maximum, but they struggle against his Stand's ability to control the dead.
In onda il: 2022-10-22
15: Ultra Security House Unit
In a bid to find the bone, Jolyne intentionally gets sent to the Ultra Security House Unit. Hoping to save her, F.F. turns to Anastasia for help. -
15: Ultra Security House Unit
In onda il: 2022-10-22In a bid to find the bone, Jolyne intentionally gets sent to the Ultra Security House Unit. Hoping to save her, F.F. turns to Anastasia for help.
In onda il: 2022-10-29
16: The Secret of Guard Westwood
The Stand Survivor sparks brawls throughout the Disciplinary Wing. While fighting off a prison guard, Jolyne realizes that he is also a Stand User. -
16: The Secret of Guard Westwood
In onda il: 2022-10-29The Stand Survivor sparks brawls throughout the Disciplinary Wing. While fighting off a prison guard, Jolyne realizes that he is also a Stand User.
In onda il: 2022-11-05
17: Enter the Drake's Dream
A victorious Jolyne looks out over the remaining prisoners. An old man approaches her and reveals he is a Stand User who has been sent by Pale Snake. -
17: Enter the Drake's Dream
In onda il: 2022-11-05A victorious Jolyne looks out over the remaining prisoners. An old man approaches her and reveals he is a Stand User who has been sent by Pale Snake.
In onda il: 2022-11-12
18: Enter the F.F.
Jolyne notices that F.F. is becoming dangerously dehydrated in the fight against Kenzou and pleads with Anastasia to step in and help, but he refuses. -
18: Enter the F.F.
In onda il: 2022-11-12Jolyne notices that F.F. is becoming dangerously dehydrated in the fight against Kenzou and pleads with Anastasia to step in and help, but he refuses.
In onda il: 2022-11-19
19: Birth of the "Green"
After Jolyne and her companions catch up to the man who has the bone, they notice strange plant growths emerging from the nearby fallen prisoners. -
19: Birth of the "Green"
In onda il: 2022-11-19After Jolyne and her companions catch up to the man who has the bone, they notice strange plant growths emerging from the nearby fallen prisoners.
In onda il: 2022-11-26
20: F.F. - The Witness
In a boat piloted by the obedient YA-YA MA, Jolyne and Anastasia flee through the wetlands. However, YA-YA MA attacks them with an invisible ability. -
20: F.F. - The Witness
In onda il: 2022-11-26In a boat piloted by the obedient YA-YA MA, Jolyne and Anastasia flee through the wetlands. However, YA-YA MA attacks them with an invisible ability.
In onda il: 2022-12-03
After realizing the connection between Father Pucchi and Pale Snake, F.F. defeats D an' G. As YA-YA MA disintegrates, the egg it swallowed hatches. -
In onda il: 2022-12-03After realizing the connection between Father Pucchi and Pale Snake, F.F. defeats D an' G. As YA-YA MA disintegrates, the egg it swallowed hatches.
In onda il: 2022-12-10
22: Time for Heaven! New Moon! New Priest!
Weather Forecast summons some rain, which saves F.F. from the brink of destruction. They reunite with Jolyne and Anastasia, but the group gets attacked. -
22: Time for Heaven! New Moon! New Priest!
In onda il: 2022-12-10Weather Forecast summons some rain, which saves F.F. from the brink of destruction. They reunite with Jolyne and Anastasia, but the group gets attacked.
In onda il: 2022-12-17
23: Lock of the Jail!
Jolyne resolves to escape Green Dolphin Island and put a stop to Father Pucchi's ambitions. A prison guard brings her a message from Pale Snake. -
23: Lock of the Jail!
In onda il: 2022-12-17Jolyne resolves to escape Green Dolphin Island and put a stop to Father Pucchi's ambitions. A prison guard brings her a message from Pale Snake.
In onda il: 2022-12-24
24: Jailbreak...
Guided by the words on her hand, Jolyne fights her fading memories, evades the prison guards and reaches the hidden room — just as Mew Mew planned. -
24: Jailbreak...
In onda il: 2022-12-24Guided by the words on her hand, Jolyne fights her fading memories, evades the prison guards and reaches the hidden room — just as Mew Mew planned.
In onda il: 2023-01-07
25: Bohemian Ecstatic (1)
With just five days until the new moon, Father Pucchi heads north and tries to stay ahead of Jolyne, but he is held hostage outside a hospital. -
25: Bohemian Ecstatic (1)
In onda il: 2023-01-07With just five days until the new moon, Father Pucchi heads north and tries to stay ahead of Jolyne, but he is held hostage outside a hospital.
In onda il: 2023-01-14
26: Bohemian Ecstatic (2)
Splitting up with Weather Forecast, Anastasia tries to recover his physical body after the enemy Stand Bohemian Ecstatic separates it from his soul. -
26: Bohemian Ecstatic (2)
In onda il: 2023-01-14Splitting up with Weather Forecast, Anastasia tries to recover his physical body after the enemy Stand Bohemian Ecstatic separates it from his soul.
In onda il: 2023-01-21
27: Sky Guy
As Jolyne and her companions head toward Cape Canaveral in Romeo's helicopter, they are struck by something that forces their eyelids to close. -
27: Sky Guy
In onda il: 2023-01-21As Jolyne and her companions head toward Cape Canaveral in Romeo's helicopter, they are struck by something that forces their eyelids to close.
In onda il: 2023-01-28
28: Heaven Is at Hand: Three Days Until the New Moon
Jolyne learns a shocking truth about Weather Forecast after her fight with Rikiel. She and Ermes enter the hospital and find a hole dug in the floor. -
28: Heaven Is at Hand: Three Days Until the New Moon
In onda il: 2023-01-28Jolyne learns a shocking truth about Weather Forecast after her fight with Rikiel. She and Ermes enter the hospital and find a hole dug in the floor.
In onda il: 2023-02-04
29: Netherworld
Trapped by Versus's Stand in the memory of the crashed plane, Jolyne leaps from the aircraft and launches an attack, but it fails to affect Versus. -
29: Netherworld
In onda il: 2023-02-04Trapped by Versus's Stand in the memory of the crashed plane, Jolyne leaps from the aircraft and launches an attack, but it fails to affect Versus.
In onda il: 2023-02-11
30: Heavy Forecast (1)
With Weather Forecast's memories restored, his powerful ability Heavy Forecast triggers automatically, turning everyone affected by it into snails. -
30: Heavy Forecast (1)
In onda il: 2023-02-11With Weather Forecast's memories restored, his powerful ability Heavy Forecast triggers automatically, turning everyone affected by it into snails.
In onda il: 2023-02-18
31: Heavy Forecast (2)
Father Pucchi is born alongside his twin brother, who is switched with an ill-fated baby. As a young adult, he meets a strange man called DIO. -
31: Heavy Forecast (2)
In onda il: 2023-02-18Father Pucchi is born alongside his twin brother, who is switched with an ill-fated baby. As a young adult, he meets a strange man called DIO.
In onda il: 2023-02-25
32: Heavy Forecast (3)
Jolyne's group hurries to find Weather Forecast and stop his Stand. Meanwhile, Weather Forecast resolves to settle the score with Father Pucchi. -
32: Heavy Forecast (3)
In onda il: 2023-02-25Jolyne's group hurries to find Weather Forecast and stop his Stand. Meanwhile, Weather Forecast resolves to settle the score with Father Pucchi.
In onda il: 2023-03-04
33: Gravity of the New Moon
With Weather Forecast's Stand disc in hand, Jolyne and her allies head to Cape Canaveral in pursuit of Father Pucchi, whose body begins to change. -
33: Gravity of the New Moon
In onda il: 2023-03-04With Weather Forecast's Stand disc in hand, Jolyne and her allies head to Cape Canaveral in pursuit of Father Pucchi, whose body begins to change.
In onda il: 2023-03-11
34: See Moon (1)
Jolyne struggles against Father Pucchi's new Stand See Moon, a combination of Pale Snake and The Green Baby, which can invert anything it touches. -
34: See Moon (1)
In onda il: 2023-03-11Jolyne struggles against Father Pucchi's new Stand See Moon, a combination of Pale Snake and The Green Baby, which can invert anything it touches.
In onda il: 2023-03-18
35: See Moon (2)
Although See Moon has inverted Jolyne, Father Pucchi senses that she is still alive and pursues her in hopes of ending the Joestar bloodline for good. -
35: See Moon (2)
In onda il: 2023-03-18Although See Moon has inverted Jolyne, Father Pucchi senses that she is still alive and pursues her in hopes of ending the Joestar bloodline for good.
In onda il: 2023-03-25
36: Maiden Heaven (1)
After shafts of bright light shine from Father Pucchi, Jolyne and her companions awake to find that he is gone and gravity has returned to normal. -
36: Maiden Heaven (1)
In onda il: 2023-03-25After shafts of bright light shine from Father Pucchi, Jolyne and her companions awake to find that he is gone and gravity has returned to normal.
In onda il: 2023-04-01
37: Maiden Heaven (2)
Father Pucchi's new Stand Maiden Heaven overwhelms Jolyne's group with its sheer speed. Anastasia acts as bait while Jotaro prepares to attack. -
37: Maiden Heaven (2)
In onda il: 2023-04-01Father Pucchi's new Stand Maiden Heaven overwhelms Jolyne's group with its sheer speed. Anastasia acts as bait while Jotaro prepares to attack.
In onda il: 2023-04-08
38: It's a Wonderful World
The unstoppable acceleration of time brings the universe full circle. Emporio awakes in Green Dolphin Street Prison, and humanity enters a new world. -
38: It's a Wonderful World
In onda il: 2023-04-08The unstoppable acceleration of time brings the universe full circle. Emporio awakes in Green Dolphin Street Prison, and humanity enters a new world.
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