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Serie TV ITA

  1. The X-Files 7 [22/22] ITA Streaming  

    Serie TV ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer X-Files
    Stagione 7    Episodi 22        
    Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Mistero ◦ Crime ◦ Dramma
    X-Files è una serie fantascientifica americana che descrive la riapertura dei casi irrisolti e dimenticati in archivio perchè collegati a fenomeni paranormali da parte dei due investigatori del FBI Fox Mulder e Dana Scully. Scully è la scettica, meticolosa e scientifica agente assegnata per controbilanciare (e smontare) il lavoro dell'agente Molder e le sue scoperte spesso scomode, così da poterlo riassegnare ai casi "normali".
    Mark Snow
    Original Music Composer Chris Carter
    Executive Producer Glen Morgan
    Executive Producer Rick Millikan
    Casting David Duchovny
    Fox Mulder Gillian Anderson
    Dana Scully Mitch Pileggi
    Walter Skinner Episodi: 22 
    In onda il: 1999-11-07 1: La sesta estinzione (1ª parte)
    L'attività cerebrale di Mulder sta subendo un'accelerazione inspiegabile ed i medici sono impotenti. Lo studio di Scully sullo scafo dell'UFO fa emergere una verità: si tratta di una mappa genetica. Skinner contatta Michael Kritschgau, il quale inietta a Mulder una sostanza. 1: La sesta estinzione (1ª parte)
    In onda il: 1999-11-07 L'attività cerebrale di Mulder sta subendo un'accelerazione inspiegabile ed i medici sono impotenti. Lo studio di Scully sullo scafo dell'UFO fa emergere una verità: si tratta di una mappa genetica. Skinner contatta Michael Kritschgau, il quale inietta a Mulder una sostanza. In onda il: 1999-11-14 2: La sesta estinzione (2ª parte)
    Scully aggredisce verbalmente Skinner e costui dichiara di essersi compromesso. Il Fumatore rapisce Mulder, con l'aiuto di Fowley. Kritschgau è convinto che la malattia di Fox sia il risultato della precedente esposizione al virus del cancro nero. Krycek aggredisce Skinner. 2: La sesta estinzione (2ª parte)
    In onda il: 1999-11-14 Scully aggredisce verbalmente Skinner e costui dichiara di essersi compromesso. Il Fumatore rapisce Mulder, con l'aiuto di Fowley. Kritschgau è convinto che la malattia di Fox sia il risultato della precedente esposizione al virus del cancro nero. Krycek aggredisce Skinner. In onda il: 1999-11-21 3: Fame
    I due agenti si occupano di un efferato omicidio avvenuto in un fast food. Alla vittima è stato asportato il cervello. Mulder si convince della colpevolezza di Rob, che è in realtà un mutante predatore, tormentato da una insaziabile fame di cervelli umani. 3: Fame
    In onda il: 1999-11-21 I due agenti si occupano di un efferato omicidio avvenuto in un fast food. Alla vittima è stato asportato il cervello. Mulder si convince della colpevolezza di Rob, che è in realtà un mutante predatore, tormentato da una insaziabile fame di cervelli umani. In onda il: 1999-11-28 4: Millennium
    La scomparsa di un cadavere appena sepolto conduce i due agenti dell'FBI sulle tracce di un negromante, il quale vuole far avverare una profezia inerente la fine del mondo. E sulle tracce del disciolto Gruppo Millennium. 4: Millennium
    In onda il: 1999-11-28 La scomparsa di un cadavere appena sepolto conduce i due agenti dell'FBI sulle tracce di un negromante, il quale vuole far avverare una profezia inerente la fine del mondo. E sulle tracce del disciolto Gruppo Millennium. In onda il: 1999-12-05 5: Un millesimo di secondo
    Mulder e Scully indagano sull'omicidio di un agente di Polizia. L'unico sospettato del crimine ha raccontato una strana storia: il vero omicida avrebbe agito in pochi secondi, così velocemente da non poter essere individuato dall'occhio umano. 5: Un millesimo di secondo
    In onda il: 1999-12-05 Mulder e Scully indagano sull'omicidio di un agente di Polizia. L'unico sospettato del crimine ha raccontato una strana storia: il vero omicida avrebbe agito in pochi secondi, così velocemente da non poter essere individuato dall'occhio umano. In onda il: 1999-12-12 6: La variazione di Goldberg
    Un uomo cade dal 30° piano senza riportare alcuna ferita, così Mulder si convince che costui è letteralmente perseguitato dalla fortuna. L'uomo infatti riesce infatti a sfuggire ad un attentato grazie ad una serie fortuita di circostanze davvero improbabili. 6: La variazione di Goldberg
    In onda il: 1999-12-12 Un uomo cade dal 30° piano senza riportare alcuna ferita, così Mulder si convince che costui è letteralmente perseguitato dalla fortuna. L'uomo infatti riesce infatti a sfuggire ad un attentato grazie ad una serie fortuita di circostanze davvero improbabili. In onda il: 2000-01-09 7: Orison
    Il Reverendo Orison è un prelato che svolge l'incarico di cappellano in un carcere, dal quale un giorno evade Donnie Pfaster, un detenuto arrestato 5 anni prima da Mulder e Scully. Il criminale è deciso a riprendere la catena di delitti che lo aveva portato in prigione. 7: Orison
    In onda il: 2000-01-09 Il Reverendo Orison è un prelato che svolge l'incarico di cappellano in un carcere, dal quale un giorno evade Donnie Pfaster, un detenuto arrestato 5 anni prima da Mulder e Scully. Il criminale è deciso a riprendere la catena di delitti che lo aveva portato in prigione. In onda il: 2000-01-16 8: Magie
    Mulder e Scully indagano sulla morte di Maleeni, un mago che aveva fatto, in presenza di molti testimoni, il trucco della testa che compie un giro completo su sé stessa. I due detective incontrano La Fange, un altro prestigiatore. 8: Magie
    In onda il: 2000-01-16 Mulder e Scully indagano sulla morte di Maleeni, un mago che aveva fatto, in presenza di molti testimoni, il trucco della testa che compie un giro completo su sé stessa. I due detective incontrano La Fange, un altro prestigiatore. In onda il: 2000-01-23 9: Segni e prodigi
    Un giovane è morto dopo essere stato aggredito da più di un centinaio di serpenti. Mulder e Scully sono convinti che dietro l'omicidio ci sia O'Connor, il leader di una chiesa che propugna l'esperienza del tocco dei serpenti per stabilire la virtuosità o meno dei suoi fedeli. 9: Segni e prodigi
    In onda il: 2000-01-23 Un giovane è morto dopo essere stato aggredito da più di un centinaio di serpenti. Mulder e Scully sono convinti che dietro l'omicidio ci sia O'Connor, il leader di una chiesa che propugna l'esperienza del tocco dei serpenti per stabilire la virtuosità o meno dei suoi fedeli. In onda il: 2000-02-06 10: L'esistenza del tempo (1ª parte)
    Mulder e Scully indagano sulla scomparsa di una bambina. La madre ha vergato su un foglio una strana richiesta che termina con un riferimento a Babbo Natale. Mulder decide di occuparsi del caso, poiché gli ricorda quello della sorella. 10: L'esistenza del tempo (1ª parte)
    In onda il: 2000-02-06 Mulder e Scully indagano sulla scomparsa di una bambina. La madre ha vergato su un foglio una strana richiesta che termina con un riferimento a Babbo Natale. Mulder decide di occuparsi del caso, poiché gli ricorda quello della sorella. In onda il: 2000-02-13 11: L'esistenza del tempo (2ª parte)
    Mulder e Scully vengono avvicinati da un sensitivo che afferma di essere sicuro che Samantha e Amber siano vive. I due agenti scoprono che Samantha fu rapita dal Fumatore che la tenne prigioniera in una base militare. Alla fine Fox ha una visione inerente alcuni bambini, tra cui la sorella morta. 11: L'esistenza del tempo (2ª parte)
    In onda il: 2000-02-13 Mulder e Scully vengono avvicinati da un sensitivo che afferma di essere sicuro che Samantha e Amber siano vive. I due agenti scoprono che Samantha fu rapita dal Fumatore che la tenne prigioniera in una base militare. Alla fine Fox ha una visione inerente alcuni bambini, tra cui la sorella morta. In onda il: 2000-02-20 12: X-Cops
    Mentre indagano su un omicidio, Mulder e Scully sono costretti a seguire i poliziotti del turno di notte, i quali a loro volta sono costantemente seguiti dalle telecamere dello show televisivo "Cops". 12: X-Cops
    In onda il: 2000-02-20 Mentre indagano su un omicidio, Mulder e Scully sono costretti a seguire i poliziotti del turno di notte, i quali a loro volta sono costantemente seguiti dalle telecamere dello show televisivo "Cops". In onda il: 2000-02-27 13: High-tech
    Un uomo è stato ucciso durante una battaglia virtuale con un videogame. L'assassino è una bellissima donna che non sarebbe dovuta comparire nel gioco. Mulder e Scully si occupano del caso insieme ai tre di Pistolero Solitario. 13: High-tech
    In onda il: 2000-02-27 Un uomo è stato ucciso durante una battaglia virtuale con un videogame. L'assassino è una bellissima donna che non sarebbe dovuta comparire nel gioco. Mulder e Scully si occupano del caso insieme ai tre di Pistolero Solitario. In onda il: 2000-03-12 14: Stregoneria
    Mulder e Scully indagano sull'omicidio di un medico. Sul luogo del delitto, accanto al cadavere compare una scritta vergata col sangue: theef. I due agenti dell'FBI si mettono sulle tracce di un uomo che starebbe agendo per vendetta servendosi di alcuni vecchi riti magici. 14: Stregoneria
    In onda il: 2000-03-12 Mulder e Scully indagano sull'omicidio di un medico. Sul luogo del delitto, accanto al cadavere compare una scritta vergata col sangue: theef. I due agenti dell'FBI si mettono sulle tracce di un uomo che starebbe agendo per vendetta servendosi di alcuni vecchi riti magici. In onda il: 2000-03-19 15: Un amico
    Dopo che un bambino di 11 anni è miracolosamente guarito dal cancro, Scully viene contattata dal Fumatore che la convince a seguirlo in un viaggio alla fine del quale l'uomo entrerà in possesso di una cura per tutte le malattie umane. 15: Un amico
    In onda il: 2000-03-19 Dopo che un bambino di 11 anni è miracolosamente guarito dal cancro, Scully viene contattata dal Fumatore che la convince a seguirlo in un viaggio alla fine del quale l'uomo entrerà in possesso di una cura per tutte le malattie umane. In onda il: 2000-04-02 16: Chimera
    Mulder indaga sulla morte di due donne diverse. In entrambi gli scenari del crimine erano presenti dei corvi ed una strana creatura provvista di affilatissimi artigli. Le due donne avevano una relazione con lo sceriffo locale, così Fox sospetta della moglie di questi. 16: Chimera
    In onda il: 2000-04-02 Mulder indaga sulla morte di due donne diverse. In entrambi gli scenari del crimine erano presenti dei corvi ed una strana creatura provvista di affilatissimi artigli. Le due donne avevano una relazione con lo sceriffo locale, così Fox sospetta della moglie di questi. In onda il: 2000-04-09 17: Tutte le cose
    Una serie di circostanze casuali porta Scully a confrontarsi con l'ipotesi di una mente superiore che regola tutte le cose. Il ritorno di un uomo del passato e l'incontro con una studiosa di filosofie orientali l'aiuteranno ad osservare i fatti che le stanno sconvolgendo la vita. 17: Tutte le cose
    In onda il: 2000-04-09 Una serie di circostanze casuali porta Scully a confrontarsi con l'ipotesi di una mente superiore che regola tutte le cose. Il ritorno di un uomo del passato e l'incontro con una studiosa di filosofie orientali l'aiuteranno ad osservare i fatti che le stanno sconvolgendo la vita. In onda il: 2000-04-16 18: Brand X
    La Morley ha avviato delle ricerche per migliorare geneticamente il tabacco in modo da ottenere sigarette innocue per la salute, ma tre volontari sono morti in seguito alla formazione nei loro polmoni di un numero spropositato di larve di insetti. 18: Brand X
    In onda il: 2000-04-16 La Morley ha avviato delle ricerche per migliorare geneticamente il tabacco in modo da ottenere sigarette innocue per la salute, ma tre volontari sono morti in seguito alla formazione nei loro polmoni di un numero spropositato di larve di insetti. In onda il: 2000-04-30 19: Hollywood A.D.
    Sta per essere realizzato un film su Mulder e Scully, così lo sceneggiatore segue i due agenti dell'FBI mentre questi indagano sull'omicidio avvenuto dentro la cripta di una chiesa. 19: Hollywood A.D.
    In onda il: 2000-04-30 Sta per essere realizzato un film su Mulder e Scully, così lo sceneggiatore segue i due agenti dell'FBI mentre questi indagano sull'omicidio avvenuto dentro la cripta di una chiesa. In onda il: 2000-05-07 20: Fight Club
    Due donne di Kansas City provocano, ogni volta che si incontrano, strani movimenti atmosferici ed aggressività. Mulder e Scully scoprono che si tratta di due donne nate per inseminazione artificiale da donne diverse ma dallo stesso sperma. Ed ora sono per giunta rivali in amore. 20: Fight Club
    In onda il: 2000-05-07 Due donne di Kansas City provocano, ogni volta che si incontrano, strani movimenti atmosferici ed aggressività. Mulder e Scully scoprono che si tratta di due donne nate per inseminazione artificiale da donne diverse ma dallo stesso sperma. Ed ora sono per giunta rivali in amore. In onda il: 2000-05-14 21: Il terzo desiderio
    Mulder e Scully ricevono la visita di un uomo che sembrerebbe caduto vittima di un incantesimo. Autore della magia è un genio nato nel 16° secolo, il quale offre a Mulder l'opportunità di vedere esauditi tre dei suoi desideri. 21: Il terzo desiderio
    In onda il: 2000-05-14 Mulder e Scully ricevono la visita di un uomo che sembrerebbe caduto vittima di un incantesimo. Autore della magia è un genio nato nel 16° secolo, il quale offre a Mulder l'opportunità di vedere esauditi tre dei suoi desideri. In onda il: 2000-05-21 22: Requiem
    Mulder e Scully tornano a Bellefleur, che fu teatro della loro prima indagine, dove si stanno verificando nuove e misteriose sparizioni. Billy Miles è convinto che tutto sia collegato agli eventi di 7 anni prima. Krycek e Covarrubias uccidono il Fumatore, mentre Mulder viene rapito da un'astronave. 22: Requiem
    In onda il: 2000-05-21 Mulder e Scully tornano a Bellefleur, che fu teatro della loro prima indagine, dove si stanno verificando nuove e misteriose sparizioni. Billy Miles è convinto che tutto sia collegato agli eventi di 7 anni prima. Krycek e Covarrubias uccidono il Fumatore, mentre Mulder viene rapito da un'astronave. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  2. The X-Files 8 [21/21] ITA Streaming  

    Serie TV ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer X-Files
    Stagione 8    Episodi 21        
    Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Mistero ◦ Crime ◦ Dramma
    X-Files è una serie fantascientifica americana che descrive la riapertura dei casi irrisolti e dimenticati in archivio perchè collegati a fenomeni paranormali da parte dei due investigatori del FBI Fox Mulder e Dana Scully. Scully è la scettica, meticolosa e scientifica agente assegnata per controbilanciare (e smontare) il lavoro dell'agente Molder e le sue scoperte spesso scomode, così da poterlo riassegnare ai casi "normali".
    Mark Snow
    Original Music Composer Chris Carter
    Executive Producer Glen Morgan
    Executive Producer Rick Millikan
    Casting David Duchovny
    Fox Mulder Gillian Anderson
    Dana Scully Mitch Pileggi
    Walter Skinner Episodi: 21 
    In onda il: 2000-11-05 1: Arrivare
    Scully indaga sulla scomparsa di Mulder, nonostante la gravidanza. Ma si deve confrontare con un nuovo collega: John Doggett. La prima pista conduce in Arizona, dove potrebbe nascondersi la chiave per ritrovare Fox: il piccolo Gibson Praise. 1: Arrivare
    In onda il: 2000-11-05 Scully indaga sulla scomparsa di Mulder, nonostante la gravidanza. Ma si deve confrontare con un nuovo collega: John Doggett. La prima pista conduce in Arizona, dove potrebbe nascondersi la chiave per ritrovare Fox: il piccolo Gibson Praise. In onda il: 2000-11-12 2: Partire
    Doggett è riluttante ad accettare spiegazioni che hanno a che fare con il paranormale. Scully soccorre Gibson, ma il piccolo è seguito dal cacciatore di taglie che è deciso ad eliminarlo. In ospedale Scully riesce a uccidere l'alieno. Doggett viene distaccato con Scully agli "X-Files". 2: Partire
    In onda il: 2000-11-12 Doggett è riluttante ad accettare spiegazioni che hanno a che fare con il paranormale. Scully soccorre Gibson, ma il piccolo è seguito dal cacciatore di taglie che è deciso ad eliminarlo. In ospedale Scully riesce a uccidere l'alieno. Doggett viene distaccato con Scully agli "X-Files". In onda il: 2000-11-19 3: Umano?
    Scully e Doggett indagano su alcuni raccapriccianti omicidi nei quali sarebbe coinvolta una creatura simile ad un pipistrello. E Scully deve affrontare ancora una volta lo scetticismo del suo nuovo collega. 3: Umano?
    In onda il: 2000-11-19 Scully e Doggett indagano su alcuni raccapriccianti omicidi nei quali sarebbe coinvolta una creatura simile ad un pipistrello. E Scully deve affrontare ancora una volta lo scetticismo del suo nuovo collega. In onda il: 2000-11-26 4: La setta
    Durante una indagine Scully scopre una piccola comunità che è diventata la sede di un culto paranormale. La donna viene rapita e costretta a diventare l'incubatrice di una creatura simile ad una lumaca gigante. L'unica speranza di salvezza è Doggett, il quale è in pensiero per la collega. 4: La setta
    In onda il: 2000-11-26 Durante una indagine Scully scopre una piccola comunità che è diventata la sede di un culto paranormale. La donna viene rapita e costretta a diventare l'incubatrice di una creatura simile ad una lumaca gigante. L'unica speranza di salvezza è Doggett, il quale è in pensiero per la collega. In onda il: 2000-12-03 5: Invocazione
    Dopo essere stato rapito e trattenuto per 10 anni, un giovane ragazzo riappare misteriosamente, però sembra che per lui il tempo non sia trascorso. Scully e Doggett indagano, quando si verificano degli strani episodi che farebbero supporre che il piccolo può spostarsi rapidamente dovunque. 5: Invocazione
    In onda il: 2000-12-03 Dopo essere stato rapito e trattenuto per 10 anni, un giovane ragazzo riappare misteriosamente, però sembra che per lui il tempo non sia trascorso. Scully e Doggett indagano, quando si verificano degli strani episodi che farebbero supporre che il piccolo può spostarsi rapidamente dovunque. In onda il: 2000-12-10 6: Viceversa
    Dopo la morte della moglie, un avvocato tenta di discolparsi del crimine, ma per lui il tempo inizia incredibilmente a scorrere al contrario. E lentamente l'uomo inizia a capire il motivo del cambiamento. 6: Viceversa
    In onda il: 2000-12-10 Dopo la morte della moglie, un avvocato tenta di discolparsi del crimine, ma per lui il tempo inizia incredibilmente a scorrere al contrario. E lentamente l'uomo inizia a capire il motivo del cambiamento. In onda il: 2000-12-17 7: Via Negativa
    Doggett e Skinner provano a rintracciare l'assassino del capo di un culto religioso basato sull'uso di sostanze stupefacenti. L'uomo sembra aver agito manifestandosi nei sogni dei suoi adepti e facendo leva sulle loro paure più inconsce, il cosiddetto lato oscuro. 7: Via Negativa
    In onda il: 2000-12-17 Doggett e Skinner provano a rintracciare l'assassino del capo di un culto religioso basato sull'uso di sostanze stupefacenti. L'uomo sembra aver agito manifestandosi nei sogni dei suoi adepti e facendo leva sulle loro paure più inconsce, il cosiddetto lato oscuro. In onda il: 2001-01-07 8: Infallibile
    Un tiratore scelto che possiede la vista a raggi X sta uccidendo alcune persone. Negli omicidi sarebbero coinvolti anche due disinfestatori ed alcuni spacciatori di droga. 8: Infallibile
    In onda il: 2001-01-07 Un tiratore scelto che possiede la vista a raggi X sta uccidendo alcune persone. Negli omicidi sarebbero coinvolti anche due disinfestatori ed alcuni spacciatori di droga. In onda il: 2001-01-14 9: Autorigenerazione
    Un uomo fatto completamente di metallo a seguito di una contaminazione cerca la sua vendetta sulle persone che l'hanno ridotto in quello stato. Così ha inizio una catena di delitti, sulla quale indagano Doggett e Scully. 9: Autorigenerazione
    In onda il: 2001-01-14 Un uomo fatto completamente di metallo a seguito di una contaminazione cerca la sua vendetta sulle persone che l'hanno ridotto in quello stato. Così ha inizio una catena di delitti, sulla quale indagano Doggett e Scully. In onda il: 2001-01-21 10: Badlaa
    Un religioso indiano plagia due intere famiglie di Washington. Così si verificano degli omicidi caratterizzati da enormi perdite di sangue. Scully si convince che l'uomo si annidi dentro il corpo delle vittime e poi ne esca causando la morte delle stesse. E nessun adulto ha la percezione dell'omicida. 10: Badlaa
    In onda il: 2001-01-21 Un religioso indiano plagia due intere famiglie di Washington. Così si verificano degli omicidi caratterizzati da enormi perdite di sangue. Scully si convince che l'uomo si annidi dentro il corpo delle vittime e poi ne esca causando la morte delle stesse. E nessun adulto ha la percezione dell'omicida. In onda il: 2001-02-04 11: Il regalo
    Doggett indaga su un caso del quale si era occupato Mulder poco prima di scomparire: l'agente dell'FBI aveva investigato nei pressi di una riserva indiana in merito ad una creatura capace di poter guarire. Doggett è convinto che Fox volesse servirsene per curare il suo disturbo al cervello. 11: Il regalo
    In onda il: 2001-02-04 Doggett indaga su un caso del quale si era occupato Mulder poco prima di scomparire: l'agente dell'FBI aveva investigato nei pressi di una riserva indiana in merito ad una creatura capace di poter guarire. Doggett è convinto che Fox volesse servirsene per curare il suo disturbo al cervello. In onda il: 2001-02-11 12: Medusa
    Scully e Doggett indagano su una serie di omicidi che hanno avuto come teatro il tunnel della metropolitana di Boston. Sembra che i decessi siano dovuti ad un contagio ad opera di organismi, simili a meduse, infiltratisi attraverso l'acqua marina. 12: Medusa
    In onda il: 2001-02-11 Scully e Doggett indagano su una serie di omicidi che hanno avuto come teatro il tunnel della metropolitana di Boston. Sembra che i decessi siano dovuti ad un contagio ad opera di organismi, simili a meduse, infiltratisi attraverso l'acqua marina. In onda il: 2001-02-18 13: Per Manum
    Viene alla luce la complicata vicenda che ha portato al concepimento del figlio di Scully. Nel frattempo, con Doggett, la donna indaga su una nuova cospirazione governativa che rapisce giovani donne incinte con tutta probabilità con feti di origine extraterrestre. 13: Per Manum
    In onda il: 2001-02-18 Viene alla luce la complicata vicenda che ha portato al concepimento del figlio di Scully. Nel frattempo, con Doggett, la donna indaga su una nuova cospirazione governativa che rapisce giovani donne incinte con tutta probabilità con feti di origine extraterrestre. In onda il: 2001-02-25 14: Questo non accade
    L'agente Reyes si unisce alla squadra che sta cercando Fox. Questa è convinta del coinvolgimento di una setta. Le indagini conducono ad un gruppo di persone, che fanno capo a Jeremiah Smith. Nel campo della setta, la task force ritrova Mulder, ma l'agente dell'FBI è morto. 14: Questo non accade
    In onda il: 2001-02-25 L'agente Reyes si unisce alla squadra che sta cercando Fox. Questa è convinta del coinvolgimento di una setta. Le indagini conducono ad un gruppo di persone, che fanno capo a Jeremiah Smith. Nel campo della setta, la task force ritrova Mulder, ma l'agente dell'FBI è morto. In onda il: 2001-04-01 15: Sopravvissuti
    Billy Miles si risveglia dal sonno della morte dopo essere stato ripescato in pieno oceano, così Skinner pensa alla possibilità che anche Mulder possa tornare a vivere. Questi ha contratto un virus, così Skinner tratta con Krycek per avere un antidoto. Mulder si riprende. 15: Sopravvissuti
    In onda il: 2001-04-01 Billy Miles si risveglia dal sonno della morte dopo essere stato ripescato in pieno oceano, così Skinner pensa alla possibilità che anche Mulder possa tornare a vivere. Questi ha contratto un virus, così Skinner tratta con Krycek per avere un antidoto. Mulder si riprende. In onda il: 2001-04-08 16: Tre parole
    Un uomo è stato freddato di fronte alla Casa Bianca. Mulder decide di occuparsi del caso, ma è convinto che Doggett voglia ostacolarlo. John viene a conoscenza di una chiave d'accesso ad un centro di statistica dove sono stati prelevati i dati per individuare i soggetti da rapire. 16: Tre parole
    In onda il: 2001-04-08 Un uomo è stato freddato di fronte alla Casa Bianca. Mulder decide di occuparsi del caso, ma è convinto che Doggett voglia ostacolarlo. John viene a conoscenza di una chiave d'accesso ad un centro di statistica dove sono stati prelevati i dati per individuare i soggetti da rapire. In onda il: 2001-04-22 17: Connessioni
    Reyes chiede aiuto a Mulder per investigare sul caso irrisolto della morte del figlio di Doggett. Il fatto sembra essere collegato ad un recente fatto di sangue avvenuto in un ufficio, dove Reyes ha ricevuto una visione. 17: Connessioni
    In onda il: 2001-04-22 Reyes chiede aiuto a Mulder per investigare sul caso irrisolto della morte del figlio di Doggett. Il fatto sembra essere collegato ad un recente fatto di sangue avvenuto in un ufficio, dove Reyes ha ricevuto una visione. In onda il: 2001-04-29 18: Virus
    Mulder e Doggett collaborano per indagare su alcune morti sospette avvenute a bordo di una piattaforma petrolifera. Mulder è convinto che la piattaforma stia estraendo olio nero ed alcuni particolari indicano forse che tutti gli operai del complesso potrebbero essere già stati infettati. 18: Virus
    In onda il: 2001-04-29 Mulder e Doggett collaborano per indagare su alcune morti sospette avvenute a bordo di una piattaforma petrolifera. Mulder è convinto che la piattaforma stia estraendo olio nero ed alcuni particolari indicano forse che tutti gli operai del complesso potrebbero essere già stati infettati. In onda il: 2001-05-06 19: Soli
    Con Scully in maternità, Doggett ed una nuova partner indagano sulla misteriosa scomparsa di due uomini. Quando anche Doggett scompare, Mulder decide di ritrovarlo e si fissa su uno studioso dei rettili, il quale è mutato e si comporta proprio come un serpente. 19: Soli
    In onda il: 2001-05-06 Con Scully in maternità, Doggett ed una nuova partner indagano sulla misteriosa scomparsa di due uomini. Quando anche Doggett scompare, Mulder decide di ritrovarlo e si fissa su uno studioso dei rettili, il quale è mutato e si comporta proprio come un serpente. In onda il: 2001-05-13 20: Essere
    Un'indagine di Mulder e Doggett rivela nuovi segreti sulla natura della gravidanza di Scully. La Zeus Genetics viene distrutta da Billy Miles, che ora è una furia inarrestabile ed è deciso a trovare Scully per impedirle di mettere al mondo suo figlio. Krycek rivela che il figlio di Scully è temuto da una fazione aliena. 20: Essere
    In onda il: 2001-05-13 Un'indagine di Mulder e Doggett rivela nuovi segreti sulla natura della gravidanza di Scully. La Zeus Genetics viene distrutta da Billy Miles, che ora è una furia inarrestabile ed è deciso a trovare Scully per impedirle di mettere al mondo suo figlio. Krycek rivela che il figlio di Scully è temuto da una fazione aliena. In onda il: 2001-05-20 21: Esistere
    Doggett sospetta del suo informatore, anch'egli uno dei replicanti, in combutta con Krycek. Skinner, dopo essersi ripreso dallo scontro con Billy, uccide Krycek. Miles si dirige in una località segreta dove Scully mette al mondo suo figlio, davanti ad una piccola folla di replicanti umano-alieni. 21: Esistere
    In onda il: 2001-05-20 Doggett sospetta del suo informatore, anch'egli uno dei replicanti, in combutta con Krycek. Skinner, dopo essersi ripreso dallo scontro con Billy, uccide Krycek. Miles si dirige in una località segreta dove Scully mette al mondo suo figlio, davanti ad una piccola folla di replicanti umano-alieni. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  3. The X-Files 9 [20/20] ITA Streaming  

    Serie TV ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer X-Files
    Stagione 9    Episodi 20 (l'ep. 19 contiene anche la 20)        
    Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Mistero ◦ Crime ◦ Dramma
    X-Files è una serie fantascientifica americana che descrive la riapertura dei casi irrisolti e dimenticati in archivio perchè collegati a fenomeni paranormali da parte dei due investigatori del FBI Fox Mulder e Dana Scully. Scully è la scettica, meticolosa e scientifica agente assegnata per controbilanciare (e smontare) il lavoro dell'agente Molder e le sue scoperte spesso scomode, così da poterlo riassegnare ai casi "normali".
    Mark Snow
    Original Music Composer Chris Carter
    Executive Producer Glen Morgan
    Executive Producer Rick Millikan
    Casting David Duchovny
    Fox Mulder Gillian Anderson
    Dana Scully Mitch Pileggi
    Walter Skinner Episodi: 20 
    In onda il: 2001-11-11 1: Niente da segnalare (1ª parte)
    Doggett indaga sulla morte di un ufficiale, la cui auto è stata scaraventata giù da un ponte dopo che questi aveva offerto un passaggio ad una donna. Doggett chiede aiuto a Scully. Nel frattempo Reyes deve vedersela con un nuovo vicedirettore, mentre Mulder è letteralmente scomparso. 1: Niente da segnalare (1ª parte)
    In onda il: 2001-11-11 Doggett indaga sulla morte di un ufficiale, la cui auto è stata scaraventata giù da un ponte dopo che questi aveva offerto un passaggio ad una donna. Doggett chiede aiuto a Scully. Nel frattempo Reyes deve vedersela con un nuovo vicedirettore, mentre Mulder è letteralmente scomparso. In onda il: 2001-11-18 2: Niente da segnalare (2ª parte)
    Il bimbo di Scully dimostra alcuni segni poco umani. Doggett viene minacciato e poi salvato da Shannon mentre con Reyes indaga sui segreti relativi ad una contaminazione delle acque strettamente collegata ad un laboratorio clandestino a bordo di una nave. I due continuano la loro battaglia dentro l'FBI. 2: Niente da segnalare (2ª parte)
    In onda il: 2001-11-18 Il bimbo di Scully dimostra alcuni segni poco umani. Doggett viene minacciato e poi salvato da Shannon mentre con Reyes indaga sui segreti relativi ad una contaminazione delle acque strettamente collegata ad un laboratorio clandestino a bordo di una nave. I due continuano la loro battaglia dentro l'FBI. In onda il: 2001-12-02 3: Daemonicus
    Doggett e Reyes indagano sull'omicidio di una coppia avvenuto in West Virginia. Il fatto di sangue ha tutti i segni di un rituale satanico di morte. Le indagini conducono poi i due agenti in una clinica psichiatrica. 3: Daemonicus
    In onda il: 2001-12-02 Doggett e Reyes indagano sull'omicidio di una coppia avvenuto in West Virginia. Il fatto di sangue ha tutti i segni di un rituale satanico di morte. Le indagini conducono poi i due agenti in una clinica psichiatrica. In onda il: 2001-12-09 4: 4-D
    Un assassino minaccia la vita di Doggett e Reyes. Sembra essere un passo avanti a tutti. Dopo una serie di eventi che hanno condotto Reyes a fare fuoco su Doggett, diviene chiaro che l'omicida possiede l'abilità di saltare da una dimensione all'altra ed alterare gli eventi di ognuna. 4: 4-D
    In onda il: 2001-12-09 Un assassino minaccia la vita di Doggett e Reyes. Sembra essere un passo avanti a tutti. Dopo una serie di eventi che hanno condotto Reyes a fare fuoco su Doggett, diviene chiaro che l'omicida possiede l'abilità di saltare da una dimensione all'altra ed alterare gli eventi di ognuna. In onda il: 2001-12-16 5: Il signore delle mosche
    Doggett e Reyes investigano sulla morte di un ragazzo avvenuta durante una stupida prova di coraggio. Ma quando i due agenti, insieme a Dana Scully, esaminano il cadavere scoprono che questi è stato letteralmente invaso dalle mosche. 5: Il signore delle mosche
    In onda il: 2001-12-16 Doggett e Reyes investigano sulla morte di un ragazzo avvenuta durante una stupida prova di coraggio. Ma quando i due agenti, insieme a Dana Scully, esaminano il cadavere scoprono che questi è stato letteralmente invaso dalle mosche. In onda il: 2002-01-06 6: Trust No 1
    Scully viene avvicinata da una coppia che dichiara di poter mettere l'agente dell'FBI in contatto con un uomo che possiede informazioni su William e sul programma di super soldati. Ma quest'ultimo riferirà solo a Fox Mulder. Così viene deciso l'immediato ritorno del collega, ma Doggett non si fida. 6: Trust No 1
    In onda il: 2002-01-06 Scully viene avvicinata da una coppia che dichiara di poter mettere l'agente dell'FBI in contatto con un uomo che possiede informazioni su William e sul programma di super soldati. Ma quest'ultimo riferirà solo a Fox Mulder. Così viene deciso l'immediato ritorno del collega, ma Doggett non si fida. In onda il: 2002-01-13 7: John Doe
    Scully e Reyes collaborano per ritrovare Doggett il quale è scomparso. L'uomo si è risvegliato in una prigione messicana in preda ad amnesia. Subito diviene amico di un criminale locale che si occupa di spedire immigrati clandestini oltre il confine USA. 7: John Doe
    In onda il: 2002-01-13 Scully e Reyes collaborano per ritrovare Doggett il quale è scomparso. L'uomo si è risvegliato in una prigione messicana in preda ad amnesia. Subito diviene amico di un criminale locale che si occupa di spedire immigrati clandestini oltre il confine USA. In onda il: 2002-01-27 8: Relazioni indefinite
    Reyes indaga su un uomo che è stato trovato scuoiato vivo dopo aver avuto delle visioni di altre persone decedute nello stesso modo. Reyes si rivolge a Scully, la quale trova subito un collegamento con un caso avvenuto nel 1960. 8: Relazioni indefinite
    In onda il: 2002-01-27 Reyes indaga su un uomo che è stato trovato scuoiato vivo dopo aver avuto delle visioni di altre persone decedute nello stesso modo. Reyes si rivolge a Scully, la quale trova subito un collegamento con un caso avvenuto nel 1960. In onda il: 2002-03-03 9: Provenance
    Quando alcuni pezzi dell'astronave aliena rinvenuta da Scully sulla spiaggia africana improvvisamente riemergono, la cospirazione all'interno dell'FBI tenta di insabbiare la storia. Doggett e Reyes temono per l'incolumità di Scully e William, e Scully è costretta così a prendere drastiche misure. 9: Provenance
    In onda il: 2002-03-03 Quando alcuni pezzi dell'astronave aliena rinvenuta da Scully sulla spiaggia africana improvvisamente riemergono, la cospirazione all'interno dell'FBI tenta di insabbiare la storia. Doggett e Reyes temono per l'incolumità di Scully e William, e Scully è costretta così a prendere drastiche misure. In onda il: 2002-03-10 10: Providence
    Scully viene a sapere che Mulder potrebbe essere morto. L'FBI continua a collaborare alle indagini, mentre William viene rapito dai membri del culto alieno. Con l'aiuto di Pistolero Solitario, Scully scopre le terrificanti verità che si nascondono dietro i rapitori di suo figlio e suo figlio stesso. 10: Providence
    In onda il: 2002-03-10 Scully viene a sapere che Mulder potrebbe essere morto. L'FBI continua a collaborare alle indagini, mentre William viene rapito dai membri del culto alieno. Con l'aiuto di Pistolero Solitario, Scully scopre le terrificanti verità che si nascondono dietro i rapitori di suo figlio e suo figlio stesso. In onda il: 2002-03-17 11: Audrey Pauley
    Dopo un terribile incidente stradale, Reyes versa tra la vita e la morte. Doggett non crede alla diagnosi dei dottori, mentre Reyes combatte per rimanere in vita in una sorta di limbo sospeso tra la vita stessa e la morte. 11: Audrey Pauley
    In onda il: 2002-03-17 Dopo un terribile incidente stradale, Reyes versa tra la vita e la morte. Doggett non crede alla diagnosi dei dottori, mentre Reyes combatte per rimanere in vita in una sorta di limbo sospeso tra la vita stessa e la morte. In onda il: 2002-03-31 12: In fondo all'anima
    Scully, Doggett e Reyes indagano su un vecchio caso di Doggett, quello del "Killer del Cacciavite", del quale egli si era occupato quando faceva il poliziotto a Brooklyn. Il gruppo deve stabilire se l'uomo che è stato condannato ed ora appena rilasciato dalla prigione è il vero responsabile degli omicidi. 12: In fondo all'anima
    In onda il: 2002-03-31 Scully, Doggett e Reyes indagano su un vecchio caso di Doggett, quello del "Killer del Cacciavite", del quale egli si era occupato quando faceva il poliziotto a Brooklyn. Il gruppo deve stabilire se l'uomo che è stato condannato ed ora appena rilasciato dalla prigione è il vero responsabile degli omicidi. In onda il: 2002-04-07 13: Improbabile
    Con la partecipazione di Burt Reynolds. Un serial killer è guidato, nel compiere i suoi delitti, dalla numerologia. Occasionalmente costui si confronta con un tizio, il quale è conosciuto per i suoi consigli confusi. L'uomo aiuta Scully e Reyes nelle indagini le quali si rivelano più bizzarre del previsto. 13: Improbabile
    In onda il: 2002-04-07 Con la partecipazione di Burt Reynolds. Un serial killer è guidato, nel compiere i suoi delitti, dalla numerologia. Occasionalmente costui si confronta con un tizio, il quale è conosciuto per i suoi consigli confusi. L'uomo aiuta Scully e Reyes nelle indagini le quali si rivelano più bizzarre del previsto. In onda il: 2002-04-14 14: Mostri
    L'Agente Harrison discute con Doggett e Reyes sul caso di un ragazzo, il quale sostiene che alcuni mostri hanno ucciso la madre. I tre agenti si recano a visitare la casa dove il padre si è ritirato con il piccolo e scoprono la verità che si cela dietro i mostri menzionati dal piccolo. 14: Mostri
    In onda il: 2002-04-14 L'Agente Harrison discute con Doggett e Reyes sul caso di un ragazzo, il quale sostiene che alcuni mostri hanno ucciso la madre. I tre agenti si recano a visitare la casa dove il padre si è ritirato con il piccolo e scoprono la verità che si cela dietro i mostri menzionati dal piccolo. In onda il: 2002-04-21 15: Modifica genetica
    Gli agenti chiedono aiuto ai tre di Pistolero Solitario per ritrovare la loro vecchia amica Yves Adele Harlow, dopo che Morris Fletcher ha dichiarato che la ragazza è una dei "super soldati". 15: Modifica genetica
    In onda il: 2002-04-21 Gli agenti chiedono aiuto ai tre di Pistolero Solitario per ritrovare la loro vecchia amica Yves Adele Harlow, dopo che Morris Fletcher ha dichiarato che la ragazza è una dei "super soldati". In onda il: 2002-04-28 16: William
    Doggett sorprende in ufficio un uomo sfigurato che stava cercando di impadronirsi di alcuni documenti inerenti la sorella di Mulder. L'uomo conosce molti fatti sulla storia degli X-Files e Doggett si convince che si tratta di Mulder. A William viene inoculata una misteriosa sostanza. 16: William
    In onda il: 2002-04-28 Doggett sorprende in ufficio un uomo sfigurato che stava cercando di impadronirsi di alcuni documenti inerenti la sorella di Mulder. L'uomo conosce molti fatti sulla storia degli X-Files e Doggett si convince che si tratta di Mulder. A William viene inoculata una misteriosa sostanza. In onda il: 2002-05-05 17: Intuizioni
    Un cadetto dell'FBI avvicinato da Doggett, Reyes e Scully dichiara che il responsabile di una serie di omicidi è anche l'assassino del figlio di Doggett. Gli agenti indagano al fine di stabilire se si tratta di un'ossessione oppure se il cadetto a sua volta ha qualcosa da nascondere. 17: Intuizioni
    In onda il: 2002-05-05 Un cadetto dell'FBI avvicinato da Doggett, Reyes e Scully dichiara che il responsabile di una serie di omicidi è anche l'assassino del figlio di Doggett. Gli agenti indagano al fine di stabilire se si tratta di un'ossessione oppure se il cadetto a sua volta ha qualcosa da nascondere. In onda il: 2002-05-12 18: La casa dei sogni
    Doggett e Reyes indagano su un omicidio. Un testimone asserisce che l'interno della casa nella quale è avvenuto il delitto è uguale in tutto e per tutto al set della serie televisiva "La Famiglia Brady". Doggett si convince che l'uomo ucciso sia stato sparato dal soffitto della casa. 18: La casa dei sogni
    In onda il: 2002-05-12 Doggett e Reyes indagano su un omicidio. Un testimone asserisce che l'interno della casa nella quale è avvenuto il delitto è uguale in tutto e per tutto al set della serie televisiva "La Famiglia Brady". Doggett si convince che l'uomo ucciso sia stato sparato dal soffitto della casa. In onda il: 2002-05-19 19: The Truth (1)
    After not knowing Fox Mulder's whereabouts for the last year, A.D. Skinner and Agent Scully learn he's being held for the murder of a military man he couldn't possibly have killed: Knowle Rohrer, one of the government's secret super-soldiers. With Skinner acting as Mulder's defense, people who Mulder has dealt with during his last nine years as an FBI agent testify on his behalf. But the military tribunal isn't interested in the truth. 19: The Truth (1)
    In onda il: 2002-05-19 After not knowing Fox Mulder's whereabouts for the last year, A.D. Skinner and Agent Scully learn he's being held for the murder of a military man he couldn't possibly have killed: Knowle Rohrer, one of the government's secret super-soldiers. With Skinner acting as Mulder's defense, people who Mulder has dealt with during his last nine years as an FBI agent testify on his behalf. But the military tribunal isn't interested in the truth. In onda il: 2002-05-19 20: The Truth (2)
    When an unexpected person comes to Mulder's rescue, Mulder refuses to slip north over the border to safety. Instead, he heads southwest to the Anasazi ruins of New Mexico seeking a mysterious wise man who the Indians call "The Keeper of the Truth". 20: The Truth (2)
    In onda il: 2002-05-19 When an unexpected person comes to Mulder's rescue, Mulder refuses to slip north over the border to safety. Instead, he heads southwest to the Anasazi ruins of New Mexico seeking a mysterious wise man who the Indians call "The Keeper of the Truth". Nessun Trailer disponibile
  4. The X-Files 10 [6/6] ITA Streaming  

    Serie TV ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer X-Files
    Stagione 10    Episodi 6        
    Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Mistero ◦ Crime ◦ Dramma
    X-Files è una serie fantascientifica americana che descrive la riapertura dei casi irrisolti e dimenticati in archivio perchè collegati a fenomeni paranormali da parte dei due investigatori del FBI Fox Mulder e Dana Scully. Scully è la scettica, meticolosa e scientifica agente assegnata per controbilanciare (e smontare) il lavoro dell'agente Molder e le sue scoperte spesso scomode, così da poterlo riassegnare ai casi "normali".
    Mark Snow
    Original Music Composer Chris Carter
    Executive Producer Glen Morgan
    Executive Producer Rick Millikan
    Casting David Duchovny
    Fox Mulder Gillian Anderson
    Dana Scully Mitch Pileggi
    Walter Skinner Episodi: 6 
    In onda il: 2016-01-24 1: La verità è ancora là fuori
    Fox Mulder e Dana Scully verranno rintracciati da Tad O’Malley, un teorico convinto di aver scoperto una significativa cospirazione governativa, il quale, richiesto aiuto ai due ex agenti dell’FBI, li metterà in contatto con Sveta. La donna, che è convinta di essere stata rapita dagli alieni, rivela a Mulder e Scully scioccanti informazioni che porteranno l’ex agente Mulder a doversi richiedere su tutto ciò che ha sempre creduto riguardo l’esistenza degli alieni e il ruolo che il governo ha nella loro copertura. 1: La verità è ancora là fuori
    In onda il: 2016-01-24 Fox Mulder e Dana Scully verranno rintracciati da Tad O’Malley, un teorico convinto di aver scoperto una significativa cospirazione governativa, il quale, richiesto aiuto ai due ex agenti dell’FBI, li metterà in contatto con Sveta. La donna, che è convinta di essere stata rapita dagli alieni, rivela a Mulder e Scully scioccanti informazioni che porteranno l’ex agente Mulder a doversi richiedere su tutto ciò che ha sempre creduto riguardo l’esistenza degli alieni e il ruolo che il governo ha nella loro copertura. In onda il: 2016-01-25 2: Evoluzione della specie
    in seguito all’improvviso suicidio di un importante scienziato, Fox Mulder e Dana Scully iniziano ad indagare sull’accaduto, nel tentativo di capire quale forza invisibile abbia spinto l’uomo a compiere questo gesto. I due ex agenti dell’FBI scoprono quindi l’esistenza di un laboratorio nel quale la sperimentazione genetica estrema è riuscita a dar vita a soggetti con inaspettati e pericolosi poteri. 2: Evoluzione della specie
    In onda il: 2016-01-25 in seguito all’improvviso suicidio di un importante scienziato, Fox Mulder e Dana Scully iniziano ad indagare sull’accaduto, nel tentativo di capire quale forza invisibile abbia spinto l’uomo a compiere questo gesto. I due ex agenti dell’FBI scoprono quindi l’esistenza di un laboratorio nel quale la sperimentazione genetica estrema è riuscita a dar vita a soggetti con inaspettati e pericolosi poteri. In onda il: 2016-02-01 3: La lucertola mannara
    Fox Mulder e Dana Scully dovranno indagare su un nuovo caso riguardante quello che sembra apparentemente un ‘attacco animale’. Infatti, in seguito al ritrovamento di un cadavere in mezzo ai boschi, Mulder e Scully vengono chiamati per appurare quale sia stata la causa che ha portato all’uccisione della vittima: sarà stato un animale, un serial killer o forse una strana creatura come dicono di aver visto i testimoni dell’aggressione? Nel frattempo Mulder si trova nuovamente a doversi confrontare con alcuni dei suoi demoni più oscuri. 3: La lucertola mannara
    In onda il: 2016-02-01 Fox Mulder e Dana Scully dovranno indagare su un nuovo caso riguardante quello che sembra apparentemente un ‘attacco animale’. Infatti, in seguito al ritrovamento di un cadavere in mezzo ai boschi, Mulder e Scully vengono chiamati per appurare quale sia stata la causa che ha portato all’uccisione della vittima: sarà stato un animale, un serial killer o forse una strana creatura come dicono di aver visto i testimoni dell’aggressione? Nel frattempo Mulder si trova nuovamente a doversi confrontare con alcuni dei suoi demoni più oscuri. In onda il: 2016-02-08 4: Di nuovo a casa
    Fox Mulder e Dana Scully dovranno indagare su un nuovo caso riguardante l’omicidio di un funzionario della città, un crimine che nessun essere umano sembra essere stato in grado di commettere. Nel frattempo, Scully continua a soffrire ripensando al bambino che, anni prima, ha dato in adozione. 4: Di nuovo a casa
    In onda il: 2016-02-08 Fox Mulder e Dana Scully dovranno indagare su un nuovo caso riguardante l’omicidio di un funzionario della città, un crimine che nessun essere umano sembra essere stato in grado di commettere. Nel frattempo, Scully continua a soffrire ripensando al bambino che, anni prima, ha dato in adozione. In onda il: 2016-02-15 5: Babylon
    Scully and Mulder investigate when an art gallery displaying offensive artwork is bombed, and need to discover a way to communicate with the comatose perpetrator to try and prevent a future attack. 5: Babylon
    In onda il: 2016-02-15 Scully and Mulder investigate when an art gallery displaying offensive artwork is bombed, and need to discover a way to communicate with the comatose perpetrator to try and prevent a future attack. In onda il: 2016-02-22 6: My Struggle II
    The season concludes with people all across the country falling gravely ill. A widespread panic develops and Scully looks within to find a cure. Meanwhile, Mulder confronts the man he believes to be behind it all, but another figure from Mulder and Scully's past may prove to be the key to their salvation. 6: My Struggle II
    In onda il: 2016-02-22 The season concludes with people all across the country falling gravely ill. A widespread panic develops and Scully looks within to find a cure. Meanwhile, Mulder confronts the man he believes to be behind it all, but another figure from Mulder and Scully's past may prove to be the key to their salvation. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  5. The X-Files 11 [10/10] ITA Streaming  

    Serie TV ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer X-Files
    Stagione 11    Episodi 10        
    Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Mistero ◦ Crime ◦ Dramma
    X-Files è una serie fantascientifica americana che descrive la riapertura dei casi irrisolti e dimenticati in archivio perchè collegati a fenomeni paranormali da parte dei due investigatori del FBI Fox Mulder e Dana Scully. Scully è la scettica, meticolosa e scientifica agente assegnata per controbilanciare (e smontare) il lavoro dell'agente Molder e le sue scoperte spesso scomode, così da poterlo riassegnare ai casi "normali".
    Mark Snow
    Original Music Composer Chris Carter
    Executive Producer Glen Morgan
    Executive Producer Rick Millikan
    Casting David Duchovny
    Fox Mulder Gillian Anderson
    Dana Scully Mitch Pileggi
    Walter Skinner Episodi: 10 
    In onda il: 2018-01-03 1: Memorie dal futuro
    Scully viene ricoverata in ospedale dopo un attacco causato da una visione del futuro che coinvolge William, il figlio avuto qualche anno prima insieme a Mulder. Mulder si propone di investigare, incrociando inavvertitamente percorsi con ex membri del Consorzio, il signor Y e Erika Price, la cui missione è colonizzare l'universo. Walter Skinner viene avvicinato da Monica Reyes e dall'uomo che fuma, che gli offre protezione contro il virus alieno in suo possesso, ma Skinner sembra interessato solo ad aiutare Mulder e Scully. L'uomo che fuma rivela di aver generato William abbinando il suo DNA a quello alieno, e ingravidando Scully. 1: Memorie dal futuro
    In onda il: 2018-01-03 Scully viene ricoverata in ospedale dopo un attacco causato da una visione del futuro che coinvolge William, il figlio avuto qualche anno prima insieme a Mulder. Mulder si propone di investigare, incrociando inavvertitamente percorsi con ex membri del Consorzio, il signor Y e Erika Price, la cui missione è colonizzare l'universo. Walter Skinner viene avvicinato da Monica Reyes e dall'uomo che fuma, che gli offre protezione contro il virus alieno in suo possesso, ma Skinner sembra interessato solo ad aiutare Mulder e Scully. L'uomo che fuma rivela di aver generato William abbinando il suo DNA a quello alieno, e ingravidando Scully. In onda il: 2018-01-10 2: Simulazione
    Mulder e Scully vengono contattati, attraverso lo smartphone di Mulder, dalla coscienza virtuale di Richard Langly, che fa parte di una simulazione dell'NSA progettata per prendere vita quando i partecipanti muoiono. Langly chiede ai suoi amici di porre termine al programma di simulazione, perché al suo interno le entità sono diventate dei veri e propri schiavi digitali al servizio dell'NSA. Mulder scopre che la responsabile del progetto è Erika Price. Mulder cerca di guadagnare un po 'di tempo con le guardie che sono a protezione del progetto, in modo da permettere a Scully di spegnere i server della simulazione. In seguito i due agenti tornano sul luogo accompagnati da una squadra dell'FBI incaricata di svolgere delle indagini sulla questione, ma non troveranno che delle stanze vuote e nessuna traccia delle apparecchiature. Nel finale, i 2 agenti sono nuovamente contattati dalla coscienza di Langly che li prega di eliminare il backup del programma che l' NSA è riuscito a fare prima che Scully spegnesse i server. 2: Simulazione
    In onda il: 2018-01-10 Mulder e Scully vengono contattati, attraverso lo smartphone di Mulder, dalla coscienza virtuale di Richard Langly, che fa parte di una simulazione dell'NSA progettata per prendere vita quando i partecipanti muoiono. Langly chiede ai suoi amici di porre termine al programma di simulazione, perché al suo interno le entità sono diventate dei veri e propri schiavi digitali al servizio dell'NSA. Mulder scopre che la responsabile del progetto è Erika Price. Mulder cerca di guadagnare un po 'di tempo con le guardie che sono a protezione del progetto, in modo da permettere a Scully di spegnere i server della simulazione. In seguito i due agenti tornano sul luogo accompagnati da una squadra dell'FBI incaricata di svolgere delle indagini sulla questione, ma non troveranno che delle stanze vuote e nessuna traccia delle apparecchiature. Nel finale, i 2 agenti sono nuovamente contattati dalla coscienza di Langly che li prega di eliminare il backup del programma che l' NSA è riuscito a fare prima che Scully spegnesse i server. In onda il: 2018-01-17 3: Doppioni
    Indagando su una serie di omicidi, che sembrano essere stati compiuti dai sosia delle vittime, Mulder e Scully fanno conoscenza di due fratelli: uno (Chucky Poundstone) è il secondino del carcere dove si è consumato l'ultimo omicidio, l'altra (Judy) è una donna ricoverata in un ospedale psichiatrico. Questi giocano telepaticamente a l'impiccato coi nomi delle vittime che, da quel momento, cominciano ad essere perseguitati dai loro sosia (in realtà proiezioni psichiche generate dalle superiori capacità mentali dei fratelli) finché, una volta completato il nome, vengono uccise. Messi alle strette, i due fratelli giocano coi nomi di Scully e Mulder, ma finiscono per litigare così cominciano a giocare coi loro stessi nomi, uccidendosi a vicenda. 3: Doppioni
    In onda il: 2018-01-17 Indagando su una serie di omicidi, che sembrano essere stati compiuti dai sosia delle vittime, Mulder e Scully fanno conoscenza di due fratelli: uno (Chucky Poundstone) è il secondino del carcere dove si è consumato l'ultimo omicidio, l'altra (Judy) è una donna ricoverata in un ospedale psichiatrico. Questi giocano telepaticamente a l'impiccato coi nomi delle vittime che, da quel momento, cominciano ad essere perseguitati dai loro sosia (in realtà proiezioni psichiche generate dalle superiori capacità mentali dei fratelli) finché, una volta completato il nome, vengono uccise. Messi alle strette, i due fratelli giocano coi nomi di Scully e Mulder, ma finiscono per litigare così cominciano a giocare coi loro stessi nomi, uccidendosi a vicenda. In onda il: 2018-01-24 4: L'effetto Mandela
    Nel parcheggio dell FBI Mulder e Scully vengono avvicinati da Reggie Something, un loro collega che li informa di alcuni esperimenti di oblio collettivo indotto, iniziati negli anni 70 da parte del governo USA e condotti dal Dr. Lui (They in lingua originale). Questi avrebbero lo scopo di eliminare, dalla mente di grandi masse di persone, episodi che il governo riteneva imbarazzanti o, comunque, segreti. Fra questi, il ritrovamento di un alieno su Grenada immediatamente prima dell'operazione Urgent Fury del 1983. Lo stesso Reggie dice di aver collaborato da sempre con Mulder e Scully ma, a causa di questo oblio indotto, i due non si ricorderebbero niente. Mulder viene contattato dal Dr. Lui che nega tutto, nonostante ammetta di aver da sempre lavorato su progetti simili. Reggie viene scoperto essere un dipendente del governo recentemente ricoverato per esaurimento nervoso, per cui viene creduto pazzo e portato via da un'ambulanza. Alla vista dei dottori che portano via il paziente Skinner chiede a Mulder e Scully dove stiano portando Reggie, lasciandoli, quindi, con nuovi dubbi riguardo le sue dichiarazioni. 4: L'effetto Mandela
    In onda il: 2018-01-24 Nel parcheggio dell FBI Mulder e Scully vengono avvicinati da Reggie Something, un loro collega che li informa di alcuni esperimenti di oblio collettivo indotto, iniziati negli anni 70 da parte del governo USA e condotti dal Dr. Lui (They in lingua originale). Questi avrebbero lo scopo di eliminare, dalla mente di grandi masse di persone, episodi che il governo riteneva imbarazzanti o, comunque, segreti. Fra questi, il ritrovamento di un alieno su Grenada immediatamente prima dell'operazione Urgent Fury del 1983. Lo stesso Reggie dice di aver collaborato da sempre con Mulder e Scully ma, a causa di questo oblio indotto, i due non si ricorderebbero niente. Mulder viene contattato dal Dr. Lui che nega tutto, nonostante ammetta di aver da sempre lavorato su progetti simili. Reggie viene scoperto essere un dipendente del governo recentemente ricoverato per esaurimento nervoso, per cui viene creduto pazzo e portato via da un'ambulanza. Alla vista dei dottori che portano via il paziente Skinner chiede a Mulder e Scully dove stiano portando Reggie, lasciandoli, quindi, con nuovi dubbi riguardo le sue dichiarazioni. In onda il: 2018-01-31 5: Ghouli
    Due ragazzine si feriscono a morte credendo di combattere contro un mostro; interrogate da Mulder e Scully raccontano di essere arrivate a quel punto, dopo aver fatto uno strano sogno: lo stesso che sta facendo ricorrentemente Dana. Le 2 ragazze non hanno niente in comune, se non il fidanzato, Jackson Van de Kamp. Arrivati a casa del ragazzo per interrogarlo, Dana e Fox, lo trovano suicida dopo che, sembrerebbe, aver sparato ai genitori. Dana teme che il ragazzo sia la fonte dello strano sogno e, dopo aver eseguito il test del DNA, scopre che si tratta di William, il figlio che aveva dato in adozione 15 anni prima. Andando a dargli l'estremo saluto, scopre che il corpo è sparito. In realtà il ragazzo è capace di proiettare visioni che distolgono la realtà. Questo è braccato da degli agenti della National security (si scopre che questi agenti hanno ucciso i genitori del ragazzo, mentre questo si è finto morto). Il ragazzo riesce a fuggire, rimettendosi in contatto telepatico con la madre, che quindi, deve continuare a cercarlo. 5: Ghouli
    In onda il: 2018-01-31 Due ragazzine si feriscono a morte credendo di combattere contro un mostro; interrogate da Mulder e Scully raccontano di essere arrivate a quel punto, dopo aver fatto uno strano sogno: lo stesso che sta facendo ricorrentemente Dana. Le 2 ragazze non hanno niente in comune, se non il fidanzato, Jackson Van de Kamp. Arrivati a casa del ragazzo per interrogarlo, Dana e Fox, lo trovano suicida dopo che, sembrerebbe, aver sparato ai genitori. Dana teme che il ragazzo sia la fonte dello strano sogno e, dopo aver eseguito il test del DNA, scopre che si tratta di William, il figlio che aveva dato in adozione 15 anni prima. Andando a dargli l'estremo saluto, scopre che il corpo è sparito. In realtà il ragazzo è capace di proiettare visioni che distolgono la realtà. Questo è braccato da degli agenti della National security (si scopre che questi agenti hanno ucciso i genitori del ragazzo, mentre questo si è finto morto). Il ragazzo riesce a fuggire, rimettendosi in contatto telepatico con la madre, che quindi, deve continuare a cercarlo. In onda il: 2018-02-07 6: Kitten
    Dana e Fox sono convocati dal vice-direttore Kersh in merito alla sparizione di Skinner. Indagando i 2 (che temono che il loro superiore si sia alleato con l'uomo che fuma) arrivano in una sperduta cittadina dove vivono alcuni ex commilitoni di Walter ai tempi della guerra del Vietnam. Uno di questi, Kitten, era stato esposto ad un gas sperimentale, diventando un sanguinario soldato. Dopo tremendi esperimenti all'esposizione al gas, continuati anche dopo il congedo, muore in un ospedale psichiatrico. Il figlio, Davei James è deciso a vendicare il padre, attirando in trappole vietcong disseminate nel bosco, tutti quelli che crede responsabili della pazzia del padre, fra cui Skinner. Mulder e Scully salvano Skinner, che gli conferma la sua lealtà nei confronti delle loro indagini (causa che non gli ha permesso di fare carriera all'interno dell' FBI). 6: Kitten
    In onda il: 2018-02-07 Dana e Fox sono convocati dal vice-direttore Kersh in merito alla sparizione di Skinner. Indagando i 2 (che temono che il loro superiore si sia alleato con l'uomo che fuma) arrivano in una sperduta cittadina dove vivono alcuni ex commilitoni di Walter ai tempi della guerra del Vietnam. Uno di questi, Kitten, era stato esposto ad un gas sperimentale, diventando un sanguinario soldato. Dopo tremendi esperimenti all'esposizione al gas, continuati anche dopo il congedo, muore in un ospedale psichiatrico. Il figlio, Davei James è deciso a vendicare il padre, attirando in trappole vietcong disseminate nel bosco, tutti quelli che crede responsabili della pazzia del padre, fra cui Skinner. Mulder e Scully salvano Skinner, che gli conferma la sua lealtà nei confronti delle loro indagini (causa che non gli ha permesso di fare carriera all'interno dell' FBI). In onda il: 2018-02-28 7: Rm9sbG93ZXJz
    In a world of ever-increasing automation and artificial intelligence, Mulder and Scully find themselves targets in a deadly game of cat-and-mouse. 7: Rm9sbG93ZXJz
    In onda il: 2018-02-28 In a world of ever-increasing automation and artificial intelligence, Mulder and Scully find themselves targets in a deadly game of cat-and-mouse. In onda il: 2018-03-07 8: Caccia alle streghe
    Nel Connecticut un bambino muore, inseguendo, nel bosco, una persona travestita da personaggio dei cartoni animati. Sebbene sembri un omicidio da parte di un maniaco, l'autopsia rivela che le cause della morte sembrano dovute all'attacco di un lupo. Indagando Mulder scopre che il bosco fu teatro di una brutale caccia alle streghe nel XVI secolo, e che gli spiriti maligni che ancora aleggiano nella zona, sono stati richiamati da una strega moderna (compreso il Cerbero che si crede abbia ucciso il bambino). I morti cominciano ad aumentare, Mulder e Scully trovano la strega proprio mentre sta spontaneamente bruciando, mettendo fine all'ondata di violenza. 8: Caccia alle streghe
    In onda il: 2018-03-07 Nel Connecticut un bambino muore, inseguendo, nel bosco, una persona travestita da personaggio dei cartoni animati. Sebbene sembri un omicidio da parte di un maniaco, l'autopsia rivela che le cause della morte sembrano dovute all'attacco di un lupo. Indagando Mulder scopre che il bosco fu teatro di una brutale caccia alle streghe nel XVI secolo, e che gli spiriti maligni che ancora aleggiano nella zona, sono stati richiamati da una strega moderna (compreso il Cerbero che si crede abbia ucciso il bambino). I morti cominciano ad aumentare, Mulder e Scully trovano la strega proprio mentre sta spontaneamente bruciando, mettendo fine all'ondata di violenza. In onda il: 2018-03-14 9: Niente dura per sempre
    Indagando su un traffico d'organi, Mulder & Scully si imbattono in una setta al cui comando c'è Barbara Beaumont, attrice di 85 anni che però ne dimostra 30. L'attrice si mantiene giovane bevendo sangue e mangiando organi che, gli adepti della sua setta, gli offrono. A questo si aggiunge un parente di una adepta che cerca vendetta per il rapimento della sorella. 9: Niente dura per sempre
    In onda il: 2018-03-14 Indagando su un traffico d'organi, Mulder & Scully si imbattono in una setta al cui comando c'è Barbara Beaumont, attrice di 85 anni che però ne dimostra 30. L'attrice si mantiene giovane bevendo sangue e mangiando organi che, gli adepti della sua setta, gli offrono. A questo si aggiunge un parente di una adepta che cerca vendetta per il rapimento della sorella. In onda il: 2018-03-21 10: Il figlio perduto
    L'episodio si apre ripercorrendo la storia di Jackson Van De Kamp aka William, il figlio di Scully, nato da un esperimento portato avanti dall'uomo che fuma: questo, oltre a tutta una serie di super poteri, possiede la capacità di salvare l'umanità dalla pandemia aliena, di cui Scully ha avuto avvisaglie in sogno. Kersh intima a Skinner di radiare Mulder e Scully, a causa di alcune dichiarazioni rilasciate a Tad O'Malley circa l'epidemia. I 2, in realtà, sono alla ricerca del figlio: sviato da Monica, Mulder arriva ad una base militare in cui è tenuta una navicella aliena. A capo della base vi è Mr. Y, che viene ucciso da Mulder. Rintracciato nuovamente William, Mulder assiste anche all'esplosione dei corpi di Erika Price e dei suoi uomini da parte di William. Skinner e Scully raggiungono Mulder in una fabbrica dove sta inseguendo William che, per non essere raggiunto, si trasforma in Mulder. Skinner uccide Reyes, ma è investito dall'Uomo che fuma rimanendo, apparentemente, anche lui ucciso. L'Uomo che fuma spara a Mulder (William in realtà) che cade in acqua, ma il vero Mulder sopraggiunge e spara a l'Uomo che fuma, uccidendolo. Distrutto per il fatto di aver perso suo figlio, Scully dichiara a Mulder di essere nuovamente incinta, questa volta veramente di Mulder. Nella scena finale si vede William che riappare vivo dalle acque. 10: Il figlio perduto
    In onda il: 2018-03-21 L'episodio si apre ripercorrendo la storia di Jackson Van De Kamp aka William, il figlio di Scully, nato da un esperimento portato avanti dall'uomo che fuma: questo, oltre a tutta una serie di super poteri, possiede la capacità di salvare l'umanità dalla pandemia aliena, di cui Scully ha avuto avvisaglie in sogno. Kersh intima a Skinner di radiare Mulder e Scully, a causa di alcune dichiarazioni rilasciate a Tad O'Malley circa l'epidemia. I 2, in realtà, sono alla ricerca del figlio: sviato da Monica, Mulder arriva ad una base militare in cui è tenuta una navicella aliena. A capo della base vi è Mr. Y, che viene ucciso da Mulder. Rintracciato nuovamente William, Mulder assiste anche all'esplosione dei corpi di Erika Price e dei suoi uomini da parte di William. Skinner e Scully raggiungono Mulder in una fabbrica dove sta inseguendo William che, per non essere raggiunto, si trasforma in Mulder. Skinner uccide Reyes, ma è investito dall'Uomo che fuma rimanendo, apparentemente, anche lui ucciso. L'Uomo che fuma spara a Mulder (William in realtà) che cade in acqua, ma il vero Mulder sopraggiunge e spara a l'Uomo che fuma, uccidendolo. Distrutto per il fatto di aver perso suo figlio, Scully dichiara a Mulder di essere nuovamente incinta, questa volta veramente di Mulder. Nella scena finale si vede William che riappare vivo dalle acque. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  6. The Sinner 1 [8/8] ITA Streaming  

    Serie TV ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The Sinner
    Stagione 1 - Cora    Episodi 8        
    Crime ◦ Dramma
    Cora Tannetti è una giovane madre che, sopraffatta da un attacco di rabbia improvviso, commette un sorprendente atto di violenza pubblico, un orrore cui non si riesce a dare una spiegazione. Mentre l'avvenimento scatena una serie di eventi incredibile, Harry Ambrose, un detective ossessionato dal movente della donna, si ritrova coinvolto con lei in un viaggio straziante nelle profondità della sua psiche e dei violenti segreti nascosti del suo passato.
    Phillip Barker
    Production Design Aaron Seliquini
    Producer Ellen Marie Blum
    Producer Jonathan Caren
    Co-Executive Producer Gerald Cuesta
    Co-Executive Producer Nina Braddock
    Executive Producer Jenny Zhang
    Co-Producer Mia Chung
    Story Editor Kathy Houghton
    Production Manager Robin D. Cook
    Local Casting Tyler Emms
    Key Grip John Gallagher
    Gaffer David Kimelman
    "A" Camera Operator Robert Stecko
    "B" Camera Operator Andrew Rillie
    Production Sound Mixer Ann Bromley
    Art Direction Gary Coates
    Special Effects Coordinator Steve Shewchuk
    Set Decoration David DeMarinis
    Assistant Set Decoration Daniel Vella
    Property Master Ashley Nay
    Hair Department Head Rebecca Hickey
    Makeup Department Head Randy Boliver
    Stunt Coordinator George Bunce
    Online Editor John Crowley
    Colorist Justin Elsworth
    Third Assistant Director Joe McKibbon
    Location Manager William Flower
    Marine Coordinator Ryan Hupponen
    Production Office Coordinator Matthew Glasner
    Casting Associate Millie Tom
    Casting Associate Daniel Freed
    Casting Assistant Jill Knox-Gosse
    Production Accountant Corey Jones
    Script Supervisor Kathryn Moïse
    Script Coordinator Scott Thom
    Construction Coordinator Rodney Dominey
    Transportation Coordinator Tom Carew
    Transportation Captain Janice Sheridan
    First Assistant Accountant Gloria Pongoski
    First Assistant Accountant Eve Del Prado
    Post Production Coordinator Rabia Minhas
    Post Production Coordinator Luke DiTommaso
    VFX Supervisor Scott Johnson
    Music Editor Oliver Hild
    Music Supervisor Johanna Shurko
    Additional Casting Charlotte Shurko
    Additional Casting Peter Waggoner
    Sound Re-Recording Mixer Adam Bernstein
    Executive Producer Lisa R. Frucht
    Costume Design Emily Rucker
    Casting Assistant Steve Borne
    Supervising Sound Editor Jessica Biel
    Executive Producer Charlie Gogolak
    Executive Producer Michelle Purple
    Executive Producer Stephanie Holbrook
    Casting Petra Hammesfahr
    Book Ronit Kirchman
    Original Music Composer Derek Simonds
    Executive Producer Bill Pullman
    Harry Ambrose Frances Fisher
    Meg Muldoon Alice Kremelberg
    Percy Muldoon Neal Huff
    Sean Muldoon Cindy Cheung
    Stephanie Lam Ronin Wong
    Mike Lam Jessica Hecht
    Sonya Barzel Michael Mosley
    Colin Muldoon Episodi: 8 
    In onda il: 2017-08-02 1: Parte I
    Durante un pomeriggio in spiaggia, una donna pugnala a morte un uomo in un impeto di rabbia, portando scompiglio nella cittadina in cui vive. 1: Parte I
    In onda il: 2017-08-02 Durante un pomeriggio in spiaggia, una donna pugnala a morte un uomo in un impeto di rabbia, portando scompiglio nella cittadina in cui vive. In onda il: 2017-08-09 2: Parte II
    Il tribunale ordina una perizia psichiatrica. Il detective Ambrose cerca di estorcere una spiegazione a Cora e tenta di mettere ordine nei propri complessi rapporti. 2: Parte II
    In onda il: 2017-08-09 Il tribunale ordina una perizia psichiatrica. Il detective Ambrose cerca di estorcere una spiegazione a Cora e tenta di mettere ordine nei propri complessi rapporti. In onda il: 2017-08-16 3: Parte III
    Cora prega Mason di portare Laine in visita. Mentre emergono nuove informazioni, l'indagine di Ambrose prende una piega sorprendente. 3: Parte III
    In onda il: 2017-08-16 Cora prega Mason di portare Laine in visita. Mentre emergono nuove informazioni, l'indagine di Ambrose prende una piega sorprendente. In onda il: 2017-08-23 4: Parte IV
    Grazie all'ipnosi, i ricordi di Cora cominciano ad affiorare, facendola sprofondare in un abisso. Mason prende in mano la situazione. 4: Parte IV
    In onda il: 2017-08-23 Grazie all'ipnosi, i ricordi di Cora cominciano ad affiorare, facendola sprofondare in un abisso. Mason prende in mano la situazione. In onda il: 2017-08-30 5: Parte V
    Una scoperta porta Ambrose in un country club composto da membri potenti. Visioni frammentarie di un incontro fatale perseguitano Cora. 5: Parte V
    In onda il: 2017-08-30 Una scoperta porta Ambrose in un country club composto da membri potenti. Visioni frammentarie di un incontro fatale perseguitano Cora. In onda il: 2017-09-06 6: Parte VI
    Ambrose mette il suo lavoro a rischio per aiutare Cora. La donna ricorda come l'infatuazione per J.D. ha messo alla prova la propria lealtà nei confronti della sorella. 6: Parte VI
    In onda il: 2017-09-06 Ambrose mette il suo lavoro a rischio per aiutare Cora. La donna ricorda come l'infatuazione per J.D. ha messo alla prova la propria lealtà nei confronti della sorella. In onda il: 2017-09-13 7: Parte VII
    Mentre Cora esplora il suo passato, la storia inquietante che l'ha portata a perdere la memoria viene a galla. 7: Parte VII
    In onda il: 2017-09-13 Mentre Cora esplora il suo passato, la storia inquietante che l'ha portata a perdere la memoria viene a galla. In onda il: 2017-09-20 8: Parte VIII
    Collegando gli indizi, Ambrose mette alle corde un sospetto. Cora riceve una visita a sorpresa prima di tornare in tribunale. 8: Parte VIII
    In onda il: 2017-09-20 Collegando gli indizi, Ambrose mette alle corde un sospetto. Cora riceve una visita a sorpresa prima di tornare in tribunale. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  7. The Long Road Home [7/7] ITA Streaming  

    Serie TV ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The Long Road Home
    Stagione 1    Episodi 7        
    War & Politics ◦ Dramma
    Siamo in Iraq, dove si lotta per la sopravvivenza, giorno dopo giorno, minuto dopo minuto. Tutto accade in un attimo, durante l’atroce imboscata del 4 aprile 2004, a Sadr City, in un sobborgo di Baghdad, durante una delle giornate simbolo della Guerra in Iraq, ricordata per essere tra le più cruenti e conosciuta in gergo come “Black Sunday” ovvero la “Domenica Nera”. La prima Divisione della Cavalleria di Fort Hood è vittima di un’imboscata, in un susseguirsi di scene che intrecciano la vita al fronte con la vita a casa in Texas, dove le famiglie aspettano di avere qualsiasi notizia durante quelle 8 ore infernali.
    Phil Abraham
    Executive Producer Michael Kelly
    Lt. Col. Gary Volesky E.J. Bonilla
    Lt. Shane Aguero Noel Fisher
    Pvt Tomas Young Darius Homayoun
    Jassim Al-Lani Jon Beavers
    Sgt. Eric Bourquin Franklin Silverio
    SPC Acevedo Ezekiel Z. Swinford
    SPC Matt Fisk Joey Luthman
    SPC Jonathan Riddell Jorge Diaz
    SPC. Israel Garza Joshua Brennan
    SGT. Jackson Tristan Riggs
    Chapel Kid May Calamawy
    Faiza Episodi: 7 
    In onda il: 2017-11-07 1: Black Sunday
    The First Cavalry Division launches a rescue mission when one of their platoons is ambushed by thousands of enemy insurgents in Baghdad. As news breaks, the lives of the soldiers' families at Fort Hood are thrown into chaos and uncertainty. 1: Black Sunday
    In onda il: 2017-11-07 The First Cavalry Division launches a rescue mission when one of their platoons is ambushed by thousands of enemy insurgents in Baghdad. As news breaks, the lives of the soldiers' families at Fort Hood are thrown into chaos and uncertainty. In onda il: 2017-11-14 2: Into the Unknown
    Denomy leads the first rescue into Sadr City under heavy fire. It’s clear the locals have been preparing for this ambush for weeks. 2: Into the Unknown
    In onda il: 2017-11-14 Denomy leads the first rescue into Sadr City under heavy fire. It’s clear the locals have been preparing for this ambush for weeks. In onda il: 2017-11-21 3: In the Valley of Death
    Before Staff Sgt. Robert Miltenberger’s deployment, he is overcome by a strong premonition that he will die in Iraq. 3: In the Valley of Death
    In onda il: 2017-11-21 Before Staff Sgt. Robert Miltenberger’s deployment, he is overcome by a strong premonition that he will die in Iraq. In onda il: 2017-11-28 4: The Choice
    Jassim’s troubled past is revealed and his allegiances tested. Aguero is forced to make a choice that scars his platoon for the rest of their lives. 4: The Choice
    In onda il: 2017-11-28 Jassim’s troubled past is revealed and his allegiances tested. Aguero is forced to make a choice that scars his platoon for the rest of their lives. In onda il: 2017-12-05 5: A City Called Heaven
    Tomas Young learns about the realities of war, beginning a lifelong struggle through which he’ll touch countless lives. 5: A City Called Heaven
    In onda il: 2017-12-05 Tomas Young learns about the realities of war, beginning a lifelong struggle through which he’ll touch countless lives. In onda il: 2017-12-12 6: Abandon Hope
    With a diminishing supply of ammunition, Bourquin struggles to signal helicopters in a desperate attempt to get the men out alive. 6: Abandon Hope
    In onda il: 2017-12-12 With a diminishing supply of ammunition, Bourquin struggles to signal helicopters in a desperate attempt to get the men out alive. In onda il: 2017-12-19 7: Always Dream of Me
    The rescuers finally punch through to the stranded platoon, but the battle hasn’t finished taking its toll, both in Sadr City and at Fort Hood. 7: Always Dream of Me
    In onda il: 2017-12-19 The rescuers finally punch through to the stranded platoon, but the battle hasn’t finished taking its toll, both in Sadr City and at Fort Hood. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  8. Troy - La caduta di Troia [8/8] ITA Streaming  

    Serie TV ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Troy: Fall of a City
    Stagione 1    Episodi 8        
    War & Politics ◦ Dramma ◦ Action & Adventure
    A rich story of love, intrigue, betrayal and belonging told from the perspective of the Trojan royal family at the heart of the siege of Troy.
    Christopher Aird
    Executive Producer David Farr
    Executive Producer Derek Wax
    Executive Producer Melinda Launspach
    Set Decoration Rob Harris
    Production Design Robin Coudert
    Original Music Composer Victor Jenkins
    Casting Homer
    Original Concept Louis Hunter
    Paris Bella Dayne
    Helen David Threlfall
    King Priam Frances O'Connor
    Hecuba Tom Weston-Jones
    Hector Joseph Mawle
    Odysseus Chloe Pirrie
    Andromache Johnny Harris
    Agamemnon David Gyasi
    Achilles Jonas Armstrong
    Menelaus Alfred Enoch
    Aeneas Aimee-Ffion Edwards
    Cassandra Inge Beckmann
    Hera Lex King
    Aphrodite Episodi: 8 
    In onda il: 2018-02-17 1: Sangue Nero
    Dopo un fatidico incontro con gli dei, la vita del giovane pastore Parigi cambia per sempre. Ai giochi della città di Troy, scopre qualcosa di straordinario e, durante un viaggio a Sparta, si innamora di conseguenze imprevedibili e di vasta portata. 1: Sangue Nero
    In onda il: 2018-02-17 Dopo un fatidico incontro con gli dei, la vita del giovane pastore Parigi cambia per sempre. Ai giochi della città di Troy, scopre qualcosa di straordinario e, durante un viaggio a Sparta, si innamora di conseguenze imprevedibili e di vasta portata. In onda il: 2018-02-24 2: Condizioni
    La fuga di Elena e Parigi provoca il caos per i greci e i troiani. Priamo ed Ecuba discutono se rimandare Helen o rischiare le conseguenze. La dea Artemide presenta ad Agamennone un dilemma ancora più angosciante. 2: Condizioni
    In onda il: 2018-02-24 La fuga di Elena e Parigi provoca il caos per i greci e i troiani. Priamo ed Ecuba discutono se rimandare Helen o rischiare le conseguenze. La dea Artemide presenta ad Agamennone un dilemma ancora più angosciante. In onda il: 2018-03-03 3: Assedio
    Con la presa dei greci sulla stretta della città, Hector e Parigi intraprendono un pericoloso viaggio verso un alleato vicino per chiedere aiuto. Affidarsi l'un l'altro per test di sopravvivenza e rafforzare il loro legame, ma un viso familiare riappare per raccontare a Hector l'inquietante verità su suo fratello. 3: Assedio
    In onda il: 2018-03-03 Con la presa dei greci sulla stretta della città, Hector e Parigi intraprendono un pericoloso viaggio verso un alleato vicino per chiedere aiuto. Affidarsi l'un l'altro per test di sopravvivenza e rafforzare il loro legame, ma un viso familiare riappare per raccontare a Hector l'inquietante verità su suo fratello. In onda il: 2018-03-10 4: Bottino di guerra
    L'attacco a sorpresa di Achille contro l'alleato di Troy Cilicia sconvolge i troiani e accende i riflettori su Elena. Andromaca riceve sia buone notizie che cattive. Scoppia una dura disputa tra Agamennone e Achille. 4: Bottino di guerra
    In onda il: 2018-03-10 L'attacco a sorpresa di Achille contro l'alleato di Troy Cilicia sconvolge i troiani e accende i riflettori su Elena. Andromaca riceve sia buone notizie che cattive. Scoppia una dura disputa tra Agamennone e Achille. In onda il: 2018-03-17 5: Preda
    Parigi è braccata dai greci e ritorna alla sua vita precedente, lasciando Elena senza alleato a Troia proprio mentre l'indagine di Pandaro raccoglie lo slancio. I Troiani tentano di approfittare delle divisioni all'interno del campo greco. 5: Preda
    In onda il: 2018-03-17 Parigi è braccata dai greci e ritorna alla sua vita precedente, lasciando Elena senza alleato a Troia proprio mentre l'indagine di Pandaro raccoglie lo slancio. I Troiani tentano di approfittare delle divisioni all'interno del campo greco. In onda il: 2018-03-24 6: Battaglia Sulla Spiaggia
    I troiani ricevono un messaggio dagli dei e intraprendono un'ardita incursione con nuovi alleati. La situazione di Helen rimane precaria. Achille è provocato nel ritornare in battaglia. 6: Battaglia Sulla Spiaggia
    In onda il: 2018-03-24 I troiani ricevono un messaggio dagli dei e intraprendono un'ardita incursione con nuovi alleati. La situazione di Helen rimane precaria. Achille è provocato nel ritornare in battaglia. In onda il: 2018-03-31 7: Dodici Giorni
    Il re Priamo si prende la vita nelle sue mani per visitare Achille e una tregua è d'accordo, ma rimarrà? Helen affronta una crisi personale mentre la sua relazione con Parigi viene messa a dura prova. 7: Dodici Giorni
    In onda il: 2018-03-31 Il re Priamo si prende la vita nelle sue mani per visitare Achille e una tregua è d'accordo, ma rimarrà? Helen affronta una crisi personale mentre la sua relazione con Parigi viene messa a dura prova. In onda il: 2018-04-07 8: Offerta
    I Troiani sono sbalorditi nello scoprire che tutto ciò che rimane dell'esercito greco a Troia è un'offerta agli dei sotto forma di un cavallo di legno. Ritengono che la guerra potrebbe finalmente essere finita e le celebrazioni inizieranno. Ma forse troppo presto. 8: Offerta
    In onda il: 2018-04-07 I Troiani sono sbalorditi nello scoprire che tutto ciò che rimane dell'esercito greco a Troia è un'offerta agli dei sotto forma di un cavallo di legno. Ritengono che la guerra potrebbe finalmente essere finita e le celebrazioni inizieranno. Ma forse troppo presto. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  9. The Terror 1 [10/10] ITA Streaming  

    Serie TV ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The Terror
    Stagione 1    Episodi 10        
    Mistero ◦ Dramma ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    Adattamento del romanzo omonimo di Dan Simmons, la serie drammatica a sfondo horror è di tipo antologico e ogni stagione racconta di una nuova storia con nuovi personaggi.
    Alexander Woo
    Executive Producer Max Borenstein
    Executive Producer Ridley Scott
    Executive Producer George Takei
    Nobuhiro Yamato / Yamato-san Kiki Sukezane
    Yuko Tanabe Shingo Usami
    Henry Nakayama Naoko Mori
    Asako Nakayama Miki Ishikawa
    Amy Yoshida Cristina Rodlo
    Luz Ojeda Derek Mio
    Chester Nakayama Episodi: 10 
    In onda il: 2018-03-26 1: Tutto per tutto
    Il danneggiamento di una delle navi della Royal Navy blocca la spedizione a 200 miglia dal Passaggio a Nord-Ovest costringendo il capitano a prendere una drammatica decisione. 1: Tutto per tutto
    In onda il: 2018-03-26 Il danneggiamento di una delle navi della Royal Navy blocca la spedizione a 200 miglia dal Passaggio a Nord-Ovest costringendo il capitano a prendere una drammatica decisione. In onda il: 2018-03-26 2: Gore
    Dopo un lungo inverno intrappolati dal gelo, alcune squadre di esploratori vengono inviate alla ricerca di acque libere dal ghiaccio. Una di esse fa una terrificante scoperta. 2: Gore
    In onda il: 2018-03-26 Dopo un lungo inverno intrappolati dal gelo, alcune squadre di esploratori vengono inviate alla ricerca di acque libere dal ghiaccio. Una di esse fa una terrificante scoperta. In onda il: 2018-04-02 3: La scala, la salita
    Mentre qualcosa sta minacciando le navi, i capitani valutano diverse opzioni mettendo alla prova la reciproca fedeltà e quella nei confronti dei loro equipaggi. 3: La scala, la salita
    In onda il: 2018-04-02 Mentre qualcosa sta minacciando le navi, i capitani valutano diverse opzioni mettendo alla prova la reciproca fedeltà e quella nei confronti dei loro equipaggi. In onda il: 2018-04-09 4: Punito come un mozzo
    Un astuto attacco alle navi dimostra agli uomini che non si trovano di fronte a un normale orso e la chiave per sopravvivere può essere nascosta nelle antiche conoscenze degli Inuit della regione. 4: Punito come un mozzo
    In onda il: 2018-04-09 Un astuto attacco alle navi dimostra agli uomini che non si trovano di fronte a un normale orso e la chiave per sopravvivere può essere nascosta nelle antiche conoscenze degli Inuit della regione. In onda il: 2018-04-16 5: Primo colpo vincente, ragazzi!
    Una strana epidemia comincia a diffondersi fra i marinai, mentre un'altra meno insolita mette a repentaglio la risorsa più importante della spedizione: la capacità di giudizio del suo Capitano. 5: Primo colpo vincente, ragazzi!
    In onda il: 2018-04-16 Una strana epidemia comincia a diffondersi fra i marinai, mentre un'altra meno insolita mette a repentaglio la risorsa più importante della spedizione: la capacità di giudizio del suo Capitano. In onda il: 2018-04-23 6: Pietà
    Le provviste sono quasi finite, così gli ufficiali decidono di organizzare una festa per risollevare il morale degli uomini e pianificano una successiva spedizione di 800 miglia in cerca della salvezza. 6: Pietà
    In onda il: 2018-04-23 Le provviste sono quasi finite, così gli ufficiali decidono di organizzare una festa per risollevare il morale degli uomini e pianificano una successiva spedizione di 800 miglia in cerca della salvezza. In onda il: 2018-04-30 7: L'orrore del pasto
    Mentre gli uomini intraprendono una lunga marcia verso sud in cerca di salvezza, una serie di orrendi avvenimenti mettono in luce a quali rischi siano esposti. 7: L'orrore del pasto
    In onda il: 2018-04-30 Mentre gli uomini intraprendono una lunga marcia verso sud in cerca di salvezza, una serie di orrendi avvenimenti mettono in luce a quali rischi siano esposti. In onda il: 2018-05-07 8: Attacco all'accampamento
    La morte di uno degli ufficiali in circostanze misteriosa, crea panico tra gli uomini. Crozier scopre che alcuni membri dell'equipaggio stanno pensando a un ammutinamento. 8: Attacco all'accampamento
    In onda il: 2018-05-07 La morte di uno degli ufficiali in circostanze misteriosa, crea panico tra gli uomini. Crozier scopre che alcuni membri dell'equipaggio stanno pensando a un ammutinamento. In onda il: 2018-05-14 9: Il mare, il mare, il mare aperto
    La speranza assume varie forme e la questione di cosa gli uomini siano disposti a fare per sopravvivere si manifesta in modo nobile o nel modo più orribile. 9: Il mare, il mare, il mare aperto
    In onda il: 2018-05-14 La speranza assume varie forme e la questione di cosa gli uomini siano disposti a fare per sopravvivere si manifesta in modo nobile o nel modo più orribile. In onda il: 2018-05-21 10: Non ci siamo più
    L'epico viaggio della spedizione raggiunge il suo culmine quando gli uomini devono confrontarsi con la mitologia inuit che hanno violato. 10: Non ci siamo più
    In onda il: 2018-05-21 L'epico viaggio della spedizione raggiunge il suo culmine quando gli uomini devono confrontarsi con la mitologia inuit che hanno violato. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  10. Trump: Un sogno americano [4/4] ITA Streaming  

    Serie TV ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Trump: un sogno americano
    Stagione 1    Episodi 4        
    Amici, soci e avversari spiegano come lo sfacciato imprenditore Donald Trump rappresenti il sogno americano, diventando il presidente degli USA contro ogni pronostico.
    Nessun dato per la Crew disponibile
    Donald Trump
    Self (archive footage) Colin Tierney
    Narrator Nikki Haskell
    Self - Family Friend Episodi: 4 
    In onda il: 2017-11-09 1: Manhattan
    Negli anni '70 Trump esce dall'ombra del padre e gestisce un enorme affare immobiliare. Poi punta a costruire il grattacielo che porta il suo nome. 1: Manhattan
    In onda il: 2017-11-09 Negli anni '70 Trump esce dall'ombra del padre e gestisce un enorme affare immobiliare. Poi punta a costruire il grattacielo che porta il suo nome. In onda il: 2017-11-16 2: Il giocatore d'azzardo
    Trump diventa sempre più edonista negli anni '80, quando entra nel campo dei casinò ed espande le attività con il suo marchio, ma la sua vita personale va in crisi. 2: Il giocatore d'azzardo
    In onda il: 2017-11-16 Trump diventa sempre più edonista negli anni '80, quando entra nel campo dei casinò ed espande le attività con il suo marchio, ma la sua vita personale va in crisi. In onda il: 2017-11-23 3: Cittadino Trump
    Trump è sull'orlo del fallimento, mentre i media parlano del suo divorzio e dell'amante. Lui allora, per rimettersi in pista, si rivolge al mercato azionario. 3: Cittadino Trump
    In onda il: 2017-11-23 Trump è sull'orlo del fallimento, mentre i media parlano del suo divorzio e dell'amante. Lui allora, per rimettersi in pista, si rivolge al mercato azionario. In onda il: 2017-11-30 4: Politica
    Nel XXI secolo la stella di Trump torna a brillare con la TV dei reality. Dopodiché si concentra sulla sede suprema del potere: la Casa Bianca. 4: Politica
    In onda il: 2017-11-30 Nel XXI secolo la stella di Trump torna a brillare con la TV dei reality. Dopodiché si concentra sulla sede suprema del potere: la Casa Bianca. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  11. The Secret Circle 1 [22/22] ITA Streaming  

    Serie TV ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The Secret Circle
    Stagione 1    Episodi 22        
    Dramma ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    Improvvisamente orfana, la giovane Cassie si trasferisce dalla nonna nella graziosa Chance Harbor, città natale della madre. Conosciuti i suoi nuovi compagni di classe - la dolce Diana, il suo fidanzato Adam, il solitario Nick, la perfida Faye, e la sua amica Melissa - dopo alcuni strani avvenimenti, Cassie scopre di appartenere a una potente stirpe di streghe, esattamente come i suoi nuovi amici. Lei non sembra crederci, fino a quando non trova un messaggio della madre in un vecchio libro d’incantesimi.
    Kevin Williamson
    Producer Britt Robertson
    Cassie Blake Phoebe Tonkin
    Faye Chamberlain Thomas Dekker
    Adam Conant Shelley Hennig
    Diana Meade Natasha Henstridge
    Dawn Chamberlain Jessica Parker Kennedy
    Melissa Glaser Ashley Crow
    Jane Blake Gale Harold
    Charles Meade Chris Zylka
    Jake Armstrong Adam J. Harrington
    Ethan Conant Episodi: 22 
    In onda il: 2011-09-15 1: Pilot
    Cassie Blake's world is turned upside down after her mother dies in a mysterious accident, forcing Cassie to move in with her loving grandmother Jane in the small town of Chance Harbor, Washington. While trying to adjust to her new life, Cassie is quickly befriended by Diana Meade, a sweet-natured classmate who offers to show her around and introduces her to mean-girl Faye, her sidekick Melissa and Cassie's next door neighbor Nick. Things get complicated when she meets Adam, Diana's boyfriend, with whom she feels an instant and powerful connection. Upon meeting one of her mother's childhood friends, Dawn Chamberlain, the school principal and Faye's mother, Cassie begins to wonder why her mother never spoke of her hometown. When strange and dangerous things begin to happen, Cassie's new friends are forced to tell her their secret - they are all witches and her arrival will complete the Circle. However, the Circle has not been drawn together again by chance - Diana's father, Charles Meade has plans of his own for the group. 1: Pilot
    In onda il: 2011-09-15 Cassie Blake's world is turned upside down after her mother dies in a mysterious accident, forcing Cassie to move in with her loving grandmother Jane in the small town of Chance Harbor, Washington. While trying to adjust to her new life, Cassie is quickly befriended by Diana Meade, a sweet-natured classmate who offers to show her around and introduces her to mean-girl Faye, her sidekick Melissa and Cassie's next door neighbor Nick. Things get complicated when she meets Adam, Diana's boyfriend, with whom she feels an instant and powerful connection. Upon meeting one of her mother's childhood friends, Dawn Chamberlain, the school principal and Faye's mother, Cassie begins to wonder why her mother never spoke of her hometown. When strange and dangerous things begin to happen, Cassie's new friends are forced to tell her their secret - they are all witches and her arrival will complete the Circle. However, the Circle has not been drawn together again by chance - Diana's father, Charles Meade has plans of his own for the group. In onda il: 2011-09-22 2: Bound
    In an effort to distance herself from the Circle and establish a normal teenage life in Chance Harbor, Cassie befriends Sally Matthews, a non-witch. Concerned their powers are getting out of control, Diana pushes everyone to bind the Circle, but Faye is thrilled with the increase in her powers and refuses to participate, while Melissa flirts with Nick despite Faye's warnings. Meanwhile, Adam fights his growing feelings for Cassie, but circumstances continue to throw them together, forcing Cassie to make a decision. 2: Bound
    In onda il: 2011-09-22 In an effort to distance herself from the Circle and establish a normal teenage life in Chance Harbor, Cassie befriends Sally Matthews, a non-witch. Concerned their powers are getting out of control, Diana pushes everyone to bind the Circle, but Faye is thrilled with the increase in her powers and refuses to participate, while Melissa flirts with Nick despite Faye's warnings. Meanwhile, Adam fights his growing feelings for Cassie, but circumstances continue to throw them together, forcing Cassie to make a decision. In onda il: 2011-09-29 3: Loner
    A cute jock named Luke asks Cassie to the school dance, and after watching Adam spend time with Diana at the boathouse, she accepts his offer. Meanwhile, Melissa sees the dance as an opportunity to get closer to Nick. Faye, on the other hand, has no plans to go and remains focused on finding a way to control her powers. Dawn discovers someone from their past, an intense man named Zachary, is in town asking questions about the Cassie and the Circle, so she asks Charles to keep an eye on him. 3: Loner
    In onda il: 2011-09-29 A cute jock named Luke asks Cassie to the school dance, and after watching Adam spend time with Diana at the boathouse, she accepts his offer. Meanwhile, Melissa sees the dance as an opportunity to get closer to Nick. Faye, on the other hand, has no plans to go and remains focused on finding a way to control her powers. Dawn discovers someone from their past, an intense man named Zachary, is in town asking questions about the Cassie and the Circle, so she asks Charles to keep an eye on him. In onda il: 2011-10-06 4: Heather
    Cassie looks up an old friend of her mother's named Heather Barnes and discovers she has been in a catatonic state since the night of the fire 16 years ago. Feeling guilty that her mother and her Circle may have had something to do with Heather's current state, Cassie tells Diana that she wants to use magic to help Heather. Diana refuses to help, but Faye is more than happy to conjure up a spell - for a price. 4: Heather
    In onda il: 2011-10-06 Cassie looks up an old friend of her mother's named Heather Barnes and discovers she has been in a catatonic state since the night of the fire 16 years ago. Feeling guilty that her mother and her Circle may have had something to do with Heather's current state, Cassie tells Diana that she wants to use magic to help Heather. Diana refuses to help, but Faye is more than happy to conjure up a spell - for a price. In onda il: 2011-10-13 5: Slither
    Torn between her loyalties to the Circle and her family, Cassie wrestles with the secrets she must keep from her grandmother. Nick is thrown for a loop when Melissa adopts a new attitude and enlists his help to track down her family's Book of Shadows. Faye is also recruited but isn’t happy about being the third wheel. Meanwhile, Diana is craving some alone time with Adam and arranges a date night so they can rekindle the spark in their relationship, but all six of them are brought together to fight off a dark force that threatens to destroy the Circle from within. Completely unaware of the new danger encroaching on their children, Dawn joins Charles aboard his boat to further their plans for the Circle, but is surprised to find that Charles may have more than business on his mind. 5: Slither
    In onda il: 2011-10-13 Torn between her loyalties to the Circle and her family, Cassie wrestles with the secrets she must keep from her grandmother. Nick is thrown for a loop when Melissa adopts a new attitude and enlists his help to track down her family's Book of Shadows. Faye is also recruited but isn’t happy about being the third wheel. Meanwhile, Diana is craving some alone time with Adam and arranges a date night so they can rekindle the spark in their relationship, but all six of them are brought together to fight off a dark force that threatens to destroy the Circle from within. Completely unaware of the new danger encroaching on their children, Dawn joins Charles aboard his boat to further their plans for the Circle, but is surprised to find that Charles may have more than business on his mind. In onda il: 2011-10-20 6: Wake
    When Jake, a mysterious young man, shows up in Chance Harbor, he learns a lot has changed since his last visit. For one, the girl he left behind, Faye has discovered she's a witch and has plans to get even with the handsome guy who broke her heart. To complicate things further, he sets his sights on the alluring Cassie, much to Adam and Faye's dismay. 6: Wake
    In onda il: 2011-10-20 When Jake, a mysterious young man, shows up in Chance Harbor, he learns a lot has changed since his last visit. For one, the girl he left behind, Faye has discovered she's a witch and has plans to get even with the handsome guy who broke her heart. To complicate things further, he sets his sights on the alluring Cassie, much to Adam and Faye's dismay. In onda il: 2011-10-27 7: Masked
    Deciding the Circle needs to have a little fun, Faye convinces Cassie to throw a big Halloween party. Intent on wooing Jake back, Faye goes all out on her Halloween costume. After a fight with Diana, Adam turns to Cassie for advice. Meanwhile, some dangerous, uninvited guests set their sights on the Circle. 7: Masked
    In onda il: 2011-10-27 Deciding the Circle needs to have a little fun, Faye convinces Cassie to throw a big Halloween party. Intent on wooing Jake back, Faye goes all out on her Halloween costume. After a fight with Diana, Adam turns to Cassie for advice. Meanwhile, some dangerous, uninvited guests set their sights on the Circle. In onda il: 2011-11-03 8: Beneath
    After not hearing from her grandmother for a couple of days, Cassie becomes concerned and wants to go look for her. Diana decides the entire Circle should go in case Jane is in trouble. She also invites Jake along, much to Adam's dismay. A storm turns the day trip into an overnight excursion, so Faye suggests a little game of Truth or Dare to liven up the evening. However, things take a horrible turn when Faye is forced to reckon with someone from her past. 8: Beneath
    In onda il: 2011-11-03 After not hearing from her grandmother for a couple of days, Cassie becomes concerned and wants to go look for her. Diana decides the entire Circle should go in case Jane is in trouble. She also invites Jake along, much to Adam's dismay. A storm turns the day trip into an overnight excursion, so Faye suggests a little game of Truth or Dare to liven up the evening. However, things take a horrible turn when Faye is forced to reckon with someone from her past. In onda il: 2011-11-10 9: Balcoin
    Cassie and Jake look into her father's side of the family, hoping to discover more about her lineage and why she has powers separate from the Circle. Meanwhile, Adam becomes protective of Cassie when Faye reveals that Jake might be hiding something dangerous from them. At the same time, Adam's equally concerned when Melissa's cousin Holden comes to town and catches Diana's eye. A power shift forms between Charles and Dawn that threatens to destroy their plan. 9: Balcoin
    In onda il: 2011-11-10 Cassie and Jake look into her father's side of the family, hoping to discover more about her lineage and why she has powers separate from the Circle. Meanwhile, Adam becomes protective of Cassie when Faye reveals that Jake might be hiding something dangerous from them. At the same time, Adam's equally concerned when Melissa's cousin Holden comes to town and catches Diana's eye. A power shift forms between Charles and Dawn that threatens to destroy their plan. In onda il: 2012-01-05 10: Darkness
    Cassie turns to Adam when she uncovers a secret about herself that she needs kept from the rest of the Circle, including Diana. Meanwhile, Diana is thrilled when her grandmother Kate drops in for a visit, but Charles is suspicious of his mother’s motives after Kate takes an unusual interest in Cassie. Meanwhile, Faye recruits a mysterious stranger named Lee to help her with a spell that could change the balance of the Circle forever. 10: Darkness
    In onda il: 2012-01-05 Cassie turns to Adam when she uncovers a secret about herself that she needs kept from the rest of the Circle, including Diana. Meanwhile, Diana is thrilled when her grandmother Kate drops in for a visit, but Charles is suspicious of his mother’s motives after Kate takes an unusual interest in Cassie. Meanwhile, Faye recruits a mysterious stranger named Lee to help her with a spell that could change the balance of the Circle forever. In onda il: 2012-01-12 11: Fire/Ice
    Cassie asks Adam for help when she wants to look into her father's past, and their search leads them to an eerily familiar place. It also rekindles an old flame when Adam, thrilled to be spending time with Cassie again, asks her to the Fire and Ice dance. But because of her friendship with Diana Cassie is forced to give a surprising response. In an effort to be a better father, Ethan offers to chaperone the dance, much to Adam's dismay. Faye asks Lee to help her with a spell that would grant her individual magic. Unfortunately, the spell has some terrifying side effects that nearly destroy the Circle. 11: Fire/Ice
    In onda il: 2012-01-12 Cassie asks Adam for help when she wants to look into her father's past, and their search leads them to an eerily familiar place. It also rekindles an old flame when Adam, thrilled to be spending time with Cassie again, asks her to the Fire and Ice dance. But because of her friendship with Diana Cassie is forced to give a surprising response. In an effort to be a better father, Ethan offers to chaperone the dance, much to Adam's dismay. Faye asks Lee to help her with a spell that would grant her individual magic. Unfortunately, the spell has some terrifying side effects that nearly destroy the Circle. In onda il: 2012-01-19 12: Witness
    Jake returns to Chance Harbor to warn Cassie that unless they find out how her father was killed in the boat fire 16 years ago, she'll meet with the same death. He suggests an extremely dangerous method to finally uncover what happened on that fateful day, but Adam and Diana suspect he has ulterior motives. In an effort to usurp the other, both Charles and Dawn try to get Ethan on board as an ally. Faye gets trapped in a dangerous situation when one of Lee’s friends, Callum stops by the shop. 12: Witness
    In onda il: 2012-01-19 Jake returns to Chance Harbor to warn Cassie that unless they find out how her father was killed in the boat fire 16 years ago, she'll meet with the same death. He suggests an extremely dangerous method to finally uncover what happened on that fateful day, but Adam and Diana suspect he has ulterior motives. In an effort to usurp the other, both Charles and Dawn try to get Ethan on board as an ally. Faye gets trapped in a dangerous situation when one of Lee’s friends, Callum stops by the shop. In onda il: 2012-02-02 13: Medallion
    Cassie enlists the Circle's help when she receives a frightening warning about the witch hunters' return. At the same time, her true feelings for Adam and Jake surface during a birthday party that Ethan decides to throw with the help of Diana. Meanwhile, Faye and Melissa take their inner power to a chilling new level when they try a little of Lee's "Devil's Spirit." 13: Medallion
    In onda il: 2012-02-02 Cassie enlists the Circle's help when she receives a frightening warning about the witch hunters' return. At the same time, her true feelings for Adam and Jake surface during a birthday party that Ethan decides to throw with the help of Diana. Meanwhile, Faye and Melissa take their inner power to a chilling new level when they try a little of Lee's "Devil's Spirit." In onda il: 2012-02-09 14: Valentine
    In honor of the holiday, Faye and Melissa throw a girls only anti-Valentine’s Day slumber party for themselves and fellow witches Diana and Cassie. But the night gets wilder than expected when Melissa offers Diana some mood altering “Devil’s Spirit” and the first person Diana loosens up around is Lee, who crashes the party to help Faye achieve her own power. Meanwhile, Cassie is forced to turn to Adam and Jake after she becomes haunted by the spirits of some vengeful witches. 14: Valentine
    In onda il: 2012-02-09 In honor of the holiday, Faye and Melissa throw a girls only anti-Valentine’s Day slumber party for themselves and fellow witches Diana and Cassie. But the night gets wilder than expected when Melissa offers Diana some mood altering “Devil’s Spirit” and the first person Diana loosens up around is Lee, who crashes the party to help Faye achieve her own power. Meanwhile, Cassie is forced to turn to Adam and Jake after she becomes haunted by the spirits of some vengeful witches. In onda il: 2012-02-16 15: Return
    Cassie is stunned when a notoriously evil figure from her past shows up on her doorstep. However, her surprise quickly turns to suspicion when he asks her to return the medallion she found in the wreckage of the fire that killed their parents. Cassie storms off but is captured by Eben and his band of witch hunters.. Jake offers to trade himself for Cassie’s freedom and when Adam realizes they’re in trouble he calls the Circle. Meanwhile, Faye and Diana are concerned when Melissa starts spending more time with Callum. 15: Return
    In onda il: 2012-02-16 Cassie is stunned when a notoriously evil figure from her past shows up on her doorstep. However, her surprise quickly turns to suspicion when he asks her to return the medallion she found in the wreckage of the fire that killed their parents. Cassie storms off but is captured by Eben and his band of witch hunters.. Jake offers to trade himself for Cassie’s freedom and when Adam realizes they’re in trouble he calls the Circle. Meanwhile, Faye and Diana are concerned when Melissa starts spending more time with Callum. In onda il: 2012-03-15 16: Lucky
    Cassie catches Blackwell sneaking around the abandoned house. After confiding in Adam, he tells her he knows Blackwell was looking for a device to drain witches’ powers and clearly back to his old ways. Faye shows up at Lee’s house to invite him to the school fundraiser, but is taken aback when Eva greets her at the door claiming to be Lee’s girlfriend. Meanwhile, Melissa encourages Diana to date a normal guy and points her in the direction of a new, handsome guy in town. Dawn runs into Blackwell at the school but the reunion isn’t quite what she expected. 16: Lucky
    In onda il: 2012-03-15 Cassie catches Blackwell sneaking around the abandoned house. After confiding in Adam, he tells her he knows Blackwell was looking for a device to drain witches’ powers and clearly back to his old ways. Faye shows up at Lee’s house to invite him to the school fundraiser, but is taken aback when Eva greets her at the door claiming to be Lee’s girlfriend. Meanwhile, Melissa encourages Diana to date a normal guy and points her in the direction of a new, handsome guy in town. Dawn runs into Blackwell at the school but the reunion isn’t quite what she expected. In onda il: 2012-03-22 17: Curse
    Blackwell warns Cassie and Adam that their love may be destiny, but it’s also a curse. He suggests they go visit her grandmother, Jane to find out if there is a spell to reverse it. Jane warns Cassie that someone in the Circle will die if the curse is awakened. Meanwhile, Eva starts stalking Faye and Charles makes his next move against Blackwell. 17: Curse
    In onda il: 2012-03-22 Blackwell warns Cassie and Adam that their love may be destiny, but it’s also a curse. He suggests they go visit her grandmother, Jane to find out if there is a spell to reverse it. Jane warns Cassie that someone in the Circle will die if the curse is awakened. Meanwhile, Eva starts stalking Faye and Charles makes his next move against Blackwell. In onda il: 2012-03-29 18: Sacrifice
    Jake gets a surprise visit from an old acquaintance named Samuel, a witch hunter, who has a message for Blackwell about Eben’s surprising next move. Cassie intervenes, forces Samuel to reveal his news and is stunned to find out what Eben is trying to resurrect. Meanwhile, Diana is frustrated that keeping the secrets of who they are is building a barrier between her and Grant. Faye and Melissa agree to help out Adam at the Boathouse and in return get him to help them use their magic to enhance their love life. 18: Sacrifice
    In onda il: 2012-03-29 Jake gets a surprise visit from an old acquaintance named Samuel, a witch hunter, who has a message for Blackwell about Eben’s surprising next move. Cassie intervenes, forces Samuel to reveal his news and is stunned to find out what Eben is trying to resurrect. Meanwhile, Diana is frustrated that keeping the secrets of who they are is building a barrier between her and Grant. Faye and Melissa agree to help out Adam at the Boathouse and in return get him to help them use their magic to enhance their love life. In onda il: 2012-04-19 19: Crystal
    To protect themselves from the witch hunters, Jake, Cassie and Faye seek out Jake’s grandfather Royce, to find his family’s crystal and are confronted with disturbing theories about the events of sixteen years ago. Meanwhile, Diana tries to balance her pursuit of the Glaser crystal with Melissa and Adam with her romantic life with Grant, who demands to know what she’s hiding. At the same time, Callum attempts to re-insert himself into Melissa’s life. Charles and Jane plot their move against Blackwell. 19: Crystal
    In onda il: 2012-04-19 To protect themselves from the witch hunters, Jake, Cassie and Faye seek out Jake’s grandfather Royce, to find his family’s crystal and are confronted with disturbing theories about the events of sixteen years ago. Meanwhile, Diana tries to balance her pursuit of the Glaser crystal with Melissa and Adam with her romantic life with Grant, who demands to know what she’s hiding. At the same time, Callum attempts to re-insert himself into Melissa’s life. Charles and Jane plot their move against Blackwell. In onda il: 2012-04-26 20: Traitor
    When a crystal is magically stolen from the abandoned house, the Circle decides it was the traitor witch working with Eben so Jake calls for a meeting with Isaac to see if they can get him to change sides. Cassie’s loose grasp on her dark magic threatens to destroy any possible alliance when their pursuit of the traitor leads them to the “Creepiest Place on Earth.” Meanwhile, Faye and Jake work together to steal Dawn’s crystal, Melissa and Adam pair up and uncover a new magic trick. Meanwhile, a frustrated Diana reaches out to Charles for help. 20: Traitor
    In onda il: 2012-04-26 When a crystal is magically stolen from the abandoned house, the Circle decides it was the traitor witch working with Eben so Jake calls for a meeting with Isaac to see if they can get him to change sides. Cassie’s loose grasp on her dark magic threatens to destroy any possible alliance when their pursuit of the traitor leads them to the “Creepiest Place on Earth.” Meanwhile, Faye and Jake work together to steal Dawn’s crystal, Melissa and Adam pair up and uncover a new magic trick. Meanwhile, a frustrated Diana reaches out to Charles for help. In onda il: 2012-05-03 21: Prom
    It’s Prom night in Chance Harbor and after Adam uncloaks a crystal hidden in the school, Blackwell tells Cassie she can use her dark magic to find it. When Cassie follows this advice, it leads her to a dangerous discovery. Meanwhile, Faye invites Jake to Prom, despite the fact that he stood her up two years earlier. Adam, Diana, Cassie and Melissa finally make it to Prom but when they lose the crystal to Eben, they end up in a life and death situation. Meanwhile, Dawn attempts to stop Blackwell, who casts a deadly spell on Charles. 21: Prom
    In onda il: 2012-05-03 It’s Prom night in Chance Harbor and after Adam uncloaks a crystal hidden in the school, Blackwell tells Cassie she can use her dark magic to find it. When Cassie follows this advice, it leads her to a dangerous discovery. Meanwhile, Faye invites Jake to Prom, despite the fact that he stood her up two years earlier. Adam, Diana, Cassie and Melissa finally make it to Prom but when they lose the crystal to Eben, they end up in a life and death situation. Meanwhile, Dawn attempts to stop Blackwell, who casts a deadly spell on Charles. In onda il: 2012-05-10 22: Family
    After Faye is attacked by the Witch Hunters, Jake, Melissa and Adam set out to save her. Blackwell tells Cassie and Diana that the only way to stop the Witch Hunters is to use their Balcoin blood to unleash the Crystal Skull. Diana is reluctant, but Cassie convinces her it’s the only way to help their friend, but she’ll need to tap into her dark magic to do it. Meanwhile, Dawn and Charles are faced with a new way to get their power back...but at a very big cost. 22: Family
    In onda il: 2012-05-10 After Faye is attacked by the Witch Hunters, Jake, Melissa and Adam set out to save her. Blackwell tells Cassie and Diana that the only way to stop the Witch Hunters is to use their Balcoin blood to unleash the Crystal Skull. Diana is reluctant, but Cassie convinces her it’s the only way to help their friend, but she’ll need to tap into her dark magic to do it. Meanwhile, Dawn and Charles are faced with a new way to get their power back...but at a very big cost. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  12. The New Legends of Monkey 1 [10/10] ITA Streaming  

    Serie TV ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The New Legends of Monkey
    Stagione 1    Episodi 10        
    Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Commedia ◦ Dramma
    Alla ricerca di sette scritture sacre per salvare il mondo dal male, un'impavida ragazza libera un dio pietrificato chiamato Re Monkey.
    Nessun dato per la Crew disponibile
    Chai Hansen
    Monkey Luciane Buchanan
    Tripitaka Josh Thomson
    Pigsy Emilie Cocquerel
    Sandy Natasha Daniel
    Mothrax Episodi: 10 
    In onda il: 2018-01-28 1: Hope Must Never Die
    A girl uncovers a statue of the legendary Monkey King, but in order to release this ancient God from his stone prison she must first find his golden crown, a crown that has fallen into the hands of Demons. 1: Hope Must Never Die
    In onda il: 2018-01-28 A girl uncovers a statue of the legendary Monkey King, but in order to release this ancient God from his stone prison she must first find his golden crown, a crown that has fallen into the hands of Demons. In onda il: 2018-01-28 2: The Edge Of Nowhere
    Having released the Monkey King, Tripitaka is shocked to find him indifferent to the Scholar's mission. Struggling to keep him on side, and still being pursued by Demons, she finds help in the unlikeliest of places. 2: The Edge Of Nowhere
    In onda il: 2018-01-28 Having released the Monkey King, Tripitaka is shocked to find him indifferent to the Scholar's mission. Struggling to keep him on side, and still being pursued by Demons, she finds help in the unlikeliest of places. In onda il: 2018-01-28 3: The Journey Begins
    When Monkey and Sandy find themselves prisoners to Princess Locke, an escaped Tripitaka must convince Pigsy to abandon his mistress and help her rescue the two Gods. 3: The Journey Begins
    In onda il: 2018-01-28 When Monkey and Sandy find themselves prisoners to Princess Locke, an escaped Tripitaka must convince Pigsy to abandon his mistress and help her rescue the two Gods. In onda il: 2018-01-29 4: The Monkey King Returns
    As the heroes set off to the Western Mountains they are intercepted by a gang of rebel bandits, who worship the legend of the Monkey King. When the leader discovers Tripitaka can control the crown he plans to capture Monkey. 4: The Monkey King Returns
    In onda il: 2018-01-29 As the heroes set off to the Western Mountains they are intercepted by a gang of rebel bandits, who worship the legend of the Monkey King. When the leader discovers Tripitaka can control the crown he plans to capture Monkey. In onda il: 2018-01-30 5: The Breaking Ground
    Monkey, Pigsy and Sandy are glamoured by a mystical shamanic Demon and taken to a strange prison called the Breaking Ground. 5: The Breaking Ground
    In onda il: 2018-01-30 Monkey, Pigsy and Sandy are glamoured by a mystical shamanic Demon and taken to a strange prison called the Breaking Ground. In onda il: 2018-01-31 6: A Crown Does Not Make You
    As Monkey travels further into his past Tripitaka must act quickly before he is lost forever. Using the sutra, she is able to find a way to go after Monkey, and in doing so unravels the mystery of his imprisonment. 6: A Crown Does Not Make You
    In onda il: 2018-01-31 As Monkey travels further into his past Tripitaka must act quickly before he is lost forever. Using the sutra, she is able to find a way to go after Monkey, and in doing so unravels the mystery of his imprisonment. In onda il: 2018-02-01 7: Until I Met You
    As Tripitaka, Monkey, Pigsy and Sandy flee from the Shaman and his Demonic henchman, they seek shelter in a sprawling forest. 7: Until I Met You
    In onda il: 2018-02-01 As Tripitaka, Monkey, Pigsy and Sandy flee from the Shaman and his Demonic henchman, they seek shelter in a sprawling forest. In onda il: 2018-02-02 8: A Part Of You That's Missing
    Tripitaka leaves the quest to go in search of her mother, but Sandy won't let her travel alone, and the two journey to the North Water. 8: A Part Of You That's Missing
    In onda il: 2018-02-02 Tripitaka leaves the quest to go in search of her mother, but Sandy won't let her travel alone, and the two journey to the North Water. In onda il: 2018-02-03 9: In Search Of Tripitaka
    As Monkey and Pigsy hide in plain sight within the walls of Davari's palace, Tripitaka realises why Davari is so determined to translate the Sacred Scrolls. Can she stop him completing the translation before it's too late? 9: In Search Of Tripitaka
    In onda il: 2018-02-03 As Monkey and Pigsy hide in plain sight within the walls of Davari's palace, Tripitaka realises why Davari is so determined to translate the Sacred Scrolls. Can she stop him completing the translation before it's too late? In onda il: 2018-02-04 10: A Hero To Save Us All
    While Monkey and Pigsy smuggle themselves into Davari's banquet, Tripitaka must work out the means of controlling the secret army of the Font Demons before Davari can reveal the extent of his new powers. 10: A Hero To Save Us All
    In onda il: 2018-02-04 While Monkey and Pigsy smuggle themselves into Davari's banquet, Tripitaka must work out the means of controlling the secret army of the Font Demons before Davari can reveal the extent of his new powers. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  13. The Rain 1 [8/8] ITA Streaming  

    Serie TV ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The Rain
    Stagione 1    Episodi 8        
    Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Dramma
    Sei anni dopo che un virus ha quasi sterminato la popolazione scandinava, un fratello e una sorella si uniscono ad altri sopravvissuti in cerca di salvezza e risposte.
    Christian Potalivo
    Producer Peter Bose
    Executive Producer Jonas Allen
    Executive Producer Alba August
    Simone Anderson Lucas Lynggaard Tønnesen
    Rasmus Anderson Mikkel Boe Følsgaard
    Martin Lukas Løkken
    Patrick Sonny Lindberg
    Jean Johannes Bah Kuhnke
    Sten Natalie Madueño
    Fie Clara Rosager
    Sarah Evin Ahmad
    Kira Rex Leonard
    Daniel Sandra Guldberg Kampp
    Mathilde Cecilia Loffredo
    Luna Episodi: 8 
    In onda il: 2018-05-04 1: Restate dentro
    Un virus mortale diffuso dalle piogge costringe i fratelli Simone e Rasmus e i loro genitori a cercare rifugio in un bunker sotterraneo ben attrezzato. 1: Restate dentro
    In onda il: 2018-05-04 Un virus mortale diffuso dalle piogge costringe i fratelli Simone e Rasmus e i loro genitori a cercare rifugio in un bunker sotterraneo ben attrezzato. In onda il: 2018-05-04 2: State insieme
    I sopravvissuti entrano nel bunker 2: State insieme
    In onda il: 2018-05-04 I sopravvissuti entrano nel bunker In onda il: 2018-05-04 3: Evitate la città
    Simone e Rasmus si avventurano nella città di Copenaghen mentre viaggiano verso la Svezia. 3: Evitate la città
    In onda il: 2018-05-04 Simone e Rasmus si avventurano nella città di Copenaghen mentre viaggiano verso la Svezia. In onda il: 2018-05-04 4: Non fidatevi di nessuno
    Rasmus, sofferente per la coltellata presa precedentemente, non riesce a camminare. 4: Non fidatevi di nessuno
    In onda il: 2018-05-04 Rasmus, sofferente per la coltellata presa precedentemente, non riesce a camminare. In onda il: 2018-05-04 5: Abbiate fede
    Persi nei boschi e in cerca di un riparo per la pioggia, il gruppo si imbatte in una mansione dove i residenti li invitano a passare la notte, a patto che loro consegnino le armi. 5: Abbiate fede
    In onda il: 2018-05-04 Persi nei boschi e in cerca di un riparo per la pioggia, il gruppo si imbatte in una mansione dove i residenti li invitano a passare la notte, a patto che loro consegnino le armi. In onda il: 2018-05-04 6: Tenetevi stretti gli amici
    Mentre il gruppo trova riparo un una baita, Patrick si ferisce moralmente quando Martin afferma che i due non sono amici e tira un sasso per allontanare un cane infetto, dicendo che quando ne ha l'occasione non vuole uccidere. 6: Tenetevi stretti gli amici
    In onda il: 2018-05-04 Mentre il gruppo trova riparo un una baita, Patrick si ferisce moralmente quando Martin afferma che i due non sono amici e tira un sasso per allontanare un cane infetto, dicendo che quando ne ha l'occasione non vuole uccidere. In onda il: 2018-05-04 7: Non parlate con gli sconosciuti
    Patrick viene catturato da una pattuglia di "Stranieri", che lo torturano togliendogli un dente per avere informazioni. 7: Non parlate con gli sconosciuti
    In onda il: 2018-05-04 Patrick viene catturato da una pattuglia di "Stranieri", che lo torturano togliendogli un dente per avere informazioni. In onda il: 2018-05-04 8: Fidatevi del vostro istinto
    Arrivati al quartier generale dell'Apollon, in Svezia, il gruppo si separa. 8: Fidatevi del vostro istinto
    In onda il: 2018-05-04 Arrivati al quartier generale dell'Apollon, in Svezia, il gruppo si separa. The Rain | Trailer ufficiale [HD] | Netflix
  14. Tredici 1 [13/13] ITA Streaming  

    Serie TV ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Tredici
    Stagione 1    Episodi 13        
    Dramma ◦ Mistero
    Dopo il suicidio di una ragazza un suo compagno di classe riceve una serie di cassette che rilevano le ragioni della sua scelta.
    Allen MacDonald
    Executive Producer Jane Bartelme
    Producer Tom McCarthy
    Executive Producer Michael Sugar
    Executive Producer Steve Golin
    Executive Producer Mandy Teefey
    Executive Producer Brian Yorkey
    Executive Producer Joy Gorman Wettels
    Executive Producer Selena Gomez
    Executive Producer Jay Asher
    Novel Kristel Laiblin
    Executive Producer Dylan Minnette
    Clay Jensen Grace Saif
    Ani Achola Christian Navarro
    Tony Padilla Alisha Boe
    Jessica Davis Brandon Flynn
    Justin Foley Justin Prentice
    Bryce Walker Miles Heizer
    Alex Standall Ross Butler
    Zach Dempsey Devin Druid
    Tyler Down Timothy Granaderos
    Montgomery de la Cruz Amy Hargreaves
    Lainie Jensen Mark Pellegrino
    Bill Standall Tyler Barnhardt
    Charlie St. George Jan Luis Castellanos
    Diego Torres Deaken Bluman
    Winston Williams Gary Sinise
    Robert Ellman Episodi: 13 
    In onda il: 2017-03-31 1: Cassetta 1, parte A
    Mentre la scuola è in lutto per la morte di Hannah Baker, il suo amico Clay riceve alcune audiocassette con dei messaggi registrati da Hannah prima del suicidio. 1: Cassetta 1, parte A
    In onda il: 2017-03-31 Mentre la scuola è in lutto per la morte di Hannah Baker, il suo amico Clay riceve alcune audiocassette con dei messaggi registrati da Hannah prima del suicidio. In onda il: 2017-03-31 2: Cassetta 1, parte B
    Hannah diventa amica di Jessica e Alex, due altri studenti appena arrivati. Justin non si presenta a scuola e la madre di Hannah fa una scoperta sconcertante. 2: Cassetta 1, parte B
    In onda il: 2017-03-31 Hannah diventa amica di Jessica e Alex, due altri studenti appena arrivati. Justin non si presenta a scuola e la madre di Hannah fa una scoperta sconcertante. In onda il: 2017-03-31 3: Cassetta 2, parte A
    La gelosia e i pettegolezzi rovinano la vita ad Hannah. Mentre Alex affronta i propri rimpianti, i ragazzi spingono Clay a ubriacarsi. 3: Cassetta 2, parte A
    In onda il: 2017-03-31 La gelosia e i pettegolezzi rovinano la vita ad Hannah. Mentre Alex affronta i propri rimpianti, i ragazzi spingono Clay a ubriacarsi. In onda il: 2017-03-31 4: Cassetta 2, parte B
    Hannah pensa che qualcuno la stia perseguitando e prepara una trappola. La madre di Hannah affronta il preside e Clay reagisce contro chi ha fatto del male ad Hannah. 4: Cassetta 2, parte B
    In onda il: 2017-03-31 Hannah pensa che qualcuno la stia perseguitando e prepara una trappola. La madre di Hannah affronta il preside e Clay reagisce contro chi ha fatto del male ad Hannah. In onda il: 2017-03-31 5: Cassetta 3, parte A
    Hannah e Clay si trovano al ballo scolastico, ma un volgare pettegolezzo rovina l'atmosfera. Clay porta Courtney sulla tomba di Hannah. 5: Cassetta 3, parte A
    In onda il: 2017-03-31 Hannah e Clay si trovano al ballo scolastico, ma un volgare pettegolezzo rovina l'atmosfera. Clay porta Courtney sulla tomba di Hannah. In onda il: 2017-03-31 6: Cassetta 3, parte B
    L'appuntamento di Hannah per San Valentino non va come previsto. Alex viene coinvolto in una rissa a scuola e deve affrontare il consiglio disciplinare. 6: Cassetta 3, parte B
    In onda il: 2017-03-31 L'appuntamento di Hannah per San Valentino non va come previsto. Alex viene coinvolto in una rissa a scuola e deve affrontare il consiglio disciplinare. In onda il: 2017-03-31 7: Cassetta 4, parte A
    Durante un progetto di classe Hannah viene boicottata ancora una volta. Gli incubi riguardanti Hannah cominciano a tormentare Clay anche di giorno. 7: Cassetta 4, parte A
    In onda il: 2017-03-31 Durante un progetto di classe Hannah viene boicottata ancora una volta. Gli incubi riguardanti Hannah cominciano a tormentare Clay anche di giorno. In onda il: 2017-03-31 8: Cassetta 4, parte B
    Hannah viene ispirata da una lettura di poesie e decide di aprire il suo cuore. Tony parla con Clay della notte in cui Hannah è morta. 8: Cassetta 4, parte B
    In onda il: 2017-03-31 Hannah viene ispirata da una lettura di poesie e decide di aprire il suo cuore. Tony parla con Clay della notte in cui Hannah è morta. In onda il: 2017-03-31 9: Cassetta 5, parte A
    Durante una festa d'estate Hannah assiste a un evento traumatico. Clay cerca di parlare con Justin, mentre Marcus lo avverte che il peggio deve ancora arrivare. 9: Cassetta 5, parte A
    In onda il: 2017-03-31 Durante una festa d'estate Hannah assiste a un evento traumatico. Clay cerca di parlare con Justin, mentre Marcus lo avverte che il peggio deve ancora arrivare. In onda il: 2017-03-31 10: Cassetta 5, parte B
    Hannah è sconvolta e trova un passaggio per tornare a casa. Il comportamento di Jessica è sempre più instabile e Clay scopre la verità nascosta dietro a una disgrazia. 10: Cassetta 5, parte B
    In onda il: 2017-03-31 Hannah è sconvolta e trova un passaggio per tornare a casa. Il comportamento di Jessica è sempre più instabile e Clay scopre la verità nascosta dietro a una disgrazia. In onda il: 2017-03-31 11: Cassetta 6, parte A
    Clay e Hannah diventano più intimi. Mentre Clay trascorre una notte straziante ad ascoltare la sua audiocassetta con Tony, la tensione esplode a casa di Bryce. 11: Cassetta 6, parte A
    In onda il: 2017-03-31 Clay e Hannah diventano più intimi. Mentre Clay trascorre una notte straziante ad ascoltare la sua audiocassetta con Tony, la tensione esplode a casa di Bryce. In onda il: 2017-03-31 12: Cassetta 6, parte B
    Dopo aver litigato con i suoi genitori, Hannah finisce a una festa. Gli studenti ricevono dei mandati di comparizione e Justin è combattuto tra alleanze contrapposte. 12: Cassetta 6, parte B
    In onda il: 2017-03-31 Dopo aver litigato con i suoi genitori, Hannah finisce a una festa. Gli studenti ricevono dei mandati di comparizione e Justin è combattuto tra alleanze contrapposte. In onda il: 2017-03-31 13: Cassetta 7, parte A
    Hannah chiede aiuto al signor Porter, il consigliere scolastico. Clay ascolta il nuovo nastro per Tony e valuta i prossimi passi da fare. 13: Cassetta 7, parte A
    In onda il: 2017-03-31 Hannah chiede aiuto al signor Porter, il consigliere scolastico. Clay ascolta il nuovo nastro per Tony e valuta i prossimi passi da fare. Tredici - Annuncio esordio - Netflix
  15. Tredici 2 [13/13] ITA Streaming  

    Serie TV ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Tredici
    Stagione 2    Episodi 13        
    Dramma ◦ Mistero
    Dopo il suicidio di una ragazza un suo compagno di classe riceve una serie di cassette che rilevano le ragioni della sua scelta.
    Allen MacDonald
    Executive Producer Jane Bartelme
    Producer Tom McCarthy
    Executive Producer Michael Sugar
    Executive Producer Steve Golin
    Executive Producer Mandy Teefey
    Executive Producer Brian Yorkey
    Executive Producer Joy Gorman Wettels
    Executive Producer Selena Gomez
    Executive Producer Jay Asher
    Novel Kristel Laiblin
    Executive Producer Dylan Minnette
    Clay Jensen Grace Saif
    Ani Achola Christian Navarro
    Tony Padilla Alisha Boe
    Jessica Davis Brandon Flynn
    Justin Foley Justin Prentice
    Bryce Walker Miles Heizer
    Alex Standall Ross Butler
    Zach Dempsey Devin Druid
    Tyler Down Timothy Granaderos
    Montgomery de la Cruz Amy Hargreaves
    Lainie Jensen Mark Pellegrino
    Bill Standall Tyler Barnhardt
    Charlie St. George Jan Luis Castellanos
    Diego Torres Deaken Bluman
    Winston Williams Gary Sinise
    Robert Ellman Episodi: 13 
    In onda il: 2018-05-18 1: La prima Polaroid
    Cinque mesi dopo la morte di Hannah, la causa contro la Liberty approda in aula e Tyler è il primo a testimoniare. Clay trova una foto inquietante nel suo armadietto. 1: La prima Polaroid
    In onda il: 2018-05-18 Cinque mesi dopo la morte di Hannah, la causa contro la Liberty approda in aula e Tyler è il primo a testimoniare. Clay trova una foto inquietante nel suo armadietto. In onda il: 2018-05-18 2: Due ragazze e un bacio
    Courtney prende una decisione coraggiosa. Il ricordo di Hannah rovina il rapporto tra Clay e Skye. L'ufficio dell'annuario viene devastato. 2: Due ragazze e un bacio
    In onda il: 2018-05-18 Courtney prende una decisione coraggiosa. Il ricordo di Hannah rovina il rapporto tra Clay e Skye. L'ufficio dell'annuario viene devastato. In onda il: 2018-05-18 3: L'ubriacona
    Spaventati dalle minacce ricevute, Alex e Clay spingono Jessica a testimoniare contro Bryce. Clay chiede aiuto a Tony per trovare un potenziale testimone. 3: L'ubriacona
    In onda il: 2018-05-18 Spaventati dalle minacce ricevute, Alex e Clay spingono Jessica a testimoniare contro Bryce. Clay chiede aiuto a Tony per trovare un potenziale testimone. In onda il: 2018-05-18 4: La seconda Polaroid
    Clay nasconde un segreto ai genitori. Preoccupato per la sua reputazione, Marcus mente in aula. Jessica e Alex saltano insieme la scuola. 4: La seconda Polaroid
    In onda il: 2018-05-18 Clay nasconde un segreto ai genitori. Preoccupato per la sua reputazione, Marcus mente in aula. Jessica e Alex saltano insieme la scuola. In onda il: 2018-05-18 5: La macchina tracciarighe
    Tyler e Cyrus accettano la loro condizione di outsider. Alex cerca disperatamente di ricordare. Ryan e la signora Baker analizzano le poesie di Hannah in cerca d'indizi. 5: La macchina tracciarighe
    In onda il: 2018-05-18 Tyler e Cyrus accettano la loro condizione di outsider. Alex cerca disperatamente di ricordare. Ryan e la signora Baker analizzano le poesie di Hannah in cerca d'indizi. In onda il: 2018-05-18 6: Il sorriso alla fine del molo
    Clay cerca di capire dove sono state scattate le Polaroid. Justin si presenta a scuola. La rivelazione di Zach su Hannah coglie tutti di sorpresa. 6: Il sorriso alla fine del molo
    In onda il: 2018-05-18 Clay cerca di capire dove sono state scattate le Polaroid. Justin si presenta a scuola. La rivelazione di Zach su Hannah coglie tutti di sorpresa. In onda il: 2018-05-18 7: La terza Polaroid
    Alex esplode contro Bryce. Marcus viene ricattato. Clay è chiamato a testimoniare sulla notte passata con Hannah. Jessica ha un flashback. 7: La terza Polaroid
    In onda il: 2018-05-18 Alex esplode contro Bryce. Marcus viene ricattato. Clay è chiamato a testimoniare sulla notte passata con Hannah. Jessica ha un flashback. In onda il: 2018-05-18 8: La bambina
    Quando i genitori di Hannah sono sotto investigazione, Jessica contatta la signora Baker. Justin lotta per restare pulito. Clay si riavvicina a Skye. 8: La bambina
    In onda il: 2018-05-18 Quando i genitori di Hannah sono sotto investigazione, Jessica contatta la signora Baker. Justin lotta per restare pulito. Clay si riavvicina a Skye. In onda il: 2018-05-18 9: La pagina mancante
    Tyler esce con la sorella di Cyrus. Chloe affronta Bryce per le cassette. Jess si chiede se sia pronta per uscire con un ragazzo. Il professor Porter lotta con i rimorsi. 9: La pagina mancante
    In onda il: 2018-05-18 Tyler esce con la sorella di Cyrus. Chloe affronta Bryce per le cassette. Jess si chiede se sia pronta per uscire con un ragazzo. Il professor Porter lotta con i rimorsi. In onda il: 2018-05-18 10: Un bel sorriso, stronze
    Tony si apre sul suo passato. Sheri escogita un piano per entrare nel club. Il professor Porter cerca di aiutare Justin. Zach e Bryce si scontrano. 10: Un bel sorriso, stronze
    In onda il: 2018-05-18 Tony si apre sul suo passato. Sheri escogita un piano per entrare nel club. Il professor Porter cerca di aiutare Justin. Zach e Bryce si scontrano. In onda il: 2018-05-18 11: Bryce e Chloe
    Dopo la testimonianza di Bryce, a scuola esplode il caos. Jessica racconta a Chloe del club. I ricordi finiscono per travolgere Alex. 11: Bryce e Chloe
    In onda il: 2018-05-18 Dopo la testimonianza di Bryce, a scuola esplode il caos. Jessica racconta a Chloe del club. I ricordi finiscono per travolgere Alex. In onda il: 2018-05-18 12: La scatola di Polaroid
    Le minacce contro Clay e gli altri s’intensificano. Tyler affronta provvedimenti disciplinari. Justin testimonia contro Bryce, mettendo a rischio il suo futuro. 12: La scatola di Polaroid
    In onda il: 2018-05-18 Le minacce contro Clay e gli altri s’intensificano. Tyler affronta provvedimenti disciplinari. Justin testimonia contro Bryce, mettendo a rischio il suo futuro. In onda il: 2018-05-18 13: Addio
    Un mese dopo, le persone legate ad Hannah le rendono omaggio, confortandosi a vicenda. Intanto, una brutale aggressione spinge uno studente al limite. 13: Addio
    In onda il: 2018-05-18 Un mese dopo, le persone legate ad Hannah le rendono omaggio, confortandosi a vicenda. Intanto, una brutale aggressione spinge uno studente al limite. Tredici - Annuncio esordio - Netflix
  16. The Handmaid's Tale 1 [10/10] ITA Streaming  

    Serie TV ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The Handmaid's Tale
    Stagione 1    Episodi 10        
    Dramma ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    La società di Gilead, un tempo nota come Stati Uniti d'America, è governata da un regime misogino ed estremista che auspica un ritorno ai valori tradizionali della società. A capo di Gilead c'è un'élite di potere che schiavizza le poche donne fertili rimaste per tentare di ripopolare il mondo. Difred, una delle ancelle del Comandante Waterford, cerca di sopravvivere alla crudeltà della società in cui vive e al tempo stesso ritrovare la figlia perduta.
    Elisabeth Moss
    Executive Producer Margaret Atwood
    Consulting Producer Elisabeth Moss
    June Osborne / Offred / Ofjoseph Yvonne Strahovski
    Serena Joy Waterford Ann Dowd
    Aunt Lydia / Miss Clements Madeline Brewer
    Janine Lindo / Ofwarren / Ofdaniel / Ofhoward Max Minghella
    Nick Blaine O.T. Fagbenle
    Lucas 'Luke' Bankole Samira Wiley
    Moira Strand Amanda Brugel
    Rita Blue Sam Jaeger
    Mark Tuello Bradley Whitford
    Commander Joseph Lawrence Episodi: 10 
    In onda il: 2017-04-26 1: Difred
    Difred, una delle rare donne fertili che il repressivo regime di Gilead ha costretto al ruolo di ancelle e madri surrogate al servizio delle famiglie dei ricchi e potenti, viene assegnata alla casa del comandante Fred e di sua moglie Serena Joy. 1: Difred
    In onda il: 2017-04-26 Difred, una delle rare donne fertili che il repressivo regime di Gilead ha costretto al ruolo di ancelle e madri surrogate al servizio delle famiglie dei ricchi e potenti, viene assegnata alla casa del comandante Fred e di sua moglie Serena Joy. In onda il: 2017-04-26 2: Compleanno
    Difred e le sue compagne ancelle assistono al parto di Janine e per Difred l'esperienza è ancor più dolorosa poiché le ricorda la nascita di sua figlia, quando era ancora libera. Difred si avvicina a Diglen, che è la sua compagna designata, e riceve un invito dal comandante. 2: Compleanno
    In onda il: 2017-04-26 Difred e le sue compagne ancelle assistono al parto di Janine e per Difred l'esperienza è ancor più dolorosa poiché le ricorda la nascita di sua figlia, quando era ancora libera. Difred si avvicina a Diglen, che è la sua compagna designata, e riceve un invito dal comandante. In onda il: 2017-04-26 3: Tardi
    Difred, insieme a Serena Joy, si reca in visita alla bambina che Janine ha messo al mondo e ricorda i giorni agitati in cui si è affermato il regime di Gilead. Diglen intanto deve affrontare delle difficoltà. 3: Tardi
    In onda il: 2017-04-26 Difred, insieme a Serena Joy, si reca in visita alla bambina che Janine ha messo al mondo e ricorda i giorni agitati in cui si è affermato il regime di Gilead. Diglen intanto deve affrontare delle difficoltà. In onda il: 2017-05-03 4: Nolite te bastardes carborundorum
    Messa in punizione da Serena, Difred inizia a svelarsi e riflette su quando era con Moira al Red Center. Una complicazione durante la Cerimonia - l'accoppiamento ritualizzato con il signore della casa - mette a rischio la sopravvivenza di Difred nella casa dei Waterford. 4: Nolite te bastardes carborundorum
    In onda il: 2017-05-03 Messa in punizione da Serena, Difred inizia a svelarsi e riflette su quando era con Moira al Red Center. Una complicazione durante la Cerimonia - l'accoppiamento ritualizzato con il signore della casa - mette a rischio la sopravvivenza di Difred nella casa dei Waterford. In onda il: 2017-05-10 5: Fedele
    Serena Joy fa a Difred una proposta sorprendente. Difred ricorda l'inizio poco convenzionale della relazione con quello che sarebbe divenuto suo marito. 5: Fedele
    In onda il: 2017-05-10 Serena Joy fa a Difred una proposta sorprendente. Difred ricorda l'inizio poco convenzionale della relazione con quello che sarebbe divenuto suo marito. In onda il: 2017-05-17 6: Il posto di una donna
    L'ambasciatrice del Messico si reca in visita a Gilead e, incontrando Difred, le chiede come sia vivere da Ancella. Serena Joy riflette sul suo matrimonio e sul ruolo che ebbe al momento della nascita del regime. 6: Il posto di una donna
    In onda il: 2017-05-17 L'ambasciatrice del Messico si reca in visita a Gilead e, incontrando Difred, le chiede come sia vivere da Ancella. Serena Joy riflette sul suo matrimonio e sul ruolo che ebbe al momento della nascita del regime. In onda il: 2017-05-24 7: L'altra parte
    Mentre ripercorre con la memoria il tentativo di fuga che fece con suo marito e sua figlia, Difred riceve una rivelazione scioccante che le offre nuove prospettive di speranza. 7: L'altra parte
    In onda il: 2017-05-24 Mentre ripercorre con la memoria il tentativo di fuga che fece con suo marito e sua figlia, Difred riceve una rivelazione scioccante che le offre nuove prospettive di speranza. In onda il: 2017-05-31 8: Gezebele
    Il Comandante sorprende Difred offrendole un'uscita non prevista dalla sua prigione e dalle sue vesti. Nel frattempo apprendiamo come Nick sia stato assoldato dal regime. 8: Gezebele
    In onda il: 2017-05-31 Il Comandante sorprende Difred offrendole un'uscita non prevista dalla sua prigione e dalle sue vesti. Nel frattempo apprendiamo come Nick sia stato assoldato dal regime. In onda il: 2017-06-07 9: Il ponte
    Difred si imbarca in una pericolosa missione per conto della resistenza. Janine si mette nei guai e la moglie del Comandante lo sospetta di infedeltà. 9: Il ponte
    In onda il: 2017-06-07 Difred si imbarca in una pericolosa missione per conto della resistenza. Janine si mette nei guai e la moglie del Comandante lo sospetta di infedeltà. In onda il: 2017-06-14 10: Notte
    Serena scopre i segreti di Fred. Difred deve vedersela con una complicata rivelazione mentre le Ancelle fronteggiano una decisione brutale. Nel frattempo Moira riesce a raggiungere il Canada. 10: Notte
    In onda il: 2017-06-14 Serena scopre i segreti di Fred. Difred deve vedersela con una complicata rivelazione mentre le Ancelle fronteggiano una decisione brutale. Nel frattempo Moira riesce a raggiungere il Canada. THE HANDMAID'S TALE - Trailer quarta stagione
    The Handmaid's Tale 3 - Trailer
    The Handmaid's Tale 2
    The Handmaid's Tale in esclusiva su TIMVISION
  17. The Handmaid's Tale 2 [13/13] ITA Streaming  

    Serie TV ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The Handmaid's Tale
    Stagione 2    Episodi 13        
    Dramma ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    La società di Gilead, un tempo nota come Stati Uniti d'America, è governata da un regime misogino ed estremista che auspica un ritorno ai valori tradizionali della società. A capo di Gilead c'è un'élite di potere che schiavizza le poche donne fertili rimaste per tentare di ripopolare il mondo. Difred, una delle ancelle del Comandante Waterford, cerca di sopravvivere alla crudeltà della società in cui vive e al tempo stesso ritrovare la figlia perduta.
    Elisabeth Moss
    Executive Producer Margaret Atwood
    Consulting Producer Elisabeth Moss
    June Osborne / Offred / Ofjoseph Yvonne Strahovski
    Serena Joy Waterford Ann Dowd
    Aunt Lydia / Miss Clements Madeline Brewer
    Janine Lindo / Ofwarren / Ofdaniel / Ofhoward Max Minghella
    Nick Blaine O.T. Fagbenle
    Lucas 'Luke' Bankole Samira Wiley
    Moira Strand Amanda Brugel
    Rita Blue Sam Jaeger
    Mark Tuello Bradley Whitford
    Commander Joseph Lawrence Episodi: 13 
    In onda il: 2018-04-25 1: June
    June è di nuovo nelle mani di Zia Lydia che, dopo aver scoperto la sua gravidanza, decide di riservarle un trattamento diverso da quello delle altre ancelle torturate, per proteggere il bambino che nascerà e che verrà dato alla famiglia Waterford. Dopo una visita ginecologica però, June è introvabile. L’ancella è scomparsa. 1: June
    In onda il: 2018-04-25 June è di nuovo nelle mani di Zia Lydia che, dopo aver scoperto la sua gravidanza, decide di riservarle un trattamento diverso da quello delle altre ancelle torturate, per proteggere il bambino che nascerà e che verrà dato alla famiglia Waterford. Dopo una visita ginecologica però, June è introvabile. L’ancella è scomparsa. In onda il: 2018-04-25 2: Nondonne
    L’episodio si concentra su Emily che si trova nelle Colonie insieme alle altre nondonne, costrette a lavorare come schiave. Qui incontra la signora O’Conner, con cui instaura un rapporto di fiducia che però avrà un risvolto tutt’altro che prevedibile. A fine episodio arriverà nelle Colonie una vecchia conoscenza di Emily. 2: Nondonne
    In onda il: 2018-04-25 L’episodio si concentra su Emily che si trova nelle Colonie insieme alle altre nondonne, costrette a lavorare come schiave. Qui incontra la signora O’Conner, con cui instaura un rapporto di fiducia che però avrà un risvolto tutt’altro che prevedibile. A fine episodio arriverà nelle Colonie una vecchia conoscenza di Emily. In onda il: 2018-05-02 3: Bagaglio
    June viene portata a casa di una famiglia dove potrà stare al sicuro. Qui riuscirà nuovamente a scappare, ma senza successo. L’episodio ci presenta inoltre la mamma di June, una donna forte e caparbia, che non si trattiene mai dall'esprimere opinioni. 3: Bagaglio
    In onda il: 2018-05-02 June viene portata a casa di una famiglia dove potrà stare al sicuro. Qui riuscirà nuovamente a scappare, ma senza successo. L’episodio ci presenta inoltre la mamma di June, una donna forte e caparbia, che non si trattiene mai dall'esprimere opinioni. In onda il: 2018-05-09 4: Altre donne
    Dopo essere stata di nuovo catturata, June torna a casa dei Waterford, che hanno accettato di concederle una seconda possibilità. June ormai è sorprendentemente obbediente e non si ribella mai. 4: Altre donne
    In onda il: 2018-05-09 Dopo essere stata di nuovo catturata, June torna a casa dei Waterford, che hanno accettato di concederle una seconda possibilità. June ormai è sorprendentemente obbediente e non si ribella mai. In onda il: 2018-05-16 5: Semi
    June è sempre obbediente e remissiva, ed è costretta ad assistere alla cerimonia della precivaganza, dove Nick verrà assegnato a una moglie. June, però, non è nelle migliori condizioni fisiche perché, all’insaputa di tutti, continua a perdere sangue. La situazione peggiora e l’ancella viene ricoverata in ospedale. 5: Semi
    In onda il: 2018-05-16 June è sempre obbediente e remissiva, ed è costretta ad assistere alla cerimonia della precivaganza, dove Nick verrà assegnato a una moglie. June, però, non è nelle migliori condizioni fisiche perché, all’insaputa di tutti, continua a perdere sangue. La situazione peggiora e l’ancella viene ricoverata in ospedale. In onda il: 2018-05-23 6: Primo sangue
    Una volta accertato lo stato di salute del bambino, June torna a casa e Serena Joy le riserva un trattamento privilegiato. Una volta ultimati i lavori, arriva il giorno dell’inaugurazione del nuovo centro “Rachele e Lia”, ma qualcosa andrà storto. L’episodio racconta inoltre il passato attivista di Fred e Serena Joy. 6: Primo sangue
    In onda il: 2018-05-23 Una volta accertato lo stato di salute del bambino, June torna a casa e Serena Joy le riserva un trattamento privilegiato. Una volta ultimati i lavori, arriva il giorno dell’inaugurazione del nuovo centro “Rachele e Lia”, ma qualcosa andrà storto. L’episodio racconta inoltre il passato attivista di Fred e Serena Joy. In onda il: 2018-05-30 7: Dopo
    Dopo l’esplosione, gli equilibri saltano: alcune ancelle sono morte, così come il comandante Pryce, Fred è ricoverato in ospedale e una Marta viene uccisa. La notizia arriva anche in Canada: Moira teme che tra le vittime ci sia anche la sua fidanzata Odette. 7: Dopo
    In onda il: 2018-05-30 Dopo l’esplosione, gli equilibri saltano: alcune ancelle sono morte, così come il comandante Pryce, Fred è ricoverato in ospedale e una Marta viene uccisa. La notizia arriva anche in Canada: Moira teme che tra le vittime ci sia anche la sua fidanzata Odette. In onda il: 2018-06-06 8: Il lavoro delle donne
    June e Serena svolgono parte del lavoro di Fred a sua insaputa, finché non viene dimesso e non torna a casa. La piccola Angela non sta bene e viene ricoverata d’urgenza in ospedale. Per curarla, alle spalle di Fred, viene dato a una Marta (ex neonatologa) un permesso temporaneo. Janine è disperata. 8: Il lavoro delle donne
    In onda il: 2018-06-06 June e Serena svolgono parte del lavoro di Fred a sua insaputa, finché non viene dimesso e non torna a casa. La piccola Angela non sta bene e viene ricoverata d’urgenza in ospedale. Per curarla, alle spalle di Fred, viene dato a una Marta (ex neonatologa) un permesso temporaneo. Janine è disperata. In onda il: 2018-06-13 9: Potere intelligente
    Fred va in Canada per un viaggio diplomatico, facendosi accompagnare da Serena. Questa, giunta a Toronto, osserva come si svolge la vita fuori da Gilead. Moira e Luke partecipano alle proteste contro il regime scatenatesi proprio in occasione della visita. Difred, rimasta a casa, confida a zia Lidia le preoccupazioni per il bambino. 9: Potere intelligente
    In onda il: 2018-06-13 Fred va in Canada per un viaggio diplomatico, facendosi accompagnare da Serena. Questa, giunta a Toronto, osserva come si svolge la vita fuori da Gilead. Moira e Luke partecipano alle proteste contro il regime scatenatesi proprio in occasione della visita. Difred, rimasta a casa, confida a zia Lidia le preoccupazioni per il bambino. In onda il: 2018-06-20 10: L'ultima cerimonia
    Casa Waterford è in festa, il momento tanto atteso è arrivato: June sta per partorire. Purtroppo, però, si tratta di un falso allarme; l’ancella non è ancora pronta. Ciò nonostante Serena Joy e Waterford vogliono anticipare la nascita a tutti i costi e decidono di usare la violenza per raggiungere il loro scopo. L’indomani Waterford concede a June una sorpresa. 10: L'ultima cerimonia
    In onda il: 2018-06-20 Casa Waterford è in festa, il momento tanto atteso è arrivato: June sta per partorire. Purtroppo, però, si tratta di un falso allarme; l’ancella non è ancora pronta. Ciò nonostante Serena Joy e Waterford vogliono anticipare la nascita a tutti i costi e decidono di usare la violenza per raggiungere il loro scopo. L’indomani Waterford concede a June una sorpresa. In onda il: 2018-06-27 11: Holly
    June è completamente da sola nella residenza del comandante Mackenzie, in procinto di partorire. L’episodio ruota attorno al parallelismo tra la nascita di Hannah e quella della nuova arrivata. 11: Holly
    In onda il: 2018-06-27 June è completamente da sola nella residenza del comandante Mackenzie, in procinto di partorire. L’episodio ruota attorno al parallelismo tra la nascita di Hannah e quella della nuova arrivata. In onda il: 2018-07-04 12: Postpartum
    Difred viene inviata in un luogo familiare. Nick è scosso dalla brutale risposta di Gilead ad un crimine. Emily viene assegnata a una misteriosa nuova casa. 12: Postpartum
    In onda il: 2018-07-04 Difred viene inviata in un luogo familiare. Nick è scosso dalla brutale risposta di Gilead ad un crimine. Emily viene assegnata a una misteriosa nuova casa. In onda il: 2018-07-11 13: La Parola
    Serena e le altre mogli si sforzano di cambiare. Emily impara di più sul suo nuovo comandante. Difred affronta una decisione difficile. 13: La Parola
    In onda il: 2018-07-11 Serena e le altre mogli si sforzano di cambiare. Emily impara di più sul suo nuovo comandante. Difred affronta una decisione difficile. THE HANDMAID'S TALE - Trailer quarta stagione
    The Handmaid's Tale 3 - Trailer
    The Handmaid's Tale 2
    The Handmaid's Tale in esclusiva su TIMVISION
  18. The Frankenstein Chronicles 1 [6/6] ITA Streaming  

    Serie TV ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The Frankenstein Chronicles
    Stagione 1    Episodi 6        
    Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Dramma
    Nel 1827 a Londra, un detective segue un killer che sembra avere la passione per gli smembramenti, ma il caso lo porta in una direzione ancora più terrificante.
    Nessun dato per la Crew disponibile
    Sean Bean
    John Marlott Richie Campbell
    Joseph Nightingale Ed Stoppard
    Lord Daniel Hervey Anna Maxwell Martin
    Mary Shelley Samuel West
    Sir William Chester Eloise Smyth
    Flora Tom Ward
    Sir Robert Peel Episodi: 6 
    In onda il: 2015-11-11 1: Un Mondo Senza Dio
    Durante un'operazione anticontrabbando sul Tamigi, il reduce di guerra e poliziotto John Marlott fa un'orribile scoperta che porta a una nuova indagine. 1: Un Mondo Senza Dio
    In onda il: 2015-11-11 Durante un'operazione anticontrabbando sul Tamigi, il reduce di guerra e poliziotto John Marlott fa un'orribile scoperta che porta a una nuova indagine. In onda il: 2015-11-18 2: Una Visione
    A Londra, Marlott e Nightingale sono a caccia d'indizi tra i ladri di cadaveri e si trovano coinvolti nell'infuocato dibattito politico tra scienza e religione. 2: Una Visione
    In onda il: 2015-11-18 A Londra, Marlott e Nightingale sono a caccia d'indizi tra i ladri di cadaveri e si trovano coinvolti nell'infuocato dibattito politico tra scienza e religione. In onda il: 2015-11-25 3: Tutti i Bimbi Smarriti
    Dopo aver fatto conoscenza con la scrittrice Mary Shelley, Marlott indaga sulla possibilità che il suo romanzo "Frankenstein" sia fonte d'ispirazione per il killer. 3: Tutti i Bimbi Smarriti
    In onda il: 2015-11-25 Dopo aver fatto conoscenza con la scrittrice Mary Shelley, Marlott indaga sulla possibilità che il suo romanzo "Frankenstein" sia fonte d'ispirazione per il killer. In onda il: 2015-12-02 4: Bottino di Guerra
    Marlott studia il galvanismo e, andando contro il volere di un invaghito Nightingale, usa Flora come esca in un'operazione per sgominare una banda di assassini. 4: Bottino di Guerra
    In onda il: 2015-12-02 Marlott studia il galvanismo e, andando contro il volere di un invaghito Nightingale, usa Flora come esca in un'operazione per sgominare una banda di assassini. In onda il: 2015-12-09 5: Gli Omicidi di Frankenstein
    L'uscita dell'articolo di Boz sugli "Omicidi Frankenstein" manda Peel su tutte le furie e provoca l'indignazione pubblica alla vigilia del voto sull'Anatomy Act. 5: Gli Omicidi di Frankenstein
    In onda il: 2015-12-09 L'uscita dell'articolo di Boz sugli "Omicidi Frankenstein" manda Peel su tutte le furie e provoca l'indignazione pubblica alla vigilia del voto sull'Anatomy Act. In onda il: 2015-12-16 6: Perduto e Ritrovato
    Mentre le prove lo conducono verso il principale indiziato, Marlott spinge Mary Shelley a raccontare pubblicamente ciò che sa. Lei però si rifiuta e lascia il paese. 6: Perduto e Ritrovato
    In onda il: 2015-12-16 Mentre le prove lo conducono verso il principale indiziato, Marlott spinge Mary Shelley a raccontare pubblicamente ciò che sa. Lei però si rifiuta e lascia il paese. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  19. The Frankenstein Chronicles 2 [6/6] ITA Streaming  

    Serie TV ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The Frankenstein Chronicles
    Stagione 2    Episodi 6        
    Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Dramma
    Nel 1827 a Londra, un detective segue un killer che sembra avere la passione per gli smembramenti, ma il caso lo porta in una direzione ancora più terrificante.
    Nessun dato per la Crew disponibile
    Sean Bean
    John Marlott Richie Campbell
    Joseph Nightingale Ed Stoppard
    Lord Daniel Hervey Anna Maxwell Martin
    Mary Shelley Samuel West
    Sir William Chester Eloise Smyth
    Flora Tom Ward
    Sir Robert Peel Episodi: 6 
    In onda il: 2017-11-01 1: Il Figliol Prodigo
    Dopo tre anni Marlott fugge da Bethlem e cerca di vendicarsi di Hervey, mentre l'omicidio di un arcidiacono sconvolge tutta Londra. 1: Il Figliol Prodigo
    In onda il: 2017-11-01 Dopo tre anni Marlott fugge da Bethlem e cerca di vendicarsi di Hervey, mentre l'omicidio di un arcidiacono sconvolge tutta Londra. In onda il: 2017-11-08 2: Non Sono John Marlott
    Marlott sospetta che gli omicidi dei religiosi siano collegati a Hervey e si nasconde nei bassifondi, trasportando per lavoro i corpi di chi è morto per l'epidemia. 2: Non Sono John Marlott
    In onda il: 2017-11-08 Marlott sospetta che gli omicidi dei religiosi siano collegati a Hervey e si nasconde nei bassifondi, trasportando per lavoro i corpi di chi è morto per l'epidemia. In onda il: 2017-11-15 3: Vedere i Morti
    L'indignazione per gli omicidi dei religiosi aumenta, mentre Marlott si lega sempre di più alla vedova Esther e interroga il suo vecchio nemico Billy Oates. 3: Vedere i Morti
    In onda il: 2017-11-15 L'indignazione per gli omicidi dei religiosi aumenta, mentre Marlott si lega sempre di più alla vedova Esther e interroga il suo vecchio nemico Billy Oates. In onda il: 2017-11-22 4: Piccolo Bimbo Perduto
    Dopo aver incontrato il misterioso aristocratico Frederick Dipple, Marlott teme che i suoi alleati possano essere in pericolo. Spence svela la verità sull'epidemia. 4: Piccolo Bimbo Perduto
    In onda il: 2017-11-22 Dopo aver incontrato il misterioso aristocratico Frederick Dipple, Marlott teme che i suoi alleati possano essere in pericolo. Spence svela la verità sull'epidemia. In onda il: 2017-11-29 5: Il Matrimonio di Paradiso e Inferno
    Boz conferma che Hervey è ancora vivo, spingendo Marlott verso il pericolo in una torre apparentemente deserta di proprietà di Dipple che viene usata come ghiacciaia. 5: Il Matrimonio di Paradiso e Inferno
    In onda il: 2017-11-29 Boz conferma che Hervey è ancora vivo, spingendo Marlott verso il pericolo in una torre apparentemente deserta di proprietà di Dipple che viene usata come ghiacciaia. In onda il: 2017-12-06 6: La Sposa di Frankenstein
    Marlott viene preso e messo in catene, ma deve liberarsi e salvare Esther da Hervey. Intanto, forze di polizia avversarie si uniscono per arrestare Dipple. 6: La Sposa di Frankenstein
    In onda il: 2017-12-06 Marlott viene preso e messo in catene, ma deve liberarsi e salvare Esther da Hervey. Intanto, forze di polizia avversarie si uniscono per arrestare Dipple. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  20. Taken 1 [10/10] ITA Streaming  

    Serie TV ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Taken
    Stagione 1    Episodi 10        
    Action & Adventure ◦ Crime
    Il giovane ex berretto verde Bryan Mills medita di vendicarsi dopo aver subito una tragedia personale, ma viene invischiato in un gioco pericoloso dalla CIA, in cui Mills dovrà mettere in campo tutte le sue abilità.
    Nessun dato per la Crew disponibile
    Clive Standen
    Bryan Mills Jennifer Beals
    Christina Hart Adam Goldberg
    Kilroy Jessica Camacho
    Santana Episodi: 10 
    In onda il: 2017-02-27 1: Pilota
    Dopo aver subito una tragedia personale, Bryan Mills si imbarca in una missione carica di vendetta per abbattere lo spietato boss di un cartello. Nel frattempo, una squadra segreta della intelligence americana capitanata da Christina Hart ingaggia Bryan perché ne diventi un agente operativo. 1: Pilota
    In onda il: 2017-02-27 Dopo aver subito una tragedia personale, Bryan Mills si imbarca in una missione carica di vendetta per abbattere lo spietato boss di un cartello. Nel frattempo, una squadra segreta della intelligence americana capitanata da Christina Hart ingaggia Bryan perché ne diventi un agente operativo. In onda il: 2017-03-06 2: Pronto
    Accantonato per settimane, finalmente Bryan trova l'opportunità per lavorare sul campo. La missione che ne segue svela una sinistra cospirazione intorno alla morte di un ufficiale governativo. Nel frattempo, la Hart stabilisce un contatto con un uomo dal suo passato. 2: Pronto
    In onda il: 2017-03-06 Accantonato per settimane, finalmente Bryan trova l'opportunità per lavorare sul campo. La missione che ne segue svela una sinistra cospirazione intorno alla morte di un ufficiale governativo. Nel frattempo, la Hart stabilisce un contatto con un uomo dal suo passato. In onda il: 2017-03-13 3: In Disparte
    Bryan e la sua squadra cercano un sospetto terrorista che è stato rapito, e così facendo scoprono una trama ben più profonda all'interno del loro governo. Christina riceve brutte notizie e si rivolge a Harry per un aiuto. Asha esprime le sue preoccupazioni per la fissazione di Bryan nei confronti di Mejia. 3: In Disparte
    In onda il: 2017-03-13 Bryan e la sua squadra cercano un sospetto terrorista che è stato rapito, e così facendo scoprono una trama ben più profonda all'interno del loro governo. Christina riceve brutte notizie e si rivolge a Harry per un aiuto. Asha esprime le sue preoccupazioni per la fissazione di Bryan nei confronti di Mejia. In onda il: 2017-03-20 4: Mattie G.
    L'insistenza di Riley di scovare la verità dietro a una medicina fatale data ai veterani di guerra risulta nel rapimento di sua figlia. Bryan ignora gli ordini per recuperare la ragazzina e scoprire la verità. Quando un'effrazione nell'appartamento di Asha la lascia scossa, un nuovo vicino si presenta per calmarle i nervi. 4: Mattie G.
    In onda il: 2017-03-20 L'insistenza di Riley di scovare la verità dietro a una medicina fatale data ai veterani di guerra risulta nel rapimento di sua figlia. Bryan ignora gli ordini per recuperare la ragazzina e scoprire la verità. Quando un'effrazione nell'appartamento di Asha la lascia scossa, un nuovo vicino si presenta per calmarle i nervi. In onda il: 2017-03-27 5: Un'Orologeria Svizzera
    Christina ordina il recupero di documenti sensibili a Zurigo, necessari per prevenire disastri economici e politici. 5: Un'Orologeria Svizzera
    In onda il: 2017-03-27 Christina ordina il recupero di documenti sensibili a Zurigo, necessari per prevenire disastri economici e politici. In onda il: 2017-04-03 6: Ave Maria
    Alla ODNI viene chiesto di facilitare la defezione di un agente russo dell'FSB, ma la ragazza incinta dell'agente rovina con un imprevisto i piani della squadra. Frattanto, Christina viola le regole per rivelare una talpa nella CIA, e il tentativo di John di risolvere i problemi del fratello con una gang locale risulta in una crisi spirituale. 6: Ave Maria
    In onda il: 2017-04-03 Alla ODNI viene chiesto di facilitare la defezione di un agente russo dell'FSB, ma la ragazza incinta dell'agente rovina con un imprevisto i piani della squadra. Frattanto, Christina viola le regole per rivelare una talpa nella CIA, e il tentativo di John di risolvere i problemi del fratello con una gang locale risulta in una crisi spirituale. In onda il: 2017-04-10 7: Solo
    Durante gli sforzi della squadra di ostacolare l'operazione con le armi di Mejia, Bryan viene rapito. Come fa da conto sul suo addestramento dell'ODNI per sopravvivere, la squadra tenta un recupero spericolato. Frattanto, Bryan e Asha portano la loro relazione al livello seguente. 7: Solo
    In onda il: 2017-04-10 Durante gli sforzi della squadra di ostacolare l'operazione con le armi di Mejia, Bryan viene rapito. Come fa da conto sul suo addestramento dell'ODNI per sopravvivere, la squadra tenta un recupero spericolato. Frattanto, Bryan e Asha portano la loro relazione al livello seguente. In onda il: 2017-04-17 8: Leah
    L'ODNI assiste una spia israeliana con i primi sintomi dell'Alzheimer, che rischia di essere uccisa dalla sua stessa agenzia. Christina si preoccupa di poter avere un destino simile in futuro, essendo minacciata da alcune forze nella sua organizzazione, e la sfiducia che Bryan ha in Asha porta a una discussione dolorosa. 8: Leah
    In onda il: 2017-04-17 L'ODNI assiste una spia israeliana con i primi sintomi dell'Alzheimer, che rischia di essere uccisa dalla sua stessa agenzia. Christina si preoccupa di poter avere un destino simile in futuro, essendo minacciata da alcune forze nella sua organizzazione, e la sfiducia che Bryan ha in Asha porta a una discussione dolorosa. In onda il: 2017-04-24 9: Scomparso
    L'ODNI è costretta a consegnare Mejia all'FBI ma scopre alcuni piani del cartello per dirottare il trasferimento. 9: Scomparso
    In onda il: 2017-04-24 L'ODNI è costretta a consegnare Mejia all'FBI ma scopre alcuni piani del cartello per dirottare il trasferimento. In onda il: 2017-05-01 10: Mi Arrendo
    Come l'FBI minaccia di rimuovere Christina dal comando, Bryan e John conducono una missione ribelle per fermare i soci di Mejia prima che questi passino il confine. Senza nessun alleato ad assisterli, l'ODNI rischia di perdere il lavoro, la vita, e coloro che stanno loro a cuore. 10: Mi Arrendo
    In onda il: 2017-05-01 Come l'FBI minaccia di rimuovere Christina dal comando, Bryan e John conducono una missione ribelle per fermare i soci di Mejia prima che questi passino il confine. Senza nessun alleato ad assisterli, l'ODNI rischia di perdere il lavoro, la vita, e coloro che stanno loro a cuore. TAKEN Season 1 Trailer TV Show 2017
  21. The Originals 1 [22/22] ITA Streaming  

    Serie TV ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The Originals
    Stagione 1    Episodi 22        
    Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Dramma ◦ Mistero
    Niklaus Mikaelson è l'ibrido appartenente alla famiglia dei Vampiri Originali che si trasferisce dalla cittadina di Mystic Falls (Virginia) a New Orleans, città che lui e i suoi fratelli contribuirono a costruire ma che poi abbandonarono per fuggire da loro padre, che gli dava la caccia. Con il suo ritorno, Klaus scopre che Marcel, vampiro che lui stesso trasformò secoli prima, detiene il controllo del quartiere francese della città e di tutte le creature sovrannaturali che lo abitano, comprese le streghe che non possono praticare la magia senza il suo permesso. Queste ultime, guidate dalla giovane strega Sophie Deveraux, vogliono stipulare un patto con Klaus: se lui le aiuterà ad eliminare Marcel loro proteggeranno Hayley, la giovane licantropa che aspetta una figlia da lui. Klaus, spinto dalla responsabilità di padre e dalla voglia di rubare il controllo della città a Marcel e convinto dal fratello maggiore Elijah, accetta il patto e decide di rimanere a New Orleans. Mesi dopo, anche Rebekah, la sorella di Klaus ed Elijah, giunge in città e si ricongiunge con i suoi fratelli.
    Nessun dato per la Crew disponibile
    Joseph Morgan
    Klaus Mikaelson Daniel Gillies
    Elijah Mikaelson Charles Michael Davis
    Marcel Gerard Riley Voelkel
    Freya Mikaelson Yusuf Gatewood
    Vincent Griffith Danielle Rose Russell
    Hope Mikaelson Steven Krueger
    Joshua "Josh" Rosza Episodi: 22 
    In onda il: 2013-10-03 1: Always and Forever
    Klaus returns to the French Quarter of New Orleans, a place where he helped build centuries ago. Now he sees that it has been taken over by his former protege Marcel. Camille, a psychology student, doesn't believe in supernatural beings. However, she finds herself drawn to Klaus. Meanwhile, Hayley and Elijah wait to see what Klaus will do next. 1: Always and Forever
    In onda il: 2013-10-03 Klaus returns to the French Quarter of New Orleans, a place where he helped build centuries ago. Now he sees that it has been taken over by his former protege Marcel. Camille, a psychology student, doesn't believe in supernatural beings. However, she finds herself drawn to Klaus. Meanwhile, Hayley and Elijah wait to see what Klaus will do next. In onda il: 2013-10-08 2: House of the Rising Son
    Rebekah arrives in New Orleans at her brother Elijah's insistence, but, concerned that Klaus is up to no good, she seeks help from a reluctant Sophie. Marcel enlists Davina's help. 2: House of the Rising Son
    In onda il: 2013-10-08 Rebekah arrives in New Orleans at her brother Elijah's insistence, but, concerned that Klaus is up to no good, she seeks help from a reluctant Sophie. Marcel enlists Davina's help. In onda il: 2013-10-15 3: Tangled Up in Blue
    Betrayal at the masquerade ball? Klaus and Rebekah come together to attempt to unravel Marcel's empire from within, in spite of Elijah's concerns. They enlist help from Sophie. 3: Tangled Up in Blue
    In onda il: 2013-10-15 Betrayal at the masquerade ball? Klaus and Rebekah come together to attempt to unravel Marcel's empire from within, in spite of Elijah's concerns. They enlist help from Sophie. In onda il: 2013-10-22 4: Girl in New Orleans
    Determined Rebekah is on a mission to get to the bottom of a recent strange encounter involving Elijah. Davina convinces Marcel to let her attend an annual street music festival. 4: Girl in New Orleans
    In onda il: 2013-10-22 Determined Rebekah is on a mission to get to the bottom of a recent strange encounter involving Elijah. Davina convinces Marcel to let her attend an annual street music festival. In onda il: 2013-10-29 5: Sinners and Saints
    Klaus becomes angry over recent events involving the safety of his unborn baby and demands answers from Sophie. Meanwhile, gruesome remains are discovered in the bayou; and Davina reveals some shocking information about the witches. 5: Sinners and Saints
    In onda il: 2013-10-29 Klaus becomes angry over recent events involving the safety of his unborn baby and demands answers from Sophie. Meanwhile, gruesome remains are discovered in the bayou; and Davina reveals some shocking information about the witches. In onda il: 2013-11-05 6: Fruit of the Poisoned Tree
    Klaus goes to extreme measures to protect Hayley and their unborn baby when he learns Hayley's life is being threatened. Meanwhile, Cami turns to Father Kieran for guidance. Marcel seeks advice from an old friend. Davina tries to control her magic. 6: Fruit of the Poisoned Tree
    In onda il: 2013-11-05 Klaus goes to extreme measures to protect Hayley and their unborn baby when he learns Hayley's life is being threatened. Meanwhile, Cami turns to Father Kieran for guidance. Marcel seeks advice from an old friend. Davina tries to control her magic. In onda il: 2013-11-12 7: Bloodletting
    Hayley goes missing after someone from her past makes a startling revelation. Klaus has a dangerous encounter with an unexpected visitor. Davina makes a surprising connection. Marcel makes Rebekah an enticing offer that leaves her torn. 7: Bloodletting
    In onda il: 2013-11-12 Hayley goes missing after someone from her past makes a startling revelation. Klaus has a dangerous encounter with an unexpected visitor. Davina makes a surprising connection. Marcel makes Rebekah an enticing offer that leaves her torn. In onda il: 2013-11-26 8: The River in Reverse
    In the war between Klaus and Marcel, Rebecca stands against her own brother Klaus. The chemistry between Elijah and Hayley gets stronger. Klaus accuses his siblings of distrust and betrayal. 8: The River in Reverse
    In onda il: 2013-11-26 In the war between Klaus and Marcel, Rebecca stands against her own brother Klaus. The chemistry between Elijah and Hayley gets stronger. Klaus accuses his siblings of distrust and betrayal. In onda il: 2013-12-03 9: Reigning Pain in New Orleans
    Klaus tries to get adapted to his new duties as he became the king of the city. He offers Marcel a compromise and he fixes his relationship with his siblings. Davina feels betrayed by Marcel. She finally finds an ally, Cami. 9: Reigning Pain in New Orleans
    In onda il: 2013-12-03 Klaus tries to get adapted to his new duties as he became the king of the city. He offers Marcel a compromise and he fixes his relationship with his siblings. Davina feels betrayed by Marcel. She finally finds an ally, Cami. In onda il: 2014-01-14 10: The Casket Girls
    Locals prepare to celebrate the annual Casket Girls Festival in the French Quarter. Davina tries to free Cami from Klaus's mind compulsion. Hayley is forced to make a difficult decision after she receives an unexpected phone call. 10: The Casket Girls
    In onda il: 2014-01-14 Locals prepare to celebrate the annual Casket Girls Festival in the French Quarter. Davina tries to free Cami from Klaus's mind compulsion. Hayley is forced to make a difficult decision after she receives an unexpected phone call. In onda il: 2014-01-21 11: Après Moi, Le Déluge
    Davina becomes violently ill and the repercussions affect the entire French Quarter. Sophie delivers some startling information about the harvest festival and presents a drastic plan to save Davina. Hayley, racked with guilt, confesses to Elijah about her role in Sophie's plan. 11: Après Moi, Le Déluge
    In onda il: 2014-01-21 Davina becomes violently ill and the repercussions affect the entire French Quarter. Sophie delivers some startling information about the harvest festival and presents a drastic plan to save Davina. Hayley, racked with guilt, confesses to Elijah about her role in Sophie's plan. In onda il: 2014-01-28 12: Dance Back from the Grave
    Tension between Marcel and Klaus results in Marcel refusing to help Klaus with a gruesome discovery in the Cauldron. Rebekah revisits her past when she finds the remnants of a sacrifice by the docks - the work of a dangerous warlock she has come across before. Klaus battles, but his opponent has an unfair advantage. 12: Dance Back from the Grave
    In onda il: 2014-01-28 Tension between Marcel and Klaus results in Marcel refusing to help Klaus with a gruesome discovery in the Cauldron. Rebekah revisits her past when she finds the remnants of a sacrifice by the docks - the work of a dangerous warlock she has come across before. Klaus battles, but his opponent has an unfair advantage. In onda il: 2014-02-04 13: Crescent City
    Marcel and Rebekah fret over whether secrets hidden for nearly a century are about to be exposed. Father Kieran deals with a witch from his past. Hayley and her werewolf clan enjoy a party. Sophie discovers something shocking at the cemetery. Klaus takes some dangerous measures that will affect everybody. 13: Crescent City
    In onda il: 2014-02-04 Marcel and Rebekah fret over whether secrets hidden for nearly a century are about to be exposed. Father Kieran deals with a witch from his past. Hayley and her werewolf clan enjoy a party. Sophie discovers something shocking at the cemetery. Klaus takes some dangerous measures that will affect everybody. In onda il: 2014-02-25 14: Long Way Back from Hell
    In 1919, Rebekah worked in a sanatorium. She finds herself back there and locked up as a witch who is seeking revenge plans to reveal her darkest secrets. Elijah makes a decision that puts the others in further danger. 14: Long Way Back from Hell
    In onda il: 2014-02-25 In 1919, Rebekah worked in a sanatorium. She finds herself back there and locked up as a witch who is seeking revenge plans to reveal her darkest secrets. Elijah makes a decision that puts the others in further danger. In onda il: 2014-03-04 15: Le Grand Guignol
    Rebekah and Marcel have been trying to keep a secret from Klaus which may come to the light as we flashback to 1919. Elijah and Monique bond. Hayley takes Sabine hostage to try and get information on reversing the curse on her clan. 15: Le Grand Guignol
    In onda il: 2014-03-04 Rebekah and Marcel have been trying to keep a secret from Klaus which may come to the light as we flashback to 1919. Elijah and Monique bond. Hayley takes Sabine hostage to try and get information on reversing the curse on her clan. In onda il: 2014-03-11 16: Farewell to Storyville
    Since the original vampires were stuck in the cemetery, Klaus takes any chances to punish his sister with the Original-killer stake. 16: Farewell to Storyville
    In onda il: 2014-03-11 Since the original vampires were stuck in the cemetery, Klaus takes any chances to punish his sister with the Original-killer stake. In onda il: 2014-03-18 17: Moon Over Bourbon Street
    Elijah is taking control of the quarter and receives a surprising offer, and they know how to throw a party. 17: Moon Over Bourbon Street
    In onda il: 2014-03-18 Elijah is taking control of the quarter and receives a surprising offer, and they know how to throw a party. In onda il: 2014-04-15 18: The Big Uneasy
    Genevieve asks Elijah to allow her coven to publicly celebrate a traditional feast day, where members of the community offer the witches gifts in return for blessings. Meanwhile, Elijah makes plans to restore his home to its former glory; and Klaus sends Cary, a werewolf from his own line, to find a missing piece of family history. 18: The Big Uneasy
    In onda il: 2014-04-15 Genevieve asks Elijah to allow her coven to publicly celebrate a traditional feast day, where members of the community offer the witches gifts in return for blessings. Meanwhile, Elijah makes plans to restore his home to its former glory; and Klaus sends Cary, a werewolf from his own line, to find a missing piece of family history. In onda il: 2014-04-22 19: An Unblinking Death
    Kieran lashes out unexpectedly after Cami's good intentions don't get her what she expected. Elijah and Klaus can't agree on how to handle the Crescent Wolves. Elijah visits the bayou were he is witness to a explosion that see's hatred between the communities intensify. Hayley learns about her family from Marcel. 19: An Unblinking Death
    In onda il: 2014-04-22 Kieran lashes out unexpectedly after Cami's good intentions don't get her what she expected. Elijah and Klaus can't agree on how to handle the Crescent Wolves. Elijah visits the bayou were he is witness to a explosion that see's hatred between the communities intensify. Hayley learns about her family from Marcel. In onda il: 2014-04-29 20: A Closer Walk with Thee
    A surprising enemy is confronted by Hayley. Klaus has some nightmares about his father and is forced to examine his own relationship with his adoptive son. 20: A Closer Walk with Thee
    In onda il: 2014-04-29 A surprising enemy is confronted by Hayley. Klaus has some nightmares about his father and is forced to examine his own relationship with his adoptive son. In onda il: 2014-05-06 21: The Battle of New Orleans
    Cami feels threatened, as Marcel rallies an army to take back control of the city. 21: The Battle of New Orleans
    In onda il: 2014-05-06 Cami feels threatened, as Marcel rallies an army to take back control of the city. In onda il: 2014-05-13 22: From a Cradle to a Grave
    Hayley atempts to save her unborn baby from the witches. Francesca meets with Oliver and Jackson to decide the future of the werewolves in New Orleans. 22: From a Cradle to a Grave
    In onda il: 2014-05-13 Hayley atempts to save her unborn baby from the witches. Francesca meets with Oliver and Jackson to decide the future of the werewolves in New Orleans. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  22. The Originals 2 [22/22] ITA Streaming  

    Serie TV ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The Originals
    Stagione 2    Episodi 22        
    Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Dramma ◦ Mistero
    Niklaus Mikaelson è l'ibrido appartenente alla famiglia dei Vampiri Originali che si trasferisce dalla cittadina di Mystic Falls (Virginia) a New Orleans, città che lui e i suoi fratelli contribuirono a costruire ma che poi abbandonarono per fuggire da loro padre, che gli dava la caccia. Con il suo ritorno, Klaus scopre che Marcel, vampiro che lui stesso trasformò secoli prima, detiene il controllo del quartiere francese della città e di tutte le creature sovrannaturali che lo abitano, comprese le streghe che non possono praticare la magia senza il suo permesso. Queste ultime, guidate dalla giovane strega Sophie Deveraux, vogliono stipulare un patto con Klaus: se lui le aiuterà ad eliminare Marcel loro proteggeranno Hayley, la giovane licantropa che aspetta una figlia da lui. Klaus, spinto dalla responsabilità di padre e dalla voglia di rubare il controllo della città a Marcel e convinto dal fratello maggiore Elijah, accetta il patto e decide di rimanere a New Orleans. Mesi dopo, anche Rebekah, la sorella di Klaus ed Elijah, giunge in città e si ricongiunge con i suoi fratelli.
    Nessun dato per la Crew disponibile
    Joseph Morgan
    Klaus Mikaelson Daniel Gillies
    Elijah Mikaelson Charles Michael Davis
    Marcel Gerard Riley Voelkel
    Freya Mikaelson Yusuf Gatewood
    Vincent Griffith Danielle Rose Russell
    Hope Mikaelson Steven Krueger
    Joshua "Josh" Rosza Episodi: 22 
    In onda il: 2014-10-06 1: Rebirth
    Hayley struggles with her powers. Marcel sides with Klaus and gets revenge over the wolves. Esther is busy plotting her own plans. Everyone wants control over the city. 1: Rebirth
    In onda il: 2014-10-06 Hayley struggles with her powers. Marcel sides with Klaus and gets revenge over the wolves. Esther is busy plotting her own plans. Everyone wants control over the city. In onda il: 2014-10-13 2: Alive and Kicking
    Klaus wants Hayley to re-establish herself in her pack. Mikael is impatient under Davina. Cassie arouses suspicions. 2: Alive and Kicking
    In onda il: 2014-10-13 Klaus wants Hayley to re-establish herself in her pack. Mikael is impatient under Davina. Cassie arouses suspicions. In onda il: 2014-10-20 3: Every Mother's Son
    After Klaus and Elijah receive a cryptic invitation to dinner from their mother, they get ready to expect the worst. 3: Every Mother's Son
    In onda il: 2014-10-20 After Klaus and Elijah receive a cryptic invitation to dinner from their mother, they get ready to expect the worst. In onda il: 2014-10-27 4: Live and Let Die
    Davina takes Mikael to a cabin to heal from his wolf bites. Klaus searches for them. Elijah, Marcel and Hayley try to rescue some young wolves. 4: Live and Let Die
    In onda il: 2014-10-27 Davina takes Mikael to a cabin to heal from his wolf bites. Klaus searches for them. Elijah, Marcel and Hayley try to rescue some young wolves. In onda il: 2014-11-03 5: Red Door
    In order to show Elijah that her plan is what's best for him, Esther forces him to relive a time long ago when he loved a young woman named Tatia. 5: Red Door
    In onda il: 2014-11-03 In order to show Elijah that her plan is what's best for him, Esther forces him to relive a time long ago when he loved a young woman named Tatia. In onda il: 2014-11-10 6: Wheel Inside the Wheel
    Cami teams up with Marcel and Gia after she becomes suspicious of her faculty advisor Vincent. Lastly, in a surprising turn of events, Klaus comes face-to-face with a visitor from his past. 6: Wheel Inside the Wheel
    In onda il: 2014-11-10 Cami teams up with Marcel and Gia after she becomes suspicious of her faculty advisor Vincent. Lastly, in a surprising turn of events, Klaus comes face-to-face with a visitor from his past. In onda il: 2014-11-17 7: Chasing The Devil's Tail
    Going after everything Esther loves. Klaus and Hayley seek an antidote for Elijah in the bayou assisted by Marcel and Josh. Kaleb takes Davina to an old hangout. 7: Chasing The Devil's Tail
    In onda il: 2014-11-17 Going after everything Esther loves. Klaus and Hayley seek an antidote for Elijah in the bayou assisted by Marcel and Josh. Kaleb takes Davina to an old hangout. In onda il: 2014-11-24 8: The Brothers That Care Forgot
    Rebekah is on the run with baby Hope. 8: The Brothers That Care Forgot
    In onda il: 2014-11-24 Rebekah is on the run with baby Hope. In onda il: 2014-12-08 9: The Map of Moments
    Rebekah persuades Klaus and Elijah to take part in a family tradition from their childhood. 9: The Map of Moments
    In onda il: 2014-12-08 Rebekah persuades Klaus and Elijah to take part in a family tradition from their childhood. In onda il: 2015-01-19 10: Gonna Set Your Flag on Fire
    Finn puts a spell on the compound, trapping wolves and vampires. Klaus takes Cami to the safe house, then confronts Kol about Rebekah's whereabouts. 10: Gonna Set Your Flag on Fire
    In onda il: 2015-01-19 Finn puts a spell on the compound, trapping wolves and vampires. Klaus takes Cami to the safe house, then confronts Kol about Rebekah's whereabouts. In onda il: 2015-01-26 11: Brotherhood of the Damned
    Finn captures his brother's spirits, while the vampires remain trapped and their hunger grows. 11: Brotherhood of the Damned
    In onda il: 2015-01-26 Finn captures his brother's spirits, while the vampires remain trapped and their hunger grows. In onda il: 2015-02-02 12: Sanctuary
    Rebekah becomes interested in a girl. Hayley struggles with coming clean and is surprised by something Jackson admits. Klaus learns something and heads to confront Hayley. Vincent sets his eyes on Marcel for answers to what Klaus is hiding. 12: Sanctuary
    In onda il: 2015-02-02 Rebekah becomes interested in a girl. Hayley struggles with coming clean and is surprised by something Jackson admits. Klaus learns something and heads to confront Hayley. Vincent sets his eyes on Marcel for answers to what Klaus is hiding. In onda il: 2015-02-09 13: The Devil Is Damned
    Vincent joins forces with a figure from his past. Kaleb is forced to make a difficult life or death decision, and Elijah finds himself in the fight of his life. Hayley and Jackson become pawns in Vincent's dangerous plan. 13: The Devil Is Damned
    In onda il: 2015-02-09 Vincent joins forces with a figure from his past. Kaleb is forced to make a difficult life or death decision, and Elijah finds himself in the fight of his life. Hayley and Jackson become pawns in Vincent's dangerous plan. In onda il: 2015-02-16 14: I Love You, Goodbye
    Following a tense run in, Elijah believes that Klaus is up to something. Kaleb needs Rebekah's help. 14: I Love You, Goodbye
    In onda il: 2015-02-16 Following a tense run in, Elijah believes that Klaus is up to something. Kaleb needs Rebekah's help. In onda il: 2015-03-09 15: They All Asked For You
    A discovery is made about the body Rebekah is living in. Klaus clashes with Hayley and Jackson. 15: They All Asked For You
    In onda il: 2015-03-09 A discovery is made about the body Rebekah is living in. Klaus clashes with Hayley and Jackson. In onda il: 2015-03-16 16: Save My Soul
    Suspicious of where her true loyalties lie, Klaus invites Freya to the compound in order to gain more insight into her past with Dahlia.Source: CW 16: Save My Soul
    In onda il: 2015-03-16 Suspicious of where her true loyalties lie, Klaus invites Freya to the compound in order to gain more insight into her past with Dahlia.Source: CW In onda il: 2015-04-06 17: Exquisite Corpse
    Klaus must put aside his mistrust for Freya in order to save Rebekah's life. 17: Exquisite Corpse
    In onda il: 2015-04-06 Klaus must put aside his mistrust for Freya in order to save Rebekah's life. In onda il: 2015-04-13 18: Night Has A Thousand Eyes
    While searching for a way to vanquish Dahlia, Klaus is faced with another threat. 18: Night Has A Thousand Eyes
    In onda il: 2015-04-13 While searching for a way to vanquish Dahlia, Klaus is faced with another threat. In onda il: 2015-04-20 19: When the Levee Breaks
    Hayley and Klaus need to hit a deadline to turn over Hope, which causes Klaus to proceed with a dangerous plan. 19: When the Levee Breaks
    In onda il: 2015-04-20 Hayley and Klaus need to hit a deadline to turn over Hope, which causes Klaus to proceed with a dangerous plan. In onda il: 2015-04-27 20: City Beneath The Sea
    Elijah and Freya think differently about how to deal with Dahlia's deadline. 20: City Beneath The Sea
    In onda il: 2015-04-27 Elijah and Freya think differently about how to deal with Dahlia's deadline. In onda il: 2015-05-04 21: Fire with Fire
    With the knowledge that he has been betrayed by his siblings, Klaus and an unlikely friend plan to get even with them. 21: Fire with Fire
    In onda il: 2015-05-04 With the knowledge that he has been betrayed by his siblings, Klaus and an unlikely friend plan to get even with them. In onda il: 2015-05-11 22: Ashes To Ashes
    With time running out, Klaus' ultimate plan to protect baby Hope at all costs continues to take shape.Source: CW 22: Ashes To Ashes
    In onda il: 2015-05-11 With time running out, Klaus' ultimate plan to protect baby Hope at all costs continues to take shape.Source: CW Nessun Trailer disponibile
  23. The Originals 3 [22/22] ITA Streaming  

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    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The Originals
    Stagione 3    Episodi 22        
    Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Dramma ◦ Mistero
    Niklaus Mikaelson è l'ibrido appartenente alla famiglia dei Vampiri Originali che si trasferisce dalla cittadina di Mystic Falls (Virginia) a New Orleans, città che lui e i suoi fratelli contribuirono a costruire ma che poi abbandonarono per fuggire da loro padre, che gli dava la caccia. Con il suo ritorno, Klaus scopre che Marcel, vampiro che lui stesso trasformò secoli prima, detiene il controllo del quartiere francese della città e di tutte le creature sovrannaturali che lo abitano, comprese le streghe che non possono praticare la magia senza il suo permesso. Queste ultime, guidate dalla giovane strega Sophie Deveraux, vogliono stipulare un patto con Klaus: se lui le aiuterà ad eliminare Marcel loro proteggeranno Hayley, la giovane licantropa che aspetta una figlia da lui. Klaus, spinto dalla responsabilità di padre e dalla voglia di rubare il controllo della città a Marcel e convinto dal fratello maggiore Elijah, accetta il patto e decide di rimanere a New Orleans. Mesi dopo, anche Rebekah, la sorella di Klaus ed Elijah, giunge in città e si ricongiunge con i suoi fratelli.
    Nessun dato per la Crew disponibile
    Joseph Morgan
    Klaus Mikaelson Daniel Gillies
    Elijah Mikaelson Charles Michael Davis
    Marcel Gerard Riley Voelkel
    Freya Mikaelson Yusuf Gatewood
    Vincent Griffith Danielle Rose Russell
    Hope Mikaelson Steven Krueger
    Joshua "Josh" Rosza Episodi: 22 
    In onda il: 2015-10-08 1: For the Next Millennium
    Months following their violent and deadly showdown with the powerful witch Dahlia, a rift continues to divide brothers Klaus and Elijah, while Freya searches for a way to heal their fractured bond and return their family to the way they once were. Meanwhile, Klaus' suspicion piques when he learns that an old vampire friend named Lucien has arrived to New Orleans with a mysterious agenda involving the Mikaelson's remaining sire lines. Elsewhere, Elijah questions whether he can truly forgive his brother for his mounting offenses, while Hayley struggles with being cursed to her wolf form in the bayou. In the French Quarter, Vincent and Cami assist Detective Kinney after a series of gruesome discoveries are made, leading them to believe they may have a serial killer on the loose. Finally, Marcel, who has regained control of the French Quarter once again, tries a new strategy to recruit vampires, while Davina, who is now Regent to the New Orleans witches, makes a decision that will find her and Marcel on opposite sides of an escalating conflict. 1: For the Next Millennium
    In onda il: 2015-10-08 Months following their violent and deadly showdown with the powerful witch Dahlia, a rift continues to divide brothers Klaus and Elijah, while Freya searches for a way to heal their fractured bond and return their family to the way they once were. Meanwhile, Klaus' suspicion piques when he learns that an old vampire friend named Lucien has arrived to New Orleans with a mysterious agenda involving the Mikaelson's remaining sire lines. Elsewhere, Elijah questions whether he can truly forgive his brother for his mounting offenses, while Hayley struggles with being cursed to her wolf form in the bayou. In the French Quarter, Vincent and Cami assist Detective Kinney after a series of gruesome discoveries are made, leading them to believe they may have a serial killer on the loose. Finally, Marcel, who has regained control of the French Quarter once again, tries a new strategy to recruit vampires, while Davina, who is now Regent to the New Orleans witches, makes a decision that will find her and Marcel on opposite sides of an escalating conflict. In onda il: 2015-10-15 2: You Hung the Moon
    After discovering that poachers have begun taking out werewolves in the bayou, Elijah and Jackson grow concerned for Hayley's safety when she fails to show up during the full moon. Meanwhile, Davina, the only one with the answer to Hayley's whereabouts, plots ways to use that to her advantage. Elsewhere, Cami approaches Klaus with her theory on who is behind the series of murders in the French Quarter, while Lucien delivers to Elijah an unsettling warning about the war brewing among the sire lines. Finally, after receiving a dire prophecy about the future of the Mikaelson siblings, Klaus takes extreme measures to determine the validity of this potential impending threat. 2: You Hung the Moon
    In onda il: 2015-10-15 After discovering that poachers have begun taking out werewolves in the bayou, Elijah and Jackson grow concerned for Hayley's safety when she fails to show up during the full moon. Meanwhile, Davina, the only one with the answer to Hayley's whereabouts, plots ways to use that to her advantage. Elsewhere, Cami approaches Klaus with her theory on who is behind the series of murders in the French Quarter, while Lucien delivers to Elijah an unsettling warning about the war brewing among the sire lines. Finally, after receiving a dire prophecy about the future of the Mikaelson siblings, Klaus takes extreme measures to determine the validity of this potential impending threat. In onda il: 2015-10-22 3: I'll See You in Hell or New Orleans
    With tension running as high as ever, Klaus and Elijah are forced to come together in order to uncover Lucien’s true motives in New Orleans. Cami is caught off guard when she finds herself face to face with Lucien and is surprised when he reveals some unexpected information about his past with Klaus. Elsewhere, a mysterious figure presents an enticing offer to Marcel, while Hayley turns to an unconventional way of coping with her current situation. Finally, an old acquaintance from Elijah’s past arrives in New Orleans and delivers some startling news involving the growing threat to the Mikaelson siblings. 3: I'll See You in Hell or New Orleans
    In onda il: 2015-10-22 With tension running as high as ever, Klaus and Elijah are forced to come together in order to uncover Lucien’s true motives in New Orleans. Cami is caught off guard when she finds herself face to face with Lucien and is surprised when he reveals some unexpected information about his past with Klaus. Elsewhere, a mysterious figure presents an enticing offer to Marcel, while Hayley turns to an unconventional way of coping with her current situation. Finally, an old acquaintance from Elijah’s past arrives in New Orleans and delivers some startling news involving the growing threat to the Mikaelson siblings. In onda il: 2015-10-29 4: A Walk on the Wild Side
    In order to uncover what his old acquaintance Tristan is really up to in New Orleans, Elijah considers attending a gala thrown by a mysterious group of ancient vampires known as The Strix, while Hayley invites herself to attend with him. There, Marcel is approached with an enticing offer made by a mysterious woman named Aya, but he quickly realizes that things are not always what they seem. Elsewhere, when a vital component of Lucien's plan goes missing, he and Klaus form a tentative alliance in order to find it. 4: A Walk on the Wild Side
    In onda il: 2015-10-29 In order to uncover what his old acquaintance Tristan is really up to in New Orleans, Elijah considers attending a gala thrown by a mysterious group of ancient vampires known as The Strix, while Hayley invites herself to attend with him. There, Marcel is approached with an enticing offer made by a mysterious woman named Aya, but he quickly realizes that things are not always what they seem. Elsewhere, when a vital component of Lucien's plan goes missing, he and Klaus form a tentative alliance in order to find it. In onda il: 2015-11-05 5: The Axeman's Letter
    As the war among the sire lines continues to grow, Klaus receives an unexpected visit by a figure from his past. When Elijah suspects that Tristan is hiding something, he enlists Marcel's help to find out what he's up to. Elsewhere, Davina struggles with her role as Regent and seeks advice from Hayley. Finally, an ancient secret that is uncovered threatens to tear the Mikaelson brothers apart for good. 5: The Axeman's Letter
    In onda il: 2015-11-05 As the war among the sire lines continues to grow, Klaus receives an unexpected visit by a figure from his past. When Elijah suspects that Tristan is hiding something, he enlists Marcel's help to find out what he's up to. Elsewhere, Davina struggles with her role as Regent and seeks advice from Hayley. Finally, an ancient secret that is uncovered threatens to tear the Mikaelson brothers apart for good. In onda il: 2015-11-12 6: Beautiful Mistake
    When Elijah and Freya realize that Rebekah may be the target of The Strix's latest plan, they do whatever it takes to protect her. Elsewhere, Klaus spends time with Aurora to figure out where her loyalties lie, while a dangerous run-in with a member of The Strix leads Hayley and Marcel to make an unsettling discovery. Finally, an elaborate scheme created by Lucien leaves Cami faced with a difficult decision to make and Detective Kinney fighting for his life. 6: Beautiful Mistake
    In onda il: 2015-11-12 When Elijah and Freya realize that Rebekah may be the target of The Strix's latest plan, they do whatever it takes to protect her. Elsewhere, Klaus spends time with Aurora to figure out where her loyalties lie, while a dangerous run-in with a member of The Strix leads Hayley and Marcel to make an unsettling discovery. Finally, an elaborate scheme created by Lucien leaves Cami faced with a difficult decision to make and Detective Kinney fighting for his life. In onda il: 2015-11-19 7: Out of the Easy
    With a dire prophecy looming over them, Klaus and Elijah invite Lucien, Tristan and Aurora to a Thanksgiving gathering in an attempt to negotiate a truce. When Aurora reveals that she has powerful leverage over Klaus, Hayley and Freya take matters into their own hands, leading to a deadly three-way confrontation. Elsewhere, Marcel and Vincent are forced to take drastic measures when they realize Davina may be in over her head, and Cami finds herself face-to-face with a dangerous new threat. 7: Out of the Easy
    In onda il: 2015-11-19 With a dire prophecy looming over them, Klaus and Elijah invite Lucien, Tristan and Aurora to a Thanksgiving gathering in an attempt to negotiate a truce. When Aurora reveals that she has powerful leverage over Klaus, Hayley and Freya take matters into their own hands, leading to a deadly three-way confrontation. Elsewhere, Marcel and Vincent are forced to take drastic measures when they realize Davina may be in over her head, and Cami finds herself face-to-face with a dangerous new threat. In onda il: 2015-12-03 8: The Other Girl in New Orleans
    After learning that Cami's life is in danger and Aurora may be to blame, Klaus is forced to engage in another one of her devious games and follows a series of clues she's left behind for him. Meanwhile, Elijah, Freya and Hayley take drastic measures against Tristan when they discover he holds a valuable piece of information they need. Elsewhere, Aya gives Marcel an ultimatum that leaves him with a difficult decision to make, while tensions between Hayley and Jackson cause her to reevaluate her involvement in Mikaelson family matters. 8: The Other Girl in New Orleans
    In onda il: 2015-12-03 After learning that Cami's life is in danger and Aurora may be to blame, Klaus is forced to engage in another one of her devious games and follows a series of clues she's left behind for him. Meanwhile, Elijah, Freya and Hayley take drastic measures against Tristan when they discover he holds a valuable piece of information they need. Elsewhere, Aya gives Marcel an ultimatum that leaves him with a difficult decision to make, while tensions between Hayley and Jackson cause her to reevaluate her involvement in Mikaelson family matters. In onda il: 2015-12-10 9: Savior
    When a dangerous affliction threatens to expose one of her siblings, Freya searches for a way to reverse the crippling curse even as she finds herself the target of The Strix's latest plan. Elsewhere, Klaus keeps a watchful eye over Cami while she attempts to help Detective Kinney, whose life has begun to spiral out of control as a result of Lucien's compulsion. Meanwhile, a confrontation with Marcel causes Vincent to reevaluate his decision to stay out of witch business, and Hayley's attempt at a quiet Christmas with Jackson and Hope results in an unexpected surprise. 9: Savior
    In onda il: 2015-12-10 When a dangerous affliction threatens to expose one of her siblings, Freya searches for a way to reverse the crippling curse even as she finds herself the target of The Strix's latest plan. Elsewhere, Klaus keeps a watchful eye over Cami while she attempts to help Detective Kinney, whose life has begun to spiral out of control as a result of Lucien's compulsion. Meanwhile, a confrontation with Marcel causes Vincent to reevaluate his decision to stay out of witch business, and Hayley's attempt at a quiet Christmas with Jackson and Hope results in an unexpected surprise. In onda il: 2016-01-29 10: A Ghost Along the Mississippi
    In the aftermath of a horrific plan that left Cami dead, Klaus declares war on Aurora and Tristan. Elsewhere, Vincent, who has resumed his role as Regent to the New Orleans witches, is forced to use his magic against his will, while Hayley and Jackson ind themselves pawns in Tristan’s twisted game. Finally, after learning that Tristan is in possession of a powerful weapon that could take their family down once and for all, Klaus, Elijah and Freya enact a risky plan that leads to a tense showdown with The Strix. 10: A Ghost Along the Mississippi
    In onda il: 2016-01-29 In the aftermath of a horrific plan that left Cami dead, Klaus declares war on Aurora and Tristan. Elsewhere, Vincent, who has resumed his role as Regent to the New Orleans witches, is forced to use his magic against his will, while Hayley and Jackson ind themselves pawns in Tristan’s twisted game. Finally, after learning that Tristan is in possession of a powerful weapon that could take their family down once and for all, Klaus, Elijah and Freya enact a risky plan that leads to a tense showdown with The Strix. In onda il: 2016-02-05 11: Wild at Heart
    While Klaus finds himself dealing with pressing matters at home, Elijah reluctantly aligns with Aya after learning that she may have knowledge of an elusive weapon that could kill an Original vampire for good. Meanwhile, alone and shunned by her coven of witches, a desperate Davina is left conflicted after she is approached with an enticing offer that could bring her one step closer to reuniting with Kol. 11: Wild at Heart
    In onda il: 2016-02-05 While Klaus finds himself dealing with pressing matters at home, Elijah reluctantly aligns with Aya after learning that she may have knowledge of an elusive weapon that could kill an Original vampire for good. Meanwhile, alone and shunned by her coven of witches, a desperate Davina is left conflicted after she is approached with an enticing offer that could bring her one step closer to reuniting with Kol. In onda il: 2016-02-12 12: Dead Angels
    When a powerful weapon that could take down the Mikaelsons for good ends up in the wrong hands, Klaus finds himself in a tense standoff with an unlikely foe. Meanwhile, Elijah's attempt to reclaim control of The Strix leads to a violent showdown and the emergence of a potential new leader. Elsewhere, when a new coven of witches tries to influence Davina into helping them locate the elusive weapon, she quickly realizes she may be in over her head. 12: Dead Angels
    In onda il: 2016-02-12 When a powerful weapon that could take down the Mikaelsons for good ends up in the wrong hands, Klaus finds himself in a tense standoff with an unlikely foe. Meanwhile, Elijah's attempt to reclaim control of The Strix leads to a violent showdown and the emergence of a potential new leader. Elsewhere, when a new coven of witches tries to influence Davina into helping them locate the elusive weapon, she quickly realizes she may be in over her head. In onda il: 2016-02-19 13: Heart Shaped Box
    Determined to make her ultimate move against the Mikaelson brothers, Aurora uses Freya as bait to lure Klaus and Elijah into a dangerous trap. Meanwhile, after being recruited by The Strix's powerful coven of witches to perform a spell that could save the lives of her closest friends, Davina finds a way to conjure up Kol, the only person who may know the key ingredient to completing the spell. Finally, Hayley is forced to make a heartbreaking sacrifice. 13: Heart Shaped Box
    In onda il: 2016-02-19 Determined to make her ultimate move against the Mikaelson brothers, Aurora uses Freya as bait to lure Klaus and Elijah into a dangerous trap. Meanwhile, after being recruited by The Strix's powerful coven of witches to perform a spell that could save the lives of her closest friends, Davina finds a way to conjure up Kol, the only person who may know the key ingredient to completing the spell. Finally, Hayley is forced to make a heartbreaking sacrifice. In onda il: 2016-02-26 14: A Streetcar Named Desire (II)
    With the threat of the prophecy looming over their heads, Klaus and Elijah find themselves rendered useless inside a magical trap, while Aya and The Strix's coven of witches move forward with a risky spell that could take one of them down for good. Elsewhere, Freya leads the charge to get her brothers back and enlists the help of Marcel, Hayley and Stefan Salvatore, an old friend of Klaus', whose unexpected arrival may be the key to their survival. Finally, Davina moves forward with a dangerous plan that brings her one step closer to reuniting with Kol. The crossover starts on The Vampire Diaries S7E14 Moonlight on the Bayou (I). 14: A Streetcar Named Desire (II)
    In onda il: 2016-02-26 With the threat of the prophecy looming over their heads, Klaus and Elijah find themselves rendered useless inside a magical trap, while Aya and The Strix's coven of witches move forward with a risky spell that could take one of them down for good. Elsewhere, Freya leads the charge to get her brothers back and enlists the help of Marcel, Hayley and Stefan Salvatore, an old friend of Klaus', whose unexpected arrival may be the key to their survival. Finally, Davina moves forward with a dangerous plan that brings her one step closer to reuniting with Kol. The crossover starts on The Vampire Diaries S7E14 Moonlight on the Bayou (I). In onda il: 2016-03-04 15: An Old Friend Calls
    When Klaus learns that Cortez, an old vampire with a vendetta against him, has arrived in New Orleans, he finds himself forced to deal with this new threat. Meanwhile, when Cortez begins threatening the lives of innocent residents, Vincent has no choice but to help the vengeful vampire in his plan to take down Klaus. Elsewhere, Marcel turns to Davina for her help after several Strix members turn up missing, and Elijah confronts Hayley after learning that she’s been dealing with Jackson’s death in a destructive way. 15: An Old Friend Calls
    In onda il: 2016-03-04 When Klaus learns that Cortez, an old vampire with a vendetta against him, has arrived in New Orleans, he finds himself forced to deal with this new threat. Meanwhile, when Cortez begins threatening the lives of innocent residents, Vincent has no choice but to help the vengeful vampire in his plan to take down Klaus. Elsewhere, Marcel turns to Davina for her help after several Strix members turn up missing, and Elijah confronts Hayley after learning that she’s been dealing with Jackson’s death in a destructive way. In onda il: 2016-04-01 16: Alone with Everybody
    Dangerous foes descend upon New Orleans in an attempt to take down Klaus once and for all when rumors spread about the remaining white oak bullet. As the threats grow, Elijah urges his siblings to lay low at the compound while Marcel, Vincent and Josh chase down a lead involving a mysterious vampire named Sofya. Meanwhile, Kol is forced to face his brother Finn, the person responsible for his death; and Klaus and Hayley seek shelter with her former pack and stumble upon some unsettling news. 16: Alone with Everybody
    In onda il: 2016-04-01 Dangerous foes descend upon New Orleans in an attempt to take down Klaus once and for all when rumors spread about the remaining white oak bullet. As the threats grow, Elijah urges his siblings to lay low at the compound while Marcel, Vincent and Josh chase down a lead involving a mysterious vampire named Sofya. Meanwhile, Kol is forced to face his brother Finn, the person responsible for his death; and Klaus and Hayley seek shelter with her former pack and stumble upon some unsettling news. In onda il: 2016-04-08 17: Behind the Black Horizon
    When it's discovered that Freya has been kidnapped and is in the hands of a dangerous new threat, the Mikaelson brothers are forced to put aside their differences in order to save her before it's too late. Following a lead that brings them to Mystic Falls, Elijah and Finn run into deputy Matt Donovan, who does not take well to new vampires in his town. Meanwhile, Klaus and Hayley work together to uncover the motive behind one of Lucien's secret agendas, while a troubling shift in Kol's behavior leaves Davina concerned for their future together. 17: Behind the Black Horizon
    In onda il: 2016-04-08 When it's discovered that Freya has been kidnapped and is in the hands of a dangerous new threat, the Mikaelson brothers are forced to put aside their differences in order to save her before it's too late. Following a lead that brings them to Mystic Falls, Elijah and Finn run into deputy Matt Donovan, who does not take well to new vampires in his town. Meanwhile, Klaus and Hayley work together to uncover the motive behind one of Lucien's secret agendas, while a troubling shift in Kol's behavior leaves Davina concerned for their future together. In onda il: 2016-04-15 18: The Devil Comes Here and Sighs
    As the city celebrates its annual Jazz Fest, an unlikely team of Mikaelson foes joins forces to take Klaus hostage. Leading the charge to get their brother back, Elijah and Freya face off against a powerful force like none they’ve ever seen before, while Hayley and Cami set their own risky plan in motion to rescue Klaus. Meanwhile, when Kol’s erratic behavior worsens, Davina has no choice but to turn to Marcel and Vincent for help. 18: The Devil Comes Here and Sighs
    In onda il: 2016-04-15 As the city celebrates its annual Jazz Fest, an unlikely team of Mikaelson foes joins forces to take Klaus hostage. Leading the charge to get their brother back, Elijah and Freya face off against a powerful force like none they’ve ever seen before, while Hayley and Cami set their own risky plan in motion to rescue Klaus. Meanwhile, when Kol’s erratic behavior worsens, Davina has no choice but to turn to Marcel and Vincent for help. In onda il: 2016-04-29 19: No More Heartbreaks
    Following a violent encounter that has left Cami’s life hanging in the balance, Klaus is forced to rely on his family and allies to find a cure as he keeps a watchful eye over Cami at the compound. With time running out, Freya turns to her arsenal of spells, while Vincent and Marcel head to Cami’s apartment to gather a crucial ingredient. Elsewhere, Hayley and Elijah travel to the bayou in hopes of bringing back a potential antidote that could save Cami’s life. Finally, Davina confronts Lucien and learns some heartbreaking information that will change her future with Kol forever. 19: No More Heartbreaks
    In onda il: 2016-04-29 Following a violent encounter that has left Cami’s life hanging in the balance, Klaus is forced to rely on his family and allies to find a cure as he keeps a watchful eye over Cami at the compound. With time running out, Freya turns to her arsenal of spells, while Vincent and Marcel head to Cami’s apartment to gather a crucial ingredient. Elsewhere, Hayley and Elijah travel to the bayou in hopes of bringing back a potential antidote that could save Cami’s life. Finally, Davina confronts Lucien and learns some heartbreaking information that will change her future with Kol forever. In onda il: 2016-05-06 20: Where Nothing Stays Buried
    In the wake of a ruthless plan that has left their family shattered, Klaus, Elijah and Freya desperately search for a way to take down Lucien once and for all. However, their efforts are put on hold following an urgent plea for help from Kol and Marcel. At Klaus’ insistence, Freya and Elijah reluctantly stay behind to offer their help, while Klaus and Hayley head to the bayou after uncovering Lucien’s latest plan. Once there, an unexpected showdown between Klaus and Lucien forces Freya to take matters into her own hands, setting off a chain of events that will change all of their lives forever. 20: Where Nothing Stays Buried
    In onda il: 2016-05-06 In the wake of a ruthless plan that has left their family shattered, Klaus, Elijah and Freya desperately search for a way to take down Lucien once and for all. However, their efforts are put on hold following an urgent plea for help from Kol and Marcel. At Klaus’ insistence, Freya and Elijah reluctantly stay behind to offer their help, while Klaus and Hayley head to the bayou after uncovering Lucien’s latest plan. Once there, an unexpected showdown between Klaus and Lucien forces Freya to take matters into her own hands, setting off a chain of events that will change all of their lives forever. In onda il: 2016-05-13 21: Give 'Em Hell Kid
    After receiving new visions of the looming prophecy, Freya uncovers that her family is on a collision course with a dangerous new enemy. Meanwhile, with the help of Detective Kinney, Vincent and Kol travel to the ancestral world to put a stop to the witches and take back their city once and for all. Elsewhere, Klaus and Elijah confront Marcel after a heartbreaking plan gone wrong has sent him spiraling. 21: Give 'Em Hell Kid
    In onda il: 2016-05-13 After receiving new visions of the looming prophecy, Freya uncovers that her family is on a collision course with a dangerous new enemy. Meanwhile, with the help of Detective Kinney, Vincent and Kol travel to the ancestral world to put a stop to the witches and take back their city once and for all. Elsewhere, Klaus and Elijah confront Marcel after a heartbreaking plan gone wrong has sent him spiraling. In onda il: 2016-05-20 22: The Bloody Crown
    After months of thwarting off dangerous threats and deadly attacks, the Mikaelson siblings finally come face to face with the one person that could lead to their ultimate demise. With the stakes higher than ever and the compound overrun by an army of his oldest sworn enemies, Klaus is put on trial for centuries of atrocities he’s committed. Meanwhile, Marcel, who has been spiraling out of control following an act of betrayal by those closest to him, is stunned by the unexpected arrival of someone from his past. Finally, Elijah, Freya and Kol frantically search for a way to save their family before it’s too late. 22: The Bloody Crown
    In onda il: 2016-05-20 After months of thwarting off dangerous threats and deadly attacks, the Mikaelson siblings finally come face to face with the one person that could lead to their ultimate demise. With the stakes higher than ever and the compound overrun by an army of his oldest sworn enemies, Klaus is put on trial for centuries of atrocities he’s committed. Meanwhile, Marcel, who has been spiraling out of control following an act of betrayal by those closest to him, is stunned by the unexpected arrival of someone from his past. Finally, Elijah, Freya and Kol frantically search for a way to save their family before it’s too late. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  24. The Originals 4 [13/13] ITA Streaming  

    Serie TV ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The Originals
    Stagione 4    Episodi 13        
    Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Dramma ◦ Mistero
    Niklaus Mikaelson è l'ibrido appartenente alla famiglia dei Vampiri Originali che si trasferisce dalla cittadina di Mystic Falls (Virginia) a New Orleans, città che lui e i suoi fratelli contribuirono a costruire ma che poi abbandonarono per fuggire da loro padre, che gli dava la caccia. Con il suo ritorno, Klaus scopre che Marcel, vampiro che lui stesso trasformò secoli prima, detiene il controllo del quartiere francese della città e di tutte le creature sovrannaturali che lo abitano, comprese le streghe che non possono praticare la magia senza il suo permesso. Queste ultime, guidate dalla giovane strega Sophie Deveraux, vogliono stipulare un patto con Klaus: se lui le aiuterà ad eliminare Marcel loro proteggeranno Hayley, la giovane licantropa che aspetta una figlia da lui. Klaus, spinto dalla responsabilità di padre e dalla voglia di rubare il controllo della città a Marcel e convinto dal fratello maggiore Elijah, accetta il patto e decide di rimanere a New Orleans. Mesi dopo, anche Rebekah, la sorella di Klaus ed Elijah, giunge in città e si ricongiunge con i suoi fratelli.
    Nessun dato per la Crew disponibile
    Joseph Morgan
    Klaus Mikaelson Daniel Gillies
    Elijah Mikaelson Charles Michael Davis
    Marcel Gerard Riley Voelkel
    Freya Mikaelson Yusuf Gatewood
    Vincent Griffith Danielle Rose Russell
    Hope Mikaelson Steven Krueger
    Joshua "Josh" Rosza Episodi: 13 
    In onda il: 2017-03-17 1: Gather Up The Killers
    On the fifth anniversary of Klaus’ defeat, Marcel is king of the city and welcomes the un-sired vampires to New Orleans, only to find they pose an unexpected threat to his rule, leading him to seek counsel from an unlikely source. Meanwhile, as Hayley closes in on the cure that will allow her to revive Elijah and the slumbering Mikaelsons, she faces a final task that will force her to make a ruthless decision. 1: Gather Up The Killers
    In onda il: 2017-03-17 On the fifth anniversary of Klaus’ defeat, Marcel is king of the city and welcomes the un-sired vampires to New Orleans, only to find they pose an unexpected threat to his rule, leading him to seek counsel from an unlikely source. Meanwhile, as Hayley closes in on the cure that will allow her to revive Elijah and the slumbering Mikaelsons, she faces a final task that will force her to make a ruthless decision. In onda il: 2017-03-24 2: No Quarter
    After being cured and woken, the Mikaelson siblings join Hayley in an effort to rescue Klaus from captivity – even if they must face Marcel in the process. Meanwhile, Klaus’ demons materialize in unexpected ways as he suffers from the effects of the Tunde Blade, and Vincent investigates a haunting that will prove to be much more sinister than he could have imagined. 2: No Quarter
    In onda il: 2017-03-24 After being cured and woken, the Mikaelson siblings join Hayley in an effort to rescue Klaus from captivity – even if they must face Marcel in the process. Meanwhile, Klaus’ demons materialize in unexpected ways as he suffers from the effects of the Tunde Blade, and Vincent investigates a haunting that will prove to be much more sinister than he could have imagined. In onda il: 2017-03-31 3: Haunter of Ruins
    After five long years apart, Klaus attempts to reconnect with his daughter, Hope. Even as father and daughter bond, the rest of the family is still in turmoil. Elijah mediates a conflict between Hayley and Freya to determine the best way to protect the family. Meanwhile, in New Orleans, Vincent tells Marcel terrible secrets about his ex -wife, Eva Sinclair, even as they begin their search for a mysterious witch who plans to sacrifice a group of innocent children – including Hope Mikaelson. 3: Haunter of Ruins
    In onda il: 2017-03-31 After five long years apart, Klaus attempts to reconnect with his daughter, Hope. Even as father and daughter bond, the rest of the family is still in turmoil. Elijah mediates a conflict between Hayley and Freya to determine the best way to protect the family. Meanwhile, in New Orleans, Vincent tells Marcel terrible secrets about his ex -wife, Eva Sinclair, even as they begin their search for a mysterious witch who plans to sacrifice a group of innocent children – including Hope Mikaelson. In onda il: 2017-04-07 4: Keepers of the House
    Desperate to save her daughter, Hayley turns to Marcel for help uncovering information about the mysterious force that has set its sights on the children of New Orleans. While Klaus remains behind with Hope, Elijah and a reluctant Vincent join the hunt, which puts them on a dangerous collision course with an unlikely new threat. Finally, Freya and Keelin must put aside their differences as they embark on a journey that may alter the power dynamic in New Orleans forever. 4: Keepers of the House
    In onda il: 2017-04-07 Desperate to save her daughter, Hayley turns to Marcel for help uncovering information about the mysterious force that has set its sights on the children of New Orleans. While Klaus remains behind with Hope, Elijah and a reluctant Vincent join the hunt, which puts them on a dangerous collision course with an unlikely new threat. Finally, Freya and Keelin must put aside their differences as they embark on a journey that may alter the power dynamic in New Orleans forever. In onda il: 2017-04-14 5: I Hear You Knocking
    After being marked by The Hollow’s dark magic, both Klaus and Marcel experience the symptoms of a malevolent haunting, forcing the two adversaries on a violent collision course. Meanwhile, Hayley and Elijah head out to speak with Mary after Hayley uncovers a mysterious link between the dark magic and her former wolf pack. Finally, as an exhausted Freya risks her own life to cure Klaus’ infection, a guilt-ridden Keelin must decide whether to honor her hypocratic oath and help Freya – or flee the Mikaelson’s forever. 5: I Hear You Knocking
    In onda il: 2017-04-14 After being marked by The Hollow’s dark magic, both Klaus and Marcel experience the symptoms of a malevolent haunting, forcing the two adversaries on a violent collision course. Meanwhile, Hayley and Elijah head out to speak with Mary after Hayley uncovers a mysterious link between the dark magic and her former wolf pack. Finally, as an exhausted Freya risks her own life to cure Klaus’ infection, a guilt-ridden Keelin must decide whether to honor her hypocratic oath and help Freya – or flee the Mikaelson’s forever. In onda il: 2017-04-28 6: Bag of Cobras
    When it’s discovered that The Hollow has employed a mysterious servant to do its bidding, Klaus and Elijah host an elaborate party in order to lure the new threat out and uncover its identity. Feeling a sense of responsibility for The Hollow’s resurgence, Vincent uses his magic to help the Mikaelsons root out this latest threat. Meanwhile, after uncovering information about who may have been behind her parents’ death, Hayley turns to Freya to help unlock her memories from that fateful day. 6: Bag of Cobras
    In onda il: 2017-04-28 When it’s discovered that The Hollow has employed a mysterious servant to do its bidding, Klaus and Elijah host an elaborate party in order to lure the new threat out and uncover its identity. Feeling a sense of responsibility for The Hollow’s resurgence, Vincent uses his magic to help the Mikaelsons root out this latest threat. Meanwhile, after uncovering information about who may have been behind her parents’ death, Hayley turns to Freya to help unlock her memories from that fateful day. In onda il: 2017-05-05 7: High Water and a Devil's Daughter
    When it’s discovered that The Hollow’s latest servant is on the loose, Freya places a protection spell on the compound, forcing Klaus, Hayley and Hope to remain inside. Meanwhile, Elijah takes matters into his own hands when Vincent is reluctant to perform a dangerous ritual needed to strengthen their defense against The Hollow. Finally, while Freya enacts a risky plan that brings her face to face with their latest threat, an unexpected twist leaves her life hanging in the balance. 7: High Water and a Devil's Daughter
    In onda il: 2017-05-05 When it’s discovered that The Hollow’s latest servant is on the loose, Freya places a protection spell on the compound, forcing Klaus, Hayley and Hope to remain inside. Meanwhile, Elijah takes matters into his own hands when Vincent is reluctant to perform a dangerous ritual needed to strengthen their defense against The Hollow. Finally, while Freya enacts a risky plan that brings her face to face with their latest threat, an unexpected twist leaves her life hanging in the balance. In onda il: 2017-05-12 8: Voodoo in My Blood
    After being summoned by the ancestors, Hayley and Klaus travel to the ancestral world and come face to face with Davina, Klaus' former foe and the one person who holds the secrets to The Hollow's demise. Meanwhile, old wounds are re-opened when Elijah and Marcel are forced into an uneasy alliance. Together, they meet with Alaric who has tracked down a crucial artifact that could help in their fight against The Hollow. 8: Voodoo in My Blood
    In onda il: 2017-05-12 After being summoned by the ancestors, Hayley and Klaus travel to the ancestral world and come face to face with Davina, Klaus' former foe and the one person who holds the secrets to The Hollow's demise. Meanwhile, old wounds are re-opened when Elijah and Marcel are forced into an uneasy alliance. Together, they meet with Alaric who has tracked down a crucial artifact that could help in their fight against The Hollow. In onda il: 2017-05-19 9: Queen Death
    When The Hollow sends a terrifying message to Vincent, he must team with Haley and Freya to embark on a desperate mission to stop the Hollow once and for all - even if it requires a heartbreaking sacrifice. Refusing to allow anyone in his family to pay the high price of defeating their enemy, Klaus makes a surprising alliance and enacts a plan that threatens to change the Mikaelson family forever. 9: Queen Death
    In onda il: 2017-05-19 When The Hollow sends a terrifying message to Vincent, he must team with Haley and Freya to embark on a desperate mission to stop the Hollow once and for all - even if it requires a heartbreaking sacrifice. Refusing to allow anyone in his family to pay the high price of defeating their enemy, Klaus makes a surprising alliance and enacts a plan that threatens to change the Mikaelson family forever. In onda il: 2017-06-02 10: Phantomesque
    Klaus requests that his estranged siblings Rebekah and Kol return home to stand by their family against The Hollow. Meanwhile, Freya recruits Hayley for a dangerous journey that will put both their lives at risk — but may be the sole means of saving someone they love. Elsewhere, tensions rise when Marcel leads a hunt for The Hollow — putting him on a collision course with the person he was least prepared to face. Finally, as Kol continues to mourn the loss of Davina, he is forced to consider the lengths he’d go to see her again. 10: Phantomesque
    In onda il: 2017-06-02 Klaus requests that his estranged siblings Rebekah and Kol return home to stand by their family against The Hollow. Meanwhile, Freya recruits Hayley for a dangerous journey that will put both their lives at risk — but may be the sole means of saving someone they love. Elsewhere, tensions rise when Marcel leads a hunt for The Hollow — putting him on a collision course with the person he was least prepared to face. Finally, as Kol continues to mourn the loss of Davina, he is forced to consider the lengths he’d go to see her again. In onda il: 2017-06-09 11: A Spirit Here That Won't Be Broken
    When its discovered that The Hollow is using a magical totem to fuel her power, Freya enlists Rebekah and Klaus’ help to locate and destroy it. Elsewhere, an ultimatum by The Hollow puts Kol at odds with his own siblings, while an unexpected run-in forces Marcel and Rebekah to confront the growing tension between them. Finally, The Hollow’s plan for Hayley leaves her in the fight of her life. 11: A Spirit Here That Won't Be Broken
    In onda il: 2017-06-09 When its discovered that The Hollow is using a magical totem to fuel her power, Freya enlists Rebekah and Klaus’ help to locate and destroy it. Elsewhere, an ultimatum by The Hollow puts Kol at odds with his own siblings, while an unexpected run-in forces Marcel and Rebekah to confront the growing tension between them. Finally, The Hollow’s plan for Hayley leaves her in the fight of her life. In onda il: 2017-06-16 12: Voodoo Child
    When The Hollow targets the most vulnerable Mikaelson, Klaus is forced to rely on Vincent, who believes he can use The Hollow’s own dark magic to defeat their enemy for good. Meanwhile, as Marcel worries that Vincent’s plan might backfire, the King of New Orleans decides on a deadly backup plan of his own. Elsewhere, after falling victim to The Hollow’s manipulations, Hayley struggles to figure out Hope’s future in New Orleans, while Freya must confront her darkest fear. 12: Voodoo Child
    In onda il: 2017-06-16 When The Hollow targets the most vulnerable Mikaelson, Klaus is forced to rely on Vincent, who believes he can use The Hollow’s own dark magic to defeat their enemy for good. Meanwhile, as Marcel worries that Vincent’s plan might backfire, the King of New Orleans decides on a deadly backup plan of his own. Elsewhere, after falling victim to The Hollow’s manipulations, Hayley struggles to figure out Hope’s future in New Orleans, while Freya must confront her darkest fear. In onda il: 2017-06-23 13: The Feast of All Sinners
    The Mikaelsons find themselves out of options as they face the all-powerful and un-killable entity known as The Hollow. With the life of Hope at stake, Vincent proposes a final, desperate plan – one that will force Klaus, Elijah, Hayley, Rebekah and Freya to make the greatest sacrifice their family has ever endured. Season Finale. 13: The Feast of All Sinners
    In onda il: 2017-06-23 The Mikaelsons find themselves out of options as they face the all-powerful and un-killable entity known as The Hollow. With the life of Hope at stake, Vincent proposes a final, desperate plan – one that will force Klaus, Elijah, Hayley, Rebekah and Freya to make the greatest sacrifice their family has ever endured. Season Finale. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  25. The Vampire Diaries 1 [22/22] ITA Streaming  

    Serie TV ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The Vampire Diaries
    Stagione 1    Episodi 22        
    Dramma ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    The Vampire Diaries è una serie televisiva statunitense di genere fantasy creata da Kevin Williamson e Julie Plec, che ha debuttato il 10 settembre 2009 sul network The CW. È basata sull'omonima serie di libri di Lisa Jane Smith, dal titolo italiano Il diario del vampiro. La protagonista è Elena Gilbert, una normale ragazza adolescente che vive a Mystic Falls, in Virginia. La sua vita viene sconvolta quando scopre che il suo ragazzo, Stefan Salvatore, è un vampiro, e che è stata adottata. Stefan si accorge che Elena è identica alla prima donna della sua vita, la vampira che trasformò lui e suo fratello Damon Salvatore nel 1864: Katherine Pierce. I due fratelli si innamorano anche di Elena ed entrano a far parte della sua vita. Il loro scopo è proteggerla dal vampiro Originale Klaus e da altre forze che ambiscono al pieno controllo della ragazza, che ha scoperto di essere un essere soprannaturale, più precisamente una doppelgänger di Amara, il primo essere immortale insieme a Silas, di cui lo stesso Stefan è doppelgänger. Vengono spesso coinvolti anche gli amici e i compagni di Elena per via della loro soprannaturalità. La serie ha ricevuto un'ottima accoglienza da parte del pubblico, vincendo quattro People's Choice Awards, uno nel 2010, uno nel 2012 e due nel 2014, e ventuno Teen Choice Awards, sette nel 2010, cinque nel 2011, sei nel 2012 e tre nel 2013.
    Julie Plec
    Executive Producer Kevin Williamson
    Executive Producer Leslie Morgenstein
    Executive Producer L.J. Smith
    Novel Michael Suby
    Music Paul Wesley
    Stefan Salvatore Ian Somerhalder
    Damon Salvatore Kat Graham
    Bonnie Bennett Candice King
    Caroline Forbes Zach Roerig
    Matt Donovan Michael Malarkey
    Enzo St. John Matthew Davis
    Alaric Saltzman Episodi: 22 
    In onda il: 2009-09-10 1: Pilot
    Elena Gilbert and her brother Jeremy come to terms with the death of their parents. Elena is popular amongst her peers and the perfect straight A student, but has difficulties hiding her grief from the world. Meanwhile, Jeremy treads on a dangerous path of using drugs to ease his pain. The arrival of new student Stefan Salvatore, however, makes Elena think about romantic possibilities. 1: Pilot
    In onda il: 2009-09-10 Elena Gilbert and her brother Jeremy come to terms with the death of their parents. Elena is popular amongst her peers and the perfect straight A student, but has difficulties hiding her grief from the world. Meanwhile, Jeremy treads on a dangerous path of using drugs to ease his pain. The arrival of new student Stefan Salvatore, however, makes Elena think about romantic possibilities. In onda il: 2009-09-17 2: The Night of the Comet
    As Mystic Falls gets ready for a festival to celebrate the passing of a comet, Vicki continues to recover in the hospital following Damon's attack. Stefan heads to the hospital to try to use his abilities to make Vicki forget who attacked her, but his efforts are cut short by Matt. Meanwhile, at a parent/teacher conference Mr. Tanner tells Aunt Jenna that Jeremy is in trouble and needs immediate intervention. 2: The Night of the Comet
    In onda il: 2009-09-17 As Mystic Falls gets ready for a festival to celebrate the passing of a comet, Vicki continues to recover in the hospital following Damon's attack. Stefan heads to the hospital to try to use his abilities to make Vicki forget who attacked her, but his efforts are cut short by Matt. Meanwhile, at a parent/teacher conference Mr. Tanner tells Aunt Jenna that Jeremy is in trouble and needs immediate intervention. In onda il: 2009-09-24 3: Friday Night Bites
    As Elena tries to ignore Bonnie's warnings about Stefan, Tyler tries to embarrass Stefan by throwing a ball at him. However, his effortless catch and football skills impress everyone, leading Mr. Tanner to let him join the football team. Meanwhile, Elena invites Stefan and Bonnie to dinner in order to try to get the two to know each other, but the night ends up backfiring. Finally, the town is shocked by an act of violence. 3: Friday Night Bites
    In onda il: 2009-09-24 As Elena tries to ignore Bonnie's warnings about Stefan, Tyler tries to embarrass Stefan by throwing a ball at him. However, his effortless catch and football skills impress everyone, leading Mr. Tanner to let him join the football team. Meanwhile, Elena invites Stefan and Bonnie to dinner in order to try to get the two to know each other, but the night ends up backfiring. Finally, the town is shocked by an act of violence. In onda il: 2009-10-01 4: Family Ties
    Elena asks Stefan to escort her to the town's annual Founder's Party. Vicki gets Tyler to ask her to the party, then accuses him of trying to hide their relationship from his family. Zach reveals a useful family secret to Stefan. At the party, Damon tells Elena a story about the Salvatore family's past, leaving Elena with questions that Stefan refuses to answer. Finally, Stefan takes action to get Damon out of his life for good. 4: Family Ties
    In onda il: 2009-10-01 Elena asks Stefan to escort her to the town's annual Founder's Party. Vicki gets Tyler to ask her to the party, then accuses him of trying to hide their relationship from his family. Zach reveals a useful family secret to Stefan. At the party, Damon tells Elena a story about the Salvatore family's past, leaving Elena with questions that Stefan refuses to answer. Finally, Stefan takes action to get Damon out of his life for good. In onda il: 2009-10-08 5: You're Undead to Me
    Stefan takes action to protect Elena. Stefan is hopeful that his plan to get rid of Damon is working. Elena and Jenna are concerned about Jeremy’s relationship with Vicki. Stefan decides to reveal parts of his past to Elena. At a fund-raising car wash, Bonnie is surprised by abilities she didn’t know she possessed, and seeks advice from her grandmother. Finally, Elena hears a disturbing story about the Salvatore family from a stranger. 5: You're Undead to Me
    In onda il: 2009-10-08 Stefan takes action to protect Elena. Stefan is hopeful that his plan to get rid of Damon is working. Elena and Jenna are concerned about Jeremy’s relationship with Vicki. Stefan decides to reveal parts of his past to Elena. At a fund-raising car wash, Bonnie is surprised by abilities she didn’t know she possessed, and seeks advice from her grandmother. Finally, Elena hears a disturbing story about the Salvatore family from a stranger. In onda il: 2009-10-15 6: Lost Girls
    In a flashback sequence, Stefan reveals the Salvatore family history to Elena. Elena demands that Stefan explain the frightening events that have been happening in Mystic Falls. In flashbacks, Stefan explains how his rivalry with Damon began. Back in the present, Damon impulsively takes control of Vicki’s future, and a confused and frightened Vicki runs away. Finally, Sheriff Forbes and Mayor Lockwood take steps to protect the town. 6: Lost Girls
    In onda il: 2009-10-15 In a flashback sequence, Stefan reveals the Salvatore family history to Elena. Elena demands that Stefan explain the frightening events that have been happening in Mystic Falls. In flashbacks, Stefan explains how his rivalry with Damon began. Back in the present, Damon impulsively takes control of Vicki’s future, and a confused and frightened Vicki runs away. Finally, Sheriff Forbes and Mayor Lockwood take steps to protect the town. In onda il: 2009-10-29 7: Haunted
    As Vicki’s behavior becomes more dangerous, Stefan tries to help her. Elena tries to convince Jeremy to stay away from Vicki. Caroline gives Bonnie a necklace she took from Damon to wear with her Halloween costume, and when Damon tries to take it back, he is surprised by Bonnie’s abilities. Bonnie discusses the incident with Grams and learns more about her family’s past. Trying to cheer Vicki up, Matt takes her to the high school’s haunted house, but the evening soon takes a terrifying turn. 7: Haunted
    In onda il: 2009-10-29 As Vicki’s behavior becomes more dangerous, Stefan tries to help her. Elena tries to convince Jeremy to stay away from Vicki. Caroline gives Bonnie a necklace she took from Damon to wear with her Halloween costume, and when Damon tries to take it back, he is surprised by Bonnie’s abilities. Bonnie discusses the incident with Grams and learns more about her family’s past. Trying to cheer Vicki up, Matt takes her to the high school’s haunted house, but the evening soon takes a terrifying turn. In onda il: 2009-11-05 8: 162 Candles
    On his birthday, Stefan is surprised by a visit from Lexi, one of his oldest friends. Still upset by the events at the Halloween haunted house, Elena does her best to stay away from Stefan, but Lexi gives her some unsolicited relationship advice. Elena and Jenna are surprised by a change in Jeremy’s behavior. At Damon’s insistence, Caroline tries to get his medallion back from Bonnie. Finally, Damon’s offer to help Sheriff Forbes has sudden and tragic results. 8: 162 Candles
    In onda il: 2009-11-05 On his birthday, Stefan is surprised by a visit from Lexi, one of his oldest friends. Still upset by the events at the Halloween haunted house, Elena does her best to stay away from Stefan, but Lexi gives her some unsolicited relationship advice. Elena and Jenna are surprised by a change in Jeremy’s behavior. At Damon’s insistence, Caroline tries to get his medallion back from Bonnie. Finally, Damon’s offer to help Sheriff Forbes has sudden and tragic results. In onda il: 2009-11-12 9: History Repeating
    Jeremy gets a break from the mysterious new history teacher, Alaric Saltzman and introduces Alaric to Jenna. Bonnie is having terrifying dreams about one of her ancestors. Despite Elena’s efforts to smooth things over, Bonnie and Caroline continue to argue over the medallion. When the girls hold a séance to help them decide what to do, the results are stranger than any of them expected. Matt comes to Caroline’s aid when she needs a friend. Damon finally reveals to Stefan the stunning reason he has returned to Mystic Falls. 9: History Repeating
    In onda il: 2009-11-12 Jeremy gets a break from the mysterious new history teacher, Alaric Saltzman and introduces Alaric to Jenna. Bonnie is having terrifying dreams about one of her ancestors. Despite Elena’s efforts to smooth things over, Bonnie and Caroline continue to argue over the medallion. When the girls hold a séance to help them decide what to do, the results are stranger than any of them expected. Matt comes to Caroline’s aid when she needs a friend. Damon finally reveals to Stefan the stunning reason he has returned to Mystic Falls. In onda il: 2009-11-19 10: The Turning Point
    After reading the journal left by one of the Gilbert ancestors, Jeremy is inspired to return to his hobby of sketching fantasy creatures, a talent he had abandoned when his parents died. Much to the surprise of their friends, Matt and Caroline continue to hang out together. When Sheriff Forbes tells Damon there has been another attack, he offers to track down the killer and learns a startling piece of information about the town’s founding families. Alaric steps in to help during an awkward scene with Jeremy, Tyler and Mayor Lockwood. Stefan and Elena come to a new understanding, but everything changes when Elena accidentally makes a devastating discovery. 10: The Turning Point
    In onda il: 2009-11-19 After reading the journal left by one of the Gilbert ancestors, Jeremy is inspired to return to his hobby of sketching fantasy creatures, a talent he had abandoned when his parents died. Much to the surprise of their friends, Matt and Caroline continue to hang out together. When Sheriff Forbes tells Damon there has been another attack, he offers to track down the killer and learns a startling piece of information about the town’s founding families. Alaric steps in to help during an awkward scene with Jeremy, Tyler and Mayor Lockwood. Stefan and Elena come to a new understanding, but everything changes when Elena accidentally makes a devastating discovery. In onda il: 2010-01-21 11: Bloodlines
    Damon takes a trip to Georgia, where he surprises an old flame, Bree and enlists her help to figure out how to open the tomb. In the process, Damon comes face to face with someone who is determined to make him pay for past wrongs. Stefan opens up to Grams in his effort to help Bonnie overcome her fears and accept her powers. While researching his history paper in the public library, Jeremy meets a cute-but-geeky girl named Anna who has her own theories on the folklore of Mystic Falls. When Damon returns from Georgia, Stefan is waiting with news that will change their world. 11: Bloodlines
    In onda il: 2010-01-21 Damon takes a trip to Georgia, where he surprises an old flame, Bree and enlists her help to figure out how to open the tomb. In the process, Damon comes face to face with someone who is determined to make him pay for past wrongs. Stefan opens up to Grams in his effort to help Bonnie overcome her fears and accept her powers. While researching his history paper in the public library, Jeremy meets a cute-but-geeky girl named Anna who has her own theories on the folklore of Mystic Falls. When Damon returns from Georgia, Stefan is waiting with news that will change their world. In onda il: 2010-01-28 12: Unpleasantville
    Damon, Elena and Stefan attend the school dance with a 1950s' theme, where Alaric introduces himself to Damon. Stefan and Damon try to figure out the identity of the new vampire in town, Stefan gives Elena jewelry filled with Vervain to protect her family and friends. To make ends meet Matt takes a job at the Mystic Grill. Ben comes to help Bonnie when he notices Damon is bothering her. 12: Unpleasantville
    In onda il: 2010-01-28 Damon, Elena and Stefan attend the school dance with a 1950s' theme, where Alaric introduces himself to Damon. Stefan and Damon try to figure out the identity of the new vampire in town, Stefan gives Elena jewelry filled with Vervain to protect her family and friends. To make ends meet Matt takes a job at the Mystic Grill. Ben comes to help Bonnie when he notices Damon is bothering her. In onda il: 2010-02-04 13: Children of the Damned
    In flashbacks, Stefan and Damon recall the long-ago actions taken by townspeople including their father, Guiseppe Salvatore, and Pearl, leading to the devastating events that caused the rift in their relationship. In the present, Bonnie's date with Ben takes a frightening turn. Elena helps Stefan as he and Damon race to find the missing journal that belonged to Elena's ancestor. Stefan learns the reason behind Alaric's interest in both the journal and the town's history. Damon discovers that an old acquaintance has returned to town with an agenda he understands. 13: Children of the Damned
    In onda il: 2010-02-04 In flashbacks, Stefan and Damon recall the long-ago actions taken by townspeople including their father, Guiseppe Salvatore, and Pearl, leading to the devastating events that caused the rift in their relationship. In the present, Bonnie's date with Ben takes a frightening turn. Elena helps Stefan as he and Damon race to find the missing journal that belonged to Elena's ancestor. Stefan learns the reason behind Alaric's interest in both the journal and the town's history. Damon discovers that an old acquaintance has returned to town with an agenda he understands. In onda il: 2010-02-11 14: Fool Me Once
    Stefan helps Elena and Bonnie out of a dangerous situation. Jeremy asks Anna to a party in the woods, unaware that she has her own reasons for wanting to meet him there. When Stefan, Damon, and Elena work with Bonnie and Grams to open the tomb, everyone is shocked by what they discover. 14: Fool Me Once
    In onda il: 2010-02-11 Stefan helps Elena and Bonnie out of a dangerous situation. Jeremy asks Anna to a party in the woods, unaware that she has her own reasons for wanting to meet him there. When Stefan, Damon, and Elena work with Bonnie and Grams to open the tomb, everyone is shocked by what they discover. In onda il: 2010-03-25 15: A Few Good Men
    Matt and Caroline are surprised by the sudden reappearance of Matt’s mother Kelly. Stefan and Elena are worried about Damon’s new attitude. Damon is asked by Sheriff Forbes to take part in a fund-raising bachelor auction. Alaric discovers shocking secrets from his own past. With help from Jenna and Stefan, Elena is determined to find out everything she can about her birth mother, but the truth may be more than she can handle. 15: A Few Good Men
    In onda il: 2010-03-25 Matt and Caroline are surprised by the sudden reappearance of Matt’s mother Kelly. Stefan and Elena are worried about Damon’s new attitude. Damon is asked by Sheriff Forbes to take part in a fund-raising bachelor auction. Alaric discovers shocking secrets from his own past. With help from Jenna and Stefan, Elena is determined to find out everything she can about her birth mother, but the truth may be more than she can handle. In onda il: 2010-04-01 16: There Goes the Neighborhood
    Anna brings a surprising guest along when she pays a visit to Damon. Elena and Stefan go on an awkward double date with Caroline and Matt, but Stefan and Matt find they have some common ground. Jenna reunites with her old friend Kelly, and Jeremy’s relationship with Anna takes an unexpected direction. 16: There Goes the Neighborhood
    In onda il: 2010-04-01 Anna brings a surprising guest along when she pays a visit to Damon. Elena and Stefan go on an awkward double date with Caroline and Matt, but Stefan and Matt find they have some common ground. Jenna reunites with her old friend Kelly, and Jeremy’s relationship with Anna takes an unexpected direction. In onda il: 2010-04-08 17: Let the Right One In
    When Stefan and Damon make a dangerous new enemy, Stefan suddenly finds himself in a perilous situation. Damon and Elena try to convince Alaric to work with them to help Stefan. Matt is hopeful that his mom, Kelly, may be back to stay. After her car breaks down in a storm, Caroline make a horrific discovery that shocks everyone in town. 17: Let the Right One In
    In onda il: 2010-04-08 When Stefan and Damon make a dangerous new enemy, Stefan suddenly finds himself in a perilous situation. Damon and Elena try to convince Alaric to work with them to help Stefan. Matt is hopeful that his mom, Kelly, may be back to stay. After her car breaks down in a storm, Caroline make a horrific discovery that shocks everyone in town. In onda il: 2010-04-15 18: Under Control
    While Stefan struggles to control his new situation, Elena and Jeremy are surprised by a visit from their uncle, John Gilbert. Alaric has an awkward talk with Elena about Isobel. At a Founder’s Day event, Stefan displays a rare party attitude and Damon’s attempt to find out why Uncle John has returned to town takes an ugly turn. An incident at the party causes trouble between Matt and Tyler... and the relationship between Matt and his mother, Kelly, reaches a new low. Meanwhile, Elena’s effort to comfort Jeremy falls short and he decides to take matters into his own hands. 18: Under Control
    In onda il: 2010-04-15 While Stefan struggles to control his new situation, Elena and Jeremy are surprised by a visit from their uncle, John Gilbert. Alaric has an awkward talk with Elena about Isobel. At a Founder’s Day event, Stefan displays a rare party attitude and Damon’s attempt to find out why Uncle John has returned to town takes an ugly turn. An incident at the party causes trouble between Matt and Tyler... and the relationship between Matt and his mother, Kelly, reaches a new low. Meanwhile, Elena’s effort to comfort Jeremy falls short and he decides to take matters into his own hands. In onda il: 2010-04-22 19: Miss Mystic Falls
    At the Founder’s Day Gala, Elena and Caroline compete for the title of “Miss Mystic Falls” against other girls from town, including Tina Fell and Amber Bradley. Elena is happy to have Bonnie back in town, but Bonnie still has issues to work through. John Gilbert attempts to intimidate Damon, but his plan doesn’t have the desired effect. Damon discovers that Stefan is hiding a dangerous secret that could impact everyone in town. 19: Miss Mystic Falls
    In onda il: 2010-04-22 At the Founder’s Day Gala, Elena and Caroline compete for the title of “Miss Mystic Falls” against other girls from town, including Tina Fell and Amber Bradley. Elena is happy to have Bonnie back in town, but Bonnie still has issues to work through. John Gilbert attempts to intimidate Damon, but his plan doesn’t have the desired effect. Damon discovers that Stefan is hiding a dangerous secret that could impact everyone in town. In onda il: 2010-04-29 20: Blood Brothers
    While Stefan struggles to come to terms with his past, both he and Damon reveal parts of their history to Elena, until she finally learns the truth about how they became vampires. Pearl has an ugly confrontation with Johnathan Gilbert. Damon and Alaric try to find a mysterious invention before Johnathan does. The friendship and flirtation between Jeremy and Anna continues to grow. 20: Blood Brothers
    In onda il: 2010-04-29 While Stefan struggles to come to terms with his past, both he and Damon reveal parts of their history to Elena, until she finally learns the truth about how they became vampires. Pearl has an ugly confrontation with Johnathan Gilbert. Damon and Alaric try to find a mysterious invention before Johnathan does. The friendship and flirtation between Jeremy and Anna continues to grow. In onda il: 2010-05-06 21: Isobel
    Isobel returns to town and stuns Alaric with her attitude and her demands that he arrange a meeting with Elena. When mother and daughter finally meet, Isobel refuses to answer most of Elena’s questions, but reveals that she will stop at nothing to find the mysterious invention Johnathan Gilbert has been searching for. Isobel’s dangerous actions lead Stefan, Damon and Bonnie to step in and help Elena deal with the situation. 21: Isobel
    In onda il: 2010-05-06 Isobel returns to town and stuns Alaric with her attitude and her demands that he arrange a meeting with Elena. When mother and daughter finally meet, Isobel refuses to answer most of Elena’s questions, but reveals that she will stop at nothing to find the mysterious invention Johnathan Gilbert has been searching for. Isobel’s dangerous actions lead Stefan, Damon and Bonnie to step in and help Elena deal with the situation. In onda il: 2010-05-13 22: Founder's Day
    Founder's Day has finally arrived, and everyone is busy with last-minute preparations for floats and fireworks. Stefan is uncomfortable with Damon's new attitude toward Elena, but Elena is more concerned about repairing her relationship with Jeremy. Jeremy is worried about Anna, but not sure he's on board with her latest plan for the future. While Caroline is enjoying her day as Queen of the celebration, she also tries to help Matt and Tyler get their friendship back on track. Finally, although Damon and Alaric do their best to stop him, Johnathan Gilbert sets a plan in motion that brings Founder's Day to an end amid chaos, destruction and death. 22: Founder's Day
    In onda il: 2010-05-13 Founder's Day has finally arrived, and everyone is busy with last-minute preparations for floats and fireworks. Stefan is uncomfortable with Damon's new attitude toward Elena, but Elena is more concerned about repairing her relationship with Jeremy. Jeremy is worried about Anna, but not sure he's on board with her latest plan for the future. While Caroline is enjoying her day as Queen of the celebration, she also tries to help Matt and Tyler get their friendship back on track. Finally, although Damon and Alaric do their best to stop him, Johnathan Gilbert sets a plan in motion that brings Founder's Day to an end amid chaos, destruction and death. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  26. The Vampire Diaries 2 [22/22] ITA Streaming  

    Serie TV ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The Vampire Diaries
    Stagione 2    Episodi 22        
    Dramma ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    The Vampire Diaries è una serie televisiva statunitense di genere fantasy creata da Kevin Williamson e Julie Plec, che ha debuttato il 10 settembre 2009 sul network The CW. È basata sull'omonima serie di libri di Lisa Jane Smith, dal titolo italiano Il diario del vampiro. La protagonista è Elena Gilbert, una normale ragazza adolescente che vive a Mystic Falls, in Virginia. La sua vita viene sconvolta quando scopre che il suo ragazzo, Stefan Salvatore, è un vampiro, e che è stata adottata. Stefan si accorge che Elena è identica alla prima donna della sua vita, la vampira che trasformò lui e suo fratello Damon Salvatore nel 1864: Katherine Pierce. I due fratelli si innamorano anche di Elena ed entrano a far parte della sua vita. Il loro scopo è proteggerla dal vampiro Originale Klaus e da altre forze che ambiscono al pieno controllo della ragazza, che ha scoperto di essere un essere soprannaturale, più precisamente una doppelgänger di Amara, il primo essere immortale insieme a Silas, di cui lo stesso Stefan è doppelgänger. Vengono spesso coinvolti anche gli amici e i compagni di Elena per via della loro soprannaturalità. La serie ha ricevuto un'ottima accoglienza da parte del pubblico, vincendo quattro People's Choice Awards, uno nel 2010, uno nel 2012 e due nel 2014, e ventuno Teen Choice Awards, sette nel 2010, cinque nel 2011, sei nel 2012 e tre nel 2013.
    Julie Plec
    Executive Producer Kevin Williamson
    Executive Producer Leslie Morgenstein
    Executive Producer L.J. Smith
    Novel Michael Suby
    Music Paul Wesley
    Stefan Salvatore Ian Somerhalder
    Damon Salvatore Kat Graham
    Bonnie Bennett Candice King
    Caroline Forbes Zach Roerig
    Matt Donovan Michael Malarkey
    Enzo St. John Matthew Davis
    Alaric Saltzman Episodi: 22 
    In onda il: 2010-09-09 1: The Return
    The second season begins with Elena discovering her uncle John's bloody body and learning Jeremy's fate, and Damon realizing that Katherine has returned. Meanwhile, Caroline is taken to the hospital following a car accident, and Tyler's mysterious uncle Mason arrives in town. 1: The Return
    In onda il: 2010-09-09 The second season begins with Elena discovering her uncle John's bloody body and learning Jeremy's fate, and Damon realizing that Katherine has returned. Meanwhile, Caroline is taken to the hospital following a car accident, and Tyler's mysterious uncle Mason arrives in town. In onda il: 2010-09-16 2: Brave New World
    When a confused and desperate Caroline leaves the hospital and joins her friends at the Mystic Falls Carnival, Damon wants to take immediate action, but Stefan and Elena come to Caroline’s defense. Matt is completely mystified by Caroline’s behavior, but still tries to tell her about his feelings for her.. Damon has suspicions about Tyler’s Uncle Mason and uses Tyler’s volatile personality in an attempt to get Mason to reveal his secret. Upset with everything going on around her, Bonnie takes her anger out on Damon. 2: Brave New World
    In onda il: 2010-09-16 When a confused and desperate Caroline leaves the hospital and joins her friends at the Mystic Falls Carnival, Damon wants to take immediate action, but Stefan and Elena come to Caroline’s defense. Matt is completely mystified by Caroline’s behavior, but still tries to tell her about his feelings for her.. Damon has suspicions about Tyler’s Uncle Mason and uses Tyler’s volatile personality in an attempt to get Mason to reveal his secret. Upset with everything going on around her, Bonnie takes her anger out on Damon. In onda il: 2010-09-23 3: Bad Moon Rising
    Elena, Damon and Alaric take a road trip to Duke University and search through Isobel’s research on folklore and paranormal phenomena to see if they can uncover any clues to the mystery surrounding the Lockwood family. Isobel’s former student, Vanessa offers to guide them through the research and ends up getting quite an education herself. Stefan comes face to face with a terrifying new danger in the woods, and Tyler makes a shocking discovery about Mason..... 3: Bad Moon Rising
    In onda il: 2010-09-23 Elena, Damon and Alaric take a road trip to Duke University and search through Isobel’s research on folklore and paranormal phenomena to see if they can uncover any clues to the mystery surrounding the Lockwood family. Isobel’s former student, Vanessa offers to guide them through the research and ends up getting quite an education herself. Stefan comes face to face with a terrifying new danger in the woods, and Tyler makes a shocking discovery about Mason..... In onda il: 2010-09-30 4: Memory Lane
    Stefan takes drastic measures to find out the real reason Katherine has returned to Mystic Falls, and is shocked when she reveals new secrets about what really happened in 1864. Damon tries a new tactic to resolve his issues with Mason,.... but it proves costly. Tyler pushes Mason to tell him the truth about the Lockwoods. Finally, when Katherine delivers an ultimatum, Stefan and Elena are left with very few options. 4: Memory Lane
    In onda il: 2010-09-30 Stefan takes drastic measures to find out the real reason Katherine has returned to Mystic Falls, and is shocked when she reveals new secrets about what really happened in 1864. Damon tries a new tactic to resolve his issues with Mason,.... but it proves costly. Tyler pushes Mason to tell him the truth about the Lockwoods. Finally, when Katherine delivers an ultimatum, Stefan and Elena are left with very few options. In onda il: 2010-10-07 5: Kill or Be Killed
    Tyler learns more about the Lockwood family curse from Mason. Stefan and Damon argue over how to handle Mason. Elena tries to keep Jeremy from becoming more involved with the Lockwood mystery, but Jeremy makes an effort to hang out with Tyler. Mason gives Sheriff Lockwood some startling information, leading to a night of violence, confession and heartbreak. 5: Kill or Be Killed
    In onda il: 2010-10-07 Tyler learns more about the Lockwood family curse from Mason. Stefan and Damon argue over how to handle Mason. Elena tries to keep Jeremy from becoming more involved with the Lockwood mystery, but Jeremy makes an effort to hang out with Tyler. Mason gives Sheriff Lockwood some startling information, leading to a night of violence, confession and heartbreak. In onda il: 2010-10-21 6: Plan B
    Despite Elena’s efforts to keep Jeremy safe, he offers to help Damon and Alaric deal with Katherine... Sheriff Forbes and Caroline share a few rare moments of quality mother/daughter time. Bonnie accidentally discovers new information about Mason and shares it with Stefan, leading Damon to take matters into his own hands. 6: Plan B
    In onda il: 2010-10-21 Despite Elena’s efforts to keep Jeremy safe, he offers to help Damon and Alaric deal with Katherine... Sheriff Forbes and Caroline share a few rare moments of quality mother/daughter time. Bonnie accidentally discovers new information about Mason and shares it with Stefan, leading Damon to take matters into his own hands. In onda il: 2010-10-28 7: Masquerade
    Stefan and Damon decide on a new plan to deal with Katherine at the Lockwood’s masquerade ball. Katherine calls on an old friend, Lucy, to attend the ball with her. Bonnie, Jeremy and Alaric all do what they can to help Stefan and Damon, but Katherine has a surprise planned that none of them could foresee. Things take an ugly turn when Matt and Tyler start doing shots with their friends. 7: Masquerade
    In onda il: 2010-10-28 Stefan and Damon decide on a new plan to deal with Katherine at the Lockwood’s masquerade ball. Katherine calls on an old friend, Lucy, to attend the ball with her. Bonnie, Jeremy and Alaric all do what they can to help Stefan and Damon, but Katherine has a surprise planned that none of them could foresee. Things take an ugly turn when Matt and Tyler start doing shots with their friends. In onda il: 2010-11-04 8: Rose
    An Ancient Presence In Mystic Falls, Stefan and Damon come to Elena’s assistance and, in the process, learn surprising new information about people, vampires and events in the distant past. Jeremy helps Bonnie after she casts a difficult and exhausting spell, and Caroline does what she can to make things easier for Tyler. Finally, Stefan and Damon reach a new understanding. 8: Rose
    In onda il: 2010-11-04 An Ancient Presence In Mystic Falls, Stefan and Damon come to Elena’s assistance and, in the process, learn surprising new information about people, vampires and events in the distant past. Jeremy helps Bonnie after she casts a difficult and exhausting spell, and Caroline does what she can to make things easier for Tyler. Finally, Stefan and Damon reach a new understanding. In onda il: 2010-11-11 9: Katerina
    Elena puts herself in a dangerous position as she searches for the truth about Katherine’s past and what her own future may hold. Knowing that Stefan would never agree to her plan, Elena swears Caroline to secrecy. Damon uses a new-found confidant to help him try to discover the real purpose and power of the moonstone. Jeremy and Bonnie meet Luka, a new student with a surprising family history. 9: Katerina
    In onda il: 2010-11-11 Elena puts herself in a dangerous position as she searches for the truth about Katherine’s past and what her own future may hold. Knowing that Stefan would never agree to her plan, Elena swears Caroline to secrecy. Damon uses a new-found confidant to help him try to discover the real purpose and power of the moonstone. Jeremy and Bonnie meet Luka, a new student with a surprising family history. In onda il: 2010-12-02 10: The Sacrifice
    Elena decides to take matters into her own hands and offers a tempting incentive to Rose for her help. When things take an unexpected turn, however, Rose calls on Damon to deal with the plan Elena has set in motion. Jeremy’s reckless attempt to help Bonnie retrieve the moonstone lands him in a life-threatening position and forces Stefan to put himself in danger. Bonnie and Luka form a closer connection. Tyler shows Caroline the Lockwood cellar, where she makes a discovery that leaves them both terrified. 10: The Sacrifice
    In onda il: 2010-12-02 Elena decides to take matters into her own hands and offers a tempting incentive to Rose for her help. When things take an unexpected turn, however, Rose calls on Damon to deal with the plan Elena has set in motion. Jeremy’s reckless attempt to help Bonnie retrieve the moonstone lands him in a life-threatening position and forces Stefan to put himself in danger. Bonnie and Luka form a closer connection. Tyler shows Caroline the Lockwood cellar, where she makes a discovery that leaves them both terrified. In onda il: 2010-12-09 11: By the Light of the Moon
    As the full moon approaches, Caroline helps Tyler prepare for the transformation he is powerless to stop. While Stefan and Katherine play mind games on one another, Damon and Alaric are suspicious when a stranger named Jules shows up in Mystic Falls, searching for her missing friend, Mason. Elena is frustrated at the lengths Jeremy and her friends have gone to in order to keep her safe. Bonnie and Luca work together on a spell, while still keeping secrets from one another. Finally, Elijah makes an unexpected appearance with an offer that could change everything. 11: By the Light of the Moon
    In onda il: 2010-12-09 As the full moon approaches, Caroline helps Tyler prepare for the transformation he is powerless to stop. While Stefan and Katherine play mind games on one another, Damon and Alaric are suspicious when a stranger named Jules shows up in Mystic Falls, searching for her missing friend, Mason. Elena is frustrated at the lengths Jeremy and her friends have gone to in order to keep her safe. Bonnie and Luca work together on a spell, while still keeping secrets from one another. Finally, Elijah makes an unexpected appearance with an offer that could change everything. In onda il: 2011-01-27 12: The Descent
    Stefan has his own ideas about Elena’s new plan for the future. While Damon tries to get the truth out of Jules, he asks Elena to keep an eye on Rose, a situation that turns unexpectedly dangerous. Caroline and Matt try to be honest about their feelings for one another, and Tyler’s reaction to Caroline’s generosity comes as a surprise to her... Damon struggles to hide his true feelings when a life-and-death crisis hits him harder than he expected. 12: The Descent
    In onda il: 2011-01-27 Stefan has his own ideas about Elena’s new plan for the future. While Damon tries to get the truth out of Jules, he asks Elena to keep an eye on Rose, a situation that turns unexpectedly dangerous. Caroline and Matt try to be honest about their feelings for one another, and Tyler’s reaction to Caroline’s generosity comes as a surprise to her... Damon struggles to hide his true feelings when a life-and-death crisis hits him harder than he expected. In onda il: 2011-02-03 13: Daddy Issues
    Johnathan Gilbert’s return to Mystic Falls comes as an unhappy surprise to Elena, Jenna and Damon. Caroline lets Stefan know about her conversation with Tyler, and Stefan does his best to reach out to a confused and conflicted Tyler. Jeremy comforts Bonnie after her disturbing conversation with Jonas... When Jules takes a hostage, the situation quickly escalates into a violent confrontation. 13: Daddy Issues
    In onda il: 2011-02-03 Johnathan Gilbert’s return to Mystic Falls comes as an unhappy surprise to Elena, Jenna and Damon. Caroline lets Stefan know about her conversation with Tyler, and Stefan does his best to reach out to a confused and conflicted Tyler. Jeremy comforts Bonnie after her disturbing conversation with Jonas... When Jules takes a hostage, the situation quickly escalates into a violent confrontation. In onda il: 2011-02-10 14: Crying Wolf
    Stefan and Elena get away for what they hope will be a romantic weekend at the Gilbert family lake house, not realizing that they’ve been followed. Jenna starts to worry that Alaric isn’t being honest with her. Jules explains the importance of the sun and moon curse to Tyler, but leaves out an important detail. Damon attends a tea at the Historical Society in order to talk to Elijah, but Elijah isn’t giving up any secrets. With help from Caroline and Jeremy, Bonnie uses deceptive measures to get shocking new information out of Luka. Finally, Tyler offers Matt some relationship advice. 14: Crying Wolf
    In onda il: 2011-02-10 Stefan and Elena get away for what they hope will be a romantic weekend at the Gilbert family lake house, not realizing that they’ve been followed. Jenna starts to worry that Alaric isn’t being honest with her. Jules explains the importance of the sun and moon curse to Tyler, but leaves out an important detail. Damon attends a tea at the Historical Society in order to talk to Elijah, but Elijah isn’t giving up any secrets. With help from Caroline and Jeremy, Bonnie uses deceptive measures to get shocking new information out of Luka. Finally, Tyler offers Matt some relationship advice. In onda il: 2011-02-17 15: The Dinner Party
    Stefan tells Elena about a dark time in his history and the surprising person whose influence changed everything. After getting the truth out of Luka, Jonas makes his feelings clear to Bonnie and Jeremy. Trying to catch Elijah off-guard, Damon arranges a dinner party for him with Jenna, Alaric and Andie, but last-minute information throws Damon’s plan into chaos. 15: The Dinner Party
    In onda il: 2011-02-17 Stefan tells Elena about a dark time in his history and the surprising person whose influence changed everything. After getting the truth out of Luka, Jonas makes his feelings clear to Bonnie and Jeremy. Trying to catch Elijah off-guard, Damon arranges a dinner party for him with Jenna, Alaric and Andie, but last-minute information throws Damon’s plan into chaos. In onda il: 2011-02-24 16: The House Guest
    Katherine’s mind games are getting on everyone’s nerves, but Damon, Stefan and Elena realize that her knowledge of Mystic Falls history will help them stay alive. Frustrated with her relationship with Matt, Caroline finds a new way to get his attention. Alaric makes a surprising confession to Jenna, and Katherine makes a different kind of confession to Damon. Stefan and Bonnie try to convince Jonas and Luka that they should all be working together, but Jonas’ lack of trust leads to a violent and fiery confrontation. 16: The House Guest
    In onda il: 2011-02-24 Katherine’s mind games are getting on everyone’s nerves, but Damon, Stefan and Elena realize that her knowledge of Mystic Falls history will help them stay alive. Frustrated with her relationship with Matt, Caroline finds a new way to get his attention. Alaric makes a surprising confession to Jenna, and Katherine makes a different kind of confession to Damon. Stefan and Bonnie try to convince Jonas and Luka that they should all be working together, but Jonas’ lack of trust leads to a violent and fiery confrontation. In onda il: 2011-04-07 17: Know Thy Enemy
    Elena and Alaric both lash out at John when Isobel’s unexpected arrival leaves Jenna devastated. Bonnie works with Damon and Jeremy to find the spell they’ll need to harness her ancestors’ power. A heartbroken Caroline doesn’t know what to do about Matt. Stefan and Damon realize they have a new secret weapon. 17: Know Thy Enemy
    In onda il: 2011-04-07 Elena and Alaric both lash out at John when Isobel’s unexpected arrival leaves Jenna devastated. Bonnie works with Damon and Jeremy to find the spell they’ll need to harness her ancestors’ power. A heartbroken Caroline doesn’t know what to do about Matt. Stefan and Damon realize they have a new secret weapon. In onda il: 2011-04-14 18: The Last Dance
    As the high school prepares to throw a “1960s Decade Dance,” Elena starts receiving disturbing messages from Klaus via an unusual source. Bonnie tries to reassure Jeremy that she is strong enough to help Elena, but a worried Jeremy asks Stefan for advice. Caroline talks Matt into taking her to the dance. Expecting Klaus to show up at the dance, Damon and Alaric attend as chaperones, but Klaus is playing a complicated game that keeps them on edge. Finally, Damon comes up with a new plan of action that shocks and upsets everyone. 18: The Last Dance
    In onda il: 2011-04-14 As the high school prepares to throw a “1960s Decade Dance,” Elena starts receiving disturbing messages from Klaus via an unusual source. Bonnie tries to reassure Jeremy that she is strong enough to help Elena, but a worried Jeremy asks Stefan for advice. Caroline talks Matt into taking her to the dance. Expecting Klaus to show up at the dance, Damon and Alaric attend as chaperones, but Klaus is playing a complicated game that keeps them on edge. Finally, Damon comes up with a new plan of action that shocks and upsets everyone. In onda il: 2011-04-21 19: Klaus
    Stefan and Damon are furious when they discover that Elena has defied them both to make a new ally and take control of the plan to out-maneuver Klaus. Disagreement over how to protect Elena leads to growing tension between the Salvatore brothers. Meanwhile, Stefan has his hands full trying to keep a confused and frightened Jenna safe. Flashbacks to 1491 reveal Katherine’s introduction to Elijah and Klaus, along with the origin of the moonstone curse. Elena learns shocking new information about Klaus’ motives. 19: Klaus
    In onda il: 2011-04-21 Stefan and Damon are furious when they discover that Elena has defied them both to make a new ally and take control of the plan to out-maneuver Klaus. Disagreement over how to protect Elena leads to growing tension between the Salvatore brothers. Meanwhile, Stefan has his hands full trying to keep a confused and frightened Jenna safe. Flashbacks to 1491 reveal Katherine’s introduction to Elijah and Klaus, along with the origin of the moonstone curse. Elena learns shocking new information about Klaus’ motives. In onda il: 2011-04-28 20: The Last Day
    Damon is willing to go to extraordinary lengths to prevent Elena from being a victim of Klaus’ plan to break the curse. Damon’s actions put him at terrible odds with Stefan and the tension that started brewing between the brothers over their differing opinions of how to help save Elena’s life blows up into full-scale conflict. Tyler returns to Mystic Falls after receiving a disturbing phone call. With the full moon marking the arrival of the sacrifice ritual, Stefan and Elena spend a romantic day together — afraid it might be their last. 20: The Last Day
    In onda il: 2011-04-28 Damon is willing to go to extraordinary lengths to prevent Elena from being a victim of Klaus’ plan to break the curse. Damon’s actions put him at terrible odds with Stefan and the tension that started brewing between the brothers over their differing opinions of how to help save Elena’s life blows up into full-scale conflict. Tyler returns to Mystic Falls after receiving a disturbing phone call. With the full moon marking the arrival of the sacrifice ritual, Stefan and Elena spend a romantic day together — afraid it might be their last. In onda il: 2011-05-05 21: The Sun Also Rises
    With the arrival of the full moon, Elena tries to prepare for whatever Klaus has planned and Tyler faces his second transformation. The terrifying events quickly spin out of control, despite an unexpected act of courage. Finally, Damon admits the truth to Stefan about a terrible new development they must face... 21: The Sun Also Rises
    In onda il: 2011-05-05 With the arrival of the full moon, Elena tries to prepare for whatever Klaus has planned and Tyler faces his second transformation. The terrifying events quickly spin out of control, despite an unexpected act of courage. Finally, Damon admits the truth to Stefan about a terrible new development they must face... In onda il: 2011-05-12 22: As I Lay Dying
    Mystic Falls screens "Gone with The Wind" in the town square, and Damon's memories of Katherine in 1864 mix with the reality of present-day Elena. Stefan pays a steep price after trying to prevent a tragedy, and Sheriff Forbes makes a dangerous mistake while trying to keep everyone safe. Multiple lives hang in the balance as the consequences of the sacrifice ritual play out to a horrifying conclusion. 22: As I Lay Dying
    In onda il: 2011-05-12 Mystic Falls screens "Gone with The Wind" in the town square, and Damon's memories of Katherine in 1864 mix with the reality of present-day Elena. Stefan pays a steep price after trying to prevent a tragedy, and Sheriff Forbes makes a dangerous mistake while trying to keep everyone safe. Multiple lives hang in the balance as the consequences of the sacrifice ritual play out to a horrifying conclusion. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  27. The Vampire Diaries 3 [22/22] ITA Streaming  

    Serie TV ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The Vampire Diaries
    Stagione 3    Episodi 22        
    Dramma ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    The Vampire Diaries è una serie televisiva statunitense di genere fantasy creata da Kevin Williamson e Julie Plec, che ha debuttato il 10 settembre 2009 sul network The CW. È basata sull'omonima serie di libri di Lisa Jane Smith, dal titolo italiano Il diario del vampiro. La protagonista è Elena Gilbert, una normale ragazza adolescente che vive a Mystic Falls, in Virginia. La sua vita viene sconvolta quando scopre che il suo ragazzo, Stefan Salvatore, è un vampiro, e che è stata adottata. Stefan si accorge che Elena è identica alla prima donna della sua vita, la vampira che trasformò lui e suo fratello Damon Salvatore nel 1864: Katherine Pierce. I due fratelli si innamorano anche di Elena ed entrano a far parte della sua vita. Il loro scopo è proteggerla dal vampiro Originale Klaus e da altre forze che ambiscono al pieno controllo della ragazza, che ha scoperto di essere un essere soprannaturale, più precisamente una doppelgänger di Amara, il primo essere immortale insieme a Silas, di cui lo stesso Stefan è doppelgänger. Vengono spesso coinvolti anche gli amici e i compagni di Elena per via della loro soprannaturalità. La serie ha ricevuto un'ottima accoglienza da parte del pubblico, vincendo quattro People's Choice Awards, uno nel 2010, uno nel 2012 e due nel 2014, e ventuno Teen Choice Awards, sette nel 2010, cinque nel 2011, sei nel 2012 e tre nel 2013.
    Julie Plec
    Executive Producer Kevin Williamson
    Executive Producer Leslie Morgenstein
    Executive Producer L.J. Smith
    Novel Michael Suby
    Music Paul Wesley
    Stefan Salvatore Ian Somerhalder
    Damon Salvatore Kat Graham
    Bonnie Bennett Candice King
    Caroline Forbes Zach Roerig
    Matt Donovan Michael Malarkey
    Enzo St. John Matthew Davis
    Alaric Saltzman Episodi: 22 
    In onda il: 2011-09-15 1: The Birthday
    On the morning of Elena’s 18th birthday, Caroline is busy planning a party, but Elena is focused on searching for any clues that might help her discover where Stefan is. Damon is also searching for Stefan, while trying to protect Elena and keep her from doing anything that would draw Klaus’ attention. Meanwhile, Klaus and Stefan are busy trailing a werewolf named Ray Sutton. Now working at the Mystic Grill along with Matt, Jeremy is struggling to understand why he keeps seeing the ghosts of Vicki and Anna since he was brought back to life by Bonnie’s magic. Meanwhile, Alaric does his best to watch over Elena and Jeremy, while dealing with his grief over Jenna’s death. Finally, Caroline and Tyler face a new and unexpected challenge. 1: The Birthday
    In onda il: 2011-09-15 On the morning of Elena’s 18th birthday, Caroline is busy planning a party, but Elena is focused on searching for any clues that might help her discover where Stefan is. Damon is also searching for Stefan, while trying to protect Elena and keep her from doing anything that would draw Klaus’ attention. Meanwhile, Klaus and Stefan are busy trailing a werewolf named Ray Sutton. Now working at the Mystic Grill along with Matt, Jeremy is struggling to understand why he keeps seeing the ghosts of Vicki and Anna since he was brought back to life by Bonnie’s magic. Meanwhile, Alaric does his best to watch over Elena and Jeremy, while dealing with his grief over Jenna’s death. Finally, Caroline and Tyler face a new and unexpected challenge. In onda il: 2011-09-22 2: The Hybrid
    Klaus puts a plan in motion that will give him even more power, but even with the unwilling participation of werewolf Ray Sutton, things don’t go exactly as Klaus had planned. Damon and Alaric reluctantly go along with Elena’s new strategy to find Stefan, leading Damon into a dangerous fight with an unexpected enemy. Jeremy turns to Matt for help as he continues to try to understand what the ghosts from his past want from him. Unaware that Caroline is in need of his help, Tyler faces an emotional confrontation with his mother. 2: The Hybrid
    In onda il: 2011-09-22 Klaus puts a plan in motion that will give him even more power, but even with the unwilling participation of werewolf Ray Sutton, things don’t go exactly as Klaus had planned. Damon and Alaric reluctantly go along with Elena’s new strategy to find Stefan, leading Damon into a dangerous fight with an unexpected enemy. Jeremy turns to Matt for help as he continues to try to understand what the ghosts from his past want from him. Unaware that Caroline is in need of his help, Tyler faces an emotional confrontation with his mother. In onda il: 2011-09-29 3: The End of the Affair
    Klaus and Stefan arrive in Chicago, where Stefan is reunited with a vampire who hasn't really moved on from her interest in him decades earlier. In a flashback to Chicago in the 1920s, Stefan comes face-to-face with a shocking chapter from his wild past. After Damon gets a tip on Stefan and Klaus' whereabouts from an unexpected source, he and Elena follow their trail. Back in Mystic Falls, Tyler is concerned about Caroline and turns to Sheriff Forbes for help. 3: The End of the Affair
    In onda il: 2011-09-29 Klaus and Stefan arrive in Chicago, where Stefan is reunited with a vampire who hasn't really moved on from her interest in him decades earlier. In a flashback to Chicago in the 1920s, Stefan comes face-to-face with a shocking chapter from his wild past. After Damon gets a tip on Stefan and Klaus' whereabouts from an unexpected source, he and Elena follow their trail. Back in Mystic Falls, Tyler is concerned about Caroline and turns to Sheriff Forbes for help. In onda il: 2011-10-06 4: Disturbing Behavior
    Still in Chicago, Klaus uses Gloria, a witch he knew long ago, to help him track down missing information that will explain why his plan isn’t working. Gloria’s spells reveal intriguing glimpses of the truth, but she soon realizes she needs Stefan’s knowledge to complete the puzzle. When Stefan suddenly finds himself in danger, help comes from a surprising ally. Back in Mystic Falls, a frustrating new enemy pushes Damon over the brink and he lashes out in a way that will have lasting consequences. Caroline struggles with her own emotional issues, even as she tries to help Elena face her feelings. Jeremy makes a brief but disturbing breakthrough with one of his ghostly visitors, leaving him more confused than ever. Finally, Bonnie has a strange encounter that will affect everyone. 4: Disturbing Behavior
    In onda il: 2011-10-06 Still in Chicago, Klaus uses Gloria, a witch he knew long ago, to help him track down missing information that will explain why his plan isn’t working. Gloria’s spells reveal intriguing glimpses of the truth, but she soon realizes she needs Stefan’s knowledge to complete the puzzle. When Stefan suddenly finds himself in danger, help comes from a surprising ally. Back in Mystic Falls, a frustrating new enemy pushes Damon over the brink and he lashes out in a way that will have lasting consequences. Caroline struggles with her own emotional issues, even as she tries to help Elena face her feelings. Jeremy makes a brief but disturbing breakthrough with one of his ghostly visitors, leaving him more confused than ever. Finally, Bonnie has a strange encounter that will affect everyone. In onda il: 2011-10-13 5: The Reckoning
    Despite all that has happened, Caroline is determined to see that Elena, Bonnie, Matt and Tyler all enjoy a traditional Senior Prank Night before the school year begins at Mystic Falls High School. However, when uninvited guests show up, it doesn't take long for the evening to take a deadly turn. Damon convinces Jeremy that he can use his new connection to the other side to help find a way to defeat Klaus. Finally, Klaus deepens his hold on Stefan and uses him for increasingly violent and dangerous purposes. 5: The Reckoning
    In onda il: 2011-10-13 Despite all that has happened, Caroline is determined to see that Elena, Bonnie, Matt and Tyler all enjoy a traditional Senior Prank Night before the school year begins at Mystic Falls High School. However, when uninvited guests show up, it doesn't take long for the evening to take a deadly turn. Damon convinces Jeremy that he can use his new connection to the other side to help find a way to defeat Klaus. Finally, Klaus deepens his hold on Stefan and uses him for increasingly violent and dangerous purposes. In onda il: 2011-10-20 6: Smells Like Teen Spirit
    On the first day of their senior year, Elena, Caroline, Bonnie and Matt are still reeling from recent events, while Tyler seems to be enjoying everything a little too much. Damon is annoyed by a new houseguest, and everyone is surprised by the arrival of a new student in Alaric's history class. Matt asks Bonnie for help when he realizes he made a serious mistake. Meanwhile, Stefan continues to carry out his latest assignment from Klaus. 6: Smells Like Teen Spirit
    In onda il: 2011-10-20 On the first day of their senior year, Elena, Caroline, Bonnie and Matt are still reeling from recent events, while Tyler seems to be enjoying everything a little too much. Damon is annoyed by a new houseguest, and everyone is surprised by the arrival of a new student in Alaric's history class. Matt asks Bonnie for help when he realizes he made a serious mistake. Meanwhile, Stefan continues to carry out his latest assignment from Klaus. In onda il: 2011-10-27 7: Ghost World
    As Mystic Falls prepares to celebrate the traditional Illumination Night, the town is invaded by spirits of the dead. After a particularly violent encounter with an angry spirit, Damon asks Bonnie to find the reason behind the ghosts' surprising power. Elena convinces Jeremy to use his connection to the other side to help her find a new way to reach Stefan, leading Jeremy to a terrible choice. Finally, Alaric discovers a long-hidden clue to the past. 7: Ghost World
    In onda il: 2011-10-27 As Mystic Falls prepares to celebrate the traditional Illumination Night, the town is invaded by spirits of the dead. After a particularly violent encounter with an angry spirit, Damon asks Bonnie to find the reason behind the ghosts' surprising power. Elena convinces Jeremy to use his connection to the other side to help her find a new way to reach Stefan, leading Jeremy to a terrible choice. Finally, Alaric discovers a long-hidden clue to the past. In onda il: 2011-11-03 8: Ordinary People
    With help from Elena and Bonnie, Alaric tries to decipher the meaning behind his recent discovery Elena and Rebekah engage in a mean-girl power struggle, until Rebekah finally reveals some of her family's ancient secrets and the violent past she shares with Klaus and Elijah. Damon tries a reckless new approach to make a breakthrough with Stefan, and they're both surprised by an unlikely ally. 8: Ordinary People
    In onda il: 2011-11-03 With help from Elena and Bonnie, Alaric tries to decipher the meaning behind his recent discovery Elena and Rebekah engage in a mean-girl power struggle, until Rebekah finally reveals some of her family's ancient secrets and the violent past she shares with Klaus and Elijah. Damon tries a reckless new approach to make a breakthrough with Stefan, and they're both surprised by an unlikely ally. In onda il: 2011-11-10 9: Homecoming
    On the night of the Homecoming dance, Rebekah opens up to Elena about why the evening is so important to her, leaving Elena with conflicting emotions. Caroline and Matt are both shocked at Tyler’s behavior throughout the evening. The night takes a surreal turn when Klaus puts his latest plan into action. Determined to outsmart Klaus, Damon enters into a dangerous partnership, leading to a terrifying turn of events. 9: Homecoming
    In onda il: 2011-11-10 On the night of the Homecoming dance, Rebekah opens up to Elena about why the evening is so important to her, leaving Elena with conflicting emotions. Caroline and Matt are both shocked at Tyler’s behavior throughout the evening. The night takes a surreal turn when Klaus puts his latest plan into action. Determined to outsmart Klaus, Damon enters into a dangerous partnership, leading to a terrifying turn of events. In onda il: 2012-01-05 10: The New Deal
    Stefan has hidden the coffins containing the bodies of Klaus’ family, and Klaus quickly turns to violence to convince Damon and Elena that no one will be safe until he finds Stefan and gets his family back. Tyler continues to make the most of his new abilities as a hybrid, but he has to face the disturbing consequences of his actions as well. After a terrifying incident, Elena and Alaric grow increasingly concerned about Jeremy’s attitude and, ultimately, his safety. Alaric meets the beautiful Dr. Fell, who is intrigued with his amazing ability to heal. While trying to strike a deal with Klaus, Elena delivers news that truly shocks him. 10: The New Deal
    In onda il: 2012-01-05 Stefan has hidden the coffins containing the bodies of Klaus’ family, and Klaus quickly turns to violence to convince Damon and Elena that no one will be safe until he finds Stefan and gets his family back. Tyler continues to make the most of his new abilities as a hybrid, but he has to face the disturbing consequences of his actions as well. After a terrifying incident, Elena and Alaric grow increasingly concerned about Jeremy’s attitude and, ultimately, his safety. Alaric meets the beautiful Dr. Fell, who is intrigued with his amazing ability to heal. While trying to strike a deal with Klaus, Elena delivers news that truly shocks him. In onda il: 2012-01-12 11: Our Town
    Although Caroline is in no mood to celebrate her 18th birthday, Elena, Bonnie and Matt surprise her with a small party in an unusual location. Damon and Stefan disagree on the best way to handle Klaus , and a reckless Stefan decides to test his theory by taking things to dangerous extremes. Bonnie is concerned when Elena tells her about Jeremy's new plans. At a Founder's meeting, Alaric once again runs into Dr. Fell, who is in the middle of an argument with her ex-boyfriend, the medical examiner. Tyler refuses to go along with Klaus' latest demand, and is surprised when Klaus seems to accept his decision. 11: Our Town
    In onda il: 2012-01-12 Although Caroline is in no mood to celebrate her 18th birthday, Elena, Bonnie and Matt surprise her with a small party in an unusual location. Damon and Stefan disagree on the best way to handle Klaus , and a reckless Stefan decides to test his theory by taking things to dangerous extremes. Bonnie is concerned when Elena tells her about Jeremy's new plans. At a Founder's meeting, Alaric once again runs into Dr. Fell, who is in the middle of an argument with her ex-boyfriend, the medical examiner. Tyler refuses to go along with Klaus' latest demand, and is surprised when Klaus seems to accept his decision. In onda il: 2012-01-19 12: The Ties That Bind
    Bonnie believes her recurring dreams about Klaus’ coffins will tell her how he can be killed. The dreams also lead Bonnie to a reunion with her mother, Abby, whom Bonnie hasn’t seen for 15 years. At Abby’s remote farmhouse, Bonnie and Elena meet Jamie, the young man Abby took in years earlier. Bonnie’s sudden appearance catches Abby off-guard, but she does her best to explain the past. Tyler turns to an unexpected ally in his quest to regain his free will. Damon is intrigued by Alaric’s new friend, Dr. Fell, and Klaus continues his bitter negotiations with Stefan over control of the coffins containing his family members. 12: The Ties That Bind
    In onda il: 2012-01-19 Bonnie believes her recurring dreams about Klaus’ coffins will tell her how he can be killed. The dreams also lead Bonnie to a reunion with her mother, Abby, whom Bonnie hasn’t seen for 15 years. At Abby’s remote farmhouse, Bonnie and Elena meet Jamie, the young man Abby took in years earlier. Bonnie’s sudden appearance catches Abby off-guard, but she does her best to explain the past. Tyler turns to an unexpected ally in his quest to regain his free will. Damon is intrigued by Alaric’s new friend, Dr. Fell, and Klaus continues his bitter negotiations with Stefan over control of the coffins containing his family members. In onda il: 2012-02-02 13: Bringing Out the Dead
    Sheriff Forbes delivers some disturbing news to Alaric and Elena about the weapon used in a recent murder. In the Salvatore brothers’ escalating quest to kill Klaus, Stefan turns to Bonnie and Abby, while Damon reaches out to an old acquaintance for help in setting up an elaborate plan. Intent on a plan of his own, Klaus hosts a strange dinner party, where he reveals another story from his family’s violent past until an unexpected guest brings the party to an end. Meanwhile, Caroline is heartbroken when she is unable to stop a tragedy from unfolding. 13: Bringing Out the Dead
    In onda il: 2012-02-02 Sheriff Forbes delivers some disturbing news to Alaric and Elena about the weapon used in a recent murder. In the Salvatore brothers’ escalating quest to kill Klaus, Stefan turns to Bonnie and Abby, while Damon reaches out to an old acquaintance for help in setting up an elaborate plan. Intent on a plan of his own, Klaus hosts a strange dinner party, where he reveals another story from his family’s violent past until an unexpected guest brings the party to an end. Meanwhile, Caroline is heartbroken when she is unable to stop a tragedy from unfolding. In onda il: 2012-02-09 14: Dangerous Liaisons
    Elena is surprised to receive an invitation to a formal ball, and when Damon and Stefan hear the party is being hosted at Klaus’s newly renovated mansion, they both insist on attending the event with her. Caroline and Matt also receive invitations to the ball from unexpected admirers. At the elegant party, Elena learns of a horrifying plan that could lead to numerous deaths and she must decide who she can trust with her new information. Caroline discovers a side of Klaus no one would have suspected. Finally, after an evening of violence and dashed hopes, Damon finds a new way to cope. 14: Dangerous Liaisons
    In onda il: 2012-02-09 Elena is surprised to receive an invitation to a formal ball, and when Damon and Stefan hear the party is being hosted at Klaus’s newly renovated mansion, they both insist on attending the event with her. Caroline and Matt also receive invitations to the ball from unexpected admirers. At the elegant party, Elena learns of a horrifying plan that could lead to numerous deaths and she must decide who she can trust with her new information. Caroline discovers a side of Klaus no one would have suspected. Finally, after an evening of violence and dashed hopes, Damon finds a new way to cope. In onda il: 2012-02-16 15: All My Children
    After starting her day with a startling discovery of Damon’s latest indiscretion, Elena is frustrated to find that none of her friends agree with her on how they should react to the Original family’s internal power struggle. Once again caught up in the destiny of the Bennett witches, Bonnie and Abby find themselves playing a part in a ritual to appease the spirits of nature. When Elijah gives Damon and Stefan a dangerous ultimatum that puts Elena in danger, they turn to Alaric and Meredith for help with a plan that leads them to a terrible choice. 15: All My Children
    In onda il: 2012-02-16 After starting her day with a startling discovery of Damon’s latest indiscretion, Elena is frustrated to find that none of her friends agree with her on how they should react to the Original family’s internal power struggle. Once again caught up in the destiny of the Bennett witches, Bonnie and Abby find themselves playing a part in a ritual to appease the spirits of nature. When Elijah gives Damon and Stefan a dangerous ultimatum that puts Elena in danger, they turn to Alaric and Meredith for help with a plan that leads them to a terrible choice. In onda il: 2012-03-15 16: 1912
    The present-day murders in Mystic Falls remind Damon of a similar crime spree a century earlier. In flashbacks to 1912, Damon recalls a beautiful vampire, Sage, who showed him a whole new way to exist. Sheriff Forbes warns Damon not to get involved in her investigation, but Damon is convinced she’s going after the wrong suspect. Elena and Matt resort to breaking and entering in their search for evidence to prove Dr. Fell is a murderer. For reasons known only to her, Rebekah, becomes interested in locating one of the town’s oldest landmarks. Finally, Elena comes to a new understanding of the path her life has taken, and Damon makes an emotional confession to Stefan. 16: 1912
    In onda il: 2012-03-15 The present-day murders in Mystic Falls remind Damon of a similar crime spree a century earlier. In flashbacks to 1912, Damon recalls a beautiful vampire, Sage, who showed him a whole new way to exist. Sheriff Forbes warns Damon not to get involved in her investigation, but Damon is convinced she’s going after the wrong suspect. Elena and Matt resort to breaking and entering in their search for evidence to prove Dr. Fell is a murderer. For reasons known only to her, Rebekah, becomes interested in locating one of the town’s oldest landmarks. Finally, Elena comes to a new understanding of the path her life has taken, and Damon makes an emotional confession to Stefan. In onda il: 2012-03-22 17: Break On Through
    A century after their first encounter, Damon and Sage meet again at the ceremony to kick-off the restoration of Wickery Bridge. Damon is surprised to learn the reason Sage has returned, and pleased when she devises an unusual method to help him figure out what Rebekah is up to. Abby is having a hard time adjusting to her new reality, despite Bonnie and Caroline’s efforts to help. When Damon informs Elena of Stefan’s latest struggles, she reaches out to Stefan to help her save a friend in danger, in hopes that it will help bring Stefan even closer to his humanity. Finally, when Damon discovers a new secret weapon, he lets Stefan in on the news. 17: Break On Through
    In onda il: 2012-03-22 A century after their first encounter, Damon and Sage meet again at the ceremony to kick-off the restoration of Wickery Bridge. Damon is surprised to learn the reason Sage has returned, and pleased when she devises an unusual method to help him figure out what Rebekah is up to. Abby is having a hard time adjusting to her new reality, despite Bonnie and Caroline’s efforts to help. When Damon informs Elena of Stefan’s latest struggles, she reaches out to Stefan to help her save a friend in danger, in hopes that it will help bring Stefan even closer to his humanity. Finally, when Damon discovers a new secret weapon, he lets Stefan in on the news. In onda il: 2012-03-29 18: The Murder of One
    Damon and Stefan focus a new project that will bring them closer to destroying Klaus, and they quickly bring Elena, Caroline and Matt in on the plan. After Klaus threatens someone close to Bonnie, she has no choice but to work on the spell he needs. Meanwhile, Klaus and Rebekah find the perfect motivator to convince Finn to cooperate with them, but Rebekah is more interested in her own brutal plan to take revenge on Damon. Stefan’s emotional turmoil leads him to a dangerous confrontation with Klaus and, later, to a heartbreaking moment with Elena. 18: The Murder of One
    In onda il: 2012-03-29 Damon and Stefan focus a new project that will bring them closer to destroying Klaus, and they quickly bring Elena, Caroline and Matt in on the plan. After Klaus threatens someone close to Bonnie, she has no choice but to work on the spell he needs. Meanwhile, Klaus and Rebekah find the perfect motivator to convince Finn to cooperate with them, but Rebekah is more interested in her own brutal plan to take revenge on Damon. Stefan’s emotional turmoil leads him to a dangerous confrontation with Klaus and, later, to a heartbreaking moment with Elena. In onda il: 2012-04-19 19: Heart of Darkness
    Elena and Damon set off together to make sure Jeremy is safe in Denver, and to see if his special abilities can help reveal the information they need about ancient vampire bloodlines. It doesn’t take them long to learn that Jeremy has been hanging with the wrong people. Stefan and Klaus both go to brutal extremes in their search for the missing weapon. Caroline is thrilled when Tyler returns to town, but Tyler soon suspects that something has been going on between Caroline and Klaus. Matt has his hands full trying to keep Rebecca busy organizing the school’s upcoming 1920s Decade Dance. 19: Heart of Darkness
    In onda il: 2012-04-19 Elena and Damon set off together to make sure Jeremy is safe in Denver, and to see if his special abilities can help reveal the information they need about ancient vampire bloodlines. It doesn’t take them long to learn that Jeremy has been hanging with the wrong people. Stefan and Klaus both go to brutal extremes in their search for the missing weapon. Caroline is thrilled when Tyler returns to town, but Tyler soon suspects that something has been going on between Caroline and Klaus. Matt has his hands full trying to keep Rebecca busy organizing the school’s upcoming 1920s Decade Dance. In onda il: 2012-04-26 20: Do Not Go Gentle
    Alaric finds an unexpected ally to guide him on his dangerous new path, while Damon and Meredith try to figure out what their next move should be. At the school’s 1920s Decade Dance, Bonnie asks Jamie to go with her and, at Caroline’s suggestion, Elena asks Stefan to be her date. Caroline is pleasantly surprised when Tyle shows up at the dance determined to sweep her off her feet, but Klaus does his best to come between them. The dance takes a deadly turn when Damon and Stefan realize they need the help of Matt, Jeremy and especially Bonnie to undo a spell that could prove devastating for everyone. 20: Do Not Go Gentle
    In onda il: 2012-04-26 Alaric finds an unexpected ally to guide him on his dangerous new path, while Damon and Meredith try to figure out what their next move should be. At the school’s 1920s Decade Dance, Bonnie asks Jamie to go with her and, at Caroline’s suggestion, Elena asks Stefan to be her date. Caroline is pleasantly surprised when Tyle shows up at the dance determined to sweep her off her feet, but Klaus does his best to come between them. The dance takes a deadly turn when Damon and Stefan realize they need the help of Matt, Jeremy and especially Bonnie to undo a spell that could prove devastating for everyone. In onda il: 2012-05-03 21: Before Sunset
    Klaus acts on his intentions to leave town with Elena, but finds resistance from a surprising new enemy. Bonnie calls on Abby to help her with a difficult spell. As events spiral out of control, Elena is determined to protect Caroline, Damon and Stefan enlist Tyler’s help, while Bonnie and Jeremy take a terrifying risk to make sure her spell is effective. Damon and Stefan have a surprisingly candid conversation about the future. 21: Before Sunset
    In onda il: 2012-05-03 Klaus acts on his intentions to leave town with Elena, but finds resistance from a surprising new enemy. Bonnie calls on Abby to help her with a difficult spell. As events spiral out of control, Elena is determined to protect Caroline, Damon and Stefan enlist Tyler’s help, while Bonnie and Jeremy take a terrifying risk to make sure her spell is effective. Damon and Stefan have a surprisingly candid conversation about the future. In onda il: 2012-05-10 22: The Departed
    Determined to protect his sister, Jeremy makes a decision that will change everything. In the harsh reality of the present situation, Elena longs for simpler times when her parents, Grayson and Miranda, and Aunt Jenna were still alive and her biggest concern was her relationship with Matt. Stefan and Damon leave Mystic Falls together on a mission, but soon split up when Elena needs one of them. Caroline and Tyler are forced to make a life-changing decision. Finally, Bonnie makes a secret deal that has heartbreaking consequences. 22: The Departed
    In onda il: 2012-05-10 Determined to protect his sister, Jeremy makes a decision that will change everything. In the harsh reality of the present situation, Elena longs for simpler times when her parents, Grayson and Miranda, and Aunt Jenna were still alive and her biggest concern was her relationship with Matt. Stefan and Damon leave Mystic Falls together on a mission, but soon split up when Elena needs one of them. Caroline and Tyler are forced to make a life-changing decision. Finally, Bonnie makes a secret deal that has heartbreaking consequences. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  28. The Vampire Diaries 4 [23/23] ITA Streaming  

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    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The Vampire Diaries
    Stagione 4    Episodi 23        
    Dramma ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    The Vampire Diaries è una serie televisiva statunitense di genere fantasy creata da Kevin Williamson e Julie Plec, che ha debuttato il 10 settembre 2009 sul network The CW. È basata sull'omonima serie di libri di Lisa Jane Smith, dal titolo italiano Il diario del vampiro. La protagonista è Elena Gilbert, una normale ragazza adolescente che vive a Mystic Falls, in Virginia. La sua vita viene sconvolta quando scopre che il suo ragazzo, Stefan Salvatore, è un vampiro, e che è stata adottata. Stefan si accorge che Elena è identica alla prima donna della sua vita, la vampira che trasformò lui e suo fratello Damon Salvatore nel 1864: Katherine Pierce. I due fratelli si innamorano anche di Elena ed entrano a far parte della sua vita. Il loro scopo è proteggerla dal vampiro Originale Klaus e da altre forze che ambiscono al pieno controllo della ragazza, che ha scoperto di essere un essere soprannaturale, più precisamente una doppelgänger di Amara, il primo essere immortale insieme a Silas, di cui lo stesso Stefan è doppelgänger. Vengono spesso coinvolti anche gli amici e i compagni di Elena per via della loro soprannaturalità. La serie ha ricevuto un'ottima accoglienza da parte del pubblico, vincendo quattro People's Choice Awards, uno nel 2010, uno nel 2012 e due nel 2014, e ventuno Teen Choice Awards, sette nel 2010, cinque nel 2011, sei nel 2012 e tre nel 2013.
    Julie Plec
    Executive Producer Kevin Williamson
    Executive Producer Leslie Morgenstein
    Executive Producer L.J. Smith
    Novel Michael Suby
    Music Paul Wesley
    Stefan Salvatore Ian Somerhalder
    Damon Salvatore Kat Graham
    Bonnie Bennett Candice King
    Caroline Forbes Zach Roerig
    Matt Donovan Michael Malarkey
    Enzo St. John Matthew Davis
    Alaric Saltzman Episodi: 23 
    In onda il: 2012-10-11 1: Growing Pains
    Elena awakens on the morning after the accident to find the thing she dreaded most has come true – she died with vampire blood in her system and now must go through the terrible transition to become a vampire…or face certain death. Stefan promises Elena that he and Bonnie will exhaust every possible way out of the situation, but Damon is furious with his brother for letting Elena die in the first place. Bonnie pays a terrible price for her attempt to change Elena’s fate, while Damon takes out his frustration and rage on Matt. In a rare moment of empathy, Rebekah is deeply touched by Stefan and Elena’s devotion to one another. Finally, Pastor Young and the Town Council members begin rounding up the vampires and their supporters, leading to an unexpected tragedy. 1: Growing Pains
    In onda il: 2012-10-11 Elena awakens on the morning after the accident to find the thing she dreaded most has come true – she died with vampire blood in her system and now must go through the terrible transition to become a vampire…or face certain death. Stefan promises Elena that he and Bonnie will exhaust every possible way out of the situation, but Damon is furious with his brother for letting Elena die in the first place. Bonnie pays a terrible price for her attempt to change Elena’s fate, while Damon takes out his frustration and rage on Matt. In a rare moment of empathy, Rebekah is deeply touched by Stefan and Elena’s devotion to one another. Finally, Pastor Young and the Town Council members begin rounding up the vampires and their supporters, leading to an unexpected tragedy. In onda il: 2012-10-18 2: Memorial
    Elena tries to cope with the extreme highs and lows that are part of becoming a vampire, and Stefan and Damon almost come to blows while arguing about what is best for her. Damon decides to help Elena in his own way and asks her not to tell Stefan. A stranger, Connor Jordan, arrives in town and begins questioning Sheriff Forbes and Mayor Lockwood. Connor’s actions quickly convince Stefan that they are dealing with a dangerous vampire hunter. Jeremy and Matt are surprised to see a girl they used to know, April, has returned to town and is enrolling at Mystic Falls High. At a town gathering, Elena comes close to losing control until Caroline steps in to help her. Finally, Damon confides his feelings to an unexpected friend. 2: Memorial
    In onda il: 2012-10-18 Elena tries to cope with the extreme highs and lows that are part of becoming a vampire, and Stefan and Damon almost come to blows while arguing about what is best for her. Damon decides to help Elena in his own way and asks her not to tell Stefan. A stranger, Connor Jordan, arrives in town and begins questioning Sheriff Forbes and Mayor Lockwood. Connor’s actions quickly convince Stefan that they are dealing with a dangerous vampire hunter. Jeremy and Matt are surprised to see a girl they used to know, April, has returned to town and is enrolling at Mystic Falls High. At a town gathering, Elena comes close to losing control until Caroline steps in to help her. Finally, Damon confides his feelings to an unexpected friend. In onda il: 2012-10-25 3: The Rager
    Connor continues his search to uncover the secrets of Mystic Falls and tries to convince Jeremy to work with him. With Dr. Fell’s help, Damon and Klaus question Connor, but the confrontation takes a lethal turn. Trying to keep her new life as normal as possible, Elena is determined to continue her senior year at Mystic Falls High with support from Matt and Caroline. Rebekah’s arrival at school makes it difficult for Elena to control her anger, but she learns that confronting Rebekah can be extremely dangerous. Later, Rebekah realizes how alone she is, and reaches out to April. Stefan takes Elena on a thrilling motorcycle ride in an effort to show her that life can still be fun. Tyler gets a surprise visit from Hayley, a werewolf who helped him through the ordeal of breaking his sire-bond to Klaus. Concerned about Elena, as well as his own emotions, Stefan turns to a sympathetic Caroline for advice. 3: The Rager
    In onda il: 2012-10-25 Connor continues his search to uncover the secrets of Mystic Falls and tries to convince Jeremy to work with him. With Dr. Fell’s help, Damon and Klaus question Connor, but the confrontation takes a lethal turn. Trying to keep her new life as normal as possible, Elena is determined to continue her senior year at Mystic Falls High with support from Matt and Caroline. Rebekah’s arrival at school makes it difficult for Elena to control her anger, but she learns that confronting Rebekah can be extremely dangerous. Later, Rebekah realizes how alone she is, and reaches out to April. Stefan takes Elena on a thrilling motorcycle ride in an effort to show her that life can still be fun. Tyler gets a surprise visit from Hayley, a werewolf who helped him through the ordeal of breaking his sire-bond to Klaus. Concerned about Elena, as well as his own emotions, Stefan turns to a sympathetic Caroline for advice. In onda il: 2012-11-01 4: The Five
    Damon goes with Elena and Bonnie to visit Whitmore College, where Professor Shane is taking over the Occult Studies classes formerly taught by Bonnie’s grandmother. At a fraternity costume party, Damon takes advantage of the wild scene to give Elena a lesson in choosing a victim. Rebekah’s attempt to buy Matt’s forgiveness falls flat, but she is intrigued by unexpected news from Klaus. When Stefan questions Klaus about Connor’s motives, Klaus reveals a long-ago encounter with a powerful group of vampire hunters, but it’s Rebekah who delivers the information that stuns Stefan. 4: The Five
    In onda il: 2012-11-01 Damon goes with Elena and Bonnie to visit Whitmore College, where Professor Shane is taking over the Occult Studies classes formerly taught by Bonnie’s grandmother. At a fraternity costume party, Damon takes advantage of the wild scene to give Elena a lesson in choosing a victim. Rebekah’s attempt to buy Matt’s forgiveness falls flat, but she is intrigued by unexpected news from Klaus. When Stefan questions Klaus about Connor’s motives, Klaus reveals a long-ago encounter with a powerful group of vampire hunters, but it’s Rebekah who delivers the information that stuns Stefan. In onda il: 2012-11-08 5: The Killer
    Stefan and Klaus form an uneasy alliance to try and contain the danger that Connor has unleashed on the town. When Connor takes Jeremy, Matt and April hostage at the Grill, Stefan and Damon have a serious disagreement about the best course of action, and Elena is again caught between the two brothers. The situation quickly turns violent when Klaus sends one of his hybrids, Dean to stand up to Connor. Caroline is surprised to find Hayley at the Lockwood mansion. Meanwhile, Professor Shane works with Bonnie to help her get past her fear and guilt. 5: The Killer
    In onda il: 2012-11-08 Stefan and Klaus form an uneasy alliance to try and contain the danger that Connor has unleashed on the town. When Connor takes Jeremy, Matt and April hostage at the Grill, Stefan and Damon have a serious disagreement about the best course of action, and Elena is again caught between the two brothers. The situation quickly turns violent when Klaus sends one of his hybrids, Dean to stand up to Connor. Caroline is surprised to find Hayley at the Lockwood mansion. Meanwhile, Professor Shane works with Bonnie to help her get past her fear and guilt. In onda il: 2012-11-15 6: We All Go a Little Mad Sometimes
    Terrifying hallucinations leave Elena shaken and confused, causing her to make a dangerous mistake. After giving Stefan some very disturbing news about Elena, Klaus takes matters into his own hands. Professor Shane reveals a story of ancient witchcraft to Damon and Bonnie. With help from Klaus and Stefan, Jeremy begins a new chapter in his life. Finally, Elena makes a painful personal confession to Stefan, and Matt gives Damon startling new information about Professor Shane. 6: We All Go a Little Mad Sometimes
    In onda il: 2012-11-15 Terrifying hallucinations leave Elena shaken and confused, causing her to make a dangerous mistake. After giving Stefan some very disturbing news about Elena, Klaus takes matters into his own hands. Professor Shane reveals a story of ancient witchcraft to Damon and Bonnie. With help from Klaus and Stefan, Jeremy begins a new chapter in his life. Finally, Elena makes a painful personal confession to Stefan, and Matt gives Damon startling new information about Professor Shane. In onda il: 2012-11-29 7: My Brother’s Keeper
    Caroline does her best to be there for Stefan and Elena in a tough time. Damon tries to convince Stefan to help him uncover Prof. Shane’s motives, but Stefan is intent on carrying out a different plan with Klaus. At the annual Miss Mystic Falls Pageant, Elena and Caroline give April advice on which dress to wear, while Tyler and Hayley work together on a secret project, and Damon confronts Prof. Shane with his suspicions. Alarmed by the vivid nightmares he’s having, Jeremy turns to Matt for help, but the situation escalates sooner than anyone expected. 7: My Brother’s Keeper
    In onda il: 2012-11-29 Caroline does her best to be there for Stefan and Elena in a tough time. Damon tries to convince Stefan to help him uncover Prof. Shane’s motives, but Stefan is intent on carrying out a different plan with Klaus. At the annual Miss Mystic Falls Pageant, Elena and Caroline give April advice on which dress to wear, while Tyler and Hayley work together on a secret project, and Damon confronts Prof. Shane with his suspicions. Alarmed by the vivid nightmares he’s having, Jeremy turns to Matt for help, but the situation escalates sooner than anyone expected. In onda il: 2012-12-06 8: We’ll Always Have Bourbon Street
    When Stefan confronts Damon with a suspicion about Elena, Damon has no choice but to help Stefan investigate. Searching for answers, Damon and Stefan visit modern day New Orleans to see if they can find anyone who remembers the events of their last visit in 1942, including one of Damon’s former flames, Charlotte. Elena, Caroline and Bonnie share a girls’ night while the Salvatore brothers are out of town, and emotions run high when Elena delivers some shocking news. At Hayley’s urging, Tyler confronts one of Klaus’ hybrids, Kimberly, and the situation quickly escalates into violence. Finally, Damon is faced with a heartbreaking decision. 8: We’ll Always Have Bourbon Street
    In onda il: 2012-12-06 When Stefan confronts Damon with a suspicion about Elena, Damon has no choice but to help Stefan investigate. Searching for answers, Damon and Stefan visit modern day New Orleans to see if they can find anyone who remembers the events of their last visit in 1942, including one of Damon’s former flames, Charlotte. Elena, Caroline and Bonnie share a girls’ night while the Salvatore brothers are out of town, and emotions run high when Elena delivers some shocking news. At Hayley’s urging, Tyler confronts one of Klaus’ hybrids, Kimberly, and the situation quickly escalates into violence. Finally, Damon is faced with a heartbreaking decision. In onda il: 2012-12-13 9: O Come, All Ye Faithful
    As a Winter Wonderland-themed party fills the streets of Mystic Falls, Stefan and Caroline find themselves at odds with Tyler over his plans for Klaus and his hybrids. When Caroline proposes a solution to their problem, Hayley finds a dramatic way to make it clear that she is not on board. Later, Klaus makes a discovery that leads to chaos and violence. Meanwhile, Elena and Damon retreat to the Gilbert Lake House to help Jeremy conquer some dangerous inner demons with the help of Bonnie and Professor Shane, who reveals a piece of ancient history that leaves them all speechless. 9: O Come, All Ye Faithful
    In onda il: 2012-12-13 As a Winter Wonderland-themed party fills the streets of Mystic Falls, Stefan and Caroline find themselves at odds with Tyler over his plans for Klaus and his hybrids. When Caroline proposes a solution to their problem, Hayley finds a dramatic way to make it clear that she is not on board. Later, Klaus makes a discovery that leads to chaos and violence. Meanwhile, Elena and Damon retreat to the Gilbert Lake House to help Jeremy conquer some dangerous inner demons with the help of Bonnie and Professor Shane, who reveals a piece of ancient history that leaves them all speechless. In onda il: 2013-01-17 10: After School Special
    Appearing unexpectedly at Mystic Falls High, Rebekah wastes no time trying to force Stefan, Elena and Caroline to answer her questions about the search for a cure, leading to a bombshell piece of information from Elena. When Bonnie’s father, Rudy Owens, accepts the role of Interim Mayor, he makes it a priority to protect his daughter, who isn’t at all comfortable with the role he suddenly wants to play in her life. Professor Shane continues to encourage Bonnie to believe in her powers, but he soon finds himself in danger when he reveals too much to the wrong person. Later, Caroline does her best to comfort Tyler after a violent confrontation. Meanwhile, at the lake house, Damon and Matt train Jeremy, trying to raise his game as a hunter, but Klaus is impatient with their progress and intervenes to speed up the process. 10: After School Special
    In onda il: 2013-01-17 Appearing unexpectedly at Mystic Falls High, Rebekah wastes no time trying to force Stefan, Elena and Caroline to answer her questions about the search for a cure, leading to a bombshell piece of information from Elena. When Bonnie’s father, Rudy Owens, accepts the role of Interim Mayor, he makes it a priority to protect his daughter, who isn’t at all comfortable with the role he suddenly wants to play in her life. Professor Shane continues to encourage Bonnie to believe in her powers, but he soon finds himself in danger when he reveals too much to the wrong person. Later, Caroline does her best to comfort Tyler after a violent confrontation. Meanwhile, at the lake house, Damon and Matt train Jeremy, trying to raise his game as a hunter, but Klaus is impatient with their progress and intervenes to speed up the process. In onda il: 2013-01-24 11: Catch Me If You Can
    Jeremy is furious when Klaus tries to control him by putting Matt’s life in danger. Damon coaches Jeremy as he prepares to take on Klaus’ new vampires, but they find that Kol has beaten them to it. Kol makes it clear that he will stop at nothing to convince everyone to give up the search for the cure. Looking for a new ally, Rebekah reminds Stefan that they were once close friends. When Sheriff Forbes and Mayor Hopkins question Shane about his involvement in the Founders’ Council deaths, Bonnie steps in with questions of her own, and Shane’s responses push Bonnie to the edge of her powers. Elena negotiates with Klaus to keep Jeremy safe, but when danger suddenly appears from a totally unexpected enemy, Elena comes up with her own daring plan for Jeremy. 11: Catch Me If You Can
    In onda il: 2013-01-24 Jeremy is furious when Klaus tries to control him by putting Matt’s life in danger. Damon coaches Jeremy as he prepares to take on Klaus’ new vampires, but they find that Kol has beaten them to it. Kol makes it clear that he will stop at nothing to convince everyone to give up the search for the cure. Looking for a new ally, Rebekah reminds Stefan that they were once close friends. When Sheriff Forbes and Mayor Hopkins question Shane about his involvement in the Founders’ Council deaths, Bonnie steps in with questions of her own, and Shane’s responses push Bonnie to the edge of her powers. Elena negotiates with Klaus to keep Jeremy safe, but when danger suddenly appears from a totally unexpected enemy, Elena comes up with her own daring plan for Jeremy. In onda il: 2013-01-31 12: A View to a Kill
    When Rebekah turns down Klaus’ plea to stop Kol and protect Jeremy, Klaus turns to Stefan for help. After an angry confrontation with her father, Mayor Hopkins, over his unconventional approach to ending the violence in Mystic Falls, Bonnie has a frightening run-in with Kol, followed by an unexpected visitor. Klaus complicates the already tense feelings between Stefan and Damon by revealing a bit of Stefan’s personal life, then surprises Damon by asking for personal advice. Elena tells Stefan about her dangerous plan for Jeremy, leaving Stefan in a difficult spot. When the high school’s 1980s Decade Dance is cancelled by Mayor Hopkins, Stefan finds a charming way to make it up to a disappointed Rebekah. 12: A View to a Kill
    In onda il: 2013-01-31 When Rebekah turns down Klaus’ plea to stop Kol and protect Jeremy, Klaus turns to Stefan for help. After an angry confrontation with her father, Mayor Hopkins, over his unconventional approach to ending the violence in Mystic Falls, Bonnie has a frightening run-in with Kol, followed by an unexpected visitor. Klaus complicates the already tense feelings between Stefan and Damon by revealing a bit of Stefan’s personal life, then surprises Damon by asking for personal advice. Elena tells Stefan about her dangerous plan for Jeremy, leaving Stefan in a difficult spot. When the high school’s 1980s Decade Dance is cancelled by Mayor Hopkins, Stefan finds a charming way to make it up to a disappointed Rebekah. In onda il: 2013-02-07 13: Into the Wild
    Shane leads an expedition to a desolate island off the coast of Nova Scotia, where he believes the secret of the cure lies hidden. On the trek to the island’s interior, Rebekah and Elena continue their bitter rivalry, Stefan does his best to keep the peace, and Damon accuses Shane of leading them into a trap. Bonnie and Jeremy try to figure out the message of the Hunter’s mark, while Shane reveals more of the legend of Silas and the witch Qetsiyah, along with his own personal history. Back in Mystic Falls, Tyler confronts Klaus, and Caroline is caught up in the violence that follows. 13: Into the Wild
    In onda il: 2013-02-07 Shane leads an expedition to a desolate island off the coast of Nova Scotia, where he believes the secret of the cure lies hidden. On the trek to the island’s interior, Rebekah and Elena continue their bitter rivalry, Stefan does his best to keep the peace, and Damon accuses Shane of leading them into a trap. Bonnie and Jeremy try to figure out the message of the Hunter’s mark, while Shane reveals more of the legend of Silas and the witch Qetsiyah, along with his own personal history. Back in Mystic Falls, Tyler confronts Klaus, and Caroline is caught up in the violence that follows. In onda il: 2013-02-14 14: Down the Rabbit Hole
    On the island, Damon has an ugly run-in with a Hunter named Vaughn, and realizes he is one of The Five. Stefan confesses his true feelings about the possibility of becoming human again to Elena. When a stunning new piece of information about the cure is suddenly revealed, it changes the stakes for everyone. Jeremy helps Bonnie recognize what is real and what is an illusion, and Shane is comforted by a woman from his past, Caitlin. Back in Mystic Falls, Caroline and Tyler find that their attempt to translate the code on the Hunter’s Sword is futile without help from Klaus, who has his own reasons for solving the puzzle. 14: Down the Rabbit Hole
    In onda il: 2013-02-14 On the island, Damon has an ugly run-in with a Hunter named Vaughn, and realizes he is one of The Five. Stefan confesses his true feelings about the possibility of becoming human again to Elena. When a stunning new piece of information about the cure is suddenly revealed, it changes the stakes for everyone. Jeremy helps Bonnie recognize what is real and what is an illusion, and Shane is comforted by a woman from his past, Caitlin. Back in Mystic Falls, Caroline and Tyler find that their attempt to translate the code on the Hunter’s Sword is futile without help from Klaus, who has his own reasons for solving the puzzle. In onda il: 2013-02-21 15: Stand by Me
    When Stefan arrives back in Mystic Falls with Elena and Jeremy, Caroline is immediately worried about Elena’s state of mind. Stefan reaches out to Dr. Fell and Matt for help. Still on the island, Damon relays somber news to Rebekah, and is surprised at her reaction. Together, Damon and Rebekah learn an unexpected bit of recent history from Vaughn. Everyone is horrified when Bonnie reveals the rest of Shane’s plan. Finally, after Damon does his best to help her, Elena comes up with a plan of her own. 15: Stand by Me
    In onda il: 2013-02-21 When Stefan arrives back in Mystic Falls with Elena and Jeremy, Caroline is immediately worried about Elena’s state of mind. Stefan reaches out to Dr. Fell and Matt for help. Still on the island, Damon relays somber news to Rebekah, and is surprised at her reaction. Together, Damon and Rebekah learn an unexpected bit of recent history from Vaughn. Everyone is horrified when Bonnie reveals the rest of Shane’s plan. Finally, after Damon does his best to help her, Elena comes up with a plan of her own. In onda il: 2013-03-14 16: Bring It On
    Elena’s new outlook has everyone concerned, leading Stefan and Damon to agree that going back to the normal routine of high school would be the best thing for her. Caroline is pleasantly surprised when Elena decides to rejoin the cheerleading squad, but her pleasure turns to shock when Elena’s behavior proves dangerous. Not giving up on their search for the cure, Damon and Rebekah work together until his unwanted advice catches her off-guard. Klaus tries to use Hayley to get the information he’s after and makes an intriguing discovery in the process. Meanwhile, a bored Elena throws a wild party and gets into an ugly fight. 16: Bring It On
    In onda il: 2013-03-14 Elena’s new outlook has everyone concerned, leading Stefan and Damon to agree that going back to the normal routine of high school would be the best thing for her. Caroline is pleasantly surprised when Elena decides to rejoin the cheerleading squad, but her pleasure turns to shock when Elena’s behavior proves dangerous. Not giving up on their search for the cure, Damon and Rebekah work together until his unwanted advice catches her off-guard. Klaus tries to use Hayley to get the information he’s after and makes an intriguing discovery in the process. Meanwhile, a bored Elena throws a wild party and gets into an ugly fight. In onda il: 2013-03-21 17: Because the Night
    Realizing that Elena needs some time away from Mystic Falls, Damon takes her to New York City, where he lived and partied hard in the 1970s. When Rebekah also shows up in New York, she’s impressed with Elena’s secret agenda. Flashbacks reveal Damon’s hedonistic life in the underground club scene and a complicated encounter with Lexi. Meanwhile, Caroline and Stefan try to convince Klaus that it would be in his own best interest to help them track Silas down, and Bonnie struggles to keep her grasp on reality and do the right thing. 17: Because the Night
    In onda il: 2013-03-21 Realizing that Elena needs some time away from Mystic Falls, Damon takes her to New York City, where he lived and partied hard in the 1970s. When Rebekah also shows up in New York, she’s impressed with Elena’s secret agenda. Flashbacks reveal Damon’s hedonistic life in the underground club scene and a complicated encounter with Lexi. Meanwhile, Caroline and Stefan try to convince Klaus that it would be in his own best interest to help them track Silas down, and Bonnie struggles to keep her grasp on reality and do the right thing. In onda il: 2013-03-28 18: American Gothic
    Elena and Rebekah take off in search of Katherine and find themselves in a small town in Pennsylvania, where Elena has a surprising encounter with another old acquaintance -- Elijah. Stefan and Damon are both concerned about Elena’s state of mind and are determined to do what’s best for her, but she makes it clear that helping her will be difficult. Damon is not sure how to react when Stefan reveals his unexpected plan for the future. Meanwhile, in Mystic Falls, Klaus receives Caroline’s reluctant help and comes to a new understanding of Silas’ powers. 18: American Gothic
    In onda il: 2013-03-28 Elena and Rebekah take off in search of Katherine and find themselves in a small town in Pennsylvania, where Elena has a surprising encounter with another old acquaintance -- Elijah. Stefan and Damon are both concerned about Elena’s state of mind and are determined to do what’s best for her, but she makes it clear that helping her will be difficult. Damon is not sure how to react when Stefan reveals his unexpected plan for the future. Meanwhile, in Mystic Falls, Klaus receives Caroline’s reluctant help and comes to a new understanding of Silas’ powers. In onda il: 2013-04-18 19: Pictures of You
    After making a decision that infuriates Klaus, Elijah proposes a life-changing challenge for Rebekah. Caroline finds that her carefully laid plans for the perfect Senior Prom night are disrupted by Elena, so she turns to an amused Klaus for a solution. Determined to get through to Elena, Damon and Stefan both attend the prom, but the evening begins to spiral out of control despite their efforts. When Elena suddenly lashes out in a way no one could have predicted, Matt turns to Rebekah for help. Finally, Bonnie makes a terrifying discovery, and Klaus receives a message that could change everything. 19: Pictures of You
    In onda il: 2013-04-18 After making a decision that infuriates Klaus, Elijah proposes a life-changing challenge for Rebekah. Caroline finds that her carefully laid plans for the perfect Senior Prom night are disrupted by Elena, so she turns to an amused Klaus for a solution. Determined to get through to Elena, Damon and Stefan both attend the prom, but the evening begins to spiral out of control despite their efforts. When Elena suddenly lashes out in a way no one could have predicted, Matt turns to Rebekah for help. Finally, Bonnie makes a terrifying discovery, and Klaus receives a message that could change everything. In onda il: 2013-04-25 20: The Originals
    Acting on a mysterious tip that a plot is brewing against him in New Orleans, Klaus makes a trip to the town he and his family helped build. Klaus’ questions lead him to a reunion with his former protégé, Marcel, a charismatic vampire who has total control over the human and supernatural inhabitants of New Orleans. Determined to help his brother find redemption, Elijah follows Klaus and soon learns that Hayley has also come to the French Quarter searching for clues to her family history, and has fallen into the hands of a powerful witch named Sophie. Meanwhile, in Mystic Falls, Damon and Stefan continue with their plan for Elena, while Katherine reveals a surprising vulnerability to Rebekah and asks her to deliver a message. 20: The Originals
    In onda il: 2013-04-25 Acting on a mysterious tip that a plot is brewing against him in New Orleans, Klaus makes a trip to the town he and his family helped build. Klaus’ questions lead him to a reunion with his former protégé, Marcel, a charismatic vampire who has total control over the human and supernatural inhabitants of New Orleans. Determined to help his brother find redemption, Elijah follows Klaus and soon learns that Hayley has also come to the French Quarter searching for clues to her family history, and has fallen into the hands of a powerful witch named Sophie. Meanwhile, in Mystic Falls, Damon and Stefan continue with their plan for Elena, while Katherine reveals a surprising vulnerability to Rebekah and asks her to deliver a message. In onda il: 2013-05-02 21: She's Come Undone
    Damon and Stefan try a brutal new approach to provoke Elena into turning her humanity back on, and Caroline is frustrated when her attempt to intervene backfires. When Elena figures out a way to call the Salvatore brothers' bluff, they call for backup from a surprising source. Matt gives Rebekah some unsolicited advice on her life choices, and she tries to help him in return. Caroline has a confusing and dangerous encounter with Klaus, and Katherine is suspicious when Bonnie makes her an offer that she promises will benefit them both. 21: She's Come Undone
    In onda il: 2013-05-02 Damon and Stefan try a brutal new approach to provoke Elena into turning her humanity back on, and Caroline is frustrated when her attempt to intervene backfires. When Elena figures out a way to call the Salvatore brothers' bluff, they call for backup from a surprising source. Matt gives Rebekah some unsolicited advice on her life choices, and she tries to help him in return. Caroline has a confusing and dangerous encounter with Klaus, and Katherine is suspicious when Bonnie makes her an offer that she promises will benefit them both. In onda il: 2013-05-09 22: The Walking Dead
    As Graduation Day approaches, Caroline tries to distract Elena by focusing on simple tasks like sending out announcements, but Elena won't be swayed from her new obsession. Sheriff Forbes calls Damon and Stefan to the hospital, where someone has been attacking patients. Still trying to force Katherine to help her, Bonnie refuses to give up on her plan to defeat Silas. As a violent wind storm causes a power outage in Mystic Falls, ghosts suddenly appear - some with good intentions and some bent on revenge. 22: The Walking Dead
    In onda il: 2013-05-09 As Graduation Day approaches, Caroline tries to distract Elena by focusing on simple tasks like sending out announcements, but Elena won't be swayed from her new obsession. Sheriff Forbes calls Damon and Stefan to the hospital, where someone has been attacking patients. Still trying to force Katherine to help her, Bonnie refuses to give up on her plan to defeat Silas. As a violent wind storm causes a power outage in Mystic Falls, ghosts suddenly appear - some with good intentions and some bent on revenge. In onda il: 2013-05-16 23: Graduation
    On Graduation Day, Mystic Falls is overrun with ghosts intent on settling old scores and fulfilling their supernatural destinies. Damon’s life is in danger after a ghostly encounter, while Matt and Rebekah join forces to battle a ghost determined to find the cure. As everyone gathers for the graduation ceremony and the ghosts converge, help comes from an unlikely hero. Caroline receives a touching and unexpected graduation present, and Bonnie’s plan leads to the closing of the veil. Elena makes a decision about the Salvatore brothers and faces an epic confrontation with Katherine. Finally, Stefan discovers a horrifying clue to the mystery surrounding Silas. 23: Graduation
    In onda il: 2013-05-16 On Graduation Day, Mystic Falls is overrun with ghosts intent on settling old scores and fulfilling their supernatural destinies. Damon’s life is in danger after a ghostly encounter, while Matt and Rebekah join forces to battle a ghost determined to find the cure. As everyone gathers for the graduation ceremony and the ghosts converge, help comes from an unlikely hero. Caroline receives a touching and unexpected graduation present, and Bonnie’s plan leads to the closing of the veil. Elena makes a decision about the Salvatore brothers and faces an epic confrontation with Katherine. Finally, Stefan discovers a horrifying clue to the mystery surrounding Silas. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  29. The Vampire Diaries 5 [22/22] ITA Streaming  

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    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The Vampire Diaries
    Stagione 5    Episodi 22        
    Dramma ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    The Vampire Diaries è una serie televisiva statunitense di genere fantasy creata da Kevin Williamson e Julie Plec, che ha debuttato il 10 settembre 2009 sul network The CW. È basata sull'omonima serie di libri di Lisa Jane Smith, dal titolo italiano Il diario del vampiro. La protagonista è Elena Gilbert, una normale ragazza adolescente che vive a Mystic Falls, in Virginia. La sua vita viene sconvolta quando scopre che il suo ragazzo, Stefan Salvatore, è un vampiro, e che è stata adottata. Stefan si accorge che Elena è identica alla prima donna della sua vita, la vampira che trasformò lui e suo fratello Damon Salvatore nel 1864: Katherine Pierce. I due fratelli si innamorano anche di Elena ed entrano a far parte della sua vita. Il loro scopo è proteggerla dal vampiro Originale Klaus e da altre forze che ambiscono al pieno controllo della ragazza, che ha scoperto di essere un essere soprannaturale, più precisamente una doppelgänger di Amara, il primo essere immortale insieme a Silas, di cui lo stesso Stefan è doppelgänger. Vengono spesso coinvolti anche gli amici e i compagni di Elena per via della loro soprannaturalità. La serie ha ricevuto un'ottima accoglienza da parte del pubblico, vincendo quattro People's Choice Awards, uno nel 2010, uno nel 2012 e due nel 2014, e ventuno Teen Choice Awards, sette nel 2010, cinque nel 2011, sei nel 2012 e tre nel 2013.
    Julie Plec
    Executive Producer Kevin Williamson
    Executive Producer Leslie Morgenstein
    Executive Producer L.J. Smith
    Novel Michael Suby
    Music Paul Wesley
    Stefan Salvatore Ian Somerhalder
    Damon Salvatore Kat Graham
    Bonnie Bennett Candice King
    Caroline Forbes Zach Roerig
    Matt Donovan Michael Malarkey
    Enzo St. John Matthew Davis
    Alaric Saltzman Episodi: 22 
    In onda il: 2013-10-03 1: I Know What You Did Last Summer
    As the fifth season opens, Elena, after a passionate summer with Damon, heads to college nearby with Caroline as her roommate. Plus, a terrifying appearance by Silas. 1: I Know What You Did Last Summer
    In onda il: 2013-10-03 As the fifth season opens, Elena, after a passionate summer with Damon, heads to college nearby with Caroline as her roommate. Plus, a terrifying appearance by Silas. In onda il: 2013-10-10 2: True Lies
    A fellow Whitmore student named Jesse gives Elena some intriguing information about Professor Wes Maxfield. Damon asks for help finding Stefan. 2: True Lies
    In onda il: 2013-10-10 A fellow Whitmore student named Jesse gives Elena some intriguing information about Professor Wes Maxfield. Damon asks for help finding Stefan. In onda il: 2013-10-17 3: Original Sin
    Elena and Katherine both dream that Stefan is in danger and convince Damon to help them find him. But their plans are thwarted by a mysterious woman who seems to know everything about Stefan's past and Damon's disturbing future. 3: Original Sin
    In onda il: 2013-10-17 Elena and Katherine both dream that Stefan is in danger and convince Damon to help them find him. But their plans are thwarted by a mysterious woman who seems to know everything about Stefan's past and Damon's disturbing future. In onda il: 2013-10-24 4: For Whom the Bell Tolls
    Damon and Elena try to help Stefan through a confusing time, which ends up taking Elena on an emotional journey. Caroline makes an effort to know Jesse better. 4: For Whom the Bell Tolls
    In onda il: 2013-10-24 Damon and Elena try to help Stefan through a confusing time, which ends up taking Elena on an emotional journey. Caroline makes an effort to know Jesse better. In onda il: 2013-10-31 5: Monster's Ball
    Elena meets a sad and secretive student on campus. Elena and Damon attend the Whitmore Historical Ball dressed as Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII. While there, Elena receives a disturbing message from Dr. Maxfield. Nadia reveals her surprising history to Katherine;. Silas demands that Damon commit an unthinkable act. 5: Monster's Ball
    In onda il: 2013-10-31 Elena meets a sad and secretive student on campus. Elena and Damon attend the Whitmore Historical Ball dressed as Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII. While there, Elena receives a disturbing message from Dr. Maxfield. Nadia reveals her surprising history to Katherine;. Silas demands that Damon commit an unthinkable act. In onda il: 2013-11-07 6: Handle with Care
    Silas announces his new goal to Damon and Elena. Tessa tells Stefan about her next move. Katherine discovers an unexpected consequence of being human and realises she needs a new place to stay. Bonnie is touched by Jeremy's determination to stand by her. Damon is stunned when he learns the secret to Tessa's plan. 6: Handle with Care
    In onda il: 2013-11-07 Silas announces his new goal to Damon and Elena. Tessa tells Stefan about her next move. Katherine discovers an unexpected consequence of being human and realises she needs a new place to stay. Bonnie is touched by Jeremy's determination to stand by her. Damon is stunned when he learns the secret to Tessa's plan. In onda il: 2013-11-14 7: Death and the Maiden
    Dr. Wes gives Katherine some disturbing news. Jeremy and Bonnie share a glimmer of hope after talking with Amara. Silas fails to keep a promise which causes Damon to turn to Tessa for help with his new plan. Stefan makes a heartbreaking confession to Damon and Elena. 7: Death and the Maiden
    In onda il: 2013-11-14 Dr. Wes gives Katherine some disturbing news. Jeremy and Bonnie share a glimmer of hope after talking with Amara. Silas fails to keep a promise which causes Damon to turn to Tessa for help with his new plan. Stefan makes a heartbreaking confession to Damon and Elena. In onda il: 2013-11-21 8: Dead Man on Campus
    Elena and Caroline plan a big party at school, but their plans are interrupted when Jesse suddenly needs Caroline's help. Meanwhile, Damon makes a terrifying discovery about a secret society. 8: Dead Man on Campus
    In onda il: 2013-11-21 Elena and Caroline plan a big party at school, but their plans are interrupted when Jesse suddenly needs Caroline's help. Meanwhile, Damon makes a terrifying discovery about a secret society. In onda il: 2013-12-05 9: The Cell
    Caroline offers Stefan an unusual form of therapy. Meanwhile, Damon tells Elena about a terrible ordeal in his past that he has kept secret for decades, and she shares with him some disturbing information she recently learned about her family. 9: The Cell
    In onda il: 2013-12-05 Caroline offers Stefan an unusual form of therapy. Meanwhile, Damon tells Elena about a terrible ordeal in his past that he has kept secret for decades, and she shares with him some disturbing information she recently learned about her family. In onda il: 2013-12-12 10: Fifty Shades of Grayson
    Damon is forced to deal with a part of his past he thought was gone forever when Dr. Wes unleashes a secret weapon to stop him from rescuing Elena. Elena learns about the dark history of Whitmore College. Katherine turns to Matt for help. 10: Fifty Shades of Grayson
    In onda il: 2013-12-12 Damon is forced to deal with a part of his past he thought was gone forever when Dr. Wes unleashes a secret weapon to stop him from rescuing Elena. Elena learns about the dark history of Whitmore College. Katherine turns to Matt for help. In onda il: 2014-01-23 11: 500 Years of Solitude
    Katherine recalls the traumatic night in 1490 when she gave birth to a daughter who was immediately taken from her. Meanwhile, Nadia creates a frightening plan to protect her mother; and Caroline indulges in some scandalous behavior. 11: 500 Years of Solitude
    In onda il: 2014-01-23 Katherine recalls the traumatic night in 1490 when she gave birth to a daughter who was immediately taken from her. Meanwhile, Nadia creates a frightening plan to protect her mother; and Caroline indulges in some scandalous behavior. In onda il: 2014-01-30 12: The Devil Inside
    Damon tries to get back together with Elena, however, Katherine has a plan and attempts to take Elena's body permanently. Tyler is upset with Caroline and Matt is used by Katherine. Enzo finds Damon and they decide to become a team again. 12: The Devil Inside
    In onda il: 2014-01-30 Damon tries to get back together with Elena, however, Katherine has a plan and attempts to take Elena's body permanently. Tyler is upset with Caroline and Matt is used by Katherine. Enzo finds Damon and they decide to become a team again. In onda il: 2014-02-06 13: Total Eclipse of the Heart
    Caroline convinces Elena and Bonnie to attend Whitmore College's Bitter Ball for broken-hearted students. Bonnie meets a fellow student who appears to be dabbling in witchcraft. Tyler worries about Matt's relationship with Nadia. Damon and Enzo resort to violence to convince Bonnie and Jeremy to help them get revenge, but their plan takes a horrifying turn. 13: Total Eclipse of the Heart
    In onda il: 2014-02-06 Caroline convinces Elena and Bonnie to attend Whitmore College's Bitter Ball for broken-hearted students. Bonnie meets a fellow student who appears to be dabbling in witchcraft. Tyler worries about Matt's relationship with Nadia. Damon and Enzo resort to violence to convince Bonnie and Jeremy to help them get revenge, but their plan takes a horrifying turn. In onda il: 2014-02-27 14: No Exit
    Damon's behavior escalates from destructive to deadly. Stefan begins to regret their last conversation and tries to track Damon down and intervene. Dr. Wes enlists the Travelers to set a trap that will test Damon's friendship with Enzo; and a talk between Caroline and Stefan leads to a horrifying realization. 14: No Exit
    In onda il: 2014-02-27 Damon's behavior escalates from destructive to deadly. Stefan begins to regret their last conversation and tries to track Damon down and intervene. Dr. Wes enlists the Travelers to set a trap that will test Damon's friendship with Enzo; and a talk between Caroline and Stefan leads to a horrifying realization. In onda il: 2014-03-06 15: Gone Girl
    Nadia recalls her centuries-long search for her mother. Stefan, Caroline and Matt come up with a desperate plan to save Elena's life. Damon baits Tyler into an ugly confrontation and seeks revenge against Dr. Wes. Bonnie learns a terrifying secret that threatens the lives of all her friends. 15: Gone Girl
    In onda il: 2014-03-06 Nadia recalls her centuries-long search for her mother. Stefan, Caroline and Matt come up with a desperate plan to save Elena's life. Damon baits Tyler into an ugly confrontation and seeks revenge against Dr. Wes. Bonnie learns a terrifying secret that threatens the lives of all her friends. In onda il: 2014-03-20 16: While You Were Sleeping
    Damon tries to find the right way to make a disturbing confession to Elena. Caroline discovers a scary secret in Dr. Wes' files. Enzo claims to have a solution everyone is searching for. Sloan reveals new information on the importance of doppelgangers. 16: While You Were Sleeping
    In onda il: 2014-03-20 Damon tries to find the right way to make a disturbing confession to Elena. Caroline discovers a scary secret in Dr. Wes' files. Enzo claims to have a solution everyone is searching for. Sloan reveals new information on the importance of doppelgangers. In onda il: 2014-03-27 17: Rescue Me
    Bonnie has an unsettling encounter with Luke, and learns more about his family history. The Travelers' leader, Markos, arrives in Mystic Falls. 17: Rescue Me
    In onda il: 2014-03-27 Bonnie has an unsettling encounter with Luke, and learns more about his family history. The Travelers' leader, Markos, arrives in Mystic Falls. In onda il: 2014-04-17 18: Resident Evil
    Stefan and Elena experience unsettling dreams of the life they might have had together. Bonnie has a disturbing encounter with Grams. Enzo searches for a woman he loved decades ago. Bonnie learns that Jeremy is working with Liv. Matt has a terrifying encounter with inhabitants of the Other Side. 18: Resident Evil
    In onda il: 2014-04-17 Stefan and Elena experience unsettling dreams of the life they might have had together. Bonnie has a disturbing encounter with Grams. Enzo searches for a woman he loved decades ago. Bonnie learns that Jeremy is working with Liv. Matt has a terrifying encounter with inhabitants of the Other Side. In onda il: 2014-04-24 19: Man on Fire
    Enzo holds Elena, Stefan and Bonnie hostage to uncover the truth about the love of his life. Markos performs a ritual to undo witch's magic. 19: Man on Fire
    In onda il: 2014-04-24 Enzo holds Elena, Stefan and Bonnie hostage to uncover the truth about the love of his life. Markos performs a ritual to undo witch's magic. In onda il: 2014-05-01 20: What Lies Beneath
    Damon and Caroline suspect Stefan and Elena of keeping a secret while they hide from the travelers, unaware of the dead man out for revenge. Meanwhile Matt, Jeremy and Bonnie help Tyler get rid of Julian. 20: What Lies Beneath
    In onda il: 2014-05-01 Damon and Caroline suspect Stefan and Elena of keeping a secret while they hide from the travelers, unaware of the dead man out for revenge. Meanwhile Matt, Jeremy and Bonnie help Tyler get rid of Julian. In onda il: 2014-05-08 21: Promised Land
    Stefan and Elena become stranded in a remote location, after escaping from Markos, and he gets philosophical about her relationship with Damon. Damon sets a trap for Markos. Bonnie admits that she's been keeping the truth about the Other Side from everyone. Caroline witnesses an unthinkable act of violence by one of the Travelers. 21: Promised Land
    In onda il: 2014-05-08 Stefan and Elena become stranded in a remote location, after escaping from Markos, and he gets philosophical about her relationship with Damon. Damon sets a trap for Markos. Bonnie admits that she's been keeping the truth about the Other Side from everyone. Caroline witnesses an unthinkable act of violence by one of the Travelers. In onda il: 2014-05-15 22: Home
    Damon's plan causes a huge explosion in Mystic Falls, and everyone is caught up in the confusion, leaving a trail of heroism, sacrifice, relief and despair. 22: Home
    In onda il: 2014-05-15 Damon's plan causes a huge explosion in Mystic Falls, and everyone is caught up in the confusion, leaving a trail of heroism, sacrifice, relief and despair. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  30. The Vampire Diaries 6 [22/22] ITA Streaming  

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    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer The Vampire Diaries
    Stagione 6    Episodi 22        
    Dramma ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy
    The Vampire Diaries è una serie televisiva statunitense di genere fantasy creata da Kevin Williamson e Julie Plec, che ha debuttato il 10 settembre 2009 sul network The CW. È basata sull'omonima serie di libri di Lisa Jane Smith, dal titolo italiano Il diario del vampiro. La protagonista è Elena Gilbert, una normale ragazza adolescente che vive a Mystic Falls, in Virginia. La sua vita viene sconvolta quando scopre che il suo ragazzo, Stefan Salvatore, è un vampiro, e che è stata adottata. Stefan si accorge che Elena è identica alla prima donna della sua vita, la vampira che trasformò lui e suo fratello Damon Salvatore nel 1864: Katherine Pierce. I due fratelli si innamorano anche di Elena ed entrano a far parte della sua vita. Il loro scopo è proteggerla dal vampiro Originale Klaus e da altre forze che ambiscono al pieno controllo della ragazza, che ha scoperto di essere un essere soprannaturale, più precisamente una doppelgänger di Amara, il primo essere immortale insieme a Silas, di cui lo stesso Stefan è doppelgänger. Vengono spesso coinvolti anche gli amici e i compagni di Elena per via della loro soprannaturalità. La serie ha ricevuto un'ottima accoglienza da parte del pubblico, vincendo quattro People's Choice Awards, uno nel 2010, uno nel 2012 e due nel 2014, e ventuno Teen Choice Awards, sette nel 2010, cinque nel 2011, sei nel 2012 e tre nel 2013.
    Julie Plec
    Executive Producer Kevin Williamson
    Executive Producer Leslie Morgenstein
    Executive Producer L.J. Smith
    Novel Michael Suby
    Music Paul Wesley
    Stefan Salvatore Ian Somerhalder
    Damon Salvatore Kat Graham
    Bonnie Bennett Candice King
    Caroline Forbes Zach Roerig
    Matt Donovan Michael Malarkey
    Enzo St. John Matthew Davis
    Alaric Saltzman Episodi: 22 
    In onda il: 2014-10-02 1: I'll Remember
    After spending the past four months coping with the loss of Damon in an unconventional and potentially dangerous way, Elena has returned to Whitmore College for the start of sophomore year. Unable to move on, Caroline is desperate to find a way to reverse the anti-magic spell the Travelers have put over Mystic Falls and grows frustrated when her calls to Stefan go unanswered. Tyler, who is human once again, has a run-in at a football tailgate that tests his ability to control his anger, while Matt worries that Jeremy is dealing with the loss of Bonnie in a self-destructive way. Alaric, who is struggling to adjust to his new life as a vampire, finds himself in an awkward situation when he meets Jo, a beautiful doctor at the university hospital. Last, while everyone believes Stefan is off tracking a lead to get Damon and Bonnie back, Elena is shocked when she learns the truth of what he has really been up to. 1: I'll Remember
    In onda il: 2014-10-02 After spending the past four months coping with the loss of Damon in an unconventional and potentially dangerous way, Elena has returned to Whitmore College for the start of sophomore year. Unable to move on, Caroline is desperate to find a way to reverse the anti-magic spell the Travelers have put over Mystic Falls and grows frustrated when her calls to Stefan go unanswered. Tyler, who is human once again, has a run-in at a football tailgate that tests his ability to control his anger, while Matt worries that Jeremy is dealing with the loss of Bonnie in a self-destructive way. Alaric, who is struggling to adjust to his new life as a vampire, finds himself in an awkward situation when he meets Jo, a beautiful doctor at the university hospital. Last, while everyone believes Stefan is off tracking a lead to get Damon and Bonnie back, Elena is shocked when she learns the truth of what he has really been up to. In onda il: 2014-10-09 2: Yellow Ledbetter
    Knowing she needs to come to terms with the loss of Damon, Elena turns to Alaric to help her move on with her life. Enzo convinces Caroline to join him as he tracks down a lead to get Damon and Bonnie back, but Caroline is shocked when they make an unexpected detour and uncover what Stefan has been up to. Meanwhile, Matt worries about Jeremy who is spending time with Sarah, a mysterious girl who has recently arrived in Mystic Falls. Elsewhere, Tripp, leader of the community protection program, makes an interesting confession to Matt about his connection to the town. Lastly, with the Other Side destroyed and gone for good, Damon and Bonnie reluctantly band together to uncover the mystery of where they are and how they are going to get back home. 2: Yellow Ledbetter
    In onda il: 2014-10-09 Knowing she needs to come to terms with the loss of Damon, Elena turns to Alaric to help her move on with her life. Enzo convinces Caroline to join him as he tracks down a lead to get Damon and Bonnie back, but Caroline is shocked when they make an unexpected detour and uncover what Stefan has been up to. Meanwhile, Matt worries about Jeremy who is spending time with Sarah, a mysterious girl who has recently arrived in Mystic Falls. Elsewhere, Tripp, leader of the community protection program, makes an interesting confession to Matt about his connection to the town. Lastly, with the Other Side destroyed and gone for good, Damon and Bonnie reluctantly band together to uncover the mystery of where they are and how they are going to get back home. In onda il: 2014-10-16 3: Welcome to Paradise
    In an attempt to bring some fun back into their lives, Elena persuades Caroline to meet her at the swimming hole where she plans to introduce her to Liam. Tyler, still working on controlling his anger issues, asks Liv for a favor and is surprised when she makes an unexpected confession. Stefan arrives back in Mystic Falls looking for Enzo and is caught off guard when he notices a strange change in Elena. Meanwhile, at the lake, Enzo’s actions cause Matt to make a startling revelation, and Jeremy makes a discovery about the anti-magic spell that could potentially put Elena’s life in danger. Elsewhere, Damon and Bonnie stumble upon clues that lead them to believe they’re not alone. 3: Welcome to Paradise
    In onda il: 2014-10-16 In an attempt to bring some fun back into their lives, Elena persuades Caroline to meet her at the swimming hole where she plans to introduce her to Liam. Tyler, still working on controlling his anger issues, asks Liv for a favor and is surprised when she makes an unexpected confession. Stefan arrives back in Mystic Falls looking for Enzo and is caught off guard when he notices a strange change in Elena. Meanwhile, at the lake, Enzo’s actions cause Matt to make a startling revelation, and Jeremy makes a discovery about the anti-magic spell that could potentially put Elena’s life in danger. Elsewhere, Damon and Bonnie stumble upon clues that lead them to believe they’re not alone. In onda il: 2014-10-23 4: Black Hole Sun
    When Damon and Bonnie realize that uncovering a time in Damon’s past may provide clues to finding their way home, Damon is forced to relive one of the worst days of his life. After an awkward run-in with Jo at the hospital, Alaric steps in to help Jeremy get his life together and cope with the loss of Bonnie. Elsewhere, Stefan attempts to show Elena what it’s like to start over and create a new identity, while an unsuspecting Matt finds himself in a disturbing situation when Tripp lets him in on a dark secret. Lastly, Stefan, who is desperate to regain some normalcy in his life, is stunned when an unexpected visitor shows up. 4: Black Hole Sun
    In onda il: 2014-10-23 When Damon and Bonnie realize that uncovering a time in Damon’s past may provide clues to finding their way home, Damon is forced to relive one of the worst days of his life. After an awkward run-in with Jo at the hospital, Alaric steps in to help Jeremy get his life together and cope with the loss of Bonnie. Elsewhere, Stefan attempts to show Elena what it’s like to start over and create a new identity, while an unsuspecting Matt finds himself in a disturbing situation when Tripp lets him in on a dark secret. Lastly, Stefan, who is desperate to regain some normalcy in his life, is stunned when an unexpected visitor shows up. In onda il: 2014-10-30 5: The World Has Turned and Left Me Here
    With Homecoming around the corner, Elena invites Liam to attend a party at the corn maze with her. Instead of attending the homecoming festivities, Caroline is preoccupied after Stefan shows up unexpectedly and needs her help cleaning up a mess created by Enzo. Heeding Elena’s advice to be more social, Alaric reluctantly attends the party, but a devastating accident quickly leaves him and Jo rushing to save lives. Elsewhere, Tyler finds himself in a dangerous position when his werewolf curse is put to the test, and an emotionally embattled Stefan comes clean to Caroline about his intent to move on from Mystic Falls. Lastly, Damon and Bonnie make an important discovery that affects their quest to get back home. 5: The World Has Turned and Left Me Here
    In onda il: 2014-10-30 With Homecoming around the corner, Elena invites Liam to attend a party at the corn maze with her. Instead of attending the homecoming festivities, Caroline is preoccupied after Stefan shows up unexpectedly and needs her help cleaning up a mess created by Enzo. Heeding Elena’s advice to be more social, Alaric reluctantly attends the party, but a devastating accident quickly leaves him and Jo rushing to save lives. Elsewhere, Tyler finds himself in a dangerous position when his werewolf curse is put to the test, and an emotionally embattled Stefan comes clean to Caroline about his intent to move on from Mystic Falls. Lastly, Damon and Bonnie make an important discovery that affects their quest to get back home. In onda il: 2014-11-06 6: The More You Ignore Me, The Closer I Get
    When Alaric realizes that Jo can’t be compelled, he asks Elena to do some digging into her background. After learning that Enzo has been captured by Tripp, Caroline teams up with Matt and Stefan to rescue him before Tripp learns their true identities. Armed with some new information about her past, Sarah breaks into Tripp’s office and is surprised when she finds Matt there, doing some investigating of his own. Meanwhile, Elena is forced to deal with the consequences of her actions, and Jeremy hits rock bottom, lashing out in a destructive way. Lastly, Damon is determined to take matters into his own hands when he receives some upsetting news. 6: The More You Ignore Me, The Closer I Get
    In onda il: 2014-11-06 When Alaric realizes that Jo can’t be compelled, he asks Elena to do some digging into her background. After learning that Enzo has been captured by Tripp, Caroline teams up with Matt and Stefan to rescue him before Tripp learns their true identities. Armed with some new information about her past, Sarah breaks into Tripp’s office and is surprised when she finds Matt there, doing some investigating of his own. Meanwhile, Elena is forced to deal with the consequences of her actions, and Jeremy hits rock bottom, lashing out in a destructive way. Lastly, Damon is determined to take matters into his own hands when he receives some upsetting news. In onda il: 2014-11-13 7: Do You Remember the First Time?
    When the past comes back to haunt her, Elena is forced to face her problems head on. After a night out at the annual Whitmore Medical Center Fundraiser, Jo opens up to Alaric about her own tragic past. Meanwhile, Stefan, Matt and Enzo resort to extreme measures when Tripp withholds information about his vampire-killing operation, and Caroline is in a race against the clock when Sheriff Forbes gets caught in the middle of a dangerous plan. Elsewhere, Tyler and Liv grow closer, and Damon stumbles upon a startling clue that renews his hope. 7: Do You Remember the First Time?
    In onda il: 2014-11-13 When the past comes back to haunt her, Elena is forced to face her problems head on. After a night out at the annual Whitmore Medical Center Fundraiser, Jo opens up to Alaric about her own tragic past. Meanwhile, Stefan, Matt and Enzo resort to extreme measures when Tripp withholds information about his vampire-killing operation, and Caroline is in a race against the clock when Sheriff Forbes gets caught in the middle of a dangerous plan. Elsewhere, Tyler and Liv grow closer, and Damon stumbles upon a startling clue that renews his hope. In onda il: 2014-11-20 8: Fade Into You
    As Caroline and Elena prepare to host Friendsgiving at the dorm, they receive some hopeful news from Alaric and Stefan, who have traveled to Portland to gather some information regarding the Gemini Coven. Tyler is determined to help Liv after she and Luke reveal some disturbing information about their witch lineage and the impending plans their coven has for them. Meanwhile, dinner takes a drastic turn when Jo, who has revealed some painful details about her past, finds herself fighting for her life, leaving Alaric scrambling to help from a distance. Finally, Kai makes a dangerous discovery that brings him one step closer to his release. 8: Fade Into You
    In onda il: 2014-11-20 As Caroline and Elena prepare to host Friendsgiving at the dorm, they receive some hopeful news from Alaric and Stefan, who have traveled to Portland to gather some information regarding the Gemini Coven. Tyler is determined to help Liv after she and Luke reveal some disturbing information about their witch lineage and the impending plans their coven has for them. Meanwhile, dinner takes a drastic turn when Jo, who has revealed some painful details about her past, finds herself fighting for her life, leaving Alaric scrambling to help from a distance. Finally, Kai makes a dangerous discovery that brings him one step closer to his release. In onda il: 2014-12-04 9: I Alone
    Damon finds himself in hot water after he carries out a plan that requires Alaric’s unwilling participation. When Elena shares some hopeful news with Jeremy about Bonnie, she is caught off guard by his reaction. Liv helps Damon and Elena with their plan to get Bonnie back, but when things take an unexpected turn, she’s left with a difficult choice to make. Elsewhere, Matt takes matters into his own hands when Enzo’s actions cross the line, and Kai’s existence continues to be a dangerous threat. 9: I Alone
    In onda il: 2014-12-04 Damon finds himself in hot water after he carries out a plan that requires Alaric’s unwilling participation. When Elena shares some hopeful news with Jeremy about Bonnie, she is caught off guard by his reaction. Liv helps Damon and Elena with their plan to get Bonnie back, but when things take an unexpected turn, she’s left with a difficult choice to make. Elsewhere, Matt takes matters into his own hands when Enzo’s actions cross the line, and Kai’s existence continues to be a dangerous threat. In onda il: 2014-12-11 10: Christmas Through Your Eyes
    With the holidays approaching, Bonnie attempts to replicate her favorite traditions, while reminiscing about happier times with her friends. Not able to return home to Mystic Falls for her favorite time of the year, Caroline is surprised when Sheriff Forbes brings the holidays to her at Whitmore College. Meanwhile, after discovering that Jo has gone missing, Alaric turns to Damon and Elena for help, while Liv and Luke find themselves at odds when Tyler approaches them with a risky plan. Elsewhere, Jeremy helps Matt carry out a plan to take down Enzo but grows concerned when Matt takes things too far. Lastly, Stefan is forced to break some devastating news to Caroline. 10: Christmas Through Your Eyes
    In onda il: 2014-12-11 With the holidays approaching, Bonnie attempts to replicate her favorite traditions, while reminiscing about happier times with her friends. Not able to return home to Mystic Falls for her favorite time of the year, Caroline is surprised when Sheriff Forbes brings the holidays to her at Whitmore College. Meanwhile, after discovering that Jo has gone missing, Alaric turns to Damon and Elena for help, while Liv and Luke find themselves at odds when Tyler approaches them with a risky plan. Elsewhere, Jeremy helps Matt carry out a plan to take down Enzo but grows concerned when Matt takes things too far. Lastly, Stefan is forced to break some devastating news to Caroline. In onda il: 2015-01-22 11: Woke Up With a Monster
    More powerful than ever, Kai holds Elena captive while he learns to control his newly acquired magic. At the Salvatore mansion, Liv and Alaric try to prepare Jo for the impending merge ceremony with Kai, but they quickly realize Jo is weaker than they thought. After bringing Sheriff Forbes home from the hospital, Caroline travels with Stefan to North Carolina in search of a cure for her mother's cancer. Meanwhile, Stefan, who has his own intentions for traveling to North Carolina, is caught off guard when Enzo shows up demanding to know what Stefan is hiding. Lastly, when Damon discovers Elena has been kidnapped by Kai, he is forced to rethink his strategy after an unexpected visitor throws a wrench into his plan. 11: Woke Up With a Monster
    In onda il: 2015-01-22 More powerful than ever, Kai holds Elena captive while he learns to control his newly acquired magic. At the Salvatore mansion, Liv and Alaric try to prepare Jo for the impending merge ceremony with Kai, but they quickly realize Jo is weaker than they thought. After bringing Sheriff Forbes home from the hospital, Caroline travels with Stefan to North Carolina in search of a cure for her mother's cancer. Meanwhile, Stefan, who has his own intentions for traveling to North Carolina, is caught off guard when Enzo shows up demanding to know what Stefan is hiding. Lastly, when Damon discovers Elena has been kidnapped by Kai, he is forced to rethink his strategy after an unexpected visitor throws a wrench into his plan. In onda il: 2015-01-29 12: Prayer for the Dying
    When Liv and Luke’s father arrives to town to celebrate their birthday, they try and convince him to let Jo and Kai take their place in the merge ceremony. After Tyler finds out that the merge is happening sooner than he expected, he urges Liv to let him talk to her father. Meanwhile, after Caroline’s plan to cure her mother takes an unexpected and devastating turn, Elena, Stefan and Damon gather at the hospital, while Jo attempts to save Sheriff Forbes’ life. Lastly, with the merge set to take place, Damon’s risky plan quickly sends things spiraling out of control, forcing one of the twins to take matters into their own hands. 12: Prayer for the Dying
    In onda il: 2015-01-29 When Liv and Luke’s father arrives to town to celebrate their birthday, they try and convince him to let Jo and Kai take their place in the merge ceremony. After Tyler finds out that the merge is happening sooner than he expected, he urges Liv to let him talk to her father. Meanwhile, after Caroline’s plan to cure her mother takes an unexpected and devastating turn, Elena, Stefan and Damon gather at the hospital, while Jo attempts to save Sheriff Forbes’ life. Lastly, with the merge set to take place, Damon’s risky plan quickly sends things spiraling out of control, forcing one of the twins to take matters into their own hands. In onda il: 2015-02-05 13: The Day I Tried to Live
    Determined to celebrate Bonnie’s birthday, Elena convinces Jeremy that it’s what Bonnie would have wanted. After piecing the broken ascendant back together, Elena, Jeremy and Damon attempt to send Bonnie a message, but the situation turns dire when they make an unsettling discovery. Meanwhile, after uncovering Stefan’s secret about his great-niece Sarah Salvatore, Enzo enlists a reluctant Matt to help interfere with her life. Elsewhere, Stefan keeps a close eye on Caroline as she unconventionally attempts to cope with everything going on around her. Lastly, realizing it might be time to move on with his life, Jeremy contemplates leaving Mystic Falls for good. 13: The Day I Tried to Live
    In onda il: 2015-02-05 Determined to celebrate Bonnie’s birthday, Elena convinces Jeremy that it’s what Bonnie would have wanted. After piecing the broken ascendant back together, Elena, Jeremy and Damon attempt to send Bonnie a message, but the situation turns dire when they make an unsettling discovery. Meanwhile, after uncovering Stefan’s secret about his great-niece Sarah Salvatore, Enzo enlists a reluctant Matt to help interfere with her life. Elsewhere, Stefan keeps a close eye on Caroline as she unconventionally attempts to cope with everything going on around her. Lastly, realizing it might be time to move on with his life, Jeremy contemplates leaving Mystic Falls for good. In onda il: 2015-02-12 14: Stay
    It’s Jeremy’s last day in Mystic Falls and Elena puts on a brave face as they reminisce about their past. Stefan and Caroline find themselves growing closer as they prepare Caroline’s family cabin for her mother to live out her final days. While packing up her office, Sheriff Forbes turns to Damon for help solving one of her remaining open cases involving Elena’s parents. Elsewhere, when a violent confrontation with Enzo leaves Jeremy wondering whether he should leave or not, Matt finds his own life on the line after Enzo lures him and Sarah Salvatore into his dangerous plan. Lastly, Caroline rushes to the hospital after learning her mother has taken a turn for the worse. 14: Stay
    In onda il: 2015-02-12 It’s Jeremy’s last day in Mystic Falls and Elena puts on a brave face as they reminisce about their past. Stefan and Caroline find themselves growing closer as they prepare Caroline’s family cabin for her mother to live out her final days. While packing up her office, Sheriff Forbes turns to Damon for help solving one of her remaining open cases involving Elena’s parents. Elsewhere, when a violent confrontation with Enzo leaves Jeremy wondering whether he should leave or not, Matt finds his own life on the line after Enzo lures him and Sarah Salvatore into his dangerous plan. Lastly, Caroline rushes to the hospital after learning her mother has taken a turn for the worse. In onda il: 2015-02-19 15: Let Her Go
    After assigning tasks to each of her friends, Caroline attempts to deal with her current situation as reality begins to set in around her. While spending the day with Caroline, Elena grows concerned when she starts noticing a strange change in her behavior. Meanwhile, Alaric becomes wary when Kai, who has begun experiencing unexpected consequences from the merge, turns to Jo, desperate for her help. Elsewhere, while Bonnie finds herself in an unfamiliar situation, Matt and Tyler contemplate a major life change. And when Damon offers Caroline advice on how to cope with everything going on around her, it forces him to revisit painful memories involving his own mother. 15: Let Her Go
    In onda il: 2015-02-19 After assigning tasks to each of her friends, Caroline attempts to deal with her current situation as reality begins to set in around her. While spending the day with Caroline, Elena grows concerned when she starts noticing a strange change in her behavior. Meanwhile, Alaric becomes wary when Kai, who has begun experiencing unexpected consequences from the merge, turns to Jo, desperate for her help. Elsewhere, while Bonnie finds herself in an unfamiliar situation, Matt and Tyler contemplate a major life change. And when Damon offers Caroline advice on how to cope with everything going on around her, it forces him to revisit painful memories involving his own mother. In onda il: 2015-03-12 16: The Downward Spiral
    After shutting off her humanity following the death of her mother, Caroline gives her friends an unexpected ultimatum. Not knowing how to handle the new Caroline, Stefan’s attempt to intervene sets off a dangerous chain of events, leaving him and Elena in a race against the clock. Meanwhile, after seeking answers from Kai about the prison world, Damon’s world is turned upside when he learns some devastating news about his mother Lily. Elsewhere, Enzo finds himself becoming increasingly intrigued by Sarah Salvatore, and Bonnie begins to struggle with the effects of being back in the real world. 16: The Downward Spiral
    In onda il: 2015-03-12 After shutting off her humanity following the death of her mother, Caroline gives her friends an unexpected ultimatum. Not knowing how to handle the new Caroline, Stefan’s attempt to intervene sets off a dangerous chain of events, leaving him and Elena in a race against the clock. Meanwhile, after seeking answers from Kai about the prison world, Damon’s world is turned upside when he learns some devastating news about his mother Lily. Elsewhere, Enzo finds himself becoming increasingly intrigued by Sarah Salvatore, and Bonnie begins to struggle with the effects of being back in the real world. In onda il: 2015-03-19 17: A Bird in a Gilded Cage
    With the help of Bonnie and Kai, Damon and Elena set forth a plan to rescue Damon's mother Lily, who is trapped in the 1903 prison world. Meanwhile, when Caroline's plan for Stefan backfires, she is left to pick up the pieces. Elsewhere, back at Whitmore College, Enzo and Alaric's attempt to reel Caroline back in doesn't quite go as planned when they realize they're outmaneuvered. Lastly, an unexpected gift from Bonnie leaves Damon shaken to his core. 17: A Bird in a Gilded Cage
    In onda il: 2015-03-19 With the help of Bonnie and Kai, Damon and Elena set forth a plan to rescue Damon's mother Lily, who is trapped in the 1903 prison world. Meanwhile, when Caroline's plan for Stefan backfires, she is left to pick up the pieces. Elsewhere, back at Whitmore College, Enzo and Alaric's attempt to reel Caroline back in doesn't quite go as planned when they realize they're outmaneuvered. Lastly, an unexpected gift from Bonnie leaves Damon shaken to his core. In onda il: 2015-04-16 18: I Never Could Love Like That
    With their humanity turned off, Stefan and Caroline begin wreaking havoc at Whitmore, leaving Damon to come up with a risky plan involving Lily. After rushing to help Jo treat victims of Stefan and Caroline’s latest killing spree, Elena discovers Jo is pregnant, prompting her to reevaluate her own life as a vampire. Meanwhile, when Sarah boldly turns the tables on an unsuspecting Enzo, he is forced to open up about his tragic past. Lastly, at Scull Bar, a twisted round of karaoke leaves Tyler and Matt in a dangerous situation. 18: I Never Could Love Like That
    In onda il: 2015-04-16 With their humanity turned off, Stefan and Caroline begin wreaking havoc at Whitmore, leaving Damon to come up with a risky plan involving Lily. After rushing to help Jo treat victims of Stefan and Caroline’s latest killing spree, Elena discovers Jo is pregnant, prompting her to reevaluate her own life as a vampire. Meanwhile, when Sarah boldly turns the tables on an unsuspecting Enzo, he is forced to open up about his tragic past. Lastly, at Scull Bar, a twisted round of karaoke leaves Tyler and Matt in a dangerous situation. In onda il: 2015-04-23 19: Because
    Wrestling with whether or not to tell Elena about the cure, Damon brings up their future together and what life would be like if they weren’t vampires. Meanwhile, it’s all hands on deck when attempts to stop a humanity-free Caroline doesn’t go as planned. Elsewhere, when Bonnie discovers that Damon has betrayed her trust, she takes matters into her own hands, setting off a chain of events that leaves Damon dealing with the fallout. Lastly, after being forced to face his traumatic past, Enzo sets out for answers and is surprised when he learns the truth about the day he was turned into a vampire. 19: Because
    In onda il: 2015-04-23 Wrestling with whether or not to tell Elena about the cure, Damon brings up their future together and what life would be like if they weren’t vampires. Meanwhile, it’s all hands on deck when attempts to stop a humanity-free Caroline doesn’t go as planned. Elsewhere, when Bonnie discovers that Damon has betrayed her trust, she takes matters into her own hands, setting off a chain of events that leaves Damon dealing with the fallout. Lastly, after being forced to face his traumatic past, Enzo sets out for answers and is surprised when he learns the truth about the day he was turned into a vampire. In onda il: 2015-04-30 20: I'd Leave My Happy Home for You
    As Alaric and Jo reluctantly participate in their bachelor and bachelorette parties, Damon and Elena discuss the ramifications from an impulsive offer that Damon makes. Unsure of what to do, Elena turns to Bonnie and Jo for advice, but is left conflicted when Bonnie raises some unanticipated concerns. When Enzo realizes Lily is on a dangerous downward spiral, he asks Stefan to help intervene before it’s too late. Lastly, fed up with the supernatural threats that plague their town, Matt takes his frustrations out on Tyler, while Alaric considers a life-changing piece of advice. 20: I'd Leave My Happy Home for You
    In onda il: 2015-04-30 As Alaric and Jo reluctantly participate in their bachelor and bachelorette parties, Damon and Elena discuss the ramifications from an impulsive offer that Damon makes. Unsure of what to do, Elena turns to Bonnie and Jo for advice, but is left conflicted when Bonnie raises some unanticipated concerns. When Enzo realizes Lily is on a dangerous downward spiral, he asks Stefan to help intervene before it’s too late. Lastly, fed up with the supernatural threats that plague their town, Matt takes his frustrations out on Tyler, while Alaric considers a life-changing piece of advice. In onda il: 2015-05-07 21: I'll Wed You in the Golden Summertime
    It's Alaric and Jo's wedding day and Elena and Bonnie do their best to help a stressed out Jo with the last minute preparations. After uncovering some life-changing news that Damon has been keeping from him, Stefan takes his brother on a road trip to give him some perspective on his future with Elena. Elsewhere, when Caroline returns to Mystic Falls after dealing with the fallout of her humanity-free rampage, she begins making amends with her friends and comes to a realization about her and Stefan's prospects of being together. Finally, when Bonnie begins having vivid nightmares that Lily is coming after her, she enlists Matt's help in taking Lily down. 21: I'll Wed You in the Golden Summertime
    In onda il: 2015-05-07 It's Alaric and Jo's wedding day and Elena and Bonnie do their best to help a stressed out Jo with the last minute preparations. After uncovering some life-changing news that Damon has been keeping from him, Stefan takes his brother on a road trip to give him some perspective on his future with Elena. Elsewhere, when Caroline returns to Mystic Falls after dealing with the fallout of her humanity-free rampage, she begins making amends with her friends and comes to a realization about her and Stefan's prospects of being together. Finally, when Bonnie begins having vivid nightmares that Lily is coming after her, she enlists Matt's help in taking Lily down. In onda il: 2015-05-14 22: I'm Thinking of You All the While
    In the aftermath of Alaric and Jo’s powerful nuptials, things take a dramatic turn when an uninvited guest shows up, leaving Elena in terrible jeopardy. Despite Matt’s advice to leave town to protect herself, a defiant Bonnie takes matters into her own hands after finding herself on the receiving end of a twisted plan. As Stefan and Caroline reach an emotional crossroad in their relationship, a reunion with Liv leaves Tyler faced with a decision that could change his life forever. Meanwhile, Lily's reckless actions cause Stefan to realize the lengths to which his mother will go to reunite with her “family.” Finally, after a devastating chain of events, Damon is forced to make the most difficult decision of his life. 22: I'm Thinking of You All the While
    In onda il: 2015-05-14 In the aftermath of Alaric and Jo’s powerful nuptials, things take a dramatic turn when an uninvited guest shows up, leaving Elena in terrible jeopardy. Despite Matt’s advice to leave town to protect herself, a defiant Bonnie takes matters into her own hands after finding herself on the receiving end of a twisted plan. As Stefan and Caroline reach an emotional crossroad in their relationship, a reunion with Liv leaves Tyler faced with a decision that could change his life forever. Meanwhile, Lily's reckless actions cause Stefan to realize the lengths to which his mother will go to reunite with her “family.” Finally, after a devastating chain of events, Damon is forced to make the most difficult decision of his life. Nessun Trailer disponibile
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