G-SHOCK Inviato 14 Giugno 2016 Condividi Inviato 14 Giugno 2016 David Bowie - Collection Deluxe Edition (2016) INFORMATIONS Artist...........David Bowie Name of album..........Collection deluxe edition Year............2016 Genre............. Art Rock, World, Avant-Pop, Glam Rock Size.............1090 mb Codec............mp3 - 320Kbps TRACKLIST Heroes (1991 Deluxe Edition) (12 / 47:20)01. David Bowie - Beauty And The Beast 03:3602. David Bowie - Joe The Lion 03:0703. David Bowie - Heroes 06:1004. David Bowie - Sons Of The Silent Age 03:1905. David Bowie - Blackout 03:5006. David Bowie - V-2 Schneider 03:1107. David Bowie - Sense Of Doubt 03:5608. David Bowie - Moss Garden 05:0409. David Bowie - Neuköln 04:3510. David Bowie - The Secret Life Of Arabia 03:4911. David Bowie - Abdulmajid (Previously Unreleased, 1976-79) 03:3212. David Bowie - Joe The Lion (Remix Version) 03:07Let's Dance (1995 Deluxe Edition) (9 / 44:04)13. David Bowie - Modern Love 04:4914. David Bowie - China Girl 05:3315. David Bowie - Let's Dance 07:3816. David Bowie - Without You 03:1117. David Bowie - Ricochet 05:1418. David Bowie - Criminal World 04:2519. David Bowie - Cat People (Putting Out Fire) 05:1120. David Bowie - Shake It 03:5421. David Bowie - Under Pressure (1982 Single, Duet With Queen) 04:05Lodger (1991 Deluxe Edition) (12 / 45:36)22. David Bowie - Fantastic Voyage 02:5423. David Bowie - African Night Flight 02:5424. David Bowie - Move On 03:1725. David Bowie - Yassassin (Turkish For: Long Live) 04:1026. David Bowie - Red Sails 03:4327. David Bowie - D.J. 04:0028. David Bowie - Look Back In Anger 03:0629. David Bowie - Boys Keep Swinging 03:1730. David Bowie - Repetition 02:5931. David Bowie - Red Money 04:1732. David Bowie - I Pray, Ole (Previously Unreleased Track Recorded 1979) 03:5433. David Bowie - Look Back In Anger (New Version Recorded 1988) 06:58Low (1991 Deluxe Edition) (14 / 50:06)34. David Bowie - Speed Of Life 02:4735. David Bowie - Breaking Glass 01:5236. David Bowie - What In The World 02:2237. David Bowie - Sound And Vision 03:0338. David Bowie - Always Crashing In The Same Car 03:2939. David Bowie - Be My Wife 02:5540. David Bowie - A New Career In A New Town 02:5041. David Bowie - Warszawa 06:2142. David Bowie - Art Decade 03:4543. David Bowie - Weeping Wall 03:2744. David Bowie - Subterraneans 05:3945. David Bowie - Some Are (Previously Unreleased Track Recorded 1976-79) 03:1446. David Bowie - All Saints (Previously Unreleased Track Recorded 1976-79) 03:3547. David Bowie - Sound And Vision (Remixed Version, 1991) 04:40David Bowie\Never Let Me Down (1995 Deluxe Edition) (13 / 61:30)48. David Bowie - Day-In Day-Out 05:3549. David Bowie - Time Will Crawl 04:1850. David Bowie - Beat Of Your Drum 05:0351. David Bowie - Never Let Me Down 04:0452. David Bowie - Zeroes 05:4453. David Bowie - Glass Spider 05:3054. David Bowie - Shining Star (Makin' My Love) 05:0455. David Bowie - New York's In Love 04:3256. David Bowie - '87 And Cry 04:1857. David Bowie - Bang Bang 04:2958. David Bowie - Julie 03:4059. David Bowie - Girls 05:3460. David Bowie - When The Wind Blows 03:32Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps) [1992 Deluxe Edition] (14 / 60:49)61. David Bowie - It's No Game, Pt. 1 04:1662. David Bowie - Up The Hill Backwards 03:1563. David Bowie - Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps) 05:1464. David Bowie - Ashes To Ashes 04:2765. David Bowie - Fashion 04:5166. David Bowie - Teenage Wildlife 06:5667. David Bowie - Scream Like A Baby 03:3568. David Bowie - Kingdom Come 03:4569. David Bowie - Because You're Young 04:5470. David Bowie - It's No Game, Pt. 2 04:2871. David Bowie - Space Oddity (Re-Recorded Single B-Side, 1979) 05:0072. David Bowie - Panic In Detroit (Re-Recorded Version, 1979) 03:0273. David Bowie - Crystal Japan (Japanese Single A-Side, 1979) 03:1174. David Bowie - Alabama Song (Uk Single A-Side, 1979) 03:51Station to Station (2010 Deluxe Edition) CD 1 (6 / 38:15)75. David Bowie - Station To Station 10:1476. David Bowie - Golden Years 04:0277. David Bowie - Word On A Wing 06:0378. David Bowie - Tvc15 05:3479. David Bowie - Stay 06:1580. David Bowie - Wild Is The Wind 06:04Station to Station (2010 Deluxe Edition) CD 2 (7 / 42:23)81. David Bowie - Station To Station (Live) 11:5282. David Bowie - Suffragette City (Live) 03:3083. David Bowie - Fame (Live) 03:5884. David Bowie - Word On A Wing (Live) 06:0485. David Bowie - Stay (Live) 07:2586. David Bowie - Waiting For The Man (Live) 06:1987. David Bowie - Queen Bitch (Live) 03:11Station to Station (2010 Deluxe Edition) CD 3 (8 / 40:39)88. David Bowie - Life On Mars? (Live) 02:1389. David Bowie - Five Years (Live) 05:0490. David Bowie - Panic In Detroit (Live) 06:0291. David Bowie - Changes (Live) 04:1192. David Bowie - Tvc15 (Live) 04:5793. David Bowie - Diamond Dogs (Live) 06:3894. David Bowie - Rebel Rebel (Live) 04:0695. David Bowie - The Jean Genie (Live) 07:25Tonight (1995 Deluxe Edition) (12 / 52:42)96. David Bowie - Loving The Alien 07:1197. David Bowie - Don't Look Down 04:1198. David Bowie - God Only Knows 03:0899. David Bowie - Tonight 03:47100. David Bowie - Neighborhood Threat 03:12101. David Bowie - Blue Jean 03:12102. David Bowie - Tumble And Twirl 04:58103. David Bowie - I Keep Forgetting 02:35104. David Bowie - Dancing With The Big Boys 03:38105. David Bowie - This Is Not America 03:52106. David Bowie - As The World Falls Down 04:52107. David Bowie - Absolute Beginners 08:00 DOWNLOAD Please login or register to see this code. Please login or register to see this code. Please login or register to see this code. 1 Link al commento Condividi su altri siti Altre opzioni di condivisione...
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