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The Tragically Hip - Up To Here (Deluxe Edition) (2024, Blu-ray)


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The Tragically Hip - Up To Here (Deluxe Edition) (2024, Blu-ray)


Title: The Tragically Hip - Up To Here (Deluxe Edition)
Year of release: 2024
Genre:     Rock
Released: Universal Music
Cast: The Tragically Hip


1. Crack My Spine Like A Whip (Live At The Misty Moon)
2. She Didn't Know (Live At The Misty Moon)
3. Highway Girl (Live At The Misty Moon)
4. Just As Well (Live At The Misty Moon)
5. Boots Or Hearts (Live At The Misty Moon)
6. Trickle Down (Live At The Misty Moon)
7. Get Back Again (Live At The Misty Moon)
8. Three Pistols (Live At The Misty Moon)
9. Fight (Live At The Misty Moon)
10. 38 Years Old (Live At The Misty Moon)
11. Blow At High Dough (Live At The Misty Moon)
12. I'll Believe In You (Or I'll Be Leaving You Tonight) (Live At The Misty Moon)
13. New Orleans Is Sinking (Live At The Misty Moon)
14. On The Verge (Live At The Misty Moon)

Quality: Blu-ray
Video: MPEG-4 AVC Video / 17992 kbps / 1920x1080 / 29.970 fps / 16:9
Audio: English / LPCM Audio / 2.0 / 96 kHz / 4608 kbps / 24-bit
Audio: English / Dolby TrueHD Audio / 5.1 / 96 kHz / 3860 kbps / 16-bit
Audio: English / Dolby TrueHD Audio / 7.1 / 96 kHz / 4996 kbps / 16-bit
Audio: English / Dolby TrueHD Audio / 7.1 / 48 kHz / 4941 kbps / 24-bit
Total Size: 22.98 GB
Total Time: 01:00:00

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