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Damon Locks - List of Demands (2025)


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Damon Locks - List of Demands (2025)


Artist...............: Damon Locks
Album................: List Of Demands
Genre................: Jazz
Source...............: CD
Year.................: 2025
Ripper...............: EAC (Secure mode) / LAME 3.92 & Asus CD-S520
Codec................: LAME 3.99
Version..............: MPEG 1 Layer III
Quality..............: Insane, (avg. bitrate: 320kbps)
Channels.............: Joint Stereo / 48000 hz
Tags.................: ID3 v1.1, ID3 v2.3
Playing Time.........: 31:29
Total Size...........: 74,86 MB

01 Reversed    01:58
02 Distance    04:26
03 Holding The Dawn In Place (Beyond Pt. 2)    03:37
04 Everything's Under Control    00:33
05 Isn't It Beautiful    02:56
06 High Priestess    02:38
07 Meteors Of Fear    02:24
08 List Of Demands    02:56
09 The Signal Is Hot    01:44
10 Control Power    00:30
11 Click    05:13
12 Reversed Pt. 2 (Something To Love)    03:05

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