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Adguard Premium v4.2.118 Final Mod .apk - ITA


Messaggi raccomandati


Per bloccare su internet i messaggi pubblicitari senza aver bisogno del rot !!

AdGuard è uno strumento unico che elimina la pubblicità su Android anche senza privilegi di rot, protegge la tua privacy e ti aiuta a gestire le tue app.
Facile da configurare e da impostare, ma potente e altamente personalizzabile - ha tutto ciò di cui avrai mai bisogno da un ad blocker, non solo rimuovere la pubblicità su Android ma anche evitare l'apertura di pagine indesiderate, per fare un esempio.

Enabled HTTPS filtering by default for the Opera browser;

Exclude INETCOM.TV from routing by default;
AdGuard cannot start protection due to HTTPS certificate expiration;
Auto-update of custom filters doesn't work;
AdGuard logs users out of their accounts;
AdGuard notifications cause the locked screen to turn on while in sleep mode;
HTTPS filtering is disabled for the app after relaunching AdGuard if the certificate has been moved to the system storage;
Shadow around the main switch is missing on Android 8;
Some elements are not announced correctly by TalkBack;
Switch sometimes disappears for 10-30 seconds, protection restarts for a long time;
The space at the bottom of the "How to block ads on YouTube" screen is missing on devices with small screens;
If the app is set to Traditional Chinese, the filters are displayed in Simplified Chinese after the update;
Switching between firewall tabs causes AdGuard to crash;
Importing settings with a different language does not immediately change the language;
License is not imported when importing settings;
Non-working button in the snack about disabled notifications;
On the 'Why filter HTTPS traffic' screen, pressing Next again cancels the previous action;
A cross button doesn't remove the text in the search bar on the Language-specific ad blocking screen;
The text of imported/exported settings does not fit in the dialog box;
CoreLibs (Filtering engine) updated to v1.12.80.

Versione corrente
È necessario Android
7.0 e versioni successive




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