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Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Yuru Camp the Movie 2 h 1 m 2022 Animazione ◦ Commedia Film che presenta una storia originale con le protagoniste ormai adulte. Rin, che ora lavora per un piccolo editore a Nagoya, riceve un messaggio dalla sua amica Chiaki. Quest'ultima le racconta che l'organizzazione per la promozione turistica di Yamanishi l'ha incaricata di riaprire un sito chiuso ormai da molti anni. Dopo aver sentito questo Rin propone di trasformarlo in un campeggio e chiama Nadeshiko, Aoi e Ena per lanciare questo progetto. Le cinque ragazze, indossato gli abiti da lavoro, inizieranno a progettare il campeggio da zero e questo riporterà a galla i ricordi dei bei giorni passati con il club al liceo. 京極義昭 Director 佐々木睦美 Character Designer あfろ Comic Book 田中仁 Screenplay 伊藤睦美 Screenplay 井本美穂 Prop Designer 堤谷典子 Prop Designer 遠藤大輔 Mechanical Designer 丸尾一 Mechanical Designer 水野多恵子 Color Designer 海野よしみ Art Direction 田中博章 Director of Photography 高寺たけし Sound Director 立山秋航 Original Music Composer 亜咲花 Theme Song Performance 佐々木恵梨 Theme Song Performance 山下喜光 Storyboard Artist 高村雄太 Storyboard Artist 金澤洪充 Storyboard Artist 黒澤雅之 Storyboard Artist 川面真也 Storyboard Artist 京極義昭 Storyboard Artist 浅野景利 Storyboard Artist 浅野景利 Second Unit Director 川面真也 Second Unit Director 高橋航貴 Assistant Director 高野やよい Second Unit Director 田村正文 Second Unit Director 田村正文 Storyboard Artist 京極義昭 Second Unit Director 橋本能理子 Second Unit Director 金子伸吾 Second Unit Director 佐々木睦美 Supervising Animation Director 渡邉亜彩美 Supervising Animation Director 井本美穂 Animation Director 丸尾一 Animation Director 遠藤大輔 Animation Director 堤谷典子 Animation Director 山下喜光 Animation Director 石川奨士 Animation Director 高野やよい Animation Director 渡邉亜彩美 Animation Director 近藤律子 Animation Director 吉岡勝 Animation Director 宇良隆太 Animation Director 金内恵美里 Animation Director 高橋道子 Animation Director 耳浦朋彰 Animation Director 澤入祐樹 Animation Director 野田めぐみ Animation Director 渡辺優奈 Animation Director 会沢佳奈 Animation Director 足立明日美 Animation Director 桐山染利 Animation Director 鈴木夕陽 Key Animation 羽鳥孝信 Key Animation 矢木正之 Key Animation 石塚健 Key Animation 伊勢奈央子 Key Animation 古徳真美 Key Animation 林可爲 Key Animation 南雲紋 Key Animation 富永里都 Key Animation 会沢佳奈 Key Animation 渡辺優奈 Key Animation 足立明日美 Key Animation 丸尾一 Key Animation 嘉陽さやか Key Animation 堤谷典子 Key Animation 塚越修平 Key Animation 渡邉亜彩美 Key Animation 五味輝秋 Key Animation 高橋航貴 Key Animation 井本美穂 Key Animation 近藤律子 Key Animation 遠藤大輔 Key Animation 桐山染利 Key Animation 山下喜光 Key Animation 田村正文 Key Animation 末廣里帆 Key Animation 小畑りん Key Animation 鴨田真由子 Key Animation 野田遥夏 Key Animation 岩男貴志 Key Animation 仁井宏隆 Key Animation 藤原竜我 Key Animation 古川信之 Key Animation 中西麻美子 Key Animation 大下知之 Key Animation 日下義庵 Key Animation 吉木正行 Key Animation 直木祥子 Key Animation 佐藤愛架 Key Animation 千葉啓太郎 Key Animation 昆富美子 Key Animation 本城恵一朗 Key Animation 松村和子 Key Animation 渡辺章 Key Animation 津野満代 Key Animation 河村涼子 Key Animation 澤入祐樹 Key Animation 林さやか Key Animation 大谷彩絵 Animation 土井那菜 Animation 山口智也 Animation 長澤順子 Art Designer 長澤順子 Background Designer 須藤理子 Background Designer 秦翔 Background Designer 新城湧基 Background Designer 渡嘉敷壮 Background Designer 緑川翔 Background Designer 具滋宣 Background Designer 永野和宏 Background Designer 植田渓史 Background Designer 廣納光 Background Designer 市倉敬 Background Designer 伊奈淳子 Background Designer 吉山裕也 Background Designer 永井愛美 Background Designer 河邊温子 Background Designer 上野夏美 Background Designer 小保方良輔 Background Designer 菊地竜雅 Background Designer 東源実樹 Background Designer 小川晴 Background Designer 沢登由香 Background Designer 込山明日香 Background Designer 長友響 Background Designer 井上真緒 Background Designer 高山八大 Background Designer 小田友也 Background Designer 大内珠帆 Co-Writer 川﨑千遥 Sound Mixer 風間結花 Sound Effects 村上純 Music Producer 黒澤雅之 Editor 櫻井理恵 Online Editor 井上龍一 Online Editor 安藤盛治 Executive Producer 吉田眞人 Executive Producer 小林宏之 Executive Producer 山崎明日香 Executive Producer 岡村武真 Executive Producer 百田英生 Executive Producer 松田穣 Executive Producer 松村俊輔 Executive Producer 綾野佳菜子 Producer 渡瀬昌太 Producer 下里悟 Producer 奥村葉 Producer 小柳路子 Executive Producer 小澤文啓 Producer 肥沼侑里 Producer 澤井美舞 Producer 藤本款 Executive Producer 黒田悠生 Producer 大和田智之 Producer 堀田将市 Co-Producer 立山秋航 Musician 藤田乙比古 Musician 川崎美和 Background Designer 川口華 Background Designer 鳩山亜衣 Background Designer 槻舘育子 Background Designer 菱沼康範 Background Designer 小平怜奈 Background Designer 佐瀬菜々子 Background Designer 藤井朝陽 Background Designer 本田小百合 Background Designer 森智裕 Background Designer 斧正興 Background Designer 松澤里笑 Background Designer 土屋胡桃 Background Designer 藤澤陽 Background Designer 松浦美穂 Background Designer 荒木翔 Compositing Artist 志賀傑 Compositing Artist 大堀滉介 Compositing Artist 堀内美咲 Compositing Artist 福島みずき Compositing Artist 川上大仁 Compositing Artist 加曾利彩 Compositing Artist 槇仁美 Production Manager 入江麻紀 Production Manager 二川大輝 Production Assistant 平谷一真 Production Assistant 北林弘樹 Production Assistant 伊藤太貴 Production Assistant 山下碧依 Production Assistant 櫻井優子 Production Assistant 鈴木初幸 Production Assistant 中村ヒロ Main Title Theme Composer 花守ゆみり Nadeshiko Kagamihara (voice) 東山奈央 Rin Shima (voice) 原紗友里 Chiaki 'Aki' Ogaki (voice) 豊崎愛生 Aoi Inuyama (voice) 高橋李依 Ena Saito (voice) 利根健太朗 Kariya (voice) 青山穣 Editor-in-chief (voice) 依田菜津 Komaki Store Manager (voice) 上田燿司 Shirakawa (voice) 多田野曜平 Okazaki (voice) 井上麻里奈 Sakura Kagamihara (voice) 大畑慎太郎 Shuichiro Kagamihara (voice) 山本希望 Shizuka Kagamihara (voice) 櫻井孝宏 Wataru Shima (voice) 水橋かおり Saki Shima (voice) 伊藤静 Minami Toba (voice) 黒沢ともよ Ayano Toki (voice) 松田利冴 Akari Inuyama (voice) 平野俊隆 Lake Motosu Campground Manager (voice) 古賀葵 Female High-school Student (voice) 朝日奈丸佳 Female High-school Student (voice) 内山茉莉 Female High-school Student (voice) 德石勝大 Guest Family Father (voice) 後藤彩佐 Guest Family Mother (voice) 本泉莉奈 Guest Family Daughter (voice) 酒巻光宏 Mechanic (voice) 織江珠生 Dog Owner (voice) 大塚明夫 Shinshiro Hajime / Narration (voice) Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Yuru Camp △ 3 [12/12] (2024) [3°Serie] Sub ITA Streaming
Sert-X ha pubblicato a video in Anime Sub ITA
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Laid-Back Camp Stagione 3 Episodi 12 Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Famiglia Rin adora andare in campeggio solitario attorno a dei laghi da cui si ha una bella vista del Monte Fuji mentre Nadeshiko ha l'hobby di fare delle sgambate in bicicletta fino a vari posti da cui ammirare il più celebre monte del Giappone. Ad un certo punto le due ragazze si incontrano ed iniziano a fare viaggi insieme, mangiando ramen ed ammirando il paesaggio. 登坂晋 Series Director 田﨑勝也 Executive Producer 本荘健吾 Executive Producer 本橋龍一 Executive Producer 公文善之 Executive Producer 須山博一 Executive Producer 難波秀行 Executive Producer 小澤文啓 Producer 肥沼侑里 Producer 淡路徹 Producer 生原雄次 CG Supervisor 高井ウララ Music Producer 真田淳史 Producer 内田直継 Sound Mixer 久下真音 Main Title Theme Composer 林竜太 Art Designer 眞木春奈 Art Designer 阿曽歩 Art Designer 八木彩乃 Art Designer 舘遼太朗 Online Editor 谷口和己 Online Editor 西康介 Associate Producer 野邉伸泰 Associate Producer 清野喜代斗 Associate Producer 山村綾沙 Associate Producer 渡邉日向子 Associate Producer 菊池美穂 Associate Producer 石塚正俊 Associate Producer 生原雄次 Graphic Designer 松本克樹 Art Department Production Assistant ピエール杉浦 Series Composition 橋本尚典 Character Designer 小川克人 Director of Photography 長谷川美穂 Color Designer 権瓶岳斗 Art Direction つむぎしゃち Theme Song Performance 豊田暁子 Prop Designer 興津香織 Prop Designer 稲田航 Mechanical Designer 広沢範光 CGI Director 榎本雅仁 Executive Producer 佐野圭介 Executive Producer 大和田智之 Producer 安藤盛治 Executive Producer 和田薫 Producer 奥村葉 Producer 多田祐一 Associate Producer 孝壽尚志 Executive Producer 南沢道義 Executive Producer 武智恒雄 Executive Producer 風間結花 Sound Effects 百田英生 Producer 中村ヒロ Main Title Theme Composer 下里悟 Producer 渡瀬昌太 Producer 小林宏之 Producer 佐々木恵梨 Main Title Theme Composer 亜咲花 Theme Song Performance 高寺たけし Sound Director 立山秋航 Original Music Composer あfろ Comic Book 花守ゆみり Nadeshiko Kagamihara (voice) 東山奈央 Rin Shima (voice) 原紗友里 Chiaki 'Aki' Ogaki (voice) 豊崎愛生 Aoi Inuyama (voice) 高橋李依 Ena Saito (voice) Episodi: 12 In onda il: 2024-04-04 1: Where Should We Go Next? Rin thinks back to how her grandpa got her into camping. Meanwhile, the Outdoor Activities Club gets back together for the first time in a while. They build an alcohol stove and plan their next outing. 1: Where Should We Go Next? In onda il: 2024-04-04 Rin thinks back to how her grandpa got her into camping. Meanwhile, the Outdoor Activities Club gets back together for the first time in a while. They build an alcohol stove and plan their next outing. In onda il: 2024-04-11 2: Mini Camping and Yard Camping The Outclub girls decide to make a day of camping in Ena's yard to cut Aki's hair and try out their new DIY alcohol stoves. Meanwhile, a new camper takes some smaller trips for herself and starts dreaming big. 2: Mini Camping and Yard Camping In onda il: 2024-04-11 The Outclub girls decide to make a day of camping in Ena's yard to cut Aki's hair and try out their new DIY alcohol stoves. Meanwhile, a new camper takes some smaller trips for herself and starts dreaming big. In onda il: 2024-04-18 3: We're Off! Land of Suspension Bridges On their way to meet up with Nadeshiko for a three-girl camping trip, Rin and Ayano bike their way around Ikawa to see the area's impressive array of suspension bridges. 3: We're Off! Land of Suspension Bridges In onda il: 2024-04-18 On their way to meet up with Nadeshiko for a three-girl camping trip, Rin and Ayano bike their way around Ikawa to see the area's impressive array of suspension bridges. In onda il: 2024-04-25 4: Hatanagi Attack! Death Road From Hell Rin and Ayano bike their way up treacherous mountain roads and cross terrifying swinging bridges to make it to the campsite. While she waits for them, Nadeshiko takes in the sights and manages to find a scare of her own... 4: Hatanagi Attack! Death Road From Hell In onda il: 2024-04-25 Rin and Ayano bike their way up treacherous mountain roads and cross terrifying swinging bridges to make it to the campsite. While she waits for them, Nadeshiko takes in the sights and manages to find a scare of her own... In onda il: 2024-05-02 5: Campfires and Beef Feasts Nadeshiko takes it upon herself to prep the campsite, as well as a few treats. When the other girls finally make it, it's time for a campfire and a camp-worthy feast! 5: Campfires and Beef Feasts In onda il: 2024-05-02 Nadeshiko takes it upon herself to prep the campsite, as well as a few treats. When the other girls finally make it, it's time for a campfire and a camp-worthy feast! In onda il: 2024-05-09 6: See You Again Someday The three-girl camping trip is winding down, but Rin, Ayano, and Nadeshiko are determined to see everything there is to see and eat everything there is to eat before it's over! 6: See You Again Someday In onda il: 2024-05-09 The three-girl camping trip is winding down, but Rin, Ayano, and Nadeshiko are determined to see everything there is to see and eat everything there is to eat before it's over! In onda il: 2024-05-16 7: True or Embellished? Retrospective Camping After Nadeshiko returns from the Oigawa trip, the other Outclub girls recount for her (somewhat dubiously) a spontaneous bus-based camping trip they took while she, Rin, and Ayano were away. 7: True or Embellished? Retrospective Camping In onda il: 2024-05-16 After Nadeshiko returns from the Oigawa trip, the other Outclub girls recount for her (somewhat dubiously) a spontaneous bus-based camping trip they took while she, Rin, and Ayano were away. In onda il: 2024-05-23 8: The Food Porn Begins!! The Outclub girls share the delicious second half of their (somewhat embellished) camp trip story with Nadeshiko. 8: The Food Porn Begins!! In onda il: 2024-05-23 The Outclub girls share the delicious second half of their (somewhat embellished) camp trip story with Nadeshiko. In onda il: 2024-05-30 9: Touring and Checking Out the Cherry Blossoms Rin takes her first solo camp trip in a while, and Nadeshiko takes an impromptu drive with her sister to see the local cherry blossoms while they're in full bloom. 9: Touring and Checking Out the Cherry Blossoms In onda il: 2024-05-30 Rin takes her first solo camp trip in a while, and Nadeshiko takes an impromptu drive with her sister to see the local cherry blossoms while they're in full bloom. In onda il: 2024-06-06 10: Chikuwa, Trains, Chiaki's Solo Camping Ena takes Chikuwa for a springtime walk in the park, Nadeshiko manages to sneak some trains into her cherry blossom tour with her sister, and Chiaki tries her hand at solo camping with a savory twist. 10: Chikuwa, Trains, Chiaki's Solo Camping In onda il: 2024-06-06 Ena takes Chikuwa for a springtime walk in the park, Nadeshiko manages to sneak some trains into her cherry blossom tour with her sister, and Chiaki tries her hand at solo camping with a savory twist. In onda il: 2024-06-13 11: Scenery From Way Back Chiaki comes to find out that her surprise encounter with Aoi ahead of their cherry blossom camp trip is thanks to a sudden (and speedy) gift. Meanwhile, Rin joins up with Nadeshiko and her sister to take in some nostalgic scenery. 11: Scenery From Way Back In onda il: 2024-06-13 Chiaki comes to find out that her surprise encounter with Aoi ahead of their cherry blossom camp trip is thanks to a sudden (and speedy) gift. Meanwhile, Rin joins up with Nadeshiko and her sister to take in some nostalgic scenery. In onda il: 2024-06-20 12: April 2nd: Cherry Blossom Camp Trip The entire gang finally gets together for their much-awaited cherry blossom camp trip, and there's plenty of good food and good memories to go around! 12: April 2nd: Cherry Blossom Camp Trip In onda il: 2024-06-20 The entire gang finally gets together for their much-awaited cherry blossom camp trip, and there's plenty of good food and good memories to go around! Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e -
Yuru Camp △ 2 [13/13] (2021) [2°Serie] Sub ITA Streaming
Sert-X ha pubblicato a video in Anime Sub ITA
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Laid-Back Camp Stagione 2 Episodi 13 Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Famiglia Rin adora andare in campeggio solitario attorno a dei laghi da cui si ha una bella vista del Monte Fuji mentre Nadeshiko ha l'hobby di fare delle sgambate in bicicletta fino a vari posti da cui ammirare il più celebre monte del Giappone. Ad un certo punto le due ragazze si incontrano ed iniziano a fare viaggi insieme, mangiando ramen ed ammirando il paesaggio. 登坂晋 Series Director 田﨑勝也 Executive Producer 本荘健吾 Executive Producer 本橋龍一 Executive Producer 公文善之 Executive Producer 須山博一 Executive Producer 難波秀行 Executive Producer 小澤文啓 Producer 肥沼侑里 Producer 淡路徹 Producer 生原雄次 CG Supervisor 高井ウララ Music Producer 真田淳史 Producer 内田直継 Sound Mixer 久下真音 Main Title Theme Composer 林竜太 Art Designer 眞木春奈 Art Designer 阿曽歩 Art Designer 八木彩乃 Art Designer 舘遼太朗 Online Editor 谷口和己 Online Editor 西康介 Associate Producer 野邉伸泰 Associate Producer 清野喜代斗 Associate Producer 山村綾沙 Associate Producer 渡邉日向子 Associate Producer 菊池美穂 Associate Producer 石塚正俊 Associate Producer 生原雄次 Graphic Designer 松本克樹 Art Department Production Assistant ピエール杉浦 Series Composition 橋本尚典 Character Designer 小川克人 Director of Photography 長谷川美穂 Color Designer 権瓶岳斗 Art Direction つむぎしゃち Theme Song Performance 豊田暁子 Prop Designer 興津香織 Prop Designer 稲田航 Mechanical Designer 広沢範光 CGI Director 榎本雅仁 Executive Producer 佐野圭介 Executive Producer 大和田智之 Producer 安藤盛治 Executive Producer 和田薫 Producer 奥村葉 Producer 多田祐一 Associate Producer 孝壽尚志 Executive Producer 南沢道義 Executive Producer 武智恒雄 Executive Producer 風間結花 Sound Effects 百田英生 Producer 中村ヒロ Main Title Theme Composer 下里悟 Producer 渡瀬昌太 Producer 小林宏之 Producer 佐々木恵梨 Main Title Theme Composer 亜咲花 Theme Song Performance 高寺たけし Sound Director 立山秋航 Original Music Composer あfろ Comic Book 花守ゆみり Nadeshiko Kagamihara (voice) 東山奈央 Rin Shima (voice) 原紗友里 Chiaki 'Aki' Ogaki (voice) 豊崎愛生 Aoi Inuyama (voice) 高橋李依 Ena Saito (voice) Episodi: 13 In onda il: 2021-01-07 1: Curry Noodles Are the Best Travel Companion It’s approaching the end of the year. Rin plans a solo camping trip, while the Outdoors Club members earn cash to buy more gear. 1: Curry Noodles Are the Best Travel Companion In onda il: 2021-01-07 It’s approaching the end of the year. Rin plans a solo camping trip, while the Outdoors Club members earn cash to buy more gear. In onda il: 2021-01-14 2: New Year's Solo Camper Girl It’s New Year’s Eve. Rin arrives at the shore in Shizuoka. Nadeshiko is busy with her temp job, when she receives a message from Rin. 2: New Year's Solo Camper Girl In onda il: 2021-01-14 It’s New Year’s Eve. Rin arrives at the shore in Shizuoka. Nadeshiko is busy with her temp job, when she receives a message from Rin. In onda il: 2021-01-21 3: Surprise Camping and Some Deep Thoughts Nadeshiko is spending New Years at her grandma’s place in Shizuoka. Her friend, Ayano is staying over, and Rin joins them to hang out. 3: Surprise Camping and Some Deep Thoughts In onda il: 2021-01-21 Nadeshiko is spending New Years at her grandma’s place in Shizuoka. Her friend, Ayano is staying over, and Rin joins them to hang out. In onda il: 2021-01-28 4: What Are You Buying With Your Temp Job Money? With winter break over, the girls begin planning their next OutClub outing. 4: What Are You Buying With Your Temp Job Money? In onda il: 2021-01-28 With winter break over, the girls begin planning their next OutClub outing. In onda il: 2021-02-04 5: Caribou-kun and Lake Yamanaka Chiaki, Aoi and Ena buy new camping gear, and they set out to go camping at Lake Yamanaka. 5: Caribou-kun and Lake Yamanaka In onda il: 2021-02-04 Chiaki, Aoi and Ena buy new camping gear, and they set out to go camping at Lake Yamanaka. In onda il: 2021-02-11 6: Cape Ohmama in Winter Chiaki, Aoi and Ena arrive at Lake Yamanaka, but they run into some trouble. 6: Cape Ohmama in Winter In onda il: 2021-02-11 Chiaki, Aoi and Ena arrive at Lake Yamanaka, but they run into some trouble. In onda il: 2021-02-18 7: Nadeshiko's Solo Camp Planning Nadeshiko goes solo camping for the first time. Meanwhile, Rin, who is out touring Hayakawa City, bumps into Nadeshiko’s sister, Sakura. 7: Nadeshiko's Solo Camp Planning In onda il: 2021-02-18 Nadeshiko goes solo camping for the first time. Meanwhile, Rin, who is out touring Hayakawa City, bumps into Nadeshiko’s sister, Sakura. In onda il: 2021-02-25 8: Camping Alone Nadeshiko arrives at her campsite and begins experimenting with outdoor cooking, when two kids show up. 8: Camping Alone In onda il: 2021-02-25 Nadeshiko arrives at her campsite and begins experimenting with outdoor cooking, when two kids show up. In onda il: 2021-03-04 9: Winter's End and the Day of Departure Everyone is going to Izu to camp soon, and so Nadeshiko plans what to make. Meanwhile, Rin adds some new parts to her bike, when her grandpa pays her a visit. 9: Winter's End and the Day of Departure In onda il: 2021-03-04 Everyone is going to Izu to camp soon, and so Nadeshiko plans what to make. Meanwhile, Rin adds some new parts to her bike, when her grandpa pays her a visit. In onda il: 2021-03-11 10: The Izu Camp Trip Begins! Akari joins the other campers, and they head out to Izu. They check out various geospots and try the local food. 10: The Izu Camp Trip Begins! In onda il: 2021-03-11 Akari joins the other campers, and they head out to Izu. They check out various geospots and try the local food. In onda il: 2021-03-18 11: Izu Camping!! On the Way The gang changes course and head toward a different campsite. After they hit the hot springs, at night, Nadeshiko treats them to her cooking. 11: Izu Camping!! On the Way In onda il: 2021-03-18 The gang changes course and head toward a different campsite. After they hit the hot springs, at night, Nadeshiko treats them to her cooking. In onda il: 2021-03-25 12: Izu Camping!!! Birthdays! It’s the second day of the OutClub’s Izu trip. They go to Dougashima Island and walk across the tombolo, and put on a surprise birthday party for Nadeshko and Aoi at the end of the day. 12: Izu Camping!!! Birthdays! In onda il: 2021-03-25 It’s the second day of the OutClub’s Izu trip. They go to Dougashima Island and walk across the tombolo, and put on a surprise birthday party for Nadeshko and Aoi at the end of the day. In onda il: 2021-04-01 13: I'm Home It’s the last day of the Izu trip. The group visit the Iidas, who had helped them on their Izu trip and say hi to the hot spring capybaras. 13: I'm Home In onda il: 2021-04-01 It’s the last day of the Izu trip. The group visit the Iidas, who had helped them on their Izu trip and say hi to the hot spring capybaras. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e -
Yuru Camp △ [12/12] (2018) [1°Serie] Sub ITA Streaming
Naruto Sennin ha pubblicato a video in Anime Sub ITA
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Laid-Back Camp Stagione 1 Episodi 12 Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Famiglia Rin adora andare in campeggio solitario attorno a dei laghi da cui si ha una bella vista del Monte Fuji mentre Nadeshiko ha l'hobby di fare delle sgambate in bicicletta fino a vari posti da cui ammirare il più celebre monte del Giappone. Ad un certo punto le due ragazze si incontrano ed iniziano a fare viaggi insieme, mangiando ramen ed ammirando il paesaggio. 登坂晋 Series Director 田﨑勝也 Executive Producer 本荘健吾 Executive Producer 本橋龍一 Executive Producer 公文善之 Executive Producer 須山博一 Executive Producer 難波秀行 Executive Producer 小澤文啓 Producer 肥沼侑里 Producer 淡路徹 Producer 生原雄次 CG Supervisor 高井ウララ Music Producer 真田淳史 Producer 内田直継 Sound Mixer 久下真音 Main Title Theme Composer 林竜太 Art Designer 眞木春奈 Art Designer 阿曽歩 Art Designer 八木彩乃 Art Designer 舘遼太朗 Online Editor 谷口和己 Online Editor 西康介 Associate Producer 野邉伸泰 Associate Producer 清野喜代斗 Associate Producer 山村綾沙 Associate Producer 渡邉日向子 Associate Producer 菊池美穂 Associate Producer 石塚正俊 Associate Producer 生原雄次 Graphic Designer 松本克樹 Art Department Production Assistant ピエール杉浦 Series Composition 橋本尚典 Character Designer 小川克人 Director of Photography 長谷川美穂 Color Designer 権瓶岳斗 Art Direction つむぎしゃち Theme Song Performance 豊田暁子 Prop Designer 興津香織 Prop Designer 稲田航 Mechanical Designer 広沢範光 CGI Director 榎本雅仁 Executive Producer 佐野圭介 Executive Producer 大和田智之 Producer 安藤盛治 Executive Producer 和田薫 Producer 奥村葉 Producer 多田祐一 Associate Producer 孝壽尚志 Executive Producer 南沢道義 Executive Producer 武智恒雄 Executive Producer 風間結花 Sound Effects 百田英生 Producer 中村ヒロ Main Title Theme Composer 下里悟 Producer 渡瀬昌太 Producer 小林宏之 Producer 佐々木恵梨 Main Title Theme Composer 亜咲花 Theme Song Performance 高寺たけし Sound Director 立山秋航 Original Music Composer あfろ Comic Book 花守ゆみり Nadeshiko Kagamihara (voice) 東山奈央 Rin Shima (voice) 原紗友里 Chiaki 'Aki' Ogaki (voice) 豊崎愛生 Aoi Inuyama (voice) 高橋李依 Ena Saito (voice) Episodi: 12 In onda il: 2018-01-04 1: Mount Fuji and Curry Noodles A girl named Rin Shima comes to a campsite in Motosuko, facing opposite Mount Fuji, to spend the day camping. While setting up a campfire, Rin notices a peculiar girl sleeping by the public restroom, but thinks nothing of it. Later on in the night, Rin once again comes across the girl, Nadeshiko Kagamihara, who had gotten herself lost after just moving to a new house, and shares her curry noodles with her before they both get a clear view of Mount Fuji. After eventually managing to get her sister to pick her up, Nadeshiko leaves Rin with her phone number in the hopes of camping with her once again. A few days later, Nadeshiko begins attending her new school, which Rin also attends. 1: Mount Fuji and Curry Noodles In onda il: 2018-01-04 A girl named Rin Shima comes to a campsite in Motosuko, facing opposite Mount Fuji, to spend the day camping. While setting up a campfire, Rin notices a peculiar girl sleeping by the public restroom, but thinks nothing of it. Later on in the night, Rin once again comes across the girl, Nadeshiko Kagamihara, who had gotten herself lost after just moving to a new house, and shares her curry noodles with her before they both get a clear view of Mount Fuji. After eventually managing to get her sister to pick her up, Nadeshiko leaves Rin with her phone number in the hopes of camping with her once again. A few days later, Nadeshiko begins attending her new school, which Rin also attends. In onda il: 2018-01-11 2: Welcome to the Outdoor Activities Club! Nadeshiko pays a visit to her school's Outdoor Activities Circle, consisting of two members; Aoi Inuyama and Chiaki Ohgaki. The girls attempt to put together a cheap tent only for it to break on them. They are helped out by Rin's friend Ena Saitou, who draws Nadeshiko's attention towards the fact Rin also attends her school. Later, as Rin goes on another solo camping trip, Nadeshiko, having been informed by Ena, goes over with some hotpot. 2: Welcome to the Outdoor Activities Club! In onda il: 2018-01-11 Nadeshiko pays a visit to her school's Outdoor Activities Circle, consisting of two members; Aoi Inuyama and Chiaki Ohgaki. The girls attempt to put together a cheap tent only for it to break on them. They are helped out by Rin's friend Ena Saitou, who draws Nadeshiko's attention towards the fact Rin also attends her school. Later, as Rin goes on another solo camping trip, Nadeshiko, having been informed by Ena, goes over with some hotpot. In onda il: 2018-01-18 3: Mount Fuji and Relaxed Hot Pot Camp While Nadeshiko makes gyoza hotpot for Rin, Chiaki gets a job at a liquor store to fund the club. Enjoying the meal, Rin apologises for being cold towards Nadeshiko when she invited her to join the club and promises to camp again with her some time. After spending the night in her sister's car, Nadeshiko wakes up early to watch the sun rise over Mount Fuji. 3: Mount Fuji and Relaxed Hot Pot Camp In onda il: 2018-01-18 While Nadeshiko makes gyoza hotpot for Rin, Chiaki gets a job at a liquor store to fund the club. Enjoying the meal, Rin apologises for being cold towards Nadeshiko when she invited her to join the club and promises to camp again with her some time. After spending the night in her sister's car, Nadeshiko wakes up early to watch the sun rise over Mount Fuji. In onda il: 2018-01-25 4: The Outdoor Activities Club and the Solo Camping Girl The Outdoor Activities Club plans its first trip, but they do not have the right sleeping bags for the cold weather. Trying to cut costs, the club members try wrapping the summer sleeping bag in foil, bubble wrap, and cardboard, and ultimately decide to each purchase a winter sleeping bag online. Meanwhile, Rin gets her motorcycle license and goes on a solo camping trip in Nagano. On the day of the camping trip, the club members hike through Fuefuki, stopping at a cafe and hot springs resort along the way, and then watching a live stream of Rin. 4: The Outdoor Activities Club and the Solo Camping Girl In onda il: 2018-01-25 The Outdoor Activities Club plans its first trip, but they do not have the right sleeping bags for the cold weather. Trying to cut costs, the club members try wrapping the summer sleeping bag in foil, bubble wrap, and cardboard, and ultimately decide to each purchase a winter sleeping bag online. Meanwhile, Rin gets her motorcycle license and goes on a solo camping trip in Nagano. On the day of the camping trip, the club members hike through Fuefuki, stopping at a cafe and hot springs resort along the way, and then watching a live stream of Rin. In onda il: 2018-02-01 5: Two Camps, Two Campers' Views Nadeshiko's group takes a nice relaxing dip in the hot springs, almost succumbing to the urge to eat before they reach their campsite. Meanwhile, Rin arrives at the Takabotchi Highlands and is overcome by a desire to go to a hot spring too, only to discover the nearest one has closed down. Dejected, Rin decides to climb up the peak, where she is rewarded with a lovely view, before finding a spot to cook some pasta. The club finally arrive at their campsite, where Nadeshiko makes curry for everyone. While the others are asleep, Nadeshiko goes to take a picture of the city lights to send to Rin, who goes to the summit of Mt. Takabotchi to send her a similar view in return. 5: Two Camps, Two Campers' Views In onda il: 2018-02-01 Nadeshiko's group takes a nice relaxing dip in the hot springs, almost succumbing to the urge to eat before they reach their campsite. Meanwhile, Rin arrives at the Takabotchi Highlands and is overcome by a desire to go to a hot spring too, only to discover the nearest one has closed down. Dejected, Rin decides to climb up the peak, where she is rewarded with a lovely view, before finding a spot to cook some pasta. The club finally arrive at their campsite, where Nadeshiko makes curry for everyone. While the others are asleep, Nadeshiko goes to take a picture of the city lights to send to Rin, who goes to the summit of Mt. Takabotchi to send her a similar view in return. In onda il: 2018-02-08 6: Meat and Fall Colors and the Mystery Lake Rin opens a package to find a mini-grill, which she dreams of using to cook various meats while talking with Ena. Nadeshiko overhears their conversation and suggests a camping trip to try the grill. The two visit a supermarket to buy meat, but are forced to settle for substitutes as their desired items were not available. While there, they meet Aoi, who is working as a cashier, and tell her of their plans. Meanwhile, Chiaki is visiting Lake Shibileko when she encounters a man grilling steak in a skillet, who offers her part of it. Rin and Nadeshiko are driven by the latter's sister to the lake. 6: Meat and Fall Colors and the Mystery Lake In onda il: 2018-02-08 Rin opens a package to find a mini-grill, which she dreams of using to cook various meats while talking with Ena. Nadeshiko overhears their conversation and suggests a camping trip to try the grill. The two visit a supermarket to buy meat, but are forced to settle for substitutes as their desired items were not available. While there, they meet Aoi, who is working as a cashier, and tell her of their plans. Meanwhile, Chiaki is visiting Lake Shibileko when she encounters a man grilling steak in a skillet, who offers her part of it. Rin and Nadeshiko are driven by the latter's sister to the lake. In onda il: 2018-02-15 7: A Night on the Lake Shore and Campers At Lake Shibire, Rin and Nadeshiko set up their tents as the latter worries about the myth of a ghost in the lake, while Rin's mother calls the man who had offered Chiaki the steak, revealing him as Rin's grandfather. Rin struggles to ignite the coals in the mini-grill, so Nadeshiko visits a nearby camp for advice. She meets a pair of siblings consisting of a brother and his drunk sister; the brother offers input and new coal for use. After cooking the meat, the two head back to the siblings' campground to give them plates of food as thanks, receiving jambalaya in return. That evening, Rin leaves her tent and encounters a silhouette of a beastly creature, prompting her to run off. As it turns out, the still-inebriated sister had stumbled upon their campsite. 7: A Night on the Lake Shore and Campers In onda il: 2018-02-15 At Lake Shibire, Rin and Nadeshiko set up their tents as the latter worries about the myth of a ghost in the lake, while Rin's mother calls the man who had offered Chiaki the steak, revealing him as Rin's grandfather. Rin struggles to ignite the coals in the mini-grill, so Nadeshiko visits a nearby camp for advice. She meets a pair of siblings consisting of a brother and his drunk sister; the brother offers input and new coal for use. After cooking the meat, the two head back to the siblings' campground to give them plates of food as thanks, receiving jambalaya in return. That evening, Rin leaves her tent and encounters a silhouette of a beastly creature, prompting her to run off. As it turns out, the still-inebriated sister had stumbled upon their campsite. In onda il: 2018-02-22 8: Exams, Caribou, Steamed Buns, Yum! Chiaki shows off a wooden bowl and skillet set to Aoi, which she learns must have the lacquer finish removed in order to place hot food inside and be seasoned, respectively. As they work on this, Ena visits and the three talk about their new substitute teacher and camping after exams. Nadeshiko, Chiaki, and Aoi later visit an outdoor sporting goods store in Minobu, Yamanashi, where Nadeshiko declares her intention to get a job to buy a gas lantern. 8: Exams, Caribou, Steamed Buns, Yum! In onda il: 2018-02-22 Chiaki shows off a wooden bowl and skillet set to Aoi, which she learns must have the lacquer finish removed in order to place hot food inside and be seasoned, respectively. As they work on this, Ena visits and the three talk about their new substitute teacher and camping after exams. Nadeshiko, Chiaki, and Aoi later visit an outdoor sporting goods store in Minobu, Yamanashi, where Nadeshiko declares her intention to get a job to buy a gas lantern. In onda il: 2018-03-01 9: A Night of Navigator Nadeshiko and Hot Spring Steam Nadeshiko plans to go camping with Rin, but catches a cold the night before and has to stay at home. As such, Rin decides to go on her own to a campsite at Ina, and attempts to take a detour to get there, but finds out that the road is closed. After meeting some mountain climbers, she lets Nadeshiko and Chiaki decide where she goes next, and visits a temple and a hot spring before eating at a restaurant and oversleeping. Meanwhile, Chiaki visits Nadeshiko at home and cooks houtou for her family. 9: A Night of Navigator Nadeshiko and Hot Spring Steam In onda il: 2018-03-01 Nadeshiko plans to go camping with Rin, but catches a cold the night before and has to stay at home. As such, Rin decides to go on her own to a campsite at Ina, and attempts to take a detour to get there, but finds out that the road is closed. After meeting some mountain climbers, she lets Nadeshiko and Chiaki decide where she goes next, and visits a temple and a hot spring before eating at a restaurant and oversleeping. Meanwhile, Chiaki visits Nadeshiko at home and cooks houtou for her family. In onda il: 2018-03-08 10: Clumsy Travelers and Camp Meetings Rin oversleeps and is rushing to her campsite when she encounters a roadblock. Upon being told by Chiaki that it may have been left there and never moved, she proceeds and reaches the site, where she struggles to set up due to the windy conditions. Nadeshiko, Chiaki, and Aoi plan their Christmas camping trip and invite Rin, who initially refuses before being convinced by Ena to accept. Toba, the new teacher, is unintentionally lured into becoming the Outdoor Activities Club advisor and is invited to the Christmas camp. Upon hearing Toba mention bringing beer along, Nadeshiko realizes she was the drunk sister from the Lake Shibire trip. 10: Clumsy Travelers and Camp Meetings In onda il: 2018-03-08 Rin oversleeps and is rushing to her campsite when she encounters a roadblock. Upon being told by Chiaki that it may have been left there and never moved, she proceeds and reaches the site, where she struggles to set up due to the windy conditions. Nadeshiko, Chiaki, and Aoi plan their Christmas camping trip and invite Rin, who initially refuses before being convinced by Ena to accept. Toba, the new teacher, is unintentionally lured into becoming the Outdoor Activities Club advisor and is invited to the Christmas camp. Upon hearing Toba mention bringing beer along, Nadeshiko realizes she was the drunk sister from the Lake Shibire trip. In onda il: 2018-03-15 11: Christmas Camp! Chiaki and Aoi check in at the Asagiri Plateau campsite while Toba sets up her grill and starts drinking. While the two eat at a nearby restaurant, Rin prepares her tent and Nadeshiko shows up shortly after. The four purchase firewood and return to Toba's table, where she has fallen asleep as Ena and her dog Chikuwa arrive. The campers and Chikuwa spend the afternoon playing frisbee with other kids before going their separate ways. At night, Aoi cooks sukiyaki for the group. When their stove runs out of gas, Rin leaves to buy more. She remembers Ena's comments about how fun a group camping trip would be, to which she smiles. 11: Christmas Camp! In onda il: 2018-03-15 Chiaki and Aoi check in at the Asagiri Plateau campsite while Toba sets up her grill and starts drinking. While the two eat at a nearby restaurant, Rin prepares her tent and Nadeshiko shows up shortly after. The four purchase firewood and return to Toba's table, where she has fallen asleep as Ena and her dog Chikuwa arrive. The campers and Chikuwa spend the afternoon playing frisbee with other kids before going their separate ways. At night, Aoi cooks sukiyaki for the group. When their stove runs out of gas, Rin leaves to buy more. She remembers Ena's comments about how fun a group camping trip would be, to which she smiles. In onda il: 2018-03-22 12: Mount Fuji and the Laid-Back Camp Girls Nadeshiko tells the group what she expects them to be like in ten years when Rin returns. After bathing, the campers enjoy various movies and shows on a tablet Chiaki had brought along until they decide to call it a night. Under the stars, Rin and Nadeshiko talk about their plans for the new year before going to sleep. The next morning, the two cook breakfast and watch the Sun rise behind Mount Fuji. Rin returns to her job at a bookstore, while Nadeshiko continues pondering about getting one of her own to afford camping equipment. Ena texts her about a job opportunity delivering New Year's cards, which she accepts. In the epilogue, Nadeshiko returns to Motosuko to solo camp when she receives a message from Rin, who also happens to be doing the same. Nadeshiko proposes sending photos of their respective campsites to one another; after seeing herself in Rin's picture, she turns around and realizes they will be camping at the same location. 12: Mount Fuji and the Laid-Back Camp Girls In onda il: 2018-03-22 Nadeshiko tells the group what she expects them to be like in ten years when Rin returns. After bathing, the campers enjoy various movies and shows on a tablet Chiaki had brought along until they decide to call it a night. Under the stars, Rin and Nadeshiko talk about their plans for the new year before going to sleep. The next morning, the two cook breakfast and watch the Sun rise behind Mount Fuji. Rin returns to her job at a bookstore, while Nadeshiko continues pondering about getting one of her own to afford camping equipment. Ena texts her about a job opportunity delivering New Year's cards, which she accepts. In the epilogue, Nadeshiko returns to Motosuko to solo camp when she receives a message from Rin, who also happens to be doing the same. Nadeshiko proposes sending photos of their respective campsites to one another; after seeing herself in Rin's picture, she turns around and realizes they will be camping at the same location. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e