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Trovato 3 risultati

  1. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Blue Exorcist Stagione 4    Episodi 12         Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Mistero ◦ Action & Adventure Questo universo è composto di due mondi paralleli che si specchiano l'uno nell'altro. Il primo è il mondo degli umani, quello che noi conosciamo, Assiah. Il secondo è il regno dei demoni, Gehenna. Normalmente passare da un mondo all'altro è impossibile, tuttavia alcuni demoni sono in grado di attraversare il confine e possedere gli esseri umani. Satana, il signore dei demoni ha tutto ciò che vuole alla sua portata, tranne una cosa, presente solo nel regno degli umani. Allo scopo di recuperarla ha creato Rin, suo figlio da una donna umana. Ma Rin accetterà i piani del padre o preferirà fare di testa sua, diventando magari un esorcista? amazarashi Theme Song Performance 加藤和恵 Comic Book Hiroshi Kamiya Mephisto Pheles (voice) Episodi: 12  In onda il: 2024-10-06 1: Ambizione L'attività demoniaca crescente è un problema sempre più pressante. Per quresto, l'Ordine decide di anticipare l'esame di qualifica e accoglie un nuovo professore: Lightning. Affascinato dalla sua tecnica, Suguro gli avanzerà una richiesta. 1: Ambizione In onda il: 2024-10-06 L'attività demoniaca crescente è un problema sempre più pressante. Per quresto, l'Ordine decide di anticipare l'esame di qualifica e accoglie un nuovo professore: Lightning. Affascinato dalla sua tecnica, Suguro gli avanzerà una richiesta. In onda il: 2024-10-13 2: Sofferenza Yukio cerca di affrontare di petto il mistero sui suoi occhi. Nel frattempo, una missione di Rin e Shiemi li porterà a parlare del loro rapporto. 2: Sofferenza In onda il: 2024-10-13 Yukio cerca di affrontare di petto il mistero sui suoi occhi. Nel frattempo, una missione di Rin e Shiemi li porterà a parlare del loro rapporto. In onda il: 2024-10-20 3: Città natale Shura scompare all'improvviso ma, sulla base delle tracce che ha lasciato. Mephisto deduce che sia tornata nella sua città natale nella prefettura di Aomori. Quindi ordina a Rin e Yukio di andare lì per cercarla. Dopo aver indagato, i gemelli arrivano al lago Towada ad Aomori. 3: Città natale In onda il: 2024-10-20 Shura scompare all'improvviso ma, sulla base delle tracce che ha lasciato. Mephisto deduce che sia tornata nella sua città natale nella prefettura di Aomori. Quindi ordina a Rin e Yukio di andare lì per cercarla. Dopo aver indagato, i gemelli arrivano al lago Towada ad Aomori. In onda il: 2024-10-27 4: Goodbye to You According to the contract made between Hachiro and Shura's ancestor, Tatsuko Kirigakure, each generation of descendants is destined to die at the age of 30 in exchange for gaining power. Shura informs Rin and Yukio about her fate. She states that she has no regrets, but Rin is not convinced and suggests they defeat Hachiro. However, Hachiro then abducts Shura. Rin and Yukio make their way to Hachiro to save her, but they arrive to find Shura being controlled by Hachiro's hypnotic powers. 4: Goodbye to You In onda il: 2024-10-27 According to the contract made between Hachiro and Shura's ancestor, Tatsuko Kirigakure, each generation of descendants is destined to die at the age of 30 in exchange for gaining power. Shura informs Rin and Yukio about her fate. She states that she has no regrets, but Rin is not convinced and suggests they defeat Hachiro. However, Hachiro then abducts Shura. Rin and Yukio make their way to Hachiro to save her, but they arrive to find Shura being controlled by Hachiro's hypnotic powers. In onda il: 2024-11-03 5: As If Begging for Tears With Yukio's clever wit, Rin and his friends are able to deceive Hachiro and successfully get him to break his contract with Shura. However, Hachiro loses all control in a rage, capturing Shura once more and heading toward the frozen lake. When the immortal Hachiro expresses his wish to die, Shura tells him they will sleep together forever at the bottom of the lake and embraces him. But as they sink into the lake, memories of the days she once spent with Shiro flash through Shura's mind. 5: As If Begging for Tears In onda il: 2024-11-03 With Yukio's clever wit, Rin and his friends are able to deceive Hachiro and successfully get him to break his contract with Shura. However, Hachiro loses all control in a rage, capturing Shura once more and heading toward the frozen lake. When the immortal Hachiro expresses his wish to die, Shura tells him they will sleep together forever at the bottom of the lake and embraces him. But as they sink into the lake, memories of the days she once spent with Shiro flash through Shura's mind. In onda il: 2024-11-10 6: Awakening With the incident in Aomori concluded, things begin to calm down at the Knights of the True Cross Japan Branch. Lightning begins his investigation of the Illuminati with Suguro. Lightning suspects that there was something within the Japan Branch that was connected to the Illuminati and the "Blue Night." Meanwhile, after receiving Rin's confession, Shiemi worries that she doesn't understand the difference between "romantic love" and "friendship love." Unable to bear any further witness to this, Izumo makes a suggestion. 6: Awakening In onda il: 2024-11-10 With the incident in Aomori concluded, things begin to calm down at the Knights of the True Cross Japan Branch. Lightning begins his investigation of the Illuminati with Suguro. Lightning suspects that there was something within the Japan Branch that was connected to the Illuminati and the "Blue Night." Meanwhile, after receiving Rin's confession, Shiemi worries that she doesn't understand the difference between "romantic love" and "friendship love." Unable to bear any further witness to this, Izumo makes a suggestion. In onda il: 2024-11-17 7: Variant Leaves As Lightning continues to investigate the Blue Night, he notices the names of three people. After the Blue Night, three men left the Knights of the True Cross Japan Branch and became priests living at the Southern Cross Monastery, the place where the Okumura Brothers grew up. Lightning and Suguro visit the Monastery to get a firsthand account of what happened back then. Lightning, willing to take strong measures against those who remain silent, closes in on the mystery of the Blue Night... 7: Variant Leaves In onda il: 2024-11-17 As Lightning continues to investigate the Blue Night, he notices the names of three people. After the Blue Night, three men left the Knights of the True Cross Japan Branch and became priests living at the Southern Cross Monastery, the place where the Okumura Brothers grew up. Lightning and Suguro visit the Monastery to get a firsthand account of what happened back then. Lightning, willing to take strong measures against those who remain silent, closes in on the mystery of the Blue Night... In onda il: 2024-11-24 8: Happy (Merry Xmas) Birthday! Lightning and Suguro bear witness to Section 13 as it appeared right after the Blue Night, and Mephisto reveals the truth about the research that was being conducted there. Meanwhile, Shiemi suddenly expressed her intention to decline to take the Exorcist Certification Exam and to leave the school. 8: Happy (Merry Xmas) Birthday! In onda il: 2024-11-24 Lightning and Suguro bear witness to Section 13 as it appeared right after the Blue Night, and Mephisto reveals the truth about the research that was being conducted there. Meanwhile, Shiemi suddenly expressed her intention to decline to take the Exorcist Certification Exam and to leave the school. In onda il: 2024-12-01 9: Congratulations Yukio wants to know the secret of their birth while Rin believes there is no need to know. As their ideas clash, Rin and the others head to Kyoto to attend the wedding of Juzo Shima and Mamushi Hojo. 9: Congratulations In onda il: 2024-12-01 Yukio wants to know the secret of their birth while Rin believes there is no need to know. As their ideas clash, Rin and the others head to Kyoto to attend the wedding of Juzo Shima and Mamushi Hojo. In onda il: 2024-12-08 10: In the Falling Snow The exorcists are busy dealing with the high-ranking demons that begin appearing in urban areas. Shura heads the forefront in Ikebukuro. The number of people who are able to see demons increases as a result of gaining a Temptaint, and the world falls into chaos. At the same time, Yukio threatens Suguro with his gun and tries to get him to learn about the details of Lightning's investigation. Yukio refuses to heed Shima's warnings and grows increasingly isolated. He returns to Tokyo for a mission and encounters Lightning 10: In the Falling Snow In onda il: 2024-12-08 The exorcists are busy dealing with the high-ranking demons that begin appearing in urban areas. Shura heads the forefront in Ikebukuro. The number of people who are able to see demons increases as a result of gaining a Temptaint, and the world falls into chaos. At the same time, Yukio threatens Suguro with his gun and tries to get him to learn about the details of Lightning's investigation. Yukio refuses to heed Shima's warnings and grows increasingly isolated. He returns to Tokyo for a mission and encounters Lightning In onda il: 2024-12-15 11: Beyond the Snow Overwhelmed by his conflicting emotions, Yukio takes drastic measures, but Satan blocks him. After hearing from Shiemi about Yukio, Rin rushes out of the dorm to search for him. Assiah, the material world, is thrown into chaos as demons become more active. Mephisto is summoned to the prime minister's office and attends a press conference with the prime minister and all relevant parties to announce the existence of demons, which has never been publicly acknowledged until now. But who appears there is... 11: Beyond the Snow In onda il: 2024-12-15 Overwhelmed by his conflicting emotions, Yukio takes drastic measures, but Satan blocks him. After hearing from Shiemi about Yukio, Rin rushes out of the dorm to search for him. Assiah, the material world, is thrown into chaos as demons become more active. Mephisto is summoned to the prime minister's office and attends a press conference with the prime minister and all relevant parties to announce the existence of demons, which has never been publicly acknowledged until now. But who appears there is... In onda il: 2024-12-22 12: Parting Yukio is arrested on suspicion of shooting Mephisto. After learning about Yukio's eye, Rin decides to escape from The Order with his brother. With the help of the Exwires and Amaimon, he heads off to rescue Yukio. Severely injured by the gunshot, Mephisto decides to abandon the barrier he placed on the artificial Gehenna Gate in order to maintain his possessed body. As a result, the gate opens completely, and a horde of demons emerge. The atmosphere of Gehenna thoroughly envelops Assiah... 12: Parting In onda il: 2024-12-22 Yukio is arrested on suspicion of shooting Mephisto. After learning about Yukio's eye, Rin decides to escape from The Order with his brother. With the help of the Exwires and Amaimon, he heads off to rescue Yukio. Severely injured by the gunshot, Mephisto decides to abandon the barrier he placed on the artificial Gehenna Gate in order to maintain his possessed body. As a result, the gate opens completely, and a horde of demons emerge. The atmosphere of Gehenna thoroughly envelops Assiah... Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  2. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Brave Bang Bravern! Stagione 1    Episodi 12         Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy In un mondo in cui le armi corazzate umanoidi conosciute come "Titatonostrider" ("TS" in breve) vengono utilizzate in guerra, truppe provenienti da vari paesi convergono sull'isola di Oahu, nelle Hawaii, tra cui Ao Isami della Forza di autodifesa terrestre giapponese e Lewis Smith del Corpo dei Marines degli Stati Uniti. Isami e Smith si incrociano durante la battaglia, ma all'improvviso le loro squadre vengono attaccate da un nemico sconosciuto, disperdendo i soldati e mandando le loro forze allo sbando. Per salvare i loro amici e sopravvivere sul campo di battaglia mortale, devono combattere con ogni grammo di coraggio e orgoglio che riescono a raccogliere. Masami Obari Series Director Katsuya Shigehara Assistant Director Keigo Koyanagi Series Composition Kouichi Motomura Character Designer Kenji Teraoka Production Design Yoshinori Nakano 3D Director Kenta Hayashi Director of Photography Nanako Okazaki Color Designer Takumi Hashimoto Art Direction Akinori Mishima Editor Yasumasa Koyama Sound Effects Masami Obari Sound Director Takashi Watanabe Original Music Composer Junya Ishigaki Mechanical Designer Kanta Suzuki Mechanical Designer Rihiro Yamane Mechanical Designer Sakura Mizuki Mechanical Designer Akira Amemiya Opening/Ending Animation Kenichi Suzumura Theme Song Performance Ryota Suzuki Isami Ao (voice) Yohei Azakami Lewis Smith (voice) Kenichi Suzumura Bravern (voice) Saya Aizawa Lulu (voice) Yume Miyamoto Hibiki Rio (voice) Ai Kakuma Miyu Katō (voice) Kaori Maeda Honoka Suzunagi (voice) Yukiyo Fujii Karen Aldrin (voice) Nanako Mori Nina Kowalski (voice) Kenta Miyake Hal King (voice) Tomoyuki Shimura Thomas J. Prahmman (voice) Episodi: 12  In onda il: 2024-01-11 1: Wait's Over, Isami! The nations of the world are taking part in joint military exercises when a devastating attack is suddenly unleashed on the world from outer space. 1: Wait's Over, Isami! In onda il: 2024-01-11 The nations of the world are taking part in joint military exercises when a devastating attack is suddenly unleashed on the world from outer space. In onda il: 2024-01-18 2: Isami?! You'll Be Here Soon, Won't You, Isami?! After saving the day, Isami is interrogated about this strange new mech suit that can not only talk, but seemingly has sentience and desperately wants to be reunited with Isami. 2: Isami?! You'll Be Here Soon, Won't You, Isami?! In onda il: 2024-01-18 After saving the day, Isami is interrogated about this strange new mech suit that can not only talk, but seemingly has sentience and desperately wants to be reunited with Isami. In onda il: 2024-01-25 3: Lulu... That's Her Name Naked and hating life, Isami holes himself up in Bravern's cockpit and refuses to come out. Meanwhile, Lt. Smith has to work out if the strange girl he tripped over on the beach is friend or foe. 3: Lulu... That's Her Name In onda il: 2024-01-25 Naked and hating life, Isami holes himself up in Bravern's cockpit and refuses to come out. Meanwhile, Lt. Smith has to work out if the strange girl he tripped over on the beach is friend or foe. In onda il: 2024-02-01 4: Isami, It Seems You Still Have Much to Learn About People Isami gets some sweet new duds, though not everyone is impressed, and Bravern grapples with a question that has plagued heroes since time immemorial: When is the best time to make your grand entrance? 4: Isami, It Seems You Still Have Much to Learn About People In onda il: 2024-02-01 Isami gets some sweet new duds, though not everyone is impressed, and Bravern grapples with a question that has plagued heroes since time immemorial: When is the best time to make your grand entrance? In onda il: 2024-02-08 5: That's One Thing That's Beyond My Powers As the newly formed Allied Task Force races toward Japan, Smith becomes concerned about Isami's mental state. 5: That's One Thing That's Beyond My Powers In onda il: 2024-02-08 As the newly formed Allied Task Force races toward Japan, Smith becomes concerned about Isami's mental state. In onda il: 2024-02-15 6: Everything Will Be Okay. For I... I Am Bravern! Nessuna trama disponibile 6: Everything Will Be Okay. For I... I Am Bravern! In onda il: 2024-02-15 Nessuna trama disponibile In onda il: 2024-02-22 7: Well, Isami? What Would You Do in a Situation Like This? A new Deathdrive appears from the nearby Tower and Bravern must beat it if the Allied Task Force is to have any hope of liberating Japan. 7: Well, Isami? What Would You Do in a Situation Like This? In onda il: 2024-02-22 A new Deathdrive appears from the nearby Tower and Bravern must beat it if the Allied Task Force is to have any hope of liberating Japan. In onda il: 2024-02-29 8: Until We Meet Again, Smith Newly promoted First Lieutenant Lewis Smith has wanted to be a hero ever since he was small, but when the chips are down and lives are on the line, what lengths will he go to in order to save the day? 8: Until We Meet Again, Smith In onda il: 2024-02-29 Newly promoted First Lieutenant Lewis Smith has wanted to be a hero ever since he was small, but when the chips are down and lives are on the line, what lengths will he go to in order to save the day? In onda il: 2024-03-07 9: Isami! We Must Save the World Together!! With the situation looking increasingly dire, Isami and Bravern must somehow find a way to defeat the two Deathdrives standing in their way without backup. 9: Isami! We Must Save the World Together!! In onda il: 2024-03-07 With the situation looking increasingly dire, Isami and Bravern must somehow find a way to defeat the two Deathdrives standing in their way without backup. In onda il: 2024-03-14 10: In Japan, They Call This OMIAI Lulu makes a surprise announcement that she intends to pilot Superbia, but like with any matchmaking process, it remains to be seen if the pair will actually hit it off. 10: In Japan, They Call This OMIAI In onda il: 2024-03-14 Lulu makes a surprise announcement that she intends to pilot Superbia, but like with any matchmaking process, it remains to be seen if the pair will actually hit it off. In onda il: 2024-03-21 11: Commence Operation Bonfire! With just three Deathdrives remaining, the final battle to decide the fate of the planet looms. But first, an all-important bonding session! 11: Commence Operation Bonfire! In onda il: 2024-03-21 With just three Deathdrives remaining, the final battle to decide the fate of the planet looms. But first, an all-important bonding session! In onda il: 2024-03-28 12: Beyond Brave Bang! The final battle has not started well for humanity's last hope. Is this the end for planet Earth? 12: Beyond Brave Bang! In onda il: 2024-03-28 The final battle has not started well for humanity's last hope. Is this the end for planet Earth? Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  3. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Ranking of Kings: The Treasure Chest of Courage Stagione 1    Episodi 10         Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Commedia Una storia ignota sul coraggio che vedrà il giovane Bojji e il suo compagno ombra Kage riunirsi agli altri amici. Vengono narrate vicende non presenti nella serie principale. Yousuke Hatta Series Director 岸本卓 Series Composition 野崎あつこ Character Designer MAYUKO Original Music Composer 十日草輔 Comic Book 村田理 Character Designer 渕上真 Series Director 金子雄司 Art Direction 藤井一志 Art Designer 橋本賢 Color Designer 上田程之 Director of Photography 廣瀬清志 Editor えびなやすのり Sound Director 緒方康恭 Sound Effects Maiko Okada Line Producer 野崎あつこ Opening/Ending Animation Maiko Okada Producer Megumi Inoue Producer Kazuki Oshima Producer Claire Launay Opening/Ending Animation 前並武志 Opening/Ending Animation 亀田祥倫 Opening/Ending Animation Mehdi Aouichaoui Opening/Ending Animation Ryoya Kaga Opening/Ending Animation Akino Fukuji Opening/Ending Animation 河毛雅妃 Character Designer Ayaka Ohusa Character Designer 亀山颯太 Assistant Art Director 出水田和人 Compositing Supervisor 榎田美咲 Assistant Editor 鶴巻慶典 Sound Recordist 津曲大介 Opening/Ending Animation 小嶋慶祐 Opening/Ending Animation 村田理 Opening/Ending Animation 植竹茉奈 Opening/Ending Animation 関弘光 Opening/Ending Animation 瓜生恭子 Executive Producer Yukiko Takase Production Supervisor 大城勝 Lead Animator 小笠原真 Lead Animator 藤井望 Lead Animator 吉田奏子 Lead Animator 吉田奏子 Opening/Ending Animation 舩橋宗寛 Music Producer 岩上敦宏 Executive Producer Yasushi Kuwata Executive Producer 青柳昌行 Executive Producer 和田丈嗣 Executive Producer Hisashi Ishiwata Executive Producer Haruhisa Oya Executive Producer 石井知 Online Editor 鈴木萌 Online Editor Aimer Theme Song Performance Deu Theme Song Performance Takeuchi Theme Song Performance Ito Theme Song Performance Ayaka Ohusa Opening/Ending Animation Toshiyuki Satō Opening/Ending Animation 万怡 Opening/Ending Animation 藤井望 Opening/Ending Animation 有木恵理 Opening/Ending Animation 小磯由佳 Opening/Ending Animation Liu Li Opening/Ending Animation コズエ Opening/Ending Animation Rumi Sudo Opening/Ending Animation ヴィクトリア・デ・ミロ Opening/Ending Animation Yuki Oshima Opening/Ending Animation 日向未南 Bojji (voice) 村瀬歩 Kage (voice) Yūki Kaji Daida (voice) Rina Satō Hiling (voice) Takuya Eguchi Domas (voice) 上田燿司 Bebin (voice) Hiroki Yasumoto Apeas (voice) 田所陽向 Dorshe (voice) 山下大輝 Hokuro (voice) 下山吉光 Desha (voice) Takahiro Sakurai Despa (voice) Kōji Yusa Ouken (voice) Maaya Sakamoto Miranjo (voice) Episodi: 10  In onda il: 2023-04-14 1: Kage's Errand / The Prince and Money When Bojji's training schedule is interrupted, Kage is sent shopping for the item that Despa needs to keep going. Despa sends Bojji and Kage out to earn some money, claiming that Bojji is too naïve about society to be a king, and could use some exposure. 1: Kage's Errand / The Prince and Money In onda il: 2023-04-14 When Bojji's training schedule is interrupted, Kage is sent shopping for the item that Despa needs to keep going. Despa sends Bojji and Kage out to earn some money, claiming that Bojji is too naïve about society to be a king, and could use some exposure. In onda il: 2023-04-21 2: Beasts of the Wilderness / A Mysterious Desert Bojji and Kage camp for the night in the desert with the Order of the Underworld, where they must deal with the threat of wild beasts. Following a sandstorm, the group finds a secluded oasis, and encounter creatures the Order has never seen before. 2: Beasts of the Wilderness / A Mysterious Desert In onda il: 2023-04-21 Bojji and Kage camp for the night in the desert with the Order of the Underworld, where they must deal with the threat of wild beasts. Following a sandstorm, the group finds a secluded oasis, and encounter creatures the Order has never seen before. In onda il: 2023-04-28 3: Hiling's Old Friend / Daida and Magic After being thrown out of the kingdom, Hiling insists on enlisting Ann's aid to return and save Daida, but other matters keep Ann from joining her. A young Daida wants to learn how his mother is able to heal others, but finds it a tough skill to master. 3: Hiling's Old Friend / Daida and Magic In onda il: 2023-04-28 After being thrown out of the kingdom, Hiling insists on enlisting Ann's aid to return and save Daida, but other matters keep Ann from joining her. A young Daida wants to learn how his mother is able to heal others, but finds it a tough skill to master. In onda il: 2023-05-05 4: Immortality and the Three Brothers Ouken's past is revealed as his desire to become stronger and put an end to his father's cruel reign is recounted. Over the course of the hard-fought war against the Gigantes, the prince distinguishes himself by his conduct, until one fateful day. 4: Immortality and the Three Brothers In onda il: 2023-05-05 Ouken's past is revealed as his desire to become stronger and put an end to his father's cruel reign is recounted. Over the course of the hard-fought war against the Gigantes, the prince distinguishes himself by his conduct, until one fateful day. In onda il: 2023-05-12 5: The Law of the Underworld / A White Horse in Love / The Gentle Soldier, Hokuro Fren is branded an outlaw when he leaves the underworld to help save Ouken. When Whiteking grows fat after the captain neglects to care for her, only one thing can whip her back into shape. Hokuro joins the military to repay Bojji's kindness. 5: The Law of the Underworld / A White Horse in Love / The Gentle Soldier, Hokuro In onda il: 2023-05-12 Fren is branded an outlaw when he leaves the underworld to help save Ouken. When Whiteking grows fat after the captain neglects to care for her, only one thing can whip her back into shape. Hokuro joins the military to repay Bojji's kindness. In onda il: 2023-05-19 6: Bojji the King / The Melancholy of King Daida Bojji, Bebin and Hokuro conduct a royal inspection of the town, during which Bojji insists on helping some children find their lost bird. After Daida becomes king again, he tries his hardest to live up to Bojji's example in leading the kingdom. 6: Bojji the King / The Melancholy of King Daida In onda il: 2023-05-19 Bojji, Bebin and Hokuro conduct a royal inspection of the town, during which Bojji insists on helping some children find their lost bird. After Daida becomes king again, he tries his hardest to live up to Bojji's example in leading the kingdom. In onda il: 2023-05-26 7: The Snake Charmer With the Crooked Smile / The Big Four's Banquet Before joining the Big Four, Bebin struggled to excel, and went to Despa for lessons on how to be a better swordsman. When infighting threatens the harmony of the Big Four, King Daida tasks Hokuro with finding a way to bring the group back together. 7: The Snake Charmer With the Crooked Smile / The Big Four's Banquet In onda il: 2023-05-26 Before joining the Big Four, Bebin struggled to excel, and went to Despa for lessons on how to be a better swordsman. When infighting threatens the harmony of the Big Four, King Daida tasks Hokuro with finding a way to bring the group back together. In onda il: 2023-06-02 8: Kage's Yearning / A Great Mother A young Kage is afraid of the world around him, but finds his courage when faced with a dangerous encounter. Shiina seeks for more strength, but comes to realize that the greatest strength of all is not directed inward, but is found when helping others. 8: Kage's Yearning / A Great Mother In onda il: 2023-06-02 A young Kage is afraid of the world around him, but finds his courage when faced with a dangerous encounter. Shiina seeks for more strength, but comes to realize that the greatest strength of all is not directed inward, but is found when helping others. In onda il: 2023-06-09 9: Miranjo and the Demon / The Prince and His Treasures Young Miranjo happens upon a child demon while playing in the forest, and lands in trouble when she can't find her way home. As Bojji prepares to leave the castle to look for Kage, he pauses to give gifts to those who have helped him get where he is. 9: Miranjo and the Demon / The Prince and His Treasures In onda il: 2023-06-09 Young Miranjo happens upon a child demon while playing in the forest, and lands in trouble when she can't find her way home. As Bojji prepares to leave the castle to look for Kage, he pauses to give gifts to those who have helped him get where he is. In onda il: 2023-06-16 10: Return of the Sword King As Bojji and Kage continue their journey together, Despa and the captain are tracking down Ouken's missing head. Meanwhile, Desha enters the Divine Treasure Vault, where he hopes to finally uncover the means to restore Ouken's humanity to him. 10: Return of the Sword King In onda il: 2023-06-16 As Bojji and Kage continue their journey together, Despa and the captain are tracking down Ouken's missing head. Meanwhile, Desha enters the Divine Treasure Vault, where he hopes to finally uncover the means to restore Ouken's humanity to him. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
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