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  1. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Wistoria: Wand and Sword Stagione 1    Episodi 12         Action & Adventure ◦ Animazione Per mantenere una promessa fatta da bambino, Will Serfort sogna di diventare un Magia Vander, titolo che possono ricevere solo i maghi più potenti assieme al diritto di sedersi in cima alla Torre del mago. Tuttavia lui non possiede un briciolo di magia e non riesce a lanciare nemmeno il più semplice degli incantesimi. La sua vita appena iniziata l'accademia di magia non sembra delle migliori: per guadagnare crediti deve abbattere più mostri possibili nei dungeon, ed è presente un professore che lo tratta con prepotenza a causa della sua condizione. Will, però, possiede una spada che solamente all'apparenza è normale... che sia questa la chiave per riuscire a sbloccare il suo vero potenziale? 前田有紀 Art Direction Toshi Aoi Character Designer Yoshiro Harada Creature Design 大森藤ノ Comic Book Tatsuya Yoshihara Series Director Sayaka Ono Character Designer Ryou Akizuki Prop Designer Sayaka Ono Supervising Animation Director 森下広人 Sound Director 中野尚美 Color Designer Ayako Otsuki Director of Photography Morihito Abe CGI Director Ryou Akizuki Creature Design 林ゆうき Original Music Composer 吉武将人 Editor Tatsuya Yoshihara Series Composition Raita Sunaga Creature Design 天﨑滉平 Will Serfort (voice) 関根明良 Elfaria Alvis Serfort (voice) 鈴木れい子 Caldron (voice) 田丸篤志 Jhorua Moraine (voice) 高橋伸也 Lunais Alerht (voice) 大野智敬 Lyril Marze (voice) Jun Fukuyama Cariott Incindia Wiseman (voice) 古川慎 Zeo Torzeus Reinbolt (voice) Akio Ōtsuka Logwell (voice) Hōchū Ōtsuka Aron Masterius Oldeking (voice) Episodi: 12  In onda il: 2024-07-07 1: Like a Lone Sword Driven by a childhood promise, Will Serfort is determined to rise to the top of Magical Academy Rigarden and become one of the greatest mages the world has ever seen. There's just one problem... Will can't use magic. 1: Like a Lone Sword In onda il: 2024-07-07 Driven by a childhood promise, Will Serfort is determined to rise to the top of Magical Academy Rigarden and become one of the greatest mages the world has ever seen. There's just one problem... Will can't use magic. In onda il: 2024-07-14 2: As Though Undaunted Sion's defeat of a formidable monster is the talk of the academy, but only he and a few teachers know the truth. Edward in particular can't accept it, so, as a teacher at the academy, he prepares a special lesson for a particular student. 2: As Though Undaunted In onda il: 2024-07-14 Sion's defeat of a formidable monster is the talk of the academy, but only he and a few teachers know the truth. Edward in particular can't accept it, so, as a teacher at the academy, he prepares a special lesson for a particular student. In onda il: 2024-07-21 3: Order & Watcher Lady Elfaria issues an order to the academy—gather Frost Walker ice cores. Will quickly heads into the dungeon, but it's already full of others trying to fulfill the order. As he looks for a less crowded area, he spots a fellow student under attack! 3: Order & Watcher In onda il: 2024-07-21 Lady Elfaria issues an order to the academy—gather Frost Walker ice cores. Will quickly heads into the dungeon, but it's already full of others trying to fulfill the order. As he looks for a less crowded area, he spots a fellow student under attack! In onda il: 2024-08-04 4: The Eve of the Grand Festival The whole academy is buzzing about the upcoming festival, but Will hasn't entered any of the events due to his lack of magic. Instead, he focuses on his studies and earning money for tuition. Then, a top student from his year shows up where he works. 4: The Eve of the Grand Festival In onda il: 2024-08-04 The whole academy is buzzing about the upcoming festival, but Will hasn't entered any of the events due to his lack of magic. Instead, he focuses on his studies and earning money for tuition. Then, a top student from his year shows up where he works. In onda il: 2024-08-11 5: Raise the Starting Pistol With Colette's help, Will enters the Grand Magic Festival. The crowd goes wild watching him advance with Colette's magic and his own astounding physical strength. But for the third member of their team, it's a reminder of a painful humiliation. 5: Raise the Starting Pistol In onda il: 2024-08-11 With Colette's help, Will enters the Grand Magic Festival. The crowd goes wild watching him advance with Colette's magic and his own astounding physical strength. But for the third member of their team, it's a reminder of a painful humiliation. In onda il: 2024-08-18 6: Between Pride and Passion Sion suddenly attacks Will in the middle of their event at the Grand Magic Festival. Sion's emotions fuel his magic as Will struggles to understand Sion's actions. Meanwhile, Julius draws ever closer to the stadium and winning the event. 6: Between Pride and Passion In onda il: 2024-08-18 Sion suddenly attacks Will in the middle of their event at the Grand Magic Festival. Sion's emotions fuel his magic as Will struggles to understand Sion's actions. Meanwhile, Julius draws ever closer to the stadium and winning the event. In onda il: 2024-08-25 7: Twelve Secret Ice Magics, El Glace Frosse Will is under attack. Julius is using one of the Twelve Secret Ice Magics invented by the genius mage Elfaria. The arena falls silent in shock and admiration. But no one knows Elfaria's magic better than Will and his counterattack starts now. 7: Twelve Secret Ice Magics, El Glace Frosse In onda il: 2024-08-25 Will is under attack. Julius is using one of the Twelve Secret Ice Magics invented by the genius mage Elfaria. The arena falls silent in shock and admiration. But no one knows Elfaria's magic better than Will and his counterattack starts now. In onda il: 2024-09-01 8: Shall we date? Students at the academy suddenly see Will in a different light and he receives a flood of invitations to join their parties for the upcoming all-student praxis. Colette panics and arranges a date with Will, but an unexpected third party shows up. 8: Shall we date? In onda il: 2024-09-01 Students at the academy suddenly see Will in a different light and he receives a flood of invitations to join their parties for the upcoming all-student praxis. Colette panics and arranges a date with Will, but an unexpected third party shows up. In onda il: 2024-09-08 9: Praxis Begins The all-student praxis begins. Lihanna, Wignall, Julius, Sion, and Will, with Colette tagging along, dive into the dungeon together. Though Will's usefulness is questioned, they push forward to floor 10 and their primary target—the Luminous Naberus. 9: Praxis Begins In onda il: 2024-09-08 The all-student praxis begins. Lihanna, Wignall, Julius, Sion, and Will, with Colette tagging along, dive into the dungeon together. Though Will's usefulness is questioned, they push forward to floor 10 and their primary target—the Luminous Naberus. In onda il: 2024-09-15 10: Our Dream Will and the others fall into a dangerous region of the dungeon. Separated from the others, Wignall reluctantly opens up to Will, sharing the source of his insecurities. Meanwhile, two mages cloaked in dark magic appear before Colette and Lihanna. 10: Our Dream In onda il: 2024-09-15 Will and the others fall into a dangerous region of the dungeon. Separated from the others, Wignall reluctantly opens up to Will, sharing the source of his insecurities. Meanwhile, two mages cloaked in dark magic appear before Colette and Lihanna. In onda il: 2024-09-22 11: The True Name of Cowards Surrounded by countless monsters, Will and the others are in trouble. Even so, Will says they should fight. Faced with an Evil Grand Duke, the same monster that plunged them down to floor 11, will the party retreat or will they make a stand? 11: The True Name of Cowards In onda il: 2024-09-22 Surrounded by countless monsters, Will and the others are in trouble. Even so, Will says they should fight. Faced with an Evil Grand Duke, the same monster that plunged them down to floor 11, will the party retreat or will they make a stand? In onda il: 2024-09-29 12: Wand and Sword Led by wand and sword, Will strikes at the Grand Duke, but even its defeat may not be enough to grant them escape from the dungeon. Meanwhile, Workner and Edward race to reach them in time, but things look bleak. Still, Will isn't one to give up. 12: Wand and Sword In onda il: 2024-09-29 Led by wand and sword, Will strikes at the Grand Duke, but even its defeat may not be enough to grant them escape from the dungeon. Meanwhile, Workner and Edward race to reach them in time, but things look bleak. Still, Will isn't one to give up. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
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