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Descrizione Cogli l'occasione di sconfiggere un nemico formidabile. Sei il leader di un gruppo selezionato di celti (tribù) che resisteranno alla campagna di conquista di Cesare. In questo gioco di strategia rogue-like, prendi il comando del viaggio della tua tribù attraverso l'Europa, eludendo abilmente le forze romane. Con livelli generati proceduralmente e battaglie in tempo reale, devi costantemente potenziare ed equipaggiare le tue unità mentre gestisci risorse vitali. Garantisci il futuro della tua nazione. - Guida una tribù gallica nella resistenza alla conquista di Cesare durante la turbolenta era delle guerre galliche (58-50 a.C.). - Naviga su campi di battaglia dinamici generati casualmente. - Evita l'inseguimento mentre viaggi attraverso l'Europa. - Combatti, commercia o intraprendi avventure basate sul testo a ogni tappa. Preparati alla battaglia. - Partecipa a brevi battaglie su mappe esagonali della durata di 5-10 minuti. - Personalizza le formazioni, classifica le unità ed equipaggiale con vari oggetti. - Rafforza le difese del tuo accampamento. - Crea armi, armature e macchinari da guerra. Garantisci la sopravvivenza contro ogni previsione. - Adattati agli eventi casuali che modellano le condizioni di combattimento. - Vivi oltre 100 eventi narrativi con ricompense o punizioni. - Sblocca segreti di conoscenze druidiche, marziali e tribali. - Abbraccia l'imprevedibile equilibrio di contenuti generati casualmente e scelte strategiche. Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download TENOKE [ENG]
Descrizione Ambientato in una cupa età della pietra lovecraftiana, The Tribe Must Survive è un gioco strategico di sopravvivenza in cui devi proteggere la tua tribù dai pericoli in agguato e farla prosperare. Di giorno, i membri della tribù lavorano per sostentare la comunità; di notte, la fioca luce del falò diventa l’unica difesa contro i pericoli che si annidano nel buio. Gestisci la legna, il cibo e le altre risorse per sostentare la tribù. Le varie catastrofi globali metteranno a dura prova la resilienza della comunità, così come le dinamiche delle fazioni all’interno della tribù ne saggeranno la coesione. Quale stile di leadership adotterai per far sopravvivere il tuo gruppo? ALLA GUIDA DELLA TUA TRIBÙ I vari membri del clan agiscono in maniera dinamica, in base a necessità e tratti unici, che ne influenzano il comportamento. Puoi indicargli la via assegnando incarichi di lavoro a ciascuno di loro, gestendo le risorse e creando e sviluppando nuove tecnologie. Riduci la paura, predisponi riti e prendi decisioni cruciali per aiutare la tribù a sopravvivere agli inevitabili disastri. NEL MONDO ESTERNO Le risorse nei pressi del falò sono limitate: dovrai addentrarti nel mondo esterno per reperire generi di prima necessità. Le spedizioni ti permetteranno di stabilire nuovi avamposti e rotte commerciali. Correrai il rischio di organizzare spedizioni senza la certezza di un esito positivo? Esplora un ampio ventaglio di decisioni, pondera i rischi e le ricompense, soppesa i benefici a breve e lungo termine. FUORI DALLE TENEBRE Le scelte che farai condizioneranno le opinioni dei membri della tribù in vari modi, sfociando persino nella creazione di fazioni e nella nascita di conflitti interni. Eventi simili possono alterare in modo tangibile le tue partite: tieni sempre a mente i bisogni spirituali e filosofici, non sottovalutare l’importanza della coesione e salvaguarda la comunità dalle minacce interne. INFINITE VICENDE DA NARRARE Grazie alle mappe generate proceduralmente, ogni partita presenta sfide e opportunità nuove, oltre che una combinazione unica di eventi e vantaggi. Completa gli obiettivi per sbloccare vantaggi aggiuntivi in grado di contribuire al successo della tribù. Quando te la senti, mettiti alla prova con sfide di livello superiore. Che tu vinca o perda, c’è sempre qualcosa da imparare e da migliorare: così facendo, ti avvicinerai sempre di più a una gestione perfetta. Costi quel che costi... La tribù deve sopravvivere! Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download TENOKE [ENG]
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Tribe Nine Stagione 1 Episodi 12 Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy Haru Shirogane è una persona dalla mente debole che è costantemente vittima di bullismo mentre Taiga ha viaggiato dall'altra parte del mare nella speranza di diventare l'uomo più forte del mondo. Una notte, i due si incontrano con Shun Kamiya, il più forte giocatore di XB (Extreme Baseball) e leader della tribù Minato. Quando si incontrano, ciascuna delle tribù sparse per Neo-Tokyo sta per affrontare una grave minaccia. Per ordine del re di Neo-Tokyo, "Houtenshin", della tribù Chiyoda, guidata dal misterioso Ojiro Otori, ha iniziato a prendere il controllo di tutte le tribù del paese. Le loro grinfie malvagie stanno per raggiungere la tribù Minato... Yuu Aoki Series Director Masafumi Takada Original Music Composer Kazutaka Kodaka Original Concept 薮本陽輔 Character Designer Shuuhei Yamaguchi Producer 鈴木寿広 Executive Producer 横手美智子 Series Composition 長池未来 Art Designer Tomohiro Kawahara Prop Designer 荒木一成 Prop Designer Yui Horie Haru Shirogane (voice) Akira Ishida Shun Kamiya (voice) 沢城千春 Taiga (voice) 渕上舞 Saori Arisugawa (voice) 田村睦心 Santarou Mita (voice) 落合福嗣 Manami Daimon (voice) 千葉翔也 Kazuki Aoyama (voice) 中博史 Tenshin Outori (voice) Mikako Komatsu Yuī Kamiki (voice) Yuichi Nakamura Yajirobe Ueno (voice) Daisuke Ono Hanafuda Sakura (voice) 寺島惇太 Fucho Sonoda (voice) 近藤玲奈 Enoki Yukigaya (voice) 野津山幸宏 Kiyoshiro Haneda (voice) 松田健一郎 Roku Saigo (voice) 梶原岳人 Kai Asahikawa (voice) Episodi: 12 In onda il: 2022-01-10 1: It Takes Guts Haru Shirokane and Taiga are saved from a group of delinquents by the strongest XB player and leader of the Minato Tribe, Shun Kamiya. Despite calling him boring, Kamiya invites Haru to his Extreme Baseball team with Taiga joining too. In the match against a rival team. In the aftermath, Haru overcomes his weakness and decides to stay with Shun in the team. 1: It Takes Guts In onda il: 2022-01-10 Haru Shirokane and Taiga are saved from a group of delinquents by the strongest XB player and leader of the Minato Tribe, Shun Kamiya. Despite calling him boring, Kamiya invites Haru to his Extreme Baseball team with Taiga joining too. In the match against a rival team. In the aftermath, Haru overcomes his weakness and decides to stay with Shun in the team. In onda il: 2022-01-17 2: The Destroyer Hull and Taiga are fascinated by XB and decide to join Minato Tribe. The two learn the rules of XB from the deputy leader Saori Arisugawa, but Taiga, who is not good at studying, is not good at it. Kamiya, who was watching the situation, proposes a practice game, saying, “It is faster to actually play.”Meanwhile, at that time, King Neo Tokyo’s Ho-Oh Tenshin had given a certain order to Chiyoda Tribe, led by his successor, Ho-Oh Jiro. 2: The Destroyer In onda il: 2022-01-17 Hull and Taiga are fascinated by XB and decide to join Minato Tribe. The two learn the rules of XB from the deputy leader Saori Arisugawa, but Taiga, who is not good at studying, is not good at it. Kamiya, who was watching the situation, proposes a practice game, saying, “It is faster to actually play.”Meanwhile, at that time, King Neo Tokyo’s Ho-Oh Tenshin had given a certain order to Chiyoda Tribe, led by his successor, Ho-Oh Jiro. In onda il: 2022-01-24 3: A Real Enemy At an overwhelming speed, Ojiro of Chiyoda Tribe is overwhelming the powerful tribes one after another. His next target was Minato Tribe, led by the strongest XB player, Shun Kamiya. Kamiya cuts off Ojiro’s idea of affirming blood and violence as a bad hobby … Thus, the battle between Minato and Chiyoda is cut off. 3: A Real Enemy In onda il: 2022-01-24 At an overwhelming speed, Ojiro of Chiyoda Tribe is overwhelming the powerful tribes one after another. His next target was Minato Tribe, led by the strongest XB player, Shun Kamiya. Kamiya cuts off Ojiro’s idea of affirming blood and violence as a bad hobby … Thus, the battle between Minato and Chiyoda is cut off. In onda il: 2022-01-31 4: Without Him… A member of Minato who is defeated by Ojiro and despairs. The life of the tribe was disbanded, and my body and soul were about to fall apart. At that point, an incident occurred in which Arisugawa was kidnapped by Hyakutaro Senju of Adachi Tribe. The remaining Minato members are confused, but head to Adachi City to help Arisugawa. 4: Without Him… In onda il: 2022-01-31 A member of Minato who is defeated by Ojiro and despairs. The life of the tribe was disbanded, and my body and soul were about to fall apart. At that point, an incident occurred in which Arisugawa was kidnapped by Hyakutaro Senju of Adachi Tribe. The remaining Minato members are confused, but head to Adachi City to help Arisugawa. In onda il: 2022-02-07 5: What I Wanted to See Minato started XB with Adachi to help Arisugawa, but he was at the mercy of how to fight by taking advantage of Adachi’s land. Kazuki Aoyama, a mysterious man who suddenly approaches “Let’s help” in front of such Minato members. Due to his strategy, Minato quickly regains his position and begins to catch up with Adachi. Haru and Taiga were antipathy to Kazuki’s mocking attitude and way of doing things. 5: What I Wanted to See In onda il: 2022-02-07 Minato started XB with Adachi to help Arisugawa, but he was at the mercy of how to fight by taking advantage of Adachi’s land. Kazuki Aoyama, a mysterious man who suddenly approaches “Let’s help” in front of such Minato members. Due to his strategy, Minato quickly regains his position and begins to catch up with Adachi. Haru and Taiga were antipathy to Kazuki’s mocking attitude and way of doing things. In onda il: 2022-02-14 6: A Man's Pride After the battle with Minato, Senju had another unpleasant existence. He is Chiyoda’s King Jiro, who is crushing the tribes in Neo Tokyo. Senju decides to hit Chiyoda. Haru and his friends, who once lost the battle with Chiyoda and know their abilities, try to stop the battle because they are worried about Senju. 6: A Man's Pride In onda il: 2022-02-14 After the battle with Minato, Senju had another unpleasant existence. He is Chiyoda’s King Jiro, who is crushing the tribes in Neo Tokyo. Senju decides to hit Chiyoda. Haru and his friends, who once lost the battle with Chiyoda and know their abilities, try to stop the battle because they are worried about Senju. In onda il: 2022-02-21 7: Tribe-Packed XB Tourney Kazuki urges Taiga to practice away from Minato. Hull, who witnessed the appearance, deepens his distrust of Kazuki. At that time, an incident occurred in which a thief entered the hideout in an attempt to steal Hull’s beam bat. Maybe that thief is … 7: Tribe-Packed XB Tourney In onda il: 2022-02-21 Kazuki urges Taiga to practice away from Minato. Hull, who witnessed the appearance, deepens his distrust of Kazuki. At that time, an incident occurred in which a thief entered the hideout in an attempt to steal Hull’s beam bat. Maybe that thief is … In onda il: 2022-02-28 8: The Dawn of Chaos Chiyoda’s Yui Kamiki visited Otatribe to request the killing of Kazuki Aoyama. Until then, Otatribe was dressed in poor clothes and pretended to be a beggar … Its true identity is a brutal bandit led by Sonoda, a leader who loves chaos. At the request of Shinboku, Sonoda and his colleagues start attacking Minato Tribe without regard to the XB method. 8: The Dawn of Chaos In onda il: 2022-02-28 Chiyoda’s Yui Kamiki visited Otatribe to request the killing of Kazuki Aoyama. Until then, Otatribe was dressed in poor clothes and pretended to be a beggar … Its true identity is a brutal bandit led by Sonoda, a leader who loves chaos. At the request of Shinboku, Sonoda and his colleagues start attacking Minato Tribe without regard to the XB method. In onda il: 2022-03-07 9: Reversal Goodbye In the midst of the battle with the confused Ota, Sonoda’s mouth tells Kazuki’s true purpose. It was “to use Minato Tribe to take revenge on Ojiro who broke his left arm.” Hull and others who knew it could not find the meaning of continuing the battle and tried to abandon the game. However, only Taiga, who returned from training, did not lose his will to fight …! 9: Reversal Goodbye In onda il: 2022-03-07 In the midst of the battle with the confused Ota, Sonoda’s mouth tells Kazuki’s true purpose. It was “to use Minato Tribe to take revenge on Ojiro who broke his left arm.” Hull and others who knew it could not find the meaning of continuing the battle and tried to abandon the game. However, only Taiga, who returned from training, did not lose his will to fight …! In onda il: 2022-03-14 10: Declaration of War After overtaking the throne, Ojiro enacts brutal XB laws and issues a challenge to Minato Tribe. The crew questions whether to take him on when the game has become a bloodbath. 10: Declaration of War In onda il: 2022-03-14 After overtaking the throne, Ojiro enacts brutal XB laws and issues a challenge to Minato Tribe. The crew questions whether to take him on when the game has become a bloodbath. In onda il: 2022-03-21 11: Chiyoda Tribe Showdown Before the game gets started, Haru has something important to say. But just when the crew thinks they have a fighting chance, Chiyoda Tribe gets serious. 11: Chiyoda Tribe Showdown In onda il: 2022-03-21 Before the game gets started, Haru has something important to say. But just when the crew thinks they have a fighting chance, Chiyoda Tribe gets serious. In onda il: 2022-03-28 12: Play Ball Ojiro himself has taken the field and is determined to crush all opposition. Kazuki struggles to win back his old friend as Haru fights to protect all he holds dear. 12: Play Ball In onda il: 2022-03-28 Ojiro himself has taken the field and is determined to crush all opposition. Kazuki struggles to win back his old friend as Haru fights to protect all he holds dear. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
Lost Boys 2 The Tribe – Ragazzi Perduti 2 (2008) DVD5 Custom ENG SUB ITA
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Genere: Horror Regia: P.J. Pesce Nazione: USA Durata: 92' Cast:Autumn Reeser, Corey Feldman, Shaun Sipos, Tad Hilgenbrink, Angus Sutherland L’orfano ed ex-surfista Chris Emerson e sua sorella Nicole Emerson si trasferiscono a Luna Bay dalla zia Jillan, nella speranza di iniziare una nuova vita senza spese, ma la zia chiede loro l’affitto per una casa fatiscente. Chris trova lavoro come modellatore di tavole da surf al fine di cercare di racimolare i soldi per pagare le spese inaspettate. Incontra un suo conoscente ed ex-surfista, Shane Powers, che lo invita quella sera ad una festa. Fratello e sorella vanno alla roulotte del modellatore di tavole da surf e cacciatore di vampiri, Edgar Frog, per chiedergli un lavoro. Non trovandolo Chris gli lascia un messaggio. Vanno alla festa di Shane, e Nicole rimane con lui e beve una bevanda alcolica che Shane le offre. Nicole diventa una semi-vampira ed Edgar la informa che ha bevuto del sangue di vampiro e che l’unico modo per salvarsi è uccidere il capo vampiro. Chris ed Edgar, per salvare Nicole, vanno alla ricerca del nascondiglio di Shane e del suo clan.