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Princess Principal Crown Handler: Chapter 3 (2023) Sub ITA Streaming
Sert-X ha pubblicato a video in Anime Sub ITA
Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Princess Principal Crown Handler: Chapter 3 1 h 0 m 2023 Animazione ◦ Azione ◦ Avventura ◦ Dramma ◦ Mistero Terzo film sequel della serie "Princess Principal". 白土晴一 Researcher 橘正紀 Director 高橋諒 Main Title Theme Composer 古賀葵 Theme Song Performance 木村暢 Screenplay 西尾公伯 Character Designer 西尾公伯 Supervising Animation Director 片貝文洋 Mechanical Designer 若林優 Director of Photography 大地葉 Theme Song Performance Gow Taniguchi Art Designer 木村暢 Series Composition 岩浪美和 Sound Director Ryou Akizuki Prop Designer Morihito Ohara Art Designer Yuko Tsumori Color Designer Hirofumi Araki Graphic Designer Munashichi Concept Artist Kouhaku Kuroboshi Character Designer Yui Mugino Theme Song Performance 関根明良 Theme Song Performance Yukie Akiya Character Designer 梶浦由記 Original Music Composer 杉浦美穂 Art Direction 古木のぞみ Theme Song Performance 谷内優穂 Art Designer Noboru Jitsuhara Art Designer 定松剛 Editor 影山灯 Theme Song Performance 橘正紀 Storyboard Artist 檜垣彰子 Animation Director Katsunori Tanaka Key Animation Noboru Jitsuhara Key Animation 篠原健二 Key Animation 沖田直美 Key Animation Osamu Sato Key Animation 檜垣彰子 Key Animation 小島えり Animation Director 下田正美 Storyboard Artist 橘正紀 Key Animation Kakuto Gai Key Animation Wang Guonian Animation Director Hiroaki Kudou Second Unit Director 北島信幸 Key Animation 島田賢史 Key Animation Masakazu Yoshimoto Key Animation Honoka Tokunaga Key Animation 平田卓也 Key Animation 片貝文洋 Animation Director 山下浩史 Key Animation 杉原正太 Key Animation 西尾公伯 Key Animation 米田雄哉 Key Animation 北條真純 Key Animation Roku Tsujimura Key Animation 伊藤岳史 Key Animation 別所正直 Key Animation Chinatsu Ueno Key Animation 古賀葵 Ange (voice) 関根明良 Princess (voice) 大地葉 Dorothy (voice) 影山灯 Beatrice (voice) 古木のぞみ Chise (voice) 菅生隆之 L (voice) Miyuki Sawashiro 7 (voice) 本田裕之 Dollyshop (voice) 山崎たくみ Colonel (voice) 土師孝也 Duke of Normandy (voice) 飯田友子 Gazelle (voice) 遠藤璃菜 Edward (voice) Kazuyuki Okitsu Richard (voice) Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e -
Princess Principal Crown Handler: Chapter 2 (2021) Sub ITA Streaming
Sert-X ha pubblicato a video in Anime Sub ITA
Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Princess Principal Crown Handler: Chapter 2 0 h 56 m 2021 Animazione ◦ Azione ◦ Avventura ◦ Dramma ◦ Mistero Secondo film sequel della serie "Princess Principal". Hiroaki Kudou Second Unit Director 高田淳 Storyboard Artist 橘正紀 Storyboard Artist Wang Guonian Animation Director 北條真純 Animation Director 小島えり Animation Director 片貝文洋 Animation Director Katsunori Tanaka Animation Director 橘正紀 Director 木村暢 Series Composition Morihito Ohara Art Designer 梶浦由記 Original Music Composer Yuko Tsumori Color Designer 岩浪美和 Sound Director 杉浦美穂 Art Direction Gow Taniguchi Art Designer 谷内優穂 Art Designer Noboru Jitsuhara Art Designer 西尾公伯 Supervising Animation Director 古賀葵 Theme Song Performance Yukie Akiya Character Designer 片貝文洋 Mechanical Designer 関根明良 Theme Song Performance 高橋諒 Main Title Theme Composer 影山灯 Theme Song Performance 白土晴一 Researcher Ryou Akizuki Prop Designer Kouhaku Kuroboshi Character Designer 西尾公伯 Character Designer 大地葉 Theme Song Performance Yui Mugino Theme Song Performance Hirofumi Araki Graphic Designer 古木のぞみ Theme Song Performance 定松剛 Editor Munashichi Concept Artist 若林優 Director of Photography 木村暢 Screenplay 古賀葵 Ange (voice) 関根明良 Princess (voice) 大地葉 Dorothy (voice) 影山灯 Beatrice (voice) 古木のぞみ Chise (voice) 菅生隆之 L (voice) Miyuki Sawashiro 7 (voice) 本田裕之 Dollyshop (voice) 山崎たくみ Colonel (voice) 土師孝也 Duke of Normandy (voice) 飯田友子 Gazelle (voice) 丹沢晃之 Edward (voice) 遠藤璃菜 Mary (voice) Kazuyuki Okitsu Richard (voice) Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e -
Princess Principal Crown Handler: Chapter 1 (2021) Sub ITA Streaming
Sert-X ha pubblicato a video in Anime Sub ITA
Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Princess Principal Crown Handler: Chapter 1 0 h 54 m 2021 Animazione ◦ Azione ◦ Avventura ◦ Dramma ◦ Mistero Sequel di Princess Principal, le vicende vengono riprese dal 12° episodio della serie anime. Primo di 6 film cinematografici. Antefatto: La storia segue le vicende di cinque ragazze ed è ambientata nel 19° secolo a Londra, una città appartenente al Regno di Albione che è diviso fra est e ovest da un largo muro. Le ragazze sono spie sotto copertura che si fingono delle studentesse del prestigioso istituto Queen's Mayfair. Le ragazze utilizzeranno le loro abilità per farsi largo nel mondo della clandestinità tra travestimenti, spionaggio, sabotaggi e inseguimenti. Yohei Hata Producer Toshikazu Sugimoto Producer 高田淳 Second Unit Director 片貝文洋 Animation Director Wang Guonian Animation Director 小島えり Animation Director 橘正紀 Storyboard Artist Katsunori Tanaka Animation Director 梶浦由記 Original Music Composer Ryou Akizuki Prop Designer 古賀葵 Theme Song Performance 谷内優穂 Art Designer Yui Mugino Theme Song Performance 白土晴一 Researcher Yukie Akiya Character Designer 高橋諒 Main Title Theme Composer 西尾公伯 Character Designer 西尾公伯 Supervising Animation Director 木村暢 Series Composition Morihito Ohara Art Designer 関根明良 Theme Song Performance 影山灯 Theme Song Performance 古木のぞみ Theme Song Performance 大地葉 Theme Song Performance 木村暢 Screenplay 妹尾想 Background Designer 橘正紀 Director Kouhaku Kuroboshi Character Designer 片貝文洋 Mechanical Designer Munashichi Concept Artist Noboru Jitsuhara Art Designer 岩浪美和 Sound Director 若林優 Director of Photography Yuko Tsumori Color Designer Gow Taniguchi Art Designer 杉浦美穂 Art Direction 定松剛 Editor Hirofumi Araki Graphic Designer 古賀葵 Ange (voice) 関根明良 Princess (voice) 大地葉 Dorothy (voice) 影山灯 Beatrice (voice) 古木のぞみ Chise (voice) 菅生隆之 L (voice) Miyuki Sawashiro 7 (voice) 本田裕之 Dollyshop (voice) 山崎たくみ Colonel (voice) 土師孝也 Duke of Normandy (voice) 飯田友子 Gazelle (voice) Nobuo Tobita Bishop (voice) Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e -
The Principal - Una Classe Violenta (1987) 1080p
patacca ha pubblicato una discussione in » HD 1080p / Untouched
Scheda: Titolo originale: The Principal Nazione: United States Anno: 1987 Genere: Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller Durata: 109 Regia: Christopher Cain Cast: Jim Belushi, Louis Gossett Jr., Rae Dawn Chong, Michael Wright, J.J. Cohen, Esai Morales, Troy Winbush, Jacob Vargas, Thomas Ryan, Reggie Johnson, Kelly Jo Minter, Ruth Beckford, Julian Brooks, Joan Valderrama, Rick Hamilton, Marty Pistone, Richard Dupell, Peter Fitzsimmons, Joe Flood, Annabel Armour Produzione: TriStar Pictures, Dorica Film, ML Delphi Premier Productions IMDb User Rating: 6.3/10 Trama: Il professor Rick Latimer, ancora geloso della ex moglie, poiché si è messo nei guai, distruggendo quasi completamente l'auto del rivale, viene punito dai suoi superiori con una "promozione": andrà a fare il preside in una scuola superiore di periferia, tristemente nota in tutto il distretto per essere il covo di giovani assai violenti. In questo istituto neanche la polizia vuol entrare: gli insegnanti sono troppo spaventati per farsi valere e l'aspetto fatiscente dei locali contribuisce alla impressione generale di squallore. Latimer, però, affronta la situazione con coraggio perché vuole eliminare la violenza nella scuola che gli è stata affidata e riportarvi pace e disciplina, ma soprattutto vuole riuscire per dimostrare a se stesso che è capace di qualcosa di positivo. Non si fa quindi intimorire dalle due bande rivali, composte da giovani delinquenti che si contendono il potere senza esclusione di colpi: quella del negro Victor Duncan e quella del bianco Zac, che gli sfasciano la moto e cercano di intimidirlo sia aggredendolo selvaggiamente e minacciandolo di morte, sia punendo con una bastonatura selvaggia un alunno che ha osato sfidarlo. Latimer è dunque solo a lottare, se si esclude l'aiuto datogli dal sorvegliante negro della scuola, Jake Phillips, un ex campione. E' una guerra snervante e accanita, ma quando Hilary Orozco, una giovane insegnante nera... The Principal - Una Classe Violenta (1987) (1080p.ITA.ENG.Subs) -
The Principal - Una classe violenta (1987) 1080p
peppeok ha pubblicato una discussione in » HD 1080p / Untouched
Scheda: Titolo: The Principal - Una classe violenta Titolo Originale: The Principal Genere: azione, thriller Nazione: Stati Uniti d'America Anno: 1987 Durata: 109 min Regia: Christopher Cain Cast: Jim Belushi, Louis Gossett Jr., Rae Dawn Chong, Michael Wright, J.J. Cohen, Kelly Minter (Kelly Jo Minter), Esai Morales, Troy Winbush, Jacob Vargas, Thomas Ryan, Reggie Johnson, Ruth Beckford, Julian Brooks, Joan Valderrama, Rick Hamilton Trama: Il professor Latimer viene mandato come preside in una scuola nota in tutto il distretto per la violenza dei suoi studenti. Padroni della situazione sono due gruppi rivali: uno capeggiato dal nero Duncan, l'altro dal bianco Zac. Nonostante le intimidazioni, Latimer non cede. Con l'aiuto di Jake, sorvegliante dell'istituto, e di uno studente che si schiera con lui, il preside affronta la battaglia in campo aperto... Bando alle sottigliezze sociologiche e ai buoni sentimenti: un western scolastico dove Belushi fa il preside-sceriffo cuor di leone, (quasi) solo contro tutti. The.Principal.Una.Classe.Violenta.1987.Bluray.1080p.x264.AC3.iTA.ENG-Peppe.mkv -
The principal - Una classe violenta (1987) DVD9 COPIA 1:1 ITA ENG FRE GER SPA
PRINCIPESSA10 ha pubblicato una discussione in » Dvd-R
GENERE: Drammatico ANNO: 1987 REGIA: Christopher Cain ATTORI: James Belushi, Louis Gossett Jr., Rae Dawn Chong, Michael Wright, J.J. Cohen, Troy Winbush, Reggie Johnson, Thomas Ryan, Jacob Vargas, Esai Morales PAESE: USA DURATA: 109 Min FORMATO: NORMALE Il professor Rick Latimer, ancora geloso della ex moglie, poiché si è messo nei guai, distruggendo quasi completamente l'auto del rivale, viene punito dai suoi superiori con una "promozione": andrà a fare il preside in una scuola superiore di periferia, tristemente nota in tutto il distretto per essere il covo di giovani assai violenti. In questo istituto neanche la polizia vuol entrare: gli insegnanti sono troppo spaventati per farsi valere e l'aspetto fatiscente dei locali contribuisce alla impressione generale di squallore. Latimer, però, affronta la situazione con coraggio perché vuole eliminare la violenza nella scuola che gli è stata affidata e riportarvi pace e disciplina, ma soprattutto vuole riuscire per dimostrare a se stesso che è capace di qualcosa di positivo. -
Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Princess Principal Stagione 1 Episodi 12 Action & Adventure ◦ Animazione ◦ Mistero ◦ Dramma La scena è ambientata durante la Londra del XIX secolo, nella sua capitale dove un muro divide l'est e l'ovest del Regno di Albion. Cinque ragazze del liceo, che si sono iscritte alla prestigiosa Queens May Fair School, sono coinvolte in attività di spionaggio che implicano travestimenti, infiltrazioni, inseguimenti in auto e altro ancora. Queste ragazze sfruttano le loro abilità speciali e volano in giro per il mondo delle ombre. 若林優 Director of Photography 高橋諒 Main Title Theme Composer 國枝信吾 Executive Producer Morihito Ohara Art Designer 村田嘉邦 Executive Producer MARU Theme Song Performance 古迫智典 Executive Producer 佐藤純之介 Music Director 山口貴之 Sound Mixer 影山灯 Theme Song Performance 橘正紀 Series Director Ryou Akizuki Prop Designer 白土晴一 Researcher 小山恭正 Sound Effects 関根明良 Theme Song Performance 櫻井優香 Executive Producer Chidori Hayashi Executive Producer Nobutaka Ike Supervising Art Director Yukie Akiya Character Designer Kenji Hamada Executive Producer 岩浪美和 Sound Director Kazuyoshi Nishikawa Producer 金子広孝 Producer 中島竜生 3D Director 大地葉 Theme Song Performance 片貝文洋 Mechanical Designer Yuko Tsumori Color Designer Hirofumi Araki Graphic Designer Yoichi Sekine Music Producer Hiroyasu Oyama Executive Producer Yukie Akiya Supervising Animation Director 谷内優穂 Art Designer 今村彩夏 Theme Song Performance 大河内一楼 Series Composition 西尾公伯 Supervising Animation Director 定松剛 Editor 梶浦由記 Original Music Composer Munashichi Concept Artist 杉浦美穂 Art Direction 古木のぞみ Theme Song Performance Ryoya Arisawa Producer 関根明良 Princess (voice) 今村彩夏 Ange (voice) 古木のぞみ Chise (voice) 大地葉 Dorothy (voice) 影山灯 Beatrice (voice) Episodi: 12 In onda il: 2017-07-09 1: Case 13 Wired Liar In the world of spies, Ange works in the shadows but is suddenly moved when Eric makes a heartbreaking plea. Will Ange believe him? 1: Case 13 Wired Liar In onda il: 2017-07-09 In the world of spies, Ange works in the shadows but is suddenly moved when Eric makes a heartbreaking plea. Will Ange believe him? In onda il: 2017-07-16 2: Case 1 Dancy Conspiracy Ange has just transferred into Queen's Mayfaire Academy, and she's on a mission to recruit the Princess. The only thing standing in her way is the Princess' agenda. 2: Case 1 Dancy Conspiracy In onda il: 2017-07-16 Ange has just transferred into Queen's Mayfaire Academy, and she's on a mission to recruit the Princess. The only thing standing in her way is the Princess' agenda. In onda il: 2017-07-24 3: Case 2 Vice Voice The connection between Ange and the princess comes to light, and the girls discover Beatrice's extraordinary talents. 3: Case 2 Vice Voice In onda il: 2017-07-24 The connection between Ange and the princess comes to light, and the girls discover Beatrice's extraordinary talents. In onda il: 2017-07-30 4: Case 9 Roaming Pigeons The girls are sent to retrieve a certain prototype from the Kingdom. In the meantime, Dorothy must keep a close eye on a friend. 4: Case 9 Roaming Pigeons In onda il: 2017-07-30 The girls are sent to retrieve a certain prototype from the Kingdom. In the meantime, Dorothy must keep a close eye on a friend. In onda il: 2017-08-06 5: Case 7 Bullet & Blade's Ballad The Princess must host Lord Horikawa during his time in the Kingdom of Albion. Only to be met with assassination attempts directed towards them both! 5: Case 7 Bullet & Blade's Ballad In onda il: 2017-08-06 The Princess must host Lord Horikawa during his time in the Kingdom of Albion. Only to be met with assassination attempts directed towards them both! In onda il: 2017-08-14 6: Case 18 Rouge Morgue Dorothy must take a case that involves her father, to retrieve a something from a dead body at his morgue. Does this bring them back closer together? 6: Case 18 Rouge Morgue In onda il: 2017-08-14 Dorothy must take a case that involves her father, to retrieve a something from a dead body at his morgue. Does this bring them back closer together? In onda il: 2017-08-21 7: Case 16 Loudly Laundry The girls have their next assignment, and they must infiltrate a laundry mill to find a deadly weapon. In the mill, they catch a glimpse of the workers' conditions. 7: Case 16 Loudly Laundry In onda il: 2017-08-21 The girls have their next assignment, and they must infiltrate a laundry mill to find a deadly weapon. In the mill, they catch a glimpse of the workers' conditions. In onda il: 2017-08-28 8: Case 20 Ripper Dipper As Ange is painting, she is reminded of the first time she met the princess. With fiction and reality clashing, Ange questions herself. 8: Case 20 Ripper Dipper In onda il: 2017-08-28 As Ange is painting, she is reminded of the first time she met the princess. With fiction and reality clashing, Ange questions herself. In onda il: 2017-09-04 9: Case 11 Pell-mell Duel Chise writes to her sister about her life in the Kingdom of Albion, and how she struggles to adapt to their customs but the girls try their best to make Chise feel at home. 9: Case 11 Pell-mell Duel In onda il: 2017-09-04 Chise writes to her sister about her life in the Kingdom of Albion, and how she struggles to adapt to their customs but the girls try their best to make Chise feel at home. In onda il: 2017-09-11 10: Case 22 Comfort Comrade Control gives Ange and Dorothy a new assignment along with an old acquaintance. Unfortunately, old memories arise that can't be swept away. 10: Case 22 Comfort Comrade In onda il: 2017-09-11 Control gives Ange and Dorothy a new assignment along with an old acquaintance. Unfortunately, old memories arise that can't be swept away. In onda il: 2017-09-18 11: Case 23 Humble Double Ange must now fulfill her newest orders: assassinate the princess. With outside forces starting to make their move, what will happen to the Princess and Ange? 11: Case 23 Humble Double In onda il: 2017-09-18 Ange must now fulfill her newest orders: assassinate the princess. With outside forces starting to make their move, what will happen to the Princess and Ange? In onda il: 2017-09-25 12: Case 24 Fall of the Wall With time against her, Ange will stop at nothing until she has the princess next to her. Will she be too late to save her? 12: Case 24 Fall of the Wall In onda il: 2017-09-25 With time against her, Ange will stop at nothing until she has the princess next to her. Will she be too late to save her? Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e