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  1. Descrizione Kirito si risveglia in un mondo virtuale sconosciuto, ma stranamente familiare... Kirito è pronto a lanciarsi in nuove avventure ad Underworld, un mondo sconfinato introdotto nell'anime di SWORD ART ONLINE, in questo nuovo capitolo della serie di GDR! Vinci battaglie frenetiche e ricche d'azione usando tecniche di spada e Arti sacre dei tuoi personaggi preferiti di SAO! Kirito incontra un ragazzo di nome Eugeo. Nel profondo del loro cuore giace una promessa... Per mantenerla e non perdersi i due partono insieme per un'avventura, e non si fermeranno davanti a nulla pur di raggiungere il loro obiettivo. Screenshots Requisiti minimi Download SWORD.ART.ONLINE.Alicization.Lycoris.Deluxe.Edition.v3.12-G4U55 | 39.9GB [SUB ITA]
  2. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Lycoris Recoil Stagione 1    Episodi 13         Animazione ◦ Action & Adventure ◦ Commedia "LycoReco" è una caffetteria con un tocco tradizionale giapponese situata nel centro di Tokyo. Ma il delizioso caffè e i dolci zuccherati non sono gli unici ordini che questo caffè prende! Dalla consegna di pacchi per brevi distanze, a ritiri e consegne nelle strade solitarie di notte, fino allo sterminio di zombie e mostri giganti...?! Qualunque sia il vostro problema, siamo qui per aiutarvi! Risolveremo qualsiasi tipo di "guaio" possiate avere! Ad attendervi ci sono la sempre sorridente poster-girl e la nuova arrivata, fredda e seria. Una ragazza minuta che non vuole mai lavorare e una giovane donna prossima ai trent'anni che vuole sposarsi. E il direttore è un bravo ragazzo ossessionato dal Giappone! 足立慎吾 Series Director Asaura Original Story Imigimuru Character Designer さユり Theme Song Performance 睦月周平 Original Music Composer 吉田光平 Sound Director 須藤瞳 Editor Toshiaki Aoshima Director of Photography Hodaka Okamoto Art Direction 朱原デーナ Prop Designer Yumiko Yamamoto Character Designer Azusa Sasaki Color Designer 沢田犬二 Action Director Toshitaka Morioka CGI Director Maiko Ikeda Art Direction 丸山裕介 Assistant Director Ayumi Tamura Assistant Director of Photography Munashichi Art Designer 山内真治 Music Producer 三宅将典 Executive Producer 神宮司学 Producer Yoshihiro Yoshida Producer 大和田智之 Producer 柏田真一郎 Production Supervisor Jun Katou Production Supervisor 上野励 Sound Effects 渡邊雅文 Foley Artist 藤原淳平 Sound Recordist 藤原淳平 Sound Mixer Mao Higashi Associate Producer Yuki Fukada Associate Producer 舘遼太朗 Online Editor Yumiko Yamamoto Opening/Ending Animation ukiashi Costume Design Go Suzuki Costume Design Spider Lily Original Concept 足立慎吾 Series Composition 足立慎吾 Director Chika Anzai Chisato Nishikigi (voice) Shion Wakayama Takina Inoue (voice) Ami Koshimizu Mizuki Nakahara (voice) 久野美咲 Kurumi (voice) さかき孝輔 Mika (voice) Episodi: 13  In onda il: 2022-07-02 1: Easy does it Takina Inoue, a secret agent who protects the security of Japan called a "Lycoris," is ordered to transfer to the café LycoReco in consequence of a certain incident. Takina is enthusiastic about returning to DA now that she's buddied up with the super-elite No. 1 Lycoris (?) Chisato, but her job at LycoReco is just one weird thing after another!? 1: Easy does it In onda il: 2022-07-02 Takina Inoue, a secret agent who protects the security of Japan called a "Lycoris," is ordered to transfer to the café LycoReco in consequence of a certain incident. Takina is enthusiastic about returning to DA now that she's buddied up with the super-elite No. 1 Lycoris (?) Chisato, but her job at LycoReco is just one weird thing after another!? In onda il: 2022-07-09 2: The more the merrier LycoReco received a request from the top hacker, Walnut. He wants help fleeing the country from other hackers in the same business who are all after his head. The members of LycoReco work together to help Walnut escape, but a violent group of armed assailants attacks Chisato and the others…!? 2: The more the merrier In onda il: 2022-07-09 LycoReco received a request from the top hacker, Walnut. He wants help fleeing the country from other hackers in the same business who are all after his head. The members of LycoReco work together to help Walnut escape, but a violent group of armed assailants attacks Chisato and the others…!? In onda il: 2022-07-16 3: More haste, less speed Chisato reluctantly went to DA Headquarters for a health checkup and physical fitness test. When Takina heard, she decided to tag along to make a direct request for reinstatement at DA. With Chisato, Takina negotiates, but their commander will hear none of it. Moreover, her ex-partner Fuki is teaming up with a new companion. 3: More haste, less speed In onda il: 2022-07-16 Chisato reluctantly went to DA Headquarters for a health checkup and physical fitness test. When Takina heard, she decided to tag along to make a direct request for reinstatement at DA. With Chisato, Takina negotiates, but their commander will hear none of it. Moreover, her ex-partner Fuki is teaming up with a new companion. In onda il: 2022-07-23 4: Nothing seek, nothing find After the incident at DA Headquarters, Chisato and Takina live a smooth and easy life at LycoReco. On one particular day, Chisato noticed that Takina's underwear is ■■■■■…! Fed up with Takina's absolute indifference toward herself, Chisato decides to take her shopping! 4: Nothing seek, nothing find In onda il: 2022-07-23 After the incident at DA Headquarters, Chisato and Takina live a smooth and easy life at LycoReco. On one particular day, Chisato noticed that Takina's underwear is ■■■■■…! Fed up with Takina's absolute indifference toward herself, Chisato decides to take her shopping! In onda il: 2022-07-30 5: So far, so good The client this time is Matsushita, a man whose body is connected to a machine. Knowing his time is short, Matsushita returns to his homeland of Japan for some sightseeing. Chisato and Takina, who were requested as bodyguards and guides, go all out to support Matsushita's Tokyo sightseeing tour! Meanwhile, Takina learns a curious fact about Chisato!? 5: So far, so good In onda il: 2022-07-30 The client this time is Matsushita, a man whose body is connected to a machine. Knowing his time is short, Matsushita returns to his homeland of Japan for some sightseeing. Chisato and Takina, who were requested as bodyguards and guides, go all out to support Matsushita's Tokyo sightseeing tour! Meanwhile, Takina learns a curious fact about Chisato!? In onda il: 2022-08-06 6: Opposites attract An outbreak of serial attacks against Lycoris occur. In order to stay in groups, Takina decides to stay over at Chisato's house. But for these two, living with someone for the first time is full of unpredictable situations!? Meanwhile, Kurumi secretly searches through the information DA is holding and gets close to the surprising truths about the assaults on Lycoris. 6: Opposites attract In onda il: 2022-08-06 An outbreak of serial attacks against Lycoris occur. In order to stay in groups, Takina decides to stay over at Chisato's house. But for these two, living with someone for the first time is full of unpredictable situations!? Meanwhile, Kurumi secretly searches through the information DA is holding and gets close to the surprising truths about the assaults on Lycoris. In onda il: 2022-08-13 7: Time will tell Mika received a text. Chisato happened to peek at that text and makes a huge fuss when she suspects that Kusunoki is trying to bring her back to DA! To prevent their plans, the four members of LycoReco join forces to rush the bar where Mika has a secret rendezvous! 7: Time will tell In onda il: 2022-08-13 Mika received a text. Chisato happened to peek at that text and makes a huge fuss when she suspects that Kusunoki is trying to bring her back to DA! To prevent their plans, the four members of LycoReco join forces to rush the bar where Mika has a secret rendezvous! In onda il: 2022-08-20 8: Another day, another dollar After learning that Café LycoReco is in the red, Takina decides to take charge of accounting on her own. Takina flawlessly breaks down everything from indiscriminately restraining Chisato from wasting bullets to shadowing the café's members. She even goes as far as planning a new menu item. But the menu item has a shape that’s too terrible to put into words!? 8: Another day, another dollar In onda il: 2022-08-20 After learning that Café LycoReco is in the red, Takina decides to take charge of accounting on her own. Takina flawlessly breaks down everything from indiscriminately restraining Chisato from wasting bullets to shadowing the café's members. She even goes as far as planning a new menu item. But the menu item has a shape that’s too terrible to put into words!? In onda il: 2022-08-27 9: What's done is done Chisato's artificial heart was targeted. Now that the battery can no longer be charged, the remainder of Chisato's days are set. Kurumi, who chases down clues about the irreplaceable artificial heart, asks Mika about what happened back then. Meanwhile, Chisato is summoned to Headquarters as DA prepares for a large-scale operation to suppress Majima. 9: What's done is done In onda il: 2022-08-27 Chisato's artificial heart was targeted. Now that the battery can no longer be charged, the remainder of Chisato's days are set. Kurumi, who chases down clues about the irreplaceable artificial heart, asks Mika about what happened back then. Meanwhile, Chisato is summoned to Headquarters as DA prepares for a large-scale operation to suppress Majima. In onda il: 2022-09-03 10: Repay evil with evil Chisato breaks the news that she will shut down Café LycoReco so that Mizuki and Kurumi do not get caught up in her personal affairs. Around the same time, Takina, who returned to DA, uses Majima as a stepping-stone to track down Yoshimatsu in order to save Chisato's life. They finally captures Majima's client and infiltrates their hideout…!? 10: Repay evil with evil In onda il: 2022-09-03 Chisato breaks the news that she will shut down Café LycoReco so that Mizuki and Kurumi do not get caught up in her personal affairs. Around the same time, Takina, who returned to DA, uses Majima as a stepping-stone to track down Yoshimatsu in order to save Chisato's life. They finally captures Majima's client and infiltrates their hideout…!? In onda il: 2022-09-10 11: Diamond cut diamond The Lycoris of DA stormed the Enkuboku to stop Majima. Just before the operation, Takina rushes to Café LycoReco when Kusunoki informs her that they cannot get in contact with Chisato. However, after receiving threats from Robota, Chisato and Mika set out to rescue Yoshimatsu, who is being held hostage... 11: Diamond cut diamond In onda il: 2022-09-10 The Lycoris of DA stormed the Enkuboku to stop Majima. Just before the operation, Takina rushes to Café LycoReco when Kusunoki informs her that they cannot get in contact with Chisato. However, after receiving threats from Robota, Chisato and Mika set out to rescue Yoshimatsu, who is being held hostage... In onda il: 2022-09-17 12: Nature versus nurture Chisato is dragged into a tough fight against Majima at the old radio tower, but Takina rushes in just in the nick of time. Meanwhile, the existence of the Lycoris is exposed to the public due to Majima's ploy. At Headquarters, Kusunoki's command is stripped, and a decision is made to dispose of the Lycoris inside the Enkuboku!? 12: Nature versus nurture In onda il: 2022-09-17 Chisato is dragged into a tough fight against Majima at the old radio tower, but Takina rushes in just in the nick of time. Meanwhile, the existence of the Lycoris is exposed to the public due to Majima's ploy. At Headquarters, Kusunoki's command is stripped, and a decision is made to dispose of the Lycoris inside the Enkuboku!? In onda il: 2022-09-24 13: Recoil of Lycoris All is settled with the incident at Enkuboku—or so it seems until Majima, who should have been defeated at the old Radio Tower, reappears before Chisato. Majima planted a bomb in the Enkuboku, betting on the explosion when he challenges Chisato to a one-on-one fight. As Chisato's own time limit approaches, the final battle begins! 13: Recoil of Lycoris In onda il: 2022-09-24 All is settled with the incident at Enkuboku—or so it seems until Majima, who should have been defeated at the old Radio Tower, reappears before Chisato. Majima planted a bomb in the Enkuboku, betting on the explosion when he challenges Chisato to a one-on-one fight. As Chisato's own time limit approaches, the final battle begins! Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
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