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Trovato 2 risultati

  1. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Hanako-kun: il doposcuola dell'Accademia Kamome Stagione 1    Episodi 8         Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy Il fantasma Hanako-kun e la sua assistente mortale, Nene Yashiro, sono sempre impegnati a risolvere i vari incidenti soprannaturali dell'Accademia Kamome, ma come trascorrono il tempo quando si concedono una pausa da tutto questo? Saki Tada Color Designer 飯田里樹 Sound Director 長友一馬 Series Composition 鍜冶川一夫 Editor Masaki Kitamura Series Director 嶋田瑞帆 Director of Photography 高木洋 Original Music Composer 鬼頭明里 Theme Song Performance 金澤まい Theme Song Performance 吉田有里 Theme Song Performance 森永千才 Theme Song Performance Iro Aida Comic Book 樋上あや Supervising Animation Director 天野龍洋 Sound Mixer 樋上あや Character Designer 臼井久人 Producer 新倉俊哉 Producer 渡辺信也 Executive Producer 外川明宏 Producer 片山悠樹 Producer 飯島江美子 Executive Producer Shinji Horikiri Producer 村松裕基 Producer いろあいだ Comic Book 緒方恵美 Hanako-kun / Tsukasa (voice) 鬼頭明里 Nene Yashiro (voice) 千葉翔也 Kou Minamoto (voice) 内田雄馬 Teru Minamoto (voice) 佐藤未奈子 Aoi Akane (voice) 土岐隼一 Akane Aoi (voice) Chika Anzai Sakura (voice) 水島大宙 Natsushiko Hyūga (voice) 小林大紀 Mitsuba (voice) Kenjirō Tsuda Tsuchigomori (voice) ゆかな Yako (voice) Episodi: 8  In onda il: 2023-10-13 1: Hanako-kun After School / Mokke Be Ambitious Nene is fed up with cleaning bathrooms, but there's no getting out of her ghostly bargain, so she seeks advice to make her chores fun. Later, the mokke attack Hanako, hoping to take his place as a Wonder. But why? 1: Hanako-kun After School / Mokke Be Ambitious In onda il: 2023-10-13 Nene is fed up with cleaning bathrooms, but there's no getting out of her ghostly bargain, so she seeks advice to make her chores fun. Later, the mokke attack Hanako, hoping to take his place as a Wonder. But why? In onda il: 2023-10-20 2: Kokkuri-san / Mitsuba's Operation: Friends Akane gathers Nene and her friends for the ultimate fortune-telling session, hoping to impress Aoi. What will his desperation conjure? Meanwhile, Mitsuba longs to make friends. But when Tsukasa offers to help, he gets more than he bargained for. 2: Kokkuri-san / Mitsuba's Operation: Friends In onda il: 2023-10-20 Akane gathers Nene and her friends for the ultimate fortune-telling session, hoping to impress Aoi. What will his desperation conjure? Meanwhile, Mitsuba longs to make friends. But when Tsukasa offers to help, he gets more than he bargained for. In onda il: 2023-10-27 3: Apparition Fever / A Mokke Came Home With Me! Even apparitions can get sick, and there's a cold going around. Hanako is laid up with a fever, but he seems... delighted? Then, the youngest Minamoto finds a battered mokke on the street. How will her apparition-hunting family react? 3: Apparition Fever / A Mokke Came Home With Me! In onda il: 2023-10-27 Even apparitions can get sick, and there's a cold going around. Hanako is laid up with a fever, but he seems... delighted? Then, the youngest Minamoto finds a battered mokke on the street. How will her apparition-hunting family react? In onda il: 2023-11-03 4: Truth of the Mokke / Kamome Monster Nursery School Nene turns into a mokke! Descending into the bowels of the school in search of a cure, she discovers a world-shaking truth. Then, a secret agent infiltrates a nursery supposed to be raising monsters. But what are the researchers really after? 4: Truth of the Mokke / Kamome Monster Nursery School In onda il: 2023-11-03 Nene turns into a mokke! Descending into the bowels of the school in search of a cure, she discovers a world-shaking truth. Then, a secret agent infiltrates a nursery supposed to be raising monsters. But what are the researchers really after? In onda il: 2024-10-08 5: Incubi / Konbini Yashiro ha un terribile incubo. Hanako cerca di aiutarla a modo suo, riuscirà a farle dormire sonni tranquilli? / Una sera, il senpai Minamoto e Akane si ritrovano per caso insieme al konbini. Questo incontro fortuito avrà un esito inaspettato! 5: Incubi / Konbini In onda il: 2024-10-08 Yashiro ha un terribile incubo. Hanako cerca di aiutarla a modo suo, riuscirà a farle dormire sonni tranquilli? / Una sera, il senpai Minamoto e Akane si ritrovano per caso insieme al konbini. Questo incontro fortuito avrà un esito inaspettato! In onda il: 2024-10-15 6: Il mostro estivo: Hanako-san del gabinetto / Il mostro estivo: il ritorno Uno strumento maledetto colpisce Hanako con il suo raggio misterioso e lo trasforma in una ragazza! Nene ne approfitta per cambiargli il look, mentre Tsukasa riesuma i resti di questo oggetto dal potere bizzarro. 6: Il mostro estivo: Hanako-san del gabinetto / Il mostro estivo: il ritorno In onda il: 2024-10-15 Uno strumento maledetto colpisce Hanako con il suo raggio misterioso e lo trasforma in una ragazza! Nene ne approfitta per cambiargli il look, mentre Tsukasa riesuma i resti di questo oggetto dal potere bizzarro. In onda il: 2024-10-22 7: Il doposcuola dei Mokke. Il café del doposcuola Tsuchigomori si imbatte in uno strano programma TV sui Mokke in onda a tarda notte. / Hanako si ritrova a dover gestire un café per esseri sovrannaturali, ma sarà in grado di farlo da solo? 7: Il doposcuola dei Mokke. Il café del doposcuola In onda il: 2024-10-22 Tsuchigomori si imbatte in uno strano programma TV sui Mokke in onda a tarda notte. / Hanako si ritrova a dover gestire un café per esseri sovrannaturali, ma sarà in grado di farlo da solo? In onda il: 2024-10-29 8: The Ghost Hotel Deep in a dark forest lies a hotel built, staffed, and frequented by inhuman creatures. When a lost girl stumbles through its doors, what unearthly secrets will she find within? 8: The Ghost Hotel In onda il: 2024-10-29 Deep in a dark forest lies a hotel built, staffed, and frequented by inhuman creatures. When a lost girl stumbles through its doors, what unearthly secrets will she find within? Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
  2. Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer After School Dice Club Stagione 1    Episodi 12         Commedia ◦ Animazione ◦ Famiglia Aya, appena trasferitasi a Kyoto, stringe subito amicizia con Miki, una ragazza incredibilmente timida che non è mai riuscita a legare con i suoi compagni di classe. Per sua fortuna, Aya viene inserita proprio all'interno della classe di Miki. Un giorno le ragazze si ritrovano a seguire la severa rappresentante di classe Midori e scoprono così che la ragazza lavora part-time in un negozio specializzato in giochi da tavolo, il "Dice Club"! Sotto consiglio del proprietario e di Midori stessa, Miki e Aya entrano nell'entusiasmante mondo dei giochi da tavolo. 伊部由起子 Art Designer 梅津朋美 Editor 今泉賢一 Series Director 片山修志 Original Music Composer 佐藤哲平 Director of Photography 前川淳 Series Composition ハマノカズゾウ Sound Director 宮下早紀 Miki Takekasa (voice) 高野麻里佳 Aya Takayashiki (voice) Miyu Tomita Midori Ono (voice) Mao Ichimichi Emelia (voice) 黒田崇矢 Takeru Kinjo (voice) Episodi: 12  In onda il: 2019-10-03 1: A New World Miki, a high school student born and raised in Kyoto, knows very little about how to have fun. Her classmate Aya seeks to change this, with the reluctant help of another classmate, Midori. 1: A New World In onda il: 2019-10-03 Miki, a high school student born and raised in Kyoto, knows very little about how to have fun. Her classmate Aya seeks to change this, with the reluctant help of another classmate, Midori. In onda il: 2019-10-10 2: This is a Cockroach! After their encounter, the three girls, Miki, Aya and Midori, have become fast friends. Excited to step into the new world of board games, Miki and Aya implore Midori to intoduce them to more games. 2: This is a Cockroach! In onda il: 2019-10-10 After their encounter, the three girls, Miki, Aya and Midori, have become fast friends. Excited to step into the new world of board games, Miki and Aya implore Midori to intoduce them to more games. In onda il: 2019-10-17 3: Not Alone Miki, Aya and Midori gather at Aya's house to play board games. They are joined by Hana, Aya's sister, and Maki, Hana's friend. Miki feels like she has met Maki before somewhere, but can't quite remember. 3: Not Alone In onda il: 2019-10-17 Miki, Aya and Midori gather at Aya's house to play board games. They are joined by Hana, Aya's sister, and Maki, Hana's friend. Miki feels like she has met Maki before somewhere, but can't quite remember. In onda il: 2019-10-24 4: Midori's Dream Student council vice-chair Ren wants to bring Midori into the student council, but Midori declines, saying she has other priorities. Ren follows Midori to her workplace after school to find out what it is Midori is so passionate about. 4: Midori's Dream In onda il: 2019-10-24 Student council vice-chair Ren wants to bring Midori into the student council, but Midori declines, saying she has other priorities. Ren follows Midori to her workplace after school to find out what it is Midori is so passionate about. In onda il: 2019-10-31 5: A Message for You Summer break has started, so Miki, Aya and Midori decide to go on a trip together. They visit Miki's aunt's inn in Kanazawa, and discover a classic Japanese game, GOITA. 5: A Message for You In onda il: 2019-10-31 Summer break has started, so Miki, Aya and Midori decide to go on a trip together. They visit Miki's aunt's inn in Kanazawa, and discover a classic Japanese game, GOITA. In onda il: 2019-11-07 6: A Fledgling Designer is Born! Midori meets George, a famous game designer from the USA. He gives her some harsh advice on the game she is making, which Miki interprets as a challenge. 6: A Fledgling Designer is Born! In onda il: 2019-11-07 Midori meets George, a famous game designer from the USA. He gives her some harsh advice on the game she is making, which Miki interprets as a challenge. In onda il: 2019-11-14 7: Opening Up Maki finds Miki without anything to do, so they decide to hang out for the day. Meanwhile, as the school festival gets closer, students plan various events to spice up the festival. 7: Opening Up In onda il: 2019-11-14 Maki finds Miki without anything to do, so they decide to hang out for the day. Meanwhile, as the school festival gets closer, students plan various events to spice up the festival. In onda il: 2019-11-21 8: The Fourth Friend The three girls visit a new board game café that opened up near their school. There, they meet Emilia, another board game fanatic around the same age as them, who moved to Kyoto recently from Germany. 8: The Fourth Friend In onda il: 2019-11-21 The three girls visit a new board game café that opened up near their school. There, they meet Emilia, another board game fanatic around the same age as them, who moved to Kyoto recently from Germany. In onda il: 2019-11-28 9: Daruma-Doll Fell Down Emilia's dream is to become a game designer. She wants to discuss this with Midori, who shares the same dream, but Midori is afraid that she would be simply inferior to Emilia. 9: Daruma-Doll Fell Down In onda il: 2019-11-28 Emilia's dream is to become a game designer. She wants to discuss this with Midori, who shares the same dream, but Midori is afraid that she would be simply inferior to Emilia. In onda il: 2019-12-05 10: Happy Holy Night Aya's father Kenji comes home to Japan, just in time for Christmas. However, he seems to be more excited about his work than seeing his daughters. 10: Happy Holy Night In onda il: 2019-12-05 Aya's father Kenji comes home to Japan, just in time for Christmas. However, he seems to be more excited about his work than seeing his daughters. In onda il: 2019-12-12 11: A Game By Everyone George, the famous American professional game designer, invites Midori to submit his game to his company's game design competition. Midori, with the help of her friends, feels ready to take on the challenge. 11: A Game By Everyone In onda il: 2019-12-12 George, the famous American professional game designer, invites Midori to submit his game to his company's game design competition. Midori, with the help of her friends, feels ready to take on the challenge. In onda il: 2019-12-19 12: The Place We All Love Midori and Emilia discuss their ambitions and lay out detailed plans to achieve them. Aya is full of dreams and aspirations. Miki, however, just wants everything to stay the same. 12: The Place We All Love In onda il: 2019-12-19 Midori and Emilia discuss their ambitions and lay out detailed plans to achieve them. Aya is full of dreams and aspirations. Miki, however, just wants everything to stay the same. Nessun Trailer disponibile ;function openStuff(a,l){var e,s,t;s=document.getElementsByClassName("DDL");for(e=0;e
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