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  1. Ao no Exorcist Kyoto Fujouou-hen [12/12] (2017) [2°Serie] Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Info Generali Episodi Cast Crew Trailer Blue Exorcist
    Stagione 2    Episodi 12        
    Animazione ◦ Sci-Fi & Fantasy ◦ Mistero ◦ Action & Adventure
    Questo universo è composto di due mondi paralleli che si specchiano l'uno nell'altro. Il primo è il mondo degli umani, quello che noi conosciamo, Assiah. Il secondo è il regno dei demoni, Gehenna. Normalmente passare da un mondo all'altro è impossibile, tuttavia alcuni demoni sono in grado di attraversare il confine e possedere gli esseri umani. Satana, il signore dei demoni ha tutto ciò che vuole alla sua portata, tranne una cosa, presente solo nel regno degli umani. Allo scopo di recuperarla ha creato Rin, suo figlio da una donna umana. Ma Rin accetterà i piani del padre o preferirà fare di testa sua, diventando magari un esorcista?
    Yurie Oohigashi
    Character Designer Daisuke Yoshida
    Series Director Kohta Yamamoto
    Original Music Composer Hiroyuki Sawano
    Original Music Composer Toshiya Ohno
    Series Composition Kazue Kato
    Comic Book Jun Fukuyama
    Yukio Okumura (voice) Keiji Fujiwara
    Fujimoto Shirou (voice) Hiroshi Kamiya
    Mephisto Pheles (voice) Episodi: 12 
    In onda il: 2017-01-05 1: Piccoli inizi
    Il furto dell'Occhio sinistro del Re Impuro interrompe l'addestramento di Rin. Per proteggere l'Occhio destro, gli esorcisti si dirigono a Kyoto. 1: Piccoli inizi
    In onda il: 2017-01-05 Il furto dell'Occhio sinistro del Re Impuro interrompe l'addestramento di Rin. Per proteggere l'Occhio destro, gli esorcisti si dirigono a Kyoto. In onda il: 2017-01-12 2: Strane alleanze
    Il gruppo arriva a Kyoto e si dirige alla locanda di famiglia di Suguro. La maggior parte del personale dell'ufficio è ferito e tutti sono sospettati. 2: Strane alleanze
    In onda il: 2017-01-12 Il gruppo arriva a Kyoto e si dirige alla locanda di famiglia di Suguro. La maggior parte del personale dell'ufficio è ferito e tutti sono sospettati. In onda il: 2017-01-19 3: I sospetti porteranno altri sospetti
    Yaozo convoca una riunione per cercare di stanare il traditore della setta Myoda, con il sospetto che ricade su Tatsuma, padre di Suguro. 3: I sospetti porteranno altri sospetti
    In onda il: 2017-01-19 Yaozo convoca una riunione per cercare di stanare il traditore della setta Myoda, con il sospetto che ricade su Tatsuma, padre di Suguro. In onda il: 2017-01-26 4: Tradimento
    Suguro vede Juzo entrare nel Deep Keep e sente Mamushi schierarsi dalla parte di Todo. Suguro sospetta ancora del padre. 4: Tradimento
    In onda il: 2017-01-26 Suguro vede Juzo entrare nel Deep Keep e sente Mamushi schierarsi dalla parte di Todo. Suguro sospetta ancora del padre. In onda il: 2017-02-02 5: Misteriose connessioni
    Rin viene messo in isolamento, dove Yukio gli legge una lettera di Tatsuma. Con entrambi gli occhi rubati, Yaozo indice una riunione. 5: Misteriose connessioni
    In onda il: 2017-02-02 Rin viene messo in isolamento, dove Yukio gli legge una lettera di Tatsuma. Con entrambi gli occhi rubati, Yaozo indice una riunione. In onda il: 2017-02-08 6: Un lupo travestito da agnello
    La lettera di Tatsuma racconta di come Fujimoto ha ottenuto la spada Koma anni prima. Nel presente, Todo e Mamushi arrivano al Goma Hall. 6: Un lupo travestito da agnello
    In onda il: 2017-02-08 La lettera di Tatsuma racconta di come Fujimoto ha ottenuto la spada Koma anni prima. Nel presente, Todo e Mamushi arrivano al Goma Hall. In onda il: 2017-02-15 7: Come un fuoco divampante
    Il Re Impuro è vivo e il Vaticano ha condannato a morte Rin. I compagni di classe del ragazzo cercano di farlo evadere, ora tutto dipende da Shiemi. 7: Come un fuoco divampante
    In onda il: 2017-02-15 Il Re Impuro è vivo e il Vaticano ha condannato a morte Rin. I compagni di classe del ragazzo cercano di farlo evadere, ora tutto dipende da Shiemi. In onda il: 2017-02-22 8: Di padre in figlio
    Mentre i miasmi si diffondono per Kyoto, tutti si dirigono a Rakuhoku. Rin e i suoi compagni cercano Tatsuma e Yukio incontra un Todo cambiato. 8: Di padre in figlio
    In onda il: 2017-02-22 Mentre i miasmi si diffondono per Kyoto, tutti si dirigono a Rakuhoku. Rin e i suoi compagni cercano Tatsuma e Yukio incontra un Todo cambiato. In onda il: 2017-03-01 9: Nel bene e nel male
    Todo deride Yukio per i suoi veri sentimenti nei confronti del fratello. Suguro accetta un contratto con Goha-en e si mette in cerca del Re Impuro con Rin. 9: Nel bene e nel male
    In onda il: 2017-03-01 Todo deride Yukio per i suoi veri sentimenti nei confronti del fratello. Suguro accetta un contratto con Goha-en e si mette in cerca del Re Impuro con Rin. In onda il: 2017-03-08 10: Indomito e indistruttibile
    Il Re Impuro appare all'arrivo dei rinforzi per Yukio. Suguro, Rin e Kuro sono intrappolati all'interno della barriera e il secondo non riesce a sfoderare la spada. 10: Indomito e indistruttibile
    In onda il: 2017-03-08 Il Re Impuro appare all'arrivo dei rinforzi per Yukio. Suguro, Rin e Kuro sono intrappolati all'interno della barriera e il secondo non riesce a sfoderare la spada. In onda il: 2017-03-15 11: Splendere come il sole
    Todo non vuole saperne di sparire. Il Re Impuro è troppo forte anche per la spada Koma di Rin, ma quando tutto sembra perduto, ecco apparire Ucchusma. 11: Splendere come il sole
    In onda il: 2017-03-15 Todo non vuole saperne di sparire. Il Re Impuro è troppo forte anche per la spada Koma di Rin, ma quando tutto sembra perduto, ecco apparire Ucchusma. In onda il: 2017-03-22 12: Sincero e libero
    Le fiamme blu di Rin hanno ripulito l'area e dopo la battaglia è tempo di visite turistiche, discorsi a cuore aperto e una discussione sul futuro del ragazzo. 12: Sincero e libero
    In onda il: 2017-03-22 Le fiamme blu di Rin hanno ripulito l'area e dopo la battaglia è tempo di visite turistiche, discorsi a cuore aperto e una discussione sul futuro del ragazzo. Nessun Trailer disponibile
  2. Ajin [13/13] (2016) [1°Serie] Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo: Ajin
    Autore: Gamon Sakurai
    Stato: Finito
    Data di uscita: 16 gennaio 2016
    Genere: Azione, Horror, Mistero, Seinen, Soprannaturale
    Episodi: 13
    Durata Episodi: 24 minuti
    Hanno l'aspetto di esseri umani, ma non possono morire. Questi semiumani, chiamati "Ajin", sono comparsi per la prima volta 17 anni fa, su un campo di battaglia in Africa. Per le loro capacità, sono considerati una minaccia per l'umanità e ogni volta che un Ajin compare, i governi intervengono con la forza per catturarlo e farlo diventare una cavia da esperimento.
    Dopo essere morto in un incidente stradale, il liceale Kei Nagai ritorna in vita, scoprendo di essere un Ajin: spaventato, confuso e braccato dalle forze armate, per il ragazzo non resta che fuggire, aiutato dall'amico Kai. Ma interessati a Kei non ci sono solo gli umani, ma anche un gruppo di Ajin, ostili al genere umano.
  3. 91 Days [12/12] (2016) Sub ITA Streaming  

    Anime Sub ITA - Started by ,

    Titolo Originale: 91 Days
    Autore: Taku Kishimoto
    Data di Uscita: 8 Luglio 2016
    Genere: Storico, Drammatico, Crimine
    Episodi: 12 (Completo)
    Durata Episodi: 24 min
    Censura: No
    Crediti: AF
    La storia di mafia si svolge in pieno proibizionismo. Nel distretto di Lawless, lo Stato non è di casa ed è la mafia a governarne le strade, qui l’alcol di contrabbando scorre liberamente.
    Una volta Avilo viveva nel distretto insieme alla sua famiglia, ma durante una guerra tra clan, i suoi genitori e il suo fratellino furono assassinati. Da allora il protagonista è fuggito ed è rimasto nascosto sotto copertura.
    Sette anni dopo Avilo riceve una lettera da uno sconosciuto misterioso, il suo contenuto accende in lui un’insaziabile fame di vendetta. Così la ricerca di rivalsa lo riporterà a Lawless, ove si infiltrerà nelle fila dei gangster della famiglia Vanetti, allo scopo di avvicinare e uccidere Nero e suo padre, il boss…
    Questo è il diario di 91 giorni votati alla vendetta, un “revenge drama” lungo 91 giorni!
  4. Cinquanta sfumature di nero (2017) Streaming  

    Romantico - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Cinquanta sfumature di nero
    1 h 58 m    2017        
    Dramma ◦ Romance
    Anastasia Steele ha detto basta a Christian Grey. Lo ama, ma non sarà mai la sua sottomessa. Il secondo capitolo riprende esattamente là dove ci aveva lasciato il primo, con i due innamorati che si separano, per volere di lei. Grey è talmente addolorato che non vuole rinunciare ad Anastasia, piuttosto è disposto a rivedere il contratto, a dimenticare le regole, a non imporle nulla che lei non voglia fare, pur di averla al suo fianco. Cade così, a due minuti dall'inizio dal film, il presupposto scandaloso che regge da anni i discorsi attorno ai romanzi e al loro adattamento.
    Danny Elfman
    Original Music Composer John Schwartzman
    Director of Photography Bill Abbott
    Music Editor Richard Francis-Bruce
    Editor Michael De Luca
    Producer Nelson Coates
    Production Design Doug Hardwick
    Construction Coordinator Laray Mayfield
    Casting Dane A. Davis
    Supervising Sound Editor Shay Cunliffe
    Costume Design Ian Fox
    Camera Operator Jeremy Stanbridge
    Supervising Art Director Barbara Kelly
    Unit Production Manager Steve Bartek
    Orchestrator Marcus Viscidi
    Producer James Foley
    Director Dana Brunetti
    Producer Guy Bews
    Stunt Driver Jeff Sanca
    Stunt Driver Stefan Sonnenfeld
    Digital Intermediate Stefan Sonnenfeld
    Colorist Michael Kelem
    Aerial Director of Photography Eliza Pollack Zebert
    ADR & Dubbing Carolyn A. Loucks
    Set Decoration Niall Leonard
    Screenplay E.L. James
    Producer E.L. James
    Novel Scott J. Ateah
    Stunt Coordinator Scott J. Ateah
    Second Unit Director Fraser Corbett
    Stunt Double Roger Vernon
    Second Unit Director of Photography Lisa Chandler
    Stunts Paul Barry
    First Assistant Director Mickael Abbate
    Researcher Owen Walstrom
    Stunt Coordinator Janene Carleton
    Stunt Driver Ryan Ennis
    Stunts Katie Saunders
    Costume Supervisor Shelly Shaw
    Costume Supervisor Evelyne Noraz
    Makeup Department Head Peter Bodnarus
    Art Direction David Dowling
    Property Master Anna Rane
    Script Supervisor Janice MacIsaac
    Costume Supervisor Doane Gregory
    Still Photographer Jim Ramsay
    Set Designer Michael Buster
    Dialect Coach Frank A. Montaño
    Sound Re-Recording Mixer Jon Taylor
    Sound Re-Recording Mixer David Greenbaum
    Driver Jay Mitchell
    Set Designer Zack Mazerolle
    Visual Effects Editor Alyson Dee Moore
    Foley Guy Adan
    Unit Publicist Phil Pastuhov
    Aerial Director of Photography Stephanie Flack
    Supervising Sound Editor Ronald Hersey
    Camera Operator Dylan Dowd
    Greensman Rick Rasmussen
    Picture Car Coordinator Suze Dunbar
    Script Supervisor Julie Schubert
    Casting Kohli Calhoun
    Dialect Coach Alex Burdett
    Special Effects Supervisor Jennifer Spenelli
    First Assistant Editor Oleg Kulchytskyi
    Sound Re-Recording Mixer Shannon Murphy
    Assistant Set Decoration Jennifer Popochock
    Key Hair Stylist Christopher Alba
    Foley Matt Cavanaugh
    First Assistant Sound Editor Sandra Montgomery
    Script Supervisor Deja Marie Iannone
    Assistant Hairstylist Karin Nosella
    Assistant Costume Designer Angie Rubin
    Music Editor Edgardo Simone
    Orchestrator Pete Anthony
    Conductor Taylor Matheson
    First Assistant Camera Donna Glasser-Hancock
    Production Controller Doug Lavender
    First Assistant Camera Scott Andrew Armstrong
    Rigging Grip Annie Johnson
    Digital Intermediate Sasha Proctor
    Steadicam Operator Jeff Gomillion
    ADR Mixer Tara Arnett
    Assistant Art Director Jesse Deacon
    Lighting Technician Phuong Chau
    Ager/Dyer Graham Stumpf
    Post Production Supervisor Amber Kemper
    Key Hair Stylist Bryan Litson
    CG Supervisor Kyle White
    Draughtsman Brittani Ward
    Casting Associate Ren Boggio
    Costume Coordinator Tara R. Hinecker
    Costume Coordinator Kimberlee Iblings
    Set Costumer Jared Slater
    Aerial Camera Technician Tyler Woeste
    First Assistant Camera Akemi Hart
    Key Hair Stylist Frédéric North
    Pilot Tony Wyman
    Boom Operator Garson Yu
    Title Designer James M. Jackson
    Assistant Chief Lighting Technician Megan Harkness
    Assistant Makeup Artist Melina Neufeld
    Art Department Coordinator Shilo Lavallee
    Driver Mike Witherington
    Driver Rick Wiley
    Driver Larry Tardif
    Transportation Captain Spencer Louttit
    Assistant Property Master Kim Olsen
    Key Grip Karin Behrenz
    Second Assistant Director Amanda Petura
    Third Assistant Director Lana S. Krause
    Costume Coordinator Frédéric Thurot
    Electrician Randy A. Jablonka
    Lighting Technician D. Martin Myatt
    Assistant Property Master Loree Cameron
    Graphic Designer Bryce Munro
    Rigging Grip Jeff Zwicker
    Lighting Technician Ryan Handley
    Stunt Double Renee Dombrosky
    Assistant Hairstylist Andrea Brown
    Extras Casting Rodrigo Carcamo Parga
    Second Assistant "A" Camera Alice Naigeon
    Stunt Double Dan Gorval
    Best Boy Grip Jan Holmsten
    Construction Buyer Steve Gray
    Pilot Tom Mitaux
    Best Boy Electric Kameron Bodaly
    Third Assistant Director Hillary Holmes
    Music Coordinator Philip Nee Nee
    Second Assistant Director Tom Brown
    Music Arranger Scott Holburn
    Set Dresser Adriaan Wagner
    Greensman Todd Kristianson
    Lighting Technician Alex Reno
    Rigging Grip Brandon Sparkes
    Lighting Technician Todd Turner
    Rigging Gaffer Mary Prendergast
    Post Production Coordinator Danny Ostir
    Production Accountant Kathleen Whelan
    Production Coordinator Dakota Johnson
    Anastasia Steele Jamie Dornan
    Christian Grey Eric Johnson
    Jack Hyde Eloise Mumford
    Kate Kavanagh Bella Heathcote
    Leila Williams Rita Ora
    Mia Grey Luke Grimes
    Elliot Grey Victor Rasuk
    José Rodriguez Max Martini
    Jason Taylor Bruce Altman
    Jerry Roach Kim Basinger
    Elena Lincoln Marcia Gay Harden
    Dr. Grace Trevelyan-Grey Andrew Airlie
    Carrick Grey Robinne Lee
    Ros Bailey Amy Price-Francis
    Liz Morgan Fay Masterson
    Gail Jones Ashleigh LaThrop
    Hannah Paniz Zade
    Greta Carmen Dollard
    Ella Bill Dow
    Willis Julia Dominczak
    Gretchen Shiraine Haas
    Gwen Elizabeth McLaughlin
    Gallery Owner John Callander
    Pimp Ellen Ewusie
    Gallery Guest Stephan Miers
    Hairdresser Albert Nicholas
    Waiter Michael Meneer
    Auctioneer Michael St. John Smith
    Auction Bidder Derek Green
    Auction Bidder Michelle Harrison
    Auction Bidder Mark DeCarlo
    News Anchor Stephanie Florian
    News Reporter Lucia Walters
    Penthouse Restaurant Customer Colin Lawrence
    Penthouse Restaurant Customer Isaiah Dobbs
    Flower Delivery Man CINQUANTA SFUMATURE DI NERO - Secondo trailer italiano
  5. La La Land (2016) Streaming  

    Musicale - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer La La Land
    2 h 6 m    2016        
    Commedia ◦ Dramma ◦ Romance ◦ Musica
    Los Angeles. Mia sogna di poter recitare ma intanto, mentre passa da un provino all'altro, serve caffè e cappuccini alle star. Sebastian è un musicista jazz che si guadagna da vivere suonando nei piano bar in cui nessuno si interessa a ciò che propone. I due si scontrano e si incontrano fino a quando nasce un rapporto che è cementato anche dalla comune volontà di realizzare i propri sogni e quindi dal sostegno reciproco. Il successo arriverà ma, insieme ad esso, gli ostacoli che porrà sul percorso della loro relazione.
    Peter Kohn
    Assistant Director David Wasco
    Production Design Deborah Aquila
    Casting Gary Gilbert
    Producer Mary Zophres
    Costume Design Charles Croughwell
    Stunt Coordinator Sandy Reynolds-Wasco
    Set Decoration Austin Gorg
    Art Direction Marc Platt
    Producer Mildred Iatrou
    Supervising Sound Editor Michael Beugg
    Executive Producer Daniel Bradford
    Set Designer Jeffrey Harlacker
    Post Production Supervisor Jeffrey Harlacker
    Associate Producer Danny Downey
    Stunts Jacklin Masteran
    Hairstylist Carl Pedregal
    Executive In Charge Of Post Production Robert Foulkes
    Location Manager Robert Foulkes
    Location Scout John Legend
    Executive Producer Eric Reichardt
    Lead Painter Damien Chazelle
    Director Damien Chazelle
    Writer Damien Chazelle
    Lyricist Dale Robinette
    Still Photographer Mark Kubr
    Stunt Coordinator Bart Lipton
    Production Supervisor Linus Sandgren
    Director of Photography Tricia Wood
    Casting Steven Frohardt
    Rigging Grip Tom Cross
    Editor Jacob Whitley
    Production Office Assistant Scott Trimble
    Location Scout Kim Richey
    Property Master Jo Kissack Folsom
    Assistant Costume Designer Kevin Becker
    Sound Designer Hannah Douglass
    Stunt Double Jordan Horowitz
    Producer Marius de Vries
    Executive Music Producer Lynda Foote
    Costume Supervisor Barbara Lorenz
    Hair Department Head Dan O'Connell
    Foley Andy Nelson
    Sound Re-Recording Mixer Kevin Cross
    Set Designer Attila Kiss
    Property Master Luis Galdames
    Sound Effects Editor Lee Gilmore
    Sound Effects Editor John T. Cucci
    Foley Ai-Ling Lee
    Supervising Sound Editor Ai-Ling Lee
    Sound Re-Recording Mixer Craig Dollinger
    Boom Operator Lyn Matsuda Norton
    Script Supervisor Steve Beimler
    Location Scout Amy Lederman
    Makeup Artist Tim LeDoux
    Visual Effects Supervisor Jason Sanford
    Visual Effects Producer Geno Hart
    Transportation Coordinator Laura Wolford
    Set Costumer Ari Robbins
    Steadicam Operator Edward J. Protiva
    Leadman Fríða Aradóttir
    Hairstylist David Schmalz
    Video Assist Operator Jed Dornoff
    Makeup Artist Justin Hurwitz
    Original Music Composer Justin Hurwitz
    Songs Justin Hurwitz
    Orchestrator Marty Osborne
    Driver Mark Avery
    Set Costumer Ken Lebre
    Other Torsten Witte
    Makeup Department Head Justin Paul
    Songs Justin Paul
    Lyricist Tom Lalley
    Sound Re-Recording Mixer Thomas Conrad
    Other Eric Salas
    Utility Stunts Michael Anthony Travers
    Rigging Grip Chris Weigand
    Lighting Technician Thomas Kuo
    Other John F. Teeple
    Driver Steven Morrow
    Sound mixer Nicolas Bosc
    Stunts Medusah
    Hairstylist Patrick Clancey
    Digital Compositors Jeremy Hays
    Special Effects Coordinator Jimmy Hart
    Utility Stunts Jennie Harris
    Set Decoration Buyer John To
    First Assistant Editor Kent Baker
    Rigging Grip Jose F. Barrios
    Rigging Grip Blake Collins
    Foley James Ashwill
    Foley Chad R. Davis
    Set Dressing Artist Chad R. Davis
    On Set Dresser Timothy Scott Ralston
    Executive In Charge Of Post Production Adam Pere
    Visual Effects Coordinator Gregory Paul Austin
    Construction Foreman David Ladish
    Set Dressing Artist David Ladish
    Set Dresser Davon Slininger
    Camera Operator Owen Patry
    Production Office Assistant Mike Jackson
    Executive Producer Ty Stiklorius
    Executive Producer Albert Elizondo
    Makeup Artist Yukiko Kinkel
    Makeup Artist Aubrey Marie
    Hairstylist Lali Peer
    Makeup Artist Haruyo Sawada
    Makeup Artist Steven R. Soussanna
    Hairstylist Paula Case
    Assistant Director Eddie Acuña
    Construction Foreman David Agajanian
    Set Dressing Artist Christopher Branan
    Carpenter Matthew Cavaliero
    Property Master Tina Charad
    Leadman Chris Forster
    Construction Coordinator Wes Hottman
    Art Department Assistant Steven Ladish
    Set Dressing Artist Steven Light-Orr
    Assistant Art Director Geoffrey Mandel
    Other Rick McLean
    Standby Painter John Youngblood
    Assistant Property Master Daniel Hyun Lim
    Other Michael Kaleta
    Other Fiifi Aggrey
    Digital Compositors Steve Dinozzi
    Digital Compositors Blake Goedde
    Digital Compositors Bryan Haines
    Digital Compositors Chris LeDoux
    Visual Effects Supervisor Olivia Courtney
    Stunts Ed McDermott II
    Stunts Allan Padelford
    Stunts Brett Praed
    Stunts Cameron Revier
    Stunts Josh Yadon
    Stunts James Frank Brown
    Video Assist Operator Anthony Cady
    Grip Dustin Evans
    Other Christopher Ferguson
    Lighting Artist Brad M. Hazen
    Gaffer Renee Treyball
    Loader Troy N. Wade
    Grip Rachel Wiederhoeft
    Other Sarah Scheussler
    Set Costumer Natasha Leonnet
    Digital Intermediate Kimi Rosenthal
    Post Production Supervisor Ray Ruotolo
    Other Josh Stein
    Post Production Assistant Matt Wallach
    Other Celeste Chada
    Other Tim Davies
    Orchestrator Steven Gizicki
    Music Supervisor Mark Graham
    Sound Director Liz Kinnon
    Actor's Assistant Fred Oliveira
    Other Moore Brian
    Driver Michael Connor
    Transportation Captain Gary Thomas Williams
    Driver Malcolm Arias
    Finance Demian Boergadine
    Other Lauren Coggiola
    Actor's Assistant Ami Cohen
    Department Administrator Richard Lee Dalton
    Production Office Assistant Anna J. DeMildt
    Set Production Assistant Jessi Eichberger
    Production Office Assistant Sommer Fehmel
    Stand In Stephanie M. Flores
    Other Michael A. Fry
    Other Hadeel Hadidi
    Actor's Assistant Ossey James
    Stand In Sherry Kecskes
    Finance Eloy Lara
    Set Medic Laurent Marchand
    Other Collin McShane
    Other Robert M. Melnik
    Executive in Charge of Finance Curtis A. Miller
    Executive In Charge Of Production Carly Olsson
    Production Office Assistant Carrie Prince
    Other Michael Riley
    Title Graphics Ross Risley
    Production Office Assistant Theresa Snider
    Production Office Assistant Danny Valle
    Other Whitney J. Willard
    Production Accountant Tyler John Young
    Production Office Assistant Kate Gray
    Production Office Assistant Fred Berger
    Producer Kerri Smeltzer
    Production Coordinator David Castillo
    Stunts Mandy Moore
    Choreographer Benj Pasek
    Songs Benj Pasek
    Lyricist Tom Callinicos
    Set Dresser Brandon Cornell
    Utility Stunts J.R. Vasquez
    Set Dresser Daniel Galindo
    Score Engineer Corina Kramer
    Makeup Artist Audrey Douglass
    Stunt Double Ryan Gosling
    Sebastian Wilder Emma Stone
    Mia Dolan John Legend
    Keith Rosemarie DeWitt
    Laura Wilder J.K. Simmons
    Bill Amiée Conn
    Famous Actress Terry Walters
    Linda Thom Shelton
    Coffee Spiller Cinda Adams
    Casting Director Callie Hernandez
    Tracy Jessica Rothe
    Alexis Sonoya Mizuno
    Caitlin Claudine Claudio
    Karen Jason Fuchs
    Carlo D.A. Wallach
    80's singer Trevor Lissauer
    Valet Olivia Hamilton
    Bree Anna Chazelle
    Sarah / Hula Hooper Marius de Vries
    Clyde Finn Wittrock
    Greg Earnest Josh Pence
    Josh Nicole Coulon
    Josh's Fiance Damon Gupton
    Harry Christopher Michael Stevens
    Malcolm Keith Harris
    Cole Kaveh Rastegar
    Tom David Douglas
    Ty Miles Anderson
    Alistair Bobo Chang
    Photographer's Assistant Meagen Fay
    Mrs. Dolan John Hindman
    Frank Valarie Rae Miller
    Amy Brandt Nicole Wolf
    Amy Brandt's Assistant Corrin Evans
    New Barista Kiff VandenHeuvel
    New Coffee Shop Manager Tom Everett Scott
    David Hemky Madera
    Jimmy Zoë Hall
    Chelsea Dempsey Pappion
    Charles Clifton 'Fou Fou' Eddie
    Seb's Drummer Cal Bennett
    Seb's Sax Player Nedra Wheeler
    Seb's Bassist Javier Gonzalez
    Seb's Trumpeter Khirye Tyler
    Seb's Pianst Briana Lee
    Echo Backup Singer Shaylah J. Stevens
    Echo Backup Singer Natalie Imani
    Echo Backup Singer Camryn Ray Cavaliero
    Mia's Daughter Sandra Rosko
    Dream Audience Arthur Horowitz
    Fantasy Baby Reshma Gajjar
    Traffic Dancer - Girl #1 Candice Coke
    Traffic Dancer - Girl #2 Hunter Hamilton
    Traffic Dancer - 1st Man Damian Gomez
    Traffic Dancer - 2nd Man Amanda Balen
    Traffic Dancer - Conductor Lou Becker
    Traffic Dancer Dominic Chaiduang
    Traffic Dancer Cindera Che
    Traffic Dancer Chris Moss
    Traffic Dancer Marissa Labog
    Traffic Dancer Tiffany Daniels
    Traffic Dancer Melinda Sullivan
    Traffic Dancer Stephanie Landwehr
    Traffic Dancer Britt Stewart
    Traffic Dancer Clarice Ordaz
    Traffic Dancer Nathan Prevost
    Traffic Dancer Mecca Vazie Andrews
    Traffic Dancer Scott Hislop
    Hollywood Party Dancer - Creepy Guy Kc Monnie
    Hollywood Party Dancer Krystal Ellsworth
    Hollywood Party Dancer Sarah Mitchell
    Hollywood Party Dancer Khasan Brailsford
    Hollywood Party Dancer Morgan Larson
    Hollywood Party Dancer Becca Sweitzer
    Restaurant Dancer Gakenia Muigai
    Restaurant Dancer Michael Stein
    Restaurant Dancer Mario Diaz
    Restaurant Dancer Julie Schmid
    Epilogue Dancer Samantha Abrantes
    Epilogue Dancer Lexie Contursi
    Epilogue Dancer Eartha Robinson
    Epilogue Dancer Sybil Azur
    Epilogue Dancer Tara Nicole Hughes
    Epilogue Dancer Kayla Kalbfleisch
    Epilogue Dancer Martha Nichols
    Epilogue Dancer Anthony Marciona
    Epilogue Dancer Bill Prudich
    Epilogue Dancer Robert Roldan
    Epilogue Dancer Ryan Novak
    Epilogue Dancer Demian Boergadine
    Epilogue Dancer Gustavo Vargas
    Epilogue Dancer Robert Haynes
    Angry Neighbor Jesse Houk
    Kissing Couple (uncredited) Ana Flavia Gavlak
    Young Actress (uncredited) Kristin Slaysman
    Coffee Shop Customer (uncredited) Cameron Brinkman
    Jazz Club Patron (uncredited) Jordan Ray Fox
    Nathan (uncredited) C.J. Stussi
    Espresso Coffee Shop Customer (uncredited) Margaret Newborn
    Jazz Club Goer (uncredited) Nadia Tumanova
    Club Patron (uncredited) Crystal Nichol
    Audition Actress (uncredited) Kristin Elliott
    Audition Actress (uncredited) Andrea Lareo
    Casting Assistant (uncredited) Christopher Aber
    Cowboy (uncredited) Anna Lunberry
    Publicist (uncredited) Shannon Leann
    Hollywood Starlet (uncredited) Jenna Curtis
    Waitress (uncredited) Noah James
    Young Man (uncredited) Tommy Cooley
    Kissing Couple (uncredited) Morgan Cohen
    Kissing Couple (uncredited) Jeremy Nathan Tisser
    Freeway Truck Musician (uncredited) Patty Tobin
    Casting Director (uncredited) Heather Turman
    Young Man's Date (uncredited) Ottavio Taddei
    Swing Dancer (uncredited) April Martucci
    Audition Girl (uncredited) Trent Kerpsack
    Sailor (uncredited) Kaye L. Morris
    Producer's Girlfriend (uncredited) Vince Donvito
    Coffee Guy (uncredited) Steffen Dziczek
    Moviegoer (uncredited) Melvin LaThomas Brimm
    Waiter (uncredited) Kelly Kennedy
    Bubblegum Girl (uncredited) Destinee Handly
    Barista (uncredited) Tommy Otis
    Extra - Robert Evans (uncredited) Doran Butler
    Traffic Dancer Matt Cady
    Traffic Dancer Carol Connors
    Traffic Dancer Patrick Cook
    Traffic Dancer Aaron 'Deuce' Cooke
    Traffic Dancer Bubba Dean Rambo
    Traffic Dancer Nick Drago
    Traffic Dancer Shaun Evaristo
    Traffic Dancer Dana Fukagawa
    Traffic Dancer Daniel Gaymon
    Traffic Dancer Liz Imperio
    Traffic Dancer Casey Johansen
    Traffic Dancer Cris Judd
    Traffic Dancer Yoori Kim
    Traffic Dancer Bradley M. Rapier
    Traffic Dancer Dana Wilson
    Traffic Dancer Terrance Yates
    Traffic Dancer Tracy Shibata
    Hollywood Party Dancer - Girl #1 Dominique Domingo
    Hollywood Party Dancer - Girl #2 Asiel Hardison
    Hollywood Party Dancer - Agent #1 Corey Anderson
    Hollywood Party Dancer - Agent #2 Nick Baga
    Hollywood Party Dancer - Agent #3 Leah Adler
    Hollywood Party Dancer Noel Bajandas
    Hollywood Party Dancer Denzel Chisolm
    Hollywood Party Dancer Montana Efaw
    Hollywood Party Dancer Natalie Gilmore
    Hollywood Party Dancer Shannon Holtzapffel
    Hollywood Party Dancer Galen Hooks
    Hollywood Party Dancer Jeremy Hudson
    Hollywood Party Dancer George Lawrence Jr.
    Hollywood Party Dancer Scott Myrick
    Hollywood Party Dancer Cassidy Noblett
    Hollywood Party Dancer Brittany Parks
    Hollywood Party Dancer Víctor Rojas
    Hollywood Party Dancer Tony Bellissimo
    Echo Dancer Ryan Ramirez
    Echo Dancer Catalina Cat Rendic
    Echo Dancer Bryan Tanaka
    Echo Dancer Ava Bernstine
    Restaurant Dancer Quinn Lipton
    Restaurant Dancer Monie Adamson
    Epilogue Dancer Matthew Aylward
    Epilogue Dancer McKenzie Anderson
    Epilogue Dancer Pamela Chu
    Epilogue Dancer Mallauri Esquibel
    Epilogue Dancer Michael Higgins
    Epilogue Dancer Chris Jarosz
    Epilogue Dancer Matthew Kazmierczak
    Epilogue Dancer Paul Kirkland
    Epilogue Dancer Megan Lawson
    Epilogue Dancer Michael Munday
    Epilogue Dancer Brandon O'Neal
    Epilogue Dancer Chelsea Thedinga
    Epilogue Dancer Danny Valle
    Epilogue Dancer Emily Williams
    Epilogue Dancer Deniz Altunay
    Epilogue Dancer Holly Houk
    Kissing Couple (uncredited) Clarence Robinson
    Lighthouse Bass Player (uncredited) Dapo Torimiro
    Jazz Club Guitar Player (uncredited) Sasha Fine
    Jazz Club Staff (uncredited) Eren Kayakıran
    Jazz Club Staff (uncredited) Ali Arda Özdeniz
    Jazz Club Staff (uncredited) Phillip E. Walker
    Jazz Club Patron (uncredited) Susie Ganiere
    Jazz Club Patron (uncredited) Lynn Moore
    Jazz Club Patron (uncredited) Nilla Elizabeth Watkins
    Coffee Shop Customer (uncredited) Andres Perez-Molina
    Coffee Shop Customer (uncredited) Milica Govich
    Coffee Shop Customer #2 (uncredited) Frederick Keeve
    Restaurant Patron (uncredited) Amanda Fields
    Red Head Actress (uncredited) LA LA LAND (2017) di Damien Chazelle - Trailer Ufficiale ITA HD
  6. La legge della notte (2016) Streaming  

    Drammatico - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer La legge della notte
    2 h 9 m    2016        
    Crime ◦ Dramma ◦ Thriller
    Ambientato nei ruggenti anni ’20 quando il proibizionismo non riesce a fermare il fiume d’alcool che invade gli speakeasy della mala. Chiunque con abbastanza ambizione e nervi saldi ha l’opportunità di ottenere rapidamente potere e denaro e così Joe Coughlin, il figlio di un commissario della Polizia di Boston, da tempo ha voltato le spalle alla sua rigida educazione per diventare un fuorilegge. Però perfino tra i criminali esistono delle regole e Joe infrange la più grande: incrocia il suo cammino con un potente boss, rubandogli soldi e donna. L’incontro finisce in tragedia, conducendo Joe su un percorso di vendetta, ambizione, amore e tradimenti che lo costringe a lasciare Boston per Tampa e i suoi contrabbandieri di rum.
    Robert Richardson
    Director of Photography Jennifer Todd
    Producer William Goldenberg
    Editor Ben Affleck
    Screenplay Ben Affleck
    Director Ben Affleck
    Producer Lora Kennedy
    Casting Dennis Lehane
    Novel Jess Gonchor
    Production Design Harry Gregson-Williams
    Original Music Composer Mindy Marin
    Casting Leonardo DiCaprio
    Producer Christa Munro
    Supervising Art Director Matt McColm
    Stunts Chris Palermo
    Stunt Driver Chris Brigham
    Executive Producer Dawn Swiderski
    Art Direction Casey O'Neill
    Stunts David Webb
    Co-Producer Doug Coleman
    Stunts Tim Trella
    Stunt Coordinator Jacqueline West
    Costume Design Chay Carter
    Executive Producer Jennifer Davisson
    Producer Stephen Christensen
    Art Direction Matt Leonard
    Stunts Jeremy Woodward
    Art Direction Bradley Rubin
    Supervising Art Director Timothy Eulich
    Stunts Deborah Rutherford
    Key Makeup Artist Shawnna Thibodeau
    Stunts Christopher Ferguson
    Lighting Programmer Karin Silvestri
    Stunts Zack Gonchor
    Assistant Art Director Ben Affleck
    Joe Coughlin Elle Fanning
    Loretta Figgis Brendan Gleeson
    Thomas Coughlin Chris Messina
    Dion Bartolo Sienna Miller
    Emma Gould Zoe Saldaña
    Graciella Suarez Chris Cooper
    Chief Irving Figgis Anthony Michael Hall
    Gary Smith Titus Welliver
    Tim Hickey Derek Mears
    Donnie Gishler Max Casella
    Digger Pescatore Robert Glenister
    Albert White Chris Sullivan
    Brendan Loomis J.D. Evermore
    Virgil Beauregard Tom Virtue
    Doctor Matthew Maher
    RD Pruitt Bruno Amato
    Jeff Benny Ciaramello
    Paulo Bartolo Michael Mantell
    Jack Jarvis Michael Chieffo
    Pastor Andrew Bongiorno
    Fasani Austin Swift
    Mayweather Mark Burzenski
    Statler Guest (uncredited) Lucy Angelo
    Train Passenger (uncredited) Larry Eudene
    Northend Newspaper Vendor (uncredited) Lexie Roth
    Gillette Factory Worker (uncredited) Katie O'Malley
    Cigarette Girl (uncredited) John Bishop
    Disheveled Man (uncredited) Remo Girone
    Maso Pescatore Lewis D. Wheeler
    Herald Reporter Clark Gregg
    Calvin Bondurant Heidi Moneymaker
    Assassin (uncredited) Michael Papajohn
    Maso's Crew (uncredited) Bill Blair
    Factory Worker (uncredited) Lucien Spelman
    Statler Party Guest (uncredited) Christian Clemenson
    Ritz Investor Anthony Molinari
    Maso's Crew (uncredited) La Legge della Notte - Trailer Italiano | HD
  7. Minions (2015) Streaming  

    Animazione - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Minions
    1 h 30 m    2015        
    Famiglia ◦ Animazione ◦ Avventura ◦ Commedia
    La storia di Minions inizia all'alba dei tempi. Partendo da organismi gialli unicellulari, i Minion si evolvono attraverso i secoli, perennemente al servizio del più spregevole dei padroni. Continuamente senza successo nel preservare questi maestri, dal T-Rex a Napoleone, i Minion si sono ritrovati senza qualcuno da servire e sono caduti in una profonda depressione. Ma un Minion di nome Kevin ha un piano, e lui - insieme all'adolescente ribelle Stuart e all'adorabile piccolo Bob - decide di avventurarsi nel mondo per trovare un nuovo capo malvagio da seguire per sé e i suoi fratelli. Il trio si imbarca in un viaggio emozionante che li condurrà alla loro prossima potenziale padrona, Scarlet Overkill (Sandra Bullock), la prima super-cattiva al mondo. Un viaggio che li porterà dalla gelida Antartide alla New York City del 1960, fino ad arrivare a Londra, dove dovranno affrontare la loro sfida più grande: salvare tutti i Minion... dall'annientamento.
    Chris Meledandri
    Producer Carter Goodrich
    Character Designer Kyle Balda
    Director Robert Taylor
    Associate Producer Dennis Leonard
    Supervising Sound Editor Ken Daurio
    Characters Cinco Paul
    Characters Heitor Pereira
    Original Music Composer Janet Healy
    Producer Pierre Coffin
    Director Chris Renaud
    Executive Producer Gary Rizzo
    Sound Re-Recording Mixer Brett Hoffman
    Associate Producer Eric Guillon
    Production Design Olivier Adam
    Art Direction Brian Lynch
    Writer Dave Rosenbaum
    Story Supervisor Chris Scarabosio
    Sound Designer Chris Scarabosio
    Sound Re-Recording Mixer Jeannine Berger
    Post Production Supervisor Daniele Zannone
    Animation Catherine Catie Lee
    Lighting Artist Claire Dodgson
    Editor Cinzia Angelini
    Storyboard Artist Céline Le Thérisien
    Production Coordinator Rafael Curulla
    Production Supervisor Camille Chaine
    Production Supervisor Sandra Bullock
    Scarlet Overkill (voice) Jon Hamm
    Herb Overkill (voice) Michael Keaton
    Walter Nelson (voice) Allison Janney
    Madge Nelson (voice) Steve Coogan
    Professor Flux / Tower Guard (voice) Jennifer Saunders
    Reine Elizabeth II (voice) Geoffrey Rush
    Narrator (voice) Steve Carell
    Gru (voice) Pierre Coffin
    Kevin / Stuart / Bob / The Minions (voice) Katy Mixon
    Tina (voice) Michael Beattie
    VNC Announcer / Walter Jr. (voice) Hiroyuki Sanada
    Sumo (voice) Dave Rosenbaum
    Fabrice (voice) Alex Dowding
    Royal Advisor (voice) Paul Thornley
    News Reporter (voice) Kyle Balda
    Additional Voices (voice) Ava Acres
    Additional Voices (voice) Sherry Lynn
    Additional Voices (voice) Mickie McGowan
    Additional Voices (voice) Carlos Alazraqui
    Additional Voices (voice) Lori Alan
    Additional Voices (voice) Daniel Barker
    Additional Voices (voice) Bob Bergen
    Additional Voices (voice) Melanie Bond
    Additional Voices (voice) Jim Cummings
    Additional Voices (voice) John Cygan
    Additional Voices (voice) Brian T. Delaney
    Additional Voices (voice) Bill Farmer
    Additional Voices (voice) Keith Ferguson
    Additional Voices (voice) Jess Harnell
    Additional Voices (voice) Eve Karpf
    Additional Voices (voice) John Kassir
    Additional Voices (voice) Lewis Macleod
    Additional Voices (voice) Danny Mann
    Additional Voices (voice) Mona Marshall
    Additional Voices (voice) Gary Martin
    Additional Voices (voice) Laraine Newman
    Additional Voices (voice) Andy Nyman
    Additional Voices (voice) Alexander Polinsky
    Additional Voices (voice) Jan Rabson
    Additional Voices (voice) Christopher Ragland
    Additional Voices (voice) Mindy Sterling
    Additional Voices (voice) Tara Strong
    Additional Voices (voice) Jim Ward
    Additional Voices (voice) Colette Whitaker
    Additional Voices (voice) James Daniel Wilson
    Additional Voices (voice) MINIONS - Trailer italiano ufficiale
  8. Pets - Vita da animali (2019) Streaming  

    Animazione - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Pets - Vita da animali
    1 h 30 m    2016        
    Avventura ◦ Commedia ◦ Animazione ◦ Famiglia
    Max ha quattro zampe e vive a New York con Katie, la vivace padroncina che lo ha "adottato" e strappato alla strada. Espansivo e fedele, passa la giornata ad aspettarla perché come ogni altro essere umano Katie ogni mattina infila la porta e se ne va. A fare cosa è domanda su cui si interrogano Max e i suoi amici di condominio: gatti, cani, criceti, pappagalli, canarini, rapaci. Una sera Katie rientra accompagnata da Duke, un enorme cane peloso a cui ha deciso di dare affetto e asilo. Ma Max non sembra pensarla allo stesso modo. La rivalità per vincere il cuore di Katie li conduce letteralmente in un vicolo cieco, braccati da una gang di animali sciolti guidati da un coniglietto sociopatico.
    Alexander Berner
    Editor Alexandre Desplat
    Original Music Composer Chris Meledandri
    Producer Ken Schretzmann
    Editor Robert Taylor
    Associate Producer Dennis Leonard
    Supervising Sound Editor Joel Iwataki
    Scoring Mixer Jean-Pascal Beintus
    Orchestrator Conrad Pope
    Orchestrator Ken Daurio
    Writer Cinco Paul
    Writer Yarrow Cheney
    Co-Director Janet Healy
    Producer Mickie McGowan
    ADR Voice Casting Chris Renaud
    Director Gary Rizzo
    Sound Re-Recording Mixer Dominique Monfery
    Animation Director David Rosenbaum
    Executive Producer Brett Hoffman
    Associate Producer Colin Stimpson
    Art Direction Eric Guillon
    Production Design Paul Mager
    Set Designer Jonathan del Val
    Animation Director Jean Hemez
    Animation Brian Lynch
    Writer David Slusser
    Foley Editor David Acord
    Sound Re-Recording Mixer Dave Rosenbaum
    Script Supervisor Eric Bradley
    Musician Sean England
    Foley Kim Foscato
    Dialogue Editor Cheryl Nardi
    Dialogue Editor Kenneth Karman
    Music Editor Samuel Craven
    First Assistant Editor Amy Pawlowski
    Digital Intermediate Luke Dunn Gielmuda
    Sound Effects Editor Mac Smith
    Sound Effects Editor Jeannine Berger
    Post Production Supervisor Ed Herft
    Animation Bill Higley
    ADR & Dubbing Fabrice Senia
    Animation Kelly Baigent
    Animation Albert Barba Cunill
    Animation Nicolas Benoit
    Animation Florent de La Taille
    Animation Brecht Debaene
    Animation Iván del Rio
    Animation Moïse Essame
    Animation David Fourrage
    Animation Daphnée Hong
    Fix Animator Marco La Torre
    Animation Pierre Leduc
    Animation David Talloy Thomas
    Animation Jaime Visedo
    Animation Nicolas Valade
    Modeling Laurent Rossi
    Animation Florence Putzola
    Set Dressing Supervisor Kevin Peaty
    Animation Catherine Catie Lee
    Lighting Artist Pierre-Henri Laporterie
    Set Designer Neal Petty
    Set Designer Julien Soret
    Animation Director Sophie Kavouridis
    Visual Effects Michael Miller
    ADR & Dubbing Frank Rinella
    Foley Editor Ronni Brown
    Foley Frank Wolf
    Scoring Mixer Mark Graham
    Orchestrator Samson Neslund
    Assistant Sound Editor Remi Parisse
    Animation Miguel Jiron
    Storyboard Artist Wouter van Herwerden
    Sound Recordist Nicole Bou-Samra
    First Assistant Editor Adam Brailsford
    First Assistant Editor Derek Drouin
    Assistant Editor Jim Likowski
    Foley Editor Mark Petrie
    Original Music Composer Patrick Muylkens
    Color Designer Chad Cannon
    Orchestrator Carlos Sotolongo
    ADR & Dubbing Robin Joseph
    Visual Development Thomas Reteuna
    Set Designer Diane Howard
    Publicist Clifford J. Tasner
    Orchestrator Jake Isaacs
    Editorial Coordinator Silke Jager
    Animation Gilad Carmel
    Associate Editor Solenn Colas
    Animation Supervisor Guillaume Boudeville
    Rigging Supervisor Elodie Labbe
    Master Lighting Artist François-Xavier Bologna
    Supervising Animator Emmanuel Vergne
    Supervising Animator Mélissa Faucher
    Software Engineer John Hreich
    Lighting Artist Thierry Noblet
    Lighting Supervisor Cécile Brossette
    Supervising Animator Damien Duprat
    Animation Ludovic Savonnière
    Animation Tony Siruno
    Character Designer Stephen L. Meek
    Assistant Editor Marc Lamorille
    VFX Artist Gina Kowerko
    Assistant Editor Carlos Carvajal
    Animation José Más Huertas
    Animation Cesc Pujol
    Animation Richard Gould
    Foley Editor Andrea Giro
    Animation Barbara Dossi
    Animation David Carrière
    Animation Eddy Okba
    Animation Jean Duval
    Animation Lucas Veber
    Animation Sophie Zourane
    Animation Brian Padilla
    Digital Compositors Maxime Poron
    Digital Compositors Pablo Gotor
    Digital Compositors Sylvain Potel
    VFX Artist Kelly Lake
    Production Coordinator Rodrigue El Hajj
    VFX Artist Francois Boussard
    Visual Effects Alexis Fernandez
    Animation Jérémy Fromentin
    Animation Nicolas Candido
    Animation Sébastien Wackowiez
    Animation Timo Berg
    Animation Camille Charpigny
    Digital Compositors Emma Escamilla
    Post Production Assistant Risha Meledandri
    In Memory Of William Eckbo Avgerinos
    Animation Allison Cussigh
    Animation Supervisor Andreea Jebelean
    Animation Charlie Aufroy
    Animation Jérémy Taburet
    Animation Julio Lorenzo
    Animation Magin Marqués
    Animation Pierre Mariné
    Animation Roberto Zincone
    Animation Rodrigo Caetano da Costa
    Animation Simone Fiorito
    Animation Erwann Le Faou
    Digital Compositors Stephane Vogel
    Digital Compositors Luca Fiorentini
    Lighting Artist Lucie Lavergne
    Lighting Artist Michel Samreth
    Lighting Artist Dominique Lemonnier
    Music Score Producer Otto Cate
    Original Music Composer Audrey Dartois
    Production Accountant Carlos Rocadas
    Production Accountant Humberto Meza Jr.
    Production Accountant Lawrence Bendelac
    Production Accountant Valérie Dompnier
    Production Accountant Delphine Le Roch
    Production Supervisor Matthew Kauth
    Script Coordinator Christophe Vazquez
    VFX Artist Dimitri Uradovskiy
    VFX Artist Xavier Breuil
    Visual Effects Louis C.K.
    Max (voice) Eric Stonestreet
    Duke (voice) Kevin Hart
    Snowball (voice) Jenny Slate
    Gidget (voice) Ellie Kemper
    Katie (voice) Albert Brooks
    Tiberius (voice) Lake Bell
    Chloe (voice) Dana Carvey
    Pops (voice) Hannibal Buress
    Buddy (voice) Bobby Moynihan
    Mel (voice) Chris Renaud
    Norman (voice) Steve Coogan
    Ozone / Reginald (voice) Michael Beattie
    Tattoo (voice) Sandra Echeverría
    Maria (voice) Jaime Camil
    Fernando (voice) Kiely Renaud
    Molly (voice) Tara Strong
    Additional Voices (voice) Jason Marsden
    Additional Voices (voice) Mona Marshall
    Additional Voices (voice) Brian T. Delaney
    Additional Voices (voice) Bill Farmer
    Additional Voices (voice) Jan Rabson
    Additional Voices (voice) Ken Schretzmann
    Additional Voices (voice) John Kassir
    Additional Voices (voice) Danny Mann
    Additional Voices (voice) Jim Ward
    Additional Voices (voice) Tyler Werrin
    Additional Voices (voice) Bob Bergen
    Additional Voices (voice) Jim Cummings
    Additional Voices (voice) Jess Harnell
    Additional Voices (voice) Laraine Newman
    Additional Voices (voice) PETS - VITA DA ANIMALI - Terzo trailer italiano ufficiale
    PETS – VITA DA ANIMALI: secondo trailer italiano ufficiale
  9. Sausage Party: vita segreta di una salsiccia (2016) Streaming  

    Animazione - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Sausage Party - Vita segreta di una salsiccia
    1 h 23 m    2016        
    Avventura ◦ Animazione ◦ Commedia ◦ Fantasy
    Frank, una salsiccia innamorata del panino Brenda, è convinto che dopo essere stato acquistato dallo scaffale del supermercato in cui è in bella mostra lo attenda un futuro paradisiaco. Scoprirà che la realtà è ben diversa, imbarcandosi in una missione per scoprire cosa lo attende effettivamente.
    Francine Maisler
    Casting Conrad Vernon
    Director Conrad Vernon
    Producer Alan Menken
    Original Music Composer Tom McGrath
    Thanks Jonah Hill
    Executive Producer Jonah Hill
    Story Seth Rogen
    Screenplay Seth Rogen
    Producer Seth Rogen
    Story Ricky Mabe
    Thanks Christopher Lennertz
    Original Music Composer Matthew Bass
    Thanks Evan Goldberg
    Screenplay Evan Goldberg
    Producer Evan Goldberg
    Story Mark Osborne
    Thanks Doug Delaney
    Additional Colorist Mary Pat Bentel
    Thanks Phil Lord
    Thanks Jason Mantzoukas
    Thanks Will Reiser
    Thanks Greg Tiernan
    Director Christopher Miller
    Thanks Michael Donovan
    Local Casting Eric Kissack
    Thanks Jason Cox
    Thanks John Garret Gorman
    Thanks James Weaver
    Executive Producer Giorgio Rivalta
    Lighting Artist Chelsea Barnard
    Thanks Matt Tolmach
    Thanks Katie Byron
    Thanks Megan Ellison
    Producer Andrew J. Cohen
    Thanks Lisa Goldberg
    Thanks Kyle Hunter
    Screenplay Kyle Hunter
    Executive Producer Ariel Shaffir
    Screenplay Ariel Shaffir
    Executive Producer Ben Karlin
    Thanks Brandon Walz
    Boom Operator Daryl B. Kell
    Music Editor Bart Samolis
    Musician Anthony Di Ninno
    Layout Nicole Stinn
    Line Producer Gregg Barbanell
    Foley Phillip Bladh
    Production Sound Mixer Phillip Bladh
    Thanks David Werntz
    Sound Effects Designer Ryan Collins
    Sound Effects Editor Deb Adair
    Sound Re-Recording Mixer Pilar Flynn
    Co-Producer Katherine Rose
    Foley Jerrod Carmichael
    Thanks Alex McAtee
    Co-Producer James Morioka
    Supervising Dialogue Editor Cale Finot
    Thanks Amy Pascal
    Thanks Jillian Longnecker
    Co-Producer Chris Carpenter
    Sound Re-Recording Mixer Michael A. Webber
    Thanks Scott Underwood
    Storyboard Artist Todd Demong
    Storyboard Mike Cachuela
    Storyboard Artist David Distenfeld
    Executive Producer Kevin Pavlovic
    Editor Kyle McQueen
    Art Direction Arlyn Bantog
    Production Manager Michael Linton
    Animation Honey Khadem
    VFX Artist James Sathre
    Lighting Technician Scott Armstrong
    Layout Andrew Blodget
    Animation Jeff Bailey
    Animation Supervisor Aadel Forootan
    Animation Manager Jay Floyd
    Administration Avner Engel
    Animation Seyed Alireza Meraji
    Animation Claire Niebergall
    Animation Crystal Sing
    Animation Rodrigo Goncalves Venceloski
    Animation Christopher Brooks
    Music Editor Darren Schmidtz
    Animation Robin Badr
    Animation Chanel Raisin
    Script Supervisor Chanel Raisin
    Thanks Gabe Hilfer
    Music Supervisor Craig Kellman
    Lead Character Designer David Browning
    Animation Jason Thomas Campbell
    Animation Michael Kiely
    Animation Supervisor Samantha Liu
    Title Designer Bert Van Brande
    Visual Effects Supervisor Florian Parrot
    Animation Joi McMillon
    Thanks Joi McMillon
    Assistant Editor B. Ted Deiker
    Thanks Larkin Donley
    Thanks Mary Nelson-Duerrstein
    Negative Cutter Craig Braginsky
    Additional Music Rishi Kaul
    Animation Mitch Yager
    Animation Jonathan Coyne
    Thanks Uri Alonim
    Animation Theodore Bressman
    Thanks Ling Hsu
    Animation Jonathan Navarro
    Lighting Artist Felipe Ruiz Reyes
    Master Lighting Artist Tarek Elaydi
    CG Supervisor Nate Barnard
    CG Supervisor Anthony Bauyon
    Assistant Editor Sandra Kaufman
    Assistant Editor Jenn Storm
    Assistant Editor Sarah Dougan
    Script Coordinator Sarah Dougan
    Editorial Coordinator Ellery Van Dooyeweert
    First Assistant Editor Amanda Fujita
    Lighting Artist Luis Alberto De La Cerda
    Lighting Artist Mallory Mahar
    Lighting Artist Drew Tobin
    Lighting Artist Wayne Vincenzi
    Lighting Artist Anastasia Zubenko
    Lighting Artist Kenny Chang
    Lighting Supervisor Mayleen Ahoy
    Production Accountant Michael Chow
    Production Accountant Nikki Eckstein
    Production Coordinator Liam Callander
    Production Coordinator Arian Fay
    Production Coordinator Kitt Holeman
    Production Coordinator Grace Schoorl
    Production Coordinator Kathleen Steele
    Production Coordinator Stacy Thompson
    Production Coordinator Alec Rubay
    Foley Editor Bruce Franklin
    Line Producer Shelley Ann Taylor
    Casting Ryan Guzdzial
    First Assistant Camera Gregory Klein
    Lead Animator Rita Lin
    Lighting Artist Guillermo Soria
    Lighting Artist Shaun Gordon
    Post Production Supervisor Miriam Kallweit
    Production Coordinator Sheena Singh
    Production Coordinator Meg Walls
    Production Coordinator Emily Yakashiro
    Production Coordinator Andrew Harvey
    Production Manager Edgardo Ulloa
    Animation Fahad Haddad
    Animation Giai Jeff Wong
    Animation Tony R. Flemming
    Animation Vladimir Haintz
    Animation Pushkar Atre
    Animation Nathan Dorfer
    Animation Connor Ferguson
    Animation Cory Goodwin
    Animation Nicholas Hogan
    Animation Anurag Jadhav
    Animation Anurag Jadhav
    Animation Caroline Jarvis
    Animation Megan Johnson
    Animation Alex Kamien
    Animation Laura McColm
    Animation Rory McGrath
    Animation Jose De Mireles Lara
    Animation Kristy Osten
    Animation Kristy Osten
    Animation Jennifer Pagan
    Animation Alex Pepin
    Animation Pearce Perkins
    Animation Morgan Ratsoy
    Animation Kari Rust
    Animation Eugen Sasu
    Animation Adriana Soto
    Animation Prasad Thangeti
    Animation Wiley Townsend
    Animation Tuan Anh Trinh
    Animation Hao Wang
    Animation Stephne Wood
    Animation Jimmy Wu
    Animation Mykie Yatco
    Animation Steve Wittmann
    Animation Supervisor Dylan Kurp
    Modeling Dylan Kurp
    Modeling Maritza Louis
    Modeling Cheng Ye
    Modeling Jacquie Doyle
    Visual Development Dmytro V. Sirenko
    Visual Development Ken Franchi
    Thanks Dawn Subhasiriwatana
    Thanks Adam Jordan
    Thanks Mark Osborne
    Lighting Supervisor Kyle Fox
    Lighting Artist Seth Rogen
    Frank / Sergeant Pepper (voice) Kristen Wiig
    Brenda (voice) Jonah Hill
    Carl (voice) Bill Hader
    Firewater / Tequila / El Guaco (voice) Michael Cera
    Barry (voice) James Franco
    Druggie (voice) Danny McBride
    Honey Mustard (voice) Craig Robinson
    Grits (voice) Paul Rudd
    Darren (voice) Nick Kroll
    Douche (voice) David Krumholtz
    Kareem Abdul Lavash (voice) Edward Norton
    Sammy Bagel Jr. (voice) Salma Hayek Pinault
    Teresa Taco (voice) Anders Holm
    Troy (voice) Scott Underwood
    Gum / Twink / Krinkler's Chips / Pizza (voice) Sugar Lyn Beard
    Baby Carrot / Cookies (voice) Conrad Vernon
    Toilet Paper / Sauerkraut / Catcall Sausage / Grape #1 / Beer Can / Pop Bottle (voice) Ian James Corlett
    Apple / Tickilish Licorice / Relish / Bag of Dog Food (voice) Michael Daingerfield
    Chunk Munchers Cereal / Light Bulb / Indian Chutney (voice) Jason Simpson
    Plum #2 / Beer Keg / Fat Guy / Fit Man (voice) Vincent Tong
    Pislitz Chips / Juice Box / Jamaican Rum (voice) Karen E. Wright
    Diner Waitress Lauren Miller
    Camille Toh / Tampon (voice) Sam Vincent
    Old Pork Sausage / Refried Beans / Sandwich / Pop Tart / Licorice Rope (voice) Greg Tiernan
    Potato / Noodle Soup (voice) Brian Dobson
    Italian Tomato / Lettuce (voice) Harland Williams
    Ketchup / Drug Dealer / Baba Ganoush (voice) Alistair Abell
    Mariachi Salsa / Gefilte Fish (voice) Iris Apatow
    Berry Good Candies / Grape #3 / Coconut Milk (voice) Michael Dobson
    Queso (voice) Ian Hanlin
    Beet (voice) Maryke Hendrikse
    Popped Cherry Mixer / Plum #1 / Loretta Bun / Frozen Fruitz (voice) Nicole Oliver
    Sally Bun / Ice Cream / Watermelon / Female Shopper #1 (voice) Kelly Sheridan
    Roberta Bun / Grape #2 / Female Shopper #2 (voice) Meat Loaf
    Meatloaf (voice) (uncredited) Sausage Party - Vita segreta di una salsiccia | Trailer ufficiale italiano
  10. Underworld: Blood Wars (2016) Streaming  

    Azione - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Underworld - Blood Wars
    1 h 31 m    2016        
    Fantasy ◦ Azione ◦ Thriller ◦ Horror
    Selene si ritrova sotto il brutale attacco sia dello spietato clan dei Licantropi sia della fazione dei Vampiri che l'hanno tradita. Con il solo aiuto di David e suo padre Thomas, dovrà porre fine all'eterno conflitto tra i due gruppi, anche se ciò vorrebbe dire portare a termine il più grande sacrificio della propria esistenza.
    Tom Rosenberg
    Producer Len Wiseman
    Producer Len Wiseman
    Characters Kevin Grevioux
    Characters Gary Lucchesi
    Producer Richard S. Wright
    Producer Richard S. Wright
    Unit Production Manager Skip Williamson
    Executive Producer Henry Winterstern
    Executive Producer James McQuaide
    Executive Producer James McQuaide
    Visual Effects Supervisor David Minkowski
    Co-Producer Matthew Stillman
    Co-Producer Martin Vačkář
    Supervising Art Director Ben Waisbren
    Executive Producer Karl Walter Lindenlaub
    Director of Photography Tony Lamberti
    Sound Re-Recording Mixer Peter Amundson
    Editor Eric Reid
    Executive Producer Michael Wandmacher
    Music Kyle Ward
    Story Cory Goodman
    Screenplay Cory Goodman
    Story Anna Foerster
    Director Anna Foerster
    Executive Producer Karel Fairaisl
    Camera Operator Ondrej Nekvasil
    Production Design Matt Mullins
    Stunt Double Bojana Nikitović
    Costume Design Ashleigh Dejon
    Stunts Ashleigh Dejon
    Stunt Double Paul Barry
    First Assistant Director Alicia Vela-Bailey
    Stunts Alicia Vela-Bailey
    Stunt Double David Kern
    Producer David Kern
    Unit Production Manager Danny McBride
    Characters Chris Diebold
    Sound Effects Editor Michal Holubec
    Sound Recordist Nevin Seus
    Music Editor Brian McNelis
    Music Supervisor Christopher S. Aud
    Sound Designer Suzanne Smith
    Casting Katerina van Gemundova
    Art Department Coordinator Jaromír Šedina
    Camera Operator Larry D. Horricks
    Still Photographer Michael Babcock
    Supervising Sound Editor Michael Babcock
    Sound Re-Recording Mixer Jeff Sawyer
    Sound Effects Editor Vanessa Lapato
    Dialogue Editor Michael Landgrebe
    Visual Effects Supervisor Laura Windows
    Casting Associate Lauren Hadaway
    ADR & Dubbing Paul Janssen
    CG Supervisor Alex Kornreich
    Additional Camera Holger Hummel
    Visual Effects Producer Matt Weaver
    Animation Maya Kvetny
    Casting Jamie Hallett
    Visual Effects Supervisor Šárka Zázvorková
    Costume Supervisor Todd Schneider
    Stunt Coordinator Bryce Tibbey
    Art Direction Eric Craig
    Music Supervisor Natasha Lees
    Makeup Artist Davina Lamont
    Makeup Designer Jackie Shenoo
    Co-Producer Julie Hutchinson
    Casting Jaime Leigh McIntosh
    Hairstylist Siggy Ferstl
    Digital Intermediate Jared Krichevsky
    Creature Design Veronika Metzova
    Key Costumer Michael Gilbert
    Visual Effects Editor Nina Moravcova
    Set Costumer Jirí Trier
    Set Costumer Dan Balzer
    First Assistant Camera Gary Winter
    Gaffer Justin Brunett
    Animation Ngan Chung
    Animation Meghan Grube
    Animation Fraser Page
    Animation Jaco Pretorius
    Animation Erica Robinson
    Animation Andrew Zink
    CG Supervisor Josh Simmonds
    VFX Supervisor Eva Peschkes
    Visual Effects Coordinator Ludek Vomacka
    Visual Effects Coordinator Chase Aston
    Makeup Artist Alexandre Cancado
    2D Supervisor Katie Eischen
    Stunts Monika Hlavatá
    Script Supervisor Petr Richter
    Property Master Bart de Haan
    Russian Arm Operator Luka Antonić
    Costume Coordinator Megan Shank
    Second Assistant Director Martin David
    Stunts Marie Svecova
    Stunts Kate Beckinsale
    Selene Theo James
    David Tobias Menzies
    Marius Lara Pulver
    Semira Bradley James
    Varga Peter Andersson
    Vidar James Faulkner
    Cassius Clementine Nicholson
    Lena Daisy Head
    Alexia Oliver Stark
    Gregor Charles Dance
    Thomas Zuzana Stivínová
    Vampire Council #1 Brian Caspe
    Vampire Council #2 Jan Nemejovský
    Vampire Council #3 Sveta Driga
    Amelia Dan Bradford
    Lycan Pack Leader #1 David Bowles
    Lycan Pack Leader #2 Tomas Fisher
    Lycan Pack Leader #3 Rostislav Novák
    Lycan Pack Leader #4 Eva Larvoire
    Tech Lycan Jiří N. Jelínek
    Lycan Underling Marielle Tepper
    Black Lycan Sidekick Jordan Haj
    Lead Death Dealer Daniel Pietrucha
    Death Dealer Jakub Kropáček
    Vampire Cadet #1 Sára Arnsteinová
    Vampire Cadet #2 Irena Morisakova
    Cello Vampire #1 Terezie Kovalová
    Cello Vampire #2 Tomas Fingerland
    Cello Vampire #3 Jakub Mayer
    Cello Vampire #4 Denisa Kršková
    Society Vampire #1 Simona Simkova
    Society Vampire #2 Daniel Vojtech
    Society Vampire #3 Jared Doreck
    Control Room Vampire Lukas Vydrzal
    Nordic Vampire #1 Lukas Krampera
    Nordic Vampire #2 Adam Vosecek
    Nordic Child #1 Agatha Hofmanová
    Nordic Child #2 Anezka Nosková
    Nordic Child #3 Alicia Vela-Bailey
    Safehouse Lycan India Eisley
    Eve (uncredited) Trent Garrett
    Hybrid Michael (uncredited) Martavious Gayles
    Lycan (uncredited) Miroslav Lhotka
    Lycan in Tunnel (uncredited) Richard William Romanov
    Lycan (uncredited) Junes Zahdi
    Lycan (uncredited) Underworld: Blood Wars - Trailer ufficiale italiano
  11. Boston – Caccia all’uomo (2016) Streaming  

    Azione - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Boston: Caccia all'uomo
    2 h 13 m    2016        
    Azione ◦ Crime ◦ Dramma ◦ Storia ◦ Thriller
    L’attacco del 2013 alla Maratona di Boston ha distrutto vite ma ha anche misurato la reazione dello spirito americano. Una intera città si è stretta insieme per consegnare alla giustizia i colpevoli, scovandoli in tempo ed evitando che commettessero ulteriori atti di terrore. Senza lasciarsi vincere dal panico e dalla paura, i cittadini di Boston hanno reagito cooperando, scegliendo la strada della solidarietà invece che quella della divisione, in nome di un nemico comune.
    Ronald R. Reiss
    Set Decoration Trent Reznor
    Original Music Composer Tom Duffield
    Production Design Sheila Jaffe
    Casting John Ross
    Sound Re-Recording Mixer Erik Feig
    Production Executive Paul Flinchbaugh
    First Assistant Sound Editor Mark Wahlberg
    Producer Erik Stabenau
    Stunts Tobias A. Schliessler
    Director of Photography Colby Parker Jr.
    Editor Scott Stuber
    Producer Chris Palermo
    Stunts Peter Berg
    Screenplay Peter Berg
    Director Peter Berg
    Story Stefan Sonnenfeld
    Digital Intermediate Dorothy Aufiero
    Producer Casey O'Neill
    Stunt Coordinator Howard Berger
    Makeup Department Head Albert Gasser
    Sound Effects Editor Paul Tamasy
    Story Dylan Goss
    Aerial Director of Photography Eric Johnson
    Story Atticus Ross
    Original Music Composer Eric Heffron
    First Assistant Director Michael Keller
    Sound Re-Recording Mixer Peter Epstein
    Stunts Stephen Levinson
    Producer Mark Sussman
    ADR Voice Casting John C. Meier
    Stunts Hutch Parker
    Producer Matthew Taylor
    Stunts Dror Mohar
    Supervising Sound Editor Dylan Clark
    Producer Dino Parks
    Second Unit Director of Photography Rob Fitz
    Makeup Artist Joshua Zetumer
    Screenplay Kevin Scott
    Second Unit Director Gary A. Hecker
    Foley Tom Elliott
    Stunts Matt Cook
    Screenplay Matt Cook
    Story Coy Aune
    Camera Operator Casey Adams
    Stunts Jacques Jouffret
    Camera Operator Steve Cooper
    Art Direction Matt Leonard
    Stunts Sean Graham
    Stunts Randy Singer
    Foley Virginia B. Johnson
    Costume Design Jeremy Gallant
    Stunts David Fernandez
    Key Costumer Aaron Becker
    VFX Supervisor Matt Berberi
    Stunt Double Ben Schor
    Music Editor Piero Mura
    Sound Designer Kate Boyer
    Stunts Bob E. Krattiger
    Gaffer Kelly Cronin
    Script Supervisor Michael J. Broomberg
    Foley Mike Prestwood Smith
    Sound Re-Recording Mixer Robert Nederhorst
    Visual Effects Supervisor Michael Nelson
    Ultimate Arm Operator Drew Guajardo
    Assistant Property Master Bruce Tanis
    Sound Effects Editor Johnny Villanueva
    Makeup Artist Alex L. Worman
    Unit Publicist Sherryn Smith
    Prosthetic Makeup Artist Jamie Kelman
    Prosthetic Makeup Artist Theodore Suchecki
    Construction Coordinator Brian Drewes
    Visual Effects Producer Sean Devereaux
    Visual Effects Supervisor Don Libby
    CG Supervisor Angela Peri
    Casting Edward J. Borasch Jr
    Property Master Karen Ballard
    Still Photographer Jason Ruder
    Music Editor Gregg Smrz
    Stunts Mike Smith
    Stunt Coordinator Mike Smith
    Second Unit Director Adam Hart
    Stunts Linda Yeaney
    First Assistant Sound Editor Jesse Goldberg
    Gaffer Alex Lemke
    Visual Effects Supervisor Chris Carnel
    Stunts Alex Chansky
    Stunts Gabriel Fleming
    Editor Alina Andrei
    Utility Stunts Patty Connolly
    ADR Voice Casting Kathleen Keller
    Production Coordinator Chuck 'Chaz' Hosack
    Stunts Shane Hayes
    Dialogue Editor Jimmy E. Jensen
    First Assistant Camera Sally Boldt
    Music Editor Owen Holland
    Stunts Matt Kutcher
    Special Effects Supervisor Debbie Pearl
    Animal Coordinator Annie Johnson
    Digital Intermediate Craig Baxley Jr
    Stunts Taryn Walsh
    Set Costumer Greg Wimer
    First Assistant Camera Cesha Ventre
    Set Costumer Jennifer Yoo
    Casting Associate Mike Dowling
    Stunts Bethany Levy
    Stunts Tami Lane
    Key Makeup Artist Jennifer Driscoll
    Production Secretary Matt Shadden
    Stunt Double Jennifer Wang
    Visual Effects Coordinator Matt Baker
    Stunts Bobby Anderson
    Stunts Adrian M. Mompoint
    Stand In Michael Radutzky
    Producer Aaron Kahl
    Casting Associate Ryan Brassington
    Visual Effects Editor Louis Delavenne
    Aerial Coordinator Kimmie Johnson
    Art Department Coordinator Ashley L. Sykes
    Art Department Assistant Mike Clifford
    Casting Assistant Kelsey Ettman
    Assistant Costume Designer Dana Pacheco
    Key Costumer April McCoy
    Tailor Elizabeth Clifford
    Wardrobe Supervisor John Garrett
    Camera Operator Wayne Marshall
    Rigging Gaffer Shawn S. Ryder
    Rigging Grip Chris Ryerson
    Rigging Grip Dustin VonLossberg
    Dolly Grip Andy DePung
    First Assistant Camera Stacey Badour
    Visual Effects Coordinator Steven Spady
    Visual Effects Editor Lara Lom
    Visual Effects Producer Harrison Marks
    Visual Effects Producer Linda Luong
    Visual Effects Producer David Raines
    Sound Effects Editor Julie LeShane
    Prosthetic Makeup Artist Jill Piwowar
    First Assistant Editor Josh Fried
    Stunts Keith Fluker
    Stand In Wendy Overly
    Dialect Coach Billy Concha
    Stand In M. Ross-Michaels
    Production Accountant Ben Skorstad
    Pilot Matthew James Kutcher
    Stunts Christopher T. Sadler
    Second Assistant Director Nick Austin
    Stand In Michael Peavey
    Pilot K.C. Roballo
    Set Medic Glen Yrigoyen
    Stunts Monique McKellop
    Stunts Christopher Leps
    Stunts Kelly Phelan
    Stunts Tony Scelsi
    Production Assistant Kage Yami
    Stunts Jerry Dwyer Jr.
    Extras Casting Brett Smrz
    Stunts Kylie Paul
    Production Assistant Devin McDonough
    Production Secretary Herb Polack
    Travel Coordinator Anthony Kanaley
    Extras Casting Jodi Purdy-Quinlan
    Extras Casting Assistant Timothy DuBois
    Additional Production Assistant Kayla Cruz
    Assistant Production Coordinator Chauency Reese
    Payroll Accountant Stefanie Swanson
    Post Production Accountant Joey Cassaro
    Production Assistant Josh Cronin
    Production Assistant Mark Garrigus
    Production Assistant Bradley Grenon
    Production Assistant Chelsea Jenney
    Production Assistant Abby Mulholland
    Production Assistant Clint Porte
    Production Assistant John L. Richmond
    Production Assistant Tyler Robinson
    Production Assistant Christian Torti
    Production Assistant Delane Leahy
    Production Assistant Robert Johnston
    Second Assistant Accountant Benjamin Zalusky
    Set Production Assistant Chuck Slavin
    Stand In Chris Brewster
    Stunts Chris Whitcomb
    Stunts Noelle Therese Mulligan
    Stunts Jared S. Eddo
    Stunts Brent Fletcher
    Stunts Korey Fackler
    Stunts Joe Lambert
    Stunts Ryan Sangster
    Stunts Keith Couture
    Stunts Kionte Storey
    Stunts Kirstie Ennis
    Stunts Mark Wahlberg
    Sgt. Tommy Saunders John Goodman
    Commisioner Ed Davis J.K. Simmons
    Sgt. Jeffrey Pugliese Kevin Bacon
    Richard DesLauriers Michelle Monaghan
    Carol Saunders Alex Wolff
    Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Themo Melikidze
    Tamerlan Tsarnaev Michael Beach
    Gov. Deval Patrick Vincent Curatola
    Mayor Thomas Menino James Colby
    Superintendent Billy Evans Jake Picking
    Sean Collier Melissa Benoist
    Katherine Russell Jimmy O. Yang
    Dun Meng Chris O'Shea
    Patrick Downes Rachel Brosnahan
    Jessica Kensky Khandi Alexander
    Veronica Lana Condor
    Li Dustin Tucker
    Steve Woolfenden Lucas Thor Kelley
    Leo Woolfenden Martine Assaf
    Connie Pugliese Cara Leroy O'Connell
    Kara Pamela Amicy
    Tiesha Brandon Wahlberg
    Officer Travis Dixon Kelby Turner Akin
    Officer Dic Donohue Billy Smith
    Charlie Collins Paige MacLean
    Lisa Murphy Adam Trese
    John Bradshaw Hampton Fluker
    James Williams Jay Giannone
    Jimmy Cliff Moylan
    Sergeant John MacLellan Curtis J. Bellafiore
    Officer Joey Reynolds Elijah Guo
    Dias Kadyrbayev Jin Yang Brancalhao
    Aza Brent Saunders
    Robel Dean Neistat
    Michael Butler John Fiore
    Michael Thomas Kathy Harum
    Carol's Mom Erica McDermott
    Jimmy's Girlfriend Peter Berg
    Guy Opening MIT Door John Franchi
    Park Pedestrian Arthur Wahlberg
    Uncle Archie Anthony 'Ace' Thomas
    Third Officer at Falcon David Ortiz
    David Ortiz Jay Karales
    Marathon Attendee (uncredited) Anthony Molinari
    Waterville Policeman (uncredited) Katrine Hoyt
    Surgical Nurse #2 (uncredited) Dicky Eklund Jr.
    Young Police Officer Kevin Molis
    Watertown Police Officer Colleen Kelly
    FBI Analyst #4 (uncredited) BOSTON - CACCIA ALL'UOMO (2017) di Peter Berg - Trailer ufficiale ITA HD
  12. Gold – La grande truffa (2017) Streaming  

    Avventura - Started by ,

    Info Generali Cast Crew Trailer Gold - La grande truffa
    2 h 1 m    2016        
    Avventura ◦ Dramma ◦ Thriller
    Kenny Wells è un uomo d’affari alla perenne ricerca del colpo milionario. Grazie al geologo Michael Acosta si imbatte in una vera e propria "montagna di soldi", una delle più grandi e prolifiche miniere d’oro nell’inesplorata giungla indonesiana. Sfacciatamente ricco, senza freni e ancor più avido di denaro, Wells proverà a prendere di petto Wall Street imparando presto sulla sua pelle che non è tutto oro quello che luccica.
    Avy Kaufman
    Casting Maria Djurkovic
    Production Design Bob Weinstein
    Executive Producer Harvey Weinstein
    Executive Producer Stephen Gaghan
    Director Michael Nozik
    Producer Robert Elswit
    Director of Photography Matthew McConaughey
    Producer Mark Peterson
    Costume Supervisor Paul Flinchbaugh
    First Assistant Sound Editor Douglas Crise
    Editor Linda Cohen
    Music Supervisor Patrick Massett
    Producer Patrick Massett
    Writer John Zinman
    Producer John Zinman
    Writer Peter Rogness
    Supervising Art Director Beauchamp Fontaine
    Set Decoration Jo Edna Boldin
    Casting Lek Chaiyan Chunsuttiwat
    Art Direction Stefan Sonnenfeld
    Digital Intermediate Gary Archer
    Prosthetics Carla Curry
    Set Decoration Sophie Phillips
    Set Decoration Daniel Pemberton
    Original Music Composer Randy E. Moore
    Special Effects Coordinator Del Spiva
    Music Editor Teddy Schwarzman
    Producer Alexis Forte
    Assistant Costume Designer Jeremy Woodward
    Art Direction Gretchen Bright
    Key Makeup Artist Mark Norby
    Stunt Coordinator Leeba Zakharov
    Casting Associate Felicity Bowring
    Hairstylist Felicity Bowring
    Makeup Designer Charlene Amateau
    Costume Supervisor John Sievert
    Foley Claire Sandrin
    Set Costumer Merav Elbaz Belschner
    Set Costumer Somm Suthinee Chantakarn
    Art Department Coordinator Patrick Brown
    Still Photographer Bill R. Dean
    Supervising Sound Editor Bill Almeida
    Gaffer Colin Anderson
    Steadicam Operator Josh Friz
    First Assistant Camera Brian Heller
    Aerial Camera Craig Mann
    Supervising Sound Editor Stephen Mullen
    Rigging Gaffer Jan Rudolph
    Script Supervisor Lewis Jacobs
    Still Photographer Jean-Michel Boublil
    Visual Effects Supervisor Cecilia Hyoun
    First Assistant Editor Rick Grayson
    Editor Tom Cummins
    Key Costumer Navarutt Roongaroon
    Script Supervisor Eran Barnea
    Visual Effects Supervisor Keith Walters
    Property Master Leigh Bell
    Key Costumer Brian Cox
    Special Effects Supervisor Jon Goracy
    Casting Associate Laura Wiest
    Sound Re-Recording Mixer Jennifer Josephson
    Script Supervisor Clay Liversidge
    Rigging Gaffer Tina Khayat
    Art Department Coordinator Alicia Castro Chicol
    Art Department Coordinator Al Goto
    Stunt Coordinator Richie Moore
    Camera Operator Sally Boldt
    Music Editor Yaneya Rovira
    Costume Supervisor Teri Ann Uccan
    Key Hair Stylist Aaron Epstein
    Still Photographer Erik L. Brown
    First Assistant Camera Jeff Andrus
    Key Grip Hershel Cohen
    Digital Intermediate Matt Curtis
    Title Designer Tobin Ost
    Assistant Art Director Nicole Suerez
    Costume Coordinator Julian Wheeler
    Pilot Mark Sheets
    Rigging Grip John D. Miller
    Key Grip Charlie Marroquin
    Key Grip Chad Huffman
    Key Grip Tomasina Smith
    Makeup Department Head Stefano Leoni
    CG Supervisor Lucie Mahu
    Visual Effects Editor Fabio Scotellaro
    Visual Effects Editor Sk Nguyen
    Visual Effects Coordinator Rosario Barbera
    Visual Effects Producer Gaia Bussolati
    Visual Effects Supervisor Andreya Joseph
    Hairstylist Matthew McConaughey
    Kenny Wells Bryce Dallas Howard
    Kay Edgar Ramírez
    Michael Acosta Timothy Simons
    Jackson Michael Landes
    Binkert Stacy Keach
    Clive Coleman Rachael Taylor
    Rachel Hill Bruce Greenwood
    Mark Hancock Craig T. Nelson
    Kenny Wells Corey Stoll
    Brian Woolf Toby Kebbell
    Jennings Macon Blair
    Connie Wright Bill Camp
    Hollis Dresher Lora Martinez-Cunningham
    Donna Frank Wood
    Scottie Nevins Adam LeFevre
    Bobby Burns Dylan Kenin
    Levine Joshua Harto
    Lloyd Stanton Matthew Page
    Hart Hubbard Jackamoe Buzzell
    Carl Sahajak Boonthanakit
    Minister of Mining Kristen Rakes
    Carissa Stafford Douglas
    Henry Andrews Richard Beal
    Investor / Broker Hank Rogerson
    Finance Show Host Jacob Browne
    FBI Agent Bob Jesser
    Angry Investor #1 - Harrah's Bhavesh Patel
    Owens Cheo Tapia
    Bar Patron Joanne Camp
    Bev Danny Winn
    Angry Investor #5 William Sterchi
    Walt Kealer Ben Whitehair
    Banks Catherine Haun
    Angry Investor John Wojda
    Cranepool Marybeth Massett
    Rachel's Friend Joe Girard
    Board Room Member Karan Choudhary
    Bar Patron Lionel Archuleta
    Luis Bungalon Ramona King
    Angry Investor #3 John Pirkis
    Lewis Horne Vic Browder
    Roy Baker Art Tedesco
    Golden Pickaxe M.C. Stephen Bogardus
    Roger Nicole Brady
    Reno News Anchor Tad Jones
    Reno News Reporter Frank Bond
    Geologist Casey Messer
    Coast-to-Coast News Anchor John Lawlor
    Mining Expert Joe Berryman
    Angry Investor #2 Russ Dillen
    Angry Investor #4 Jessica Cummings
    Jackson's Wife Patrick Duggan
    Waldorf-Astoria Doorman Ed Trucco
    Bartender Jirayu Thantrakul
    Darmadi 'Danny' Suharto Yothin Mapobphun
    Dayak Foreman Nophand Boonyai
    Indo Patrol Soldier #1 Ratiwat Bubpsasawat
    Soldier with Rifle - Washoe Site Tanapol Chuksrida
    Indo Military Officer - Airport Jory Levine
    Richest Man in Delaware Shad Adair
    Investor Lorus Allen
    Gala Waiter / Mover Patrick Burns
    News Reporter Kurt Capalbo
    Prospector Warren M. Christopher
    Bar Patron Alison Grainger
    Angry Investor / Hobbyist Evan Bryn Graves
    Showgirl Sylvie Grontis Hagan
    Hotel Guess Gala Guest Mohammed Hossain
    Passerby / Waldorf Guest Darrick Hurst
    Bartender Bill Jones
    Washoe Broker Jamie H. Jung
    Officer Worker Bobby Knudsen
    Socialite Steve Larese
    Angry Investor / Silver Cadillac Driver Jameson Macmillan
    Motel Guest / Hobbiest / Casino Patron / Bar Patron Jose Martinez
    Mob Guest Jose B. Martinez
    Wall Street Trader Gustavo Montes
    Blackjack Dealer Justin D. Moore
    Small Market Prospector / Gala Guest Phil Oddo
    Pedestrian Philip David Pickard
    Trader Alexander Daniel Pimentel
    News Reporter Michael Prather
    Washoe Employee James Tyler Robinson
    Hotel Concierge Joseph P. Santillanes
    Investor Attorney Kate Sears
    Photographer Nora Sommerkamp
    Socialite Michael E. Stogner
    NYSE Security Guard (uncredited) Kevin Wester
    Hero Washoe Broker Kathie Westgate
    Wife Gold - La grande truffa (Matthew McConaughey, Edgar Ramirez) - Trailer italiano ufficiale [HD]
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